Fodr final portfolio

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In this module, we are required to take photos of the croissant from different directions. So that we can study the croissant in details. In this stage, I set up a photo stage by myself to take photos of plan views and elevations of the croissant. Then photo scanner is applied to scan the bottom view and the cutted sections of the croissant. After that, we would put the photos together, and print them on an A3 paper. Then, we would cover a tracing paper on the printed paper, use pencils of dofferent hardness, using the shading technich to present the croissant. When it was done, a new tracing paper would be applied. Then, we would use fine liners with hatching technich to do that again.

Photo of elevation

Photo of elevation

I used 2B and 4B pencils for shading, 0.1mm and 0.3mm fineliner for hatching. I think pencils are better at presenting details, since it was really close to the real image. Fine liners are better at emphasizing the brightness, the contrasts are clear.

Photo of plan view

Photo copied plan





Fine Liner

Axonometric Projection The final stage was drawing the axonometric projection of half of the croissant. Tracing paper was still used. Firstly, we drew 3 sets of grids of 10mm Ă—10mm, then, cover the tracing paper of the frid sections to the original views of the three cutted sections respectively. Then, drew crosses on the crossections of the grid lines and the profile of the croissant. After that, we drew the grids in 45degree, put crosses on them, link 3 sets of crosses, we got the axonometric projection of half of the croissant. This is a new drawing concept to me, and helped me with the next module.


Module2 Flatness vs. Projection 6

Flatness vs. Projection In this module, we were given 2 pictures of mario world, our task was to make the flat world become a 3D world, which means we were going to draw the axonometric projection of these 2 flat worlds and combine them together. The 2 pictures below were the original pictures given to me.


Equipments used

T-square, 45degreed set square, HB pencil, 0.1 fineliner and rubber.

About the positions of the worlds I put the two original pictures in such positions but drew them in the opposite directions.


First hand-drawing draft

How did the world evolved? In the first hand drawing of my mario world, it is just a draft drawn by HB pencil. I only added a little things which didn’t appeared in the original pictures. I also discarted most of the clouds from the original pictures, because I think they will cover the main body, and obstruct me from presenting the detailed thimgs. I also swapped the vine into a flower, as it is easier to handle. I also would like to put a little pond in the middle of the main body, but finally I cancelled the idea.

Instead of the pond, I made the land of the ampty space in the middle of the main body to

Send hand-drawing draft

become a floating island. Added the tubes with water flowing out to connect the main body and the island. I also added two pairs of portal gates to enhance the relationshape between the main body and the island. I also added some holes and roadblocks to make the road look not so dull. Also, I added some spindrifts to fill the gap between the mountains.



The making of new Mario world. Finally, all the things in the original pictures are presented, more holes and roadbloks are added. Thefacial expressions of the clouds are added by the pen tool. To make some changes, I used the effect of transparency, and changed some of their facial expression. Also, the colors of portal gates are different, so that it can show us which gates are in one pair. This world contains a main land and a floating island. The function of the island is to present things that might be covered by the mountains.


Module3 Pattern vs. Surface


I created the 3 panes in four different directions

How the panels of four directions were added to the final landscape

Inspiration When I was working on this landscape, I would like to make the pyramids being scattered farther from each other in the outer sides of this landscape, the closer to the centre, pyramids gets smaller but closer to each other. Also, I would like to make the whole landscape look higher at one side, and gets lower gradually at the opposite side. Then, I created the orange panel with one attraction point, as it has the most pyramids, this panel will be used as the centre shape. Next, I created the red and the yellow panels in four directions with the attraction point in the same place, as the attraction point didn’t move, the trend will not change. I combined the final landscape by replacing the panels in certain positions. When I finished joining the panels, I found I almostly achieved my goal.

3D modle of the paper landscape


Upload the unrolled surfaces to fablab

Tearing individual unrolled surfaces from the lasercutted ivory card

Materials used to join the panels together

A tough process of making the paper landscape After finishing creating the 3d modles in Rhino, I chose to use the laser cutter in fablab to cut my unrolled panels in order to save time. However, the laser cutter just cut too heavy on the etch lines that the panels were highly possible to be separated. So I had to repair them. I used masking tape to stick the over cutted sections. This repairing process really cost me a lot of time. After that, I began to join the panels. In this stage, I used UHU craft glue, and large amount of cilps to prevent degumming. There are also a lot of charred marks on the edges of the unrolled panels, I used to be worried about that, but after I finishing joining them together, I found it was’t the problem, since all the marks were on the tabs, so that we wouldn’t see any scores on the panel if we don’t turn it around.

Details of the landscape

Repaired panels (back)


Top plan

In dark surroundings

For the final effect The ivory cards are very thick, little bit hard to fold. And because of this thickness, I cannot join all the panels together without holes. Maybe I just should join more panels together before I unroll them. Also, since the card is thick, the joints are much clearer than using normal paper. However, these really didn’t affect the result too much, I still achived the effect I want.

Side elevation


Module4 Frame vs. Field 15



For this model, I made the ground level become higher slightly for each scene except one small area at the upper middle position. The higher the ground level, the happer people feel. For the last scene, there is a sinking area, accounts for one ninth of the whole area. This is to represent that the monsters are getting out from the basement of the library. In this story, Macro Polo didn’t appear, the foot path is what I inmagined if there is time traveler, how he/she will walk.


The first scene shows the wars between human and the rats, snakes, and bugs...The low height of this area and the dark space highlited the depressive atmosphere. The rats and other monsters are large, the dead bodies are piled up. It showed how weak the human was, and how terriblerible the war was. The smoke and fog really set this atmosphere in motion.


In the second scene, the minor part is the goddess leading the hunman to fight. In the story, there wasn’t any gd appeared, the reason for me to put the goddess here is this can give us a sense that this war will be ended by hunman, and hunman will be the winner. For the major part, it is people relaxing themselves, and the books here represent the library. However, we can still see the monsters in the corners of the scene. This is because the war wasn’t truelly finished, the monsters are getting stronger, and getting out from the ground, somehow to have the chance for revenge, but the human are not realizing this.


REFLECTION Thoughout this semester’s study, I really learnt a lot of things. In the lectures, it was initially hard for me to understand what the lecturer is talking about, but after having studio classes, I just realized that they are really useful and related to waht we are going to use in and helped us to understand our assignments. In the lectures, thing are more theoretical, but after studios and workshops, I could understand them quickly without searching for the dictionaries or websites so much. This subject focuses on the presentation of our concepts, not only the drawing or software skills but also the abilities of verbal organization and the on-the-spot perfomance. I also learnt a lot of skills during the process of presenting the images. The greatest progression is the development of photoshop skill. This is the commonest software to a designer. Since I used to learn little about this software, I’am already familier with the concept of layers. This really made me easier to get familier with other Adobe softwares like Adobe ilIustrater and Indesign. However, for me, Indesign is still a little bit tricky for me, since the operation of this software is really different PS and AI, and it is always easy for me to get errors, like the absence of some texts. One more software I used was Rhino. This is a 3d modelling software, I used to study using this software by following the tutorials on line. This preview for this subject helped me saving time in doing module3 and module4. I also found that the operation and commands are almost the same as in CAD. From this term’s study, I ‘m now very sure that preview is important, and discussion is helpful with my works,there is no need to be shy. Another important thing is the time management. I always stay uo all night for my assignments. Although I always finish it in time, it is not sustainable, bad for health and diturbing the body clock. Furthermore, I realized that I should practise more on my verbal expression, since I always have difficulties in deciding in what should I say first, and always miss important things. This shortage affected the pin up of module3 and module4.


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