What does your favorite pod flavor says about you

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What does your favorite pod flavor says about you?

Psychological research shows that your taste preference reflect on your personality traits. We have 4 different flavors of e-juice pods, if you haven't tried it yet go ahead and grab one of our starter kits! MANGO: Don’t you love that sweet tangy flavor like succulent juices dripping from your lips? You are the LIFE OF THE PARTY!! Your extroverted self loves to take risks and the thrill. You’re a WILD one aren’t ya? Your charming, flirtatious self helps you win the hearts of many people to get what you want out of it. You can be such a drama queen too. Calm down, young one. FRUIT: You’re a radiant ball of sunsh*t that everyone just adores without even trying. You have a very tropical island vibe about you. You love the nature and being in the outdoors. GET OFF THE TREE YOU TREE HUGGER! You’re probably vegan too. Everyone loves your happy go lucky bubbly personality. You’re easy to talk to and you wear your heart on your sleeves. So sweet!! MINT: Hello Billy Badass, your calm, cool collected vibe takes people’s breath away. You’re more on quiet side and prefer to spend time alone but you don’t mind being out and about. Sophisticated in nature you’d be the type to reading a book with whiskey in one hand, mint vape in the other. It’s hard to piss you off, cause you’re a badass that doesn’t give a sh*t. TOBACCO: Either a country hick or just boring OR Sir Winston Churchill. You’re down to earth and loves nature. You’re very reclosed and don’t give in much. Everything to you is black or white and extremely confident. You know who you are and what you want to do and have a refined taste for aged cognac or wine. You = Old school Classic that everyone LOVES. Are these accurate? Let us know we’d love to hear your feedback! If you haven't already, go ahead and try one of our starter kits. Happy vaping and LIGHT IT UP!

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