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Sr. Annecie with VIDES Philippines

On the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the foundation of VIDES Philippines, Sr. Annecie Audate, FMA, General Director of VIDES International, organized a seminar with the theme “Promoting Fraternal Solidarity in Justice and Peace: VIDES Volunteers for Justice and Peace” on February 12, 2020.

The seminar, which involved the Salesian Sisters and the local youths, was an opportunity to remember and promote youth volunteering as a formation tool for the construction of a fraternal society in solidarity with respect for human rights and the common good in favor of sustainable development.


The meeting was also an occasion to thank Sr. Josefina Carrasco, FMA, who accompanied VIDES Philippines for 11 years, as she welcomed Sr. Imelda David, FMA, the new Delegate of VIDES Philippines.