June 20, 2024 TM

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June 20, 2024


Video Message from the General Presbyter

The Rev. John Molina-Moore

From the Desk of Rev. David Baer, Stated Clerk

From the Desk of

Rev. Tara Spuhler McCabe, Dir. Congregational Dev. & Mission

Series on: What to do with your CAT! (Congregational Assessment Tool)

June 24 – Zoom (final session)

Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival

June 29 – Washington, DC

GENOUT Youth Chorus

June 29 – Sixth Presbyterian Church

Prophetic Preaching in a Tone-Deaf Culture: A Webinar with Dr. Kenyatta Gilbert

July 9 – New York Avenue Presbyterian Church

Building Community, Making Peace: A Restorative Church Gathering

August 3 – The Church of the Epiphany

Save the Date! Hearts and Minds Prepared for Worship

August 17 – Union Presbyterian Seminary

Sail Away with Us! Retirement Party

September 7 – Celebrating the Rev. Bernice Parker-Jones

Dialogue for Peaceful Change Training (collaboration between NCP, Baltimore and New Castle Presbyteries)

September 16-19 – Lewinsville Presbyterian Church

Stewardship Kaleidoscope – Real Tools for Real Ministry

September 23-25 –Portland, OR

SAVE THE DATE: Presbytery-Wide Installation Service

October 19 – Gaithersburg Presbyterian Church

SAVE THE DATE: Matthew 25 Mid-Atlantic Summit

October 26 – First Presbyterian Church of Howard County

Montgomery County Resiliency Council

Seeks community members to join a conversation about clean energy, power outages, etc.

In this edition . . .


Healthy Boundaries Training: The Ministry Relations Team (MRT) of the Committee on Ministry (COM) is actively reviewing our Healthy Boundaries Training. If you are due to renew, look for an upcoming TM announcement.

SAVE THE DATE: Presbytery-Wide Installation Service, Saturday, October 19, 2024 @ 3:00 PM at Gaithersburg Presbyterian Church. More information to follow.

SAVE THE DATE: Matthew 25 MidAtlantic Summit, Saturday, October 26, 2024 at First Pres of Howard County. More information to follow.

Register for Bible and Church Music Conference 2024 (July 21-27, 2024) today! Come listen to leaders and speakers like Rev. Dr. Brian Blount and Rev. Shannon Johnson Kershner. For more information about BCMC 2024, please visit https://massanettasprings.org/programs/bcmc

Calling All Pastors who are interested in a Restorative Wilderness Experience - Candidate Emily Crower seeks your input! As part of her Adaptive and Innovative Ministry emphasis, Emily is designing a restorative wilderness experience for pastors that will consist of desert canoeing and camping on the Lower Canyons section of the Rio Grande from Monday, January 27th through Thursday, February 6th, 2025. The program is designed to address the challenges of sustaining ministry in our rapidly changing context through offering a restorative immersive experience for a cohort of pastors and equipping participants with tools for transferring their learnings into their home lives to cultivate sustainable ministry.

Emily seeks your valuable feedback as she designs this experience. For more information about Emily and to provide input, click the form - Restorative Wilderness Experience for Pastors (google.com)

June 20, 2024

Owe no one anything, except to love one another; for the one who loves another has fulfilled the law.

~ Romans 13:8 (NRSV) ~

Dear Friends,

Next week the General Assembly begins meeting, with its committees gathering first virtually, beginning June 25, and then with the whole assembly gathering in-person from June 29 to July 4. The General Assembly is (mostly) made up of commissioners and advisory delegates sent from presbyteries like ours, who gather once every two years to discern the will of Christ for the whole Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).

The Book of Order describes the General Assembly as “the bond of union, community, and mission among all its congregations and councils, to the end that the whole church becomes a community of faith, hope, love, and witness” (G-3.0501). I have participated in a few General Assembly meetings over the years, and I have been grateful to see how Presbyterians have faithfully lived up to this calling. One committee meeting I observed had nearly gone off the rails, when one of the members asked everyone to pause for prayer, remember the covenant they had made with one another, and begin their work again. By letting go, for a moment, of doing the work they had been assigned, and instead focusing on being a covenant community rooted in God’s love, they had restored a solid foundation to build on.

The Book of Order reminds us that its elaborate system of rules, structures, and procedures for governing the church is “not designed to work without trust and love” (G-1.0102). Being governed by our church’s polity, therefore, requires first and foremost that we attend to our relationships, which are the foundation of everything else.

I invite your prayers for this year’s General Assembly, and especially the commissioners and Young Adult Advisory Delegate (YAAD) that you have chosen to represent us: Rev. Dr. Chris Deacon, Elder Lou Durden (Northminster), Elder Mark Eakin (Warner Memorial), Ms. Jackie Hager (Lewinsville), Elder Jesy Littlejohn (Oaklands), Rev. Dean McDonald, and Rev. Bernice Parker-Jones—that God would keep them safe as they travel, and that they would both experience and bear witness to God’s love in Jesus Christ as they carry out their governing responsibilities.

Grace and Peace,

Rev. David A. Baer

Stated Clerk

“Then the Lord said to Moses, ‘I am going to come to you in a dense cloud, in order that the people may hear when I speak with you and so trust you ever after’.”

- Exodus 19:9

Greetings People,

Many of us received the message from our GP, Rev. John Molina-Moore, about the benefit of being in the ‘dense cloud’. The benefits are needing to stay with one another, sitting in the denseness in discernment, and listening to God with one another. I was listening to this sermon and was so happy to hear this is another way to live into slowing down from being a 120 mph Presbytery and shifting down to say, 70 mph. A dense cloud still moves, but maybe with more weight! Maybe with deeper or “higher” spirituality from our listening.

Our ‘dense cloud’ with one another is about listening to our faith stories together. As we speak and ask deeper questions that we may be too cautious to share. Here is a primer:

• What keeps me returning to this particular faith community or congregation?

• How is my faith being nurtured? Or how am I being spiritually fed with my congregation?

• What would I like to be with or about in a deeper way with my congregation?

• Therefore, what can I pause in order to have space for this deeper growth?

• Therefore, what can we as a congregation to slow down or pause in order to have deeper experiences with our God?

• Where can we sit, walk, and listen in order to be in a dense cloud (with God) with one another, together?

God is the dense cloud! Sometimes we need to hang deeply with one another with a focused pace. Think of it as the Clarity Circle practiced out of the Quaker Tradition. When we sit with our covenanted groups (fellow church members) we have to listen together. We have to listen to our assumptions that are based in isolation of maybe what is really going on. Listen to where the gap of relational knowledge is and have that be the next question.

My office is here to support and coordinate DENSE CLOUD LISTENING with one another. We will make sure you have some real time data to support your listening and deepen our group’s understandings with our assumptions. Monday, June 24th is the third in the series on “What to do with your CAT: Spiritual Vitality!” Join us in the Dense Cloud of God!


(final session of the series) Monday nights from 7pm – 8pm via

on what
do with
to June 24th
Vitality! It will not necessarily grow your membership BUT it does affect your volunteer and financial impact. We will focus on how this maters for the whole IMPACT of your local congrega�on and community. Use this link to register: NCP Events | Na�onal Capital Presbytery (thepresbytery.org) Registra�on is open! RESCHEDULED
The CAT Team interpreters are hosting a Series
ZOOM pla�orm

Saturday, June 29, 10am ET | Third and Pennsylvania Avenue, NW 1. Abolishing poverty as the fourth leading cause of death in the U.S.

If you believe in these 17 issues that ought to be at the center of our political agenda because our votes are about demands and not merely about popularity and personality, then march and assemble with us, mobilize voters with us, and bring everybody who believes in love, justice, truth, and nonviolence.

17-Point Agenda

A living minimum wage of at least $15 +/hour (indexed for inflation) 3. Full and expanded voting rights

No more voter suppression

11. Environmental justice that secures clean air & water

12. Justice for all Indigenous nations

13. Fully-funded public education 14. Just immigration laws

15. Addressing militarism and the war economy

16. Standing for peace not war; an immediate ceasefire in Gaza that allows humanitarian relief, the release of all hostages, and peace with justice to be pursued; and an end to genocide around the world

17. An end to hate, division, and the extremist political agenda

Twitter: @UniteThePoor | Facebook: @anewppc | Website: poorpeoplescampaign.org
Polls Bishop William J. Barber, II President and Senior Lecturer, Repairers of the Breach; National Co-Chair, Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival Rev. Dr. Liz Theoharis Executive Director, Kairos Center National Co-Chair, Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival;
Mass Poor People’s & Low-Wage Workers’ Assembly & Moral March on Washington, D.C. & to the
7. Affordable,
housing 8.
Guaranteed workers’ rights & labor rights
Healthcare for all
Strong social welfare and safety
An end to gun violence, profit and proliferation
Fully protected women’s rights
We are a resurrection, not an insurrection. ...and more

the DC area’s only vocal ensemble for LGBTQ+ and allied youth will present its Year-End concert at 6th Presbyterian Church 5413 16th St., NW, Washington, DC Sat. June 29, 2024 ● 1:30 PM



BuildingCommunity,MakingPeace: ARestorativeChurchGathering

ComejoinustoexperiencethepowerofrestorativepracticesinChristianfaith communities

Acrossthecountry,peopleareturningtorestorativejusticepracticestostrengthen community,createdialogueacrossdivisions,andpreventandrespondtoconflictand harm.ThesepracticesareconsistentwithChristianteachingsandvalues,andchurches andotherChristianorganizationsareusingthemtobuildthebelovedcommunity.

WeinviteChristianclergy,laypeople,seminarystudentsandotherinterestedpeopleto join RestorativeChurch foraone-dayeventonAugust3,followingtheNACRJ's9th NationalConferenceonCommunityandRestorativeJustice.

Experience thepowerofrestorativepracticestocreatespacesforhealing,belonging andcommunity,especiallyinthesedifficulttimes.

Learn aboutrestorativepracticesandhowtheyharmonizewithChristianbeliefsand practice.

Getinspiredandencouraged byexamplesofhowchurchesareusingrestorative practiceseffectivelyintheirinternalandexternalministries.

Connect withotherswhoareexploringrestorativepracticesintheirchurchesand communities,especiallyinthegreaterWashingtonarea.

Details: Saturday,August3,2024,9am–3pm




Registerhere: https://is.gd/rchdc2024

SponsoredbyRestorativeChurch: restorativechurch.org


TedLewis: tedlewis76@gmail.com or LianeRozzell: liane@rozzell.org

Note:thedirectEventbritelinkis: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/building-community-making-peace-a-restorative-church-ga thering-tickets-895291209107 Usethislinkwhenpostingonsocialmedia.

Themeetingnoticeisposted here ontheRestorativeChurchwebsite.

Dialogue for Peaceful Change Training

September 16 - 19 , 2024

Lewinsville Presbyterian Church, McLean, VA

Registration Deadline: Friday, August 23, 2024

This training opportunity is in collaboration with Baltimore and New Castle Presbytery With gratitude to the financial support from MCC, MRT, and CDC of National Capital Presbytery!

Why this particular training is for you? There is a perceived and experienced rise in church leadership exhaustion. In church leadership and ministry, we need the tools to thrive with change. Communities of care are noticing that there can be two supportive practices to move through this exhaustion and isolation. One practice is to deepen personal relationships with colleagues who are on similar professional and congregational journeys. A second practice is to strengthen one’s response to change and the anxiety of change that tends to lead to exhaustion. We recognize this particular training to be a helpful bucket of tools in leading through change and conflict.

Dialogue for Peaceful Change is a step-by-step training to support practices out of conflict and into restorative relationships.

Lay and clergy leaders trained in conflict management are a valuable asset to their congregations and throughout your communities. This training will be facilitated by DialogueforPeacefulChange .

Schedule generally is Monday – Thursday 9am to 5pm with two tea breaks and a one-hour lunch each day. Lunch is provided each day.

Typically, there are 12 to 16 participants in this training which gives a chance to truly connect and work on opportunities within our own contexts.

We invite you to consider these questions in discerning to participate in this training:

1. What are the ways you navigate conflict in your congregational or community settings now?

2. What would you want to gain from this training?

Cost for NCP members: Ordained Clergy (with continuing education money) are invited to contribute $350; Members of our congregations are invited to contribute $250 If interested in overnight options, we have secured a fixed rate in a nearby hotel.

* Contributionsto UnifiedMission and can be made here Scholarships are available. Contact Rev. Tara Spuhler McCabe, tspuhlermccabe@thepresbytery.org with questions.

September 23-25 Portland OR Hilton Portland Downtown 2024 Keynote Speakers Grace
Participate In-Person or Virtually! Amos
J. Disasa

Montgomery County Resiliency Council

Seeking community members to join a conversation about clean energy, power outages, and ways to make your neighborhood more resilient.

You may qualify to participate in the Montgomery County Resiliency Council if you:

• Are a resident of Montgomery County, Maryland

• Are over the age of 18

• Want to help make your neighborhood more resilient to power grid outages

For more information about joining the Montgomery County Resiliency Council, scan the QR code, visit the website below, or contact Resiliency Program Manager Tiffani Lawson at ResilientCommunities@groundswell.org

With support from the U.S. Department of Energy, Groundswell is working with community members to develop solutions that serve individual community needs.

Website: Groundswell.org/Resilient-Communities-in-Maryland/

What to expect:

• Eight 2-hour sessions spread across four meetings in June and four meetings in August 2024

• Introduction to clean energy and energy resilience topics

• Compensation in recognition of time and contributions

Join the Montgomery County Resiliency Council to share your voice!


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