liberty mutual online homeowners insurance quote

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How much does car insurance cost for a male mid 20s in Boston? Ill be moving there in a few weeks and need to get insured. I was wondering how much I can expect to pay every year to be insured fairly well. Thanks Whats the best insurance for a college student? Whats the best insurance for a college student? "Would car insurance be cheaper on a Honda Civic, a Chevy Cobalt or a Ford Focus? They are 2005 model 2 door coupes. I am 25 years old and this will be my first car. I'm going to have to get full coverage insurance and I haven't had my license for that long. Also does it matter what color the car is? Someone told me that red cars have higher insurance(I'm getting a black car by the way). Thanks!! What's a site I can use to see how much car insurance would be? I want to see an estimate I need to start saving up for a much will it cost me? I'm 16 and just got my drivers license a few months ago. I need a car, so that I can get a regular job instead of babysitting. My budget is $1000-1500. I would drive about 40 miles a day. Some of the ads that I'm showing you let you make monthly payments, which is great. Are they nice enough cars? Which one would be the better buy? How much will insurance cost me? How long will one of these cars last me? 1997 Saturn 1997 Saturn 4dr auto, AC, 4cyl, very clean, solid, 120, 116 miles, runs great, asking $1500, can finance w/$400 down and $150/mo 1995 Toyota 1995 Toyota Tercel, blue 2dr auto, 4 cyl, runs & looks great (rust on rocker, I have the panel), 206K, doesn't need any mechanics, great on gas 34-37 mpg, asking $1400 obo, can finance with $400 down @$100/mo. 1995 Nissan 1995 Nissan Altima 4 dr auto silver 117K, new brakes and rotors. Asking $1400, can finance with $500 down. $225 a month. 1993 Toyota 1993 Toyota Corolla 4cyl 5spd, silver, 212,171 miles, needs nothing, runs great $1400, can finance for $600." Insurance for people who do not have a car? Are there any insurance for people who do not have a car? Which insurance is best Life (term or level) or Mortgage insurance?

Hello I am currently pregnant and live with my boyfriend in a mortgage property. This is our mortgage together and was wondering which insurance is best to secure our family's future. I am not sure whether to go for Life Term Insurance, Life Level Insurance or Mortgage Insurance? The policy will be a joint one unless good advice is given!! :-) I would appreciate an explanation in stupid terms please HAHA as this is a serious policy for our future. Many Thanks" Insurance for drivers with convictions? I have several driving convictions including drink driving in the last 5 years although ive never held a licence until now but my insurance is too high would you recommend not declaring convictions to insurance companies or changing my age to a low risk age group? please no do gooders Financial responsability in California (auto insurance) ticket.? So I was recently given a citation during a trip to Northern California. Here's the condensed version; I went out with a group of friends to have dinner and drinks. It was about 10 people altogether, three car loads. I was originally not one of the drivers (I flew in from Southern California). Several of my friends/acquiantances drank heavily during dinner. I was asked as a favor to drive one of the car and the car owner's home. The car I drove belonged to my good friend's neighbor. I received a speeding ticket during the drive to the neighbor's home (73 in a 65) PLUS no insurance!!! I informed the officer that it was not my car and that it belonged to the passed out lady in the back but he didn't care and decided to write me the ticket anyway. Now I've been told that I will have to pay for it ($988) plus my speeding ticket. I spoke with my good friend about it but the neighbor now refuses to go to court with me or write a letter at the least explaining the scenario." Will State Farm full coverage insurance pay for my car since it was total loss and i still owe the bank? the guy had full coverage was his fault and im up side down with my bank car loan? Getting my license in April. Good cars w/ low insurance rates? I like cars like the Scion tC, Mitsubishi Lancer, ect. Sports cars, but not super nice ones. I'm getting my license in April and will get a car shortly after. I want to get a car like the ones above, but I don't think my dad will want to pay a lot for insurance, but I don't want to get a Jeep, which is what he got my brother and sister since the insurance is low. What are some cars like these that also have good rates for insurance? Price range is any thing lower than $10k." Car insurance renewal premium amount? I have a Swift car which is one year old. I have to renew its insurance. What can be the likely estimate of insurance amount Behind The Wheel Driver's Test And No Insurance?

Ok so I live in California I'm going in for my behind the wheel drivers test on 8/17/09. My dad just bought a used car for me off a lot (July 31, 2009) to use and it's registered until July 2010. The problem is the car has no insurance. Well I found a quote for insurance online from Progressive for $114.00 down today for six months worth of insurance. Would that besufficientt for the test? I put myself down in the quote, but it's under my dad's name. The coverage only includes Bodily Injury & Damage Liability & Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist Bodily Injury. Is that good insurance? Also since the vehicle was just purchased if I don't have insurance yet could I still take it in for the test since there's a 30 day grace period to get insurance? Please any answers would be helpful. Time is of the essence." "Car accident person at fault has no insurance, what now?" had a car accident a week ago, minor injury to wrist havent gone to doctor, other persons fault, person B failed to yield while turning left and drove right in front of me. I have full coverage on my part, however fault being hers i made a claim to insurance she provided to police report. the thing is that the owner of vehicles insurance policy does not have person b listed on that policy but person b has same home address as policy holder so technically theyre insurance will not cover me. they have restricted non standard policy, and i do not have uninsured motorist coverage on my policy nor car rental coverage. their insurance is investigating this in he meanwhile so they say. i am not sure whether i should get my insurance to handle this, if i do i would have expect higher premium, pay deductible, rental car and medical fees out of pocket. I am wondering if i should have patience or start looking for a lawyer and forget my own insurance." How much should it cost to insure a new teen driver? I'm 16 and my parents just put me on their insurance. I have 2000 escort and I have the basic liability coverage. I have got the good student discount too. The total came to be about $53 dollars. Is that about the average? My parents originally said it would be about $100 dollars. Give me your opinion on which if you think my car is total loss or the insurance will fix it? here are the pictures ew&current;=2011-01-14_16-18-41_525.jpg 0/VICTICO2/?action=view&current;=2011-01-14_16-18-41_525.jpg#!oZZ2QQcurrent %3Faction%3Dview%26current%3D2011-01-14_16-18-13_791.jpg Can i survive without auto insurance? I'm 16 and a half. I live in California. I got my drivers license yesterday. My dad has farmers insurance. Adding me to his plan will double his monthly bill. I am a VERY good driver, i live in a small city, and i never go on the freeway. Is it alright if i drive without adding myself to his insurance plan? i don't think $200/month is necessary. Also, it is not legal to drive in California without financial coverage so if i get pulled over, will i get into trouble?(the car's covered so im partially covered rite?). Thank you" Cheap car insurance!!?

I am paying to much money on my car insurance i really need help to get a really good cheap car insurance!! I live over highstown nj usa if anyone can help tellin me a good insure!!! Thanks for u help!!! Insurance for modified car advice !!? i want to buy a car that has full interior and exterior body work done to it, will this effecct the insurance ?? also the engine has had a 'ecu chip' and air filter added/changed so will this effect insurance in any way ?? and can i get replys from someone who knows what there on about no some random answer thanks" How much would I pay for car insurance? Im 19 and I was just wondering what would be a good estimate for how much I would pay for car insurance on like a normal sedan. How can i get car insurance restore? This what happen i went away from vac and i left my family member money to pay for my car insurance and they didnt do that. Is there a way for me to get my car insurance restore back on. Dont care if i have play plenty or anything but just want back on. Will my car insurance go up? I pulled out in front of someone and they rear ended me and im at fault..and iam 17 years old so will my insurance go up, and if so how much? i have state farm" How much will insurance cost me on a motorcycle around 4-5 k? (Motorcycle year 2005+)? I am 17 years old, I live in Montreal Quebec, just got my car license and i have no criminal record or anything. I accomplished the car driving course and the motorcycle course. how much will I pay on insurance? I know its hard to answer but like the average/year? and do I have to take both side insurance or only one side? and will it be cheaper if I only take the insurance for summer time and not pay the whole year. and does any one have a good insurance company for me in Montreal. thank you." If i take an online drivers ed what will it do to the price of my car insurance? The insurance companys told me that my insurance would be cheaper if i take the actual driving class. but will it still be as cheap if i do the class online? What is the cheapest auto insurance if you have points on your record? I got myself a DUI 6-7 years ago. I was told by many that prices of insurance would go down after 5 but apparently it's after 10 years. I am on a very low budget but drive for work and drive to where there is no bus or train to take care of my parents. please if any one knows any good but cheap insurance for an older 4wd car. thanks.

liberty mutual online homeowners insurance quote liberty mutual online homeowners insurance quote Does anyone know of an affordable insurance company for an individual (major insur. companies preferrably)? I am an individual contractor and in need of a health and dental insurance. There are so many to choose from and I don't know which ones I should be focusing on. Lower deductibles and higher copay better? What's an ideal payment each month? $200? $150? I need help. How do I get cheap insurance? I'm 19. 1 NCB. Been on the road for 2 years and 5 months. Insurance on Mitsubishi Eclipse RS? Right now Im a 17 year old male. I just got my stage 2 license so I can finally drive alone=D Now I'm looking to get a car. Right now I have my eyes set on a Mitsubishi Eclipse RS for the nice look, but not having too much power that would boost my insurance. I was suppose to get a mustang GT form my step dad but thats WAY too steep for me. The Mitsubishi RS has 140 HP w/ a 4cyclinder 2.0 lit engine. Would this be a good car to start with on insurance rates/would being in the national guard reduce my rates?" Best Life Insurance? I need life insurance................ which company do you think has the better life insurance policies? Are there any North Carolina Health Insurance Agents here? I need to find an agent or a website that sells other carriers besides bcbsnc...those guys are outrageous! What insurance would a 1985 monte carlo get? I don't own this car yet but i want to when i get my driving licence depending on how much the insurance is, if not I'll get a 1972 model" Do i need to add extra car insurance? Hello. My father has a BMW and i am 16. When i am 17 i want to share the BMW with my father. My father has insurance on the car already. Its a full cover insurance. When i am 17 do i need to add extra insurance to the car or do i just leave it as it is? Do i need to add my name along with my dads name to the owner of the car? "What are average prices for life, health, and auto insurance (any company)?"

I'm doing a project for school and what would an average price be for 2 people with just a regular car, like a honda or something, nothing fancy, for auto insurance. and for 2 healthy people for life insurance and health? i've website but you have to give all this info for a quote, but i'm just looking for an average froma ny companies." Need help picking car insurance? I'm 18 years old and live on my own with no dependants. Which method of car insurance is most dependable and best choice cost wise (Basically .. what can I afford haha) If I finance a new motorcycle do I need full coverage? I live in Texas, 19 years old. I am going to buy a new 2011 ninja 250. I have the cash to pay for it. But I'd rather have payments. Does Insurance in the state of Texas REQUIRE you to have full vehicle coverage on a FINANCED vehicle? Thank you!" How can I get public health insurance in California? I am a healthy thirty year old male in Marin County, but I've been rejected for health insurance twice now due to a reconstruced knee. What can I do?" My parents need my drivers license number to get an insurance quote. Can they see if I got a ticket? In early January, I got a speeding ticket. I paid it off right away with Christmas money, that way I didn't have to tell my parents. Now, my parents say that they need my drivers license number to get a quote on insurance. By getting a quote on insurance, can they see that I got a ticket?" Cheapest Japanese cars to insure for a 16 yr old? Before you tell me that I need to call the insurance company to get a quote, I just want an estimate and I will provide as much information as I can. I live in Wisconsin, my parents have a clean driving record, and I was thinking a Civic. What do u think insurance might cost for a 16 yr old (I KNOW it will be expensive)." Will a 9 mph over speeding ticket effect my insurance in NC? I got a ticket for 53 in a 35. When I went to court the DA lowered it to 44 in a 35.. 9 mph over. Will it effect my insurance? I live in NC. "When you have a deductible with car insurance, who do you pay the deductible to after getting into an accident I was in a car accident with a hit and run driver and I have collision with a 500 deductible. So when and to who do I pay my deductible to? And who does my insurance pay their portion to; me or the repair shop for the repairs on my car??

How do people driver around without car insurance and get away with it? I watch court shows on tv and many people are taking someone to court because of an accident and the other party does not have car insurance What is the cheapest Sr22 insurance in california? I am 20 years old Dwv suspended my liscense for a year,i payed all my ticket fees,they were all mostly speeding,i had a total of 6 points on my record.where can i find cheap liabilty insurance?" How can I get some fast affordable dental Insurance?!? I recently had dental visit, and after the exam, I was informed that I have to pull multiple teeth. The extractions are going to cost $2200.00. I really need to take care of this matter as soon as possible. unfortunately, I don't have dental insurance. Is it any where I can Get fast affordable dental insurance:'(" HELP will my car insurance replace my cracked windshield? I have progressive and have comprehensive with a $500 deductible. I have two cracks in my windshield and I cant afford for my insurance to go up or to pay the $500 deductible. My car was sold to me with stickers over the cracks and when we went back they claimed I had done it and wouldnt fix it. I read thriugh my policy and it said if you pay the premium for this coverage we will pay for blah blah blah and it fits my situation but im not really aure what that means. They dont teach you actual life skills in school. Please help! How much should I save up for car insurance? right now I have 0 money. But with that said, my uncle has promised me to buy a new car such as the hyundai elentra. This is about 16-20 grand. Now he states that I should be responsible to pay for the maintenance,gas and the insurance of the car. So technically I have the car but now need to save up for the insurance. How much do you believe should I save up before cashing in the car?" How can i get health insurance? I'm no longer on my father's insurance plan which he gets from his job. I'm not working right now and I'm not in school either. I'm going to have to go to the dentist soon for a check up, to get a chipped tooth fixed and maybe to get invisaline. I also have to go to an opthomalagist because i'm considering contacts again, either contacts or prescription sunglasses. And I'm gonna have to go to the doctor at some point. I know all of that will cost a hell of a lot of money without insurance. I can't afford to pay for that. Is there a way I can pay for insurance that will cover dental, eye doctors and a regular physician without having a job with insurance benefits? How much would I be expected to pay? Is it monthly? Would there be a copay? Thanks for any help you can give me." Can someone give me an auto insurance cost?

Does anyone know what the cost per month of Ohio car insurance would be for a 19 year old male. Just an idea would be good, thanks." Can I get unemployment benefits after workerscomp? I have been on workerscomp for over a year. My benefits may be ending soon. I do not think I can continue working with the company because of my injuries. If my benefits end and I decide to quit. Can I file for unemployment benefits? Doesn't your unemployment benefits based on your last salary? If so, I did not have a salary because I was receiving benefits from my workers comp insurance company." Is Unitirin a good insurance company? I need to get new insurance ASAP... is Unitrin OK? Pregnancy and disability insurance? Hi, i am currently 7 months pregnant and found out that our short term disability insurance will only give us $800 a month for disability. I asked if I can opt out of our employers short term disability and apply for state disability and I was told no because I have been here for longer than 18 months. Is this allowed and also is there anything else i can do. I live in California." liberty mutual online homeowners insurance quote liberty mutual online homeowners insurance quote "Best Place for van insurance, young driver 24?" I'm just wondering the where is the best place to look for cheap van insurance? I'm 24 and a carpenter by trade and I need to get my own van, something like a standard box ford transit." "Camaro insurance, gas and racing information?" Does anyone know how much insurance will be for a soon to be 16 year old '89-'93 Camaro driver? I've heard that Camaros are gas guzzlers and my boyfriend lives a half hour away and that could get quite costly. So, this may be a retarded question, but is there anyway I could get better gas mileage? Any other helpful information on Camaros would be great. Also, I intend to start racing with my boyfriend, would a '89-'93 Camaro be a good racing car? What should I do to make an average Camaro into a good, fast car? Thanks in advance everyone! :]" Pre paid car insurance? i am looking for a cheap prepaid car insurance. i dont know how long i will be in the country. any suggestions please What is the estimated insurance for this car?

2-Door Coupe 1989 BMW 6 Series Coupe 2D 635CS, costing $6,000 new 16 yr. old driver.15-20000 in coverage." Can my term life insurance rates go up? If I have already bought a term life insurance plan for 20 years a year ago, and I get a new job which is a higher risk job, will my insurance rate go up? If so how much could it go up by?" Will car insurance go up if I'm added to my parent's policy? I'm 15 and have my restricted license to drive to work and school in Kansas. Basically what does adding me to my parent's policy do and about how much more will it cost? Can a 73 year old man get life insurance for $100K? What would the approx premium be if so? I know it would be expensive-anyone have an idea? Thanks so much!! How much would insurance cost for a 98' 4x4 Z71 Extended Cab.? I am 15. Been driving since like December. No tickets or wrecks. I have a 01' Silverado Extended Cab 2wd would it cost the same? Also we have safeway. I am on libiaty or w/e it is. Why are so many Americans so damn dumb? why don't they realize things like how the insurance companies are screwing them? Insurance companies keep 30% of every dollar spent and it goes in their pocket. They exist to deny you service, to keep you sick. America is the only industrialized country in the world without universal health care. I await the predictable comments about that, fed to most americans by the likes of hannity, savage and limbaugh, all with great health, why are so many americans so damn dumb?" "If my mom adds me onto her car insurance, about how much would it go up?" I'm 17 Shes with GEICO Its a Buick Rendezvous SUV (2004) Our zip is 33312 (South florida, if this helps for those answering that may be in my area) I have a clean record B Average in school" How much does malpractice insurance generally cost? Need an estimated cost but if you have a good source that i can go to that will help Which cars are the cheapest insurance wise? (england)? I wanna get a car as soon as i'm 18, so i obviously want something which will have cheap insurance. Nothing embarrasing mind."

Wat is da average cost of car insurance for a brand new car driven primarily by a teen? INSURANCE, TEENAGER, COST" Does your insurance cover your new car purchase? Example, I have insurance on 2 cars, but I just bought a new car and I have not added the car to the policy. Does my insurance still cover the purchased veichle?" My cars milage is unknown does this affect me getting insurance on this vehicle? current odometer reads 106,000 miles . but car has more miles because odemeter was once broke before being fixe i bout a used 94 accord and the odometer currently works but previous owner bought the car with broken odometer. and on( title )/ pink slip it marks odometer reading is not the actual milage..... will this affect me getting insurance on this car.. i dont want them charging me a lot of money for trying to fraud them on the milage will they even ask milage will i be in big trouble if i put the current odometer reading but the company finds out it has more? do i need to go back to dmv and get some paperwork? do i need to point out that the pink slip states milage is unknown? and make sure insurance company documents this befor signing me" Could I get car insurance before having a car? I don't seem to have a car at the moment like I mentioned. But I was wondering if I could get a car first and then purchase the insurance or would that not work? Where can i get cheap car insurance? im driving a six years old Saab aero convertible.and on red 'p' and im 26yrs old.i was told i have to pay near $5000 a year .is there any other way to get around it? How much is a doctor visit without insurance? My friend hasn't been feeling well for a few days now and needs to see a doctor. Does anyone know how much a doctor visit would be if she went to a walk in clinic? She doesn't have any insurance. By the way we live in Miami, Fl." Would it be the cheapest sports car? I saw the 4 cheapes sports cars for insurance a mazda mx 5 and a pontiac solstice would they be the cheapest sports car for insurance for a 16 year old or what sports car would be the cheapest to insure for a teen I know for a teen with a sports car would not be cheap we have the money but what sports car would be the cheapes for a teen Tips for a 17 year old MALE driver to get his CAR INSURANCE premiums below 2000?

In all seriousness, it takes the absolute Michael how much it costs a 17 year old male to get insured.... on my mums insurance on an Insurance band 1 car i'm looking at 2400. I'm a student, my mum has over 20 years no claims, and still i'm getting ripped off. Any tips other than doing driving courses? Am I just doing something wrong with the insurance websites?" What is a good and cheap insurance for a Acura Rsx 2002? I just recently got my license and want to know of good and cheap insurance for my car. What can I do when I was caught speeding with my friend's car which doesn't have insurance? Yesterday, I was pulled over by a cop for driving too fast. It's my friend's car, and he has not bought any insurance for the car yet. I did not know this when I was speeding. more" Where can I find the best and affordable health insurance? employer does not provide health insurance anymore. where can i find the best affordable health insurance that i pay for myself? thanks How much does insurance cost for Top gear? I need to find out how much Top Gear have to pay for there insurance for driving fast cars etc. Or how much will Jeremy Clarksons Insurance be? Hope you can help :) What types of car insurance are there? I'm a confused soon-to-be licensed driver. My mom just got my sister (who is 18) some type of insurance for driving. From what I know, it's expensive. But I know that our car has insurance. What kind of insurance did my sister possibly get and how does it differ from the insurance for the car itself? Is there personal insurance for each driver? Is it required or is the car insurance only the main requirement? Which type of car insurance/s is required???...(sorry if my question doesn't make sense. I dont know how else to word it lol)" liberty mutual online homeowners insurance quote liberty mutual online homeowners insurance quote Car Insurance Questions For Some Cars? I dont no if this is possible but i was wondering if you might no roughly how much it would cost insurance wise for some of these cars. Im 17 male, live in Ontario, 75% school average and first driver of the Used car. CARS- (1) 2005 audi TT (2) 2008 chevy cobalt (3) 2008 Mitsubishi Lancer gts (4) 2008 Saturn Ion (5) 2007 mazda 3 (6) 2008 Scion Tc" Who has the best health insurance in California for college students?

I am a full time college student, and I am looking for health care insurance, but I'm not for sure which to go for. I was looking up Blue Shield of California, Health net, and Kaiser, but I'm new to this." Will my Car Rental include insurance? I'm hiring a car in Texas from Avis, it says it Includes Unlimited mileage, CUSTOMER FAC FEE, TRANSPORTATION FEE, VEH LICENSE FEE, Additional Liability Insurance (ALI), Collision Damage Waiver (CDW) - does this mean I won't have to arrange my own car insurance (I live in the UK) to cover driving the hire car abroad?" How much does it cost to fill up a 2008 Chevy Malibu and how much is the insurance? How much does it cost to fill up a 2008 Chevy Malibu and how much is the insurance? Car insurance for 17 year old in Texas? hi im 17 years old and i'm getting my car. i was wondering the cost of the insurance (i've heard it's really expensive[just wanted to verify] ) can anyone give me a good estimate? Would health insurance coverage for alternative health care increase consumer choice or decrease health care? Would health insurance coverage for alternative health care increase consumer choice or decrease health care costs? I am 22 Years Old. I Live in Ireland. How can I buy cheap car insurance? I am 22 Years Old. I Live in Ireland. How can I buy cheap car insurance? Who do you think has the best car insurance rates? Who do you think has the best car insurance rates? Insurance rates for speeding ticket? I accept all responsibility. I am an idiot for doing this and I should have been paying more attention. I was caught going 50 km/h+ on a highway in Alberta. How much will my insurance rates go up? Will they double? I'm 18 y/o but the car is insured under my father. Also, how will I know when they have gone up? Do they go up after the court date, or does it start the day my ticket was issued?" Health Insurance for new born after job loss....? Situation... We had a new born almost three months ago. She was on my wifes insurance while she was on maternity leave. Now she (my wife) will only be going back to work part time more

"Speeding tickets and traffic safety school, does the insurance find out?" I was issued a speeding ticket today in Illinois (cook county) and I have a question regarding one of my options: If you are 18 years or older, to avoid a conviction on your driving record, plead guilty, register for traffic safety school, pay $115. So let's assume that I pay the fine and complete traffic safety school. My question is regarding my insurance they see that I was issued a speeding ticket but completed traffic safety school or is there no trace of it at all? I've read many things about this; some say that the ticket remains on record but simply does not count against you. Others say that the ticket will be on record and the insurance company can still choose to raise your rates but there is no penalty with the DMV for speeding. I'm hoping that the ticket is completely thrown out as if it never happened but I'm not sure. I have state farm insurance by the way." How much does the average person pay for health and dental insurance monthly? How much does the average person pay for health and dental insurance monthly? Any recommendations for affordable health insurance in Georgia? I'm 22 years old, no children, and have one full time job. I need to get some blood tests like cholesterol, blood pressure, ectera done." Why is insurance on an s2000 so expensive? I have been looking for used cars in the 10-15 grand range as my second car, currently drive a miata, and I am stuck on a few cars: -01-02 s2000 -01 m5 -01-03 s4 I just recently turned 18, and took my driving test, and passed. I'm a male, about to graduate highschool with above a 3.0 and am already enrolled for a Junior College starting in Fall. I haven't received a violation yet, and I don't think I will any time soon. I was just wondering why insurance on an s2000 is MORE expensive than an m5 or s4. I was really sold on the s2000 because its 4 cylinders naturally aspirated (cheap on gas), a convertible, and relatively pretty. All of this was great news, until I saw how much insurance would be for this car. Lets look at the facts for these cars s2000: 2 door convertible 237hp/153lbft RWD 2 Liter N/A 4 cylinder top speed: 155 0-60: 5.5 6 seconds m5: 4 door Hardtop 394hp - I don't know the torque RWD 4.9 liter Naturally Aspirated v8 top speed: ~180 mph / 155 mph with limiter 0-60: 4.7-5 seconds s4: 4 door Hardtop 261HP/I do not know the torque AWD 2.7 Liter Twin Turbo v6 top speed: do not know/ limited to 155mph 0-60: 5.5 seconds I know that the small size of the car may make the s2000 unsafe, but the m5 is much more of a car than the s2000, and in my opinion much, MUCH more unsafe than the s2000. The s2000 is a sports car, but what is the m5 then, a 4 door family car? It is much more than that. High performance sports car in my opinion would be much more apropriate. If you are knowledgeable in the area of car insurance, i.e. you are a insurance agent or work for an insurance company, could you please let me know why an 18 year old has a easier time insuring an m5 or s4 than an s2000 under the exact same plan? Thanks for reading, and if you answer, thank you for answering. Have a nice day!" How much would my insurance be?

I'm 16 I will be 17 in about 9months. I will be buying a 2002 Nissan Maxima and I was wondering how much would I pay monthly/yearly on insurance. -I'm 16 -Grades aren't the best by they're passing. -I have no driving history. -I have a minor charge on my record that will go away when I'm 18. I know you can't give me a exact answer but a close one would help. Oh and if there's any way I can lower the cost that would help a lot. And is $4,200 to much to pay for my car? Thanks in advance :)" How much would my motorcycle insurance cost? I am 18 I live in Northern Virginia. I have car insurance with Geico for a 2005 Honda Accord EX. I start college as a freshman in less then 2 weeks. I have no records (accidents, speeding, thefts, etc..) I have a part time job (18 hours a week) I understand that they're are a lot of factors in this but i would just like a rough estimate." Can I reduce the fine on a 16028 a vc california for not having insurance at the time? I was cited a ticket for not having insurance on my car on the very first day that i bought it from a private owner. Unfortunately i didn't have enough money to get insurance more How many of you own a Life Insurance Policy and for what amount.? Are young ppl thinking about life insurance? I need to get car insurance im 17 year old male see more info below.? Im 17 will be 18 in January. I need my license because I have a good opportunity to be a baby sitter but it involves driving the kids kids to soccer practice and school. I have already gotten hired I just need to get my license. I think my mom and dad have alstate and the car I would be driving is a 2001 mini van. How much would it cost ? Would the rates be cheaper if they said I would be driving on rare occasions ? The job pays 200 weekly so its a good opportunity and plus i love the kids. How much would the insurance be on a 1993 Acura legend coupe with a type II engine and skyline gtr body kit? I have a link that shows pictures of the car so please give me your thoughts about what you think of the car itself and how high or low the insurance may be. Here's the link. Can you get seperate car insurance in the UK? When I pass my driving test, I will be sharing my mums car and then going away for a year to work on a cruise ship. Is it possible to not be put on her insurance, and get a complete different insurance for me so I can build up some no claims years?" How much would motorcycle insurance be in ontario?

Okay, so I turned 16 this past december and I am getting a motorcycle. I'm also doing a motorcycle safety course which I heard decreases your insurance. My first day at the course is today and I should have a m2 by April 3rd (I got my m1 on Feb 1st). I'm getting a used Kawasaki Ninja 250r, probably between the years of 2008-2010. I will probably get the bike for around $3800. (the Kawasaki Ninja is $1000 more expensive in Canada than USA). I live on the edge of Brampton, Ontario, very close to where the farms start (literally almost on the edge of Brampton). I will be driving for 2 or 3 days a week for pleasure. Not really going to take it anywhere besides taking it to my school occasionally. My driving record is clean. So, how much do you think I will have to pay and can you recommend me some companies but please give me a estimate of how much you think I'll have to pay. Lastly, my area has no crime rates and I think that I live in a safe neighbourhood." Which is the Best Life Insurance? Which is the Best Life Insurance? Less investment, good returns, life coverage, Accident Benifit" How could I get my mom on my health insurance? She is suffering from cancer and is thinking about filing for disability. When she leaves her job she will be dropped from her insurance. Also, she has blue cross and so do I. Please help." What is the best affordable health insurance plans? I am 20 years old and do not have health insurance and I need to get my wisdom teeth pulled! So i'm looking for an affordable health insurance.I've already applied for Medicaid and was denied.I need help please! liberty mutual online homeowners insurance quote liberty mutual online homeowners insurance quote

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