Walla Walla Catholic Schools 2019 Annual Report

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walla walla catholic schools


This annual fundraiser brings the entire community together for a weekend of good food, drinks, music, and activities for the whole family. SF2018 was successful thanks to many sponsors, attendees, and volunteers who put in thousands of hours of hard work.

ALUMNI HOMECOMING WEEKEND The inaugural Alumni Homecoming weekend included fun events bringing WWCS alumni and friends together for all of Homecoming weekend - from an Alumni Zone in the Endzone of the Homecoming football game to Alumni Mass on Sunday.

CATHOLIC SCHOOLS WEEK The last full week in January, CSW2019 celebrated our schools and our faith with events for students of all ages and their families. An annual highlight is the all-school Talent Show, with performances from Kindergarteners all the way through 12th graders, not to mention faculty, staff and parent participants.

PRIDE AND PREJUDICE DeSales Catholic High School Theater Arts performed Pride and Prejudice in a weekend-long run. Nearly half of the DeSales student population participated either on stage or behind the scenes to create this great show.

HOPE The annual dinner and auction was themed CASINO HOPE in 2019 and the generosity of attendees resulted in a record-breaking year for tuition assistance funds raised. Thank you!



WWCS LEADERSHIP TO THE FAMILIES AND FRIENDS OF WALLA WALLA CATHOLIC SCHOOLS: In the encyclical Deus Caritas Est, Pope Benedict XVI says, “Being Christian is not the result of an ethical choice or a lofty idea, but the encounter with an event, a person, which gives life a new horizon and a decisive direction.” The encounter which Francis is speaking of is that of the person of Jesus Christ with people in and through their lived reality. It is this notion of “encounter” that reverberates in my mind and heart as I reflect upon this past year in the Walla Walla Catholic Schools. The Walla Walla Catholic Schools are nothing if not a context and culture of encounter. I know of no other community in our area that provides young people and families such a comprehensive encounter with the person and love of Our Lord Jesus Christ. This encounter is not simply in our religion classes or school Masses, but in every aspect of the life of the school: Christ is present as the Author of creation in science, as the Source of all reason in mathematics, as the true Word in English, and as the Lord of history. He is present as the great Artist in our music, art, and theatre programs and as the Cause of our joy in our sports, clubs, activities, and even recess. Jesus is present in all of these areas and in so much more, and it is the beautiful and unique task of our schools to facilitate an encounter with Him for every student, every day. In the pages of this report, you will see the great work and sacrifice our families and community have undertaken to make possible this daily encounter with Love Himself. There are signs of both strength and areas of growth in this report. On the financial side, you will notice that we had a budget surplus of $85,000 this last year which has been designated for tuition assistance. At the WWCS, we are able to provide our quality education at an average cost of $10,924 per student; on average, 48% of that is provided by outside support, leaving only 52% to be covered by our families through tuition. Regarding areas in need of growth, our schools, like most Catholic schools throughout our country, have struggled with a declining enrollment over the last 15 or more years. Correcting this trend is no small task, as its cause is multifaceted. To that end, I am working with our Retention and Enrollment Management Committee to form concrete activities that will address this trend. Further, WWCS have contracted Ed Little to help us in developing an enrollment plan. More broadly, our schools must do three things to move forward. First, every member of our community must continually engage in his or her own process of conversion, recognizing that the Walla Walla Catholic Schools are properly God’s work, in which we are privileged to participate. Second, at all levels our community must be unafraid to examine our activities and purge from them anything that does not live up to our mission. Third, all of us must boldly share the great work that God is accomplishing in our community. Reflecting on these three elements, it is clear that none of them will ever reach the point of being “accomplished,” which makes sense as the ever deepening conversion and proclamation essential to the life of the schools parallels the same deepening conversion and proclamation necessary for each person. Blessings, Father Curtis Seidel, President of Walla Walla Catholic Schools

WWCS BOARD OF DIRECTORS Gerald J. Anhorn, Chair Claire Valente Deacon Jim Barrow Brenda Shields

David Byma Ruthann Haider Kristal Hassler

Fr. Matthew J. Nicks Marleen Ramsey Andrea Renholds

Joyce Sanks Fr. Curtis Seidel Elly Sherry

ANNUAL GIVING Dear Friends and Family of the WWCS Community:

All of us at Walla Walla Catholic Schools deeply appreciate the generosity of so many parents, grandparents, alumni, faculty, staff, and friends of the school. This would not have been possible without your support. Thank you so much! During the twelve months of the 2018-19 fiscal year, WE MET OUR GOAL OF $125,000 EARNED in the Annual Fund campaign. With the gifts we received last year we were able to: • Provide TUITION ASSISTANCE for 10 families • UPGRADE and fix our boiler at Desales High School • Make additional FACILITY UPGRADES The Annual Fund is the backbone of philanthropy at Walla Walla Catholic Schools, bridging the gap between tuition and the cost of each student’s experience at WWCS. It touches every aspect of our students’ lives – from academics, to arts, to athletics. Every gift, regardless of size, is important because it shows support for Walla Walla Walla Catholic Schools. Your gift is an expression of confidence in our schools. If you would like more information on how contributing to the Annual Fund benefits the school and students, please contact me at (509) 525-3030 or email me at jvanwormer@thewwcs.com . Thank you for supporting Walla Walla Catholic Schools. Sincerely, Jamie Van Wormer, Direct of Advancement


Thank you






As a vital part of the teaching mission of the Church, Walla Walla Catholic Schools exist to foster and strengthen personal relationships with Jesus Christ and to be a communal witness to the Gospel. The schools will be intentional about cultivating the Christian formation of our students and school community, and encourage every person associated with WWCS, whether student, teacher, staff, parent, or friend, to show and feel Christ’s love in our midst.

In 2018, Walla Walla Catholic Schools adopted a Strategic Plan compr


Virtues program implemented with weekly assemblies with monthly virtue themes for all Kindergarten through 8th grade students at Assumption.

DeSales Honor Code is in development under the leadership of the Chaplain with input from all faculty and students. High school service program being revised with a focus on leadership components and student reflection.

We have focused our efforts on parish integration, personal engagement and vocation, cultivation of virtue, and service learning.



The Walla Walla Catholic Schools are committed to providing a strong, well-rounded Catholic education that motivates students to realize and achieve their full academic potential. Supported by close relationships with faculty, staff, and parents and challenged by a vibrant Catholic curriculum, students at all academic levels will be provided with a foundation for lifelong learning, productive community engagement, and a fulfilling vocation.

In-depth curricular review of one subject area annually. Language Arts completed along with the launch of a new curriculum for Kindergarten-6th grades. Career Fair to launch in the Spring of 2020 at DeSales High School with a focus on alumni business engagement. Dedicated staff member hired at DeSales High School for individualized educational needs.

Additional advanced placement courses offered, along with partnerships in higher education for college credited coursework offered to 9th - 12th graders.

We have focused our efforts on curricular review, post-graduation planning, developing an alumni mentorship and internship program, increasing support staff, and developing a more robust language program.


rised of five pillars. Since it’s adoption, we are proud to report that we are


New Athletic Code developed and launched in the Fall of 2019 that is applicable to all athletes and coaches.

Expansion of student clubs and non-athletic extracurricular options. At the middle school level Students for Life and Chess Club have been particularly popular.



We are committed to growing the whole student and using their God-given talents to instill and develop a breadth of interests beyond academics, both in and out of the classroom. Through strong electives, extracurricular activities, and athletics, we seek to foster that growth in a supportive, Christ-centered environment.

Sources of Strength program launched at the 8th grade level. Sources of Strength focuses on empowering young people to become peer mentors and leaders within their school.

We have focused our efforts on a review of our elective and athletics programs, establishment of student clubs, and enhanced efforts at social interaction at Assumption.

Walla Walla Catholic Schools Mission and Vision statements thoroughly reviewed and revised under the leadership of the Strategic Planning committee; then, shared extensively among the WWCS community. Two annual alumni engagement events successfully launched and an increase in the alumni engagement base has been recognized. Tuition and fee review is in process with the WWCS finance committee. A significant expansion of the multi-student discount has been seen. A full fee examination is underway with a goal of simplifying and making completely transparent all student fees. We have focused our efforts on actively engaging our current and prospective community members, setting goals, improving relationships with the parishes, alumni and friends, and looking for innovative ways to aid all families with affordability.



Walla Walla Catholic Schools’ strategic plan for enrollment is driven by our vision to become the first choice for Catholic families and other families in our community looking for a Christ-centered education in the Walla Walla Valley. Our ideal enrollment level will maximize offerings and activities, while maintaining the benefits of small class size and strong community. We are committed to ensuring all our programs and efforts represent our core principles.



Walla Walla Catholic Schools must have vital infrastructure in place to fulfill our mission, to operate with excellence, and to resource the expectations established in this Strategic Plan. Our schools have been blessed by the generosity and stewardship of previous and current generations as evidenced by our facilities, grounds, technology, and financial viability. We will continue to manage, steward, and increase our resources with vision in order to position WWCS for a successful and sustainable future.


Master Planning

Under the leadership of the WWCS board, a effort was launched during the 2018-19 academic year. Three different engineering firms walked our campuses and provided their feedback in the form of a facilities study. Based on our current facilites, the unanimous recommendation was to invest in the DeSales campus for the future site of Walla Walla Catholic Schools for a unified Pre-Kindergarten - 12th grade campus. Subsequently, an architectural firm was hired to work on design and development of a unified campus alongside our WWCS Facilities Advisory Board. The firm and the committee facilitated numerous open forums with community members. From those individuals who participated in the forums we learned, • Preference was nearly split between two building options for the unified campus: Option One: A single Kindergarten-12th Grade Building with separation to a new Kindergarten-5th Grade wing and renovations to the remainder of the building Option Two: A stand alone Kindergarten-5th Grade Building and renovations to the existing High School to accomodate grades 6-12 • A new chapel, multi-purpose room, and second gymnasium is desired • Early Learning Center will be incorporated into the new campus • Parking upgrades and K-5 drop-off parking are a concern • Security & safety upgrades are a priority • There was an emphasis not to raise tuition to cover the cost

One Campus - One Community

NEXT STEPS: In an effort to create for the future of Walla Walla Catholic Schools, the Facilities Advisory Board will be working with contractors to further define the project scope and budget. This will lead to the launch of a capital campaign in the near future. Depending upon the outcome of the capital campaign, a phased approach to the project could be possible.

The newly formed WWCS Technology Committee hit the ground running this year. They conducted a teacher survey and assessment of classroom technology. The committee arranged for and provided Google Classroom training to our teachers. Additionally, they are purchasing new and replacement technology for our classrooms. That technology includes iPads, Chromebooks, teacher document cameras, upgraded math computer memory, and more. We have focused our efforts on conducting a facilities use study, creating a one campus building vision, growing the endowment, formulating a technology plan, and laying the groundwork for a capital campaign.

ALUMNI UPDATE Dear WWCS Alumni & Friends. JOIN US! JUNE 27TH, 2020 - WWCS 5 YEAR ALL-SCHOOL REUNION Watch for details! Who remembers the “old days when our Walla Walla Catholic Schools Association of Alumni & Friends (WWCSAA&F) was much more visible & sociable? Since our last 5 YEAR all school reunion in 2015, we haven’t been very social (not even collecting dues). Long story short, this is simply becasue it’s just not possible to do much without A LOT of help! Currently we have 2 Board Members and 5 dedicated BASH committee members. WE NEED YOUR HELP! We have continuously provided funding for a wide variety of projects and programs at both DeSales and Assumption campuses. We’ve been able to do some really great things! We’re proud of what’s being accomplished at our schools and thankful that WWCSAA&F has been able to contribute in significant ways. WWCSAA&F has gifted over 2.5 million dollars to WWCS since we began in 1985. Summer before last, we heard some younger grads say that they didn’t even know we existed! Since then, we have been working hard to revitalize our WWCSAA&F.

To that end, our immediate GOALS include:

1. Restoring regular contact with Alumni & Friends of WWCS to engage and involve you in what’s happening with our organization and our schools; and 2. Increasing Alumni Association visibility and presence with frequent communication, social interaction and events. This year we hosted our Summer BASH in June, and our Alumni Homecoming Week end in October. We had a really good turn out for both of these events and everyone enjoyed themselves! WE ARE THE WWCS ASSOCIATION OF ALUMNI AND FRIENDS - Our asssociation is NOT limited to just WWCS graduates! We welcome ANYONE who is devoted to WWCS! Parents, teachers, coaches, friends, neighbors, community members, IRISH sports fanatics...the only “requirement” is that you’re interested in fostering and enhancing a strong Catholic education system in our community. We look forward to seeing you June 27th! Sincerely, Wendy Locati Kimball (‘86), President

Rosalie Magnaghi Lesko (‘83), Vice President

For more info or to volunteer, contact us! alumni@thewwcs.com, Wendy 509.540.1245, Rosalie 509.520.2889 IMMEDIATE VOLUNTEER NEEDS Board Members - Officer & At Large positions Committee Volunteers - 5-Year All School Reunion weekend of June 27, 2020

GIVING CIRCLE FRIENDS AND FAMILY GIVING CIRCLE All individuals are invited to join our NEW Friends and Family Giving Circle. The giving circle is a way for us to give back to our wonderful supporters. Our friends and families are the life blood of the Walla Walla Walla Catholic Schools community. By making a gift of $250 or more, you will become part of the Friends and Family Giving Circle. As a member, you will receive benefits and have the opportunity to connect with our school community. We value and appreciate your contributions made to support Walla Walla Catholic Schools.

THANK YOU TO ALL THE NEW MEMBERS WHO HAVE ALREADY COMMITTED THEIR GIFT FOR THIS YEAR. For more information about the Friends and Family Giving Circle, please contact Jamie Van Wormer, Director of Advancement at (509) 525-3030 or email her at jvanwormer@thewwcs.com

Join with a gift to Walla Walla Catholic Schools

ENDOWMENT The Walla Walla Catholic School Endowment Association was formed in 1977 for

the purpose of building a permanent endowment to assist in funding the ongoing operations of the Walla Walla Catholic Schools. Since its inception, the endowment has continued to grow from a combination of donations, bequests and investment growth, with the principal value of the fund over $10 million as of December 31, 2019. The school receives annual income from endowment earnings and growth which is used to cover operating costs, scholarships and academic programs. The fund’s commitment of income to the school budget for the 2019-2020 school year is $465,000. The Endowment Association is an organization separate from the school system. Both the school system and the Endowment Association see continued growth of the fund as a critical element in the future financial security of the Walla Walla Catholic Schools. If you are interested in learning about how to make a donation, please contact Jamie VanWormer, WWCS Director of Development at 509-525-3030 ext. 132 or jvanwormer@thewwcs.com.

“We are thankful that three generations of our family have had the opportunity to be raised up and developed through our Catholic School system.” George and Sandi Elmenhurst

Leaving a Legacy What makes Walla Walla Catholic Schools a special place? Our rich history and the immense pride of our Alumni help us build a future filled with Faith, Service, and a Commitment to learning. One of the greatest gifts that our Alumni can give us is the opportunity to inspire future generations of their family! Have you included Walla Walla Catholic Schools in your estate plan? Become one of our first charter members. The WWCS Legacy Club will be launching in the spring of 2020. Including us in your will, as a life insurance beneficiary or in a charitable reminder trust offers more than potential tax savings. It continues the legacy of Walla Walla Catholic Schools. With Christ as our foundation, and in partnership with families, Walla Walla Catholic Schools forms the whole student: mind, body, and soul. We are committed to academic excellence and the development of faith and reason. Our students grow to be disciples of Jesus Christ— STRONG IN VIRTUE, EXCEPTIONAL IN LEARNING, AND GENEROUS IN SERVICE.

5 Year All-School Reunion SAVE THE DATE! JUNE 27, 2020 Walla Walla Catholic Schools Association of Alumni & Friends

5 YEAR ALL SCHOOL REUNION Watch your mailbox for more details soon!

Follow us on Facebook at facebook.com/wwcsalumniandfriends Contact us via Email: alumni@thewwcs.com 919 E Sumach Walla Walla, WA 99362

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