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Provincial Chapter in Preparation

Provincial Chapter in Preparation for the General Chapter XXIV

In preparation for the 24th General Chapter FMA-FIL had the Provincial Chapter at Mornese Center of Spirituality, Pansol, Calamba Laguna from October 26 – 31, 2019. Forty eight FMAs gathered together under the maternal accompaniment of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the direction of the Holy Spirit. Among the participants were 6 sisters representing the PNG educating communities (5 Filipina and 1 Mexican), a sister invited to represent the temporarily professed and another to represent the young perpetually professed.


One thing notable about this chapter was the participation of twelve lay mission partners during the three days of chapter work (October 27-29, 2019): Ms. Arlenie Sasan (Principal, MHCS-Cebu), Ms. Rhoda Kay Venezuela (Faculty, MOHTIW-Cebu), Mr. Walter San Diego (PECCG President, MHCS-Pampanga), Mr. Owen Bandilla (former PECCG President, DBS-Manila), Francis Nadal (Oratorian, DBS-Manila), Timothy Marfori (Student, MHCC - Canlubang), Jaina San Diego (Student, MHCS-Pampanga), Mrs. Rhea Tarroza (VIDES Staff), Mrs. Maricel Tapia (Salesian Cooperator, MHCC-Canlubang), Mrs. Jacqueline Sison (Parent, Aetas Mission, MHCSPampanga), Ms. Rhodora Secular (Past Pupil – SMMS) and Mrs. Analisa CORRO (LVF Staff).

The chapter began with the solemn Eucharistic celebration – a votive Mass of our Blessed Mother presided by Fr. Gerry Batad, SDB. During the introduction for the Mass, the Provincial, Sr. Mabel Pilar, FMA brought to the altar the image of the Wedding at Cana. It is the icon that guided the entire duration of the sacred gathering 12 FMA Lifeline November 2019 - April 2020 in line with the theme of the 24th General Chapter, “Do whatever he tells you” (Jn 2,5). Communities that generate life in the heart of contemporaneity.” Symbolic flames of the Holy Spirit were also brought in by representatives from each community invoking the Spirit of the Lord to pour forth His gifts.

Fittingly the reading from St Paul’s letter to the Romans was a good reminder to the participants: “those who live in the Spirit should concern themselves with the things of the Spirit.” Fr. Gerry’s homily reminded everyone that this Provincial Chapter is a propitious time for renewal and grace, where the Lord asks them to examine themselves individually and collectively. He also assured the participants of Mary’s guidance, protection and inspiration.

In the welcome address of the Provincial, Sr. Mabel reminded the Sisters of the important and grace-filled mandate given them by all the sisters in the province to be their voice in this assembly.

The designated moderator of the Chapter was Sr. Maria Soccoro Bacani, FMA. She guided the sisters on the schedules and procedures and moderated the sessions during the six Chapter days. There was ample time to study, pray, reflect, discuss and discern together on the Chapter questions and the concerns of the Province and those to be brought to the General Chapter.

communities were tasked to animate them. There was also the daily recap written by different Sisters as well as the video recap prepared daily by Sr. Debbie Ponsaran, FMA. The young people animated the recreation on the second evening. Interesting “Good Day/Night talks” were given by invited guests: Ericka B. Quilos, a VIDES youth representative who shared about her journey in VIDES and growth as a youth advocate for children’s rights and welfare; Postulant Princess Nova Bantilan (Filipina) and Novice Sr. Jun Mei Liu (Chinese) who shared about their intercultural formation experiences and which was followed by a beautiful cultural show by all the formands; Sr. Nora Hernandez, FMA shared what she called random reflections of an elderly; Ms. Arlenie Sasan the principal of Mary Help of Christians School, Minglanilla who gratefully shared her journey and commitment as a “lay FMA” assuring the assembly of her commitment and dedication as a LMP of the FMA even beyond her retirement years; and the sisters from Papua New Guinea who shared some updates regarding our Mission in PNG.

There were also light moments shared together on a trip to the Marian Orchard, a pilgrimage site in Brgy. Malabanan, Balete, Batangas and the Cintai Corito’s Garden, a Balinese inspired garden resort.

The Provincial Superior of the Salesians of Don Bosco (Philippines North Province), Fr. Gerardo Martin, SDB presided over the Mass on the second day of the Chapter. He led the participants to reflect on the tax collector and emphasized that more than the window dressing, each one is encouraged to give an authentic witness of their belongingness to God. During the report of Sr. Mabel, all were quiet with hearts burning with awe and gratitude as they listened to the life lived in the Province for the past five years, reliving them in their memories -- happy to be with the young, the EC and the Salesian Family. She also expressed her gratitude to the Provincial Councilors, the Provincial Team, the elderly and the sick sisters and finally to all the sisters, concluding: “We have received so many graces and we cannot be thankful enough.” She also encouraged the Sisters to reinvigorate their passion for God, their passion for souls and their love for each other.

Sr. Catherine Urgello, FMA, the Provincial Economer provided the assembly with State of the Province’s Economy – presenting the life of the province in figures. Several

interventions and suggestions were voiced out stressing the need for drastic changes, renunciations and ascesis and the “Think Province mentality even for small communities. To end her report, Sr. Catherine encouraged the pooling of resources and for the sisters to read “The Poverty and the Sharing of Goods.”

After six days of study, discussion and discernment the assembly was able to finish the Chapter work. The following is a summary of the answers of the Province:

Question 1 on the most urgent challenges: • Overwhelming complex realities that affect the family and the young • Weak sense of social responsibility • Religious indifference • Uncontrollable, unlimited and unmonitored access to and use of gadgets, internet and social media

Question 2 on the paths indicated by the Holy Spirit: • Personal Level: • Christ centeredness • Commitment to auto formation • Oratorian heart • Community Level: • Family Spirit as a way of life • Commitment to EC Formation and Family Ministry • Empowering young people to be responsible servant leaders

Question 3 on choices that can make the communities synodal: • Commitment to ongoing formation • Commitment to social responsibility • Commitment to intensify vocation culture

Proposals for the GCXXIV • English translators for the Institute website and publications • Prepared formators for intercultural formation houses

Sr. Mabel Pilar as provincial superior will attend the General Chapter together with Sr. Rachel Melissa Flor, FMA who was elected as the delegate to the General Chapter. Sr. Teresita Padron, FMA was elected as her substitute. The XXIV General Chapter will begin in Rome, at the FMA Generalate, on September 18, 2020 and will end on November 8, 2020.

The Chapter closed with the Thanksgiving Mass presided by his eminence Bishop Buenaventura Famadico D.D., bishop of the Diocese of San Pablo. In his homily, he emphasized doing what God wants by remaining faithful to the charism, always being connected with God who communicates 24/7 and being assured of His presence and love. It is needless to worry about anything as emphasized by the readings: “Who can separate us from the love of God?” One thing necessary is the salvation of souls which our great founder and father Don Bosco responded to and has entrusted to us.


Sr. Mariel De Mata, FMA