TREN Magazine #9

Page 63


The product offered under their refe-

rence NOCH 66250 comes carefully packed in an attractive package that protects its contents perfectly. The product is ready for use, you only need to mount some decorative accessories such as handrails, and hand crank system planks as a with the stop signal. The assembly of these elements without difficulty and allow a properly detail model, which in itself requires very little improvement, just a dirty airbrush is the only operation to be done to make it look more realistic. Along with the bridge sector delivers a cardboard template to cut by laser to guide when conducting the emptying of the board where the set is placed. The bridge area has been built entirely with laser-cut cardboard and inside features a micro motor and its corresponding decoder. The operation of this decoder can use the same element for both current systems for three lanes to two lanes and systems operating both in analogue and digital operation DCC or Motorola.

From top to bottom: Perfect packaging that protects the set and ready to use. It looks like this bridge after leaving the packaging . On the left we see in detail the metal strip that allows for use in electrical outlet systems for three lanes.


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