The Age of Remote Learning – Gaining Knowledge in Your Comfort Zone

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The Age of Remote Learning Gaining Knowledge in Your Comfort Zone

In the age of technology, remote learning took centre stage as compared to the traditional modes of teaching. Understanding the basics matters, even from a certain distance. Remote Learning is defined as the process of teaching someone separated by distance and time and there is no scope of meeting instructor and learner in a traditional classroom. In other words, modern methods of information transfer happen through various services using the internet. Doesn’t necessarily sound a lot different to online learning, to be honest. But again, there is a very distinct difference.

Online classes are currently on the rise. The state of the world right now is in absolute tatters. The Global Pandemic has ensured that people are locked down in their homes for a considerable amount of time. It is not even a question of when life as before will resume.

It is more about how humanity will cope with the limited amount of resources and chances in hand. When it comes to education, it is something that must go on, be it in life or just schools and colleges. Giving untimely breaks will not only kill the momentum, but it’ll also lead to chaos in employment as well as the research world in the future. Understanding the current situation, the majority of schools and colleges are opting for remote learning as well as online teaching methods to be on par with the pace of the curriculum. As far as India is concerned, remote learning has taken a massive turn in the normal routines of students and lecturers alike.

Remote Learning in India - Easy and Effective: The growth of mobile phones and internet usage throughout the world has led to stellar results in all walks of life. It is not even a question of how things came into the picture. It is more about how efficient one can be in the presence of this fabulous digital ocean of information. Focusing purely on students, it is not a new thing that students have been using Wikipedia and other journals and resources online to find relevant information about their particular subjects and streams. Video sharing websites such as YouTube are unbelievably helpful in passing down the information in the quickest way possible.

The most common sources of transfer of information from the lecturer to the student are as follows: Computer-Based Distance Fixed-Time Online Open Schedule Online Hybrid Distance Distance Education via Video Synchronous and Asynchronous Distance

Education Course Courses Education Conferencing Education

Based on the types of teaching as well as the necessity and demand, either of the options can be considered for the perfect transfer of information. Ultimately, knowledge gain is the key, no matter what the initial conditions are.

About Xavier University Bhubaneswar Xavier University Bhubaneswar provides Career information, advice and guidance, and many other support services through Online appointments Blogs Webinars Live chats Instagram Twitter LinkedIn Facebook live streams

With multiple online courses on offer, students can now pick their desired stream and approach accordingly by clearing the respective entrance tests as well as being eligible for it, in the first place. Xavier University Bhubaneswar offers top-ranked specialized programs with a Global, Industry aligned Curriculum, provided by an Eminent and Committed Faculty enriched with Doctorates and Industry Experience. The university focuses on maintaining gender diversity, academic diversity and demographic diversity for peer learning and enriched classroom experiences. The University also offers merit scholarships. Visit us online for more information on how you can get the best remote learning options for yourself and find the right footing for your career. Knowledge is key and execution is imminent.


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