How To Grow A Single Cannabis Plant Indoors

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How To Grow A Single Cannabis Plant Indoors Our guide to indoor cannabis growing will help simplify the process for you into clear, easy-todigest sections designed to help the first-time grower get started. STEP 1: CHOOSING YOUR CANNABIS SEEDS The choice is staggering. Sativa, indica, ruderalis, any number of hybrids, all available at a click. You know what you enjoy from personal experience. What strains have fitted your groove in the past? What strains have performed as a satisfactory medicine for your particular ailment? They are probably a good place to start. STEP 2: FIND THE RIGHT INDOOR GROW TOOLS The first thing you’ll need is a place to grow. I recommend getting yourself a decent Indoor Grow Tent. They’re cheap, made to grow inside of and can be put up and taken down quickly by one person. Some tents come with packages that include all kind of complicated hydroponic equipment. Your best bet is to purchase only what you need inside the tent and to learn how to grow weed without the expensive plastic. Some even have separate chambers for vegetative growth and cloning, making them perfect for people living in one-bedroom apartments or studios with limited room to grow. First, you’ll need a Cannabis Grow Lights. I like HID grow light (High-Intensity Discharge) – HPS grow light (High-Pressure Sodium) or MH grow light(Metal Halide) systems with ballasts, bulbs and reflectors. If heat from these lights will be an issue, there are also LED grow light (LightEmitting Diode) and CFL grow light(Compact Fluorescent) systems you can employ. Be sure to get a light that covers your tent’s footprint and invest in a decent timer to control when your light turns on and off. STEP 3: HOW TO GROW WEEDS? After you’ve planted your seeds or rooted your clones, it’s time to get them growing. Lower your reflector so that it’s closer to the plants rather than making them stretch to reach for light. Raise the lighting system as your plants grow. Set your light timer to be on for 18 hours per day and off for 6 hours. During this vegetative stage, the plant will grow leaves and branches but no flowers (unless it’s an auto-flowering plant). Avoid overfeeding and overwatering your plants at all costs. Err on the side of caution as it’s always easier to add more nutrients or water than it is to take them away. Marijuana roots prefer a wet/dry cycle so lift up your buckets and you’ll get a better idea for if they need watering or not by the weight. The first sign of overfed plants is burnt leaf tips. The first rule of how to grow weed is to learn to stay off of its way sometimes. STEP 4: PRUNING FOR HIGHER YIELD When pruning, start early and often. Cut or pinch branches just above the node where two new shoots will emerge. If you stay on top of this process, you’ll have plants that look like bonsai bushes, with plenty of bud sites but not a lot of stretching out and big gaps between nodes. This

is the efficient way to get bigger yields out of small spaces but your vegetating time will increase so factor that into your schedule. Step 5: FLOWER POWER Indoors, The decision of when to induce flowering in your plants is entirely up to you. If you want to learn how to grow weed, it’s important to determine how much space you have and to factor in the fact that your plants will stretch for at least a few weeks after flowering is induced. I usually recommend one week per gallon of container, so a plant in a five-gallon bucket should get approximately five weeks of vegetative time. When you’re ready to begin the flowering stage, switch your timer to a 12 hour on/12 hour off light cycle. Be sure never to interrupt the 12-hour dark period with any light. This confuses your plant and can cause serious problems.

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