Pennant Hills Golf Club History 1922-1988 (Giblin)

Page 1

CONTENTS The Birth, The Growth


Pennant Hills Origin of the name Our address Land Title

P25 P25 P25

The Formal Years The Marks Era Progress with Profit

P12 PlS P20

The Minutes The Beginning The Decision The War Years

P26 P26 P26

Milestones The Courses Crossing the gullies Bunkers Early Layouts

P40 P43 P44 P13

Snippets from the Past



The Presidential Years


The Pioneers


The Associates


Newsletter Personalities Secretaries - Treasurers Golf Professionals The Gardens Ex-Servicemen

P70 P71 P96 P96 P77 P74

Pennant Team Eric Apperly Shield Team Outstanding players Holes in One Eclectic

P78 P78 P82 P86 P91

Pennant Hills Cup Trophy History Club Championships

P92 P92 P89


There is an inspiring passage of scripture in the Old Testament which says "So built we the wall ... for the people had a mind to work" This, of course, refers to the building of the wall around Jerusalem but as I read the history of Pennant Hills Golf Club it seems to me there isa great simile between the deeds of these people and those of the pioneers of this golf club, who indeed had a mind to work. I read in this history, so painstakingly prepareq by Robert Giblin with assistance by Betty Musgrove, that the early members literally worked to build this course with their bare hands. There are stories of men and women physically removing stones and debris, of shaping and moulding the original course under great difficulties and of developing a home spun friendliness and spirit of conviviality which has endured and even magnified today. Mr. Giblin and his associates are to be congratulated on presenting this volume which records and pays tribute to our pioneers and also refreshes us on the many notable occurrences of more recent years. Unfortunately we have few photographs suitable for reproduction, of early days; but we do have the traditions and pride of membership which have become an inalienable part of this Club. The point of history is not so much to dwell on the achievements of the past but in reading these to catch the vision of those who commenced this club. It is for us then, the present members to continue building for the future as those who have gone before us have done. Paul Henricks President.



A PREFACE WITH ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS BY ROBERT GIBLIN This Book, the History of the Pennant Hills Golf Club, is a record of our Club's history over the past sixty five years and is intended as a tribute to our members, associates and staff who have given their support over the lifetime of the Club. It is also a reminder of the debt we owe to the early pioneers who had the vision and drive to lay the foundations from which our Club has progressed to the eminent position it holds today. The inspiration to update the History was brought about with the realisation that many members with intimate knowledge of the Club's past history were ageing. It was apparent that unless their recollections of the past were placed in print they would be lost in the sands of time. It was for this reason I chose tO record the past sixty five years of our Club's activities for preservation in the Club's archives.

It is doubtful if this task would have been completed without the constant encouragement from President Paul Henricks and his Commit~ee. I wish to acknowledge the assistance given to me by the following persons and Society. Firstly, to the late E.J. Hyde~ Past President of the Club, for his excellent contributions from the book, the Story of the Pennant Hills Golf Club. To Mr. Jack Townsend and his Staff for their courteous, prompt and accurate responses to my many enquiries. To the Hornsby Historical Society for Permission to publish extracts from the book, "Pioneers of the Hornsby Shire 17881906." To the many Members who supplied information of historical interest, especially to Mrs. Betty Musgrave for the wealth of information on the Associates and to Mr. Reg Denny for his research into the Land Titles. The collection and collation of the Club's History has been a rewarding experience. I now feel that at least I have returned a little to the Club, which over the past thirty five years has given so much to me. Robert Giblin


LIFE MEMBERS SINCE CLUB'S INCEPTION C.A. Broughton H.J. Gregory J.D. Jones T.W. Manser F.L. Paul W.L. Shortland R. Vicars


E. Doran J. Heane V. Kendall A.E. Marks F. Scales H .C. Small R.A . Wickens

F. Finn E.J. Hyde A.G. Lees M.W. Northey W.P. Scott J.E. Thomson



THE FIRST MEETING Dr. Holt opened themeetingand nominated Mr. Robert Vicars as Chairman. Heaccepted the nomination and was elected on a show of hands. The chairman then called upon all interested parties to express their opinions on the proposal of Dr. Holt, to form a Golf Club in the Pennant Hills area. There was a great deal ofcnthusiastic discussion, followed by a unanimous decision to adopt the proposal to form a Golf Club. A committee of three was then elected and given the task to investigate the possibilities of finding a suitable site, at a reasonable cost, on which a golf course could be laid out. Mr. A.F.C. Murphy was appointed Secretary-tempore. The Committee spent four months, mostly on weekends, searching for a suitable site which was close to a railway station. This was felt to be of utmost importance, as very few of the intending members owned motor cars. There were orchard areas available on the western side of Pennant Hills Road, several miles from the nearest railway station, these were ruled out. The present site was inspected and rejected owing to the hilly terrain. It also had considerable tree growth and a creek running through the eastern section. By January 1923, the problem of finding a suitable site had not been solved. It was during this month that Robert Vicars decided to act in a practical manner, to bring the matter to a head. He purchased the land, which the Investigation Committee had ruled out as unsuitable, and is now our course, for the sum of £4,750. He then offered the land to the committee for the same price as he had paid. He included a provision that the land should be used for a Golf Links. A meeting of all concerned was called in February 1923 and this generous offer was accepted. After considerable discussion a name for the Club was agreed upon, it would be registed as the Pennant Hills.District Golf Club. The name Beecroft Golf Club was suggested but found little support from the meeting. The Club was constituted as an ordinary share holding Company with shares of £5 value. Members wishing to join the


In reviewing the past sixty five years of our Club's development, the difficulty in defining the changes can only be appreciated by isolating the four different eras, then by comparison we can evaluate the influences of each period which indicated the changing patterns of our Club's growth. The eras were: 1. The Foundation period 2. The Formal years 3. The Marks era 4. Growth with Profit

1922-1932 1933-1950 1951-1979 1980-

THE FOUNDATION The original idea to form a Golf Club, in the Pennant Hills area, was first conceived by Dr. A.C. Holt of Beecroft. As prime mover he was able to influence Messrs. R. Vicars, T.B. Nossiter, W.G. Douglass, D. Wiltshire and several others, whose names appear as those present at the first meeting held in the Beecroft School of Arts on the 10th September 1922. Amongst those present were the following: Dr.AC. Holt W.G. Douglass H.G. Vernon C.A. Broughton E.J. Hyde R. Vicars H.D.Lyon

General J. Heane D.B. Wiltshire O.S. Walsh T.G. Millner ]. Sydenham T.B. Nossiter ].A. North

A.F.C. Murphy F.D. Layton W.]. Lyon H. Chorley H. Arnott


Club would be required to take up one share of £5, this would be regarded as an entrance fee. The Annual subscription was fixed at five guineas. A member could not own more than five shares. The Company was registered on the 26th February 1923 and was governed by a Board of seven Directors. They were: T.B. Nossiter (Chairman) H. Chorley Dr. A.C. Holt W.J . Lyon (Hon-Treasurer)

whilst the cows grazed on the course during the week they were removed, to a paddock across the road, for the weekend golf period, returning on Monday morning. This action enabled the players the freedom of the course. At the bottom of the first fairway an old post and rail fence was removed and replaced with a wire fence in which a gate was placed . The gate is still in use on the right of the present 2nd fairway. It was just above this gate that the first Clubhouse was built. It was a two roomed timber structure about 24 feet by 12 feet, the smaller room being used by the associates. This building was later removed to a position adjacent to the present Pro shop and was used by the Professional from 1924 to 1953, when it was replaced with the present brick building. Despite the crudity of the course, members regarded it as only temporary and played over it for some fifteen months. There were little or n6 complaints and all enjoyed the picnic atmostphere tha.t prevailed. The important point was that they had great faith in the future of the Club. By 1924 sufficient land had been cleared to lay out the first eighteen hole course. Its completion gave much enjoyment and many of the members played eighteen holes of golf for the first time. With the new course in full play, it was felt that a Clubhouse of some proportion should be built to replace the timber Clubhouse, which was now on the third fairway, giving a long walk to the first tee. It was decided to build a brick cottage style Clubhouse on the high ground near the eastern boundary. There was a proposal by some members to purchase land, which was for sale, opposite the present third tee facing Pennant Hills Road and erect the Clubhouse there. However, the majority of the members were against the idea on account of the long walk from the station. At this time very few members owned motor cars and being close to transport was of prime importance. To enable the work on the new clubhouse to commence funds were again needed, the Bank was approached for an increase in the overdraft, this proved insufficient and an appeal to the Members raised £1100, which was sufficient to put the work in

D.B. Wiltshire T.G. Millner (Hon-Sec) R. Vicars

FINANCE Funds to supplement the joining fees were required to commence the venture. An appeal for funds was made with a Debenture Issue of £5000, offering an interest rate of 63. It was fully subscribed. It is interesting to note that one of the statements contained in the Debenture Prospectus read; 11 A contract has been entered into for the purchase of the land from the present owner at the sum of £4750 and it is estimated that an outlay of £2500 will be sufficient to lay out for the present 9 hole golf links and provide for the erection of a Clubhouse. The land is considered eminently suitable for golfing purposes."

Quite a number of non-golfers took out debentures believing that should the venture fail, and with the land cleared, a land holding company could be formed to subdivide the area for building lots. Fortunately the Club did not fail although it did experience some difficult financial problems and at one stage in 1923, with only £35. 13.10 in the Bank, the entire staff was laid off. To attract extra revenue membership was offered at half rates. Despite these early setbacks the first nine holes of the links was laid out with the greens fenced to keep the cattle out. The £80 per year agistment fee was an important revenue earner and 8

... Our first Club House in 1923. From the colour painting by Jack Kelso and right, the ninth hole from behind green.

Our sixteenth green from near 1st (Photo Russell McPhedrar

Autumn on the sixth fairway (Photo Howard Gee) .

During April 1988 unseasonal rains caused flooding on several areas of the course. Photo is of gully at first hole with torrent rushing through it. (Photo Mal. Mackintosh). The Victorious 1987 Pennant Team. Back: Harry Stoyles (Captain), Wayne Bosley, Robert Bush, David Blackshaw, Paul Madden, Jack Townsend (Sec-Manager), Paul Henricks (Presi-_ dent). Front: Bill Boslei;, Bill Wright, Gerard Power (Team Captain), Greg Wicks and Tony Gresham ... Bill Wright and Tony Gresham have been members of our four victorious Pennant Teams. Associates' Victorious Grade team 1978. Back: Merilyn Little, Trish Whitton, Wendy Gresham, Eilene Henricks (Team Captain), Jenny Swadling (Abrahams) and Beth Black. Front: Gwen Murdoch, Margaret Taylor, Fay Newman and Judy Bray.

hand. On the 2nd March 1925 the Club signed a contract with Mr. George Joseph Goodac~, Builder, for the construction of its first brick building having a terracotta tiled roof and an area of 330 square metres. (including an open western verandah) This original building remains buried within the presentclubhou se as part of the Associates Locker Room, the T.V. Room, the Kitchen and a small section of the Members Locker Room. The new Clubhouse provided comparatively small accommodation for the members and associates, but itdid have a dining room. An attempt was made to have a small office built for the secretary, but funds would not permit. A motion that the Honorary Secretary use the Kitchen Pantry was defeated . The Clubhouse was completed and officially opened in July 1,925. The membership had now risen to 119 and upwards of twenty five players were using the course on a Saturday. Mr. George Howard, the Club's Professional, also became the caretaker for the new building. He lived adjacent in Copeland Road.

It wa s also in this year that the Drummoyne Golf Club was forced to close its small nine hole links, the land having been taken over for a subdivision . The members were dispersed among several Clubs. Thirty of them joined Pennant Hills, they were a most welcome addition to our numbers and included some excellent golfers. Two such players who joined the Club were Dr. H. M. Cutler who won the Club Championship five times and Mr. E.E. (Ernie) Doran who was successful in the Club Championship on two occasions. During 1926 a tree planting programme was inaugurated. The western side of the course, along the Pennant Hills Road, was completely devoid of trees giving no privacy to the members. It was quite a common sight to see several motor cars, out for a Sunday drive, pulled up along the fence, with their occupants enjoying afternoon tea and watching the golf. It was decided to plant Lophostemons against the fence from the second fairway to the fourth green. In later years these trees provided the seclusion and privacy we enjoy today. After more clearing of the trees, additional fairway area became available and in 1927 the fourth layout was completed. Late in 1928, with the membership steadily increasing, now over 220 members, it became quite apparent that the existing clubhouse and its facilities were quite inadequate. The committee decided to further extend the premises. In April 1929 plans were submitted to and approved by the Hornsby Council for a brick and tile extension to the South side of the original building to provide additional Lounge, Locker Room, and members' ablution areas. The area of the addition, including extensions to the West verandah amounted to a nett gain of 195 square metres and the Clubhouse then totalled 625 square metres. The extensions were completed and officially opened in October 1929. The cost of the additions was £3500 and was financed by a Member Loan and an increase in the Bank overdraft. In 1930 the Clubhouse was used for the first time to hold the Annual Meeting. In September 1930, Mr. C. Tonking, who had been the Honorary Secretary for three years, was appointed as the first full

It is interesting to note that the soil excavated for the foundations was used to create the putting green, which has become a distinct feature of the clubhouse grounds. At this time the Club was. without a Liquor Licence which caused some inconvenience among the members. Each was expected to bring a bottle, when playing, and it is doubtful if the camaraderie in the Club ever reached a higher peak. The joviality and friendship shown in the locker rooms, after the round, was said to be "something to behold". Difficulty was also created, for the committee, when our Team played against Clubs who had Liquor Licences. Pennant Hills was unable to reciprocate owing to its being a "dry club". Eventually the Club decided to provide two bottles of whisky at 5 /6 per bottle and half a dozen of lager, for Team matches at home. This solved the situation to some extent. With the further clearing of the course a new layout was · played, for the first time in September 1925. 9




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The 1925 Clubhouse: This was the first stage of our present Club House. The original building included a one bedroom apartment adjoining. This is where the Club House Kitchen is located now. Portion of it has become the Associate 's locker room. The Clubhouse is now the Presidential room. This plan was enlarged in 1929 and again in 1938. In 1959, major extensions were made including the new "Spike Bar" Squash Court and Billiard Room. Further alterations to the Bar arrangements were made in 1972. Again in 1986 further extensions to the Lounge were made and the Billiard room located to the left of the existing lounge. In 1987 additions were made to the Associates Shower room. (Floor Plans by courtesy Bob Green)

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time paid Secretary. The full effects of the Great Depression were now being felt and the membership fell dramatically to less than 100. It was agreed that members who were forced to resign, during the Depression, would be re-admitted without a joining fee should they wish to rejoin at a later date. It was not until late in 1932 that the terrible effects of the downturn in the economy began to pass and the membership slowly began to increase. These were difficult times for the Club. In 1933, after serving ten years as the first President, Mr. T. B. Nossiter stepped down after seeing the Club through the most difficult foundation years. On the 1lth September 1933 Mr. E.J. Hyde was elected as the second President of the Club. A new era was to begin.

Club, one of the older Clubs, played over a 9 hole course on land belonging to the Gladesville Mental Hospital. It was an unusual Club, because its membership was restricted to forty members, but it did have a liquor licence. The Hospital Authorities requiring the land for extensions, gave the Club notice to quit. They approached our Club about taking over the membership and of course their liquor licence. Negotiations were almost complete when it was discovered that the licence could not be transferred to us because the Club was outside the Electoral Boundary in which Hunter's Hill Golf Club was situated . The law demanded liquor licences could only be transferred within an electoral boundary. It also insisted that no Club could have a licence if it were formed after the year 1905. The Club therefore lost what appeared to be a golden opportunity. This naturally caused great disappointment and much adverse criticism ·a mong the members. The Hunter's Hill licence was finally allocated to the Pymble Golf Club. The Pennant Hills Golf Club had to wait until the new Liquor Act of 1946 became Law before it was able, with any other Clubs in the State, to obtain a liquor licence. In 1935 Mr. H. Thew moved that the "Directors think it is desirable to reconstruct the Company and remodel the Clubhouse. It is suggested that a first Mortgage Debenture of an issue of £15000 be offered, with an interest rate of 5%". At the time there was a good deal of criticism of the Company constitution. Every person joining the Club had to take a share in the Company, but, when he resigned as a club member he still remained a shareholder. On a count, it was discovered there were about twice as many non playing shareholders as there wereactivemembers. It was decided to form a non profit company and take over the old Club. A new constitution was drawn up. It provided that there were to be no directors. All Officers and Committee were to be appointed at the Annual Meeting. After being approved by the members the constitution came into effect on the 19th November 1937. The first meeting of the newly formed Pennant Hills Golf Club

THE FORMAL YEARS In 1933 when Mr. E.J. Hyde was elected to the office of President, an era of strict formality began. It was during this period that precise attitudes to dress arid Clubhouse behaviour were adopted. Coats and ties were requested to be worn at all times when dining. Members were not allowed to "breast the bar" and table service by the Stewards was the order of the day. The rules of the Club became rather inflexible and members would be taken to task for incorrect or sloppy attire on the course. This code of ethics has remained with the Club and has been reprinted in each issue of the fixture book ever since. Prior to this code, members could be seen playing with braces holding up their pants, shirts outside their pants in hot weather, and wearing delapidated caps and grey felt hats. Over the years our Club has come to be known for the excellent standard of dress and Clubhouse behaviour displayed by the members. During the first year of the E.J. Hyde Presidency, the Membership rose to 250 Full Members, 50 Provisional Members and 125 Associates. It was in this year that the Club appeared to have an excellent chance of obtaining a liquor licence. The Hunter's Hill Golf 12



No. 3 l.AYOUT


work in January 1939. This new project required the raising of another Debenture Issue of £5000, it was fully subscribed by club members. The Debentures were later repaid by arranging Bank accommodation. The new Clubhouse was officially opened on the 26th May 1939. It provided increased locker room area, showers and three spacious rooms in front of the old building, covering up the verandah steps. It is interesting to note that a Secretary's Office was finally included in the plans. the Club was very fortunate to build at this time as the building costs were very low. The Builders contract was for £4353 and including extras, with

was held in the Clubhouse on the 20th December 1937. Existing members transferred their share as an entrance fee. An appeal, to non Members, was made to donate their shares and whilst a large number did so, a minority had to be paid in cash. The word "District" no longer appeared in the name of the new Club, Pennant Hills Golf Club Limited. With the increase in membership, now 375, attention was drawn to the need for larger premises. The matter was discussed and it was eventually decided that plans should be drawn up, for yet another extension to the Clubhouse. The . approval was given in 1938 and the Builders commenced the 13

retired as Secretary and in 1941 Miss Oates became the Acting Secretary as well as House Manager, a position she filled to the entire satisfaction of the members. In 1942, with an agreed payment of £1050 per annum for the rental of the premises, the A.M.C. took over the Clubhouse, which was prepared as a casuality clearing station. At the time the Japanese were expected to invade the North Coast of Sydney. When this expectation did not eventuate, the Clubhouse was turned into a convalscent home for soldiers. While the invasion scare lasted, over 250 fully equipped soldiers were camped among the trees on the course. Many of our cherished trees and shrubs suffered when the mess call sounded. The occupation caused some alterations to be made and a temporary store was built outside the locker room adjacent to the bar. It was during this War alert period that the Chief Warden of the District approached the Club with a plan to dig slit trenches along the 3rd fairway. It sounded a reasonable request as almost every home had some form of Air Raid emergency shelter. When General Heane, a prominent member of the Club, heard of the proposal, he approached the Chief Warden, who after listening to his words of wisdom abandoned the idea. With the cessation of hostilities, members began returning home, filtering back to the Club to once again take an interest in golf. After six years of war and with only one maintenance man greenkeeper, George Howard, the course had gradually deteriorated . The greens were much reduced in size and poor putting surfaces had developed . They were rock hard and fertilizers would not penetrate. It was decided to approach the late Eric Apperly, an architect by profession, to submit plans for the remaking of the greens. His plans were adopted, and one by one the greens were taken out and remade with correct drainage. It was in 1951, with the Club in a rather healthy but static condition that the position of Club Secretary became vacant. Since 1923 twelve different secretaries had attended to the Club's needs. From 1923 to 1930 the secretaries had all acted

furnishings, the total cost was £5600. The new Clubhouse had not been long in use when World War 2brokeout. It was realised that difficult times would be ahead, but no one foresaw just how serious they would actually be. About seventy five of the younger members of the Club joined the Forces and it was decided that they should retain their membership without any further payment of fees. This decision was to remain in force for the duration of the War. Other members were lost to the Allied Works Council and other Government instrumentalities. The critical financial position forced the reduction in staff, until in the final stages, George Howard was the only man available for the course maintenance, with only one man to attend to the duties of steward as well as housework. Mr. Shaw

In 1954, the year after his presidency of the Australian Golf Union, E. ]. Hyde was the manager of the Australian Gof Touring Team . This team preceded the Eisenhower Cup teams and was the first successful Australian touring team. This photo shows E. ]. Hyde seated third from the right being entertained by the Lord Mayor of Cardiff and other dignitaries. The successful team was Bob Stevens, Bill Sheperd, Doug Bachli, who won the British Amateur that year, Jack Coogan, Harry Berwick and Peter Heard. (Photo by courtesy Australian Golf Union)


in purely honorary capacities. From 1930 onwards it became a full time salaried position. During the early years the position was often held for two or three years, with the exception of Mr. C. Tonkin, who held the position for twelve years, and Miss Oates, who was Acting Secretary for four years. All these people left their mark upon the Club's administration and the services rendered, were of the utmost importance during the first twenty eight years of the Club's progress. The vacant position was advertised and the successful applicant was Alexander Edward Marks, who was to become the Club's thirteenth secretary. Said by the interviewing committee to be a likeable fellow, possessing all the necessary experience to carry out the duties required by the Club. Still under the presidency of E.J. Hyde, the Marks Era began.

THE MARKS ERA Alexander Edward Marks commenced duties as Secretary on the 2nd April 1951. Over the next three decades ofthe Club's progress, he was to leave his mark in the sands of time. During his long term of office Alex served under seven Presidents. E.J. Hyde, H.C. Small, M. W. Northey, W. L. Shortland, J.D. Jones, J.E. Thomson and W. P. Scott. With the retirement of E.J. Hyde and with the encouragement of succeeding presidents anair of greater informality started to

Alex Marks holds the floor. On the occasion of his retirement as Secretary Manger of The Club, Alex Marks responded to laudatory remarks by the President and Captain, Bill Scott and Trevor Manser and the Associate President and Captain, Betty Musgrove and Eilene Henricks. As always his wit and remarkable facility for recalling anecdote after anecdote won the applause of the large gathering. Hook, Line and Sinker: Appropriate to an "old fisher man" like Alex Marks our Associates presented a delightful show of sketches and singing entitled "Hook, Line and Sinker". Jack Kelso acted as M.C. 15

Club as Head Greenkeeper and together with excellent committee management, they commenced the process of change, which over the years elevated the Club to theeminent position it holds today. In the early fifties, the retention of an adequate and experienced ground staff was giving some concern and with rapid turnover in labour the position became intolerable. Alex and Vince approached the Committee, who were aware of the problem, with a plan of greater mechanisation and to replace the older machinery with more modern equipment, which would complete the tasks faster with less labour and give a well groomed appearance to the course. The Committee agreed to the plan and a new machinery shed and amenities building for the ground staff was built. The ground staff were greatly appre<;iative of the action and the stage was set for a pleasant working environment, under the guiding hand of Vince Church. In a short space of time he moulded them into an enthusiastic team and their efforts were soon displayed with the dramatic improvement in the course's appearance. The members began to enjoy some fine putting surfaces as well as playing from well groomed fairways. The Course Maintenance Committee, comprising Arthur Lees (Chairman) and George Not son were always looking for areas where improvement could be madeand in 1952 it was decided to cover in the open drains across the 16th and 17th fairways. They were enclosed with drainage pipes and covered with turf which gave a new appearance to the course as well as stopping a spate of lost balls during wet spells. In 1952, the original timber framed Clubhouse, which had housed the professionals since 1925, was removed and a new brick building was erected. There were many fond memories, recalled by the few remaining foundation members, as the old clubhouse was dismantled by a poultry farmer for removal to his property where it would be used to raise chickens. In 1953 a number of important projects were carried out, not the least of which was the reconstruction of the 9th green. The green would have been in play by June, but for damage caused by torrential rain, which completely washed it away. It was

develop. It was now eight years since the end of the War. Most of the enlisted members had returned to the Club and many of the new members were ex-servicemen, who were accustomed to less formality. The use of Christian names became more common. With the encouragement of his presidents, Alex developed this friendly spirit. His unique ability to remember names of those who had not been to the Club for many months augmented this spirit of cameraderie. He was even gifted in this regard as to be able to recall the names of guests of members, who may not have been to the Club for a year or more. This was well received and enhanced Alex's growing popularity with the committee and members alike. More than this it started to develop a different atmosphere in the Club which has endured to this day. During Marks' first year of office, Vince Church joined the

In 1974 the Beecroft Cup donated by E. J. Hyde was renamed the "E. J. Hyde Memorial Cup" as a tribute to this outstanding President of the Club. The first winner of this newly named event was Reg Denny seen holding the cup presented by Jack Thomson . Other winners of that week-end were: Back row: Dennis Lickley, Graham Wood, Reg Wilkins, Bernie Cole, Trevor Langwill, Brian Kench and .. . Center: George Hill and Bruce Penman and Front: George Watson, Vince Pellegrini and Dennis Hill. 16

relaid after cutting drains into the sandstone base. A 21" pipe line on the right of the 9th green was installed and the area partially filled to form a g.rassy hollow. This action improved the hole. Also in this year the 10th suspension bridge was widened by 20" to accept golf buggies which members were using in increasing numbers. A tree planting programme was started with the introduction onto the course of over 140 new trees. The 1954 Annual Report brought favourable comment regarding the Club's management and the excellent condition of the course. The passing of Brigadier-General Heane in 1954 was mourned by all Members. His activity in the early years had become an inspiration for others to follow. He was a Life Member who convinced the local Air Raid Warden not to dig slit trenches along the 3rd fairway during the threatened invasion by the Japanese in 1942. Within the locker rooms he will always be remembered as the committee member who, during the austerity period of the War, introduced cold showers in an effort to save power. He argued, "They are much more invigorating after a round of golf." In 1954 the first major change for many years. in the Club's Executive took place with the resignation, after twenty one years in the President's Chair, of E.J. Hyde. His services to the Club had already been recognised by the conferring on him of the Club's highest distinction, Life Membership. It was also in this year that E.J. Hyde, as President of the New South Wales Golf Association and Chairman of the Executive of the Australian Golf Union, accompanied the victorious Australian Amateur Golf Team to England. He was joined by VicePresident Harry Small. In 1957 a log cabin style half way house was built near the 10th 'ee. This welcome amenity saved the members a long walk to the Clubhouse bar for refreshments. In was also in this year that the Memorial Gates were opened, being a gift from the Ex-Servicemens Section of the Club. It was a Memorial to the members who lost their lives in the last two Wars. They added greatly to the appearance of the

entrance to the Club. The membership was now 837 and the Club was being used to its utmost capacity. The five card handicap system was in operation and was considered to be an improvement on the previous "System" when it was possible for a new member to be handicapped after observing the length and quality of the 1st drive from the tee. Jack Thomson, Past President of our club, was one such member to suffer this indignity. A public address system was installed in the Clubhouse, much to the annoyance of the members. Aftera brief trial, it was considered to be an intrusion into the members' conversations, and with the full support of every member it was discontinued. The first Christmas Cocktail Party was held and proved an outstanding success, so much so that it became a regular annual social event. Messrs S. W. Humphry, V. Macallister and W.L. (Bill) Shortland were the organisers. President Harry Small resigned from office in 1957 after only three years of service. In recognition of his contribution over the past twenty five years, he was elected to Life Membership. At very short notice the Club was requested to allow the N .S. W. Open Championship of 1959 on its course. The event was played on the 20th March and the 21st March in good weather. A large gallery attended. The winner was Mr. Harry Kershaw, a most promising young professional, who equalled the par of the course by returning a score of 284 for the 72 holes. This event was considered as a great tribute to the course and praiseworthy words appeared in the sporting sections of the Sydney newspapers. They added to the praise which had been previously written about the course by Kerwin Maegraith for the Sydney Mail, who wrote; "A day out on the fairways of Pennant Hills is an event in the life of the metropolitan golfer, for the birds and trees carry one away from the cares of the city." During 1959, President Bill Northey and his Committee decided to enlarge the Clubhouse, a ready response for funds from the members was given with the debenture issue of £20,000being fully subscribed. The additions were completed

in 1962. This now gave the members a clubhouse of some proportions and lifted our level of importance in the golfing world . The Club was extended even further to the south beyond the then existing bar to create an additional Members Bar Lounge, Billiard Room and Squash Court. At this time the "Spike Bar" was first established at the lower level with various service areas behind it. Vic Macallister, as Chairman of House and Social conducted many successful social evenings in the Clubhouse. In 1%1, the Marks family were held in such esteem that when Neil, a member of the Club, at the height of a successful cricket career, was stricken with a heart ailment, a fund was commenced to send him to the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, U.S.A. Two unsuccessful operations had been performed in Australia and medical opinion was strongly in favour of the Mayo operation. The appeal was a great success with numerous sporting bodies contributing. Mr. and Mrs. Marks accompanied Neil to the U.S.A. where the operation was a total success. So much so that within a short space of time he was back playing golf. In appreciation of the Club's gesture, the family presented, and continue to present, the Marks Family Trophy. In 1961 a 200ft steel truss bridge was erected over the first gully, some60 yards from the old wooden bridge. The cost was £1850. The new crossing gave access to the first fairway and 18th green. From 1962 to 1965 numerous improvements were made to the course, these included the remaking of the 9th and 10th tees. The decaying suspension bridge over the 10th gully, which was built in 1927, was replaced with a concrete beam structure, costing £3200 . The old suspension bridge was left as support for wisteria vines and is still visible today. With the new high level bridges in use the Committee decided to build a concrete vehicular crossing at the bottomof the 1st gully. This would allow vehicles to enter the northern perimeter of the course without detouring along the public roads. In 1966 the Club received startling news from the Department of Main Roads regarding the proposed resumption of land

along the Pennant Hills Road and Mahers Road boundaries. An investigation committee was formed to enquire into the proposed acquisition and to investigate the possibilities of an alternate plan for the course layout. These negotiations have continued from that time and we are led to believe are now imminent. The course improvement plan was once again evident when the tip, at the rear of the Clubhouse, was closed and filled to form an area for additional car space. This far sighted decision was to greatly relieve the car parking problem in later years. Fairway watering was now available on the 1st, 8th and 10th fairways, which vastly improved the grass growth and shortened the length of the member's drives. In 1966, with the retirement of Bili Davidson, the Club Professional for almost a quarter of a century, Ian Alexander was appointed as .the new Club Professional. He came highly recommended from the Chatswood Club. He was originally a Bill Davidson assistant and was said to be one of the most successful lads to go through the shop. He commenced duties in January 1966 and all Members were requested to give him their support and patronage. The Club farwelled Bill Davidson at a gathering in the Clubhouse on the 5th February 1966. In 1968 the 4th green was reconstructed with a resultant increase in yardage. The associates tee at the 18th was also considerably enlargened to make one tee for both the associates and members. Also in this year the old wooden sleepers in front of the 1st green, which formed the drain, were replaced with concrete pipes. Numerous depressions around the area were levelled. This was also the year that the parklike appearance of the course was enhanced with the planting of orchids around suitable areas. These plants were generous gifts from Messrs. ]. Newman and A (Pat) Duffy. During 1968, further prestige was bestowed upon the Club with the selection of Mr. Vince Church as one of two delegates to attend the International Turf Conference in San Francisco, U.S.A. The knowledge gleaned from this visit led to improve18

ments on the course. A new high level tee was constructed at the 4th to allow for more even distribution of wear during busy periods. A unique design allowed for the enclosing of the trunk of the huge gum tree, this action stopped the possibilities of collar rot. This tree is now in a healthy state. 1968 saw the introduction of fairway bunkers on the 11th, 15th and 17th fairways which had a tightening effect on the course. Also in this year the Club mourned the passing of three of its distinguished members. They were E.J. Hyde, former President and first and only Patron of the Club, A. G. Lees, former Vice President and Life Member and T.R. Carruthers, former Captain of the Club. Over the years there had been many discussions by members and committee on the possibilities of constructing dams on the course to supplement the water supply during dry spells. In an effort to determine whether dams were practical on the sandstone shelf, tests were taken by qualified Geofogists. The results proved to be negative and with the Water Board later laying pipes along Devlin's Creek, the idea of an alternate water supply was abandoned. In 1969 the practice pitch and putt green was completed at the southern end of the clubhouse and with accompanying bunkers this area is in considerable use. The familiar sight of the twenty year old "Jeep" which was purchased from War surplus, disappeared when a new four wheel drive Toyota vehicle was purchased. During 1968 to 1971 there were a number of Clubhouse renovations and additions. Included were:

Jn 1975 Tony Gresham won the N.S. W. Open Championship and was guest of Honour at the club's Annual Dinner. Others in the photo are Life Members Bill Northey, John Jones andVic Kendall. John Fogarty proposed the toast of the Club and in the front row Club Captain Bob Wickens, guest speaker, Sir Nicholas Shehadie and Club President Jack Thomson.

A. Demolition of the old vestibule and porch with the erection of the new Entrance Foyer. B. Renovation of the Offices, lowering of the ceilings throughout the main lounges with accompanying polished wall panelling and timber facings.

The 1976 Annual Dinner was well supported by some of the younger members of the Club ... These were the hairstyles of the day!!! Back Row: David Travis, David Henricks, David Hodge and Rob McGuinness. Front Row: Deryk Downes and Greg Levick.

C. The covering of the West Terrace with a Pergola and the installation of external shades. 19

new Ransomes Mower. It was during this year, 1977, that the beginning of the end of · the Marks Era commenced with the announced retirement of the Course Superintendent, Vince Church, who, after twenty six years of service was credited with the supervision of the course improvements which produced the excellent playing conditions we all enjoy today. The following year in 1978, the final curtain was drawn over the Marks Era, when after twenty eight years of service, Alex Marks announced his retirement from the position of Secretary-Manager. During this time he had personally lifted the Club's image with his appointment as Secretary of the National Council of Golf Secretaries and Patron of the N.S.W . Golf Secretaries Association. In 1979, together with his wife Lilian, who gavesomuchofher time to the Club,"they were farewelled at an evening which saw the largest attendance ever recorded by the Club, over 500 guests. He was presented with a cheque from his Testimonial Fund, which was raised by the generous response of Members. At an extra-ordinary meeting of the members, held on the 31st March, 1979, he was elected to Life Membership. Although he was to temporarily grace the Club as a playing member, this ended the Marks Era.

Jn 1971 the old bar was removed and the present bar constructed along the Squash Court wall. A timber screen was installed, defining the Billiard Room area and giving increased space to the Members Lounge. During this year the 17th green was totally removed and remade with the correct drainage. A temporary green was in play in front of the green construction. It was rather rough to putt on and was not missed when the new green was taken into play. The rainfall for 1970/1971, July to June readings was 4,087 points. These adverse weather conditions delayed many of the proposed course improvements. During this year the Newsletter introduced a new format with the inclusion of photographs relating to golf and social events of the Club. Jn 1972 the kitchen equipment was completely removed and refitted with new stoves, sinks, stainless steel benches and ventilation. This was the year in which the Club celebrated its SOth Anniversary with a Ball in the Clubhouse. Over 400 attended with the ladies in gowns accompanied by their escorts in dinner suit. It was in this Anniversary Year that the Ladies outstanding golf events, the N.S.W. L.G.U. Championship and the Match Play section of the N.S.W. Amateur Championships were played on the course. In 1975 we purchased our first motorised golf buggies. They were introduced in an effort to prolong the golf life of members who were unable to walk the course. They proved highly successful and later led to further additions to the fleet. This was the year that the Club was advised that the proposal to build an access road from Blacktown to Pennant Hills, had been rejected by the Minister for Local Government. The proposed route would have taken the road through the centre of the course, taking out the 14th green. Jn 1977 the amount spent on Capital Expenditure was $60,000, which included taking up the cost of$42,000 for the Automatic Greens and Tee watering system, with a further $12,000 for a

PROGRESS - WITH PROFIT With the retirement of Alex Marks, the Club was faced with the problem of engaging a qualified person to fill the vacant position of Secretary-Manager. After interviewing many applicants for the position Mr. Ian Roberts, a former Commander in the Royal Australian Navy and 2 J/C of the Australian Submarine Squadron, was appointed. He possessed all the desired qualifications and was soon attending to the Club's needs in a capable manner, whilst displaying a friendly attitude towards the Members. After two years, he resigned to conduct his own private business. Since the inception of the Club, our committees have always consisted of men with a wealth of experience in their respective professional and business fields. The current committee 20

were no different and had realised that the business climate of the Nation was undergoing change and this would require of them to adopt a new approach to Club profitability. Their consensus of opinion was, if we were to survive into the 21st century, as a Club of importance, we must change our business practices. The.catalyst which was required to place this plan into operation was found with the appointment of the new Secretary-Manager. With the resignation of Mr. Roberts, the Committee was once again to begin the arduous task of interviewing applicants for the vacant position. After considerable deliberation, the Committee recommended the position be given to Mr. E.J. Qack) Townsend, who wa s duly appointed on the 29th November 1980. He was a highly respected member of the Club, possessing a

The Lilian Marks trophy has been donated by Les Wallace in appreciation of her outstanding work in the Club. The 1980 winners ofthe event were Harry and Lois Stoy/es. Graham and Pat Jones won the scratch event of the day. thorough background in Accountancy and Business Management. He became the first member of the Executive Staff to be given permission to play golf on a regular basis, each Wednesday. This innovative action allowed him to observe, first hand, the difficulties encountered on the course during a round of golf. This led to several improved playing conditions. In the first year of the Financial Plan, under the strict control of Mr. Townsend, the previous year's loss of $14,000 was turned around into a profit of $17,000. The total income of the Club rose by $83,000 and it became quite evident to the members that an efficient management machine was in charge of the Club's business activities. It was also pleasing to the Members to see such a dramatic recovery in the Club's finances. In 1981, on the course, the "Monster" or the Mobile Irrigator, became a regular playing partner during the long run of hot

One of the most papular Mixed events on the Club Calender is the "Naggers Cup". In 1979 john and Joan Jones, the donors of the trophy congratulate the winner john and Nola McNamara. 21

and equipment. Some of the main Capital expenditure is listed .below:

dry weather. Its cool spray, on hot days, often gave a new lease of life to players who were feeling the heat. During this year the course was further improved with the extending of the 9th Tee to lengthen the 9th hole. Also the practice nets, which were a source of annoyance to the Copeland Road residents, were moved to a position south of the Clubhouse. They were upgraded to provide first class accommodation for those members desiring to practice.

Building extension, southern end of Clubhouse, including transfer of Billiards room and all carpets and furnishings $175,000 Extensions and remodelling Ladies Locker room, $45,000 recarpeting and boxing in Mens Locker room Replacement of Kitchen equipment etc. $26,000 $20,000 Club crockery Pro-Shop extensions $137,000 Replacement of oil burners to gas S6,000 $7,000 Blinds and awnings $16,000 9th bridge replaced 3rd Tee and fairway alterations $30,000 $43,000 1st Tee and Pro-Shop surrounds Buggy purchases $82,000 Paths on course $28,000 Improvements and alterations to Course $50,000 Automatic watering system

Over 150 flowering shrubs and trees were planted around the course with an enthusiastic group of members tending them during the hot weather. It was in this year, 1981, that our Club was rated No. 37 in the Publication, "The Top 50 Clubs". In 1982, the Balance Sheet was to again reflect the excellent management of the Club's affairs. It showed a profit rise of $57,000, $40,000 up on the previous years figures. The new Manager had brought about some interesting results. The catering, which was al ways considered to be unprofitable, was now showing a profit and the Bar Trading figures had shown an increase of over $24,000. These figures were most gratifying to the management and were the best ever achieved by the Club. The members applauded the meticulous management of their affairs.

Numerous course improvements which involved our own course labour are: 9th Tee enlargements 10th Tee improvements New tee on 12th Extensions to 2nd tee Fairway bunkers on 3rd and 12th holes Sleeper path to the 4th tee Extensions to 11th tee Changing line of the 12th and 13th fairways The continued planting and replacements of the course flora .

During Alex Marks' management, "Trade Days" started to develop. These became profitable to the Club and thus a benefit to members. During the past eight years under the direction of Jack Townsend and with the encouragement of the Presidents of that period, Geoff Williams and Paul Henricks, the popularity of these days has appreciated and developed . These make a substantial contribution to our successful trading. In turn these profitable years, under Jack Townsend, have enabled the Club to spend three quarters of a million dollars on Capital expenditure. Of this amount approximately half has been spent on Clubhouse amenities, the remainder on course

It was during 1982 that the Course Maintenance Committee decided to turf the front faces of the 9th bunker. This improvement stopped the balls embedding in the sand face, often lost and delaying play, the annoyance of players. 22

The extensive tree and shrub planting programme was starting to enhance the course and in an effort to protect them from accidental damage, a Local Rule was introduced which required the player to drop away from all staked trees. 1983 saw the completion of the excellent additions to the Clubhouse, with a new large lounge area and billiard room. The external appearance of the building was kept uniform with the blending of the bricks and tiles. The internal accommodation being enlarged solved the seating capacity problem which was always evident during large gatherings. The whole area was recarpeted and with the addition of new furnishings the Clubhouse interior took on an appearance of elegance and was most pleasing to the eye of the members. The entire cost of the project was met without borrowing and this alone was a remarkable achievement. The total cost was $175,000. This was the first time in the Club's history that a major improvement had been carried out without resorting to borrowing. The Management and Committee had proved that progress could be made with profit. The Members were delighted with the success of Peter Fowler in winning the 1983 Australian Open at Kingston Heath, with Gracing our Club for many years; Mildred Goodman, Nan Cameron, Ev Evans, Merle Travis, Madge Mcleary, Peg Seale and Amy Symons enjoy a game of cards and fellowship in the Club House.

roundsof72,76,68,69. The Club considered Peter as their own, not only was he the son of member, Lionel Fowler, he had served the members well during his traineeship, under the guiding hand of our popular Professional, Ian Alexander. The Bushfire Appeal, which raised 510,000. was given to the Pennant Hills Rotary Club for distribution among the needy. This successful appeal was indicative of the many successful Charity Days which over the past five years had raised amounts in excess of $40,000. During 1983 the R.B.T. (Random Breath Test) was introduced. This Act changed the drinking habits of members. However, with the general acceptance of the low alcohol drinks, it was not long beforethe members once again began to remain in the Clubhouse and enjoy the conviviality of all assemblies and to enter into the spirit of the Club life. The President, Paul Henricks, wrote: "Fellowship after a round of golf is important, here in the relaxed company of fellow golfers, the wounds of the round are soothed, long may it continue." 1985 produced another successful Balance Sheet. The course was further enhanced with the paving of all pathways with bituminous rubber. This addition was welcomed by the All frequent occupiers of the winner's circle: In 1976 the A. Y. Gresham Cup was instigated by the Club to honour Tony Gresham's outstanding achievements as a member. This photo taken in 1979 is of the winners of events on that weekend left to right: Mal Bray, Greg Wicks George I Jill, Reg Wilkins, Harry Stoy/es, Sep. Johnston, Ray Austin, Harold Jacobs and Owen Rowlands. The winner of the event Noel Walker was not present for the photograph.

During 1985 the Associates locker rooms were updated at a cost of $51,000, this also included new hot water services. During 1986 the shower rooms were provided with an unlimited supply of hot water obtained from the new instantaneous gas hot water system. This modern installation was far removed from the 1926 coke fired boiler, which was replaced with an electric off-peak storage unit. This system was unable to keep up with the demand by members who finished late in the day. It would not have troubled the late Brigadier General Heane, a member of the committee who preferred cold showers. Following various discussions with the Department of Main Roads, regarding the proposed resumption of portions of our course, the Committee decided to appoint Golf Recreation Planners Pty. Ltd. to prepare a feasibility study on alternate course designs. Also in this year the 2nd tee was completely reconstructed and returfed at a cost 0($3,000 . This improvement should add greatly to the teeing conditions, which in the past have caused some unfavourable comment. The 3rd tee has been lowered in an effort to lower the trajectory of balls driven with fade or slicing tendencies. These balls often finished in nearby properties or landed on the road . With the extensive widening of the fairway and the fairway bunkers, the line of approach is expected to greatly assist the solving of this vexing problem. In this year we purchased 10 new motorised buggies at a cost of $56,000. The buggies will be made available to members, giving preference to players who, through health problems, are unable to walk the course. The area beneath the southern end of the Clubhouse was enclosed to house the buggies. 1988 commenced with the announcement of New Year's Honours. Tony Gresham received the Order of Australia medal for his services to golf. The additions to the Professional Shop were completed . This has supplied premises more fitting to the Club's needs.

bituminous rubber. This addition was welcomed by the members, it created a soft texture for walking in sprigged shoes. It also blended into the landscape and did away with the unsightly conveyor belts. Other projects completed included the new bridge over the 9th gully, at a cost of $16,000. The new design allowed for access by motorised buggies, thus avoiding the time consuming detour across the 10th fairway. The bridge is demountable and can be used in other locations should the course layout be changed.

1983 Australian Open Champion; Peter Fowler received the winner's traphy from Mr. Keith Alcock, President of the A.G.U.



The acceptance of thi s origin will add to the folklore of the future enquiring mind .

This is an interesting question without a proven answer. One theory, the most popular, is that the District took its name from a signalling post stationed on the hill known as Mt. Wilberforce, from which Sydney and Parramatta, (the Governor's place of residence) could be seen. However, no real evidence can be found to support this, as the second last and last in the row of signalling posts were on One Tree Hill at Ermington and May's Hill, near Old Government House, Parramatta, respectively. There is also a possibility that it was named in honour of Thomas Pennant (1726-1789), a noted English Naturalist, who was a friend of Sir Joseph Banks, Scientific Patron of the early Colony. Pennant was also a friend of Francis Grose, Lieutenant-Governor of New South Wales (1792-1794). During his administration the first land grant was made to David Kil pack in 1794. The use of the name Pendant Hills in 1800 is of interest. In September of that year Governor King sent back to London, with his comments, a list of Government Buildings planned or begun. One such read." Another stockyard was designed for Government at Pendant Hills in the Dundas District, but is not begun to be inclosed." The Governor's remark was, "Will be inclosed when wanted ." At first glance this could be a mistake in spelling by the Governor's secretary, as the word "inclosed" is not in use today. However, "inclosed" is a variant of "enclose" and "pendant" is in nautical terms the same word as "pennant", a tapering streamer or flag. Governor King was a naval officer and in this earliest record, it suggests he was using the word deliberately for a place where a signalling flag was in use. The general opinion is that the words mean the same and it is most likely that the name Pennant Hills was named after a place of signalling. Our Club accepted the flag theory, and in 1972 to celebrate the SOth Anniversary, "the pennant on the hills" emblem was adopted. The design by Artist George Homori is now well · recognised on all Club blazers and stationery.

OUR ADDRESS COPELAND ROAD - BEECROFT Copeland Road was named after Sir Henry Copeland, Minister for Lands, (1839-1904). Beecroft. This area was part of the Field of Mars common until in 1874 when, by an act of Parliament, it was resumed by the Crown for the purpose of providing residential building land . The common had outgrown its original use as a place of free pasture and had become a hideout for tramps and fugitives. In 1886, when the Northern Railway line was opened from Strathfield to Hornsby, the District was subdivided. The then Minister for Lands, Sir Henry Copeland, gave the name Beecroft to part of thearea and a railway station was built. Beecroft was the maiden name of Sir Henry's wife. The location, in later years was to cause annoyance to visitors to the Club, when they discovered they had alighted at Pennant Hills instead of at Beecroft. With a one hour steam service, many a visitor arrived late for his round of golf.

OUR LAND TITLE: The records of the Registrar General's Office indicate that the land comprising the Pennant Hills Golf Course contains 97acres1rood24.75perches(which is39.42 hectares) and forms part of a 100 acre Crown Grant to Rowland Hassall dated 26th April, 1791. Hassall farmed the land, which was known as "Kerby Corner", until accepting a position in charge of the Government local Granaries. The farm was then left in the hands of an overseer. Hassall died in the Flu epidemic of 1821 and the farm passed on to his son in law, the Reverend Walter Lawry, Wesleyan Missionary of Parramatta. The following records show the history of ownership from 1896 to 1923 when the Pennant Hills District Golf Club acquired the land . 25


18% The land was converted to Torrens Title and Certificate of title Volume 1186 Folio 218 issued to Edwin Smith, Fruitgrower of Pennant Hills. Since then the land has been held by:

In the gathering of the facts, for this history, the Minute Books proved to be the most valuable source of reference. Fortunately they had survived the ravages of time with the exception of the Minutes from the first eight meetings held from September 1922 to March 1923 which were destroyed in a City fire. The Minute Books contained 860 pages of historical memorabilia. It was during the reading of these hand written, often difficult to read, minutes that I became fascinated with the unfolding story of the Club's past history. I believe you too will become engrossed in the extractions which will lead to an appreciation of the remarkable efforts put forward by the early Committees of 6ur Club. They are the minutes from the beginning of t}:ie Club to the end of World War 2.

1907 Herbert Garratt of Sydney, Merchant, Robert Gaut of Sydney, Licensed Victualler and Michael Deery of Sydney, Gentleman, as tenants in common; Charles Norris Commeford of Sydney, Merchant. 1914 John Mcfarlane of Dulwich Hill, Member of Legislative Assembly and Thomas Whitford Taylor of Gordon, Estate Agent as joint tenants; 1922 director.


James William Meades ofStanmore, Company

26-2-23 Certificate of Incorporation No. 92072 granted to the Pennant Hills District Golf Club Limited.

1923 On the 8th March 1923 the land was transferred to Pennant Hills District Golf Club Limited and the current title Volum 3454 Folio 16 issued.

26-2-23 The total membership of our Club is now .61 male Members.

1935 Finally on 14th February 1935 the land was transferred to Pennant Hills Golf Club Limited, the current holder.

Our first Associate Member Mrs. Dorothea Page 23-4-23 was admitted to membership.

The Water Board has an easement for drainage 20 feet wide affecting the land. This easement runs through the gulleys near the 1st, 18th, 10th and 9th holes.

23-4-23 Membership annual subscription has been fixed at five guineas.


26-4-23 Our first ground committee has been appointed . Messrs. J.A. North, F.O. Layton and H.G. Vernon. Their task will be to upkeep and improve the links.

In 1%6 the Department of Main Roads advised the Club of a proposed land resumption, a strip of land 9 feet wide adjoining the Pennant Hills Road for the complete length of the road from Copeland Road to Mahers Road. Also a strip, as wide in parts as 70 feet, ad joining Ma hers Road for the complete length of the boundary could be affected.

14-5-23 ceived;

The first annual subscriptions have been reGentlemen Associates


35 at five guineas 8 at three guineas.

11-6-23 TheSecretaryhasreported that the Minute Book containing the first eight meetings has been destroyed in a fire at the premises of Allen Liversidge of Annandale, Sydney. The Minutes lost covered the period from September 1922 to March 1923. 27-6-23 It has been decided to accept the offer of £7 for the old fence around the property. 27-6-23 A Motion has been carried that visitors may be introduced to play for 2/6 per day or part thereof. This will apply up till the 30th June. After that date only Members will be allowed the use of the links. 27-6-23 A motion that Mr. Ramsay be written to offering him work at £4/2/ 6 per week for 48 hours work. Work to be done Monday to Friday with Saturday set aside for the mowing of the greens.

Ex-servicemens' Day 1975. A happy group: Bill Milner, Harry Stoy/es, Keith Shannon and Bernie Cole enjoy the culinary skills of John Duckworth, Jack Townsend and Harry Tiffin.

9-7-23 A Jetter has been received from Mr. Ramsay accepting work on the terms offered, with one proviso that he will require one day off each quarter to draw his pension. 7-7-23 Byrnes and Flyn,dairymen, be written to asking as to what amount they would be prepared to pay for agistment when the fences have been completed. 2-10-23 The Board confirmed the purchase of a Forest Devil for £37 /10/- and a 12" Shanks Lawn Mower and turf cutting tools. The devil will be of great assistance in the removal of the many tree stumps. 7-7-23 The Club's first score cards, numbering 3,000, have been donated by the British Australian Tobacco Co. 7-7-23 Players breakingtheir round for extended afternoon tea must not continue until they can do so without

A convivial group enjoys a half way respite during Ex-servicemens' day 1977. 27

A stroke event has been held for the first time 30-9-23 under handicap conditions. The event was won by Mrs. Morgan. It has been decided not to plant the loquot trees 2-10-23 around the boundary of the course. Instead Lophostemons have been decided upon.

2-10-23 Ladies Competition: The Secretary has been instructed to inform the ladies that competition fees will be 1/- with an open order for 10/6 to the winner. 12-11-23 A tender from Mr. T. Watson, plumber of Beecroft, has been accepted for the laying of pipes to the proposed 18 greens. The price £46.5.0. 10-12-23 Owing to the drastic financial position, only £35.13.10 in the Bank, it has been decided to pay off all Staff. Anyone wishing to join the Club would only be required to pay one half year's subscription. The Associates have been asked to hold card evenings as a means of raising funds.

interferring with oncoming players. 23-7-23 A Jetter has been received from Mr. J.H. toleman, seeking the rights to remove the cow manure from the links.

It was resolved that a committee be appointed 6-8-23 to advise the Directors, with the assistance of Mr. T. Howard, as to the best position for a layout of an 18 hole course.

3-3-24 £30 has been spent to construct 14 greens which will be available for play by the end of March. The other 4 greens have been donated by: 1 green donated by the Ladies 1 green donated by Mr. Nossiter 1 green donated by Mr. Chorley 1 green donated by Mr. Vicars

16-8-23 It has been reported that the best position forthe new Clubhouse would be in the corner of Copeland Road and Bums Road.

3-3-24 The playing committee has recommended that the 18 hole course be laid out on the present playing area. This would only involve the making of one extra green.

6-8-23 Byrne Bros has been granted agistment for his herd of cows. Mr. Flynn, who bought the old fence, was unsuccessful with his offer.


17-3-24 A lawn mower has been ordered from Nock & Kirby at a cost of £3.6.0. We can now use our own mower to attend to the greens.

Membership has risen to; 59 Gentlemen players 50 Associate players. 28

12-5-24 The farm well is nearly filled in. Stakes and wire netting guard the perime~er.

10-11-24 It has been agreed to employ a youth at £2 per week to gather and bag the manure for sale. The manure is a constant nuisance to playing members.

24-6-24 The Commonwealth Bank has advised us of an increase in our overdraft to £3,000 to construct a brick and stone Clubhouse. There will be enough money left over to employ one man for the links.

8-12-24 Professional renumeration to be increased from £2-£4/10/- provided that he works three afternoons in addition to five mornings. Members are asked to purchase their requirements from Mr. Howard.


8-12-24 The youth engaged to collect the cow manure has proved unsatisfactory. He was found asleep under a tree and was discharged.

The first 18 holes are in play.

11-8-24 The Manly Golf Club has their old weatherboard Clubhouse for sale. The committee will consider the question of buying it.

9-12-24 The clearing of the site for the first Clubhouse in brick and stone has begun. The 11th green 1952. Photo courtesy of Ian Dence was taken by Cliff Piper during a trade day held by Timbrols Ltd. Note the size of trees on boundary fence, (Jan sank the putt).

11-8-24 The playing committee has appointed Mr. G. C. Howard of Katoomba as our first professional at a wage of £2 per week. 11-8-24 Mr. Samson's plan for a Clubhouse has been deemed to be the most suitable. It has been resolved to draw up plans along the lines of Mr. Samson's plan. 18-8-24 The Committee has inspected the old Manly Clubhouse and have decided that the proposition was not satisfactory. 18-8-24 It has been decided to erect 6 signs bearing the inscription Golf Members Only. This may stop trespassing. Ithasbeendecidedona motion by Mr. E.J.Hyde 27-8-24 that members be charged green fees of sixpence as from the 1st September. 8-9-24 The introduction of green fees has been successful and a field of 76 players at 6d each gained £1.18.10 for the Club.


9-12-25 The No. 3 layout has been played upon for the first time with favourable comments.

11-5-25 It has been decided to leave the wire fences around the greens. Any hitting of the fences may be treated as a "Rub of the green" and replayed. 11-5-25 Club.

21-12-25 Members have reported that the caddies have been destroying birds nests looking for eggs for their collection. It was felt that all steps should be taken to prevent the destruction of bird life on the course. Mr. Hyde was instructed to speak to Howard on the matter.

James Marsden Hislop has been admitted to the

15-6-25 Mr. G. Howard be offered the position of Professional and Supervisor of Works at the retaining fee of £2 and at a later date offer him the residential premises. 15-6-25


Membership is now 254.

All caddies have been banned from the course 14~-26 until the Workers Compensation Act can be clarified.

Our Membership has increased to 119.

1-7-25 The annual subscription will be six guineas as from this date.

Dr. Holt has mentioned that Howard's small 4-8-26 son was frequently wandering about the links, thus exposing himself to the danger of flying golf balls. The President has undertaken to speak to Howard on the matter.

10-8-25 A motion was passed to purchase a horse, a plough, a scoop and to make arrangements for the stabling of the horse and cart.

6-9-26 Authority has been given to purchase our first typewriter at a cost of no more than £15. It must not be taken from the Clubhouse or used at home.

14-9-25 The Club House was the venue for the meeting. This was the first meeting held in the new Clubhouse which was opened August. Mr. T.B. Nossiter was in the chair.

1-10-26 14-9-25 An invitation from the Roseville Club to play a match against their Directors was accepted.

A typewriter has been purchased for £9 /10 /-.

17-1-27 We have purchased from the Concord Golf Club; 1 draught horse, 1dray,1 set of harness, 1 mower for the sum of £55.

14-9-25 Mr. Walsh suggested that receptacles for cigarette butts and ashes, also S?ittoons should be placed in the Clubhouse. Mr. Nossiter agreed to attend to the matter.

17-1-27 Mr.J.M .. Hislop has donated a Cup to be played for under 4 ball knock out conditions.

14-9-25 Mr. G. E. Howard has been appointed as caddie master. Caddies to be employed by him and a charge of 1/6 per round for the use of such caddie. Permission for Mr. Howard to retain threepence from each payment was given.

1-7-27 creek.

The suspension bridge has been started over the

1-7-27 It has been resolved that as from the 1st July, Associate members be excluded from playing on the links on Saturday afternoons and Public Holidays.

9-11-25 Mr. Howard's offer to personally mow the greens for 2/10 per week has been accepted. 30

1-7-27 We have had our first Club win in the B grade. In the inter club matches we have defeated the Concord Team.

12-12-27 Mr. Wyly has suggested that the course be declared a sanctuary. There has been some shooting of birds.

1-7-27 It has been resolved to institute time sheets for Saturday competitions.

13-2-28 It is against the rules for visiting ladies to use the putting greens in front of the Clubhouse. A child was seen playing there which is also against the rules.

10-10-27 85 Lophostemons have been planted along the 3rd fairway.

26-4-28 The subscriptions for the ensuing year will be; Male 7 guineas, Associates 3 and a half guineas.

12-12-27 It has been decided to ask Mr. Ramsay to supply cordials at the 12th hole on hot days. This will allow members to quench their thirst.

26-4-28 A flagstaff has been erected on the grass plot on the northern side of the Clubhouse. It was donated by Captain 0. Smith.

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4 515 5 168 6 544 7 434

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Score card: The first recorded "hole-in-one" was achieved by Tom Dence former Club Champion & Captain on Feb 13 1932. Above a group of our popular Business Girls in 1984, including Di Meaker, Joan Johnson, Jean Dye, Jackie Axford, Jane Hooper and Sue Saunders.



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4-6-28 Our Flag has been unfurled for the first time on our new flagstaff.


Mr. C.G. Milne has joined the Club.

7-7-29 The old wooden lockers have been sold to the Bankstown Golf Club. The new steel lockers have been installed.

11-6-28 The Treasurer has been instructed to write to the female member whose children were seen playing on the course without paying the necessary fees.

19-8-29 An approach will be made to the Secretary of Justice, to have Mr. Howard appointed a Special Constable to stop the boys stealing our golf balls. The practice has not been stopped by the Police.

11-6-28 The house committee has been instructed tomake enquiries as to the person who used the telephone to make a 3 shilling and twopence trunk call.

23-10-29 opened.

1-7-28 As from the 1st July an entrance fee will apply. This will be five guineas for full Members and two guineas for Associates and Juniors.

The new wing on the Clubhouse has been

24-10-29 The first set of the new aluminium flagsticks have been purchased.

9-7-28 Any member not paying his locker fees will have it screwed up forthwith.

11-11-29 The Members must desist from taking their refreshment into the locker rooms. They must use the lounge room.

20-8-28 Associate Members have complained .of boys running onto the course and stealing their balls. It has been decided to interview the local Policeman with a view of having it stopped.

21-1-30. Approval has been given topurchase40gallons of Camelia weedkiller for the eradication of the blackberry bushes which are a nuisance to the players.

20-8-28 Caddie fees will be raised to 2/6. The Caddie will receive 2/- and the Professional 3d. Members are requested not to pay their Caddies extra should they have a good round.

30-1-30 It has been suggested that a sign "Caution Poison on the Links" be displayed to stop the prevalence of training coursing dogs on the links.

20-8-28 The Policeman has caught one of the boys. He has taken appropriate action which should intimidate other would be offenders.

14-4-30 Thegarden plotshavenowbeencompleted and are ready for sowing. 14-4-30 A member of the committee has reported that Mr. Howard, the profcssi:mal, was seen in the lounge room, either entertaining or being entertained. The Hon Secretary was instructed to inform him in writing that he was transgressing the President's instructions and the practice should be discontinued forthwith.

2-3-29 The first Golf in Australia Cup has been played on our course over 36 holes. 16-3-29 The first Club social has been held with a very poor attendance. Another evening is being planned . 32

-23.6.30 Mr. Heane moved and Mr. Derrin seconded that a large clock be purchased and fitted onto the top of the Clubhouse. The cost not to exceed £10. The motion was carried.

28-8-32 A letter has been received from the Hunters Hill Golf Club and the Directors have met with their Members regarding the absorbing of is Male and Female Members into our Club. The liquor licence cannot be transferred. The matter is now in the hands of the Hunters Hill Members.

14-7-30 A new hand mower forthecuttingofthegreens has been approved. Not to cost more than £20.

28-8-32 The testimonial to Mr. G. Howard has realised £24.14.6. The amount will be made up to £25 and presented to Howard. His letter requesting permission to play on the

14-7-30 The rose garden was planted with a large number of roses donated by Mr. Hazlewood, the Nurseryman. He is also a member of our Club.

Our 1981. "Mixed Saturday". This was followed by our popular Club Dinner. Among the winners of the day were Jim and Margaret Hunt, John and Barbara Penn, Joe Joshue and Beverly Frame and John and Jan Duckworth. Pat Jones and Trevor Manser respective Captains made the presentations.

28-7-30 From 80 applicants for the position of Club Secretary it has been decided to appoint Mr. C. Tonking. 12-4-31 We have had an accident on the links. A player driving from the 4th tee has struck the windscreen of a car thus breaking it. It is assumed our insurance will cover the costs of the repairs. 15-6-31 Mr. E. Doran was congratulated, on achieving the first course record. He recorded 72 strokes. 13-7-32 Two youths have been charged with the damage to the greens. 21-7-32 Mr. Charles Gray from the North Brighton Club has been appointed Professional. 21-8-32 Mr. G.c: Howard has resigned from the professional's appointment to take up the position of Foreman of the greens staff. 25-8-32 In view of certain reports that liquor was being purchased from the House Steward for consumption in the house the Committee request the members to discontinue the practice immediately. 33

20-9-32 Members forced to resign during the Depression will be admitted without joining fee should they wish to rejoin at a later date. All staff wages are to be reduced by 10/- per week. Ramsay will be reduced to £3/10/0 per week.

11-9-33 Mr. E. J. Hyde has been elected President. The services of Mr. Nossiter to be recognised as President for ten years. 9-10-33 No action will be taken as regards the purchase of a poker machine, pending investigation being sought as to the Police Authorities approval or otherwise.

9-1-33 Mr. Dean has asked the members to accept a photograph of Bobby Jones. The frame will be hung in the dining room.

13-11-33 It is reported that as a result of satisfactory enquiries made from the Police, our first Poker Machine "Pheonix" has been purchased for the sum of £40.

12-6-33 The greens committee will instruct caddies how to replace the divots taken by members and not replaced.

13-11-33 Our original horse drawn mower has been sold for £7 /10/0.

A jovial Bob Wickens presents the Captain's Cup trophy to Peter Taylor winner in 1977. Peter Taylor represented Australia in International Cricket with distinction.

13-11-33 /\.Ford truck has been purchased for £12. This will be used for the moving of soils around the ground. 11-12-33 Our first catering contract has been let to C.V. Boden for the sum of £50. 15-1-34 The profits from the new "Pheonix" poker machine for the first three months has amounted to f 57 /6/0 a most satisfactory profit. 3-3-34 The new 18 hole course which docs away with the par 3 first and includes the new par 3 sixth has been played upon for the first time. The congestion at the first hole has disappeared. 12-3-34 The Caterer is not making ends meet. The Promisory Note for the first year will be withdrawn. A fee of 10/- per week for washing towels should help. 11-6-34 A request from the Bobby Jones Golf Club to play on the 24th June has been approved.


1l-{i-34 A new Caterer has been appointed and is providing a satisfactory service.

10-9-35 The Club's first Annual Ball was held at the Wentworth Ballroom.

12-11-34 The Committee has agreed to pay the sum of 5/- per night for the hand watering of the greens at night.

9-9-35 Mr. Cliff Bro.ugh ton has retired from committee after 7 years of service.

10-12-34 Status of the Club. The playing committee has recommended that an application be made to the S.D.G.A. for our Club to be granted "A" grade status for the 1935 season.

28-10-35 It has been decided to appeal against the Valuer General's valuation of the property. The value has been increased from £5843 to £9740 U.C.V. The l.C.V. has been increased from £10,000 to £15,000. The basis of appeal to be £65 per acre as against £100 by the Department.

11-3-35 Mr. Gray has resigned as Professional. Mr. Neville Johnston has been appointed with a retainer of £1 per week. Mr. T. Walden has been appointed Caddie Master at a wage of £1 per week and in addition he will receive threepence from each caddie ticket. He will be required to work weekends and give a general hand in the gardens during the week when play is not in progress.

Mixed Foursomes Championship won by Tony and Wendy Gresham in 1979. One of their ten wins. Net winners on the day were John and Joan Jones.

8-4-35 Mr. Whitehead has reported that he has exhausted every avenue to obtain a Liquor Licence. Without amendment to the Liquor Act there appears no likelihood of a licence at present. · 10-{l-35 After furth~r discussion with the Caterer the redemption of coupons won on the poker machine will be discounted at 53. A three course meal with chicken would be 2/6. For afternoon tea it would be 1/-for tea with sandwiches and cakes. 25-6-35 Mr. Norman Bede Rydge has now joined the Club. He has been allocated a £5 share as membership. 9-8-35 Mr. H. Thew moved that this meeting of Directors thinks it is desirable to reconstruct the Company and remodel the Clubhouse. It is suggested that First Mortgage Debentures of an issue of £15,000 be offered at the interest rate. of5%. 35

5-6-37 The R.A.A.F. has donated an aerial photograph of the course. A letter has been sent to the Officer in Charge expressing our thanks.

2-3-36 It has been resolved to reconstruct the Club. Such Club to be known as the Pennant Hills Golf Club Ltd. 18-5-36 A letter from the N.S.W. Tennis Association has been received appealing for a united approach by Clubs to obtain liquor licences.


20-7-36 A bridge of low level has been constructed in timber, over the first gully. This will do away with the sleepers.

18-10-37 The grade team has lost to the N.S.W. team 9 matches to 2.

The Annual Subscription has been raised to

31-8-36 £8.18.6.

15-11-37 A petition is to be taken up to object to the changing of the name of Copeland Street.

21-9-36 It is most pleasing to place on record the success of our 8 grade team in winning the Northern Districts Division for the first time. 11


19-7-37 The first A grade match was played without any of our players winning a match. Some results were close which would suggest that success will come to our team when they gain further experience.


19-11-37 .The name of Pennant Hills Golf Club Ltd has been registered as a Public Company. The Common Seal has been adopted. ·

15-3-37 Letter sent to the Avondale Golf Club congratulating them on their promotion to A" grade. /1

20-12-37 The first committee meeting of the Pennant Hills Golf Club Ltd was held. The Minute Book of the old Club has been closed at page 713. The newly registered Club's minutes will commence at page 1.


20-12-37 A sum of £8 has been collected towards the Clarrie Milne Memorial. It is recommended that an ornate drinking fountain be erected in the proximity of the 13th tee. An expenditure up to £25 may be incurred. 21-3-38 The Club has engaged a Cook with her Husband acting as casual kitchen man. A combined salary of £3.10.0 per week will be paid. 19-4-38 A blackboard easel is to be purchased for the showing of the results of the day's competition. 16-5-38 Pennant Hills lost to Manly 7 matches to 4. This is easily our best performance. 36

29-5-38 The Clarrie Milne drinking fountain was unveiled at 4pm. 20-6-38 The Committee has discussed the congestion at the 4th tee. It seeks cooperation of the members in speeding up the play. Less talk and more strokes is the order for the day. 18-7-38 It was resolved to buy a cash register for a sum not to exceed £100. 18-7-38 The weatherboard cottage, next to the Clubhouse, has been completed. George Hudson, the erectors, have been paid.

Our successful associate grade team and caddies of 1980. Standing: Eilene Henricks, Trish Whitton, Peg Hornbrook, Charm. Davidson, Mary Herd, Margaret Taylor. Middle row: Beth Black, Barbara Smith, Gwen Murdoch, Judy Bray, Enid Butter, Wendy Gresham. Front row: Joyce Hancock, Pat Jones, Dorothy Swadling, Jenny (Swadling) Abrahams, Fay Newman and Merilyn Little.

22-8-38 A large clock to be incorporated in the roof of the new building has been presented to the Club by Mr. A.G. Thomlinson. Arrangements have been made with the Architect to make provision in the roof of the front of the building. 29-9-38 It was decided to hold a match between Bobby Locke and Neville Johnston versus Norman Von Nida and Sam Richardson. ·

24-2-40 Themembershiphasbeeri increased from 250to 300 members.

17-10-38 Mr. W.A. Cliirk recommended that an Insurance Policy should be taken out to cover the risk of Aeroplane damage to the Clubhouse. This was approved.

18-3-40 Temporary Local Rule: During the summer a ball which is embedded in a fairway crack may be lifted without penalty.

20-4-39 Neville Johnston has resigned as the Professional to take up a position in Western Australia. Young Shields his assistant will be retained at 35/- per week pending the appointment of another professional.

15-4-40 The price of whisky is to be increased by 15/per gallon. It was moved that we should purchase a quarter cask at the current rate. 15-4-40 The retainer to be paid to the new professional, Mr. W. Davidson, will be £2/5/0.

16-5-39 Mr. W. (Bill) Davidson has been appointed as our new Professional.

20-5-40 The old grey horse is now unfit to pull the mowers and the Secretary has been requested to arrange for his disposal.

31-5-39 The new Clubhouse additions with Clock have . been opened. 37

hold any more Club Championships owing to the absence of members.

honorary members. They would be required to pay the annual sub they would have paid to Oatlands. This minute was later rescinded and it was resolved to invite the Oatlands Members to join the Club on a half yearly basis of £4/ 4/0.

22-7-40 It has been agreed that non-playing Associates fees be reduced to fl /11/6 for the duration of the War.

28-7-42 We are having difficulties with the strength of membership. There have now been 42 resignations.

30-9-40 It has been proposed and seconded that the number of Vice Presidents be reduced to three in number.

27-10-42 A claim for 15/- has been received from a Mr. Anderson for the breaking of his car window and damage to the interior curtains by a golf ball intruding into his car.

19-11-40 Mr. W. Shortland has arranged reciprocity between the Victoria Golf Club in Victoria and ourselves. 19-11-40 General J. Heane moved that in view of the water shortage, the hot water be disconnected from the shower rooms. This was seconded and carried. He said a cold shower is much more invigorating after a round of golf.

23-3-43 The playing of cards will be allowed on Wednesday evenings provided those playing do not require the service of a stew?rd and turn off the lights when leaving. 27-4-43 The portion of the Clubhouse vacated by the Military will be refurbished .

It has come to the Committee's attention that 18-3-41 the professional was seen being served with refreshment in the Clubhouse Members bar. This is not allowed and must cease forthwith.

25-5-43 Mr. Delaney has been called up by the Allied Works Council and an increase of 10/- per week has been paid to the two left on the staff.

7-2-42 It was reported that investigations were being made by officers of theA.M.C. with the view of taking over the Clubhouse as a casualty clearing station.


The following resolution was carried; That Members of the Fighting Forces be admitted as members of the Club on the payment £4/ 4/0. They will enjoy the same privileges as those extended to our own members who are in the Services.

24-2-42 Mr. Burnett, Chief Warden, has requested permission to dig slit trenches a long the 3rd fairway. It was agreed that General Heane should have a talk with the Warden. It is now reported that the suggestion has been abandoned.

27-7-43 Mr. Sharpe left last week leaving us with only one man, Howard, on the staff. His wage will be increased by 10/0 per week to £7 /10/0 per week.

24-2-42 The Committee has agreed to let the Clubhouse to A.M.C. for military purposes for the duration of the War. The annual rental to be £1050.

26-9-43 Three of our Members have been killed in action. They were Messrs]. Musgrave T. Paul and N. Boyd. The Secretary has written a letter of sympathy to their parents.

It has come to our notice that the Oatlands Golf 28-4-42 Club has been taken over by the Army. The Committee of our Club has invited those members who wish to play to become

22-2-44 38

Mr. W. Davidson has been released from Mili-

tary Service and is seeking work in his former capacity as the Professional. He is to be appointed with a retainerof£1 for part time duties.

One ofour employees has fallen from the bridge 28-5-44 and is in hospital. He will be under observation for a few days. It is to be noted that four ball matches have no 28-3-44 standing on the course and must give way to three ball matches unless four ball matches have been listed for play on that day. 23-6-44 The employee who fell from the bridge is unable to work and has been discharged. 23-6-44 General Heane has reported that cows are straying on to the course and has asK.ed Howard to mend the fence.

Our first Junior Champion was John Whiteford who won the event in 1967 and 1968. He is shown here after winning the "Remembrance Trophy" in 1981 from the donor Bob Wickens. The other winner of the day was Chris Simmons.

27-6-44 The outer fence has had 14 new posts fitted but requires two coils of wire which are unprocurable for the present. Howard had a splinter in his finger which Dr. Donaldson removed. The finger is now alright. 27-6-44 The privilege of bringing our friends into the Clubhouse has been withdrawn. With the beer shortage and the early closing of the hotels for most of the day it is felt that our quota should be kept for members only. 27-2-45 Horses and cows are causing damage to the links. The Pound keeper was here on Sunday last but could not drive the horses into the street. 27-6-45 An amendment that Associates be permitted to enter the men's lounge on mixed days was lost on a show of hands. 18-8-45

First President's Cup . 1976 saw this event conductecj for the first time. The winner: "Tony" Goodwin who defeated Barry Heaps in the final . Peter Van Zuylen refereed the match.

It is a great joy that the War has ended.


there was sufficient area available and it was on this cleared ,portion that the first nine hole course was laid out. The course contained potential for disaster and potential for reward, but mainly it was a place where members could strike a golf ball. The only preparation, after deciding the yardage, was to run a hand mower over the places selected for use as putting greens. There was no attempt made to improve them which made for some weird putting surfaces. They were hard and would not hold a shot, it was quite common to see a well judged shot land on the green only to bounce through another twenty or thirty yards, often into the paspalum and be lost. The characteristics, peculiar to the course, did not unduly concern the members, as just being on the course gave them a feeling of remoteness, away from the cares of business and enjoying the com,pany of friends. Despite the crudity of the layout, the members only regarded it as temporary and played over it for fifteen months. Complaints were few and the members and associates enjoyed the picnic atmosphere. The important point was, they all had greath faith in the future of Club. The first nine layout was played for the first time in March 1923. Its length was 2035 yards with a Par of 33. It contained four Par 3's, four Par 4's and one Par 5.

THE FIRST NINE 1923 The force which motivated the Foundation Members to build a golf course, undoubtedly, was their great love of the game. It was said, "When golf enters the bloodstream, eradication is impossible." Therefore, with immense enthusiasm and golf in their veins, they set about to design and lay out the Club's first golf course - it would contain nine holes. On the land area of approximately 97 acres, a portion extending from Copeland Road to Ma hers Road, with a depth of 300 yards, had been farmed and cultivated since the early days of the Colony. A farm house and a well were situated on the present third fairway and until the latter was filled, the top portion of the land could not be used. A sunken road ran from Pennant Hills Road to the dam and caused a lot of inconvenience to the players until it was later filled and levelled. The slight depression on the 12th fairway is the only remaining indication of its existence. The remainder of the area was covered with hundreds of tree stumps, which had to be removed, water holes were filled and in many places shelf rock had to be excavated. It became quite apparentthata great deal of work would have to be carried out before an eighteen hole course could be considered. However,

Charity Week: During 1980 a most successful Charity Week was conducted by the Club. Over $20,000 was raised. The main beneficiary was the Deaf and Blind Institute. The Club also joined with the West Pennant Hills Lions Club in purchasing a mini bus for the Clarke Rd Special School.

1st Hole 285 Yards Par 4 The first hole was on the present second fairway. The tee was on the left of the original Clubhouse with the green on the sloping ground where the second green is now situated. There were no trees on the right boundary and a sliced drive would soar over the fence into the vacant land on Copeland Road, sometimes finishing amongst the grazing cattle. 2nd Hole 140 Yards Par 3 -i he second hole commenced from a tee alongside the first green. The fairway ran parallel to the Pennant Hills Road with the green situated on a slope near the fence. Many tee shots found the roadway, whilst a hook would run a long way down the slope, giving a difficult shot to the green. 40

3rd Hole 155 Yards Par 3


The third hole was played from a tee some twenty yards to the right of the second hole. Players on the second green had to be wary of the hooked shot which would often scurry across their green and sometimes finish out of bounds.

As soon as possible plans were made to extend the course to eighteen holes. It was decided to use the area on the northern side along Copeland Road to Devlin'sCreek, which ran through the property near the eastern boundary. Contracts were let for clearing the present first, sixteenth and seventeenth fairways of trees and other constructions. Small couch greens were formed at the first, second, sixteenth and seventeenth holes. A large amount of soil was removed from the eastern bank of the creek to form the eighteenth green. The removal formed the tiered effect we have today. Whilst this material progress was being made a large amount of work was being carried out by the members in working bees, individually clearing the scrub, removing the stumps and filling in the holes and wells. The removal of stumps was a most difficult task employing the use of the forest devil and chains. The work was generally carried out after rain which made.the task a lot easier. When the work was completed the playing area was noticeably wider. It should be noticed that in the first few years the couch greens, which were small and rectangular in shape, were surrounded with wire fencing to keep the cattle from the greens. The course, at the time, was let for cattle agistment purposes. The first 18 hole course began with a short hole of 155 yards from a tee near the bunkers of the present eighteenth green to the hollow in the first fairway, which was the green and is still quite visible. The second hole was played from a tee near the fence to the present first, our present second hole became No. 3 and was played from the present ladies tee. To get a full eighteen holes requires compactness and with the rather limited area available, the fairways were tight. Itwill be noted that the fourteenth was played from the opposite direction to that now played, the tee being on the present thirteenth fairway. The No. 2 Layout gives a fairly accurate idea of the first eighteen hole course, as played for the first time in June 1924. The length was 4200 yards with eight Par 3's, nine Par 4's and one Par 5. The par for the course was 65.

4th Hole 450 Yards Par 5 The fourth hole teeing area was about twenty yards to the left of the third green. This was the long hole with the green situated near the sand trap on the present third. 5th Hole 135 Yards Par 3 The fifth hole was situated in front of the present fourth, with the green almost within putting distance. It was recognised as one of the smallest greens on any course. It had a hollow in the middle and providing you made the green, a birdie was always possible. 6th Hole 200 Yards Par 4 The sixth was placed some fifty yards back towards the fifth tee, with the green close to the present fifteenth green. This hole was considered to be rather easy. \ -.£ (

7th Hole 280 Yards Par 4 This was played from a tee placed west of the sixth green near the top of the present thirteenth fairway. Not a difficult hole. 8th Hole 160 Yards Par 3 The eighth was played downhill to the present fourteenth green, with the dam alongside, many balls were lost in the water. 9th Hole 230 Yards Par 4 The ninth tee was placed on the opposite side of thedam which did not present much difficulty with the tee shot. The finishing hole was situated adjacent to the Clubhouse. Playing the course in threes, the round would take one and a half hours. In eighteen hole events, the first nine was repeated. This would give the card 4070 yards with a Par of 66. 41

COURSEN0.3 · On completion of the timber cutting on the new fairways, the stump holes were planted with couch grass by working bees and the ground staff. The greens were laid down but owing to a long spell of wet weather, the course was not played upon until mid-September, 192S. This new layout, which incorporated the present eighth, ninth and tenth holes, increased the length of the course to 4310 yards. The Par was 70 and included five Par 3' s, ten Par 4's and three Par S's. The score cards showed a noticable difference in the scores being achieved by the members. In 1926 it was decided to lengthen the twelfth, the present tenth, by bringing back the tee ·some 20 yards. However, before this could be done the staff had to remove rocks and stones from th.e lower part of the fairway. It was an immense project with over ninety cartloads of rocks being removed to support and enlarge the tenth, now the eighth green.

60 and Over: The 1981 winner of this popular event was Doug Sharpe seen here with four of the original donors: Ray Austin, Harry Tiffin, Sep. Johnston and Harold Jacobs.

COURSE N0.4 In 1927 the trees were cut out for the final two holes, the sixth and the seventh, the sixth being the longest hole on the course S65 yards. The new course as shown on the layout No. 4 had a length of 6108 yards with a Par of 70. This yardage was achieved by 1933 with various tee changes. Prior to 1933 the same layout was played over S66S yards. (Refer score card 13 I 2/1932) It contained five Par 3's, ten Par 4's and three Par S's. It will be noticed that the course appears much closer to the present layout and the fourteenth hole is played for the first time as it is played today. This new layout was played upon for the first time in 1927 and was considered a testing course by all who played .

Up, Up and Away ... After winning his match and seeing that the Club had won its third Pennant, Tony Gresham was whisked away to the Sydney Airport by Helicopter to catch the 3pm plane to England with the Eisenhower Cup team

COURSE NO 5 OUR PRESENT LAYOUT In 1933 it was considered the course had too many short holes and a proposal was put forward to construct a new hole of about 188 yards, now the sixth, to take place of the short Par 3 first. This was agreed to and a considerable amount of filling 42

was required to raise up the height of the green. When it was completed, the short Par 3 first was amalgamated with the Par 4 second to form the present Par 5 first. This layout forms our present course and with alterations to tees and greens, remains practically unaltered. The length of-the course in 1988 is 5892 metres with an Australian Course Rating of 70 and a Club Rating of 71. There are five Par 3's, nine Par 4's and four Par S's. The course is considered to be a fair test of golf with the tree lined fairways penalising any wayward shots. Leading golfers from other Clubs have praised the putting surfaces on the greens. The bunkering is modem and considered to be fairly severe. The fairways are well covered with Kikuyu grass and other than in very hot dry conditions, area splendid sight. The course has a modern watering system. It is interesting to note that the landscaping of the greens, as designed by the late Eric Apperly, blend in perfectly wjth the park like setting of the course. We as members, have had a wonderful heritage handed down to us, let us make every effort to preserve and maintain its beauty. May we reprint the famous phrase, so often .used by Past President and Patron of our Club, the late E.J. Hyde, "Don't stop, further progress is necessary."

times, quite rickety. To gain access to the area, members were required to walk down a side track to the right of the 1st tee. After crossing the creek it took a certain amount of stamina and willpower to climb up the other side to reach the 1st Par 3 green. A missed putt was forgiven as it was considered to be a "Puffing putt". In theseearlydays, members or their caddies, carried shoulder bags containing five or six hickory shafted clubs. Very few members owned a full set. It would have been a most difficult task to haul the modern day buggy and clubs over such slippery, paspalum infested, terrain. During the era of the sleepers it was not uncommon for the first three off the tee to find a was ha way confronting them at the crossing. It was said that many a pair of plus fours were baptised whilst performing the task of replacing the sleepers. These were pioneering days and the slight delay in the round was accepted by all but a few members. In 1929 the sleepers were removed and a low level wooden bridge was constructed by the groundstaff. This new addition greatly assisted the members and dispensed with risky creek crossing. This bridge was used, with only minor repairs, until the high level, 200ft steel truss bridge was erected in 1961 at a cost of £1850. The new bridge was built some 60 yards south of the old wooden bridge and served the dual roles of entry to the 1st fairway and the 18th green. In 1965 the old wooden low level bridge was replaced with a concrete low level vehicular crossing, giving on course access to the Clubhouse area. In 1985 an entry point for motorised buggies to the vehicular bridge was established. The route selected was almost the sme as that used by the members in the sleeper era. This roadway, with accompanying parking area near the Pro shop, will greatly reduce the traffic wear on the 1st tee area.

CROSSING THE GULLIES 1924-1985 With the decision in 1924 to extend the course to eighteen holes, it was decided to incorporate the unused area in the north east corner of the property. This proposed new layout brought about the problems of crossing Devlin's Creek at the 1st, 9th, 10th and 18th holes. The methods devised for crossing the gullies were both practical and amusing.

9THHOLE The early crossing was made by the use of sleepers which created a problem when the creek was in flood. At times the creek was at a higher level than was considered safe to cross. In 1930 a high level wooden bridge was constructed from timber available on the course. Over the years it became a

1STHOLE The difficulties encountered in crossing the 1st gully were overcome by the placing of four railway sleepers across a narrow section of the creek. This first bridging attempt was, at 43

constant maintenance problem and with the supports decaying, it was decided to replace it with a steel fabricated structure, so designed that it would carry motorised buggies, thus saving the long journey to the 10th bridge to gain access to the 9th green. As the workmen demolished the old bridge, members recalled many memories crossing "Old faithful" which had stoOd forover halfa century. On the 19thJuly1985 a new bridge was erected at a cost of $16,815. Thus ended the era of the sleepers and the wooden bridge crossings.

level steel truss bridge was built. This bridge was designed to _service the 1st and 18th holes. The present 18th hole is regarded by many as one of the finest finishing holes in Sydney. Its present splendid approach and layout are a tribute to our third President Harry Small. The hole was previously a short par three of some 80 yards with the green situated on the present lower level. It was later altered to its present position and length. At that time there were two large trees which detracted from its appearance. One was situated between the present green and the first tee and the other on the present tenth tee. The shaping and contouring of the surrounding grounds of this beautiful green was carried out under the direction of Mr. Small. Weekend after weekend he could be seen al the Club driving a bulldozer and moulding the surrounds till they reached their present layout. This green will always be a·tribute to the physical effort and dedication of this splendid President'.

lOTH HOLE The early exit route was down the bank of the gully to the 18th sleeper crossing. The sleepers were removed when, in 1932, a low level wooden bridge was built. this bridge also gave access to the 18th green. In 1927 it was decided to erect a high level bridge over the 10th gully. It was constructed from timber available on the course and was supported by steel cables. It was in fact a suspension bridge. It swayed a lot in crossing, and on certain days of the year, when the members had stayed too long at the tents, it swayed a lot more. In 'fact, it was considered by some elder members to be quite dangerous who for a short time declined its use. Later when their confidence returned they too made use of the bridge. In 1952 it was widened by 20" to accommodate the new fangled buggies, which some of the members were now using. The bridge was to stand without incident, for thirty eight years, when, in 1%5 it was replaced, at a different site, by a concrete beam structure. The cost to erect the new bridge was £3200. The earthworks at each end of the bridge were carried out by the groundstaff, which considerably reduced the overall cost. The remains of the 10th suspension bridge may still be seen covered in wisteria, slowly decaying, after facing the elements for over half a century.

OUR SAND BUNKERS Research into the evolvement of golf links and courses, reveal there was evidence of sand hazards over 200 years ago. They were not part of the original design of the Seaside Links. They were caused by the repeated attempts of players to remove their ball from sandy lies around the green area. The constant iron play eventually removed the vegetation, which then became subject to wind erosion. The gale force winds along the English coastline gradually removed the sand, forming deep depressions, which came to be known as sand hazards. They were later controlled by course grooming and the forming of hillocks on the windward side. When new links were designed, the sand hazard became an accepted aspect of the layout. The raising of the lip is still followed, although it is said to give an advantage to the player with a ball on a dying run. The bunkers on our course were first formed in 1931, much to the annoyance of many of the members. One such member was reported to have made the following complaint to the

18TH HOLE During the period from 1924 to 1932 members used the sleeper crossing to negotiate the creek. Jn 1932 a wooden low level bridge was erected, which was in use until, in 1961, the high 44

Greens Committee. "The Committee, has, with all the sadism they could muster, created sand hazards of such monstrous proportion, that most players find it nigh on impossible to strike the ball to the green." he also added, "Members, scores are being spoiled; one such member had taken upwards of 9 strokes to place his ball upon the putting service." Another member suggested, "The bunkers are a nuisance and should be filled in." However, it should be remembered that up till 1931, when Gene Sarazen invented the sand wedge, shots from bunkers were played with all sorts of clubs and striking styles. The most common was the hickory shafted "basher." Long were the discussions in the Clubhouse, after the game, on the best methods for playing bunker shots. Since 1931 many types of sand irons have been produced, and most golfers now carry one of these implements of torture. ·

Six times Club Foursomes winners; Tony Gresham and Jack Clarke enjoy a moment of relaxation.

The once frightening situation of finding your ball in a sand bunker has almost disappeared for all but a few, who still insist that they are "the invention of the devil." Some fifty years later, our course is trapped with 41 greenside and 21 fairway bunkers, which include the recent additions and deletions on the 3rd and 12th fairways. Our first fairway bunkers were formed during 1969 on the 2nd, 11th, 15th and 17th fairways. The design and placement of our bunkers are considered to be fair to all players, there being traps for the long hitters and score spoilers for the not so long. _,\~ ) \ "- " I 1\\1! '!_j Our 1980 Apperly Shield Team. Five of this team went on to become members of our Pennant Team . Standing: Mark Lilly Jamie Hodge and Brett Richardson . Seated David Lilly Harry Stoy/es (Manager) and Malcolm Jones. Kent Driver played as reserve.

The bunkers provide a variety to the game, as the stroke requires a special skill. It is indeed a wonderful feeling to see your ball soar from the depths of the bunker to finish next to the flagstick, or even on very special occasions, when lady luck is with you, disappear into the hole. 45

SNIPPETS FROM THE PAST The publication of our Club's History would be incomplete without the inclusion of some Club stories. Some, of the many considered, are factual reprints from the Club Newsletter, others are stories which contain an element of humour and were told to your Historian by members who "vouch" for their authenticity. Vince Church, recalls the story about a member of his groundstaff, (Neville Delaney) (nicknamed "Sticks"), who most of the members will remember. He was attending to an area near the 10th tee when a player from a visiting body enquired as to whether the next hole was Par 4. "Sticks" who was very deaf, with his hand cupped to his ear replied . "Past four, it wouldn't even be half past three yet." Another of Vince's stories concerns the Cape Chestnut tree at the rear of the 3rd bunkers. This was one of George Notson's favourite trees, he, having personally planted it. Each month he would measure and report its growth to Vince and ask him to keep an eye on it. Vince's daughter was approaching the age when she .could get her driving licence and was continually pestering him for driving lesi;ons. Late on a summer afternoon, he relented and took her out in the old "Jeep" alongside the 3rd fairway. During an unsuccessful backing manouvre the Cape Chestnut was removed from the ground. It was immediately replaced by Vince and still bears the scars of being uprooted . It was reported that George Notson's abuse of course vandalism was loud and strong. Ray Austin, who joined the Club on the 23rd February 1943, recalled life as it was in the Clubhouse over four decades ago. When he joined, most of the members were a generation older than he. In those days it was rare for a young man to take up the game of golf, it was considered to be a sport for the middle aged. The Club golfer could only allow himself one game of golf a week, either on a Saturday or a Sunday. There were two distinct groups of members, those who were employed in the Manufacturing Industries and worked five days, would play

Above: The 1980 Pennant Hills Cup was won by Dan Cullen of N.S. W. G. C. others in photo are President Geoff Williams, John Rixon, Phil Wood, Greg Wicks (runner up), Dan Cullen, David Bromley and Trevor Manser Captain. Below: Happy Days: John Roy and Ray Austin congratulate each other John won the Summer Cup and Ray the Gold Medal on the same day in 1979.


on a Saturday. The fields of Banking, Retailing, Entertaining and Sporting pursuits who were required to work on a Saturday, naturally played on a Sunday. John Grant, as Captain, made sure that no new member sat by himself. He also made certain that the Saturday game was without complaint. The Sunday game was under the control of John Trotter, who also carried on the tradition. The President, E.J. Hyde, would often look in on the evenings proceedings with a dignified smile and retire to a corner to play cards. There were many late nights. There was no "shouting" in the Club. One would only have to pull up a chair, place "two bob" on the table and join any group. Everybody knew each other and the camaraderie was high. Ray recalls some of the names who were legends in their time. There was John Trotter who looked after food and beverages. Fred Paul, who through the difficult times of food rationing, would beg or borrow food coupons and come up with the goods. Then there was Charlie Gold who donated the first Gold Medal. There were other names, who each in his own way made contributions to the Club's lifestyle. They were; Dr. Clyde Davis, Mark Deveridge, Martin' Bosler, Joe Graham, Charlie Carruthers and Wally Pinerua. · Bob Bradley, past Committee Member and Editor of the "Newsletter" for five years, z:ecalled some of the course conditions which prevailed during the forties. "The pas pal um was tortuous, the gullies were filled with it, the sticky substance given off when the grass became diseased with ergot was a menace to clothing. The mosquitoes were another nuisance, they would come up in storms from the grass should you decide to disturb them by looking for your new "Dunlop Federal" golf ball. The seventh fairway was devoid of grass from theteetothehill top. This area was dotted with bull ant nests, which when disturbed would come out in the thousands. The heat on the course, during the Summer, kept many elderly members away. The events were played in threes with rounds being completed in two and a half to three hours."

The following snippets appear in chronological order. 1923 It was considered fair to replay the shot should it strike any of the posts supporting the cattle wire around the greens. It was also considered to be a fortunate break if the ball struck the wire and finished on the putting service. There was no need to replay such a shot. 1926 Dr. H. Cutler wor the first of his five Club Championships. 1928 Members, mostly the younger, were requested not to shake the bridge, over the 10th, when older members were crossing. It was considered to be unnerving and possibly dangerous. The suspension bridge did sway a lot when crossing. 1932 The Hole in One Decanter was presented to the Club on the 13th February 1932 by Mr. T.E. Dence in appreciation of his hole in one. 1932 Geoff Sommerville won the Hislop Cup in 1930. After being runner up to Dr. Cutler in the 1931 Championships he then won the 1932 Club Championship at the tender age of 19 years and 7 months. In 1982, fifty years later and as Doug Sharpe's visitor, he again played the course. An enjoyable round was had by all with Geoff's score slightly higher than his 1932 effort. Geoff was Guest of Honour at the Annual Dinner. 1945

Bill Davidson appointed full time Professional.


Harry Harper donated the Club Putter.

1946 Joe Graham became the third Captain to win the Club Championship. The other two were Tom Dence and Ernie Doran. 1948 Charlie Carruthers won the first of his five Club Championships. 47

1949 When past President, Jack Thomson, joined the Club in 1949, Bill Lannen was Secretary, starter and handicapper. He gave Jack, sight unseen, a handicap of 24. Bill was starting the field when Jack hit off. His drive soared into the distance as straight as an arrow, Bill looked at the new member and said, "You had better make that 20." Surely, the quickest handicap reduction in the Club's history.

applauded our Club on its approach in fostering golf among the youth of the community. Members donated "Old" clubs for use by the boys, some were hickory shafted without the leathers. 1952 During this year it was decided to relay all of the greens. After the levels had been completed the surface was covered with 8" of an organic waste material processed from household waste. The bent seed was then sown and to the amazement of all up came the greatest crop of pumpkins imaginable. Despite the pumpkins and the water shortage the greens became the equal of most and are still in use today.

1951 A player was handicapped on his inherent ability to play golf and a temporary Joss of form or interest in the game did not warrant an increase in handicap. Handicaps were adjusted twice yearly, based on the five bestcardsoverthepast six months. Playing under this system, from three quarters of handicap, stableford events were sometimes won with 36 points.

1952 The original Clubhouse.which had housed the Professional since 1925 was removed and sold to a Castle Hill chicken farmer. A ne~ Pro-Shop was erected.

1951 100 years since John Dunsmore played the first round of golf in N.S. W. in 1851. His Historic Clubs were presented to the Australian Golf Club and were later destroyed in the 1931 fire. Fifty years later the Clubhouse was again destroyed by fire. Members were reminded of the event.

1953 The 9th gree·n was laid over the old sandstone quarry. A 21" pipe was laid on the right hand side which now traps the off line shots in a grassy hollow. The sowing of the seed was followed with an overnight downpour which completely washed away the green leaving the bare sandstone. The green was remade with drainscut'into the sandstone. The old quarry now forms a scenic backdrop which many a member found after overpowering the shot.

1951 The first issue of the "Hills Newsletter" was published. The Editor was S. J. Hines Club Captain from 1952to1958. It commenced with the statement; If you can think of a better name for this newsletter, give your suggestion to the Secretary, it may win you a prize of two new golf balls. (These early copies, believed to be the only ones in existence, have been donated to the Club's Archives by past President Jack Thomson.)

1954 Members were asked to speed up play. With a full field it was now taking four and a half hours to complete a round. 1957 The Memorial Gates were officially opened on the 23rd September 1957 by the President, Mr. Harry Small and the Chairman of the Ex-Servicemens Section, Mr. E.J. Stanton.

1952 Following on representations to the major brewing companies we have been successful in obtaining an increase in our beer quota. Bottled beer will be made available to members on the basis of 2 bottles each per month.

1957 The Log Cabin half way house was opened. This area was an absolute delight in the summer but was rather damp and wet in the winter. The Bar equipment was manhandled to the area each time the Log Cabin was in use. The staff did not like their tasks in the winter.

1952 The Vic Kendall - Bill Davidson school boys coaching classes were in full swing. The N.S.W. Golf Association 48

1959 The N.S.W. Open Golf Tournament was played on our course. The winner wa s Harry Kershaw with round s of 68, 69, 76, 71 for a score of 284. 1960 The first stage of the Clubhouse additions were completed. The old dining room was converted into a card room and a T.V. lounge.

THE PENNANT HILLS EMBLEM The design of two overlapping hills, one of red and one of gold, each on a navy blue background with the red hill carrying a golf staff with triangular pennant. The colours used repeat those used previously by the Club in a far more readable form than in the monogrammed badge. The emblem was designed by Mr. George Hamori, commercial artist in 1970. The committee approved of the emblem for use on blazer pockets, Club medals, Life Membership badges, cuff links, coasters and fixture books. 1962 Provisional membership "B" commenced with a quota of 100 members. Waiting time for entry to the Club is five years. 1963 Ted Lawson, in the last round of the February Eclectic, playing off a handicap of 8/6, had eighteen consecutive pars. Whilst many members have recorded par rounds, "off the stick," they have all included eagles, birdies and bogies. Ted still smiles when you mention the feat which is yet to be equalled by any member of the Club. 1964 Our Club was paid the highest compliment when we were invited by the Australian Golf Union to hold the Sloan Morpeth Cup on our course. This event was played between New Zealand and Australia on the eve of the departure of our team for Rome to play in the Eisenhower Cup, Australia was successful.

Mr and Mrs R. Vicars. We were pleased to find a copy of this photograph. Mr. Vicars bought the land the Course is built upon and Mrs Vicars was the first Associate President .. . a position she held from 1924 to 1932. 1966 Vince Church was notified of a generous offer by Bill Meggitt to supply some excess stock of Soya Bean Meal, an excellent fertilizer with a 7.88 Nitrogen content. After two weeks carting a mountain of 250 tons was built. It was spread across the fairways prior to heavy rain . Grass grew where grass had never been seen before, the fairways were magnificent. The odour became overpowering and the neighbours complained as the smell invaded their homes. The Council Inspector arrived and ordered the residue to be covered with soil, where it remained for many years. The Club was instructed not to use odourous fertilizers again. 1969 The Pennant Hills Cup was won by a promising young player from the Muirfield Golf Club. His name Jack Newton. 1969

The first fairway bunkers were formed on the 2nd, 11th

1973 Les Wallace had an albatross on the 3rd hole Doug Sharpe and Tom Pearch were witnesses to this great golfing feat. They were both about to leave the green when they saw a ball land on the green and roll into the hole. Les used a one wood followed by a four wood to hole out in two shots. 1973 A team of members, under the direction of John Ferris, Vice Captain of the Club, completed the course in continuous play in 15 minutes 43 seconds. It failed to beat the record created at the Huber Golf Club in U.S.A. of 10 minutes 11.4 seconds with a team of 43 players. When the enthusiasm returns another attempt will be made. 1974 A donation of $1000 was made to the N.S.W.G.A. for the relief of flood damaged courses.

The 1977 E.]. Hyde Cup was won by Dennis Hill . Other winners in the photo are: Back row: Brian Mortlock, Michael Grant, George Wing, Bill Scott (President), Harold Davis and Bill Wright . Front row: Bob Gash, Norm Greenwood, Robert Walcot, Dennis Hill, Geoff Oates and Dennis Lickley

1974 David Freeman on his first win in 13 years said, "I've always believed 13 to·be a lucky number." 1974 Your committee has thought it appropriate to change the name of the Beecroft Cup to the E.J.Hyde Trophy. This Trophy was originally donated by our late President and Patron, E.J. Hyde and it was deemed fitting that he be honoured for the outstanding work he gave to this Club.

and 15th fairways. Other fairway bunkering is being considered. 1970 A practice pitch and run green was opened on the southern side of the clubhouse, overlooking the 9th green.

1974 The Club now has cufflinks with the Club motif. Members with 30 years membership will, in due course be presented with special links with 30 engraved on them.

1970 Dave Sage and Arthur Butterfield, playing from 3/4 handicap, scored 84 Stableford points in the Club's annual 4 ball aggregate event.

1974 The Australian Team of Seniors won the World Seniors title at the Broadmoor Golf course in Colorado, U.S.A. Vic Kendall was the Secretary, organiser and a very proud man. Twenty Countries were represented.

1972 The 50th Anniversary of the Club's foundation was celebrated with a Ball which400attended. Theguestofhonour was the Honourable Sir Leslie Herron K.B.E. The Members escorted their Ladies in formal attire.

1975 The first motorised golf carts were allowed on the course. Preference was given to Il}embers with disabilities.

1972 Freda Boughton has donated a beautiful tapestry of the clubhouse. It now hangs in the entrance.

1975 50

Oscar Patterson holed the 4th, his first ace. Jim Fletcher,

after watching Oscar's shot, remarked, "It looks easy" and promptly repeated the dose. The scotch flowed late into the night. 1976

The Presidential Room was opened.

1976 Tony Gresham was appointed captain of the Eisenhower Cup Team to play in Portugal. 1976 Greg Wicks' drive found the 16th green on the full. He has accomplished this feat four times. It is now considered highly unlikely that this shot will be repeated owing to the height of the gum trees. 1978 Edwina Kennedy, on her 19th birthday, won the British Womens Amateur Championship. This was the first time an Australian had been successful in its 81 years of history.

Two popular Associate Champions: Eilene Henricks, left and Jenny (Swadling) Abrahams. Both have won the Associate Championship six times. Eilene with different partners has won the Foursomes Championship nine times.

1979 A first "Nuthin Cup" was played foron the 28th March 1979. The winners were Bob Giblin and John Stephenson, a visitor from New Zealand. Bob Wickens m.a de the presentation. 1981 A Wednesday field of 151. All finished with a hit off time of 11.30. 1981 Eilene Henricks birdied the five par 3 holes. This feat is yet to be equalled by woman or man. 1982 The new 9th tee was played for the first time. This lengthening of the course was the first in 10 years. 1982 The Pennant Hills Golf club in conjunction with the Lions Club of West Pennant Hills, donated a Mini-bus to the Clark Road special school for children.

The 1980 Charity week saw some pleasant club activities including auctions and sweeps. John Housego was one of our main "Auctioneers". Our photo shows John presenting one of the prizes to lucky winner, popular David Glass.

1982 Senior membership qualifying number was increaseq from forty to no limit. Members attaining the age of 60 years with a membership of 30 years to qualify. 51

1983 Val Odell holed the 9th. Three weeks later his wife, June, not to be outdone, repeated the performance. 1983


Harry Stoyles on Ian Mackies Eclectic Win.

Bunkers have been added to the 3rd fairway.

1986 Members over the age of 75 years and on a handicap of 26 and over have been granted permission to hit from the yellow markers.

With a swing that is not apoplectic Ian won the September Eclectic, Which just goes to prove That your style should be smooth, And not like the rest of us - hectic.

1986 A push button alarm system for emergency medical use was installed at the left of the 2nd green, left of the 4th tee, right of the 7th tee, left front of the 8th tee, in the rough between the 14th and 15th fairways.

1984 Jack Jones, groundstaff, was presented with a gold watch in appreciation of his thirty four years of service to the club.

1986 The cost of watering the course during current dry conditions is over $1000 per week.

1984 The Tyro Trophy was renamed the Vic Kendall Trophy. This is a trophy for players in "C" grade who have never won an event. Clyde Henricks was one such player. Reg Wilkins is the present donor.

1986 Father ahd Son event. Son breaks "Par" off the stick. Alan Frew m~t with an unfortunate freak accident when his son Ric powered a ball into his Dad's leg, breaking it. Alan will always remember the 14th June 1986, and the 5th hole.

1984 A four ball aggregate record was made on the 17th hole. 15 points were scored. Bob Wickens 5 points 4 points Alan McMurchie 3 points Bill Scott Bill Astridge 3 points

1987 The entrance to the 4th tee was upgraded with sleepers to form walkways. This improvement did away with the loose bark paths which stuck to the sprigs and were carried up the fairway.


1984 John Roy and Geoff Tweedale scored 53 points in the Wednesday 4 ball event.

The fact that they had the highest honour bestowed upon them, placed them on a plane higher than their fellow members, but, this honour was the reward for countless time spent in labour for the Club they loved so well. It is to men like these that the Club owes a debt, which cannot be repaid in kind and cannot be penned in praiseworthy word. In appreciation of their efforts, their biographies have been recorded for posterity. The continued success of any venture is dependent on its leadership. May we salute our presidents.

1984 Wick Beeston donated the print of the St Andrews Golf Club at present hanging in the dining room. 1985 John Heffernan, from a handicap of 13, played a par round off the stick. 1985 Edwina Kennedy and Gerard Power won the N.S.W. Mixed foursomes. 52


1923 -1933 1933 - 1954 1954 -1957 1957 -1963 1963 -1968 1968 -1973 1973 - 1976 1976 - 1979 1979 -1982 1982-

the way through those difficult formative years. The T.B. Nossiter Cup, which was played for until 1959, when it became the Club Championship, was named in his honour, for the leadership displayed during the establishment of the Club. Tom Nossiter was truly a pioneer of the past.

ERNEST JOHN HYDE PRESIDENT 1933 -1954 ERNEST JOHN HYDE was born in Sydney in 1879. He was educated at the Fort Street and Sydney Boys High Schools. In 1902 he founded the Engraving House of Hartland & Hyde. Eighty five years later this highly successful enterprise is still a family business with E.j.'s son, Ernest, Chairman of Directors. He was interested in all sport, wielded a pretty good willow and had a particular liking for golf. In 1921 he joined the Concord Golf Club. When he moved to Beecroft in 1922 he was invited to attend the preliminary meeting for the formation of the Club. he became a foundation member and since that time held the following offices.

THOMAS BAILEY NOSSITER PRESIDENT 1923 -1933 THOMAS BAILEY NOSSITER was born in Sydney in 1873. He died in 1948 aged 75 years. His entire life was associated with manufacturing interests. He was a Director of the Henry Jones Co-op and Managing Director of the Peacock Jam Co. For some time he resided in Beecroft and in 1913 moved to Cheltenham. He was a keen supporter. of the idea of forming a golf club and gave great assistance to Dr. Holt by arranging all of the preliminary meetings. With the successful formation of the Club he was appointed Chairman of Directors which also carried the office of President. He filled these positions in an exemplary manner for ten years and seven months before retiring in 1933. During his term of office, the Club went through its most difficult period. It was always in financial difficulties, but T.B. had the ability, with his charming smile, to smooth out these difficulties, and encourage his fellow Directors onto greater efforts. It should be remembered, that in the early days, little was known about club management. The great depression was having disastrous effects on the Country and austerity was the order of the day. Money was in very short supply, but by prudent management the Club survived. We are all indebted to our first President, who so capably led

Patron 10 years 1959 -1969 (The only Patron) 21 years 1933 -1954 President Club Delegate to the Sydney & Suburban Golf Association 1927 President of the Sydney & Suburban Golf Association 1927 Vice President of the New South Wales Golf Association 1949 President of the New South Wales Golf Association 1950 -1955 Delegate to the Australian Golf Union 1951 -1956 President of the Australian Golf Union 1953 Director of Grass Research 1951 -1956 53

As an expression of the high esteem in which he was held and in appreciation of his dedicated service to the Club, the highest honour, Life Membership, was bestowed upon him on the 24th September 1951. He has truly been called the father of the Club. He initiated the practice of the President carrying out the presentations on Saturday evenings, a practice which continues today. He was a member of the Royal & Ancient, St Andrews, Scotland and Life Memberof the Adelaide Coif Club. In 1954, this noted administrator was appointed Manager of the Australian Team to visit St. Andrews to play in the British Commonwealth Tournament. Australia defeated Canada, New Zealand, South Africa, then drew with Great Britain, to win the title. This was also the year that Doug Bachli, a Member of the team, won the British Amateur title, the first Australian to do so. E.J. was very proud of his team. E.J. was an accomplished golfer having achieved a handicap of 12/9, under the old system and recording three holes in one. His favourite shot was the 4 iron. He had a favourite saying, which he often repeated, "Don't stop, further progress is necessary." His photograph hangs in the Presidential Room as a fitting reminder of a man with a purpose, a pioneer of thP. past.

to Life Membership in 1952, in recognition of twenty years of . valuable service to the Club. He was elevated to the presidency in 1954, which office he held until retiring in 1957. Whilst chairman of the greens committee, he was responsible for the landscaping of the grounds in the vicinity of the clubhouse. It was not an uncommon sight to see Harry driving a tractor, in his untiring efforts to complete the programme. He was also involved in the greens reconstruction, as designed by Eric Apperly. This work when completed greatly improved the playing conditions on the course. He was also directly responsible for procuring building materials, which were in short supply, for the erection of the existing machinery shed. He was in the working party which removed the stump of a nine foot girth iron bark tree, which had stood a little left of the 1st tee. His great dedication will always be remembered by all who knew him, and his energetic contributions to the landscaping will stand as a monument for us all to enjoy. In recognition of his service the "A" Reserve Championship Cup has been named after him.

MERVYN WILLIAM NORTHEY PRESIDENT 1957 -1963 Mervyn William (Bill) Northey was born in Adelaide, South Australia on the 1st July 1914. After early schooling he furthered his education and graduated in Accountancy. He was admitted to the Federal Institute of Accountants (now Australian Society of Accountants) and the Chartered Institute of Secretaries (England). He commenced public practice, as an Accountant, in Sydney during 1944. After twenty five years in the City of Sydney he transferred his practice to Camden N.S.W. He continued to practise until 1974 when he retired to his Poll Hereford Stud at "Worrinyan Park" Cobbitty, N.S.W,. It is there that he follows his interests of collecting antique furniture and his other great love of listening to his extensive library of classical music.

HARRY CAMPBELL SMALL PRESIDENT 1954 -1957 HARRY CAMPBELL SMALL was born in sydney in 1891. He died in 1959, aged sixty eight years. In 1920 he founded the chocolate manufacturing company of H.C. Small, which became a highly successful enterprise. Hisgreatinterestingolfprompted him tojoinourClubin 1931. He was appointed to committee in 1934 and accepted office as a director in 1935. With the formation of the new Club in 1938, when the Constitution was changed to form the Club into a non-profit company, he was elected Captain from 1941to1945. He was elected 54

Bill was a sportsman with many talents. He captained his Wellington Road School cricket team, played grade cricket in Rabaul, New Guinea for four years, he also played baseball in Rabaul and represented Mosman in second Grade. He also played tennis to lesser heights. His great sporting love was for the game of golf and at the age of 29 years he joined our Club. He became a golfer to be reckoned with, achieving a handicap of 11. After four years of membership he was appointed to the Committee. During his sixteen years on general committee, he filled the offices of treasurer for seven years, vice president for three years, plus a short term as acting president. In 1957 he was elected president of the Club and for six years graced the title with dignity. Bill possessed a charming personality which was enjoyed by all. On the 30th September 1963, in recognition of his services to the Club, he was elected to Life Membership. In retirement Bill still finds time to occasionally revisit the Club he loved so much.

to his sporting activities and joined our Club. In 1939 he was elected to committee where he served the Club for twenty five years, which included the offices of vice president and president. Our Club has been most fortunate, over the years, in having presidents who were men of distinction and were dedicated to progress. Bill was no exception and during his many years with the Club always applied himself to the task with total dedication. Bill was a likeable fellow, who enjoyed his golf and the company of his fellow members. He played the game well and his name appears, at regular intervals, on the Club's honour boards. He also had the distinction of being one of the winning pair, on each occasion, when in 1960, our Club won the Roseville Cup for the fourth time. In 1968, in appreciation ofhisservices, the Club bestowed their highest honour upon him, that of Life Membership. Bill, after his retirement, was often seen in the Club having a quiet drink with old friends and discussing the early years.His retirement came to anend in 1973 when he passed away, sadly missed by all, at the age of sixty four years. Bill bequeathed $1000 to the Club from which was bought the Trophy Cabinet.

WILLIAM LEICESTER SHORTLAND PRESIDENT 1963 -1968 A qualified accountant, he began his worJ<ing career in the early thirties with E.S. Woldenden of Sydney. He left this position to become Secretary of Slazengers Ltd. After several years he sought a change and successfully applied for the position of chief accountant for the N.R.M.A. Insurance Co. He was informed that this position would be of a temporary nature, however, after twenty four years of service he was appointed general manager. During this period he held the positions of chief accountant, internal auditor and sub manager. In 1967,owingto failing health, heretired after serving twenty five years with the Company. In earlier years Bill was a keen cricketer, having played first grade and opening bat for the Northern Districts Cricket Club.· He also played hockey with distinction. In 1935 he added golf

JOHN DALLAS JONES PRESIDENT 1968 -1973 JOHN DALLAS JONES was born in Leura, N.S.W. on the 14th October1922. Hedied on the 1st December1981, aged 59 years. He was educated in Sydney and later became a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants. In 1940 he joined the accounting firm of Price Waterhouse. During his accounting career he served on committees relating to Australian Auditing Standards and Accounting Practices. In 1940 he enlisted in the Royal Australian Air FO'l'ce, where he served as a flying instructor and later as a fighter pilot. When hostilities ceased he rejoined Price Waterhouse. In 1953 he was appointed manager and spent a year on 55

barristers, but later turning to commerce. He was a partner in his firm, Sly & Russell, and ultimately Senior Partner, until retiring to the slightly less active role of consultant. As a young man Jack had a great love for the outdoors and represented his Club, the Freshwater Life Saving Club, in R. & R. events. He played grade hockey for Mosman and grade baseball for both Mosman and Sydney University Clubs. Before joining our Club in 1949, he was a member of the Manly Golf Club. It was here that Jack learnt his golf in the company of past greats, such as Jim Ferrier and Harry Hattersley, which may explain his impressive record in Club events. He was elected to the general committee in 1962 and served as honorary solicitor for eight years. He became vice president in 1966 and was elected to the presidency on the 24th September 1973. His wide experience in the commercial field, together with his wise counselling, assisted the Club over a long and significant period of its his.tory. · He occupied all offices with great understanding and dignity, his friendly smile was always his greeting, his ready wit and his most deliberate, but delightful, choice of words from an inexhaustable vocabulary, endeared him to us all. After twenty seven years of membership and total dedication to the Club, he was elected to Life Membership on the 27th September 1976.

exchange with the London and New York offices. In 1961 he was admitted to the partnership as senior audit partner. He was proud of his family, wife Joan and children Margaret, Malcolm and Graham.John joined our Club in 1948and for the first few years was a member of the Pennant Team. Like many others, John's membership was a family affair with Joan and Malcolm being active members . Malcolm became the club champion in 1981. John possessed a keeness for the game and achieved a handicap best of 4. His ability is shown in the highlights of his golfing career. 1946 -1952 1948-1955 1949 1951 1951 1955

Pennant Team Leura Golf Club. Pennant Team Pennant Hills Golf Club. Club Champion - Leura Golf Club. Player - Australian Open - Metropolitan. Player - Jubilee Australian Amateur. Foursomes Cham pion - Pennant Hills Golf Club.

He was first electl'.'Ci to Committee in 1954, as honorary treasurer, a position he filled for ten years with skill and dignity. He served as vice president for four years and was elevated to the presidency in 1964. During his term of office he made a most valued contribution to our Club. A member for thirty three years, twenty years on Committee, he was, on the 24th September 1973, in recognition of his unstinting service, elected to Life Membership.



WILLIAM PARK SCOTT was born in Sydney on the 4th August 1911. He attended Coogee Preparatory School and in 1926 was enrolled at Barker College. He graduated in 1929. He represented his college in 1st grade Rugby Union Football. From 1926 to 1929 he played with the 1st X1 and in 1928-9 captained the team. From 1931to1937 he played Union with Eastern Suburbs and during 1934-5 played 1st grade. In 1936 he became honorary secretary of the Eastern Suburbs

JOHN EBENEZER THOMSON was born at Cobar, New South Wales, on the 22nd September 1909. He was educated at the North Sydney High School and was admitted to practise as a solicitor in New South Wales, on the 29th October 1931. He has continued to practise as well as holding company directorships. In an eventful career in Law, his initial interest was in the litigious area, involving working with many of the leading 56

Rugby Union Club. During 1938-9 he gained valuable work experience with the Daily Telegraph. In 1940 he joined the A.I.F. and saw service with the 2/5 Field Regiment. He was discharged in 1945. From 1945 to 1950 he held the position of chief accountant at Timbrol Ltd (now Union Carbide). He joined Legacy in 1953 and was elected to the Presidency in 1960-1. He has been chairman of the Golfers Legacy Hostel Fund since 1972. As a chartered accountant he was chairman partner of Wilson, Bishop, Bowes and Craig. He joined our Club in 1951 and was elected to committee as treasurer in 1968. He was a vice president in 1972 and was elected to the office of President in 1976. During his service on committee, and particularly while president, he gave his time conscientiously and generously. His encouragement and willingness to become involved in the detail of sub-committees set an example for all to follow. On the twenty fourth of September 1979 he was elected to Life Membership. He is also a Life Member of the Senior Golfers Society and a Social Member of the Castle Cove Coif Club. Bill achieved a handicap best of 14 and his. name appears amongst the winners on the honour boards. Bill, may we thank you for your contribution toourCluband may you enjoy many more years of Coif on our course.

Spring Cup 1979. This event was won by l.Jmce White. In 1988 Lance completed 50 years membership in the Club and thus joined Cliff Broughton and Charlie Brown who had also achieved this distinction. Bill Scott former President and Life Member presents this traphy.

GEOFFREY LLOYD WILLIAMS PRESIDENT 1979 - 1982 GEOFFREY LLOYD WILLIAMS was born in Young, N.S.W. on the 18th December 1933. He attended Barker College, Hornsby, from 1946 to 1950, thereby gaining his Leaving Certificate. He extended his education at the Sydney University Law School and Solicitors' Admission Board. Following articles of clerkship in Sydney from 1951 to 1955, he was admitted to practise as a Solicitor in 1956 and entered into partnership with the firm of Greaves Wannan and Williams on the 1st July 1957. His expertise is in the fields of conveyancing and commercial and corporate law.

The 1974 Pennant Hills Cup saw Tony Gresham once more the winner. Geoff Everett from The Lakes G. C. who has played in the event more than any other player was runner up for the second time. Laurie Sparks with a sub par round won the first 18 holes. President Jack Thomson and Captain Bob Wickens add their congratulations. 57


He has held several public directorships. In 1973 he was appointed to the Optometrical Board and in 1981 to the Solicitors' Statutory Committee, being disciplinary tribunals for optometrists and solicitors respectively in N.S.W. He joined our Club in 1957 and was elected to Committee in 1961. For twenty one years he served with distinction on most Committees, as well as gracing the position of Honorary Solicitor for eight years. He was vice president from 1972 to 1979 when he was elected to the office of president. In this office he presided over the affairs of the Club with skill and dignity, maintaining in every way the high standards set by previous presidents. To express the high esteem in which he was held, and in appreciation of his services to the Club, he was elected to Life Membership on the 27th September 1982.

PAUL HAWORTH HENRICKS was born in Balmain on the 6th June 1917. During his business career he trained as an advertising copywriter. With these skills he later became the author of twelve childrens books. Further success came with the development of a group of dry cleaning plants which he owned. In his early years he was a keen sportsman, playing baseball for Petersham-Leichhardt, cricket for Balmain and Tennis within the district grades. At golf he achieved a handicap of 10/8. He has always had·a liking for the outdoors and regularly surfs at Collaroy where he has a unit on the beach. An ordained Lay-Preacher, his command of rhetoric has always given a certain charm to his many club speeches. Although he spends many hours at the Club atttending to his presidential duties, he still finds time for his favourite hobby, the study of theology. He is a firm supporter of Club traditions and a great believer in family life. His wife Eilene and their son David are both members of the Club. Their golfing prowess, as single figure players, is displayed, on the Honour Boards. He joined the Club in 1962and was elected tocommitteeon the 28th September 1970. He has held the following offices; Chairman of the House and Social Committee, Chairman of the Handicap Committee, member of the Playing Committee and editor of the Club Newsletter. In 1979 he became a vice president and in 1982 was elected to the presidency. During his presidency, and over the years, he has given untold time to the Club. His friendly outgoing personality, tempered with a firmness for Club standards, is appreciated by all members. His term of Office can only ensure the advancement and enrichment of our Club.

Geoff, may you now enjoy the fruits of the harvest and spend many more years treading the fairways of the Club you so ably helped to sustain.

Thew Memorial. In 1980 this event was own by Dal Haynes. Eric Thew one of our most popular past Captains made the presentation whilst Geoff Williams made the introductions. 58



the local School of Arts. His enthusiasm overflowed to those present and the Club was formed. He was elected a director of the new Club and for several years spent most of his spare time in helping to put the course in order and thus give better playing conditions. His great drive and optimism played an important part in the early days of the Club. He will be remembered by recording his name in the archives of the Club, as the person with the original idea of forming the Club, which we all enjoy so much today. Dr. Holt was indeed a pioneer member of the past.

In 1920 there were only six full eighteen hole golf courses in Sydney. They were the Australian Golf Club, Royal Sydney Golf Club, Concord Golf Club, Killara Golf Club, Bonnie Doon Golf Club and the Manly Golf Club. The founders showed great foresight in commencing the Pennant Hills Golf Club, in 1922. Their absolute enthusiasm far out-weighed the possibility of the venture not succeeding. With the wisdom of hind sight, there is no doubt that the decision was indeed the correct one. Among those pioneers were the following foundation members. ARTHUR CHRISTIAN HOLT ROBERT VICARS JOHN ALFRED NORTH

ROBERT VICARS was born at Rockhampton, Queensland in 1967. Hedied in Sydney in 1961 at the age of ninety four years. His father had been a merchant in Scotland and in 1862 he migrated to Australia. In 1873 the Vicars family moved to Sydney where Robert was enrolled at the Sussex Street School. He later completed his education at the Sydney Grammar School. When.Dr. Holt made the original suggestion of forming a golf club, he became his most enthusiastic supporter. At the first meeting, held in the School of Arts in 1922, he was elected Chairman. When the committee appointed at the preliminary meeting, failed after some months to find a suitable site, he made the decision to purchase the land, which is now our course, and offer it to the Committee at the same price as he had paid. The price was £4750. There was a provision that the land should not be subdivided and must be made into a golf course. A brass plaque, together with his portrait, have been mounted on the wall within the clubhouse, to record this historical transaction. He was director of the Club for many years and was captain from 1928 to 1930. He was also a Life Member of the Club. There is little doubt, that without the foresight and generosity of Robert Vicars, the Pennant Hills Golf Club, as we know it today, would never have eventuated.


ARTHUR CHRISTIAN HOLT was born on the 30th November 1873 in Bright, Victoria. He died in 1942 at the age of 79 years. His father was the Church of England Minister at a small church, close to the Ovens River, at the foot of Mount Buffalo. When his father was made a Dean of the Church he was transferred to the country town of Deniliquin in N.S.W. Arthur was sent to Kings School, where his brilliance as a scholar, won him admittance to the Sydney University. It was at this University that young Holt became a doctor, when he graduated with his B.A. and M.B. degrees. He married and took up residence in Beecroft in 1913. He was very interested in lawn tennis and joined the local club, where he played an important part in its progress. In 1921 he formed the idea that Beecroft should have a golf club. He then set about to get people interested, which took a lot of enthusiasm as very few people had any interest in golf. It was not played by the young and was considered to be an older person's sport. By 1922 he had enough people interested to call a meeting at

JOHN ALFRED NORTH was born at Ashfield on November 1st, 1884 and, with his five brothers, was educated at Sydney 59

From the inception of the Club the associates have formed an integral part, contributing in many ways, to add to the unique qualities it possesses today. During the course's formative years the women worked alongside the men, not only giving moral, but physical support. In the early years, as the men removed the rocks, felled the trees and grubbed out the stumps, the women supplied food, dug out the paspalum grass and watered, weeded and mowed the greens; push mowers in those days. For several years regular working bees were formed to attend to the many jobs as the course was moulded. Rocks gathered around the course were used to form the foundation for the 8th green, a monumental task using horse and dray to transport most of them. The early members recall with great affection the time George Howard used to tether his cow around the 9th green in an attempt to keep the grass down. His children, Gwen (Symons) and Jack used to bring the cow up to the house for daily milking. The early members often received a free lesson from George Howard who would knockoffhiscoursedutiestogive a player some advice about their game. This often helped some poor golfer in strife. The older members remember with a certain amount of nostalgia some of the landmarks o( yesteryear. The swinging bridge over the 10th gully, which scared some of the elderly members. The Wisteria covered gum tree to the right of the associates' 9th tee. The canvas water bag which would be hung on a tree around the 12th to supply clear cool water to help quench the thirsts on hot days. It was the wisteria around the course that prompted Vince Church to name the Salver he donated to the Associates in 1969, "Wisteria Salver". This event is played each ye'1r during the blooming of the Wisteria. Most of the plants, including the white variety, came from Lilian Mark's garden. One of the most outstanding features of Pennant Hills Golf Club has always been the beautiful flower arrangements displayed within the clubhouse. The associates have mainly been responsible for these and on numerous occasions have supplied the flowers from their own gardens. Whilst each week

Grammar School. His family moved to the picturesque slopes of Ermington and later, in 1905, to Beecroft where John North lived for the rest of his life. He was a third generation partner in the stockbroking firm of J. & J. North which was established by his grandfather in 1867. He loved golf and was originally a member of the Concord Golf Club where he played on a handicap of Standard Scratch. He became involved in the establishment of the Pennant Hills District Golf Club (later P.H.G.C.) and helped organise working bees to clear fairways of timber and stones. He was the first captain of the Club and also served as honorary secretary, honourary treasurer and handicapper. He was appointed to the board of the Pennant Hills District Golf Club Limited as a director in 1928 and served for seven years, contributing his vast knowledge of business which was of inestimable value during the difficult period of the Great Depression. He had a daughter Judith and his four sons John, David, Brian and Ian have all been members of the Club, David and Brian having served as committee members also. Following his death in 1959, the J.A. North Memorial Trophy was donated by his family and was accepted by the Club in appreciation of his contribution to its foundation. The Club has now taken over the responsibility of this trophy. It was deemed appropriate that recognition be made of the contribution of our first Club Captain .

THE ASSOCIATES Ourminutesindicatethaton the 23rd April 1923,Mrs. Dorothea Page became the first associate member of the Club. Her membership was closely followed by Mrs. O.S. Walshe, Mrs. H.J. Hendy, Mrs. R.W. Stone, Mrs. Doris Marjorie Beck and Mrs. Primrose Buckle, who were all accepted as associate members on the 14th May 1923. By the end of the first year there were seventeen associate members, by 1925 the number had increased to fifty. Over the years the Associate membership has steadily increased in numbers, today it is over 400. 60

one admires the artistic talents of these girls, one cannot help but remember the magnificent displays created for special occasions by Hope Best, Enid Buttel, Betty Freeburn, Lilian Marks and Joan Gee. In 1969, the beautiful painting of the Clubhouse and gardens was donated by associate, Louise Humphrey. There have been a variety of social functions held over the years, involving both members and associates. One of the highlights of the bygone years was the "Club Ball". This function was held at the Horden Ball Room and was well patronised, with full evening dress being the order of the day. Later when the Clubhouse was enlarged this function was held on the premises. One of the largest and most successful functions ever held at the Club was the farewell dinner to retiring Secretary-Manager, Alex Marks. Other large functions were the farewell dinner to Vince Church and the Club Concert in 1973. Some Members will remember the impromptu Sunday night singalongs of the fifties. There was always someone willing and able to play the piano, and no one wanted to go home, in fact, Alex Marks threatened to ''banish them to another Club" if the clubhouse were not emptied by midnight. They were happy days and full of fun. · One of the outstanding events in our calendar is the associates' annual dinner. At this evening the current ladies champion is the guest of honour and after the usual formalities a stage show is presented. This is invariably of the highest order and for many years has been under the direction of Betty Musgrove, unfortunately male members are not allowed to attend this function. However, on one occasion, after much persuasion, the associates agreed to present their show "My Fairway Lady"toamixedaudienceofover300. Theshowwasreceived with enthusiasm and appreciation. On that occasion Pauline Lammey starred and was ably assisted by Mavis Richards, Norma Cole, Marion King and Yvonne Clarke. Betty Musgrove produced this musical comedy and Hope Best designed the costumes. The choreographer was Yvonne Clarke with Pam . Green the pianist.

From the very inception of the Club, the associates have always been very active when itcametoraisingfunds, whether it be for a Charity or to refurbish the clubhouse. One of the most successful days organised is the Melbourne Cup Day, with the proceeds being donated to Legacy. In the early days raffles were regularly conducted, dances in the local Beecroft School of Arts were popular, bridge parties were held in private homes. In those early day~ money was not plentiful and at one stage the associates were asked to contribute 5/- each (not a small sum in those days) towards the making of a new green. It has been the pattern, throughout the Club's life, that anything the associates wanted, they worked for. They were never stinting in their efforts no matter what they were called upon to do and this is the basis of the wonderful cameraderie that exists amongst them.

A group of our Past Associate Presidents: Mollie Sutherland, Betty Musgove, Meg. Hornbrrok, and Pat Jones. Front: Margaret Callow, Dixie Lovell and Joy Halloran


on the general committee. This was necessary due to the increased work load . The associate membership had now increased to 342 and regular competitions were being organised by the professional.

COMMITTEE STRUCTURE The first associate committee was formed on the 22nd February 1924. It consisted of six ladies who were to serve fpr one year and meet at least once per calendar month. The first Committee consisted of: President Vice Presidents Captain Secretary Treasurer


Mrs Vicars Mrs Nossiter-Mrs Holt Mrs Holt Mrs Morgan Mrs Walsh

The first associates admitted to the Club were required to take up a debenture. This £5 Debenture was also considered to be the fee for joining the Club. The annual subscription was 5 guineas. In 1987 the Club's articles were amended to grant "Life Membership" to 3 associate members. The first two nominated and approved by the Annual General Meeting in 1988 were Margaret Callow and Mollie Sutherland. In 1927 the Associates were given permission by the Club, "to handle their own 1J10ney." This would consist of competition fees and monies raised by other means. The Associates Subscription fees would remain under the control of the Club's Management. This agreement remains in operation today. The assodates are justly proud of this agreement, because in most Clubs the committee has to rely on a gratuity from the Annual Subscriptions. The first competition fees were threepence, which gradually increased to one shilling in 1952 and to 80 cents in 1986. The early trophy consisted of a ball, valued 3/6. As time went on trophies were donated by the associates for various competitions. This arrangement continued for many years until it was discovered the same members were contributing year after year. A much fairer system came into operation in 1973, whereby all playing Associates contributed a set amount to form a Trophy Fund. The money was collected with the annual subscription fees. Likewise, two other fees are collected on behalf of the associate committee; the L.G.U. membership fee and the "All Purpose Fund". The All Purpose Fund was introduced in 1949 to cover the cost of purchasing Greeting Cards, Flowers etc for associ-

The first annual meeting was held in the Beecroft School of Arts, as the clubhouse was too small, 50 associates attended . It was decided at this meeting to add a general committee of seven to the above positions, making a total of thirteen. On the 19th November 1937 the Club became a company which necessitated new rules and by-laws. It was suggested the associate committee should consist of associate members (7) president, captain, secretary, treasurer and three general committee, with any three at the meeting considered to be a quorum. In the event of the president being absent, the captain would occupy the chair. This proposal was adopted in July 1938 but was not put into operation until the annual elections in 1948. The by-laws were again revised in 1948 leaving the committee with seven members. The match committee to consist of captain, secretary and one other elected by ballot from the committee. The annual meeting to be held no later than the 30th November each year. It was also decided that the associates committee be given the right to issue handicaps subject to the L.G.U. rules and regulations.

In 1962/63 the Committee was increased to nine. The handicap manager became a separate office and the general committee was increased to four. The match committee would in future be : captain, secretary and handicap manager. In 1977 the committee was increased to ten, with five serving 62

ates in hospital, weddings, bereavements and other special occasions.

PROVISIONAL ASSOCIATES Provisional associate membership was introduced in 1956 with the increased membership and large Thursday fields. They were given restricted playing rights and were not allowed to vote at the Annual General Meeting. (This was changed in1985) They were not permitted to play in the Thursday competition until they had attained a handicap of below 36 or had been in the provisional section for a given time, usually two to three years. This also depended on the size of the Thursday summer competitions. Competitions for the provisionals are organised by the committee on Mondays in a blocked time granted by the Club.


Two of our most illustrious Associate Champions; Left Lavene (Vene) Taylor who won the Championship on 11 occasions and Jean Smith the winner of this event 7 times.

There was very little competition for the Business Associates, except for a Sunday Ball Competition organised by the Club Professional, until 1953. It was then that Heather Arndale (Garrett) Betty Brown (Musgrove) and Pat Sharp, representing the business associates, outlined a proposal for organised competition on Sundays. As a result, the Club g~anted them a block time and the associates committee allowed them to organise their own competitions through two liaison officers. Their programme was also printed in the fixture book and the associates committee supplied the main trophies. In time, interclub matches were also played.

VETERANS Veteran competition for Club associate members are run in conjunction with Thursday play. They are mostly nine hole events, with the exception of medal rounds and the Polly Wearne or Veterans Trophy. To be eligible to play in the Veterans competitions, associates must be fifty years of age and have paid a $5 joining fee. Two veteran associates are elected each year to run the competitions. They work with the associates committee, but are financially independent. The

Following the recommendation of the associates, the Annual General Meeting of the Club unanimously approved the election of Margaret Callow and Mollie Sutherland to become our first associate Life Members. 63

governing body of the veterans is the N .S. W. Veterans Golfers Association who arrange competitions throughout the year at various clubs. Gwen Barmby, who also served twenty'years on the association committee, worked tirelessley for this Association and for many years was secretary and later President. Each year, usually in September, the N.S.W. V.G.A. organises a day at Pennant Hills. The Competition is held over nine holes and with fields of 300 it is not uncommon to see six groups of players on the same fairway. The congested golf appears to be unimportant as many come just to enjoy the lunch and enjoy the beauty of the course. The spring display in the gardens add to the attractions of this very popular event.

ASSOCIATES CHRISTMAS DINNER The end of years festivities did not always include a Christmas Dinner. The dinners first started in 1954. Before that date the Xmas Party took the form of an afternoon tea and later a luncheon. All the women attended these functions, adorned in their best frocks, hats and gloves and were entertained with a song from Jean Derrin or a recitation from Margaret Barry. Entertainment over the years has been varied. One year a fancy hat com petition was held and another films were shown. The first stage production began in 1969 on a borrowed catwalk. The girls who performed will never forget the experience. It was only 3 feet wide and wobbled. A more suitable stage was built in 1970. Betty Musgrove, ably assisted over the years by Hope Best, Yvonne Clarl<e, Norma Cole, Erla Nandor, Di Oakley and pianists Pam Green and Alma Wilson, organised some twenty productions from 1968 to 1984, including the entertainment for Vince Chur.c h's farewell dinner, Alex Mark's farewell dinner and with the men, two club dinners. These shows were mainly revues, except for "My Fairway Lady" which was performed in 1973 and 1984. Some of these performances were said to 'be quite "professional". In 1985 and 1986 Marcia Lifchfield introduced a more musical format involving less performers. The accompanist was Christine Dean. Apart from the entertainment, the talents of many other associates contribute to the success of the Xmas Dinner. The flowers are arranged by the "Flower Roster Girls", the Xmas Cake is usually made and iced by one of the associates and the table decorations, a feature of the evening, are arranged by yet another group. These girls always manage to create something interesting each year. Some of the girls who have been in charge of decorations are: Hazel Kent, Betty Swan, Norma McMurchie and more recently Jeanette Batley.

LOCKER ROOM Over the years the ladies locker room has seen many changes in decor and layout. The original locker room was adjacent to our Presidential Room which was then the Dining Room and Bar. As associate membership increased it became apparent that additional facilities would be required. Over the years improvements have been carried out, often by the associates themselves. In 1974 the layout was altered to incorporate a much needed committee office and in 1985 the toilet and shower block were extended and the whole locker room refurbished professionally - total cost $30,000. (A detailed summary of all the minor and major alterations to the locker room have been compiled by Mrs. Betty Musgrove. These documents have been placed in the Archives for reference purposes.)

HONOUR BOARDS With the exception of the Office Bearers Honour Boards, the Honour Boards no longer adorn the Walls of the Locker Room. In 1985 the Club honoured the Associates, by hanging the Honour Boards in the Dining Room. The Honour Boards of both Members and Associates now hang within the Clubhouse proper.

L.G.U. (LADIES GOLF UNION) Until the Australian Ladies Golf Union was formed in 1921, all major international competitions for women were organised 64

by the Men's Golfing Association. State competitions, however, were organised by the respective State L.G.U's. The N.S.W. Ladies Golf Union was formed in 1903. The L.G.U. in Australia is affiliated with the L.G.U. in England and is the governingbodyof women's golf in Australia. TheA.L.G.U. is made up of representatives from the State's L.G.U.'s, the number depending on the size of the State. These Representatives are referred to as Delegates to the A.L.G.U. The State L.G.U. Council is formed from representatives of each golf club. Every year, each club, according to membership size, is allotted a number of delegates, appointed by their respective Committees, to vote for the State L.G. U. In addition to those voted onto Council, a certain number are co-opted. Over the years, several Pennant Hills Golf Club Associates have occupied important positions on the L.G.U. Council. This is quite an honour for the Club.

kept by the winning Clubs, are hand painted by her. Margaret Callow was Honorary Treasurer from 1960 to 1962. Peg Seale held the paid position of Secretary, Assistant Secretary 1950-1959 and Secretary 1959-1974. Doris Williams was Honorary Treasurer from 1963-1965, she was also a Vice President. Olive Craig held the position of a Vice President and Chairwoman of the Match Committee and a Delegate to the A.L.G. U. Enid Buttel was State Handicap Manager for seven years. Mollie Sutherland is still an active Member of the N.S.W. L.G.U. Executive. Since joining the Council in 1969 Mollie has

JEAN DERRIN First joined the N.S.W. L.G.U. in 1941 and was the first Pennant Hills Associate to do so. She was soon on the Executive Council, chairman of the match committee and vice president from 1958 to 1964. She was also a N.S.W. delegate to the A.L.G.U. from 1949to1951, 1953to1956 and 19S8to1960. On the A.L.G.U. she was a trustee of the International Fund and a vice president. With Mollie. Mc Lush she was co-originator of the Commonwealth Golf Tournaments, which are played every four years between the Common wealth Countries. These tournaments are organised by the L.G.U. in England. In 1979, coinciding with the tournament being held in Western Australia, Jean was made a vice president of the L.G.U. (England) and was their first representative at this Tournament. In 1964 she was the non-playing captain of the Australian team which played in the St. Germain Golf Club, France. It is the Womens World Amateur Team Championship and is played bi-ennially by teams of three different countries. The competition is held at various golf clubs throughout the world. The N.S.W. L.G.U. honoured her work by naming the Jean Derrin Trophy · after her. Jean is an artist and replicas of the Grade Pennants,

Winners and runners up at the 1982 Associate Championships: Back Row: Runners Up; Meg Hornbrook (President), Bea Hicks, Jeanette Batley, Eilene Henricks, Val Bradley, Bess Joscelyn and Pat Jones (Captain). Front row: Winners; Margaret Anderson, Pauline Alexander, Jenny (Swadling) Abrahams, Sue Poole and Beryl Sefton. 65

held the positions of Honorary Treasurer and Vice President alternatively for many years. She has also been a delegate to the A.L.G.U. Some of our associates have been made Counsellors. They are appointed for life and attend meetings where they give advice and take part in debate, but cannot vote. These Counsellors are: Margaret Callow, Olive Craig, Jean Derrin, Doris Williams and Utha Young. Other Associates who have been on the N.S.W. L.G.U. are : Norma Allen, Margaret Kendall, Eilene Henricks, Meg Hornbrook and Dixie Lovell.

mained so ever since. However restrictions on Saturday play were soon imposed and from July 1927 associate members were not allowed to play on the course on Saturday afternoons and public holidays. It soon followed that the course and clubhouse were completely "off limits" to associates on Saturdays, except for twice a year when the associates became guests of the members for a mixed golf day and Social evening. This has now been changed to once a year, being the day of the Club Dinner. More recently, however, Saturday evenings have been set aside for members and associates. Clothing worn on the course and golfing equipment used have changed over the years. Associates are now permitted to wear slacks and battery driven buggies and motorised carts are now a common sight. There are now a variety of competitions played each year both in stroke and rriatch play. Conditions for these events are set out by the match committee. Inter-Club competitions arranged between individual Clubs, apart from the L.G.U. fixtures have always been well attended. Pennant Hills has played annual interclub matches with Avondale and Oatlands for many years. The Avondale competition was first played in 1941 and the Salver played for was donated by Phoebe James, a member of both Clubs. The Oatlands match started in 1955. Each Club became the hostess club on alternate years, with a limited number of pairs playing each event. A similar competition is now played with Castle Hill. Open Days, as such, have never been held at Pennant Hills. Instead we have the Pennant Hills Cup, open to all Clubs in the Silver Division and the Bronze Salver for handicaps 19-29, which is also open to other Clubs. These two events are played on separate days. Associate competitions on Thursdays were played in 2's in 1925 but soon changed to 3's except for Medal rounds which were played in 2's. Today, with the exception of four-ball and match play events, the competitions are played in 3's. Time sheets were used to determine the orderof play for years. Unfortunately this system was abused by some members

PLAYING When the Club first began, golf competitions were held on Saturdays. The associates played their own competition or joined the men in their event. The men's committee gave them handicaps and the first competition played under handicap conditions was a stroke event, won by Mrs. Morgan in 1923. In 1925 Thursday was adopted as Ladies Day and has re-

The American Rag was unfurled alongside our Blue Spruce to honour the presence of the U.S. Ambassador Marshall Green and his Aide Col. Jack Detour as they were entertained as guests of our President, Jack Thomson and Captain Bob Wickens in 1975.


living close to the course, with the best times being taken by them and their friends. A more equitable system was introduced in 1964. This allowed for all games to be drawn by ballot with the exception of four-balls and Summer competition. A paid starter was introduced in 1964. This was a welcome relief to the committee who was hard pressed to send the field away and still play their round. The first paid starter was Betty Cresswell.

at the Pacific Harbour Golf Club, Fiji. 1979 She won the Junior Championship of Australia and the N.S.W. Amateur Open Championship. 1980

She won the Canadian Amateur Open Championship.

Edwina was also a Member of the Australian Golf Club, which is her home Club. Because of this she played most of her competitive golf as that Club's representative.

HANDICAPPING The handicapping system in operation for the associates is the one recommended by the L.G.U. It is quite different from the system used by the men. Handicaps are reviewed in January and a new handicap is issued each year. One of the pleasures of golf on a Thursday is the "Halfway House" (The Spike Bar) where associates, after playing nine holes, can stop and partake of refreshments. The cook's hot buttered fruit scones are always popular and hard to resist by the most diet conscious associates.

THE CLUB CHAMPIONSHIP The Associate's Club Championship has always been a keenly contested event and coupled with the Bronze Championship, the "Finals Day" is one of the highlight of the golfing programme. Interest in these Championships always attracts a strong following of supporters and as a fitting finale the trophies are presented at an afternoon party, beautifully catered for by members of the committee and willing helpers. The Club Championship, first played in 1924, was won by Mrs. H. Morgan who also won in 1925/6/7 /8. In later years the most outstanding Club Champions were Vene Taylor who won the Championship eleven times, which included eight consecutive wins from 1957to1964. Jean Smith won seven consecutively from 1946to1952. Eilene Henricks and Jenny Swadling (Abrahams) have six wins each. To honour the wins by Vene and Jean, their photographs were hung in the locker room.

GOLF ACHIEVEMENTS A list of winners in the main Club events have been included in this History to remain in the archives of the Club. It is felt special mention should be made of some, particularly those in events not listed, such as team events and others organised by the L.G.U. One of the most outstanding players belonging to Pennant Hills Golf Club was Edwina Kennedy. She not only was successful in Australia but overseas as well. The following is a list of her achievements whilst a Member of the Pennant Hills Golf Club:

THE SINGLES KNOCKOUT This competition was first played in 1925 with a handicap limit of 4D. It has remained a very popular match play competition. Trish Whitton holds the record for this event, having won it six times.

1978 She won the British Womens Amateur Championship. The first Australian to win in 85 years. Edwina won this Championship on her 19th birthday.

TEAMS EVENTS 1978 Edwina was one of a Team of three who won the · Espirito Santo Trophy World Amateur Team Championship

Pennant Hills, playing in No. 1 Reserve Grade, won the event in 1978, (Captain - Eilene Henricks) and won again in 1980, 67

Captained by Trish Whitton. Winning in these years was particularly exciting as the win coincided with the Men' s No. 1 Grade Team winning their pennant. This has never been previously achieved.

achieved the honour. In 1979 Jenny Swadling and Merilyn Little won the ACT Open Foursomes Championship.

The only other Grade won by Pennant Hills Associates was the Grade No. 3 in 1974, which consisted of a Team of 8 with a handicap limit of 25. It was a composite team of Silver and Bronze players. Pennant Hills Associates have played in No. 1 Grade, but have never been successful. The Bronze No. l Team won the Interclub Pennant in 1963 and 1967 and again in 1968 being undefeated . The Bronze No. 2 Team won the Shield in 1982 and the Business Associates won their lnterclub competition in 1973 and 1976. The Bronze II Salver Team won in 1987 and 1988. Another Teams event in which Pennant Hills was successful was the Bronze Medallion, organised by the L.G .U. This is an 18holeBronzeTeamevent,(HandicapLimit19-25). Thisevent is played over selected courses by a team of four. Two on one course and two on another. The winning team is the one with the best aggregate of four bronze players entering from the same club. Pennant Hills, very proudly, won this event in 1967, the only time in the history of the Club. The successful Team was Pat Jones and Mary Herd on Asquith and Dot Fogarty and Bub Thompson on Muirfield.

Whilst no associate, entering from Pennant Hills, has been successful in the individual championships, some have qualified. Mrs. H. Morgan, Vene Taylor, Norma Batten, Eilene Henricks have all qualified in the N.S.W. Amateur Open Champion~ ships. Enid Buttel, Rua Johnson and Betty Musgrove have qualified in the N.S.W. Bronze Amateur Championship. In the Foursomes Championship the Club has been more successful. Betty Swan and Beryl Parker won the N.S.W. Amateur Open Bronze Foursome Championship in 1966. In 1967 Beryl Quayle and Rua Johnson were successful. Jenny Swadling, one of our associates, entered in the 1983 N.S.W. Country Championships as a member from Tuggerah Lakes and won the Silver Division Foursomes Championship with Deidre Rogers from Queanbeyan. This event was played at the Pennant Hills Golf Club.




1964 1965 1967

This Meeting, organised by the L.G.U., is held over four days in Canberra. A very popular event, it enables golfers from all over the State, on handicaps below 25, to relax and enjoy a golfing holiday. Over 400 associates attend this meeting and Pennant Hills is always well represented. The two most important events are the A.CT. Open Championship, a 36 hole scratch event, and the Seat of Government Cup, a 36 hole stroke handicap event. Each event is played over two days on different courses. 18 holes each day. Mary Herd was successful in winning the Seat of Government Cup in 1968, the only time a representative from our Club has

1971 1972 1983

N.S.W. Amateur Open Foursomes Championship N.S.W. Amateur Open Championship N.S.W. L.G.U. and N.S.W. G.A. Amateur Open Mixed Foursomes Championship N.S.W. Country Championship Meeting N.S.W. State Amateur Open Championship N.S.W. Country Championship Meeting Silver Division Foursomes Championship

COURSE RECORDS The present course record of 73 is jointly held by Mrs. G. Gosse, 68

Mrs. I. Blumberg and Miss A. Jones. Mrs. Gosse and Mrs. Blumberg established their records during Championship conditions. In 1971 Mrs. Gosse returned a 74 in her morning round to equal Miss R. Wright's record created in 1965. In the afternoon round she returned a 73 creating a new course record . In 1972 Mrs. Blumberg equalled this record. This record was again equalled by Miss Jones whilst playing in the Pennant Hills Cup in 1984 and Sue Serhan playing in an L.G.U. medal round in 1987.

Thursdaydidcontinue, with the exception of the L.G .U. Medal rounds. The events were reduced to 12 holes. The main events such as the Club Championship and Singles Knockout were not played. Fields were not large, less than 50 and sometimes only 25 to 30 would play. The associate membership at that time was 120. With their husbands away at the War or working on various War associated projects, the women had less time to play golf. Reducing the competitions to 12 holes certainly helped the situation. The associates worked very hard indeed for the L.G.U. Patriotic War Fund, the Anzac Buffet, the Womens All Service Canteen and a Group went twice a month to Liverpool Army Camp to attend to the sewing needs of the Soldiers. They also knitted garments for the Servicemen and made camouflage nets.

THE MOST REDUCED HANDICAP The most reduced handicap is determined over twelve months from February 1st to January 31st each year. Sally Tribe holds the record for the most reduced handicap, having reduced her handicap from 36 to 20. This 16 stroke reduction was achieved during 1986.

LOWEST ASSOCIATE CLUB HANDICAP E. Kennedy S. Serhan J. Abrahams (Nee Swadling) E. Henricks V. Taylor J. Woods

In 1942 the Military took over more than half the clubhouse. The associates were left with only their Locker Room as they were not allowed inside the main section of the Clubhouse, whilst the Military personnel were in attendance. An entrance was built into the northern wall of the locker room. Two Associates, Miss M. Savill and MissJ. Whitworth received M.B.E's for their services during the War. The associates history would not be complete without some mention of "unforgettable characters". One can remember Margaret Barry, golf bag and clubs swung over the shoulder, pedalling her push bike from her home in Barry Lane, off New Line Road, to the Club, eager for her game of golf. Jean Bowry will be remembered for her marvellous performances at the Xmas Dinner shows and her great sense of humour. Cressa Butterworth for her dramatic late entrances at all functions. Vera Davis for her lovely cakes. Vera cooked all the cakes for the Grade afternoon tea. In those days the visiting grade teams were given afternoon tea instead of luncheons.

Plus2 3 4

4 4 4

In reviewing the golfing achievements of the Pennant Hills associates, no division has enjoyed as much success in one year as the Bronze 1 Division 1968. During that year they were successful in winning the following events: Bronze Interclub Pennant (Undefeated) L.G.U. Bronze Medallion Mary Herd won the A.CT. Seat of Government Cup Beth McCaskill won the L.G.U. Legacy Cup

THE WAR YEARS (1939-45) Playing golf during those years was not easy, petrol rationing . added to the difficulties. However golf competitions on a 69

1. 2.

Many associates, mostly not good golfers, contributed in a way which is not shown on the Honour Boards, but will be remembered in the archives of the Club forever.

3. 4.

PENNANT HILLS GOLF CLUB NEWSLETTER The publication of the Newsletter now spans three decades and from a humble beginning now provides an excellent publication with news of our Club's activities. Every member receives a copy, when in regular attendance, with those members who frequent the Club Jess often, their copy is posted. This is the history of the Newsletter with various references to members whose names will remain in the Club's archives forever, for they were the Editors of yesteryear. The first issue of the "Hills Newsletter", as it was known then, was published on the 1st August 1951. The Editor, or as he liked to refer to himself, "Your Roving Reporter" was S.J. (Jim) Hines, a Captain of the Club froml 952 to 1958. This first issue commenced with the statement: "First and probably only issue - depends on your reaction." Jim followed this with a request: "If you can think of a better name for this Newsletter, give your suggestion to the Secretary, it may win you a prize of two new golf balls." In this first issue was a report from the Election Committee, it read; "These burn the midnight oil boys" interviewed more than one hundred candidates for membership during the past six weeks, while the Associates President, Captain and Secretary saw another 40 Ladies. In another par the Associates were complaining of having only fifty five lockers to satisfy the needs of two hundred plus membership. The second issue published in November 1951 contained the following information. "Better name contest". The promised trophy for a better name brought the following suggestions.

K. Emery suggests ''The Hills Indigest" Harry Stoyles effort was "Rough Notes" Anonymous "Pentillian" Lilian Marks comes forward with "Pennantees" (Please note the competition and the two golf balls is still on.)

The first issue of the "Hills Newsletter" was only a single sheet with the editor apologising for lack of interest and content. Further issues were printed roneo in 1959 and 1962, without number or volume reference. A further issue was printed and distributed to the members in March 1964. It was called the "Newsletter", the word Hills had been omitted. Its Editorial read: "The General Committee of the Club have decided to present to members and associates, items of interest and information by the medium of a Newsletter, issued three or four times a year, and we feel that the resumption of this amenity will be welcomed by all. Mr. Bob Bradley (Committee 1963-1968) has been appointed Editor. Bob produced this black and yvhite roneod sheet of Club news with an often repeated request to speed up play on the course. When Bob retired from Committee in 1968, John Bourke became the Editor. After a successful two year period and with John not standing for committee, the position became vacant. In 1970 Paul Henricks took over the editing of the Newsletter and converted it into an excellent four page printed brochure, with photos. This new presentation then became the source of "Getting to know Members," in fact, on one occsion, Graham Allen, at the time a prominent member of the Pennant Team, was in Amsterdam, Holland, when a fellow member Noel Byles, came up to him and introduced himself saying, "You're Graham Allen, I have seen your photo in our Club's Newsletter." Paul Henricks edited the Newsletter for twelve years, during which time he continually improved its degree of excellence. When he became president in 1982, John Newman and Rus 70

McPhedran took over the task of producing the issue. They have maintained their predecessors high standard, with Rus adding some excellent photographs. They carried on their editorial tasks until 1986 when Jack Kelso, a past vice president and Special Member of the Club accepted the duty. Our new editor is carrying on the tradition providing members with a news service that keeps them fully acquainted with the Club's activities.

active member of the committee. He held the position of Club Captain from 1930 to 1933. He had over fifty years of golfing experience, having joined the Arm id ale Club in 1910. A player of exceptional ability, he won the Club Championship on two occasions. His wife and three sons were all members, Ted winning the "B" Grade Championship in 1949. A well respected member of the Club, he was elected to Life Membership in 1959. He passed away in 1961. J.C. OOHN) FERRIS joined the Club on the 27th July 1948. He represented in our Pennants Team for many years. He became a committee member in 1965 and over the years held office on the Election, Planning and Handicap Committees. He was our delegate for the N.S.W. G.A. from 1966 - 1973. He was vice captain of the Club from 1970to1974. His worth to the Club as honourary solicitor for the past eight years is of inestimable value. R.A .L. (BOB) GREEN joined the Club in 1958. He was elected to Club committee in 1967 where he served fourteen years on the Planning and Course Committee. He also served several years as secretary to the Ex-Servicemen's Section. As an architect and qualified greenkeeper he gave great assistance to the Club. Better known as a golf architect, with extensive records in course design in Australia and the South West Pacific, his studies have included the replanning of our course brought about by the proposed resumption of sections ofour course by the D.M.R. He was responsible for the up-dating and redetailing of the 27 hole layout, North Shore Golf Club, Auckland, New Zealand, our only reciprocal Club. S.]. HINES was a well respected member of the club and was Editor of the first edition of the "Hills Newsletter" published in August 1951. He was club captain from 1952 to 1958 and as a member of committee served on House and Election as w~ll as chairing Playing. He was a delegatetotheN.S.W. Golf Association from 1956 to 1959. J.E. (JACK) KELSO joined the Club on the 6th December 1960 and was elected to committee on the 10th February 1971.

CLUB PERSONALITIES Our Club over the past 65 years, has enjoyed a membership of thousands. All have contributed in some small way to the development and unique traditions which are Pennant Hills. It is fitting therefore to make mention of the names whom we believe have represented a cross section of the members over the years. Many members come to mind who could be listed among our illustrious members. Who can ever minimise the contribution of Fred Scales and Harry Gregory. In those difficult days they earned the respect and appreciation of all. Most of those mentioned are Committee men and their contributions are tangible ones and easily acknowledged, but, who can ever assess the value of such members as Mark Deveridge or a Vern Thomas or a Jack Clarke. Who can ever assess the contributions of a Greg Waterson or a Howard .Gee or the wit of Dennis Clark. We are grc1teful for the Dal Haynes and the Heffernans, the Ross Buddies, the Ian Mackies, John Bourke and so many of our unsung heroes. Their contributions have enriched the Club and the Club is richer for their membership. The Wednesday players could never forget the wit and repartee from the Austins at presentation time. The Saturday players had their day fulfilled with the tee stories from Eric ComrieThomson and Arthur Furze. Of course the Professional Ian Alexander was the first person we have all contacted over the past twenty two years to check our starting time. All these people, we believe are indicative of a cross section of the Club's membership. E.E. (ERNIE) DORAN joined the Club in 1927 and was an 71

He served on general committee, House and Social, Finance and was a vice president of the Club from 1977 to 1986. Upon his retirement he was granted Special Senior Membership. As chairman of the House Committee, and in association with the Associates Committee, he was responsible for the refurbishing of the clubhouse. His artistic talent is shown in the two beautiful paintings, one of the course and the other the original Clubhouse of 1923. V.M. (VIC) KENDALL joined the Club in 1948. He gave twenty one years of service to the Club, during which time he was Club handicapper for ten years, vice captain for five years and club captain for six years. Jn 1952, he and Bill Davidson, (Professional at the time) gave golf instructional classes, free of charge, on Thursdays afternoons, to thirty school boys from primary and secondary schools. Several of these lads later joined the Club. To honour his services, the Vic Kendal Tyro Trophy was instigated. It is a trophy competed for by members in "C" Grade who have never previously won a Club event. Vic passed away in 1981 sadly missed by all who knew him. CLIFFORD BROUGHTON was an early foundation member. The early minutes of the Club disclose the great work carried out by him as a member of the general committee and as chairman of the house committee. He served in these capacities for seven years. The difficulties that confronted the Club's directors can only be fully appreciated by studying the early minutes. His tact and kindness played a significant part in bringing our Club through the rough passages of the early days. Cliff possessed gracious manners and was regarded as a gentleman of the highest order. He zealously guarded the honour bestowed upon him, when on the 26th September 1955 he was elected to Life Membership of the Club. He was to grace our Club with his presence for a further twenty years, playing cards with friends or having a chat. He passed away in 1975 and the Club Jost another pioneer from the past. His membership extended over fifty years. A.G. (ARTHUR) LEES joined the Club in 1936 and became a

memberof General Committee in 1946. He gave fourteen years of continuous service, performing his duties with great enthusiasm and zeal, which emphasised the devotion and loyalty he possessed for the Club. His contribution to the garden design remains relatively unaltered today. He was a vice president of the Club for twelve years and in 1961 was elected to Life Membership. Arthur Lees left a visible contribution, one that will remain for many years to come. V. (VIC) MACALLISTER made a valuable contribution to the growth of the Club. A member for thirty years, he served on committee for eighteen years. He was the Club delegate to the N.S.W. Golf Association and a vice president from 1961 to 1966. He was sadly missed when he passed away, attending the Annual Meeting on the 26th September 1966. T.W. (TREVOR) MANSER joined the Club in 1958. He served on committee for twelve years, which included a term as honourary treasurer and captain for six years. He was a popular captain, held in high esteem by the N.S.W. golfing authorities. He possesses a high degree of humour and always has a ready smile. He was appointed a Life Member on the 24th September 1984, an honour he has held with great dignity. F.L. (FRED) PAUL joined the Club in 1931 and played a very important part in the early development of the Club. He served on general committee, was Chairman of the House Committee and became a vice president. He is credited with being the instigator of many of the Clubhouse amenities we all take for granted today. He was the original donor of the Winter Cup. He was elected to Life Membership on the 26th September 1960, being only the fifth member of the Club to be honoured with this distinction. He was sadly missed by all of his friends when he passed away in 1964. H.C. (HARRY) STOYLES joined the Club in 1950. He played an active role as a junior and later in 1973 was elected to Committee. 72

A happy group of associates after their 1977 Christmas pres~ entation. Back row: Trish Whitton, Judy Bray, Joan Wannan, Janet Leroyd. 2nd row: Erla Nando, Yvonne Clarke, Mollie Sutherland, Dot Lawson, Joan Van den Driesch, Jean Stuart, Marg Davis and Nola Lawler. 3rd row: Margaret Cavenough, Helen Lowe, Robin Keogh, Dot Menzies, Isobel Mortlock. Front row: Win Hynes, Betty Musgrove (Producer), Di Oakley, Jean Bowrey, Marion Kench and Marcia Litchfield. The garden at its best to celebrate our Bi-centenary . (Photo Isobel Beer)

He has served on House and Social, Finance and Playing Committees. In 1984 he was elected Club Captain, a position he carries out with great zeal balanced with humour. As an Ex-serviceman, RA.AF., he has conducted annual golf days for the Ex-Servicemen's Association. G. (GEORGE) NOTSON joined the Club in 1950. During his membership, and particularly as a member of the Course Committee, he did much to make the course the beautiful parkland it is today. He spent twenty years on committee from 1952 to 1972, when he passed away on the 30th May, just a few short months prior to being admitted to Life Membership. George was one of the true stalwarts of the Club. J.W. (JIM) SUTHERLAND served on Committee for fourteen years from 1965 and made many splendid contributions. His guiding influence and untiring efforts raised the level of social activities in the Club. He will also be remembered for his generosity on Trade Days and for his ability to handle a difficult situation. He also showed great courage by continuing to play golf after an artificial hip operation. Whilst on committee he was chairman of the House and Social as well as serving on Planning and Election. He was elected to the office of a Vice President in 1973, a position he held with great dignity until he retire<;l. from Committee in 1978. RA. (BOB) WICKENS joined the Club in 1951. He was elected to Committee in 1964 and was honorary treasurer from 1966to1968, when he became a Vice President of the Club. He was Club Captain from 1969 to 1978 and was elected to Life Membership on the 25th September 1978. Bob made an invaluable contribution to the playing sphere of our Club, his leadership and happy disposition, created an atmosphere at the evening presentations which "were something to behold". Gone are the days of the Wickens era, but never the memories of those delightful evenings. RF. (REG) WILKINS joined the Club in 1960. He was first elected to Committee in 1969. During his fourteen

In 1981 John Ferris defeated Jack Clarke in the final of the Seniors' Championship. As well as being an outstanding commitee member and honorary solicitor of the Club, John played in several Club Championship finals with distinction.

~ A great source of encouragement to new golfers is the Tyro Trphy instigated by Life Member Vic Kendall. Played for by C graders who have not won a trophy before. In 1977 the winner was Stephen Patrick. 73

years as a committee member, he served as a Vice President, chairman of the Course Maintenance Committee as well as giving valuable service to the House and Election Committees. In 1983 he was granted Special Membership. He will always be remembered for his contributions as "Uncle Reg", looking after the lads in the Apperly Shield Team. CHARLIE CARRUTHERS was five times Club Champion He held a handicap of 3 and during his long association with the Pennant Team came to be known as one of the best iron players in the amateur field. He was dedicated to practice and would often place a flag in the bunker adjoining the 14th green, to avoid damage to the green, and play to it. In club events he and Jimmy Turner played as good friends, they both played 1st grade cricket. They played together in nine foursome finals, winning 2 and losing 7. One of the great stories in club golf concerns Charlie and Joe Graham. In the final of the 1946 club championship Charlie found the green at the 14th while Joe had settled for the bunker. Charlie was 4 up. Charlie watched Joe play his second which he left in the bunker. Charlie walked away to get his putter. He did not see Joe play his third into the cup for a three. Charlie walked over to remove the flag and found Joe's ball. Charlie then three putted to lose the hole. The rest is history, Joe won every hole after that to finish one up and win the club championship. A.A. (TONY) SMITH joined the Club on the 27th July 1962. He occupied the important office of treasurer for nine years during which time he gave unselfishly to this demanding and exacting position. He added a further wealth of talent to the financial planning of our Club. He was elected to Special Membership of the Club. N.A. (NEVILLE) ADCOCK joined the Club in 1962. A chartered accountant, Neville maintained the high standard set by our treasurers as he occupied this position for five years. His skill as a treasurer was matched only by his wit at General Committee meetings. As president of the Ex-Servicemens Association within the Club he also made a splendid contribution for a time in that capacity.

EX-SERVICEMEN'S GOLF The Club wishes to record for posterity the excellent effort of the Ex-Servicemen's Section in raising the finance to erect the splendid Memorial to Members who gave service in the Wars of1914-1918and 1939-1945. We refer to the Memorial Gates which adorn the entrance to our Club. They were officially opened on the 23rd September 1956. Since 1926 when the first A.l.F. Cup was played for and later the world War Major Trophy in 1946 there has been a continuation of Ex-Servicemen's Days. Each year, during the month of March, the Ex-Servicemen conduct a Charity Day. This day has been set aside for the Club for the Ex-Servicj:?men and their visitors to get together, to talk about old times and play for the various trophies. The day features a barbecue with on course hospitality tent followed by a d.inner. · In recent years, with declining membership, the Ex-Servicemen have extended invitations to all Club Members. They are made to feel most welcome and assure a full field for the day. The proceeds from the day are ·donated to Charity. Over the years various sums of money have been donated . In 1976 $1200 was donated to Legacy with a further $200 being made available to the Club for the displaying of our Club's name on the entrance gates. Further amounts ranging from $1000 to $2500 in 1986 have been donated to Legacy. The Trophies played for have included: A.l.F. Cup

From 1926-1977 (Refer history of A.l.F. Cup)

World War 2 Cup Gordon Musgrave Cup Tin Hat Shield (Scratch score) The winner of the A.l.F. Cup and the World War 2 Major 74

with Don Brad man. Bradman was 42 when Alex arrived at the crease, however with great command of the strike he reached his50before Bradmandid. He later became a state selector and part time sporting commentator. The sporting talent was in the family and in later years Alex was to enjoy the successes of his two sons Neil and Lyn. In 1951 he learned of the secretarial vacancy at the Pennant Hills Golf Club. After consultation with his wife, Lilian, he applied for the position. He then went through the "will I or won't I" period carrying the letter around in his pocket for almost a week. When Lilian asked him as to whether he had heard from Pennant Hills, he decided to post it. He was interviewed by the committee and given the position of secretary. It was reported, "He appears a likeable fellow, possessing the qualifications to satisfy the Club's needs". He commenced on the 2nd April 1951, he later reported that he did not want to start a day earlier. In 1979, after twenty eight years of service, he resigned as Secretary-manager. At an extra-ordinary meeting of the members of the Pennant Hills Golf Club, on the 31st March 1979, he was elected t6 Life Membership. Also as a token of remembrance the Hislop Cup's name was changed to the A.E. Marks' Cup. His great dedication to the Club and his contributions, over many years, are more fully documented in the section of the History, "The Marks Era". During his retirement he enjoyed the occasional round of golf and a day out fishing with his friends. In 1983, he passed away and wassadlymissed by all who knew him. At his funeral in the St Andrews Church, Wahroonga, where over 500 mourners had gathered to pay their last respects, the eulogy was given by the President of the Pennant Hills Golf Club, Mr Paul Henricks. It was rich in content and aptly described Alex Marks, the Man. In hisconcludingthought he appropriately said; "Most men, after busy active lives, leave behind riches in the form of script or property or possessions. Alex Marks banked his treasure in the hearts of loved ones and friends and there it will stay until their time is come."

Trophy are recorded on the Honour Boards displayed on the walls of the Club Lounge. The original Honour Board, the Pennant Hills District Golf Club, is displayed on the wall of the first Brick Clubhouse, which was included in the present Clubhouse, and is situated on the north east section of the Clubhouse. The Ex-Servicemen are to be commended for their support given to the Club over many years. With the sands of time enveloping their numbers, we will remember them.

ALEXANDER EDWARD MARKS ALEXANDER EDWARD MARKS was born in Queensland on the 9th December 1910. His working career began in 1926 when he became a copy boy with the Daily Telegraph. He then joined the Government · Savings Bank and when it closed in 1933 transferred to the Rural Bank. In 1941 he joined the Army where he served until the end of the war. During his service he became a sergeant in the Armoured Division. At theend of hostilities he rejoined the Bank and served at branches in the City and Parramatta. In 1948 he resigned from the Bank to take up the position of secretary to the N.S.W. Rugby Union. In earlier years, as a keen sportsman, he played 1st Grade Rugby Union for the Rand wick Club, where he had the distinction of having kicked a goal after full time to win the Premiership. Whilst playing for the Rand wick Club he was involved in a unique incident. It took place during the game when an injured player was taken from the field and a substitute was called upon to take his place. Alex, who had played in an earlier game, was showered and dressed. The Captain called upon him to throw the ball into the lineout. This he did and within a few seconds the referee blew full time, making Alex the first known player to go onto the field in civilian dress. As a 1st Grade cricketer he was described as a punishing bat. He was the youngest cricketer ever to play 1st grade. (13 years 10 months). He played against international teams, Sheffield Shield and captained the Randwick Club for ten years. His . greatest recollection of cricket was the time he went into bat 75

He joined our Club in 1951 as Head Greenkeeper, (now Course Superintendent) after service with the Strathficld Golf Club. As a member of the Australian Turf Grass Research Institute Scientific Council, he was honoured in 1969 by being selected as one of the two delegates to represent Australia at the International Turf Conference, held in San Francisco, U.S.A. His contributions on the construction of greens were appreciated by a11 present. In 1972 he was elected to the office of President of the Course Superintendents Association. During his twenty six years of service with our Club, his dedication was always evident. 1957-8 were drought years and the Metropolitan area was experiencing water restrictions, which caused the Joss of some of the greens among the Sydney Clubs. However, by nightly watering, mostly by hand, Vince saved our greens. Your historian will always remember the incident when a member returning, late at night, noticed a suspicious character tampering with one of the hoses, a closer look revealed Vince doing some watering chores, when most of us were at rest. The immaculate condition of the course, over the years, brought repeated praise in the annual reports. Vince had set a standard for others to follow. On the 22nd April 1977, after his retirement, he was farewelled by over 200 members and friends, a fitting celebration for a job well done. Vince retired to the quiet waters of Mooney Mooney, Central Coast, where it is said, "On good days, tide permitting, fishing is at its best". Vince, from all of us, may they bite for many years to come. Our present course curator, Bob Batho served his apprenticeship under Vince Church and forthe past eight years has maintained the best traditions, good grooming and true greens, for which Pennant Hills has become recognised. Bob, like Vince leads by example and is industrious as well as being most knowledgable.

Appropriate speeches of appreciation were made to Vince Church on the occasion of his farewell in 1977. Bill Scott, Vince, Betty Musgrove, Zelma Church, Alex Marks and Bob Wickens enjoyed the conviviality of the night.

VINCE RICHARD CHURCH COURSE SUPERINTENDENT 1951 - 1977 INTRODUCTION In order to maintain the high quality grooming required for a top grade golf course, it is essential to provide modern equipment with professional supervision. The position is mostly held by a person who is we11 qualified in course management and possesses the added quality of being able to extract the required effort from his staff, who are working, mostly alone, at distant points on the course. When the Committee interviewed the various applicants for the position of Head Greenkeeper, they formed the opinion that Vince Church possessed a11 of the required qualifications, plus a personality that would be we11 suited to the Club. Over the next twenty six years, this tota11y dedicated person transformed our course into the exce11ent playing area we a11 enjoy today. In recognition of his many years of effort, we offer this biography, as a permanent record of a job well done. VINCE RICHARD CHURCH was born in Concord, N.S.W. on the 30th January 1915.


recognised the variety and planted it in the position it holds today. We are indeed fortunate in having such dedicated people tending the gardens, which continually produce a variety of splendid blooms for us all to enjoy.

THE GARDENS On arriving at our course we are greeted with a glorious display of colour, emanating from the gard ens. It has been said, "They give a soothing effect for the forthcoming round" . The original garden layout was designed, in 1928, by Messrs Lees and Hazelwood, both prominent members of the Club and most experienced in horticulture. These early gardens were tended, part time, by the groundstaff. In 1956 the greens committee were successful in having a full time gardner appointed . This position was given to Jack Dixon, a groundsman on the course, who was also qualified as a Golf Course Superintendent, having gained his certificate from the Sydney Technical College. He was to record over thirty years of dedicated service. He studied Horticulture and was awarded a Certificate from the Ryde School of Horticulture. He grew all his own seedlings and each year would earmark selected stems of the poppies and allow them to go to seed, to be collected for the next year's sowing. We have not purchased poppy seedlings for over twenty years. The quality of the improved strain is displayed each spring, when we are subjected to a feast of colour from these delightful blooms. During the early seventies, our magnificent blue spruce, situated opposite the clubhouse entrance, was ~tricken with an unknown disease. Spruces, throughoutthedistrict, were dying and there was no known cure. However, Jack, with his horticultural training, plus his own adaptations, treated the tree, which recovered and is now a healthy specimen in its thirty fifth year of growth. His knowledge of trees also saved the Norwegian Spruce, situated near the driveway. In a high wind, a giant stringy bark, over 60 feet tall and measuring 10 feet around the girth, was felled, striking the clubhouse and flattening all the horizontal branches of the Spruce, against its trunk. Using splints to support the damaged branches the tree was eventually returned to its correct shape. This Norwegian Spruce, now in its forth-sixth year, was originally found by Jack, discarded in a 4" pot, still surviving after many years in the bushland . He

ITEMS OF INTEREST (1) The two date palms, shown in the 1929 Clubhouse photograph, are now situa"ted next to the Pro-Shop. They continue to grow in their seventieth year. (2) The rose gardens which were planted in 1936, still contain four Crimson Glory bushes, resplendent in their fiftieth year. (3) The Sundial in the garden was donated, in 1%9, by the late Syd Gresham. (4) We would like to give a special mention to George Notson for his twenty years on the Greens Committee. (1953-1972) His great love of the gardens was remembered, when in 1972,

The 1975 Pennant Team won its division but was defeated in the semi final . Team was Bruce Boyle, Geoff Senior, Graham Allen, Greg Wicks, Bill Wright, Tony Gresham, Laurie Sparks and Gary Tozer. 77


Our best performance was losing to Manly 7 matches to


1939 Manly defeated us 8 matches to 3. 1949 We played our first matches in the Group 1 Pennants. It was during this year that the president of our club, E.J. Hyde was elected a vice president of the New South Wales Golf Association. We were now considered a Club of some prestige. During the next five years we had mixed successes without winning the Pennant. Names such as E. Lean and J. Sparrow appeared as those who had achieved wins against State representatives H. Berwick and N . Weeks respectively. 1954 It was felt we had maintained our prestige as a Group 1 Club with C. Carruthers having good wins. We were drawn in a strong section with St Michaels, Manly and the Australian. 1955 During the season we had little success only winning the one match against the powerful Moore Park team. The performance showed we had players with the necessary skill but the team lacked players with match playing experience. 1957 We entered our first Junior team in the Eric Apperly Shield, which was inaugurated in 1952 for Junior" A" Pennant matches. This event was a Saturday morning event which was regarded as important for the developing young players, who in later years could become contendors for the Senior Pennant Team. Many achieved this honour. 1958 Our team was "whitewashed", being defeated in all six matches. However, our No 1 player Bill Wright, who is a left hander, won five of his six matches, beating the current Australian Amateur Champion, Barry Warren, on two occasions. He lost the sixth match to the State Champion, R.L. McCarthy. 1958 In this year the Junior team playing in the Apperly Shield tied with Pymble and were beaten for the position of outright winners by a count back on matches won. 1959 The Apperly Shield team won their division but was beaten in the semi-final by St. Michaels. 1%0 The Pennant Team ran into solid opposition being grouped with Bonnie Doon, Ryde Parramatta and the Lakes. They were ably captained by Mr. Ross Buddle. 1%1 This was the year that changes were made in the

Our 1977 Pennant Team runners up in their division. David Henricks, Phil Wood, Greg Wicks, Bruce Boyle and Doug Fellows . Gary Tozer, Tony Gresham and Bill Wright. a Norwegian Spruce was planted next to the pathway, leading to the spike bar, as a living tribute to him. (5) Several memorial trees have been planted on the course by families of members and associate members as a long serving token of the esteem in which they were held.

GROUP 1 PENNANTS APPERL Y SHIELD In 1925, after the completion of the first 18 hole course, which offered a Par of 70, it was decided to enter teams in the Suburban District Golf Inter-Club competitions. In 1926, our Club was represented for the first time with teams being entered in the "B" and "C" grades. We enjoyed our first Club win in 1927 by defeating Concord in a closely fought match. After indifferent successes, which included wins by the "C" grade over Mosman in 1929 and Kogarah in 1934, we were successful in winning the "B" grade Northern Districts Division in 1936. We first played "A" grade in 1937. During the season we lost to N .S.W. 9 matches to 2. These two matches were the first we had won since joining the top grade. 78

--Tony Gresham (Sc), Bill Wright (Sc), Mal Bray (1), Laurie Sparks (1), Neil Handley (3), Ross Buddle (3) and Ian Mackie

method of playing matches. Instead of playing each other twice, the division was increased in number, so each team only play each other once. This was the year that Bill Wright defeated Harry Berwick irt gale force winds at the St Michaels Club. 1961 The Juniors failed to field a team in the ApperlyShield owing to insufficient players being available. 1962 The Association again changed the rules for pennant play with each division containing an odd team. Each round was played on the course having the bye. Bill Wright was selected as a member of the state team. Bill Tobin emerged as the only player to remain undefeated at the end of the season. The Apperly Shield team (under 23) started well with three wins, but with the loss of their Captain, Tony Gresham, who was absent playing the Far Eastern Circuit, they lost the final two matches. 1963 The Apperly Shield team, under the Captaincy ofTony Gresham, won their division only to be beaten in the final. This team consisted of Ray Poole, John and Bob Heffernan and Geoff Brown. 1964 The Pennant team won their first zone final only to be beaten in the semi-final by Bonnie Doon. This was easily our best performance to date. The team consisted of; Bill Wright, Tony Gresham, Laurie Sparks, Bill Tobin, Neil Handley, Ray Dukes, Peter Hayes and Albert Conomy. 1965 We finished equal second in our division. The most consistent players being; Laurie Sparks, Bill Tobin, Ron Gourlay. Tony Gresham and Bill Wright won the Killara Shield. 1966 The team lost two matches and won three. Mal Bray was the Club's most outstanding player winning all five of his matches. Des Turner and Tony Gresham won the N.S.W. State foursomes title. 1967 The Pennant team won their first five matches then lost to St Michaels. It is of interest to note the players respective . handicaps.

(2) .

1967 Junior Championships first introduced. The first winner John Whiteford. It was in this year that the Pennant Hills Cup was won by the promising young player, Phil Wood, from the New South Wales Club. 1968 Our Pennant team performed ably during the season, losing only one match. The ultimate winners, The Australian Club, were beaten by our team. Tony Gresham created a course record of 63 in a Medal round. The Apperly Shield team consisted of; Michael Grant, John Whiteford (Cap), Bob Murray, Stafford Parnell, Alex Bennie, David Coonan and Bill Beer. 1969 Our Pennant Team suffered one defeat at the hands of the ultimate winners, New South Wales.

Our victorious Pennant team of 1978 with caddies. This team also won the interstate match against Riverwood G. C. at Wagga. Team: Mark Manson David Henricks, Eric Couper, Graham Allen, Bruce Bayle, Greg Wicks, Geoff Senior, Tony Goodwin, Tony Gresham, Bob Wickens, Phil Wood, Bill Wright. Caddies: Geoff Oates, Bill Wicks, David Hodge, Vince Pellegrini, Greg Waterson and Bob Heffernan. 79

1971 There was great rejoicing when the elusive Group 1 Pennant was won for the first time. The team won the final 6 matches to 1, which created a match result record for a final. Team members were: Tony Gresham, Bill Wright, Mal Bray, Laurie Sparks, Jim Burke, Ian Mackie, Dennis Goodman and Neil Handley. 1972 We lost the division of the PennantstotheN.S.W. Club, which became the ultimate winners. 1972 Tony Gresham won the World Amateur Championship. 1973 The Pennant team performed particularly well. 1974 Our team won its division only to be beaten by St Michaels in the semi-final. 1975 The Pennant team won its division but were beaten in the semi-final. 1976 After winning the division our team was defeated by Moore Park in the final. Tony Greshm remained unbeaten in all Pennant matches. 1977 WewerebeateninourdivisionoftheGroup 1 Pennants by one game. The Apperly Shield team performed well and should be a force to be reckoned with next season.

Greg Wicks performed with distinction in Open Club events. 1978 The champagne flowed to celebrate our Pennant Teams second win in the Sydney Group 1 Pennants. They defeated Monash by one game in a gripping finish at the Bonnie Doon Golf Club. The Team consisted of; Tony Gresham, Phil Wood, Greg Wicks, Mark Manson, Geoff Senior, Bruce Boyle, Eric Couper, David Henricks, Graham Allen, Bill Wright and Tony Goodwin. 1979 Our Pennant team reached the final of the Group 1 Pennants for the second successive year, only to go down to Moore Park. The ApperlyShield team reached the final for the first time, but lost to Manly in a closely fought match held at the Lakes Golf Club. 1980 Thi; Club was to again celebrate the win of their Pennant team in the Sydney Group 1 Pennants. They defeated N.S.W. at the Ryde Parramatta course. The successful team was; Tony Gresham, Bill Wright, Phil Wood, Eric Couper, Greg Wicks, David Lilly, Malcolm Jones, Tony Goodwin, David Hodge and Jamie Hodge. At the end of the match, Tony Gresham was taken by helicopter, from the course, to the airport to catch a flight to Europe to play International Golf. 1981 Malcolm Jones defeated David Henricks in the final of the Club Championship. The match was closely fought with David going down at the 36th hole. 1982 Both Pennant team members and Apperly Shield juniors performed well but failed to make the finals. Tony Gresham won the Vardon Trophy for the twelfth time. Bill Wright completed his twenty fifth year of Pennant play. 1983 Our teams in Group 1 and Apperly Shield did not perform up to expectations, although many matches were close, and the result often rested on the odd game, we played without success. Kent Driver, David Blackshaw and Mark Lilly played Pennants for the first time. 1984 Our Group 1 Pennant Team and our Eric Appcrly Shield team performed well without winning their respective

Father & Son: Among the most popular "family events" in the Club is the "Father & Son" 4BBB. 1979 saw John and David Grant win the event. Trophy donated by Paul Henricks. 80

divisions. Kent Driver won the Junior chmpionship for the second successive year as well as being runner up in the Club Championship. 1984 13rad Andrews defeated Tony Gresham in the Semifinal of the Club Championship. This win brought an end to an era of twenty years standing. Brad went on to win the final one up over Gerry Power. 1984 Kent Driver won the Junior Title. 1985 After great elation, when both the Pennant and Apperly shield teams reached the final, they were to suffer the bitter pill of defeat when Castle Hill won both titles. 1985 The remarkable 13ill Wright lost only one match during the season. In the World Seniors Golf Championship held at Colorado Springs, U.S.A. he made the quarter finals being beaten by the eventual winner, this was his first tilt at the title. 1985 Gerard Power and 13rad Andrews represented at both State and International Levels. 1986 In the Pennants we had two wins at home. The loss of Gerard Power, playing representative matches, found the Club below strength. The Appcrly Shield team performed well by winning two of their four matches. The team consisted of; Kent" Driver (Captain), Michael 13rown, Chris Lilly, Robert 13usJ:i, Paul Madden and Geoff Webb. The team was capably managed by Committee man Geoff Oates. Tony Gresham won his 21st Club Championship. 1987 "The Seven Year Itch" continued. Pennant Hills won the Group 1 Pennant. This was the fourth occasion that the Club had been successful. The previous years were 1971 and 1978 seven years apart. Then 1980 and 1987 again seven years apart. The successful team was; G. Power, Gresham, William Bosley, W. Wright, R. 13ush, Wayne Bosley and Greg Wicks. Pennant Hills defeated Moore Park 4 and 3. 1987 Gerry Power won his first Club Championship. He overcame his opponent Tony Grchsam on the 34th hole to win 3/2. The win was one of greatmcritas Tony Gresham had won 22 Club Championships.

Our successful Pennant Team of 1980 defeated N.S. W. G.C. at Ryde Parramatta. Greg Wicks, Tony Goodwin, David Lilly, Eric Couper, Mal Jones, Tony Gresham, Phil Wood; Bill Wright kneeling.

Our first "A Reserve" Championship was held in 1979. The winner was Bob Heffernan who defeated our historian Bob Giblin on the 18th hole. 81

ANTHONY YALE GRESHAM The Pennant Hills Golf Club is fortunate to have amongst its Members, a golfer of International standard in the person of Tony Gresham . He has been a great ambassador for Australian golf and his golfing achievements have been recognised by sporting writers throughout the world. This recognition was first reported during the Eisenhower Cup matches from 1968to1980. It was in 1972 that the sporting headlines applauded his success in becoming the World Amateur Champion. In 1972 Tony's contribution to the golfing world and our Club in particular, was honoured by the mounting of his photograph, togethe~ with his career highlights, on the wall of the Presidents Room. His career highlights are reprinted in this biography to preserve the feats in the 'Club's archives. Tony has given us all an enormous amount of pleasure, whilst viewing his rounds on Television or following him, as an on course spectator. There, as always, amongst the sea of faces, would be members from our Club, following his every shot. There are many outstanding shots, which undoubtedly lead to his triumphs. I would like to place on record one of these shots, because it has a family association with humour attached to it. The story concerns the second round of the Pennant Hills Cup, some years ago. I was standing on the 10th tee next to Syd Gresham, (Tony's father and committee member from 1967 to 1971), when Tony snapped his drive into the trees on the left, some twenty metres off the fairway. Syd turned to me and said, "That damned right hand." When we reached the ball it was quite apparent that a straight shot to the green was out of the question. One member was heard to say, "chip out and play safe". The only clear line of sight was the large gum tree some twenty metres short and to the right of the green. Tony made the decision to draw the ball and struck a 4 iron towards the elected line. It took off in a perfect parabola and at first looked to be heading towards the trees and trouble. This

Tony Gresham fought many outstanding matches to retain his Club Championship. He defeated Phil Wood on two occasions, Possibly one of the best matches ever played at "The Hills" was his semi final with Phil in 1978. Both players had sub par rounds in morning and afternoon

Jn 1980 Malcolm Jones defeated David Lilly in the Junior Championship Final. The same year Tony Gresham defeated Malcolm in the final of the Club Championship. David Lilly lost in the final of the Club Championship to Tony Gresham the year previously. 82

"""'""" optical illusion was soon dispelled as the ball started to draw towards the green. As the velocity decreased the ball made yet another correction and graciously curved into the green, to land feather like two metres behind the flag. I tapped Syd on the shoulder and said, "That damned right hand". He looked at me and smiled, he then remarked with pride, "Shot Son." I had just witnessed the shot of a Champion. · After thirty years of membership with our Club Tony has withdrawn from serious representative golf and now enjoys playing thegame with various members of the Club. He was elected to committee in 1984 and we are quite certain, that with the experience Tony has had, his term on committee can only be of benefit to our Club. In 1988 he was elected to the council of the N .S.W. Golf Association, our first representative on this august body since the late E. J. Hyde.


1959 1963 1975 1968 1971 1978 1969 1973 1972 1977 1975 1978 1970 1964 1967 1969 1970 1979 1980 1961 1961 1961 1973 1962 196"4 1972

1960 1964 1976 1970

1966 1977 1972

1967 1978 1974

1979 1974

1980 1977


1972 1966 1975 1978 1975

1981 1967 1977 1979 1977

1968 1981 1981 1979

1976 1978 1964to1980 (incl) 1965 1976 1986 83

1968 1979 1976

1969 1980 1978

1970 1981 1980

1971 1982
















1968 - 1970 (incl) 1979 1981 1981 1980 1968 1969 1983 1966 1969 1978 1978 1979 1959 1960 1962 1983 1985 1986 1963 1968 1973 1977-1986 (incl) 1980 1981 1982

1972to1979 (incl)



1981 1963














WILLIAM (Bill) HALE WRIGHT. Bill was born on the 12th May 1931 on his father's dairy farm, near Nabiac, N.S.W. His first few years of schooling were by correspondence, supervised by his mother. He later attended the Nabiac School, riding seven miles each day, in all types of weather. After school Bill worked on his father's farm and was of great assistance to him. His father also attended to the needs of the district as a Dental Technician. Bill suffered two accidents to his right arm, one a bale of hay falling on it and the other a recoil from a shot gun. His father moved to Penrith to further Bill's Education. With his schooling completed he decided to follow in his father's footsteps and became a Dental Technician. With the experience gained working with his father, he had little difficulty in obtaining an apprenticeship with a Macquarie Street Dental Prosthetist. He qualified with flying colours. At the age of twenty one years, Bill was a well known racing cyclist, performing on the Castlereagh, Mt. Druitt and Wallacia circuits. However, his fiancee had extracted a promise from him to give up this dangerous pastime. There were wedding bells and Bill kept his promise. His father-in-law, Dick Anderson, was captain of the Leo nay Golf Club and he persuaded Bill to try golf. One day Bill picked up a right handed club and hit a ball left handed, with the back of the four iron. "It flew a country mile", Bill had just been bitten by the golf bug. At twenty two years of age he joined the Leo nay Golf Club and sought assistance from the Club Professional who advised him to change his stance to right hand. He was also told he would never be any good as a left hander. But Bill had other ideas and made the decision to stand on the wrong side of the ball and teach himself. He constructed a green and a bunker in the back yard and would practise every night, after work. He approached his neighbours, seeking their approval to play pitch shots over their fences. On a handicap of 27, Bill guaranteed complete safety. Within two years he had reduced his handicap to 7 and won the Leonay Club Championship. Being labelled a south paw, a mauly dooker, a Jeftie and a cackie hander he decided to do something for the lefties in golf and was dominant in the formation of the National Association of Left Handed Golfers in Australia. He was later to win the Australian left handed championship six times. 84

He has been a great stalwart of the Club and has helped to raise the standard of golf. His Pennant wins both as captain and player are too numerous to record, however, we have made a list of his career highlights and these arc printed below. At 54 years of age, on the 10th March 1984, he created a new course record at the Penrith Golf Club, with a round of 68. He is now in his thirtieth year as a Pennant Player and journeys down from Forster each weekend to play. Bill, may we thank you for the pleasure you have given us and wish you continued success in the years to come.


6TIMES 3 TIMES 6 TIMES 1955 4 TIMES 4 TIMES ?TIMES 1960 1960 1962 1962 1962 1963 1966 1960-1970 1978-1984 1988

Other members who brought distinction to our Club were: Phil Wood Bill Tobin Bruce Boyle Eric Couper Gerard Power

International and State Representative State Champion and Representative State Representative State Champion, Australian Champion ~Representative State Medal Champion, State and Australian Representative


FROM 1955-1965 1959 1960 1963 1950-1968 1950-1960 1950-1960 1955-1968

upwards motion, success, the flagstick was removed complete with cup and ball. The cup was gently replaced. In 1976 Oscar Patterson holed the 4th, his first Ace.Jim Fletcher, after watching Oscar's shot, remarked, "It looks easy" and promptly repeated the dose. A rare event indeed, two holes in one from two shots. In 1972, Reg Austin was enjoying the sun on the balcony when he saw a ball roll into the 18th hole. "Hole in One" cried Reg. "Who was it" asked a nearby member. "Tom Pearch" Reg replied . It was not Tom Pearch, it was Les Lammey, a member of similar build. However, not to be outdone and within a few minutes, Tom Pearch holed the 9th to record his fourth hole in one. One year later in 1973, Ian Ferguson, who had just finished his apprenticeship with Ian Alexander, was playing a Pro-Am when he holed the 18th to win a prizeof$1000. In the afternoon round, Les O' Keefe, professional from the Ashlar Club, holed the 6th to win the $3000 new car donated by member, Jim Sutherland. In the pa st 41 years there had only been 7 aces at the 6th and 11 at the 18th. Both holes had never been holed in one on the same day. Jim just smiled. On the 28th November 1987, Bruce Chenery and Alan Dudley both holed the 9th. Both winning the nearest the pin, were rewarded with a dozen balls each. The traditional split among the playing partners was observed. A Hole-in-One to remember. In May 1986, Reg Wilkins, who was recovering from heart surgery, holed the 6th for his first Ace. He had been warned by his Doctor not to have too much excitement for the next six months during his recovery. At 73 years of age and five months later he dispelled the advice. After forty years of trying he had at last achieved the delightful fluke of a hole in one. Jack Clarke, Harry Tiffin, and the late Tom Pearch have each holed in one four times, whilst Paul Henricks, John Jones, Merv Martin, Val O'Dell and Vern Thomas have each recorded three a piece. In honour of the late Tom Pearch, in 1987 the Hole in One Salver was named after him.

HOLE IN ONE REGISTER To complete the first official Register of Holes in One, required the gathering of names of members who had performed this feat in a recognised Pennant Hills Golf Club event. After examining the Hole in One Decanter and Silver Tray, the names engraved thereon were listed and then entered into the Register in alphabetical order. This list was then displayed in the Clubhouse. It was disclosed that there were fourteen additional names, of members who had holed in one in Club events, which did not appear either on the Decanter or Tray. These names, after verification by members, were included in the Register and engraved on the Silver Tray. At this point in time, 20 November 1988, their have been 249 holes in one. The hole analysis shows the following figures. 53 No.4. No .6. 22 No. 9. 88 No .14. 59 No. 18. 27 The Hole in One, which eludes the vast majority of golfers, is considered to be a fluke. However the player who performs this feat often has other ideas and will go to great lengths to describe the perfect shot. The members will listen, with glass in hand from the free traditional bottle of scotch, and offer their congratulations. This is all the member will receive, other than a Hole-in-One tie, for there is no reward for the feat, other than the inner feeling of excitement, at having finally, or in some cases several times, performed the delightful fluke. Holes-in-One come in all shapes and sizes and during the compilation of this Register your historian listened to many a golfing extravagance. However, of the many stories, some bear repeating. In 1959, Bill Hill holed in one on the 14th. The tee shot actually landed in the cup on the fly and wedged itself between the flag stick and cup. The ball was stuck fast. The flagstick was at first gently wobbled, not wishing to cause hole damage, without success. It was then decided to pull the flagstick with an 86

To preserve the name of the members who have recorded these delightful flukes we have compiled the following first official Register of Holes in One. I. Alexander D.Allum N. Andrews H.L. Arnott R.G. Austin

5.7.78 14.1.75 22.5.76 12.12.34 20.4.68

R.G. Bain 7.8.38 W. Beeston 17.11.84 W. Beeston 14.7.79 C.R. Bennett 15.11.58 30.11.83 R. Bennie 16.4.77 F. Bird M. Bray 6.7.64 13.7.75 M. Bray H.D. Berents 21.7.85 18.4.87 R.J. Bligh J.A. Bourke 25.9.74 20.7.63 F. Bott M. Brangwin 28.1.67 C. Brumpton 10.10.62 C. Brumpton 17.11.62 R. Buddle 2.5.65 W. Bullen 21.8.55 R. Bush 16.1.85 C.J. Buttsworth 23.7.60 H.A. Byrne 20.2.53 T. Carruthers R. Carter L. Chalcraft A.L. Chater B. Chenery

1.12.45 5.5.84 6.12.69 11.1.67 28.11.87

9 6 9 9 4 9 18 4 6 4 14 6 14 14 18 9 9 14 9 9 4 4 6 9 4 4 6 9 6 9

14 14 6 9 9

9.12.73 J. Clarke 3.10.76 ]. Clarke 5.7.77 J. Clarke 28.3.79 J. Clarke 29.7.81 D. Clark 7.12.88 R. Clark G.H. Colyer 1.6.46 20.10.51 C. Colyer A. Conomy 23.12.84 17.2.79 P.Cook F.W. Court 19.11.49 W.A.Curry 30.8.78 W.A. Curry 10.1.85

9 14 18 4 9 4 4

9.7.38 24.8.77 Circa 60 19.3.32 25.7.77 25.6.62 26.12.49 4.9.54 1.4.67 13.9.87 14.12.88 9.10.87 17.12.66 31.5.61 31.8.85 28.11.87 21.8.85 10.10.64 16.6.84 13.2.32

4 9 4 9 9 9 9 9 4 9 18 9 9 4 4 9 14 4 4 18

LT.Dale H. Davis V. Davey W.E. Dean A.Dew J. Davenport C. Davis . E.J . Daly G. Dumas · G. Dumqs G. Dumas G. Delaney E.M. Dunn R. Dunn A. Dudley A. Dudley J. Duckworth J. Duckworth B. Dawson T. Dence

F. Eggleton 20.8.86 25.9.82 I.W. Elliott N. Elphinston 1.7.59 R. Emmett 27.3.82

4 6 9 9

J. Ferguson J.C. Ferris F.A. Finn C. Fitzroy C. Fitzroy J. L. Fletcher P. Fowler A. Frew A. Frew G. Furze

20.9.84 Circa 75 7.5.38 21.1.84 20.9.84 30.4.75 28.7.76 19.8.67 7.6.69 7.8.82

18 9 9 18 4 4 9 9 14 18

P. Gabriel J. Gabriel S. Goodacre T. Gallagher J. Gault F. Geary H.Gee R. Giblin B.J. Gill J.H. Gillies N. Goodacre J. Graham J. Graham J. Graham D. Grant A. Gresham A. Gresham S.Y. Gresham S.Y. Gresham R. Gourlay J. Gillies

15.5.88 12.11.79 3.10.83 22.6.85 19.5.66 28.8.71 21.7.67 7.1.78 5.2.56 17.6.59 11.9.60 15.5.48 18.8.48 2.2.52 27.8.77 31.5.58 5.7.64 28.6.61 19.9.65 15.6.85 3.9.86

14 9 9 9 14 14 9 4 9 4 6 18 18 9 9 4 4 4 14 14 14

W. Hagan W. Hagan J. Halloran J. Halloran J. Halmarick

20.2.71 6.9.80 5.7.64 17.5.69 19.11.68

18 9 14 4 14

N. Handley 6.12.87 R. Handley 10.5.67 R. Handley 16.7.69 K.B. Hayes 9.4.80 R. Henderson 6.10.51 P. Henricks 12.7.69 P. Henricks 18.3.70 P. Henricks 17.6.83 C. Hilder 30.11.62 W.O. Hill 1.3.58 W.O. Hill 19.8.59 D.O. Hill 28.9.74 D.Hodge 14.1.76 D. Hodge 1.10.77 22.12.79 J. Hodge 11.9.38 E.J. Hyde A. Jackson R.C. Jackson H . Jacobs R. Jarrett J.D. Jones J.D. Jones J.D. Jones

12.5.77 22.9.66 4.9.85 7.4.53 18.12.48 18.6.79 20.10.51

6 9 14 4 4 9 14 9 9 4 14 14 4 6 6 14 18 9 9 4 9 18 9

B.M. Kendall 17.7.57 14.12.74 J. Kelso

14 9

G. Lammey 11.5.66 L. Lammey 10.5.72 H. Learoyd 2.10.85 B. Lawson 13.3.76 R. Lawson (Circa 1973) R. Little 13.5.54 V. Love 24.l65 J.L. Loveday 1.6.77

9 18 6 4 9 4 14 14

V. Macllister 17.6.54


A.A. Macbean13.7.80 I. Mackie 4.7.81 T.W. Manser 19.9.82 A. Marks 3.6.59 M. Martin 5.10.77 M. Martin 22.8.84 M. Martin 7.1.87 T. Marples 30.8.83 A. Maunder 22.10.33 F.H. McCallow 12.6.39 F.H. McCallow 7.6.38 F. McDonald 23.10.70 J. McGregor 12.12.87 W. McManamy 22.2.56 J. McKean 28.12.63 J. McKean 4.6.83 C. McLennan 30.8.80 W. Menser 19.6.79 B. Menzies 26.4.72 B. Menzies 26.10.88 J. Mitchell 15.7.87 R. Mitchell 10.9.82 B. Mortlock 2.12.78 W. Murray 14.5.61 C. Moore 27.10.62 M. Moulds 27.10.70 B. McAdam 4.12.86 G. Millyard 6.4.87 J. Nicoll 23.11.85 C. Neil 22.7.64 F.M . Norman 14.3.37 R.V. Nicholson 14.9.88 B. North 22.1.56 D.North Circa 70 R.J . Oxley 17.8.45 V. O'Dell 9.2.72 V. O'Dell 3.7.74 V. O'Dell 22.10.83

14 4 9 9 4 4 18 14 9 18 14 9 9 9 9 14 14 9 4 14 9 9 4 4 6 4 9 14 6 14 9 14 9 18 9 9 9 9

J. Oakley



0 .A. Patterson 30.4.75 G.H. Pattison 21.1.39 F.Payne 6.10.75 R. Penhall 15.6.64 T. Pearch 13.8.66 T. Pearch 7.1.67 T. Pearch 6.3.68 T. Pearch 10.5.72 1.6.74 J. Penn P.G. Pennwill 22.12.36 J. Phillips 4.5.85 H. Pile 4.6.67 C. Piper 9.6.40 C. Pothecary 19.1.35 R. Poole 17.2.74

4 9 9 4 4 9 14 9 4 4 14 9 9 4 9

H.P. Reed P . Robinson L. Ross R. Ross H. Rossitter E.H. Ryan

16.10.35 27.2.74 . Circa 75 8.5.54 1.6.74 22.1.61

4 14 4 9 14 14

G.H. Saunders 26 .3.83 V. Sexton 3.4.76 V. Sexton 6.11.80 R. Schadel 14.1.88 G.D. Schrader Undated J. K. Sharpe 23.4.60 W. Shute 24.4.60 G. Slough 2.8.86 R.N. Smith 22.11.36 H . Smith 14.5.66 H .C. Small 1.4.33 H.C. Small 29.11.42 L. Sparks 4.6.70

9 18 4 14 4 18 6 14 9 14 18 18 9 88

A. Speers 27.8.48 J. Stagpoole 16.2.74 G: Stanford 12.5.73 W. Stanger 17.4.77 J. Sunderland 10.10.75 H. Stoyles 4.10.85 A.A.Smith 14.5.66 I. Stuart 13.8.88

9 14 4 9 14 9 14 9

A. Tam 28.10.61 A.B. Taylor 18.9.43 P. Taylor 31.3.79 L. Terrance 7.1.87 A. Thomas 19.8.59 C. Thomas 21.1.84 J. E. Thomas 7.8.63' V. Thomas 5.10.77 V. Thomas 16.10.85 V. Thomas 25.5.86 J.E. Thomson 9.9.61 J.E. Thomson 1.6.80 H. Tiffin .12.6.72 H. Tiffin 6.10.73 H . Tiffin 21.8.85 H. Tiffin 21.8.88 G. Travis 21.11.87

9 18 4 18 14 9 9 14 14 6 4 9 14 14 14 18 9

G. Unsworth 4.3.88


P. Vanzuylen 18.1.75 R. Vincent 19.9.70

9 14

B. Walker L. Walker L. Walker R.M . Webb G .R. Webb E.S. Whipp

14 9 4 18 6 9·

9.10 .76 25.5.68 9.1.53 20.10.51 30.8.86 30.1.60

E.S. Whipp 7.5.61 J. Whitford 1.11.75 G. Wicks 6.12.86 T.R. Williams 3.10.60 18.6.77 G . Ward G. Waterson 10.7.77 G. Waterson 7.4.85 G. Watson 6.4.85 A. Wilson 24.7.60 A. Wilson 30.6.62 R. Woodcock 17.11.35 L. Wright 14.10.62 9.10.65 W. Wright R. Wilkins 14.5.86

14 18 6 6 4 14 14 6 4 9 4 18 18 6


1984. MRS. E. HENRICKS. CHAMPIONSHIP CUP 1985. MRS. J. ABRAHAMS (nee 1924. MRS. MORGAN. SWADLING) MRS. . MORGAN. 1925. 1986. MRS. S. SERHAN. MRS. . MORGAN. 1926. 1987. MRS. C. DEAN. MRS. . MORGAN. 1927. 1988. MRS. B. BLACK. MRS. H. MORGAN. 1928. MIS.S L. LOWE. 1929. MIS.S L. LOWE. 1930. BRONZE CHAMPIONSHIP CUP 1931. MIS.S N. HARROP. Silver Cup presented by Mrs. H. J. 1932. MRS. E. BECK. Atwill 1933. 1933. MIS.SI. MORGAN. 1934. MRS. J.C. JEBB. 1934. MRS. H.J. ATIWILL. MRS. D.B. WILTSHIRE. 1935. 1935. MRS. H.J.ATIWILL. 1936. MRS. H. GRIFFITHS. 1936. MIS.SL. BALL. 1937. MIS.SM. PIRIE. 1937. Mls.51. MORGAN. 1938. MRS. D.B. WILTSI-IlRE. 1938. MIS.SA. BROWN. 1939. MRS. E.B. YOUNG. 1939. MIS.SA. DENCE. 1940.T01945 ..... NOTPLAYED(WAR 1940to1946........ NOTPLAYED(WAR YEARS) YEARS) 1947. MIS.SJ. DERRIN. 1946. MIS.SJ. SMITH. 1948. MRS. M. KERSl-IA W. 1947. MIS.SJ. SMITH. 1949. MRS. COLLUM. 1948. MIS.SJ. SMITH. 1950: MRS. COLLUM. 1949. MIS.SJ. SMITH. 1951. MRS. M. MCCLEERY. . 1950. MIS.SJ. SMITH. 1952. MRS. W.GRIFFITH. 1951. MIS.SJ. SMITH. 1953. MRS. ARN DALE. 1952. MIS.SJ. SMITH. 1954. MRS. PICKERING. 1953. MRS. D. RABB. 1955. MIS.SL. WILSON. 1954. MRS. D. RABB. 1956. MRS. N. SPINKS. 1955. MRS. L. TAYLOR. 1957. MRS. F. STRATFORD. 1956. MRS. M. RINGROSE. MRS: W. DAVEY. 1958. 1957. MRS. L. TAYLOR. 1959. MRS. E. DEVERIDGE. 1958. MRS. L. TAYLOR. 1960. MRS. S.T. CURLEY. 1959. MRS. L. TAYLOR. 1961. MRS. W. KEJ,SEY. MRS. L. TAYLOR. 1960. 1962. MRS. T. ANDREWS. 1961. MRS. L. TAYLOR. MRS. T. ANDREWS. . 1963. 1962. MRS. L. TAYLOR. 1964. MRS. F. MUDGE. 1963. MRS. L. TAYLOR. 1965. MRS. M. HERD. 1964. MRS. L. TAYLOR. 1966. MRS. M. ALVAREZ. 1965. MRS. B. HENNES.SY. 1967. MRS. E. CHEESEMAN. 1966. MRS. L. TAYLOR. 1968. MRS. P. JONES. 1967. MRS. B. HENNES.SY. 1969. MRS. P. JONES. 1968. MRS. L. TAYLOR. 1970. MRS. B. BUCHANAN. MRS. E. HENRICKS. 1969. 1971. MRS. P. WEARNE. 1970. MRS. E. HENRICKS. 1972. MRS. L. GATENBY. 1971. MRS. B. HENNES.SY. 1973. MRS. E. BUTTEL. MRS. E. HENRICKS. 1972. 1974. MRS. D. NORRIE. 1973. MRS. K. DOWNES. 1975. MRS. G. MURDOCH. 1974. MRS. J. WILSON. 1976. MRS. J. MUDGE. 1975. MRS. E. HENRICKS. 19n. MRS. E. BUTTEL. 1976. MIS.SJ. SWADLING. 1978. MRS. P. DANIELS. 19n. MJS.S J. WOODS. 1979. MRS. N. MCNAMARA. 1978. MIS.SJ. SWADLING. 1980. MRS. B. MAILLER. 1979. MIS.SJ. SWADLING. 1981. MRS. M. CLARK. MIS.SJ. SWADLING. 1980. 1982. MRS. S. POOLE. MRS. C. DEAN. 1981. 1983. MRS. C. LAWRENCE. 1982. MIS.SJ. SWADLING. 1984. MRS. M. CLARK. MRS. E. HENRICKS. 1983.

1985. 1986. 1987.





1969 1970 1971 1972



1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988



1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988



BRONZE II CHAMPIONSHIP (PREVIOUSLY "THE GWEN BARMBY TROPHY") NO RECORDS KEPT OF 1954 WINNERS PRIOR 10 1977 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 !986 1987 1988


ASSOCIATE HOLE IN ONE SALVER I.HART at 9th L. GATENBY at 4th B.QUAYLE 9th ).SPENCER 18th B.PARKER 9th E. TRUDA 9th E. THOMAS 9th M.BRITTEN 4th H.PUSHEE 18th B. L. HENNESSY 18th 232.67 CFAULKS 9th 22.5.69 T.OLFEN 9th 4.ll.69 CN.ALLEN 6th 10.12.70 H.PITTAR 9th 4.5.72 L. SWIFT 18th B. L. HENNESSY 4th 5.7.73 29.4.74 N.LAWLER 18th 7.3.74 ]. BOWREY !8th 6th 29.5.75 W.V.COLUER 27.5.76 L.SWIFT 9th 29.4.76 P.N.JONES 9th 12.8.76 B.ROCAVERT 6th 13.9.76 B. KELLERMAN 9th 24.8.78 J. VAN DEN DRIESCHE 9th 163.78 NJ>. DANIELS 9th 5.3.81 E.HAGAN 4th ).MUDGE 30.7.81 14th ll.11.82 P. SUMMERBELL 9th R.JOHNSON 14th 14.7.83 ).ODELL 9th 4.11.83 B. McCASKILL 9th 1.5.86 D.MITCHELL 14th 3.7.88 3.9.88 S.FABIEN 18th 23.8.59 9.5.60 29.11.61 13.7.61 9.7.63 19.7.6.'l 3.10.6.'l 26.7.64 13.10.66 l.ll.66

!924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 !932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 !952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 196.'l 1964 !965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 !983 1984 19&5 1986 1987 1988


"A" RESERVE CHAMPIONSHIP 1979 R. A. HEF'."..RNAN !980 R. L. GASH 1981 R. F. WILKJNS 1982 D. C MANSFIELD 1983 M.D.OAKLEY 1984 R. A. BUSH 1985 R.L.GASH 1986 ).CLARKE !987 R.W.HAHN A.AUSTIN 1988

•e• GRADE CHAMPIONSHIP 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 !946 1947 1948 1949 !950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 196.'l 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979



1980 1981 1982 1983 !984 1985 1986 1987 1988


•c• GRADE CHAMPIONSHIP 1936 1937 1938 1939 1946 1947 !948 1949 !950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962

1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988



1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 !980 1981 !982 1983 !984 1985 !986 1987



1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973


1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987


It was not until the mid fifties, that Alex Marks reintroduced the event into the programme, as a February Eclectic, in an attempt to foster summer golf. It recommenced with a field of 80, with Sep Johnston and Vic Kendall volunteering to attend to the complicated score sheet. By 1972 the field had increased to 159 and in 1986 there were 247 entries. For many years the competition was played from half the stroke handicap, however, this system proved too much benefit to the low marker and was changed to alternate years of half and three quarters of handicap. Since 1981 it was been played from three quarters of handicap, ignoring the fractions. Sep Johnston, who joined the Club in 1945, has attended to the sheets, declaring the winner, for the past twenty six years. This task is very tedious, with score cards of varying degrees of neatness. The constant home of the score sheet, during the month of February, is behind the door entering into the locker room.



In the event of a tie the players continue each week until one improves his score. In 1962, when Gordan Dumas and Bill Wright finished with equal scores, they continued to play each Saturday and Wednesday, if present, seeking a result. On several occasions one of the players would improve his score only to find that his opponent had done likewise. After playing an additional twenty one rounds and five months later, Bill Wright was declared the winner.

When the first Eclectic was conducted ·during .the entire golfing season of 1931, many of the Members had little understanding of the event. It was often referred to as the "Electric" and this spelling was used in error in the Annual Report of 1932. The first Eclectic was won by Mr. A. Thomlinson with Mrs Beck being successful in the Associates section. The competition provoked some interest and 0:1 the 10th February 1932, Mr E.J. Hyde donated the first trophy and it was listed in the Years Golfing Calendar. It was played from 2/5 of the stroke handicap over the entire golfing season.

During the Eclectic there have been four holes in one recorded. Bill Hagan, Ray Poole, John Stagpoole and Peter Cook have each recorded the ultimate. The record score of 57 nett is held by the following Members:

During the War years, with insufficient entries, it lost favour. In 1933 the event was played during the month of February only. The donor of the trophy was J. A. North.

John Scilly Arthur Furze Mike Barrett Chris Payne 91

1975 1985 1986 1986

Dick Webb Dal Haynes Peter McNamee

1983 1985 1986

Marks since 1971 and has been voluntarily staffed by our Associates aided by Jack Kelso, Howard Gee and John New. man attending to the barbecue. Our associates have won many friends on this day and many a player, after satisfying the inner pangs, has gone on to better things on the second 18 holes of this event. Since it became a Va rd on Trophy event, several club members have been successful. These include: Charlie Carruthers, Ewen Lean, Abbie Bentley, Barry Ratcliffe, Phil Wood, Eric Couper and of course, Tony Gresham who has won the event nine times. The 1987 Pennant Hills Cup, which was the SOth played, was honoured with the field including many past winners.

THE PENNANT HILLS CUP One of the most prestigious events held in the Clubs is the Annual Pennant Hills Cup. The original cup was donated by the late Herbert Thew captain of the Club. This is a highly esteemed Vardon Event with the leading state amateur players competing. Over the years many illustrious golfers have competed and won this event. The winning list includes such personalities as Vic Bulgin (International Golfer and Rugby League Footballer), Jack McQueen, Noel Ratcliffe and Barry Burgess who successfully turned professional. In recent years Brett Ogle and Peter O'Malley, after winning this event and completing successful years as amateurs, both entered the professional ranks. One of the features of this day has been the barbecue, provided for players and spectators. This has been organised by Lilian

. THE TROPHIES OXFORD Trophy, noun. Pile of the enemy's spoil set up by ancient army after victory; thing kept as prize or momento. To those who have enjoyed the spoils, and to those who have yet to achieve victory, this is the background of the prizes and momentos donated by the members. This is the history of the Trophies.

Pennant Hills Cup 1988 saw our happy band of workers under the direction of Lilian Marks providing the ever popular barbecue. From left: Howard Gee, Norma Manser, Mollie Sutherland, Ella Kelso, Dot Lawson, Lilian Marks, Betty Clarke, Coral Austin, Bill Scott and Jack Kelso. Kneeling Peggy Gee and Eilene Henricks. This same band of workers have been caring for this special attraction since 1972.

TROPHY LIFE With the growth of the Club and the passing of so many members who had contributed so much, many groups of members sought to have Memorial Trophies named after the deceased member. It became quite apparent that this would grow out of all proportion so the General Committee decided to limit most Memorial Trophies to a five year period. ANNIVERSARY CUP- (JANUARY) Previously Golf in Australia - Publication no longer exists. This Cup was introduced in 1973 to commemorate the SOth Anniversary of our Club. It was also a tribute to those, past and present, whose efforts assisted the development of the Club to its present state. The event is held on Australia Day as a Stableford with additional trophies to the runner up and best scratch score. 92

members who were finding it difficult to compete with the younger members, who always seemed to play below their handicaps. Since the death of Harry in 1959, the tradition has been carried on by Past President M.W. (Bill) Northey, who is the current donor of the Trophy.

SEP JOHNSTON ECLECTIC (FEBRUARY) This event was named after Sep in 1982, in appreciation of his dedication, over twenty five years, for attending to the tedious taskofrecording the Eclectic scores. Originally it was played for as far back as 1932 when the winners trophy was donated by Mr. E.J. Hyde. A.E. MARKS CUP (FEBRUARY - FINAL JUNE) Formerly the Hislop Cup. This Trophy was donated to the Club on the 17th January 1927 by James Marsden Hislop who had been a member since the 11th May 1925. A principal of a large motor accessory firm, Jim had a great liking for golf. On many occasions he teamed up with the late John North, first Captain of the Club, to record some remarkable scores. In one event over nine holes they finished nine up. He conceived the idea of a four ball knockout competition, which eventually became one of the most popular events held by the Club. For over half a century the Cup has been played for under the original provisions. Mr Hislop left the Club in 1932.

AUTUMN CUP (APRIL) 'fhis Cup was originally donated by Mr. H. C. Small. With Mr. Small's demise it lapsed till 1982 when Mr. G.L. Williams a Past President of the Club and Life Member became its donor. GOLD BUTTONS At the end of each programmed year the winners of Silver Buttons, during the year, are eligible to compete for the Gold Button. Appropriately enough the first donor of the Gold Button was the late Charlie Gold. When he left the Club the Trophy was taken over by the late Bert Taylor and afterwards by the late Reg Austin Senior. Since that date his two sons Jack and Stan have carried on the tradition and are the current donors.

PRESIDENT'S CUP (MARCH) Formerly the Ken Oakes Memorial Cup. It was presented to the Club by Members of the A.l.F. and B.E.F. at the time of Ken Oakes death in 1930. His death was the result of wounds incurred in World War 1. Ken won the A.l.F. Cup in 1928. The renamed Cup was first competed for on the 5th March 1977. The winner is decided from the first sixteen qualifiers who then engage in match play.

REMEMBRANCE TROPHY (AUGUST) In 1930, a Club Member, J. Arthur Maunder, was one of a syndicate which made a profitable investment in the Lucknow Gold Mines. He presented to the Club, a magnificent trophy to be called the Lucknow Trophy. A proviso, in the presentation, was that if it were to be won twice successfully or three times in all, then it was to become the winners property. The Trophy was won in successive years by Tony Paul who in 1943 lost his life in the War. Tony's father, the late Fred Paul, a Vice President of the Club at the time, presented it back to the Club and it has since become known as the Remembrance Trophy. The Trophy is competed for under stroke conditions on a Saturday. The present donor is Mr. R. A. (Bob) Wickens, past Captain and Vice President of the Club.

"50 AND OVER" (APRIL) This event was conceived by the genial Harry Small, a Past President of the Club, for those

FATHER & SON EVENT (SEPTEMBER) This event was first played on the 4th September 1971. President, Paul Henricks

In 1980, in appreciation of twenty eight-years of service to the Club, as Secretary Manager, Alex Marks was honoured with the renaming of the Hislop Cup to the A.E. Marks Cup. The Cup is still competed for under the original 4 ball knockout rules.


has been the donor since its inception.

donor Mr. Henry Chorley. A dinner was held at the end of the evening's proceedings. This dinner became the fore-runner of future Ex-Servicemen's golfing events. For fifty years this event had been contested, only with declining numbers was it abandoned in 1977.

NAGGERS CUP (SUNDAY SEPTEMBER) This annual mixed four ball best ball event for husbands and wives is very popular. The trophy was originally presented by the late Dr. Clyde Davis, a former Vice President of the Club. When he left the Club, Alec Speers, then Vice President, became the donor. Upon his transfer to Manly Golf Club Mr. & Mrs. John Jones donated the Trophy until 1982, when John passed away. Since 1982 the tradition has been carried on by Mr. & Mrs. J.E. Lawson, the current donors. 0

WORLD WAR 2 TROPHY Played for by Members of the Forces and donated by the Ex-Servicemens Section. The Rum Cup which is also part of the event has been donated by John Roy for almost thirty years. THE NUTH IN CUP (WEDNESDAY OCTOBER) This trophy was instigated by John Roy, John Newman, Keith Shannon and Laurie Taylor on the 28th March 1979. The name of the Cup originated (rom the famous saying from Past Captain R. W. (Bob) Wickens, when at the end of the evenings presentation he would ·say, "And the rest of you get "Nuthin" .

T.B. NOSSITER CUP (OCTOBER) This Trophy was presented byT. B. Nossiter, first President of the Club, in 1931. This Cup is recognised as the trophy for the Club Champion. E.J. HYDE CUP (OCTOBER) Formerly the Beecroft Cup. This Trophy coveted by most members, was originally an 18 hole event, which had been competed for since 1929, when it was first donated by Ernest John Hyde. Later the Club assumed responsibility for the Trophy and in a larger sense it became a memorial to E.J ., who was one of the Club's most illustrious sons. Its popularity prompted the Committee to change to a 36 hole stroke handicap event.

SUMMER CUP (OCTOBER) An early trophy of the Club was first donated by Arthur Lees, committeeman, Vice President and Chairman of the Course Maintenance Committee. On his demise it . was fitting that George Notson, who succeeded Arthur Lees as Chairman of the Course Committee, became the donor. Since 1973, Mr.J. E. Thomson, Past President of the Club, has been the donor. J.A. NORTH MEMORIAL TROPHY (APRIL) Following his death in 1959, the Memorial Trophy was presented by his family and accepted by the Club in appreciation of his contribution to its foundation. J.A. North was the first captain of the Club. The event is decided over 18 holes Stableford rules.

A.I.F. TROPHY At the Annual Meeting on the 30th August, 1926, Mr. F.H. Scales suggested to the incoming committee that an A .I.F. competition should be implemented in honour of those Club members who served in the Great Wear of 1914-1918. The Committee accepted the suggestion and the event was programmed for the 20th October 1926. With regard to a suitable trophy, Mr. Murphy advised the committee he knew of a donor for the Cup, who at this time wished to remain anonymous. The winner of the first A.l.F. Cup, held on the 20th October 1926wasMr. H.F.G. Walker. The Trophy was presented by the

THEW FAMILY TROPHY (MAY) Herbert Thew was a Club member from 1928 to 1948. He was an outstanding personality and became Club Captain between 1933 and 1938. He served on committee, was a Director and Club Delegate, during some of the most difficult years of the Club. He was also the donor of the "Pennant Hills Club". 94

-In later years, his son Eric, became Club Captain, a unique happening in the life of any Club. When Eric and his mother offered the Memorial Trophy in 1950, it was accepted with appreciation of the many years of dedicated effort, on behalfof the Club, which "Bert" Thew had made so generously. The event is played over 18 holes under Stableford rules with trophies being awarded to the winners of A,B,C grades. A.Y. GRESHAM CUP (JUNE) The Cup was first competed for on the 16th June 1979. The Cup was named after Anthony Yale (Tony) Gresham, the Club's most distinguished player. WINTER CUP (JUNE) This Trophy is by far the oldest of the fourCupsnamed after the seasons. It was first donated in 1939. The original donor was the late Fred Paul, who joined the Club in 1931 and played an important part in its early development. He became a Life Member in 19PQ, being only the fifth member to be honoured with this distinction. When Fred died the presentation was taken over by the late Vic Macallister, also a committeeman and Vice President. Upon his demise in 1966, former Captain, Treasurer and Committeeman Trevor Manser carried on the tradition and is the Cup's present donor. CAPTAIN'S CUP (PREVIOUSLY THE OSBORNE SHIELD) Competed for during July, the Shield was donated to the Club in 1924 by the late W.C. (Bill) Chorley, a foundation Member and a distinguished City Tailor. It was presented to perpetuate the memory of Len Osborne, a pioneer of golf in the district, who in the days when golf was not popular, did so much to promote the game and popularise it as a sport. Bill Chorley originally expressed the desire that the event be not played on a Sunday, however in 1948 with increasing numbers in the Saturday field, wisdom prevailed and the playing times were altered, without any objection from the donor. The event calls for the 16 lowest scores to play off under match play rules. The Osborne Shield was last played, under its original name, on the 3rd August 1974. Since that date the event has come to be known as the Captain's Cup. SPRING CUP (AUGUST) Since its inception in 1955 there have

Seniors' Champions: Harold Goodwin and Jack Clarke have shared the Senior Championship nine times. Harold with four wins and Jack with five. Shown here after the 1988 final. only been two donors. The original donor Bill Shortland, Past President of the Club, made the presentation until 1973, when Bill Scott, former Past President, carried on the tradition. Bill is the current donor. "60 AND OVER" (AUGUST) This Stableford event was first played on the 31st August 1974. Donated by Messrs Ray Austin, H. Jacobs, S. Johnston, Frank Mudge and H. Tiffin. VIC KENDALL TYRO TROPHY (NOVEMBER) Originally called the Tyro Trophy it was instigated by Vic Kendall, six months before he passed away it was renamed to honour him. It is presently donated by Reg Wilkins. It is played for by Members in "C" Grade who have never previously won a Club event. "A" RESERVE TROPHY The "A" reserve Championship commenced in 1979. The Trophy was donated by Mr. P.H. Henricks in honour of H.C.Small Past President of the Club from 1954 to 1957. The handicap limits being 9-13. 95

N.S.W. Peter Fowler however remain s the 1986 Au stralian Match Play Champion and has carved out a successful career for himself in Tournament Coif. Ian has been at Pennant Hills for twenty years as our resident Professional and prior to that was Assistant Professional for five and half years.

THE PROFESSIONALS The Club Professional and his Staff provide an essenti~l service to the Club and are highly respected by the Members. The following is a summary of Professional appointments made since the inception of the Club.




The following Members have acted as Honorary Secretaries; 1923-1924 T.G. Millner. 1924-1925 J.A. North & W.A. Clark (Joint). J.A . North. 1925-1926 1926-1927 H.G . Vernon. C. Tonking. 1927-1930 In September1939, a permanent paid Secretary was appointed . The following have held the posiion 1930-1939" C. Tonking. 1939-1940 W. Rothwell. 1940-1941 J..Shaw. 1941-1945 Miss E. Oates (Acting Secretary). 1945-1950 W.H. Lannen. 1950-1951 H.F. Lamberton. A.E. Marks. 1951-1979 1979-1980 J.D. Roberts. 1980 E.J. Townsend .

Appointed 11th August 1924. He resigned on the 21st August 1932 to take up the position of Foreman of the Greens Staff.



Appointed 1st August 1932. Previously the Club Professional at the Brighton Golf Club. He resigned on the 11th March 1935.



Appointed 1st March 1935 with a Retainer of fl per week with the understanding that he was to help out on the course whenever duties as the Professional were not required . He resigned on the 20th April 1939.



Appointed 15th May 1939 with a Retainer of £2/5 /- per week. Released from Military Service he was appointed part time at £1 per week. During 1945 he was engaged as the Club's full time Professional. He retired in 1966 after serving the Club for over twenty five years. Bill was regarded as an excellent Teacher of the arts of golf.



1966 -

The following Members have acted as Honorary Treasurers. 1924-1926 J.H. Lyon . R.F. Wyly. 1926-1938 1938-1947 H.I. Gregory. 1947-1954 M.W. Northey. 1954-1964 J.D. Jones. 1964-1966 T.W. Manser. R.A . Wickens. 1966-1968 1968-1972 W.P. Scott (to 2.8.72). 1972-1981 A.A. Smith. 1981-1986 N.A. Adcock. 1986-1988 J.D. Oakley. 1988J.J. Mulvaney.

Appointed January 1966. He is highly regarded as a Golfing Instructor, his Assistants being successful in "Order of Merit" tournaments. Ian himself won the N .S.W. Trainee Championship. Michael Moulds and Peter Fowler, two of Pennant Hills trainees also won the Championship. Peter Fowler went on to win the Australian Open in 1983. In the same year Wayne Dodd, won the Australian Trainee Championship. In recognition of this being a first in coaching, the P.G.A. awarded Jan a special Trophy honouring the event. Michale Moulds went on to win the N.S.W. Foursomes Championship, with Ian as his Partner. Ian's Assistants, fifteen of whom he has trained at Pennant Hills, have in the main, followed in his footsteps and became Resident Professionals at various Golf Clubs around 96

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