Seven Secrets of Successful Event Planning

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ple, they may be embracing the Green revolution, and want everything to go the energy and resource saving route. Worms and cockroaches could provide excellent “food” (ugh!) for thought. Destination The towns in the USA that readily spring to mind have a built-in historical destination theme: Williamsburg, Virginia ( ) and Gettysburg, Pennsylvania ( ) – especially known for the great battles that took place there. Then if one goes wider afield, of course the list becomes mind boggling, but here are some ideas: ( This last one is particularly good for wedding themes. If you are planning a convention for computer executives and geeks visiting from the Middle East, forget about the belly dancers for their entertainment, and falafel ( wiki/Falafel) for mains. No one wants to circumnavigate the globe, only to endure a poor, halfbaked local translation of their long held national traditions and culture. It could actually be an embarrassment for guests and hosts alike, and a potential PR disaster. Creativity is the very Essence of Event Planning Although the foregoing theme ideas are just tasters, there are a veritable wealth of possibilities to throw into the pot, which may include:   

Camcorder/TV Camera festival: highlighting the contribution made by young apprentices in the film/movie production environment. Motor-Bike, Scooter and Push-Bike Wash: That part for the men, and then the women accompanying them on the pillion seat are treated to traditional Indian arm and hand Henna painting art. Here is a very good reference on that theme: (

Stage a local talent contest: Across the spectrum, there can be a surprising amount of untapped local talent ( in any community. Budding talent is often evident at Karaoke sing alongs: ( ) All that may be needed is to change the scenario encountered there to that of a stage, and then encourage audience interaction.

Address Global Energy and Global Warming Issues: This could reflector panels worn as a shield, Gas lamps, Candle Power, Pedal & Solar driven Cars, Rowing and paddle boats.

Underwater Hockey and Polo: The polo bit is quite unusual. I used to play a made-up version myself as a 21 year old, using plastic water bottles filled with a neutral, brightly colored liquid – and our only rule in this rather rough approach was that you were nor allowed to drown your opponent! Of course, breathing apparatus is optional. As far a th hockey is concerned this can be very interesting. ( Underwater hockey (UWH; also called Octopush) is a global non-contact sport in which two teams compete to manoeuvre a puck across the bottom of a swimming pool into goals.

Upcoming Episode 5 will cover:   

Major task outlines Forms required to keep tabs on progress and completion, such as: Budgets, Assignments, Contacts, Program, Organizing documents, Task vs Skills match, Personality styles.

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