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Small Business The Latino Business Empowerment Hub


Should You Take Social Security Early?


Consejos para empresarios y emprendedores.

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Three Online Tax Resources for Small-Business Owners

April 15 is just a few weeks away. Of course you should be finished with your taxes now. But if you're shop is like mine, you spend every free second on your clients. So getting business expenses, forms and tax planning done tends to get pushed to the bottom of the to-do list.

Today all that changes. I offer you -- partly because researching my taxes lets me avoid actually doing them for another day -- three easy-to-use resources that might make your tax prep a little less painful. 1. The IRS Small Business Tax Center What it is: Small businesses tend to go on about how useless the government is, but the IRS did not take it personally. The Tax Man created an excellent online toolbox for small businesses trying to manage their taxes. Why you might like it: Whether your question is basic or complex, you'll almost certainly find the answer on this excellent site, which is easy to navigate and understand thanks to features likes the nine-part Virtual Small Business Tax Workshop video series. Tax information is divided up into short, simple documents. The site has good explanations for issues like small business taxation, the alternative minimum tax, 1099 contractors and e-filing. The A-Z Index for Business offers in-site links much of the archive. And, of course, the full complement of tax forms is here, too. * Related: Five Tax Write-Offs You Might Not Know About Why you might not: If you're numerically inclined, this site could pump you up to the point where you decide to go the DIY route for tax prep this

year. With a simple return, you might be fine. But how your business taxes merge with your personal finance is invariably more complex than it looks. The home office deduction for example, known in the trade as Business Use of Your Home, is a complex calculation involving, among other things, an implied capital gain, an implied depreciation and the percentage of home expenses you spend on work. Unless you are ready to make those figures and have them stand up to an audit, you may still need a professional. 2. WageFiling.com What it is: This easy-to-use online service lets you print, produce and file your own W2 or 1099 forms on the cheap. Why you might like it: Having just shelled out $150 to my accountant for a trio of 1099s, this service got my attention. Using it is simple. You create a profile for each employee and fill out the proper identification, pay and other info. Then you print a copy to mail to each employee and let wagefiling.com file the form with the IRS electronically -- for $3.49 per filing. My three 1099s would have cost $10.50 rather than $150. Ouch. And online data

Edition 20 | March 23 - 30 2011

storage is secure, so you no longer need to keep employees' personal information on premises where it can get stolen. * Related: Don't Let the IRS Reclassify Your Business as a Hobby Why you might not: You are responsible for entering the employees' personal info. So you better be sure it is correct. And I had trouble locating the all-important blank tax forms. If you clear those hurdles, you'd also better have at least a basic understanding of how to decipher and fill out employee payroll data. What, for example, goes in the box labeled "Section 409A deferrals"? How do you handle something like "Excess Golden Par Pmts"? And what do I put in those four scary lines marked, "Other"? You will still need some professional help in managing these forms. 3. Teaspiller What it is: This online service matches users with accredited accountants and other financial representatives. If a customer and client agree to work together, tax documents are shared via a secure site, and electronic payment can be made there as well. Started in 2009, Teaspiller lists more than 20,000 accountants in about 50 U.S. cities. The company name references both Boston Tea Party protestors and the firm's goal of bringing change to the

tax-and-accounting services marketplace, according to CEO Amit Vemuri. Why you might like it: If you want to hire a professional, Teaspiller aims to make that process simpler for time-strapped SMBs. You enter your city and the specialty you're seeking, and instantly you'll get a list of professional financial-service providers, each with a rating and some with customer reviews. Ratings are derived from a database that pulls in online legal judgments and state or industry sanctions. If you use the service you pay your accountant via credit card, a feature that Vemuri says many accountants don't offer and many of his customers requested. * Related: What to Look for When Hiring an Accountant Why you might not: Users of Facebook and other social networks might expect this site to have more user-generated content, but Teaspiller is more akin to a referral service. Accountants can get a basic listing for free, but if they want an upgraded listing they need to pay $33 to $50 a month. The ability to post and read customer reviews should set this site apart, but there are hardly any reviews posted. Of the 100 listings in New York City, 11 had reviews -- and none had more than three. All those reviews seem to be raves, and every accountant on this list scores a 3.9 or higher on a scale of 1 to 5. So you still need to vet whatever accountant you get from the service. "We are trying to champion the idea of using new tools in this market," Vemuri says. "Not replace the entire process of finding the right accountant."

Edition 20 | March 23 - 30 2011


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REGISTER NOW MARCH 28TH – 30TH 2011 Stewardship of the new American business model. FOR MORE INFORMATION, VISIT USHCCLEGISLATIVE.COM


Edition 20 | March 23 - 30 2011



After Visit to Israel it is Evident Terrorism Inadvertently Engenders Unity and Bravery


Front page p.2

Chamber of Commerce p.3

National News p.4

Ecuador P.6-7


Local News P.9

Events P.10

Noches Latina P.12

By Maria Morales-Prieto,


President & CEO of The Hispanic Network, NYC


Lideres 17

Profile P.19


AD P.18

227 Dyckman Street | New York, NY 10034 Tel 212.203.3371 email info@corchowineroom.


Rosemary Carrillo: Publisher | Founder Carlos Velez : Editor in Chief Amparo Gordillo: Editor Magela Graffigna : Vice President Comercial Susana Bono : Reporter | Photographer Alfredo Morad: Repoter | Photographer Dora Rubiano: Reporter Eva Chavez:

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t’s a shame but true. It takes a catastrophe to really unite people. So it only makes sense that when a population has to constantly deal with tragedy, it is compassion and bravery that become part of their DNA. This is what I discovered on my recent trip to Israel. I was invited on a goodwill tour of the country by the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs (JINSA) as part of a delegation of Hispanic-American leaders. As a Cuban exile, I could deeply empathize with a nation whose families have been ripped apart by an egomaniac. Being challenged in life in such an extraordinary way, really tests the mettle of a people thereby strengthening it, leaving them much stronger and more enlightened. When one loses their worldly belongings and family members, they quickly learn the difference between possessions and people, and the freedom of spirit necessary to thrive. Thanks to JINSA, our group met with many of the country’s greatest minds, including former Prime Minister and current President Shimon Peres, who was incredibly affable and charming. We also met with Israeli Parliamentarian Avi Dicter, who was the former Chief of the Shabak, Israel’s Security Agency during the crucial years of

2000 to 2005. From the head of the country to the store clerk, it is clear that Israelis are an impressively resilient, compassionate and dignified people. Their parliamentary system includes representatives from minority parties, as does their Supreme Court, and different houses of worship are apparent and welcome. It is impressive how free and open their society remains even in the face of imposing anti-Semitic neighbors on every border. But this is a nation that only becomes tighter knit instead of divided each time it’s attacked, bravely holding steadfast to its beliefs in freedom and liberty for all, much to the dismay and frustration of its enemies. This enigmatically beautiful country is the birthplace of Christianity and Judaism. It is the living Bible, both Testaments. America must insure that Israel remains the vigilant and respectful keeper of the world’s most important ancient artifacts. As a Catholic, visiting the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, which encompasses the mound and cave where Jesus was crucified and buried, walking the actual Stations of the Cross, dipping my hands into the Sea of Galilee and being baptized by the Jordan River were unbelievably moving experiences everyone must have on their “Bucket List.”

Israel, which is roughly the size of New Jersey with a population of just over 7 million, is also the “capital” of the tech industry and the home of the Weizmann Institute where the world’s most important research, both biological and geological, takes place on a daily basis. The oral polio vaccine was invented there! Many believe that America’s alliance with Israel is what triggered the terrorist to start targeting America but nothing could be further from the truth. Israel just gets the brunt of their hatred first because of its proximity to the countries that harbor these extremists. Whether allied with Israel or not, freedom advocating America is perceived to be an affront to their beliefs so it needs to be either converted or annihilated. For this reason, it is imperative that the defenders of freedom work united in order to ride out the world’s latest “scourge du jour.” For just like the Roman Empire, the Huns, the Spanish Inquisition, the Nazis, Napoleon, Caesar, Stalin, Hitler, Saddam Hussein, and all evil forces that have tried to rule the world like Dr. Evil in an Austin Powers movie, Islamic extremist will one day be history too. Thanks to human nature, tragedy begets unity, which is why good always triumphs over evil.

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¿Está atrasado en su hipoteca? ¿Tiene intereses altos o variables? ¿Su casa está a punto de ser rematada? ¿No está atrasado pero tiene dificultad para pagar su hipoteca? Baje los Intereses de su hipoteca

Sin Refinanciar su Casa

Segun la Ley del Presidente Obama



Ecuador en la mira

Edition 20 | March 23 - 30 2011



La Lcda. Amparo Gordillo, por medio de una gran labor en el ámbito comunicacional y cultural, a promovido espacios y actividades de interés para la sociedad a fin de integrar a la comunidad ecuatoriana en una propuesta profesional con amplio contenido y visión social, motivo por el cual fue reconocida por el gobierno del Ecuador.

Cabe destacar que la Lcda. Amparo Gordillo es editora de este periódico y colabora ampliamente con periódicos ecuatorianos, escribiendo columnas como Mitos y Verdades que no es más que un extracto de cuentos y leyendas que deben conocer los niños hijos de ecuatorianos puesto que son sus raíces, contribuyendo además a la conservación del idioma natal de sus padres. Escribe también otras columnas de arte y cultura. Desde el año anterior viene apoyando ampliamente a la difusión de la cultura hispana pues es miembro comisionado de la Asociación de Cronistas de Espectáculos Hispanos, A.C.E., ha colaborado con el proyecto Dream Act y con otras instituciones sin fines de lucro, es miembro activo de la Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana, capitulo New York y por supuesto de la Confederación de Periodistas. Después de esta breve reseña Business Latino aprovecha la oportunidad para felicitar a la mujer ecuatoriana por la labor comunitaria realizada en New York. Durante un cálido y emotivo encuentro con la comunidad ecuatoriana residente en New York, la Asambleísta por EEUU y Canadá,

Quito Colonial

Arq. Carlos Trujillo Promotor Cultural Museo Archivo de Arquitectura.

Como un reto cultural y dando un enfoque nuevo a las artes en varios escenarios de Quito se esta promoviendo una serie de actividades culturales y artísticas a fin de que la comunidad ecuatoriana y los turistas que llegan de todo el mundo a diario, acudan a conocer la belleza de nuestro Quito colonial visitando museos y festi-

Linda Machuca, en nombre de la Asamblea Nacional del Ecuador, hizo la entrega de un Acuerdo de Reconocimiento a la labor de la mujer ecuatoriana migrante a propósito de celebrarse el 8 de marzo próximo el Día Internacional de la Mujer. Las mujeres cuya labor en favor de la comunidad este día ha sido reconocida y galardonada en New York son: Sra. Cynthia Lama por su labor social y apoyo al emigrante ecuatoriano. Sra. Rosita Cali por su labor social vinculándose con la comunidad educativa. Sra. Leonor Torres por su labor social como integrante del Ecuadorian Civic Committe of New York.

vales artísticos dignos de verse puesto que traen muchas enseñanzas tales como el NOVENO FESTIVAL INTERNACIONAL DE DANZA, organizado por la Casa de la danza, cuyos representantes son la danzarina Susana Reyes y el Músico Motti Deren. La Casa de la Danza es uno de los lugares mas hermosos del Barrio San Marcos, donde se encuentra ubicado el MUSEO DE ARQUITECTURA, y es en este momento el principal y mas significativo movimiento dansistico del país. Susana Reyes es una de las mejores bailarinas a nivel Sudamericano, y la mejor exponente en su clase en el país, una amplia trayectoria de mas de

Sra. Martha Rodríguez por su labor social como integrante de la Federación de Instituciones de Pichincha. Sra. María Teresa Crespo conocida como “La Chola Cuencana”, desarrolla una significativa labor como Presidenta de la Asociación de Vendedores Ambulantes de Roosevelt, Sra. Aida González se destaca como educadora, escritora y periodista integrante de la Confederación Nacional de Periodistas del Ecuador, Capítulo New York. Sra. Cecilia Diez por su labor como integrante de la organización Compañeros Unidos por un Nuevo Amanecer New York. Sra. Francia Miller por su labor como Presidenta de la Coalición de Inmigrantes Estados Unidos-Canadá,.

40 años la respalda. Cabe recalcar que este tipo de eventos de altísimo nivel cultural se llevan a cabo en la ciudad de Quito, dentro de todo el quehacer cultural de la misma. Esta es una de las razones por la cual Quito ha sido declarada PATRIMONIO CULTURAL DE LA HUMANIDAD, el visitante puede disfrutar y verse beneficiado, y llevarse de Ecuador el mejor recuerdo que es lo que aprendió y archivo en

Sra. Cecill Villar es una destacada artista ecuatoriana que promueve la cultura y el arte de nuestro país en reconocidos escenarios internacionales, contribuyendo con la promoción y fortalecimiento de nuestra identidad cultural, actividad que la promueve con solidaridad, compromiso y patriotismo. Sra. Martha Zambrano cumple una destacada labor como Directora Ecuadorian International Center,Inc y activista de los derechos humanos. Fuimos acompañados por miembros de la prensa internacional tales como Billy Berroa de Telemicro, Miguel Ángel Rodríguez de La Familia Cosmovisión, Ricardo García de TV Dominicana. Las cámaras del programa 593 de Christian Johnson y personajes tales como Fernando Campos, presidente de la A.C.E., Inma Heredia actriz española, protagonista de la obra Almodóvar, Mariana Meléndez. Dr. Héctor Bernabé, Sr. Luis Rodríguez, Pastor Eliecer Abarca entre otras personalidades.

su mente sobre otras etnias culturales, tesoros que aumentan el valor humano, los precios oscilan entre dos y cinco dolares por persona. Quito es una ciudad muy linda y hospitalaria con el turista, puede el visitante disfrutar del mejor espectáculo cultural de la capital de la República. El 9no festival internacional de danza es un evento a nivel internacional de amplísima trayectoria y reconocido a todo nivel..

Edition 20 | March 23 - 30 2011


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Edition 20 | March 23 - 30 2011

Cortesía: Ing. Angel Solís Mora

Consejos para empresarios y emprendedores.


e ha sentido usted inseguro cuando le han propuesto hacer una exposición?. O peor aún, se ha sentido atrapado de nervios y hasta insatisfecho por una exposición que realizó?. Si bien se reconoce que muchas personas están dotadas de una excepcional facilidad de palabra, es también cierto que si usted pone suficiente empeño puede hacer una convincente exposición. Para imponer en un discurso sus puntos de vista, todo es cuestión de técnica y práctica o también de experiencia y preparación. En lo que ha expresión oral se refiere, los expertos nos recomiendan tener presente para ser escuchados con interes, los siguientes cuatro aspectos: a) La forma de hablar; b) Hacer algo específico para atraer la atención; c) Conocer a fondo el tema

(partiendo de sus antecedentes): y d) Saber como presentarlo.

Estos factores traen una luz de esperanza para aquellos ejecutivos que siendo de excelente desempeño en sus trabajos, pasan “apuros” cuando de exponer sus ideas o puntos de vista se trata en reuniones o congresos. Una voz débil y temblorosa demuestra falta de seguridad y confianza. Para superar esto, se recomienda que relaje los músculos de la garganta e iniciar con unos breves comentarios introductorios. Cuando su voz suene más tranquila y confiada, comience a exponer los puntos principales. Las voces excesivamente altas y pretensiosas, resultan irritantes para una audiencia. Controle la suya si no desea que la misma deje de atenderlo.

A continuación se describen algunos consejos adicionales para lograr que sus puntos de vista sean escuchados y aceptados: •Haga una breve exposición del contenido general de su tema. •Desarrolle y explique lo mas importante de cada punto, no divague, pues de lo contrario perderá la atención y todo apoyo necesario. •Ayúdese con una hoja de notas para conservar el orden de la exposición o no olvidar aspectos importantes. •No abuse de las estadísticas, salvo que sea una exposición de economía, de lo contrario es mejor utilizar gráficas o dibujos para hacer la exposicion más comprensible. •No abuse del humor si este se presenta de su parte o de la audiencia. Sepa poner fin al

mismo de manera oportuna o de lo contrario perdera seriedad el tema. •Si debe escucharle o consederle razón a alguien, hágalo rápido y afablemente, pero utilice expresiones como: “Gracias, estoy de acuerdo y me gustaría agregar algo más”. También: “Sus puntos de vista son interesantes, pero me gustaría sugerir un plan de acción ligeramente diferente”. Asi usted recupera la atención y control del auditorio. •Si una pregunta ha quedado sin respuesta o si una cuestión no ha quedado clara, suministre las explicaciones del caso hasta que su interlocutor quede satisfecho. •Al final, haga nuevamente un breve recuento de lo tratado y exprese que anhela les haya sido de utilidad. •Después de concluida una exposición, atienda amablemente los pedidos de aclaración que se puedieren presentar. Estos sencillos consejos, de seg

Edition 20 | March 23 - 30 2011




2011 Hispanic federation Annual Gala uring the 2011 Hispanic federation Annual Gala

Ignite the Light held Thursday, March 17 at Moet Hennessy USA in Manhattan, Wells Fargo made an important announcement. ¨Wells Fargo is very committed to the New York Hispanic community and was excited to announce at the

Hispanic Gala reception a grant of $50,000 to the Hispanic Federation. This donation will be used to develop and grow its Latino Board Leadership Development (BoLD) initiative, which will help Latino nonprofits strengthen their programs.¨ Wells Fargo is proud to support organizations working to strengthen our

communities. Through the efforts of our enthusiastic team member-volunteers and our contributions, we share our success within our communities by giving back to non-profits and educational institutions that address vital community needs and issues. Ignite the Light Awards

Join the Hispanic Federation to honor the shining stars of the Hispanic community at the gala event of the season. A star studded red carpet and awards dinner ceremony supporting one of the leading Latino organizations in the country. On Thursday, April 21st at The Waldorf Astoria Hotel in Manhattan.




Edition 20 | March 23 - 30 2011

L.A.I.A. Celebrando el dia de la mujer


Por: Amparo Gordillo

na organización sin fines de lucro 501, con la misión de crear espacios de integración a través de la cultura y el entendimiento en la comunidad de New York, se ha convertido en un centro de desarrollo e integracion cultural, espiritual y humano, ofreciendo programas de alto nivel. En esta oportunidad por el día de la mujer L.A.I.A., reconoció el servicio de varias mujeres hispanas que sirven a su comunidad: Gloria B, Dj 93.1 Amor Radio

Station, Marisol Gonzalez, productor independiente, Carmen Velasquez, Queens Court Judge Queens, Nathaly RubioTorio directora de Voces Latinas, Frederica Jeffries y Mariela Herring the District Attorney's Queens County, Victoria Schneps, President Queens Courier, Zeta Guendsjian, the Entrepreneur fueron las mujeres que recibieron el reconocimiento de L.A.I.A. El evento contó con la presencia del senador José Peralta y del concejal de Jackson Heigths Daniel Droum.

Mujeres hispanas premiadas por L.A.I.A.

Invita a dos


Aproveche esta oportunidad para crecer financieramente GRATIS, solo necesita registrarse para garantizar su cupo

Invita a dos

Seminario sobre GRANDES SEMINARIOS Seminario DEsobre NEGOCIOS

Certificación para hacer negocios con la ciudad de Nueva York Seminario sobre

Importación y Exportación

Aproveche esta oportunidad para crecer financieramente Juez depara Queens Carmen Velasquez GRATIS, solo necesita registrarse garantizar su cupo

Seminario sobre

Importación y Exportación 22 DE MARZO 2011 - 3 PM JAMAICA, QUEENS Conozca los pasos necesarios para empezar y operar un exitoso negocio de importación y exportación en New York City. Beneficios

• Establecer la estructura correcta para su negocio • Entender las licencias y permisos necesarios para el comercio de Importación y Exportación • Pasos a seguir para obtener financiación de un negocio de Importación y Exportación EN JAMAICA – QUEENS Conferencista Katherine Tejada NYC Business Solutions, Queens Center 168-25 Jamaica Avenue, 2nd Floor Jamaica, NY 11432

22 DE MARZO 2011 - 3 PM Certificación para hacer JAMAICA, QUEENS 30 DE MARZO, 2011 - 3 PM negocios conJACKSON la ciudad HTS, QUEENS Conozca los pasosde necesarios para Nueva York empezar y operar un exitoso negocio Aprenda los pasos necesarios para 30 DE MARZO, 2011 - 3 PM de importación y exportación en certificarse como negocio operado JACKSON HTS, QUEENS New York City. por una mujer o persona de las minorias para Aprenda los pasos necesarios

Beneficios certificarse como negocio operado • Establecer lapor estructura una correcta paramujer su negocio o persona de las Beneficios • Entender las licencias y permisos necesarios minorias • Conozca en detalles el proceso de certificación para el comercio de Importación y Exportación • Obtendrá información sobre aplicación y • Pasos a seguir para obtener financiación de un

Beneficios documentos necesarios para la certificación negocio Importación y Exportación • deConozca en detalles el proceso de certificación • Información sobre otros servicios específicos • Obtendrá información sobre aplicación y para negocios en Queens documentos necesarios para la certificación EN JAMAICA – QUEENS • Información sobre otros servicios específicos EN JACKSON HTS – QUEENS para negocios en Queens Conferencista Katherine Tejada NYC Business Solutions, Queens Center EN JACKSON HTS QUEENS The–Queens Chamber of Commerce 168-25 Jamaica Avenue, 2nd Floor BULOVA CORP CENTER The Chamber of Commerce Jamaica, NYQueens 11432 75-20 Astoria Boulevard, Suite 140 BULOVA CORP CENTER Jackson Hts, NY 11370 75-20 Astoria Boulevard, Suite 140 Jackson Hts, NY 11370

limitado - inscripciones al: Cupo limitado - inscripcionesCupo al: o llame al 718-898-8500 Ext. 26 info@queenschamber.org info@queenschamber.org o llame al 718-898-8500 Ext. 26

Edition 20 | March 23 - 30 2011


La Comunidad de New York Celebra la Fundación de Wells Fargo en 1952 y la Conversión de Wachovia a Wells Fargo

Ejecutivos de Wells Fargo subieron a la diligencia de Wells Fargo para dar un paseo escoltados por la policía hasta la sucursal de Wells Fargo ubicada en Madison y la 55, donde la diligencia histórica de Wells Fargo que quedará en ese lugar de manera permanente. NEW YORK- La diligencia de Wells Fargo circuló por las calles de Manhattan para celebrar la fundación de Wells Fargo y la conversión de las sucursales de Wachovia en sucursales de Wells Fargo. En la celebración, Wells Fargo anunció la donación que brindará apoyo a los programas de la USO, incluido Operation Eduring Care. De esta manera, Wells Fargo agradece a los estadounidenses heridos y a sus familias para cuando regresen de las zonas de combate tengan todas las posibili-

dades de llevar una vida plena. Además del homenaje a la USO de la ciudad de Nueva York, Wells Fargo también realizó una donación de $50,000 a la Federación Hispana (Hispanic Federation) para fomentar el liderazgo de la comunidad hispana. Wells Fargo realizará eventos comunitarios en reconocimiento a las organizaciones Teach For America de Nueva York y Neighborhood Housing Services de la ciudad de New York, con donaciones especiales para conmemorar la llegada de Wells Fargo a Manhattan.





Edition 20 | March 23 - 30 2011

Save Latin America, held last week its “Tres Próceres Antillanos” dinner award ceremony Rudy Beserra of the Coca-Cola Company was the recipient of the Save Latin America (S.L.A.) Corporate Achievement Award at the organization’s awards ceremony held in New Jersey on March 18. Other recipients Were Luis Jardines, Kyra Aycart, Rolman Vergara, Roberto Madam, Abraham López, Migadalia Murati, Dr. José Tirado, Mrs. Ana Villalona y Jose Tejada. Reception has become S.L.A’s signature annual fund raising event. Hundreds of community leaders, business men and women, public officials, radio and television personalities come together to support the Organization. In 1998, the non-profit S. L. A. adopted a resolution to commemorate "Los Tres Proceres Antillanos" annually on the last Friday of January. The event is in honor of the freedom fighters Jose Marti of Cuba, Juan Pablo Duarte of the Dominican Republic, and Eugenio Maria de Hostos of Puerto Rico. These political leaders and activists fought to bring political freedom and independence to the Caribbean. Although the League of Patriarchs doesn't exist anymore, the Union City-based S.L.A. upholds some of the values taught by the patriarchs. Part of the mission of S.L.A is to promote and preserve Latino values and culture within the United States. S.L.A. honors men and women of Caribbean origin whose actions spread the same ideals of the three forefathers and whose work advances the Hispanic community.

Edition 20 | March 23 - 30 2011


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Chamber of Commerce



Edition 20 | March 23 - 30 2011

Federal Contracts Are Looking For You

Don’t miss this opportunity to secure your next contract at the upcoming USHCC Legislative Summit.

Register Now. The USHCC is proud to present its 21st Annual Legislative Summit, the leading forum representing the interests and the agenda of the Hispanic business community. This event brings together Members of Congress, government leaders, influential Hispanic entrepreneurs and members of corporate America in order to network and develop new business opportunities. This new economy, driven by innovation and demand, has unleashed even more opportunities for Hispanic Business Enterprises (HBEs) and government agencies seeking to solicit their services.

Everyone, including federal agencies is looking for new ideas, innovate products smart thinking and fast delivery. For the first time at our Legislative Summit, the USHCC has created a Business Matchmaking event! The event allows HBEs to get in front of government agencies so they may forge relationships and ultimately win contracts. Don’t miss this amazing chance to connect with what could be your next client! Federal contracts are looking for you! The Federal Agency Procurement Matchmaking Event will take place on March 30, 2011,from 10:30 am to 1:30 pm during the USHCC Legislative Summit at the W Washington Hotel, 515 15th Street in Washington D.C. A sampling of participating Federal agen-

cies/buyers include:

• Amtrak • Department of Homeland Security/OSDBU • Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) • Federal Housing Finance Agency • Minority Business Development Agency • U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) • U.S. Department of Agriculture • U.S. Department of Labor • U.S. Department of State • U.S. Department of the Treasury • U.S. Health and Human Services • Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission REGISTER TODAY! (https://ushcc.mybusinessmatches.com)

"The USHCC is proud to establish this partnership with Tropicana Las Vegas," says Javier Palomarez, USHCC President and CEO. "We look forward to collaborating together in innovative ways that


will benefit the Hispanic business community we serve. This may include hosting some of our Chamber or Foundation events at The Tropicana in order to support our 2011 and 2012 programs." The Tropicana Group Casino and Hotel in Las Vegas is one of the finest hotels and casinos in Las Vegas, boasting new rooms and redefining the expectations of today’s travelers. A major transformation is scheduled for completion in the spring of 2011. “We are honored to have formed a partnership with one of the most prestigious and influential Hispanic business organizations in the United States,” says Tropi-

LOCAL Chambers • Association of Hispanic Healthcare Executives • Bodega Association of the US Inc. • Bronx Chamber of Commerce • Brooklyn Chamber of Commerce • Brooklyn Kings County Hispanic Chamber of Commerce • Ecuadorian Chamber of Commerce NJ-NY • Greater New York Chamber of Commerce • Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of Queens


WASHINGTON D.C.– The United States Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (USHCC) is proud to announce its partnership with the Tropicana Las Vegas, the only independent Hispanic-owned casino and resort in Las Vegas. The Tropicana, located on the Las Vegas Strip, is owned by Tropicana Las Vegas Hotel and Resort Inc. and operated by Alex Yemenidjian's Armenco Holdings. Tropicana Las Vegas is the national chamber’s newest Premium Corporate Partner.


cana Group Chairman & CEO, Alex Yemenidjian. “As the only Hispanic-owned casino property in the city of Las Vegas, we consider this to be a great honor and look forward to working with the USHCC and its constituencies.” About the United States Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Since 1979, the United States Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (USHCC) is dedicated to helping build our country’s economic growth and vitality by supporting our core constituencies, including nearly 3 million Hispanic Business Enterprises, 200 local Hispanic Chambers and numerous corporate partners ...

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Edition 20 | March 23 - 30 2011


Selected students will participate in 10-week internship program

Washington, DC — The National Association of Hispanic Journalists (NAHJ) and the National Hispanic Press Foundation (NHPF) are now accepting applications for the coveted NAHJ/NHPF Ford Blue Oval Journalism Internship program. Sponsored by Ford Motor Company Fund, the philanthropic arm of Ford Motor Company, this internship opportunity supports Latino journalism students interested in careers at Hispanic or Spanish-language media publications. “Through the NAHJ/NHPF Ford Blue Oval Journalism Internship, Latino journalism students have the valuable opportunity to gain first-hand experience in their field,” said Iván Román, executive director of NAHJ. “We thank Ford for helping address

the need for a stronger Latino voice in today’s newsrooms.” The selected students will participate in a 10-week summer internship, working for a Spanish-language or bilingual (English and Spanish) language publication in one of the following cities: Washington, D.C.; San Juan, Puerto Rico; Miami; San Diego; Atlanta; San Antonio; Chicago and Phoenix. While each student is responsible for travel, lodging and all expenses associated with the on-site internship, they will each receive a weekly stipend of $400 for the duration of their internship. Travel, lodging, registration and meals will be covered by the program for each intern’s participation at a training program at the 29th Annual NAHJ Multimedia Convention & Career

Expo in Orlando, Florida. “At Ford, we are thrilled to play a role in the development of the next generation of Latino journalists and to provide the funds for a paid internship, so students can fully focus their time and efforts on their future career,” said Jim Vella, president of Ford Motor Company Fund. “Our partnership with NAHJ and NHPF on this internship truly furthers Ford’s commitment to educating Hispanic youth.” To be eligible, students must be enrolled ... full-time in an accredited college or university in the U.S. or Puerto Rico, focusing on journalism or communications, or must be a recent college graduate. They

must be available for the internship from June 1, 2011 through August 21, 2011. Students must also be 18 years of age by March 31, 2011 and they must be U.S. citizens or legal permanent residents. “The National Hispanic Press Foundation is proud to be a part of this program and to help give students a chance to cover the news from their own Latino perspective,” said Mary Ann Gomez, executive director of NHPF.

Those interested in applying for the internship can visit www.nahj.org for more information and to download the application form.

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Edition 20 | March 23 - 30 2011

Should You Take Social Security Early?


The number of Americans opting to take Social Security at 62 -- currently the youngest age allowed -- is on the rise. In 2009, 42% of 62-year-olds claimed benefits, up from 38% in 2007, according to economists at the Brookings Institution in Washington, D.C. And while more recent data is not yet available, financial planners and industry experts say the ranks of early claimers are still growing. This, despite the fact that by delaying benefits individuals stand to boost their payments by 7% to 8% each year until age 70. "The mentality is that getting something now is better than nothing later," says Richard Rosso, an adviser with Charles Schwab Corp. in Houston, who says he's been "begging" many of his clients to delay claiming Social Security -- often to no avail.

While some boomers have been driven to tap Social Security early out of necessity after losing jobs or savings during the downturn, many are reacting to the growing chorus of politicians calling for Social Security reform, says Gary Burtless, an economist at the Brookings Institution. Last month, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie urged lawmakers to increase the retirement age of Social Security, while Senators Lindsey Graham and Rand Paul have proposed reducing payments to wealthier Americans. More than half of Americans support both initiatives, as long as they take effect in the distant future, according to a new Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll. As a result of all the political rhetoric, fears about Social Security, once at a hum, "have risen to a crescendo in the last six weeks," Rosso says.

But even these shortfalls are a ways out, and do little to explain why boomers are scrambling now to claim benefits.

Are all those fears realistic? Most advisers and retirement planning pros say no. "It's so off the mark," says Alicia H. Munnell, director of the Center for Retirement Research at Boston College. "There is no question ... the benefits will be paid. The worst that could happen is that the system would be able to provide only 80% of the benefits under current law." The Social Security Administration has estimated that beginning in 2037 benefits could be reduced by 22% and could continue to decline, barring any changes to the system. [10 Bargain Retirement Hot Spots] But even these shortfalls are a ways out, and do little to explain why boomers are scrambling now to claim benefits. Likewise, the proposals being floated in Wash-


ington seem to target younger generations of Americans, say advisers. "When we look at the proposals, very few would impact those in or near retirement," says Chad Terry, director of retirement solutions at the Principal Financial Group. He says longevity and inflation could be more of a risk to portfolios, but "there are some who will take it [Social Security benefit] no matter what," he says. "They feel I've contributed, I'm eligible, I'm going to take it." Another explanation: Advisers say the average pre-retiree typically underestimates the impact of taking benefits early. For example, a top-earner retiring at 62 would get $1,803 a month. By waiting until 66, he'd increase that amount to $2,442, and delaying until 70 would bump the monthly payment to $3,256, according to Rande

Spiegelman, vice president of financial planning at the Schwab Center for Financial Research. Another way to look at it: someone who delays taking Social Security until 66 rather 62 will collect more money over time if they live until at least age 77. [Bad Money Habits to Drop] That could have an enormous impact on retirement income, says Christine Fahlund, senior financial planner at T. Rowe Price. She says, for example, a couple who earns $100,000 a year and has $500,000 ...

saved could expect to receive about $50,000 a year in Social Security payments and other income if they claim at 62; that same couple would get almost twice as much a year in Social Security benefits ($96,000) if they wait until 70, says Fahlund. In specific situations, the decision to claim does make sense, say advisers, like if you're in poor health or unemployed. Otherwise, they recommend delaying retirement (and social security payments) in order to boost their retirement savings, which likely took a serious hit during in 2008. A February report by the non-profit Employee Benefit Research Institute found that nearly half of the early boomers -- those 56 to 62 -are at risk of not having enough retirement income for "basic" costs in retirement such as food, transportation and housing. And taking social security early won't help as much as it seems.


Edition 20 | March 23 - 30 2011


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Edition 20 | March 23 - 30 2011

M oto ro la’s Xoom i s he re to s tay By Carlos Velez carlos@nybusinesslatino.com Motorola has entered that wonderful and rapidly expanding world of tablet computing in a big way with a tablet that promises to hold its own against the iPad, the Xoom. With the Xoom, Motorola’s place in what is becoming a highly competitive market where only the best survive, is assured. The Xoom, with its 10.1-inch, 1280x800, 150 dpi, screen is not only easy to operate, but a joy to work and play with. Tablet computing, unlike its counterpart computer computing, is a special and very pleasant personal experience between the user and the tablet. Computing with a laptop or desktop is primarily work or school related and therefore not as pleasant to most users. On the other hand, once you lay your hands on a tablet, computing takes on a new meaning. It is no longer a chore that you are compelled to do tethered to a desk, but a joyful experience that you can have anywhere. You can take the 32-GB, 3G, 1GHZ, dual core Xoom to any room in your house, or the office for that matter, and perform your duties or have your fun away from the maddening crowds. Although tablets have been around for a long time, it wasn’t until last year that they captured the public’s imagination with the introduction of Apple’s iPad. The widely popular iPad turned the computing world upside down and there is no turning back. The personal computer (PC) that we have been using for decades, is going the way of the Dodo. The PC, was never that personal, portable or fun but tablets can, not only be very personal, but are truly portable and a delight to use. Motorola’s Xoom weights only 1.6 lbs., can fit almost anywhere and with a battery life of nearly 10 hours (battery charge depends largely on type of usage), it is the ideal tablet to use anytime in any room in

your home or office, in your car, in an airplane, bus or train. This amazing flexibility is one of many reasons why tablets will rule the personal computing world in a not too distant future. Running on Google’s Android Honeycomb 3.0 system, the Xoom is a joy to use. Its Verizon’s 3G connection, soon to be upgraded to the even faster 4G, lets you surf the web with astonishing speed. Web pages load very fast and look sharp and vibrant. Newspapers, magazines, books are fun to read on the Xoom’s sharp display, making it the gadget of choice for staying on the top of the news in your hometown and in the world. And staying in touch with your family and friends was never easier and more enjoyable. The handsome, black anodized aluminum Xoom, with its 2.0 MP webcam in front is ideal for video conferencing using the included Google Talk app. The 5 MP, auto focus, dual LED flash rear camera is perfect for still photos and for capturing 720p HD videos. Music comes alive through the Xoom’s two stereo rear speakers that deliver pretty good sound with little distortion at higher volumes. As much fun as it is to use the Xoom, it is even more fun to watch other people use it. Kids, as young as two, are mesmerized by it from the moment is turned on and

feel at home with it almost instantly. There is no hesitation on their part and they use their little fingers to discover the tablet’s marvelous world of games, colors and sounds. It is love at first sight. Seniors, who normally shy away from computers, succumb quickly to the allure of the Xoom’s easy to use intuitive format and portability. The facility with which they can change type size to adjust it to their needs with just a touch, is an instant sell on the beauty of the Xoom. It is a great tool for those with poor eyesight and it helps them get reacquainted with the written word they may have abandoned because they couldn’t read small print. But the Xoom is not just for playing games, taking photos, reading books, listening to music, watching movies, surfing the web, it is a wonderful tool for doing some serious work. Tablets are displacing laptops, notebooks and even desktops at a increasingly rapid rate from the work place. Fortune 500 corporations, public schools, colleges, universities, government agencies, the military, the airline industry, real estate industry and more, are using tablets to perform many of the functions PCs once did. Even as they gain popularity, tablets have many detractors who call them mere toys and doubt they will ever be anything else but high priced toys. They are wrong. Tablets are what you want them to be. They can be high-end marvelous toys or incredibly versatile and powerful tools that do

most of what a PC does and then some. Unlike PCs, tablets like Motorola’s Xoom, can be all things to all people, from being a commercial airplane pilot best friend in the cockpit helping him/her flight the plane safely, to aiding students in their studies by being the repository of all their books and assignments in one very portable, fast and reliable gadget. Toddlers can play their games, mom can do her shopping, pop can watch his favor movie, teens can listen to their music while they chat with their friends, and ultimately, mom and pop wish, they would do their school home work with it. Since April of 2010 when Apple introduced the iPad, nearly 20 million tablets have been sold and the numbers keep on growing by leaps and bounds. It is an almost limitless market where Motorola’s Xoom tablet has a chance of being a big player in what promises to be a very highly competitive business. Backed by Verizon’s network reliability and using the increasingly popular Google’s Android Honeycomb system, the Xoom is the tablet to have. As of this writing, the Xoom is only available on the, 32 GB, 3G (soon to be 4G) model. The WiFi is slated to hit the market later this month. Check Verizon stores or Verizon online for availability and cost of the device and plans.

Edition 20 | March 23 - 30 2011


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Edition 20 | March 23 - 30 2011



Por: Amparo Gordillo

orge Carrillo, "Chavalillo", torero de vocación, convicción y profesión, le decían el niño torero de Jalisco, fue uno de los tres mas famosos toreros de México, Manuel Capetillo, Pepe Ortíz y Jorge Carrillo "Chavalillo", toreo en todas las plazas del mundo taurino, en centro América, sur América, Europa y hasta en el medio oriente. Gano el codiciado trofeo La Rosa Guadalupana en 1969 en la plaza mas grande del mundo. Fernando Campos: creativo, humano, sensible, experto en artes, conocedor de cine, teatro, televisión, actual presidente de la A.C.E. Asociación de Cronistas de Espectáculos de NewYork, únicainstitución que ha logrado reconocer la labor del artista latino en todos los ámbitos, han pasado por sus escenarios personajes de alto calibre: tales como Rafael, Cantinflas, Angélica María, Lupita Ferrer, Tongolele, Arturo Peniche, Ernesto Alonso, Silvia Brito, Leticia Calderón, Mario Vargas Llosa, Emmanuell, Danny Rivera, Paloma

San Basilio, Don Francisco, Cristina, Libertad Lamarque, Vicky Carr, José José, Daniela Romo, Jacqueline Andere, Julio Sabala, ha logrado unir en una sola presentación a estrellas como Celia Cruz, Plácido Domingo y Rocio Jurado, son innumerables las estrellas que han desfilado por sus escenarios, el 23 de abril de este año se realizará la entrega de premios A.C.E., numero 43, en el KaufmanCenter en NewYork, donde actuará como director el conocido productor de cine Johnny Huertas, ocasión en la que se reconocera con el galardón mas alto de la A.C.E. al actor cubano Carlos Barba y a la actríz ecuatoriana CecillVillar entre un gran elenco de estrellas que brillan con luz propia.

del barrio donde se destacará el arte egipcio, Una de las fasetas mas fuertes de ella es pintar retratos; se ha destacado por su sensibilidad al describir a las personas en su arte que refleja no solamente la imagen sino también el interior de sus personajes, a plasmado la gran personalidad de Hillary Clinton, Mercedes Moya, esposa de Mario Moya Palencia embajador de la ciudad de México ante las Naciones Unidas, pinto también a Irma Murillo, Raúl Hacha Rovira, torero y padre de Emmanuell.

Bianca Huizard: pintora de profesión, ganó dos diplomas de la Academia de Artes ciencia y letras de Francia.

Con ocasión de estrechar los lazos de amistad entre ella y su gran amigo Johnny Huertas develó el retrato del director de cine, demostrando gran habilidad en su puño, pues no solo captó la imagen física sino mas bien las profundas cualidades humanas de su personaje.

A exhibido en NewYork en el Museo de la ciudad, en la Casa de España, en el Museo del Barrio, en la Arquidiosecis de NewYork y en el Club Taurino de NewYork. A raíz de su último viaje a Egipto ella busco nuevo material artístico y planifica para el próximo fin de ano una nueva exhibición en el museo

Su esposo el famoso torero "Clavalillo", la califica como una mujer muy humana, bonita por dentro y por fuera, una niña mujer, ama a su prójimo al que brinda amistad, no tiene malicia, es pura y de gran cultura. Como hobby mantiene una gran colección de muñecasbarbies, desde hace 20 anos, las consid-

era su gran tesoro, haciendo una contabilidad tiene mas de 5.000 a quienes en su gran sensibilidad ella atiende a diario. Johnny Huertas: emotivo, sencillo, transparente, espontáneo, sus ojos reflejan paz, integridad, fe, mansedumbre y templanza, productor de cine, su próximaproducción es Chiste Sobre Chiste numero 2, y será el director artístico de la entrega de premios 43 de la A.C.E, donde realizará su última presentación del personaje " El Borrachito", papel que durante su vida artística le trajo muchas glorias, cerrando así con broche de oro su vida en los escenarios. Como diría Pablo Neruda: "para triunfar he nacido", un cuarteto sin igual, cuatro famosos que se realizaron y trabajaron para servir a los demás.

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