What’s The New News – Issue No. 2/March 2018
Imaginaries are weak/they are strong/ they are Porgy and Bess/they are tenpoint plans/they are pipe dreams/ dystopias and utopias/they are psyches seeking perception/they are unreal/ they are structures and systems/they are misunderstandings/they are silent revelations/they are ignorance/they are ritual/they are collectives and contracts/they are complexes (military & nonprofit)/pláticas and cyphers/ they are boundaries/they are memories/ they are los sueños and visions/they are processes and prose/they are relationships/they are dusty roads/ they are Black Wall Streets/they are women’s clubs /they are earthly order/ they are over and under/they are a safe middle/they are classes/they are destinations/they are moral codes/they are loving. Untitled Poem by Andrea Roberts © 2013