Women In Science and Health (W.I.S.H.) Brochure

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THEME HOUSING: What it’s all about • Blending the residential and academic experience • Trying new things, making new friends, and challenging yourself • Getting a good education, but also growing as a person

• Connecting with peers, mentors, and campus resources

• Interacting with professors and university staff members outside the classroom • Attending events on and off campus Why Participate?


Research s hows stude nts who get in theme ho involved using option s are more likely to: • Stay in co llege • Earn a hig her GPA • Experien ce a greate r degree of satisfaction with their ove rall college experience

In your theme housing community, you will be surrounded by students who are passionate about your shared interests, creating a natural support system. You will gain valuable experience and preparation to be a student leader on campus.

WOMEN IN SCIENCE AND HEALTH HOUSING AND RESIDENCE LIFE Thompson Student Center-Suite 300 Winston-Salem, NC 27110 (O) 336-750-3471 • (F) 336-750-3377 Email: www.housing@wssu.edu


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