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VIDES member represents Filipino

On November 18-20, 2019, I attended the 30th anniversary celebration of the Convention on the Rights of the Child of United Nations in Geneva, Switzerland. 800 people took part in the event, among these were many children and adolescents human rights defenders.

We arrived in Geneva on November 16. The next day we had a meeting with the other children participants from other countries handled by Save the Children Organization. We introduced ourselves, had an orientation on the child protection policy and discussed the topics and our roles for the next three days. Kristen from Terre de Hommes led the discussion with me as a panelist in Justice for Children and Justin with Children Working Group. Rebecca and Bharti from Save the Children summed up the things for the next day’s event. On the day 1 of the conference we didn't attend the opening ceremonies because the working groups and other children and persons involved had a meeting with Ms. Anne Skelton, the moderator and committee member of CRC.


In the working groups, I talked about the plan of the government to lower the Minimum age of Criminal Responsibility (MACR) and the advocacies we've done to show our disagreement to it while Anas from Terres Des Hommes shared his experience about being a refugee. The discussion focused on empowerment in an age of participation and child-friendly practices in an era of forced migration. After the session with my working group, I met Ma'am Chona from the Permanent Mission of the Philippines in Geneva. I was a keynote presenter for the future of Children's rights on the 2nd day. The keynote story was about the right to play and the right to education. After this, I attended a roundtable meeting about children and the environment. In the afternoon, I met the Ambassador of the Permanent Mission of the Philippines in Geneva, Sir Evan P. Garcia and we discussed the advocacies of the Filipino Children, our priority issues and the recommendations from my fellow youth. We met the CEO of Save the children, Inger

VIDES member represents Filipino children in the 30th anniversary celebration of Children’s Rights in UN Geneva

Ashing in the morning of the 20th of November. After this, I presented the recommendations of the Children and Justice working group with the high commissioner on children’s right.

From November 18-20, Sr. Sarah Garcia, FMA from the Instituto Internazionale Maria Ausiliatrice and VIDES Internazionale never failed to help and support me and on November 21st they toured us at the Salesian Sisters’ school in Geneva and in their Human Rights office.

From my experience in the 3-day conference in Geneva I've realized that there are children issues in common across the globe. And it is very important to let us - children, speak in those kind of platforms and to share our insights and recommendations. I also learned a lot from the diverse experiences and activities that I've heard from other Child Advocates which I can also adapt and practice in my country. And even though I will no longer be called “child” soon, I will continue to empower others and still advocate for children’s rights so that the pioneer steps will not be put to waste. It is imperative for us to continue working to achieve a Child Friendly Philippines and world. Being able to represent the Filipino Children in the United Nations was such a great honor and a wonderful opportunity.

Thanks to my organization, VIDES Philippines Volunteers Foundation, Inc., to my supportive previous mentors Ms. Sarah Aguilar, Ms. Jacky Ortua Bañez and of course to my current mentor, Ms. Amalia Suzara. To my parents Loditha Bohol Quilos and Eric Quilos, to the FMA Sisters, C2C Family, NAPC-CBS, Save the Children, teachers and friends, I wouldn't have done it without your love and support. To God be the glory!

By Erika Quilos, a 16 year-old member of VIDES Philippines