1 minute read

Gillie’s Goan Fish Soup (Cont.)

method servings 2 – 3


1. Start by melting the coconut oil or ghee in the pan, then slowly soften the onions

2. Whist this is happening, you can make the masala - garlic, ginger and chilies ground wit h a mortar and pestle, a spice blender, or just finely chopped by hand.

3. Add to the softened onions, and cook for a few minutes before adding the rest of the spices, and seasoning with salt and pepper

4. After just a few minutes on a low heat, you will smell the spices cooking – so you’ll know when it’s time for the next step – making sure to NOT OVERCOOK. Add a splash of water if you need to.

5. Next add the tomatoes, I like to blend them first, so it’s a smooth soup.

6. Cook them down for a few more minutes then add a can of coconut milk and then the fish.

7. Bring to the boil, then reduce to a simmer and cook until the fish is ready, maybe 15 minutes but test and remove as soon as it’s no longer opaque in the center

8. Serve hot and garnish with fresh coriander and a swirl of kefir or leftover coconut milk.

I serve this with homemade chapattis (Indian flatbreads made of brown wheat flour and olive oil…) The crowning jewel to this serving is a tall, cool glass of mango lassi – made from just blending fresh mango and kefir/yogurt.

Take a moment to appreciate your surroundings and who you’re with, then slowly and mindfully eat, with pure pleasure and joy.

Gillie Sutherland is an International Yoga Teacher and Wellness Consultant with a passion for food, travel and adventure. Originally from the UK, Gillie lived in India working on retreats, studying Ayurveda. Her philosophy is that food is medicine - for mind, body and soul - and that the closer to nature we are, the healthier we are. See me on Instagram!


1 Cup water

1⁄2 dairy or plant-based milk to a boil

1 or 2 teaspoons Herbs & Kettles

Masala Chai honey, stevia or sugar to taste
