Dope Love

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Social Buzz

“It’s all about staying consistant, and when they catch on, they are going to keep catching on.” - Pat is Dope

Pat is Dope L

ove is in the air, Valentine’s Day is around the corner and cuffing is the season. When I say cuffing, you what know I’m talking about, and if you don’t know, I’m talking about it is that period in everyone’s life when they are single but talk to someone in the winter season they can cuddle with. Yea, we all know about that. Since the season is here, what better person to talk to than Cuffing Seasons own Pat is Dope! Everybody knows that Pat is Dope, and if you don’t at least 17k+ of his followers do! As Pat strolled into our interview, I will admit I was a little nervous; he has a hefty following and is well respected in the area. We sat down and started our interview, and shockingly enough he was cool, calm and subtly funny.


For those that have not viewed the Pat is Dope, Obama Blog, stop what you are doing and look it up on Youtube, hilarious. So with that being my only viewing without interaction I was expecting an all out comedian, but our encounter was different. It was not his jokes that made him funny, it was his natural personality and random outburst that followed up after his jokes that was hilarious. ”I just say what comes to mind,” explains Pat. As far as his following he says, ”It’s all about staying consistent, and when they catch on, they are going to keep catching on”. Other than Pat’s interviews with worldwide known celebrities like Joe Button, Method Man, or local celebrities like Shy Glizzy, Pat talks about how it all started a couple of blog seasons ago, with his blog, “Cuffing Season”. “I did Cuffing Season for three years straight. I was in my room and just made a video, I was young. Then my sister was in school to become a videographer and I let her record it. The third season, we took it to the next level.” Yes, Cuffing Season has turned into a miniseries, with actors, and a great visual production. The blog talks about what Pat thinks cuffing season is, and why girls and guys cuff during the winter season.


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