The Key That You Must Master to Indoor Planting

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The Key That You Must Master to Indoor Planting Growing your own cannabis can be a great and fulfilling venture, but there are certain struggles that people encounter if they’re not prepared enough. But worry not, all the headaches and wasted material can be prevented with some preparation and well selected information. It`s all goes down to being prepared, putting in some effort and laying down the foundations for a hassle free growing process.

Below are several key points. 1. PICK THE RIGHT POT When growing weed on a balcony or terrace, you'll be growing them in some kind of pot or container. It depends a bit on your preferences and skills as a grower, but all you really need is a standard flower pot with drainage holes and a saucer to catch any excess water. Far more important than the type of container, is the size of said container. After all, the size of the pot will directly impact the size of your plants. 2. Make Sure You’re Watering The Right Amount If you’ve ever worked with HID lights before, you understand how much water plants require beneath them. This is because HID lights are mostly infrared, which greatly reduces the moisture content of your plants. Infrared is harsh, and it can dry out your leaves and harden your soil. Since LED lights are only partially infrared balanced with other waves of light, the concentration isn’t enough to dehydrate your plants. This means that watering LED-lit plants the same way you would water HID lit plants could potentially be drowning them. Always check your moisture levels before you water. 3. Beware of the Pests Bugs and pests, like the most-common spider mites, can be a serious hazard to your crop. Cannabis plants can easily be infected with several types of bugs that can be fatal for the whole crop. Bugs, pests, spider mites, can come to your indoor garden if you take clones from other growers or dispensary, or from a soil that is already infected. Also, having more people working in your indoor garden can result in contamination with pests. 4. Get Your pH Right So many problems experienced by beginners can be traced back to incorrect pH levels. Especially as what look a lot like nutrient deficiencies often aren’t deficiencies at all—they’re pH problems —and they can be made even worse by adding more nutes! It stands for potential Hydrogen and is a measurement of acidity and alkalinity. The measurement scale runs from 0 to 14. Neutral pH is 7, less than 7 is acidic, higher than 7 is alkaline. 5. Humidity and Water System Management Humidity is the amount of water moisture in the air. You need the right amount of moisture in

the garden for the growth process. Too much moisture will cause mold and fungus growth in the buds. Too little humidity, on the other hand, will cause your cannabis plants to go dry. 6. Maintain a healthy root zone Unfortunately, it’s often difficult to discern whether plant pathology is a result of root-zone failures or nutrient problems, Morelli says, so getting ahead of any problems is key. If the root zone fails, the plant stops functioning and will produce a “dismal crop of mediocre flower at best,” Morelli says. If you want great bud, you have to provide plenty of light! When you start a grow with good genetics – from good seeds or clones – your plant has the potential for a high level of quality (yields, potency, resilience). However, it’s nearly impossible to get your buds to reach that potential if you use cannabis grow lights that are underpowered. Powerful grow lights like HPS, LECs or full spectrum LED grow lights produce the biggest and most dense buds

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