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Charcuterie boards are an awesome addition to any get-together! They offer a wide variety of options that can please almost any palate, and they’re super easy to customize to meet the preferences and dietary restrictions of your guests. We offer Vegan and Gluten Free kits and accommodate other requests as needed. Not only that, but charcuterie boards can also make for a beautiful and eye-catching spread that will wow your friends and family. It’s truly edible art! One of the best things about charcuterie boards is that they can be prepared in advance, and can be the perfect centerpiece for all kinds of gatherings. And putting a board together is part of the fun! You get to actively work with friends and family to put together a delicious spread


Large Kit Includes

3 cheeses

2 meats

1-2 cracker packs

2-3 spreadables

3+ other accompaniments (dried fruits, olives, candied nuts, chocolate, pickled things, etc.)

Standard Kit Includes

2 cheeses

1 meats

1 cracker pack

1-2 spreadables method servings 4 - 8

2+ other accompaniments (dried fruits, olives, candied nuts, chocolate, pickled things, etc.)

1. Each kit includes a n instructional sheet and video tutorial to help you build a drool-worthy board affiliate partner…


CEO/Team – Caroline is the “Charcuterie Queen” and the one who puts together the educational content for the boards and creates them all. Ryan Culver Ryan is a logistics and supply chain expert with almost two decades of experience in the field. Lowell Bieber received a degree in mechanical engineering from Miami University and spent a few years specializing in power and energy but was bitten by the entrepreneurial bug after becoming an Orr Fellowship recipient.

Platterful — is the first and only All-In-One Charcuterie Kit delivered straight to your door. We partner with artisan makers across the U.S. to provide the finest meats, cheeses, and other accompaniments to make a drool-worthy board! For every Platterful box sold, we donate 10 meals to No Kid Hungry!