Would you trust these sensational news story about your e cigarette

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Would you trust these sensational news story about your e-Cigarette? There has been a number of stories framed around E-Cigarettes after it was brought to the market. Some say that the harmful effects of e-cigarettes are higher than the traditional cigarettes and other claim that the metal used in the e-cigarettes introduces toxins to the vapers. While all these news headlines are enough to scare one from using the vape pens, there are concerns about the genuineness of these media flashes. If you find these too scary, isn’t it be wise to look into the deeper aspects of these news releases. We have witnessed it in many cases that news is being manipulated to increase the popularity of the particular TV show. And, most of the part of the news are only predictions or assertions that cannot be trusted blindly. Recently, there had been buzz about the harmful effect of metals present in the liquid to the vapers. This alarmed ever vaper in the city. However, it did not last for long, the reason being, there were no grounds to back this report. Lets check out the study that was presented in the wrong way to make it sound scary. E-Liquid Study on Environmental Health Perspective So, here is the research published by the Environmental Health Perspective that outlined the harmful effects of metals in the E-Cigarettes. The studies were against the usage of metallic coils and it was concluded in the research that these coils can cause many health problems because of the introduction of toxins to the vapers. The news went viral. However, it did not demonstrate the analysis which was further made on the research. If you would try to google about the flaws in the research, you would be left with many results. There were many inaccuracies in the study which has put the research to an incomplete ending. It is very clear mentioned at many posts that the data were misinterpreted. So, if you are worried about switching to vaping and starting your journey to quit smoking, you should check all the facts and then take the decision. What should Vapers Do? This is an interesting question, WHY? E-Cigarettes are proven method for defeating smoking and its fatal consequences. Then, why are these people behind the bad publicity of E-Cigarettes? You have already read about different articles which are well researched and documented regarding the harmful effects of traditional cigarettes. However, did that stop you from smoking. There is a threat message written on every packet of cigarette that you buy. But, did you ever care? No, you don’t. You go beyond every facts and still find a reason to justify your smoking needs. Then, why is it so threatening to switch to a better version which is more than 95% safe than the traditional smoking? The problems related to E-Cigarettes and Vaping is still in question while most of the countries have already proven that it is safer and can be used as the tool to quit smoking. There have been plenty of research that is done on a regular basis. However, none of them are successful is proving that E-Cigarettes are harmful more than Cigarettes. It is not even close to what Cigarettes can do to your body.

Hence, it is your choice to make the informed decision. The Conclusion For every smoker turned Vaper, here is the choice: Either you stuck with the one which promises to get you closer to your last breath or you choose the one that can help you stay away from the first option. If you can give Cigarettes the chance to spoil your health, why cannot you turn to E-Cigarettes which are yet the safe way to quit smoking.

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