WSSM Issue: Summer/Fall 2015

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Free Membership T-Shirt

r e b m Becoe a Me

Your membership with Christian Surfers United States is so much more than joining a club. You are banding together with believers to show the love of Jesus to a tribe of people – SURFERS. Membership is a gateway to you getting involved and opens new opportunities for you to experience abundant life in Christ. So come join us on the best wave you’ll ever ride.

Your Membership Includes: • Exclusive Member T-Shirt • Newsletter • Monday Devotional • Advanced Notice on all CS Opportunities • 20% Discount on all Online Purchases

Ad donated by The Donnie and Linda Ozenne Fund

Letter from the Publishers

Living our adventure... One day at a time.

It’s sunset in Puerto Rico as I sit and write this letter to all of you. Another issue has come to a close and this article is the last to be written, as we turn the page on yet another chapter in the journey of WSSM. It’s funny, because when we get started with each new issue, I’m always excited to write this letter, and have all kinds of great and exciting things to say, eloquently written, inspiring... but it always comes at a time when I’m not in front of my computer, or I’m working on something else, or in the shower, or out surfing! The list of perfectly valid reasons as to WHY it doesn’t get written at the start of each issue are endless, yet often comes down to one thing. Procrastination. Something most of us never intend to do, it just happens. Life happens. This past winter, we discovered that my beloved father-in-law, Stan Olson, had cancer. A vicious, aggressive cancer. This came as a shock as he was always active, cheerful, hard working, and an incredible father and husband. He was also one of the most God-loving men I have ever known. He was only 64. It was a wake-up call to the family as we were reminded that time is precious and not to be taken for granted. It made me really think about my future as a publisher, as a wife, surfer, and friend. Am I living the life that I want and should be living when further down the road I look back on it? Did I procrastinate on the things that matter and waste time as the years flew by with nothing to show for it? What is worthwhile? What is important in life? Is this journey as a publisher in the struggling women’s surf industry really worth the time and effort, stress on loved ones and EVERGY required to do it... is it worth it? I believe that just like people come and go in your life for different reasons, and you in theirs, so do life experiences, dreams, and goals. They fit perfectly, depending on what stage you’re at in life. They give us hope and something to strive for. But if we’re not careful, time can and will escape us, the sets will pass us by, and we will have wasted many a life-changing wave that could have been the rides of our lives. They are the memories that will keep us company when those we love are no longer there to enjoy them with us. 14 | | wSSm

I’ve discovered a different pace of life this past year in Puerto Rico. It’s slower, more relaxed, less stuff-driven. It’s full of fresh air and sunshine- ingredients my mom always taught us could cure almost anything. I’ve also learned to notice life happening around me once again. Living in a foreign country will do that. It takes you off of auto pilot and forces you to observe, notice and react. To discover, to create new habits, find new paths or create your own. As I pondered life and all its many facets, I’ve realized that for now, YES, it is all worth it.

PUBLISHERS: Sandra & Dan Olson

WSSM was and is something that is created out of love and passion for a sport that gives so much-though not monetarily. It’s not about fame, fortune, or a ladder to the top. It’s a voice for those with none. It’s recognition for the unskilled surfer half-drowning in the surf as she braves her fears and pushes on, that she is important and she matters. It’s HISTORY being written. How can that NOT be important! Telling future generations what life was like “way back when” is important. As long as there are women eager to tell their stories, photographers excited to share their images, and as long as I find joy in what I’m doing, you can count on me to do my best to do what no one else in the USA has been able to do. To publish a viable women’s surf magazine for 13 years, for all the world to enjoy that uplifts, inspires and remains DIFFERENT. Because THAT is the American Dream to me. To be different, and be happy in it.

WRITERS: Sandra Olson, Dan Olson, Tia Calvo, Michelle Olson, Rachel Kathleen Stallings, Carolyn Palma, Renee Williams, Amanda Rigney, Shelsea Brown, Teresa Hodge, Deborah Irvin, Zofia Karubin, Bethany P., Christina DiMari, M.T. Bourque, Holly Beck, Karissa Correa, Tracy Rubert, Roxy Saffaie, John Olson, Christina Frankel, Jenny Yoon, Morgan Hoesterey, Mary Osborne, Lindsay Schwarz, Gina Bradley

So while most people who don’t surf or are embedded in the rat race of corporate America won’t understand why I pour my everything into a magazine that seems frivolous and makes no real monetary gains, I KNOW why I do it. I know that I did not procrastinate on a dream I had as a waitress working in Hawaii 14 years ago. I put my shoulder to the task, took that first (scary) step with my best friend and husband, Dan, by my side, went through peaks and valleys, and never gave up. I discovered amazing friends, surfed waves all over the world, and was blessed by my Creator in more ways than I can innumerate. It wasn’t easy and probably never will be, and I’m ok with it. So I challenge you as you read this... Are YOU living your life to the fullest? Don’t put off till next year, what burns inside you to be fulfilled today. Tomorrow will never be a reality if you don’t do it today. The worst that can happen is you fail, but at least you tried, and can go right back to where you are now. I will never forget what my mother-in-law, Debbie, told me as she and Stan worked through the final months of his and their life together.

EDITOR: Debbie L. Olson

CFO: John Dotson

GRAPHIC DESIGN: Renee Williams, Sandra Olson, MT Bourque

Thanks for being the greatest “Bean Counter“& CFO!

WSSM STAFF PHOTOGRAPHERS: Dan Olson, Tia Calvo, Daniel Kawasaki- Daniel K. Fine Arts, John Olson, Dave Gregerson-, Dale Basye - HologramVision. com, Gabriel Fernandez, M.T. Bourque, Carolyn Palma, Michelle Olson, Chrissy Swain, James Vybiral CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHERS:,, Teresa Hodge,, Shelsea Brown,, Jim Whitney, Aaron Nakamura, Daniel Russo, Christina Frankel, Wilber Bergado, Meghan Whitney, Cat Slatinsky, Alex Irvin, Darrell Wong, Justin Bastien, James Vybiral, Casey Rossi, Greg Chapman, N. Adams, Michael Rovnyak, Sean Davey, Buffy Archer, Chris Grant, Nick Sopczak, Rachel Tanner FASHION COORDINATORS: Sandra Olson, Mary Radcliffe HAIR & MAKEUP: Buffy Archer MODELS: Kaydi Archer, Kristina Anderson, Eduardo Santiago, Bryan Anderson I.T. DIRECTOR: Stan Olson I.T. MKG DIRECTOR: Joachim Hill-Grannec SEO DIRECTOR: John Palma EDITORIAL & PHOTO SUBMISSION: (regular mail) WOMENS SURF STYLE MAGAZINE 916 Birch St. #706, Honolulu, HI 96814 or ONLINE: Publisher reserves the right to edit all submissions for content/space purposes at their sole discretion. Upon receiving, all submitted materials become the property of WSSM with full reprint rights, and will not be returned. Please send copies of your originals. WSSM is published twice yearly. Distributor and advertising information can be obtained by visiting or by calling 808.383.8323 / Email: No portion of WSSM may be copied or reproduced in any way without written permission/consent of WSSM editor/publisher. Reproduction in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. All surf photos submitted to, and seen in WSSM, are for content purposes only and remain the sole property of the individual photographers. Reproduction in any way is strictly forbidden. Contact info for photographers may be obtained by visiting their websites. Copyright 2003, WSSM Women’s Surf Style Magazine All rights reserved. Printed in China.

“I looked over at Stan as we drove through Honolulu one evening, and asked him... Doesn’t it feel like we’re going to do this forever? But we’re not. It feels so strange to realize that.” she said. “He just looked at me and agreed. Our time was almost up.” He passed three months later, after

having been happily married for over 40 years.

Go after the life you WANT. Dream big and make it HAPPEN. Don’t procrastinate on your dreams... You never know, your time might be up sooner than you think. Everyone is created to inspire someone else around them. Do it!

Sandra & Dan Olson

Cover photo by: Gregerson Surfer: Brisa Hennessy, Oahu, Hawaii


38 Beauty Box Hair & Beauty Products We love 40 Sun Safety Gear To Keep You Protected From The Sun 42 Alive and Aware Surviving Dengue Fever 46 Yoga Wild Thing 48 Crossing Over To Cross Backs We’re Knot Gonna Take It Anymore

132 fashion Life Guidance

“28: Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her: 29: “Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all.” 30: Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.” -- Proverbs 31:28-30 (NIV)

58 3 Ways To Wear It Multi-Functional Clothing 60 Beginner Tips & Tricks 60 One Love Poem by Scott Cuttre

SURF STOKED... live, breathe, surf

28 RAILS & TALES Surfing India 32 RAILS & TALES Surfing, Playing, Exploring At The WSSM Surf House

62 Baja Weekenders Exploring Northern Baja 66 Surfing In High Heels My Mexico Experience 67 Reader Submitted Photos 68 The Waves Are Waiting In Huanchaco, Peru 74 South Africa: 3 Up & Coming Groms, PART I


80 Centerfold Hottie Tony Silvagni 82 Meet the Designers Jennifer Weisman of Just Bones Boardwear (82), Lindsey A. Barrett of The L.A.B. (83), Founders of Koakai (84)

86 Meet the Photographer Morgan Maassen 86 Shopping With A Purpose 90 SHE SURFS ! Nicole Fulford (90), Kristina Anderson (92), Natalie Quinn (94), Christina Bryant (96), Bree Smith (97), Crystal Hulett (98), Alicya Simmons (100)

102 A Pearl For Every Girl


Crossing Over to

SURF ART GALLERY 108 The A,B,C’s Of Painting 110 Meet Artist: Heather Pastor

Cross Backs wSSm | | 15


112 Surf N Sea Pipeline Womens Pro


114 FASHION GUIDE Beach Fashion 132 FASHION GUIDE City Fashion


Sally Fitz Pro-Files


Photo: M Fitzgibbons

Life Guidance

144 Sally Fitzgibbons Australia’s Own 150 Laura Enever 152 Carissa Moore 153 Courtney Conlogue 154 Kobie Enright 155 Silvana Lima 156 Tanika Hoffman From South Africa

WSSM Essentials

18 This Issue... ONLINE WSSM Website Giveaways 20 Voice of the Surfers Your Voice Being Heard! 22 Industry News Surf Industry News and Culture 24 Tradeshow Fever Surf Expo & MAGIC 164 See You Next Issue Sunset Photo Farewell

“Your surfing can get better on every turn, on every wave you catch. Learn to read the ocean better. A big part of my success has been wave knowledge.” Kelly Slater Photo: Gabeto Fernandez



WSSM Surf House 16 | | wSSm

106 Ahuva River 45 Aloha Surf School & Rentals 89 Atlakamani 57 Barbados Surf Trips 71 Bikini Ready 6 Casa Sunzal 166 Chick Sticks Surfboards 2, 160 Christian Surfers 163 Coffee Talk 10 Dana Surfboards 19 Dkoko 31 Dune Jewelry 4 Elle Mer 107 El Mirador Villa 47 Exceed Wetsuits 162 Fins Unlimited 17 Gregerson Photography 12 Honey Girl Waterwear 163 Indo Board

23 27 25 63 71 39 163 6 111 87 163 21 162 163 167

Just Bones Boardwear Luxe Life Barbados Ocean Spray Apartments Om Collection OnIt Pro Peter Grimm RV’s Ocean Sports Sikk Shades by Eddie Bauer Jr. SOLID Surf & Andventures Surf In Cabo Surf-N-Sea Sweet Waterwear Syck Trix Tasty Crust WSSM Surf House


ntroducing... in beautiful Puerto Rico

A Surfers Bed & Breakfast... WSSM Style! Year #1. DONE! The WSSM SURF HOUSE Learn more about the house, the surf breaks, and packages available at

For those of you that don’t know the story... In January of 2005, we took off on our first exotic surf trip, to the remote island of Western Samoa. Surfing some of the heaviest waves of our lives that rivaled our home breaks in Oahu, Hawaii, we were treated to an awesome week of incredible surf and relaxation at the Salani Surf Resort (pre-tsunami). It made the wheels in our heads start turning as we realized that someday, we wanted to open a surf resort for surfer girls! Being the only girl there that week was ok, but we knew that if the destination had been less “gnarly”, girls would be flocking to it. Years went by and we continued to explore coastline after coastline, looking for our perfect spot to begin building our dream surfer girl destination. In January of 2014, 10 years later, we discovered the surf-drenched coast of Puerto Rico. The “Hawaii of the



Caribbean” as it’s often called, was the complete package for us. Very similar to Hawaii in climate and scenery, but with much more forgiving surf, we found a wave there for all levels of surfing, and it came without the hefty plane ticket cost that Hawaii demands. We returned in April 2014, to once again scope it out, and see if in fact, this could be the location of our very first WSSM Surf House. Again, we were blessed with great surf, friendly locals (that’s a nice change), and a warm and inviting climate. It was ON! After months of being on the road for our Central American retreat tour, we finally arrived “home” and the process of setting up began. Beds were purchased, organic cotton sheets bought, dishes, cutlery, hammocks, couches, TV’s, a surf vehicle, surfboards... the list stretched endlessly on in front

of us, but we made it! On October 1st, 2014, we officially opened, and welcomed surfer girls to the very first WSSM Surf House! That was one year ago. Offering comfortable and safe accommodations in a 3,500 sq. ft. house, we offer all-inclusive packages for the new-to-Puerto Rico surfer, as well as B&B options, for those that have been


goodies every month! Log on to or every month until May 2015, for your chance to win!


As seen on ABC’s new show, Beyond The Tank! Win a Versakini! This collection of luxurious swimwear is uniquely designed with special connectors. The top splits at the middle and with a simple pull of the string each side can be worn on the left or the right side creating 4-ways to wear each top. Paired with the reversible bottoms, Versakini has 8 different combinations per swimsuit!

FREE 3 NIGHT STAY at the WSSM SURF HOUSE Bed & Breakfast!

here before, but want just a room to relax in. Just minutes from Aguadilla’s best surfing beaches: Wilderness, Surfers Beach, The Mix, Bridges, and Jobos, the WSSM Surf House sleeps up to 12 comfortably. Beautifully decorated with surf art and WSSM memorabilia, we know you’ll love this jewel of the Caribbean and invite you to come stay!


Surfer tried and tested, mineral based and doctor created, reef safe sunscreen that is paraben free and contains no nano particles! Best part? IT WORKS!


A scraper and comb with a cupped rail edge for maximum wax removal. Features a handle that provides incredible leverage. Made of 100% recycled materials!

After a cozy nights sleep in complimentary accommodations, wake up to another beautiful day at the WSSM Surf House, and enjoy a continental breakfast, and hot coffee... ON THE HOUSE! Then you’re off to explore the island at your own pace, discovering the surf that makes Puerto Rico the “Surf capital of the Caribbean”!

Winners every month !! FREE Goodies !! Visit for all the details & information

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oice of the Surfers

Hola Surfaderos! You guys are very close as I recall, to the official opening of WSSM Surf House!!! I liken it to the launching of a spacecraft. Houston, we are T-minus 6 and counting. Commencing Initial countdown list..... Walls painted?... GO Bunkbeds made? ... GO Surfboards waxed? ... GO Food stocked?... GO Hammocks hung up? ... GO Van gassed up?... GO Supply of wax? ... GO Check surf report? ... GO! Roger, ... Wave meter is on the peg ... Good luck and God Speed! Tio Patio Lufkin, TX

WSSM: Thank you, Tio! Launch is complete!

I’M WRITING A BOOK “Hi Sandra! I just wanted to tell you that I have started writing a book. After you published my article, many of my friends wanted to know more. So, I am giving it a shot. I live a truly blessed life and if sharing my story can bring joy to others, why not? So, just wanted to thank you for inspiring me to write down a love story based on miraculous events. I have 14 chapters written (started writing in September). Much Aloha!” Larissa M | Miami, FL

THANK YOU SO MUCH “I want to thank you again for giving me the wonderful opportunity of being featured in Women Surf Style Magazine. The first thing I did when I got to the expo on Thursday was look in the magazine racks outside of the main entrance to find a copy. I immediately found the magazine and was blown away by how absolutely fantastic it is. It was by far, the nicest, and highest quality magazine presented at the expo. Also, the layout of my section could not have been more perfect and the fact that I was featured on two pages gave me even more excitement. I made sure to grab a copy and bring it around to each exhibitor booth I visited. Everyone I showed was blown away. The first thing they all commented on was what wonderful quality the magazine is. It’s easily the most professionally produced magazine at the expo and the photographs, advertisements, and articles contained within flow seamlessly together making it an entertaining experience browsing through the magazine. Also, being featured in WSSM really helped open up new doors for me in the surfing community. Because of the magazine I now have possible

ambassador opportunities in multiple companies including Love Surf, Vooray, Reef, Teeki, and Zinka. I cannot thank you enough for providing me with more credibility by being featured in the magazine. I actually had some people at exhibitor booths stop me and ask if that was me in the magazine! On a side note, I was curious how the women in the fashion section of the magazine were selected and if there are any opportunities for me to model in another edition? I’ve been trying to branch out more into the modeling world and I loved what I saw in the back of the magazine. It was fun, bright, and classy- which are all aspects of modeling I strive for. Once again, thank you for all you’ve done for me and I truly appreciate everything :) Christina C. | Florida

WSSM: Christina, we’re stoked that you were able to use WSSM as a tool to further your surfing sponsorships and exposure! That’s what we’re here for... to be a voice for all of you surfer girls out there that are SO deserving. AND, we’d be delighted to have you model for us in our fashion section! It’s amazing what you can get in life when you just ask. Readers: Christina joined us in Puerto Rico at the WSSM Surf House for our fashion shoot for THIS edition. Check her out on page 118

LOVE THE NEW ISSUE “ I’ve just seen the new issue and it is simply breathtaking! Did not expect anything like this ... So blessed to have contributed to such a publication, your hard work and dedication really does show. The layout and design is first class! And the pictures look amazing! Those that have seen the online

version are beyond stoked and we all appreciate the opportunities. We’re looking forward to sending new work soon (have a few ideas). We are on summer holidays, now so plenty of opportunities to create some decent images.” Greg Chapman | South Africa

WSSM: Thank you, Greg, for the kind words! We’re always happy to work with and promote amazing photographers such as yourself. Thank you for all your hard work and beautiful imagery. We look forward to many more collaborations with you! (See page 74 for Greg’s most recent work- featuring the girls of South Africa.)

A HELPING HAND My name is Jennifer and I am the coowner of 1body 1spirit. We are based in Chula Vista, Ca. A sales rep we were working with back in January, Shaina, was in contact with the owner of WSSM. He told her he loved our company and the concept and wanted to help promote us. I found out through a person reading WSSM that we were in the Spring/ Summer 2014 issue. We had absolutely no idea. I just wanted to thank you all for your kind words about us! The thought of people going out of their way to help a small company, like us, is truly amazing and humbling. Stumbling upon the editorial has made for a great start to my week. Thank you again, and my God bless you all.” Jennifer P. | 1body 1spirit

SPEAK YOUR VOICE: Want to see your letter in WSSM? Log on to, and click on CONTACT! Become a FAN at Share your surf stories, favorite surf spots & brands, what surfing is like in your area, or perhaps recommend a friend for a WSSM feature. We’d love to hear from you!

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IN ews


LIVE Like Sally The Lifestyle of a Champion Surfer “I have a simple approach to healthy living: I put the best into my body, to get the best out of it,” says Sally. “And that applies to decisions across the board; in the gym, out in the ocean and on to the plate – everything I’ve shared with you in Live Like Sally.” Known worldwide for her infectious smile and positivity, Sally takes you behind the scenes and into her life of health, wellness and fitness. Couple that with incredible imagery from awardwinning photographer, Steve Baccon, and you’ve got a book that is not only visually pleasing, it’s filled with quality information from one of the world’s best female surfers. live-like-sally-book


Brand new on the market, FUEGZ® is revolutionizing how surf tricks are performed and completed. With its patented technology that allows up to 200 pounds of magnetic force between you and your board through its binding system, it utilizes a single point magnet with a pivot mechanism. This technology enables an immeasurable amount of new surfing styles and tricks to be performed. Your surf style can reach new heights as you land airs the way you have always wanted to, pump harder, carve deeper, and really connect with your board in a whole new way. Offering different strengths of magnets and track systems depending on your needs, most riders will use the 1.8” magnet with the .06” plate. Worried about being “stuck” to your board? The pivot plate allows you to release from the track with a simple lift of your heel, or a sideways motion. Designed for the intermediate to expert surfer, this new technology could be what you need to take your extreme surf tricks to the next level!


Do you ever worry about getting caught off guard by an attacker and instead of confidently reaching for your pepper spray (if you can find it stashed in your purse or bag), you instead fumble for it, wasting valuable seconds? Never again! The Little Viper is the world’s first and only fashion pepper spray self-defense bracelet. Wear it anytime, and be ready at a moment’s notice, by simply pressing BOTH ends of the canister on the braceletthus emitting the pepper spray! Protection really is that simple. Designed by Caroline Olah, a mother concerned for the safety of her daughters, it weighs only 1oz, and contains 3-6 bursts that reach a 3 foot range. It’s fashionable and low-profile design will blend in with the rest of your outfit, and it is water resistant- making it perfect for joggers, runners and sports enthusiasts.


Recently launched, Turq is on a mission to take the chafe out of surfing and other outdoor sports. Worn under their boardshorts, your favorite guy will enjoy lasting comfort and mobility in these athletically styled sport briefs. Containing 8% spandex, Turq’s are form-fitting, but not uncomfort-

ably compressive, and are non-chafing, anti-microbial, quick drying and chlorine safe. Turq’s come in a variety of pleasing colors to choose from, and are incredibly comfortable... We know, because we’ve tested them! So don’t throw away those boardshorts that have always rashed you... get some Turq’s to go under them, and get back in the water!


Solemates was created by two girls who hated to ruin their shoes. Together they invented a solution that would prevent them from sinking into the grass- making outdoor events, carpet, and other soft surfaces a breeze to walk on, as well as protecting the heels from scratches and nicks from cobblestones, bricks, grates and wooden decks. Simply slip a Solemate onto your heel and discover true stability! Available in 3 sizes (narrow, classic, wide) to fit almost any size heel, and in 4 colors (clear, black, gold, silver), they’re easy to use, and they WORK!


+swappow is a newly launched mobile and web marketplace that now gives the surf community (as well as the rest of the action sports community) a focused sharing and exchange marketplace where they can shop + sell + share pre-owned equipment, apparel, footwear, accessories and even services with each other in a trusted setting. +swappow helps users save money, earn cash or credits or just lets them hook up others and help get them riding/rolling more affordably by selling, lending or donating their old goods. In addition to reducing environmental and economic waste, the company’s core mission and the reason it was built, is to get 10 million or more kids participating by 2018. “+Swappow’s (new SIMA member) platform helps to grow participation in action sports by opening doors to products and services that were previously difficult to find in one centralized location. It’s a great avenue for brands looking

to reach new participants and for individual members to offload some product, grow their collections or even get their first board. Surfing can be an expensive sport to break into, so a site like +Swappow can really help to grow the participation and the sport overall.” Ty Smith - Brand Manager, SIMA


From the makers of OnIt Pro, a product for your board that reduces friction by up to 15% - thus eliminating drag, and giving you the opportunity to catch even more waves, comes a brand new product we’re stoked on! “Totally Sticky” deck wax is available in tropical (for 70+ degree water temps) and cold wax (for temps 60 degrees and below) formulas. Specifically designed to bead up quickly and give you the best traction on your board, this wax remains sticky long after your surf or SUP session. Made from 100% certified USDA organic California farm grown ingredients, this non-soy, non GMO, non beeswax organic surf wax utilizes clay, tree sap, blueberries, and calendula root. Wrapped in recycled paper, and printed with recycled ink... its even endorsed by the Pros!


The days of worrying about dropping (drowning) your precious smartphone are over, as Comet launches (on Kickstarter) the world’s first water-resistant AND buoyant smartphone. Comet is an Android-based smartphone (unlocked and compatible with Verizon, Sprint, AT&T and TMobile) and equipped with the highest quality hardware available. It takes great underwater photos with a 16mgpx front and rear camera. You can even use them both at the same time to capture 360 degree videos! Featuring a 4.7” display, it comes equipped with a compass, proximity sensor, barometer and temperature sensor making it perfect for any adventure. With military grade encryption, mood recognition, and a set of fins- yes fins, that when fully submerged in water are deployed to keep Comet afloat, this phone is going to be unlike any you’ve ever used before.

GOT NEWS? Want to see your company featured in our Industry News? Log on to, and click on CONTACT. Send us your press releases, new product launches, team rider profiles... Whatever it is, we’d love to hear from you!

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Trade Show FEVER By Sandra Olson | Photos by Dan Olson

Trade shows are essential to a growing business, for a multitude of reasons, but with the most important being brand exposure to buyers worldwide, feedback- you learn which are your most popular products and why, and of course, order writing! WSSM attends two trade shows annually, that we feel help us stay in touch with emerging trends from brand leaders, as well as meet new faces on the scene that are poised to make their entrance, and gauge the overall industry health.


WHERE: Las Vegas, Nevada WHEN: February & August Shows WHO: Trade Only / No Public Dubbed “the world’s largest fashion marketplace, showcasing the latest in apparel, footwear, accessories and manufacturing”... MAGIC is where fashion happens! Be prepared to be wowed by the sheer size of MAGIC. With over 60,000+ industry insiders flooding this Las Vegas hot spot to shop and celebrate fashion, it’s 3 days of non-stop action as you peruse the floors of this expansive show. MAGIC’s 85 years of experience as the leading fashion trade show shines as bright as the Vegas strip, and offers a trusted and professional environment for both exhibitors and buyers alike.

Industry Afterparty

Project Las Vegas

At MAGIC you’ll find 11 essential categories: •

Project Las Vegas influencing fashion with forward thinking trends

WWDMagic womens

FN Platform every shoe junkies dream show

Sourcing at Magic find everything you need to develop your brand here

Project Womens an exclusive, women’s only fashion event

The Collective (the culture of men’s fashion

POOLTRADESHOW unconventional and fresh items for the boutique market)

WSA at MAGIC fast fashion footwear

The Tents a high-end contemporary marketplace of menswear)

CURVENV their newest show featuring the most extensive selection of lingerie, swimwear, loungewear, activewear and men’s underwear

Playground the contemporary children’s brand market.

As a buyer, you’ll discover more brands and cutting edge products than you can dream of, in a business-first environment! This three day show will leave you inspired and excited to grow your brand and store presence, by giving your customers the latest and greatest that the fashion industry offers. Learn more at:, and don’t forget to register for their upcoming August ‘15 & February ‘16 shows!

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WHERE: Orlando, Florida WHEN: January & September Shows WHO: Trade Only / No Public PHOTOS BY: GABETO FERNANDEZ Story: Dan & Sandra Olson

Sprout Watches Armitron

Surf Expo is the largest and longest running watersports and beach lifestyle tradeshow in the world. Since 1976 retailers from around the world have relied on Surf Expo to identify new trends, new brands, and to get business done. Their sold out September 2014 show was the largest in their 39 year history, and they’re not slowing down.

Christian Surfers United States

Offering buyers, exhibitors, and media from across the U.S., Caribbean and around the world the opportunity to mingle, mix and network by offering a broad range of categories. Surf, Wake, SUP, Skate, Wind, Swim, Boutique, Resort, Tech, Souvenir, Coastal Gift and Performance can all be found at the Surf Expo! 2,600+ brands, 7,000+ storefronts and over 26,000+ attendees makes this a very busy and productive show for all. Emerging brands will find the connection with new buyers from around the globe, invaluable to them as they grow their product base and learn “what the customer wants”. Established businesses benefit by meeting with their current buyers, showcasing the newest product lines- thus increasing their yearly sales. So whether you’re new to the fashion or action sports industry and are trying to break into it, or a brand that’s been in business for decades, everyone can benefit from this professional and trusted trade show environment. Learn more at and be sure to sign up early to attend or exhibit at their September ‘15 or January ‘16 shows! F

Refueling at Giordano’s Pizzeria The WSSM Crew, Sandra, Kaydi, Carolyn, Michelle, Dan Outfits sponsored by: Very Volatile (boots), Oofkas (wrist warmers), Peace & OM (leggings)

Lindsey @ THE L.A.B.

Les Shaw w/Wave Riding Vehicles Hunter @ Indo Board

Bogaert Surfboards FREE belts @ C4Belts: Dan, Michelle, Sandra, Piper, PJ, Scott, Carolyn, Donnie, Sarah, Gabriel

WSSM Girls Soft Science

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Steve (Peppers) with the WSSM Girls

RAILS & TALES . . . India


India Story by Karen Monteagudo Photos by Karen Monteagudo & Dorothy Min

Varkala Beach

would have thought, there is surf in India Yep,andwho it is actually pretty good.

I’d been wanting to go to this particular retreat in India for a few years now, but didn’t want to go alone. I mentioned it to my friend Dorothy and she was instantly hooked. We booked a surfer retreat that included intermediate instruction with video analysis, massages, breakfast, a few dinners and yoga. Ironically, we did everything but the yoga. We didn’t have enough time. I wasn’t expecting epic waves, but just excited to finally travel to India and get to surf as well. We were staying in Varkala in Kerala state in the southwestern most tip of India. The south of India, especially Kerala state, is a lot more mellow than other parts of India. Kerala claims to have a hundred percent literacy rate, world-class health care, India’s lowest infant mortality rate and highest life expectancy rates. It is also considered India’s cleanest state. Basically for a first time traveler to India, I would call it India lite or India 101. We arrived on Saturday and hung out and rested while we waited for our room to be ready. We met our instructor and masseuse for the week, Franco, and he gave us a rundown of what our 28 | | wSSm

week would look like. We were to meet the next morning at 6:30 am for a surf. Bright and early the next morning we headed out after some coffee and bananas and some leftover pizza from the night before, in search of waves. Our first stop looked tiny, so we went and checked out another spot. It looked even worse, so back to the first spot. To our surprise the waves were actually not too bad-probably knee to waist high, clean, left hand point beach break. Fun!! It was a good introduction for our first day of surf. After our surf, it was back to the hotel for a much deserved breakfast. Being it was Sunday and our first day there, we didn’t have any massages schedule with Franco till the next day. So, our driver from the airport the day before asked if we would be interested in going to a temple festival. “Yes, of course,” I said. He would take us after lunch. In his little English, he told me “lots of elephants.” That is about all I knew about the temple festival. We heard fireworks the previous evening and were told they were part of the temple festival celebrations. The temple was about half hour drive from where we were staying. We arrived, and to our delight there were lots of elephants in their beautiful adornments. From what I read, all the temples own elephants and during the festival they basically have an elephant pageant with the best elephant winning. The festival is pretty much like a church carnival with lots of

Elephant pageant

Sadya- a feast that is served on a plantain leaf and eaten by hand

Karen and Dorothy enjoy a party wave together

goods for sale, games, floats on parade, music, light displays and fireworks. It was a colorful and lively experience. So glad we got to check it out. That evening we had appointments to try some Ayurvedic treatments. Ayurveda is one of the oldest holistic healing systems and is practiced primarily in Kerala, so I wanted to try it out. We both had massages and then Shirodhara booked. Shirodhara is a warm oil poured at your forehead or third eye for about 45 minutes. It is a technique that is supposed to soothe and invigorate the senses and mind. It is used to treat a variety of conditions and also for its relaxing properties. It was definitely relaxing, but after a while I got a little uncomfortable not being able to move and was ready for it to be over. It was something I always wanted to try and I’m glad I did, but wasn’t really impressed. Of course, we just did a little sample, usually when you get treated it is a long process with a doctor and weeks of treatment. Next morning, 6:30 am surf once again. To our surprise we could now see lines to the horizon. The swell was up! According to the other surfers, they hadn’t had swell in almost a month, and everyone was stoked. Waves were now consistently waist to occasionally overhead. The swell lasted till Thursday. Friday was a bit smaller but still plenty of waves for everyone. Our

regular break was never crowded though, just pretty much those from our group and the fishermen we shared the beach with. The fishermen were so cool, very friendly, curious and would even ask us to help them bring their boats on and off the beach. After our surf, we had our first massage with Franco. It was a stretch massage, amazing is all I can say. It is hard to explain, but it is kind of a flow massage while he stretches you out at the same time. We also had two Esalen massages, his specialty, that were even more amazing if that is possible. Esalen is a massage that combines a full-hearted presence with long, integrated strokes and slow deep muscle work to release everyday stresses, still the mind, and leave you feeling integrated and deeply relaxed. That evening Franco and his girlfriend Jazmin and their friend Raff took us out to dinner at one of the local’s restaurants in Varkala town. It was pretty tasty but heavy. Let’s just say the butter chicken still had a chunk of butter in it when it was served to us. The rest of the week went pretty much the same- early morning 3 hour surf, breakfast, massage, lunch, massage, video analysis, rest, dinner, sleep, repeat. No time for yoga, to everyone’s surprise. One day we went SUPing in the backwaters. The backwaters are the large inland lakes in Kerala, consisting of an entire network of lakes, canals and estuaries. It was very beautiful and peaceful there, with lots of greenery, birds and jellyfish! We truly enjoyed it. wSSm | | 29

RAILS & TALES . . . India

Elephant pageant


SUP’n the backwaters

Temple festival goods for sale

We couldn’t stay long because that evening we had dinner plans at Mama Kumari’s house for a Sadya. The Sadya, an integral part of Kerala’s culture, is a feast that is served on a plantain leaf and eaten with the hand. With an amazing variety of vegetarian dishes, it is served mostly during marriages and festivals. There were 19 of us for dinner, served on a long table in her backyard. Delicious!! Once we were done, we then served our empty plantain leafs to her pet cows, who were anxiously awaiting them behind us. The rest of our little free time, we either ate or shopped 30 | | wSSm

in North Cliff Varkala. Before we knew it, the week was over. The only thing I regret is that we couldn’t stay longer. This trip far exceeded our expectations. India and its people were pretty remarkable. I would definitely recommend a trip to Kerala soon, before everyone finds out about it. We were also very lucky to have Franco and Jazmin as our fabulous hosts. They worked so hard to make our experience unforgettable, which it was. We are ready to book our next trip with them next year, hopefully, a sailboat trip through the Andaman Islands. F

RAILS & TALES . . . Puerto Rico

Surfing... Playing... Exploring at the WSSM Surf House By Sandra Olson

ince the opening of the WSSM S Surf House in beautiful Puerto Rico in October of 2014, we’ve enjoyed welcoming guests from all over the world. Some have come to surf our consistent and beautiful surf season (Oct - May) while others have celebrated their honeymoon with us, sweet (salty?) 16 birthday parties, shot action sports TV shows and fashion model photoshoots, as well as enjoyed their family vacations, yearly group getaways, and international vacations with us.

We’ve been blessed to meet travelers from Israel, Brazil, Spain, Germany, Italy, France, Columbia, Venezuela, and Mexico, as well as USA residents from California, Washington, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, New York, North & South Carolina, Georgia, Virginia, Florida, Texas and more. From all walks of life, they’ve come to play in the crystal clear, tropical warm waters of Puerto Rico, swim with the turtles, snorkel and dive, sample our exquisite local cuisine, hang with the friendly locals, and enjoy the freedom that truly exists here. We want to say THANK YOU to everyone that has been a supporter of the WSSM Surf House. It has been a successful first year for us here, and we couldn’t have done it without all of you! A special thank you to the following people for their generous donations of items that have been much needed or hard to find here, as well as their love and support. Donnie &

Linda Ozenne, Buffy & Kaydi Archer, Carolyn Palma, Pat Williams, John Olson, Gabriel Fernandez, Kerry McDonald, Sonic Surfboards, Bellasol Surfboards, the Levy Family, and Michelle Olson. Each of you have helped make this transition to Puerto Rico so much easier for us, and our Surf House-- a new home for us. THANK YOU!

About the WSSM Surf House Conveniently located just minutes from Rafael Hernandez Intl Airport in Aguadilla, this 5 bedroom, 3 bath house can sleep up to 14 people comfortably, making it a great destination for couples, small to medium groups or families. Two rooms offer deluxe bunk beds for single/ group travelers, and our private casita can sleep up to 4 people comfortably- with immediate access to the outdoor downstairs lounge area where you’ll find oversized hammocks, couches and coffee tables, ping pong, Yoga Indo Board, yoga

Upstairs bunk rooms

Upstairs bunk rooms

Upstairs lounge Private casita located downstairs House photos by Gabeto Fernandez

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Upstairs couples casita

A surprise sweet (salty) 16 birthday party bash for Kaydi Archer at the WSSM Surf House - 2015 | Photo by Gabeto Fernandez

WSSM retreat guest alumni, Cindy Stokes, autographing her photo that hangs in the downstairs lounge

Fresh starfruit?

Surfers Beach Julianna, Courtney, Cassie and Ariel

Fresh continental breakfast at the WSSM Surf House

Dustin, getting some chill time in the hammocks

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RAILS & TALES . . . Puerto Rico

Dan checks the mud puddles on the way to Wilderness... Can we make it?

Some of the local wildlife

Surfers Beach WSSM Surf House Sunscreen Sponsor BANXblock

After surf grinds Florida surfer girls

Local surfer girl at Wilderness | Photo by Buffy Archer

Carolyn off for a surf check with the girls

Sandra & Kaydi heading out to Wilderness Photo by Buffy Archer

Carolyn helps Kaydi get ready Local surfer, Kathy, celebrating her broken board at huge Wilderness Photo: Buffy Archer

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Local surfer at Wilderness | Photo by Buffy Archer Kaydi Archer taking on Wilderness | Photo by Buffy Archer

mats, a large marble dining table, and the fastest WiFi available in Puerto Rico! This open air lounge is perfect for cooling off in between surf sessions, and the small mini fridge offers sodas, juice, Gatorade, chips and snacks (for purchase) for whenever the munchies strike. A delicious, full continental breakfast is included in your stay, complete with Puerto Rican coffee, tea and juice, which is also available throughout the day at no charge. The closest beach is Crashboat, located only 1 mile away and is perfect for catching those famous Puerto Rican sunsets. 2 miles away is surf drenched Wilderness. Known for its long, think, carvable walls, light crowds, and reef point, catching a wave here will make you never want to leave! Travel just a few more minutes north and you’ll reach Surfers Beach- one of the most consistent and easily accessible breaks in Puerto Rico-- and another 10 minutes north and you’ll arrive at Playa Jobos- a beginner-through advanced surf spot. Head west to Rincon (25 minutes away) and you’ll be in the heart of Puerto Rico’s surf scene-- but with it also comes the crowds. Dining options are within walking or 3 minute driving distance from the WSSM Surf House as well as movie theatres, shopping, and grocery stores. Bed & breakfast rates are available as well as all-inclusive packages, and reservations are accepted up to one year in advance. Learn more or book your stay with us by visiting or by calling 808.383.8323 SURF SEASON: October - May SURF HEIGHTS (during surf season) 3ft - 30+ SURF ABILITY: Beginner - advanced SURF REPORTS:,

Surfing... Playing... Exploring at the WSSM Surf House Carolyn with her new Chick Sticks board

Kristin Wetzel signing her photo

WSSM model, Josh signs the wall Levy family at Desecheo, New Years Eve ‘14

Sunset at Wilderness, photo by Barb Silvagni Bob Levy at Wilderness, photo by Barb Silvagni

Bobby harvests the bananas Gabeto’s “Infinity Pool at Marias”

Andy from France

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RAILS & TALES . . . Puerto Rico

Tony Silvagni’s birthday... Ok, it wasn’t his birthday, but he played along!

Dan- working hard for the ladies. Time to SURF! Cassie, Courtney, Ariel & Julianna

“On Surfari” TV stars, Shayne & Shannon McIntyre Donnie Ozenne “The Texas Godfather”

Surfing... Playing... Exploring at the WSSM Surf House Dan Olson at Surfers Beach | Photo: Gabeto Fernanez Kaydi’s cake and gifts

Weird glasses anyone?

Pinata! The welcoming crew for Kaydi Archers surprise sweet (salty) 16 birthday party at the WSSM Surf House Birthday photos by Gabeto Fernandez

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Dan & Sandra Olson

AND Twister... Kaydi Archer signs the wall.... again :)

Cierra Cunningham at Wilderness | Photo: Barb Silvagni Ana Barend- the ASP womens chaplain enjoying Wilderness Photo: Barb Silvagni

Florida surfer girl, Braidyn Cunningham, at Wilderness | Photo: Barb Silvagni Maria Barend at Wilderness Photo: Barb Silvagni

Piper Austin at Wilderness Photo: Barb Silvagni

Dan & Sandra Olson with lifelong friend, Grady Varner, during his visit to the Surf House

Dan Olson, tattooing the new truck with Christian Surfers stickers

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LIFESTYLE . . . Living Beautiful

x o B

BEAUTY Hair & Beauty Products We Love

Products that are easy on your wallet, easy to find, and that work well for both surfers and non-surfers alike.

Bed Head by Tigi Curlipop Reverse Conical Curling Iron Wand ($19.99) Want those movie star (or Victoria’s Secret model) curls? Then a curling wand is what you need. Curls last much longer than with a traditional curling iron, and are smooth from top to bottom with no crimping. It’s easy to use with a little practice, but be sure you get the heat protective glove that allows you to hold the curls onto the wand without burning your fingers. Creates loose curls on top of the barrel and tight curls on the bottom while reaching the professional high heat of up to 200°C / 395°F (so your curls LAST), and the tourmaline ceramic barrel allows hair to slip easily off the wand. Available at Target.

Urban Decay Shadow Box Eyeshadow Palette

($34) Just a little bit goes a LONG way, and lasts all day! Apply over Urban Decay’s eyeshadow primer or on its own for all day perfection. Available in vibrant colors, rich earth tones, shimmers and mattes, Urban Decay offers an endless array of palette choices for all skin tones, including another of our favorites- “Naked On The Run” for everyday wear. This all-day shadow won’t crease, flake, or fade throughout your day. Look for their special collections released during the holiday season, which make great gifts for loved ones!

Clairol Beautiful Collection Semi-Permanent Hair Color

$5.99 Need to cover some grays or enhance your suntortured highlights, but don’t want to commit to permanent hair color that we all know will fade in the surf? This quick-to-apply, ammonia and peroxide free formula comes in 15 inter-mixable shades that apply easily onto dry hair. Simple dab it where you need coverage, wait 30 minutes, and rinse. Gives long lasting, deep conditioning results and is fade-resistant. Non-surfers will enjoy 6-8 washes before needing re-application. Surfers will need to apply after 3-4 surf sessions, but don’t worry, it won’t damage your hair like permanent hair colors do because it will condition and moisturize your hair as it covers, and could be applied daily if desired! We love the 14K Gold to enhance highlights or cover greys on blonde hair and #B11W (Honey Brown) for gray coverage in medium brown hair.

Sheamoisture Coconut & Hibiscus Curl Enhancing Smoothie

$12.99 An incredible hair styling smoothie that conditions and adds valuable moisture to your hair without weighing it down. Define your curls, reduce frizz and add smoothness for an all-day super soft and silky feeling. Adds brilliant shine with its all natural and certified organic ingredients. The coconut oil hydrates and protects your hair while reducing breakage, the silk protein is the smoothing ingredient that leaves your hair silky to the touch, and the neem oil controls frizz and adds that brilliant shine. So lightweight, even those with baby-fine or thin hair will benefit from it, and it smells absolutely divine... just like the beach- in a jar! 38 | | wSSm

Saphira Mineral Treatment Oil

Fragrant, silky, light, soft... Just some of the words this incredible mineral oil conjures up. Developed to both moisturize and nurture your hair, this natural blend of 26 minerals will increase elasticity while leaving your hair more manageable, brilliant, shiny and incredibly soft! Perfect for surfstressed hair, this non-greasy formula leaves no residue and won’t weigh your hair down... at all. Apply a dime size amount to damp or dry hair and style as usual for all day protection. Available at fine salons.

(In Hawaii) B.O.S.S. / Salon Concepts Intl.

L’OREAL PARIS Voluminous False Fiber Lashes™ Mascara

$8.95 Perfect for those that want the look of false lashes without all the glue and goop that often accompanies wearing them, or who need a little more volume. Formulated with sculpting fibers that quickly adhere to lashes... It’s the next best thing to falsies! Apply one to several coats (wait 15 - 20 seconds between applications for maximum fullness) depending on your desired effect, and enjoy lush lashes that appear longer, and fuller! Non-clumping and flake free, we also love that this mascara dissolves almost instantly with only water, making it easy to remove. Need it to stay on through that tear-jerker movie? Apply a single coat of their waterproof formula to seal in lash effects that will last through the tears. Perfect for contact wearers and those with sensitive eyes with its ophthalmologist and allergy-tested formula.

LIFESTYLE . . . Smart Living

SUNSafety Photos by Gabeto Fernandez

Everyone loves a great tan, but it’s not always convenient due to cold water, weather, and the never ending risk of skin cancer. So for those of you looking for a little more coverage this summer, check out these amazing brands that have made fuller coverage options cute and functional!

No More Black | Just as the name implies, No More Black caught our eye at the Surf Expo tradeshow this past September because their booth was lit up with a bevy of cheerful colors... and all in wetsuits! Based out of Russia, these wetsuits are made for cold weather surfing, and are strong, durable, and COLORFUL. Check out all their many designs on their Facebook page, and be sure to tell Kos that WSSM sent you! OUR PICK: Barcelona Parrot (shown here)

Sweet Waterwear |

Girls4Sport |

Based out of Hawaii, Sweet Waterwear focuses on the more mature woman who is active in the water, whether it be surf, SUP, or paddling. High quality fabrics and special attention to cuts that flatter the womanly form, SWW (Women’s Signature Racerback Tank) accentuates curves with wrap around seams that accentuate backside curves and slims your profile, drop tail in the back (covers your okole & elongates your torso), and “paddling cut” through the shoulders allowing for a full range of movement. From long sleeve to tanks, they’ve got you covered in style! OUR PICK: Ka’iulani Zip Long Sleeve

Offering women (not juniors) attractive coverage options via rashguards, shorts, tankinis, neoprene shortys and swimwear. Made for women by women, this is a great brand for those wanting more coverage in the bottoms and quality materials that last! Available in a kaleidoscope of beautiful, refreshing colors and unique prints that will help you express your personal style. OUR PICK: Sports Tank Top

Dkoko | Most swimwear brands based out of Costa Rica don’t offer a lot of coverage. But Dkoko breaks the norm with their surf leggings, which are becoming extremely popular not only with the SUP community, but with surfers of all ages and shapes! Ahead of the trends, Dkoko has designed surf leggings that feature fabrics with UV protection so colors stay on, exquisite sewing that lasts, a drawstring in the waist, and a small zip side pocket with a key string for your essentials! OUR PICK: Emi-G Surf Leggins 40 | | wSSm

Mi Ola | Their slogans say it all... “Making life at the beach better for every woman.” and “Be comfortable in your own skin. Be secure in your bikini.” Made for women by a woman who’s life changed 7 years ago when she started surfing. She traded in the concrete of NYC for the soft sands of Costa Rica and never looked back. Mi Ola’s swimwear and rashguards have been designed with true surfers in mind. Every component has been engineered to enhance, last and keep you covered, and their fabric is UPF 50+ to protect you from the sun, without fading or stretching out after hard use. Inspired by the tropics. Made in the USA. OUR PICK: Serena Zip Rashguard

Exceed Wetsuits | For years now, Exceed Wetsuits have been a WSSM favorite for their incredible fit, affordability, and super cute & vibrant styles! More room in the shoulders makes their wetsuits a breeze to paddle in and surfer approved, and the neoprene lasts! Made from superelastic E-stretch neoprene that moves and molds with your body, you’re going to love the vibrancy of “Ember”, and the super cute boy cut style of their new “Enticing” shorty. OUR PICK: Eclectic E2876

hot summer night. Their “Surf Candy” collection features statement colors and carefully placed mesh inserts, creating eye catching pieces that highlight the female form. Designed in Honolulu, Hawaii and made in the good ‘ol USA, you can expect high quality, water tested pieces, that will have you diving into the water with confidence! We’re excited to keep an eye on Elle Mer as they grow and expand in the coming years. OUR PICK: Waikiki Rashie

Spirit Designs |

Carve Designs | Inspired by a vision while on a surf trip to Mexico, these two women surfers and athletes were tired of squeezing their rears into boardshorts made for juniors. So they took a leap of faith, quit their jobs, and dedicated themselves to making apparel that fits WOMEN well, both in and out of the water. Quality fabrics and flattering cuts make this brand appealing to women who want active apparel that works well, lasts, and looks fantastic at all ages! Lots of lifestyle clothing options available also! OUR PICK: Cruz Rash Guard

Elle Mer | Brand new on the scene, Elle Mer launched in January of 2015 based solely on the need for fashion forward swimwear that is also functional. Designer, Keri Ogden, knew she wanted to make swimwear that would stay on in the surf AND was cute enough to wear on the beach or on a

New on the scene, this fabulous company is offering booty shorts (Holly Boy Short) in soft, silky neoprene that’s reversible, so you’re really getting two shorts in one! Made with surf and soul combined, these flattering shorts will make you just want to grab your board and go explore! OUR PICK: Holly Boy Short

Swim Surf Sup | Designed in Australia, made in Bali and worn by active bodies everywhere, Swim Surf Sup is new on the scene, but already are cranking out designs everyone will want to wear! Offering a range of surf suits, leggings and swimwear, we were drawn to the color blocking on their “Rainforest to Reef” long sleeved rashguards as well as their “Surf Bikini Crop Top” in Swamis print, with its hidden drawstring that keeps everything in place while you’re out playing in the water. OUR PICK: Rainforest to Reef Long Sleeved Rashguard

A ) “Rainforest to Reef” long sleeved rashguard in blue by Swim Surf Sup (

featuring a side zipper pocket and key string, by Dkoko (

B ) “Reversible Holly Boy Short” in watermelon/ cobalt blue (reverses to coral/teal) by Spirit Designs (

E ) “Rainforest to Reef” long sleeved rashguard in pink by Swim Surf Sup (

C ) “Surf Bikini Crop Top” in Swamis print with a hidden drawstring to keep everything in place, by Swim Surf Sup ( D ) “Emi-G Surf Leggins” in black zigzag and

F ) “Striped Boyshort” in cobalt with a hidden drawstring waist by Mi Ola ( G ) “Hourglass Tank Rashguard” in true red, featuring a back zippered pocket, by Mi Ola (

H ) “Reversible Holly Boy Short” in black/glide (reverses to silver/black) by Spirit Designs ( I ) “Silver Premio Tank Rashguard” in shiny metallic silver for the glam-surfer girl, by Mi Ola ( J ) “4 Way Stretch Boardshort” in Cobra, shown in mid-thigh length and featuring their patented adjustable waist, by Just Bones Boardwear (




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LIFESTYLE . . . Living Healthy

Alive and Aware

By Nico Arihood | Photos by Marc Antosch

“We’ve finally determined that what you’ve contracted is Dengue Fever.”


love to travel. I think I was a gypsy in a previous life, because I constantly have a subliminal urge to jump on planes and go somewhere new, different and unusual. I love the element of surprise and bizarre challenges to overcome while doing it. My travels have been for days at a time to months at a time. I love playing tourist, working while on visa, attending schools abroad, studying cultures, performing community work, paddling to other islands, and/or just surfing and doing NOTHING else but enjoying the wonder of Earth’s oceans, beaches and meeting rambling vagabonds like myself. One thing that any avid traveler knows is that all of the above comes with risks you must take, and non-monetary prices to pay sometimes. One huge risk involved with frequent surfing and/or traveling is your body’s health. Sickness, disease, virus, bacteria, injuries—these all can seriously be unawesome and basically range from knocking you out for a day or two, to even more serious conditions- like death. I contracted Dengue Fever in March 2013, somewhere in Indonesia. According to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2014), Dengue is a virus and is a prominent cause of death and illness in the subtropics and tropics. It is transmitted by infected mosquitoes (mostly of the Aedes aegypti variety which originated in Africa) where the female stings an infected being (and carries the virus for her entire life), then stings you to get more blood to grow her eggs she is carrying, which in turn passes the virus on to you. Another mosquito could sting you and become infected, then pass it on to another human, etc etc. This is how the virus keeps getting transmitted. These mosquitoes are white and black colored in nature. Mosquitoes can carry several different types of viral diseases, such as Chikungunya (a similar viral infection to Dengue, which we suspect my boyfriend contracted the year before in Indonesia), Malaria, Yellow Fever and West Nile virus, to name a few. Dengue has been problematic globally for about 60+ years now, and more than one-third of the global population lives in high-risk areas for contracting Dengue. Just this last trip to Indo March 2014, I met 4 Westerners that had just recently gotten over Dengue. There are no vaccines to prevent Dengue, although I have heard recently in the media that a vaccine is currently in

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the possible works. I have been traveling yearly to Indonesia (to two islands) to surf for the past five years. Each trip involves an elaborate check-list of your standard travel gear (like a Swiss Army knife, fin key, or sunscreen for example), and your not-so-standard travel gear (like ice cube trays, a sucher kit or school supplies for the local kids, for example). I keep up on infectious alerts in the specific areas I’ll be traveling to. I go see my travel doc and get my emergency meds I may need and sometimes a shot. I plan and pack and I’m on the plane ready for action. I did the “normal” things a rambling surf traveler does: put sunscreen on, take a day off out of the sun when the burn gets too much, drink only sealed bottled water, put mosquito repellent on at night, bring spare fins and leashes, and pack a mosquito net, etc. Every trip for four years was relatively drama-free (excepting Hand, Foot and Mouth disease doctors think I contracted the year before which was cleared up in a matter of a week, and the normal bouts of “Bali Belly”), until….

Day 1: In March 2013, we got back home to Maui from Indo on a Sunday afternoon. I unpacked and prepared to go back to work that next morning (I am a teacher) (and PS, I don’t really get jet-lag). I was in tip-top shape, was satiated with epic surf sessions, super tanned, hydrated, ready to come back and continue to paddle competitive Hawaiian kai wa’a (6 man ocean outrigger canoe), and was extremely stoked from our trip. I went to bed as usual, and woke up around 2am feeling hot and kind of like I had a mild flu. I slurped some Ny-Quil and went back to sleep and attributed it to the 24 hours of flights I just got off of and surfing my brains out the whole time. I woke up at 6am and went to work like normal, the “Quil” still working and I felt pretty OK. I was about 30 minutes into our Math lesson when I began to profusely sweat but also have the chills/shivers so bad that my body was involuntarily convulsing, my face was ghostly white, and I felt like my body was on fire with heat. One of my students raised his hand and said, “Miss A you don’t look like you feel good.” I agreed that I didn’t feel too well. I waited until recess time, then went out to my

Dengue Fever truck and proceeded to layer myself with any clothing I had to stay warm, which happened to be rash guards and sarongs, which I actually put on… including my long sleeve winter wetsuit top. I went back inside and began teaching Math again and then I felt like I was going to incinerate and pass out. I sweated through all the layers of clothing but I was Arctic-freezing cold at the same time. My body began to ache. I called the office to have someone take over my class, visited the school nurse and discovered I was running a 104.7 degree fever. I drove myself home (not sure how, it was a blur) and literally crawled on my hands and knees into bed. I stayed there for the next 14 days. Thank the universe I had excellent insurance coverage and an amazing boyfriend who took care of me endlessly.

Days 2-9: I was basically in and out of consciousness between taking three acetaminophen 2 times a day to keep my fever at a somewhat manageable level (it stayed at 104.5-105), for the unbearably excruciating pain every joint in my body was experiencing (especially my ankles), the agonizing stabbing pains in both eyeballs any time I looked anywhere other than dead straight ahead, the feeling of my skin horrendously crawling with the sheets/ clothing touching it, and downing Dayquil and Nyquil to layer pain relief and attempt to sleep (I could sleep for short periods of time before constantly re-shifting around in bed to try to gain comfort and having insane nightmares). My bed was layered with every single blanket and sheet our house had (it’s Maui, so we didn’t have a lot!). I was in layers of clothes, but I was still freezing cold, had body tremors/convulsions, and I literally was sweating through my mattress—LITERALLY). My body felt like it had been jackhammered by a high speed train, my bones felt like they would crumble and snap beneath my body weight when I would slowly make my way to the toilet (so I crawled most of the time or my boyfriend would carry me), my mind was mostly in dementia/cloudy. I felt like I was hallucinating around days 8 and 9, and I had trouble forming complete thoughts and sentences to communicate. The passages inside my nose were so dry they bled slightly at one

point. I lived off of some Gatorade, but mostly filtered water and coconut water. I later learned I was in the febrile stage of Dengue (fever, etc.), leading into mild critical stage (plasma leaks from blood vessels).

My boyfriend took me to my doctor the morning of day 2, and from that day until day 14, I was hauled back and forth every other day to give blood while they ran innumerable tests on me to find out what the heck was wrong with me (just what I wanted while I felt so horrible— finger pricks and needles in my arm to pull vile upon viles of blood). I think around day 7(?) or 9(?) they finally diagnosed me with Dengue Fever (aka Breakbone Fever). It’s nicknamed Breakbone Fever due to the feeling of one’s bones feeling as if they will snap at any moment. Where there is medical diagnostics available for bloodwork, Dengue is confirmed by a lowered count of white blood cells and platelets. According to Johns Hopkins Medicine (Williams, 2014), healthy blood platelet counts range from 150,000 to 450,000 platelets per microliter of blood. Women average about 266,000/mcL. Mine dipped to 82. I was lucky, because I have since personally spoken with people who had

Dengue whose platelets were at 6 and at 11. At 10 you go in for a blood transfusion. My doctor advised me to live off of electrolytes (and try broths, which I was not craving at all)hence the coconut water and Gatorade I was gulping down. She warned me that if I didn’t keep fully hydrated with electrolyte liquids, I would be in the emergency room receiving fluids. She also warned me to be on the lookout for blood in my stool, nose or mouth, which means I had contracted the hemorrhagic type of Dengue, and to be aware of any seizures.The

doctor also suspected that this was not my first time contracting Dengue. There are 4 types of Dengue, and each time you contract one type, you may be immune to it in the future-- but every time you contract a different type you have more severe symptoms. [They suspected this because I lived in Africa about 16 years ago in a Dengue zone, and I recalled being stung by several mosquitoes one particular day, and about a week later I had severe fever, body and joint aches, etc. (not as severe as this Dengue diagnosis). Dengue incubation period is from 3-14 days, where you could never show a symptom and know you have it. I never went to a doctor though at that time, I just rode it out in my apartment, so we don’t know if I actually had it then. (… I never had one pre-travel shot or took one pill for prevention for any disease before that stint abroad either….)] The Department of Health came to my house almost daily to check in with my condition, give me free mosquito repellent, make sure I was quarantined under a mosquito net in my bed, and to post notices to all the neighbors in my immediate area that someone had contracted Dengue and they would be spraying the area numerous times to eradicate mosquitos and their larva. Remember, if I were to be stung while infected, then I would have potentially started a Dengue outbreak on Maui! While I sat in bed all day and night, I would watch TV, movies and obsessively look up Dengue Fever information on my laptop. I began freaking myself out with TMI (too much information!). I did learn that most 3rd world countries where Dengue is transmitted, they are actually very equipped and knowledgeable about treating Dengue Fever. I have read that making a tea from papaya leaves helps relieve most symptoms. For me though, first world medicine was the route I would stick with, and I would be extremely diligent in documenting my symptoms so I would not die from this.

Days 10-12: My fever dipped to 101 degrees, I still had the chills, tremors, sweats, but not at the same degrees as days 2-9. Still taking the acetaminophen, Nyquil and Dayquil same doses, still living off of water and coconut water, but had a cup or two of hot vegetable broth for sustenance wSSm | | 43

LIFESTYLE . . . Living Healthy

Dengue Fever per day. At this point, I began to notice small handfuls of my hair in my bedsheets, or when I took a shower the drain would be extra full of hair and I was seeing hair all over the floor in the bedroom and bathroom. My hair felt extra dry and brittle too. I also developed a fully-body rash, especially on the soles of my feet, the palms of my hands, my elbows, and chest. It incessantly itched night and day, and it later peeled off like a really bad sunburn. The most terrifying part of having Dengue I would say is when I woke up one morning and had blurry vision and large irregular spots in both eyes, and I couldn’t focus on anything to see. I totally freaked. I went to two vision specialists at my clinic, got examined, dilated and diagnosed with hemorrhaging (bulging) retinas. I was told there was nothing that could be done to ease/remedy this. Time would tell if my vision returned 100%, and it could take a few months to years. I still drank water and coconut water, and my appetite was slowly appearing, so I ate small amounts of brothy soups and rice. I was in the recovery stage of Dengue.

Day 13-14: I was up and walking slowwwwly about in my house to stretch my legs and ankles and try to get some sort of stamina going. My cardio, muscle tone, stamina, and strength took a HUGE hit with this sickness (not to mention my tan, ha!). My goal was to recover as quickly and safely as possible and to get back to what I loved to do: surf, paddle canoe, beach run, and teach. I have always been a VERY big eater, and at this point I had lost around 12 pounds. I looked unhealthy. My appetite began to crave large amounts of bread (don’t know why, I never ate bread regularly!), rice, noodles, and brothy soups. I stopped taking the acetaminophen and Dayquil, only taking Nyquil to help my sleeping patterns. My fever was basically gone and back to normal. My mental clarity had returned, but not 100%, and I just felt like my body had run 5 zillion miles even though I was in my bed the entire time. A moment I will never ever forget is the moment I stepped foot outside my house and slowwwwly hobbled my way down to the beach. It’s about a block or so and it took me three times as long as usual, but I did it. I walked almost the entire length of the beach (over a mile), going very slow. I will never ever forget my senses 44 | | wSSm

Nico @ Lakey Peak Photo by Grommet

exploding with the warmth of the Maui sunshine on my face, the salty sea breeze smell, the warm ocean water on my toes, and the sand squishing under my feet. I felt alive again. I cried and longed to return back to water sports.

Day 15-6 months later: I returned to work. My students missed me a ton, and I missed them even more. I began to go through what doctors call “Post-Dengue Fatigue Syndrome”. By noon time every day, extreme fatigue would set in and I felt like I needed to lie down and go to sleep, my ankles would swell up horribly and ache all night long, my joints and bones just ached, and I was going to bed really early nightly. I still took Nyquil most nights just to rest comfortably. The spots on my eyes got smaller, and my focus got better, but not 100%. I was having extreme pain where my left kidney is for about 4 days. I got bloodwork done and they determined nothing was abnormal. My hair loss took a couple of months to stop, and my hair was very brittle and dry still. My skin was still slowly peeling where the body rash was. My right jaw lymph node was swelling randomly and causing a little pain. My right groin lymph node was swollen and very tender for months. I stretched a lot, attempted yoga slowly, used a body brush nightly, ate well, and I began slowly to paddle canoe again and surf. It took months to get back to where I was athletic-wise before Dengue got ahold of me.

Now: The spots in my eyes have gotten smaller, and my vision specialist still says I have slight hemorrhaging in one of my eyes, but I’m just used to it now. I got reading glasses (not sure if related to Dengue or not). My paddling and surfing got back to where I left off, and I had an epic last year in distance paddling, 2 man paddling and free-surfing. I got my Hep A and B and Typhoid fever vaccinations just to cover more bases next time I traveled (i.e. this past March). I now take Malaria pills before, during and after my trips. (I met an expat who lives in Indo and she just recently got over Malaria AND Dengue at the SAME TIME! Her platelets were down to 11 and she spent 2 weeks in the hospital.)

Tips for Travelling Dengue-FREE

I am not a medical doctor, but below are lessons I’ve learned, and how YOU can minimize the risk of contracting Dengue Fever (or Chikungunya) by taking these preventative measures when traveling to a Dengue endemic zone:


Be prepared for pain management relief and hydration sources. Visit a travel doctor and tell her where and when you’re going to visit. They should look up recent outbreak information and you should discuss. Do research on your own. They should recommend any vaccinations and/or Malaria meds. Travel with acetaminophen. Buy or pack Panadol (paracetamol, found outside of U.S.) for fever/aches. It is advised to NOT TAKE Ibuprofen or Aspirin or antibiotics if diagnosed with Dengue! Be aware of the nearest hospital or medical clinic. Pack cans of coconut water or bottles of Gatorade if you’re so inclined and in a very remote area (or drink fresh coconuts if available!)


Make others aware of your location. Make copies of your passport and keep them in various locations when you travel for easy access if you get super sick. Inform your family exactly where you are going. See if your insurance covers your health overseas, if not, possibly purchase traveler’s insurance. Know where the American Embassy is in your travel country, and their contact information. Give your family your passport, insurance and embassy contact information, and keep copies with you.


I didn’t know Dengue-carrying mosquitoes are daytime biters, or at night when the lights are on in your accommodation. I didn’t protect my skin frequently enough. Even though it may be roasting hot where you are traveling, wear long sleeve light colored shirts and long airy pants during the day and nighttime to protect your skin. Bring/wear a bandana/ sarong-type cloth to drape over your head/neck if needed (also good for sun protection).


I only applied repellent after my morning shower. BIG mistake! Douse yourself in mosquito repellent of some sort during the day and night, during all hours. Every time you get wet or excessively sweat, reapply. You choose what kind you want: non-DEET or DEET, up to you what you want to put on your skin. DEET is recommended by the CDC(Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2014). You can also buy mosquito repellent patches, bracelets, belt attachments, and coils to burn. Here on Maui, I’ve used cedar oil to repel mosquitos, which works, but is very strong smelling.


I’d never heard of Permethrin before my travel doc diagnosed me with Dengue. It’s a synthetic chemical that can act as an insecticide and/ or repellant. Knowing I was going back to Indo again, I purchased a huge bottle from and I sprayed my entire wardrobe and mosquito net with it before I packed to leave for my last trip to Indo last March. It’s effective up to 5 washings. Again, up to you what you choose to put on your clothes/skin.


Pack a mosquito net, and set it up immediately. Bring needle and thread/tape/bandaids and inspect it after it is set up to repair any miniscule holes. Tuck it in tightly under the mattress and ensure no gaps are open at any time. When you get inside the net, inspect for any interloping mosquitos that are lurking inside. Close your room door tightly every time you enter/leave. Tape up any gaps in the wall/doors while you stay in the room. Use screens in windows and doorways if A.C. is not available, and inspect for holes and repair.


Inspect around the grounds you are staying at to see if there is any standing water that potentially holds mosquito eggs/larva. If you find stagnant, dirty water then discuss with the accommodation management to remove it. Also inside your accommodation, be cautious of water in vases, stopped up showers, and undraining water/toilet tanks.


Most importantly, USE the long-sleeved clothing, repellent and net DAILY and METHODICALLY. Remember the symptoms of Dengue I’ve written about here, and be AWARE of where you are and what is around you. If you begin having abdominal pain, bleeding gums, excessive thirst, or difficulty breathing, seek medical attention immediately. Aloha and be safe while travelling! If you have a Dengue-related story you’d like to share/receive support for, or personal questions about my bout with the illness, please email me at F Sources: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2014, April). Dengue. Retrieved from http:// Williams, Dr. M. (2014, May). What are platelets and why are they important? Retrieved from

LIFESTYLE . . . Daily Fitness By Zofia Karubin Certified Yoga Instructor

Surfing and Yoga is a journey and adventure where we can discover where the wilds things are within and without. We build strength and flexibility in every pose, in every surf session. We can face our life and challenges more peacefully and compassionately by staying centered, balanced, and connected to nature, to our hearts, and the true nature of our Spirit because Spirit and Nature are dancing together.

YWild Thing OGA

F Be very gentle with yourself and listen to your body. Don’t force or strain in any way.

F Even five minutes a day will


F Builds heat and core power F Opens the heart and increases energy


2 Grip the ground with the other hand and press the finger tips down, exhale. 3 Rotate the shoulders up and back as you stretch the arms in opposite directions, keep breathing.

2) Side Stretch: Inhale, gently reach up with your arms up over your head and hands together, then slowly stretch the arms and torso to the left and right, while breathing in and out.

and focused on one point in front of you.

F Improves balance and

1 Start from push-up position and lift one arm up over your head, inhale.

standing pose, relax your arms out, roll your shoulders up and down, and turn your torso and head to the left and right, as your arms gently swing back and forth, while you breathe in and out.

F Breathe deeply, stay relaxed

the fingers, hands, wrists, arms, neck, shoulders, wings (lats), back, abdomen, hips, legs, feet and toes

Side Plank Pose

1) Spinal Twist: Ground yourself in


F Stretches and strengthens

Point Dume, Malibu, California

F WARM UP & COOL DOWN Always warm up gently by grounding yourself in standing pose.

3) Forward Bend: From a standing position, first inhale and stretch the arms up and over your head, then slowly breathe out and bend forward reaching the arms down, and relaxing down, keeping the knees slightly bent, head down, neck relaxed, feel the breath. When you’re ready, lift up and roll up slowly as you inhale and again ground yourself in standing pose.


4 Focus on one point in front of you, lift one leg on top of the other, the feet flexed, toes pointing toward the knees, and continue breathing. 5 Fuse the buttocks, thighs, and feet together, tuck in your pelvis, and bring the energy up the spine, look up and inhale.

6 Exhale and release. Repeat on each side several times, holding the pose as long as comfortable.

Wild Thing

(Camatkarasana) 1 Start in side plank pose and listen to your breath, listen to your body. 2 Next, lift the top foot and step it back slowly and gently, focused on one point in front of you. 3 Inhale, reach over your head with your arm, keep breathing and look up. 4 Enjoy the stretch from the tips of your fingers to the tips of your toes.

make a big difference in your life.

(Check with your health care provider before doing this or any exercise program)

5 Stay here as long as your body needs it, then release, and repeat on the other side.

6 After doing this stretch, your body will require a counter balancing pose, such as downward dog pose or any kind of forward bend, then continue with the cool down yoga poses. F Namaste: My Inner Light Bows to Your Inner Light.

Zofia is a certified yoga instructor who resides in Los Angeles, California, where she’s been teaching yoga for over 15 years and practicing yoga since childhood with her mother who is also a yoga teacher. Learn at your own pace how to incorporate yoga into your busy lifestyle through the online collage of Zofia’s yoga routines from previous issues of WSSM. Go to Outfit by Sweet Waterwear ( | Photos by: OnIt Pro LLC ( ) 46 | | wSSm

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Rash guards




LIFESTYLE . . . Physical Health


Cross Backs By Valeh Levy | Photos by Gabeto Fernandez

The Ugly Truth Behind Halter Tops:

We’re KNOT Gonna’ Take it Anymore!

Halter Back Style History: When Claire McCardell, 1905-1956, one of America’s most influential fashion designers, a graduate of Parsons School of Design in the 1920’s, created the first light cotton madras halter style full length gown, she probably had no idea that her innovative dress style would be iterated into a swimsuit design. She had no idea that it would be worn with tightly knotted elastic strings, cords and ties around the necks of active athletic women for hours on end, causing countless headaches (external compression headaches) and upper body strains. The 1940’s inspirations for McCardell’s designs were many. She relied primarily on her own intuition as a woman, believing that many other women had the same needs for their wardrobes. “Most of my ideas,” stated McCardell, “come from trying to solve my own problems.” She sought to find solutions by analyzing the various needs of women, concluding that essentially, clothes must be functional. McCardell found that tying a simple long dresses shoulder straps around the neck exposed more of the shoulders. It was flattering on small breasted models, so they started creating halter top dresses. In reality, as many modern innovative designers find, simply crossing 48 | | wSSm

the straps in the back gives the same illusion or effect of exposing more of the shoulders at that flattering angle without the neck strain caused by the knot at C-7, the most prominent cervical vertebra. In my medical opinion and that of countless others who have seen women actually seek medical help and therapy for pain associated with wearing halter swimwear, the halter should be abandoned, and replaced by the crossback style to eradicate the neck pain, headaches and other physical strains caused directly by this faulty fashion design. Women who are spending hours doing active water sports need alternatives to this style, particularly because they are using their shoulders, necks and upper back muscles to swim, paddle a surfboard, SUP, kayak, etc. This already puts a strain on their tissues. The best swimsuit designs are those that cross in the mid back and distribute the forces over less sensitive areas.

Halters require tying a firm knot right over the most prominent part of the lower cervical spine which then sends nerve signals both up into the neck and head, but also to both sides of the upper shoulders, creating a cycle of pain that women must bear. There are thousands of blogs from women seeking better

designs and wanting an end to the halter headache. The challenge for swimwear designers is to come up with more beautiful choices for active women who want to play hard and still look stylish, stay comfortable and have their breasts supported and covered while doing a variety of their favorite watersports.

Years in the Making I have had this topic brewing on my mind for years because I’d experienced these chronic, literal “pains in the neck” during and after surf sessions 12 years ago when I started surfing. Both during and after spending several hours at a time Carolyn in Salty Sista exerting my upper back in halter Surfboard by Chick Sticks back bikinis, I would have searing neck pain right around that knot, which I had to tie tightly to hold everything in place. I was constantly lifting the knot off of my skin to try and get some relief while waiting for waves. It took me a while to realize that these issues were all the result of the strain and direct pressure from that tight knot pulling directly on the sensitive structures at the back of my neck! But what was I to do? My endless and relentless search for cute cross-back or bra top surf-able swimsuits started about twelve years ago. At that time, it was fruitless. The surf shops only carried halter backs. I would beg the shop owners to search for companies that catered to surfer girls who wanted performance swimwear. After every January Surf Expo, the buyers would again fill the racks with halter style tops. I would go online and type in search words like “cross back women’s swimwear” and get the scant offerings from Speedo or TYR. Then Athleta and Title Nine came out with a few high performance cross-back and bra styles marketed to athletic water sports women. Title Nine featured a California women’s surf wear company called Carve Designs who sold cross-back bikinis and tankiniswhich I have bought every year since they started their company. Over the past few years, as women’s surfing became more commercial and the girls started being featured in films, and surfing took more and more girls on surf trips around the world, more surfing designers like Louisa from Honey Girl Waterwear, and Anna from Calavera have started popping up. By addressing their OWN need to have stylish non halter-back options to support a healthy surf lifestyle (without fashion driven muscle-spasms, tension headaches and connective tissue issues), they addressed a HUGE problem within the industry, and have filled that gap! This issue is in the forefront of my mind every year as my old suits lose their support and my quest to find a couple of cute surfable bikinis with cross-back styles begins. It is WSSM that has featured and addressed this issue by supporting designers who offer very stylish, testable styles that WSSM themselves have tested in the surf! So is it catching on with the younger girls? Well, in her early teens, my daughter Sydney used to scoff at me when I would ask her if she’d like me to order her a cross-back top for surfing. But now at 17, she has matured both physically and mentally, understanding that her own neck

pains are coming from the halter-back tops that she purchases from the local surf shops. After seeing the cute, performance cross-back styles you have featured in WSSM, she has chosen to spend her own money to buy swimwear from companies like Honey Girl Waterwear and Calavera, with tops that she can surf, SUP and swim in... PAIN FREE! Sadly the fashion magazines like Vogue or ELLE or SEVENTEEN are not focused on addressing fashion design flaws that cause women’s health issues like halter top headaches. It is thus up to women’s active lifestyle publications like WSSM to lead the horse by the proverbial halter to the water, and educate women to take their own health into their hands and understand that the pains in their necks, heads and upper backs may well be preventable by simply untying that knot and making the choice to wear cross back or bra top styles to play in. The challenge for designers is to create a variety of such styles in the latest and greatest fabrics and market them so it will be much easier for women to shed their halter habits forever!

- Valeh Levy Lesson Learned By Sandra Olson

With 15+ years of surfing under my belt, I’ve learned a lot of lessons over the years. I learned when and where to paddle out, wave priority and etiquette, how to duck-dive and turtle roll, how to paddle harder and longer than I thought humanly possible just to get myself out of danger zones and to safety, and so many more. But one lesson I learned, took me over 12 years... and I was in pain a lot of the time. What was the lesson? To pay attention to my body, recognize the warning signs, and DO SOMETHING about it! My neck and shoulders had endured a lot of pain that I always wrote off as poor posture, too much computer work, etc., etc. I would stretch, pop pain pills, and wait a week or two for it to subside. I’d also try to just “surf it out”. It finally came to a head after a particularly long surf session in New Smyrna Beach, Fl, while on vacation after the Surf Expo tradeshow a few years back. It was late afternoon, and we had surfed all day, making the most of the beautiful swell. Due to the current and crowds, we would start way up the beach and surf / drift our way down. The closer we got to the Inlet, the more competitive it became with surfers and weekend warriors wrestling for position, trying to score the very best sets that were coming through the lineup. That’s when it happened. Turning quickly, I took a last second-late drop after realizing the guy in front of me had just pulled off. That’s when I heard a pop, and searing pain went through my shoulders and neck. Nothing was broken, I hadn’t hit anything, but it was all I could do to endure the pain as I duck-dove back to the lineup after my ride. While sitting there, I would pull the halter top off my neck, trying to get the muscles to relax and get some relief. In true New Smyrna beach style, a shark popped up in the middle of the wSSm | | 49

LIFESTYLE . . . Physical Health Honeygirl Waterwear Top: Waimea | Bottoms: Traci What We Love: This is one of the most flattering tops, on all shapes and sizes. The pads are sewn in, so no shifting or wrinkling, and they also provide an extra modesty layer. The bottoms feature a comfortable drawstring that you tighten to surf, and loosen when you get back on shore. These bottoms do NOT come off! Most Honeygirl suits are also reversible, so when you get them all stained with wax, simply flip them to the other side for a cleaner looking suit. Honeygirl also uses many of the same color palettes per season, so with reversible swimwear, it’s easy to mix and match them for different looks!

lineup, calling our session to a close. As we walked back to our car, I asked Dan (my husband) to try to tie the strap around my neck, to the strap around my torso, just to relieve some of the pressure. It helped, but by midnight that night, I awoke to throbbing pain that wouldn’t let me sleep. I tried to sit up, but couldn’t. My neck and shoulder hurt so bad. I tried again, then finally asked Dan to push me up into a sitting position. Almost in tears from the pain, I popped some Advil and tried to rest. It was a miserable night, and even more miserable 12hour flight home to Hawaii. Relief just wasn’t to be had. I could barely turn my head, and if I laid down, Dan had to again help me sit back up. I knew something was really wrong this time, something that pain pills and rest wasn’t going to fix. I immediately scheduled a chiropractor appointment with Dr. Rob Harrison in Hawaii Kai. He was a surfer, so I knew he would be able to figure out where my body was out of whack and what needed to be adjusted, so I could get back in the water. 4 chiropractic sessions and a few hundred dollars later, I was back in good shape and had the all-clear to go surfing. I donned my suit (halter top) and grabbed my board! Hours later, the pain returned, though not as bad. I bore through it. Several sessions later, and after long hours in the surf, I once again felt that POP and the intense pain returned. This time was slightly different. I was now also getting dizzy spells, and would almost fall over when trying to sit up or stand. Vertigo! All of this, in addition to not being able to turn my head or look down. BACK to Dr. Rob’s office for more adjustments, more pain pills, and more money spent. I was determined to figure it out. It wasn’t magazine press time, so I hadn’t been spending a ton of time on the computer (which is what I usually blamed shoulder and neck aches and pains on = bad posture). I finally put two and two together, and realized it was my halter top bikinis that had become my enemy! While looking super cute, the constant strain and pressure this style of top put on my neck had finally caught up with me. These bikini tops had been literally pulling my neck and shoulders out of alignment because of being tied so tightly at the neck- then combined with extra pressure applied while trying to get into waves. I was torturing myself! Pulling myself into waves were pulling my muscles and bones out of alignment, making them so inflamed that they would slip out during extended surf sessions. I decided to test it, and switched to cross-back styles. This style is particularly good for girls surfing in head-high+ waves that need “everything” to stay put. With sliding triangle tops and bra-top styles, you end up wasting valuable time in the impact zone pulling your straps back up, and putting boobs back in. It’s almost impossible to lose a boob in a cross-back bikini! So what did I have to lose? I am happy to say, my pain has not returned since I switched styles. Yes, I did “test it’ to confirm that it was my suit, but after only a half hour of wearing a halter top, the pain started to reemerge, and my neck would feel hot (inflamed). I switched back to a cross-back bikini immediately, and gave away all my halter top suits - to force myself not to wear them. I have now been pain free for 3 years... and never ever surf in anything but a cross-back bikini!

Kaydi in Honey Girl Waterwear Surfboard fins by Fins Unlimited Photo by Gabeto Fernandez 50 | | wSSm

Weekend warriors probably won’t have as much trouble as those that surf consistently, but I am convinced surfing in halter tops WILL HURT YOU long term, especially large breasted women, or those that spend hours in the surf. Save yourself pain and money, and make the switch!

- Sandra Olson


We’ve gathered together some of our favorite swimwear styles from designers that feature high quality, cross-back comfort. These brands offer an array of prints, tiny-to-full coverage bottoms, and in high quality fabrics that will last several surf seasons. Check them out, and let them know WSSM recommended them to you! HONEY GIRL WATERWEAR CALAVERA | ELLE MER | LOCAL HONEY | CARVE DESIGNS | MI OLA | DKOKO | SALTY SISTA | SENSI GRAVES BIKINIS MAKENA SURFWEAR | KARU | COSTA BIKINIS |


Christina in Dkoko Swimwear Surfboard Fins by Fins Unlimited Photo by Gabeto Fernandez

LIFESTYLE . . . Physical Health Mi Ola


Top: Ring Back in True Red Bottoms: Striped Boyshort in Rasta Website:

Top: Tangi in Paradise Purple Bottoms: Waitiki Reversible in Paradise Purple Website:

52 | | wSSm

Honeygirl Waterwear

Honeygirl Waterwear

Top: Nikki Reversible Sport Top in Red/Black Bottoms: Heather Reversible in Red/Black Website:

Top: Jaimie Reversible Sport Top in Melia Plum Bottoms: Alina ReversibleFull Bottom in Melia Plum Website: Surfboard: www.waveridingvehiclescom


Cross Backs Photos by Gabeto Fernandez wSSm | | 53

LIFESTYLE . . . Physical Health Honeygirl Waterwear


Top: Waimea Reversible Brazilian in Melia Turquoise Bottoms:Traci Reversible in Melia Turquoise Website:

Top: Caribe Surf in Kaleidoscope/Leaf Bottoms: Surf Warrior in Kaleidoscope/Leaf Website:

54 | | wSSm

Salty Sista Top: Cami Cross Back Tie in Thunderstorm/Ocean Bottoms: American Zipper Pocket in Thunderstorm/Ocean Website:

Honeygirl Waterwear Top: Jules Reversible Sport in Melia Navy Bottoms: Traci Brazilian Reversible in Melia Navy Website:


Cross Backs Photos by Gabeto Fernandez wSSm | | 55

LIFESTYLE . . . Physical Health Honeygirl Waterwear

Costa Bikinis

Top: Sushi Sport Reversible in Conch Lagoon Bottoms: Alina Reversible in Conch Lagoon Website:

Top: Costa Blanca Reversible Triangle in Ocean Blue Bottoms: Costa del Sol in Ocean Blue Website:


Cross Backs

56 | | wSSm

Photos by Gabeto Fernandez

LIFESTYLE . . . Living Thrifty

3 ways to by Sandra Olson

Wear It

Clothing should be functional. Not every single piece in your wardrobe of course, but if you can mix and match an item, dressing it up or down, and are always looking for new and exciting ways to wear it, you’ll find a lot more enjoyment and satisfaction in your wardrobe, regardless of how big or small. So go ahead... Indulge your creative side!


Dona Jo Soft to the touch and body conforming, these leggings feature a 1” waistband for comfort, and look great for working out, a luncheon, or out to dinner. Shown in Rainforest, these bright blue, pink, yellow, and green leggings with black stripes and scales will make you feel refreshed and upbeat, no matter what you wear them with!


Casual & Comfy Dress the leggings down as you get ready for your morning yoga, surf check, stroll... whatever you do to get your day going right. Get decked out in these comfy leggings, a super soft and stretchy top by Zensah, and your favorite slippers- all you need to feel and look great. top: “Zensah Long Sleeve Running Shirt” is breathable and seamless so as to prevent chafing, is super comfortable, ULTRA soft and body hugging. Perfect for yoga, running, or just hanging out in, the reflective back details make those early morning or late night activities safer, and the thumbholes add warmth while keeping the sleeves from riding up. By Zensah, shown in Heather Purple. 58 | | wSSm

Sandra at Leftovers, having the time of her life

Out to Lunch Dress it up JUST a little, with a strappy tank by The Om Collection, adorable clutch and everyday watch. Pull your hair up into a casual up-do and don a pair of beautiful beach earrings for more pizazz. top (above): This reversible tank laces up the back for an elegant open back look that offers support to the chest with its built-in bra top. It is adjustable for different bra sizes, and fitted through the body while being super supportive because it is two full layers- and reversible, making it two shirts in one. By The Om Collection and shown in purple/slate cerulean blue. shoes: Comfortable, rubber sandals inspired by the classic 5,000 year old wooden sandal worn by Mahatma Gandhi. Gurus are designed to be functional and comfortable without losing the uniqueness

and tradition of the original. Made from natural latex that is hand-harvested from rubber trees in a process that can continue daily for 25 years without harming the tree. By using this natural instead of synthetic rubber, Gurus are more eco-friendly than other sandals. earrings: Beautiful, teardrop shell earrings with black pearls, handmade in Hawaii by Lino Life. ( | Instagram: linolife E: watch: “Bamboo Dial Green Swarovski Cork Strap” from Sprout Watches, an ecofriendly company. clutch: “Wristlet” from the Cork Collection. Cork is the new leather! Lightweight, water resistant and all natural, from Calypso Studios (

Noon Photos by Gabeto Fernandez

Dinner Date A pair of sexy black heels, and a pretty necklace combined with a stylish poncho are all that’s needed to dress up these sexy leggings for a night out. top: “California Dreamin’ Poncho” is another WSSM favorite due to its many possible uses. This ultra soft poncho is made from a luxurious Jersey Modal blend and provides ultimate coverage from the sun’s harmful rays. Wear it to the beach over a bathing suit or match it with your favorite pair of jeans or leggings for an evening out. By SPF Addict. necklace: “Sun Dust” necklace, handcrafted by a survivor of modern-day slavery by Purpose Jewelry, consists of cascading brass chains and delicate brass petals. At 28” long, this is a stunning statement piece.

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LIFESTYLE . . . Life and Learning



by Scott Cuttre

Surfing is the only thing I’ve ever loved. Surfing can frustrate me to no end and at the same time be the only thing in the world that comforts me. Surfing, in one moment can make me pound my chest, but in the next make me hang my head. Surfing delivers my only feeling of camaraderie, but at the same time celebrates my loneliness. Surfing, and only surfing, conjures emotions within me. Emotions which concede the idea that maybe just maybe I’m a part of something bigger.


Tips & Tricks

HOW TO SIT / BALANCE ON A LONGBOARD Legs relaxed to the sides, allow your feet to swing freely underneath you as the board floats you. Don’t try to keep the board balanced by gripping it with your thighs or knees, as this is a losing battle. Simply go with the rhythm of the ocean and allow the board to float you. No forcing, just allow your hips to sway to the rhythm of the sea as you pull your shoulders back and lift your chest. PERFECT POSTURE When you’re in the lineup, in the beginning just sitting on your board is going to require a lot of practice. You will get it though if you keep trying, and eventually will most likely progress to the point of slouching as you wait for the sets. This is a bad habit!

Surfing also makes me aware. Aware that I belong to an exclusive group.

Sitting up straight allows for:

A group that knows the feeling of having the earth move us rather than us moving on the earth.

u Encourages effective oxygen flow throughout your body as

Blessed or depressed, the search for that feeling is what keeps me coming back. The hope and possibility of capturing these feelings makes me believe I just might belong... somewhere.

u Reduced pressure on the spine

you breath more easily and naturally u Creates a positive and empowering mental space that makes

you feel stronger (and braver) u Allows the shoulder blades to relax backward, activating your

core and stabilizing you on your board while also reversing the “surfer shoulder syndrome” in which your chest and shoulder muscles over-develop in the forward motion, pulling your shoulders unnaturally into your chest, inhibiting breathing

Kaydi Archer

Wilderness, Puerto Rico | Photo Buffy Archer

When we say we use REAL surfers for our models in the WSSM Fashion Guide... We’re serious! This is “Little Kaydi” as we affectionately call her, charging Wilderness in Puerto Rico. The swell was still rising, and she was the only girl out with a bunch of locals. Peluca, owner of Aloha Surf School, was her big wave guide this evening, and took her straight to the peak- exactly where she wanted to be! We’re so proud of our little surfer girl... not only is she beautiful... She CHARGES! 60 | | wSSm

Surf Stoked . . . Mexico

Baja WEEKENDERS Words By: Laura Wolfgang | Photos By: Damian Davila ( Manny Vargas ( | More Info:


e meet as the sun is rising at an obscure parking lot near the San Diego airport. Nine strangers scatter their weekend bags and surfboards as our guide and photographer, Manny Vargas turns the chaos into neat stacks in designated places. We then head towards the border and the giant waving red, green and white flag welcoming us in. We pass through the gates to enter into an old world with a fog of sulfur insulting our nostrils, and signs of immense poverty aching our hearts. We are on our way for a girls’ weekend in Baja!

Our first stop is to pick up another photographer, Damian Davila, who instantly gets the attention of the girls. I remember hearing from one of the girls later that she would “like to do her laundry on his abs”. Hmm, totally doable, but let’s refocus. A few street burrito’s later and we are at our first surf spot of the day, a little break called Raul’s. Rocky bottom, but with a corduroy of waves rolling in: quite appealing to these surfers. But first, potty breaks in the bushes, as the carpeted outhouse just didn’t seem 62 | | wSSm

posh enough to start the day. A sense of purpose now engulfs the group. Wetsuits are squeezed into, fins plugged into their slots, then a quick jaunt down to the beach to navigate the waves and the rocks. Voila! We are now in Mexican waters and there has been no sign of the cartel to drag us away. Whew, let’s catch some waves! Lucky me, I get to milk the first smooth gentle wave for everything I could get out of it. Magic. The rest of the girls are all taking their positions on the multiple peaks and now it’s game on. Some are even squeezing some boys off the main peak at the point – a little charm, smile, wink, and the waves are ours for the taking. (So it didn’t happen that way). I guess it really wasn’t necessary to drop in on the guy that was hogging all of the waves; he was out-numbered and would have eventually caved in to the pressure of these surfing sirens. Damian in the water and Manny up on the hill capture the action as we all revel in the constant glassy march of surf that is unattended by any other surfers for as far as we could see. And why do we only come down here quarterly? Oh yeah, we are waiting to be the kidnapped Americans in this corrupt,

impoverished country. Hand me a Tecate and I’ll drink to that. After three hours of constant paddling, pop-ups and cruising, it was time to pack the van and revitalize with some amazing fish tacos. Did I say “amazing” fish tacos? Oh yeah! A quick nap after we check in to our hotel and time for round two. We cruise the nearby surf spots, but decide to head back to Raul’s. Tide is out and the waves are a bit beefier. Much easier to navigate the rocks and incoming waves, but booties are a good call. Quite the fashion statement with a shortie and hat, but there is no one else around to witness this eyesore of surf fashion. Another bonus of empty line-ups! Oh, forgot about the camera. Hmmmpf. Fashion aside, the girls are ripping! There is something to be said about the grace and beauty of a woman skimming and working a wave. Gliding on the glass with afternoon light glowing off the water, a soft breeze brushing your face and pelicans hydroplaning is like an other-wordly experience. A rarity in our crowded Southern California breaks. Muscles are aching and stomachs are growling. The tide is dampening and the sun is

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Surf Stoked . . . Mexico going down. Time to grind! We head back to the hotel and this group of gals was showered and ready to gnarf in record time. The dangling carrot? An amazing lobster, rice and beans dinner with the most scrumptious tortillas I have ever sunk my teeth into. A hokey, but very good live band at the hotel bar closes the night before the mosquitoes dance in our dreams. Before you know it, it’s time for dawn patrol. The surf is smaller in the south and shore pounding in the north. As we were getting a little disappointed, we drive by an old favorite, Schoolbus, and see a little spark of action building. But first, we must take a good look at the well-known K38, just in case. This proves to be small, rocky and not too promising. Jesus is standing over us with his arms open and inviting, but the waves are not conceding. Even the newly named V jay-jay peak (thanks Tiffany) is not taunting us. Ok, we are all estrogen driven, but we are always hopeful for some good V jay-jay action. Back to Schoolbus it is and it pays off. Now the short-boarders in the group are salivating. Faster, steeper, consistent, glassy (yes, again with the glassy) peaks and a big enough break to be shared by all is calling to us. What more could a girl want? We worked these waves until the tide changed and they were no longer workable. This was a good time to make our exit and leave the surf while we were still high on the success of 9 hours of surfing in a 24 hour period. We check out of our hotel, flush our last paperless toilets and have our last feast and shot of tequila before heading back to the border. We hesitatingly drop Damian off at his home and dread the hours anticipated with the border crossing. We pass back through the fog of sulfur and see the vendors ahead, awaiting the captured audience of annoyed drivers. New border gates allowed us rapid passage and less money spent along the crossing on trinkets we would give as white elephant gifts later. Buyer’s remorse comes to mind. Manny unloads the van and smiles his goodbyes with his sparkling eyes and dimpled cheeks. We are all safe after surfing our butts off, eating until we were ready to explode, drinking until we burped like longshoremen, and are already planning our next excursion back. The empty breaks beckon us back. The kindness and generosity we experienced by the locals, memorable. The pictures taken by Manny and Damian do not make us melancholy, they make us driven to return, to create more memories, make new friends, and push more boys off the peaks. F 64 | | wSSm

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Surf Stoked . . . Mexico

Surfing in

High Heels

By Kiersa Brenner, | Photos by Nacho Gutierrez


love surfing! It invigorates your mind and keeps you focused on the task at hand. In this case, my focus was to stand up on the surfboard in high heels… Before heading down to Cozumel, I decided to check if there were any surf spots on the island to explore. I came across titled ‘Cozumel Surfing with Nacho’. On his website, he has some great pictures of surfing while doing headstands. I thought, “Now this is who I want to surf with, because he has fun!” I gave him a call and talked with his wife, Katie. I told her I was looking for a nice beach break, because I was looking for an opportunity to tweak my skills and have some fun. She had the perfect spot at Playa Bonita on the east side of the island. I told her that I wanted to try surfing in high heels. She laughed and said, “If you do, then we have to document this with the Go Pro!” We ended up on the phone for an hour and became friends immediately. She is from Minneapolis, so we had a lot of stories to share. I spent a few days surfing with Nacho at Play Bonita and afterward enjoyed a great meal at the Beach Shake Restaurant. I still hadn’t tried surfing in my heels, due to weather conditions. The day before, I left I was on the west side of the island at Playa Azul. Katie called me and said, “We are going surfing in an hour and the waves are perfect! It’s time to bring your high heels!” We got to the beach right at twilight. It was the perfect lighting for the entire scene. We had a blast walking on the beach carrying the surfboards, strategizing how we’re going to get the boards out past

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the line up with my high heels on. Katie waded in the water with the Go Pro while Nacho and I paddled out to the break. I caught the first wave in my high heels. It was so much fun and exhilarating! I couldn’t believe how easy it was and I couldn’t stop laughing the entire time we were in the water. It was so much fun! Also, I found it easier to walk on the rocky ocean floor with my high heels rather my bare feet. You can take the girl out of the city, but you can’t take the city out of the girl! Overall, it was a beautiful experience with new great friends. It was the last full moon of 2014, which was a perfect way to close out the year! Anyone, traveling to Cozumel should surf with Nacho. He is a great surf guide and can teach all ages. To think, all my surfing started just a little over a year ago with WSSM! We have a great video made by Cozumel Surfing on YouTube titled: Kiersa’s High Heel Surfing with: Cozumel Surfing/Nacho Gutierrez Check it out!! F

- Kiersa Brenner

reader submitted Surf Photos Above: Amanda is the daughter of Macao Surf Camp´s director, Rafael Ferreras. She´s currently 5 years old and she´s been surfing since she was 4 years old. Photo by: Rodolfo Pillier from Macao Surfoto. Top Right: Exquisite photography of the surfer girl lifestyle in Florida, by Dana Bryan. Middle: Mila Zoe Santiago Redondo, daughter of Peluca Ramon Eduardo Santiago, champion surfer of Puerto Rico. At 6 years old, she is clearly following in her fathers footsteps! Below: Sheryl Irizarry Rodriguez, at her favorite beach, Playa Jobos, Puerto Rico, enjoying a small wave day on her longboard.

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Surf Stoked . . . Peru

ABOUT GRACE: “I’m a Scottish teacher and translator who has worked, volunteered, surfed and studied in Peru. I’m currently living in the Basque Country.” Grace Chinn, enjoying a morning session

The Waves Are Waiting in

Huanchaco, Peru

By Grace Chinn | Photos by James Vybiral


local surfer and fisherman’s son once told me, “The best thing about Huanchaco is that the waves wait for you”. Take off on just one Huanchaco wave and you’ll discover that he is absolutely right and that surfing in Huanchaco is indeed a joy for the mellow-wave hunter. It’s not just the long lefts which are in no hurry; there’s no such thing as being in a rush in Huanchaco, a town which drifts along to its own beat.

If, like me, you first arrive to Huanchaco at daybreak and the ocean is still tucked in tight under a thick blanket of fog, you’d be forgiven for thinking you’d arrived at the end of the world: an eerie ghost town perched on the edge of the desert as it tips into the Pacific, a place where salt taints the air and stray dogs wander the otherwise-deserted streets. As the fog lifts mid-morning, and life starts to creep out of the woodwork, Huanchaco awakes from its slumber and gradually transforms into fisherman’s town-come-surfers’ haven. In Huanchaco 68 | | wSSm

what you see is what you get. On further inspection Huanchaco reveals many alter-egos: volunteering hotspot, weekend getaway for city-dwellers, a place to make art and music and meet like-minded souls. Huanchaco means something different for everyone who passes by. And now more than ever, people pass by. Huanchaco, once seen as a convenient place to break the long journey from Lima to Ecuador and beyond, is now a stopover on the gringo trail as well as on the surfer’s path. When word of long mellow lefts, delectable seafood and good times for all trickled out, Huanchaco earned its stripes as an outright surf destination. Many return. Some never leave. While it might not offer a wave of world-class quality - you’ll be pushed to get a cover up here – its consistency is almost infallible. In the two years I spent in Huanchaco, I counted three ‘flat’ days, on two of which there were longboarders out catching waves. On the only real flat day, I went swimming and felt a bit lost. It occurred to me that Huanchaco isn’t quite sure who it is without its waves, and with

Huanchaco Fiesta de San Pedro

Traditional dance culture

Huanchaco- the 5th International World Surf Reserve Caroline Warwick-Evans, artist and co-owner of the Cornish Seaweed Company, planted the seed for Huanchaco’s WSR application. It was back in November 2011 that a number of concerns were raised, ranging from the rubbish deposited that washes up onto the beach after every tide, to the ever smaller catches that the fishermen were landing on a beach that was slipping away by the day. These concerns sparked meetings which in turn led to the formation of a Stewardship Council made up of a range of local and national characters. In early 2013, after countless meetings and the collection of thousands of signatures, Huanchaco finally received its just recognition as the 5th International WSR. The council are now collaborating with the Save the Waves Coalition to develop a set of plans on both a local and national level to ensure that Huanchaco remains sustainable in the true sense of the word. Personally, I’m just happy to have helped shape a sustainable future for this super sweet place that holds a lot of good memories for a lot of good people.

Sarah Beardmore Don/Senor Ucañan - grandfather of one of the largest and oldest pre- Incan fishing families

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The locals are always super welcoming

Surf Reserve crew, with the author, Grace Chinn, in the purple shirt

‘Pulpo’ keeping the fishing tradition alive whilst surfing

“My first reason for staying in Peru was the incredible waves. The reason why I’m still here is the lifestyle that’s possible in Huanchaco: surfing every day, because the waves are so consistent and only 2 minutes away from my hostel. I am working with my family around me, and meeting lots of new and interesting people who share the same interest. I love how everyone here is an entrepreneur and work is a part of everyday life and not just something you do while you are waiting for the weekend to come. In the same way that surfing is a lifestyle, not just a sport to build up muscles. I envisage a really great future for this country on so many levels and I’m definitely going to stick around to witness it. It’s an exciting time to be in Peru.” -- Saara Velander Saara, originally from Finland, runs Surf Hostal Meri and her husband is local board shaper Yenth Ccora.

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Saara on a misty morning Owner of Hostel Meri and godmother to all Kane Ramos, keeping the caballito de totora tradition going with the sport of surfing

Badassery never looked so good.

When you feel good inside, you look even better on the outside. With the help of Bikini Ready ®, a line of yummy protein shakes and weight loss supplements, you’ll be turning heads in and out of the water. It’s a lifestyle; live it. Christa Alves Professional Surfer


*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Results may vary. Use in conjunction with an intense daily exercise program and a balanced diet including an adequate caloric intake.

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Surf Stoked . . . Peru

Maya from Finland Sunset Caballito

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Walking to the Wave

Surf Spirit

good reason. In the wake of becoming a World Surf Reserve in 2013, and local Benoit ‘Piccolo’ Clemente winning the World Longboarding title that same year, Huanchaco’s connection to its surfing roots are stronger than ever. As the birthplace of the caballito de totora, reed boats used for fishing and one of the earliest forms of surfing, this connection dates back over 3,000 years. While this formed the backbone of Huanchaco’s World Surf Reserve application, it was the incredible support from the community which was the driving force behind its success.

Caroline, who set up the surf reserve

Peruvian landscape

Caroline’s Art TIRED OF SURFING?

Here are some other great things to check out while in Huanchaco:

The town’s new-found status has helped unite an already close-knit community of surfers and fishermen who share the same goals: protect their culture, their waves and their coast, which together form the lifesource of Huanchaco. With its eyes looking onwards to a promising tomorrow, but its feet firmly planted in the past, Huanchaco is a place of contradictions. As you sit on your board at the end of the day and take in the sight of the sun bleeding pink into the Pacific Ocean, it might seem that you’ve found a place where time stands still. But there’s an excited buzz in Huanchaco and it’s here to stay. F

- Grace Chinn

v Marvel at the events of the Dance of the Devil festival which

is held every five years in February and celebrates the Patron Saint Virgen del Soccoro.

v Volunteer with one of the many local NGOs to give something

back to the community whilst on your surf trip. (www.otracosa. org,, v Visit the archaeological sites of Huacas del Sol y de la Luna and

Chan Chan for a cultural fix in between surfs. (, v Try Peru’s signature dish, ceviche- fish ‘cooked’ in lime and chilli

and served with sweet potato, yucca and corn. v Take a ride over the waves on a caballito de totora- fisherman’s

reed boat.

Fancy a surf trip?

Super-consistent Huanchaco is a great surf base in Peru, but if the swell’s right, check out the following spots: v Chicama- With rides of up to 2km long, Chicama claims the

title of the longest left in the world. If you get it when it’s firing, you won’t forget it in a hurry. v Lobitos- This desert outpost is a barrel wonderland that was

firmly put on the map by its inclusion in the film Castles in the Sky in 2010. wSSm | | 73

Surf Stoked . . . South Africa


South Africa: Up & Coming GROMS

Words by Gina Smith Photos by Greg Chapman

I’ve always found women’s surfing to be a beautiful and graceful sport. When you add three young surfer girls to the mix, the sport becomes exciting, spunky and full of energy. Our South African coastline is full of charming young girls who surf incredibly well. It’s amazing for me to see how surfing is truly a lifestyle that can be adapted to any age, personality, shape, gender or size. Without further delay, I’d like to introduce three of our shining young surfer girl stars - Sophie Bell, Zoë Smith and Olivia Izzard - who have fully embraced the surfing lifestyle and have a world of fun with it. - Gina Smith


eigning from Kwa-Zulu Natal, Sophie is our blue eyed, freckled beauty with white-blonde hair and impeccable manners. At 14, she may appear simply sweet, but that all changes when she is in the water. Sophie has a very polished style and pulls off some massive turns at a very young age. She is one of the bravest girls I have seen and has no problem charging in solid conditions - in fact, she is at home riding 6ft waves and getting absolutely smashed! A finely tuned competitive surfer with some good results under her belt, Sophie is a force to be reckoned with, and an absolute pleasure on land and in the sea.

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You are well known for being a local little charger in SA. Do you enjoy the challenge of bigger waves? Do you ever get really scared? Well, I guess growing up on the north coast and starting to surf at Tinley with the boys made me used to big waves. I surf better in the bigger waves and do prefer it, but I don’t mind small waves. Ha-ha. When my dad isn’t on the Jet Ski while it is big, I do sometimes get scared. Tell me a bit about growing up in Ballito. Growing up in Ballito (40 minute drive from Durban) has been the best. It’s kind of like a family; everyone that surfs is pretty close, as well as our parents. Everyone pushes everyone to surf better and go bigger. Every Sunday we normally have a seafood Braai where we all feast out and surf all day. I think it’s pretty cool.

Sophie Bell Mozambique is my favorite place! With warm water, young people, and cooking waves. It is such a chilled place! I love going there with friends and family and I go a lot because it is so close to us. What was your worst wipeout? My worst wipeout was definitely at Tinley about 2 years ago. All the boys made it over a really big set, but I just got caught and was held under for so long that I came out vomiting. If you could wake up having gained any one ability, what would it be? I would want to be able to fly! I’ve always wanted to, I would be able to go anywhere for free! You recently won SA juniors and qualified to represent SA at the World Junior games. How does it feel and how are you planning to prepare? I was so happy to make the SA team. But I’ve already started to train, I go coaching twice a week in Durban and go to a personal trainer. I enjoy it and I’m so excited to go to California. If you could invite any one person to dinner, who would it be? Hmmm. Probably this guy I follow on Instagram- Jay Alvarez, just because he seems cool and he’s quite good looking, haha. Or Kelly Slater, so he could talk to me and give me some wise words.

What are your best results? I really like doing competitions. Some of my best results so far is winning my division at SA champs twice, winning back to back contests at the RVCA junior series and then placing first in the Billabong junior series. If you aren’t surfing what are you doing? If I’m not surfing I am usually at school or with friends on a weekend. You go to Mozambique fairly often, what is it that you love about the place? wSSm | | 75

Surf Stoked . . . South Africa

3 A

South Africa: Up & Coming GROMS

Words by Gina Smith Photos by Greg Chapman

goofy foot ripper from Jeffrey’s Bay; she is also my little sister! Having grown up surfing some of the best right-handers in the world, her backhand attack is dangerous. At 14, Zoë’s surfing has recently really started to come together nicely as she is surfing with a ton of power and flow. She is the most bubbly and happy person you will meet and will befriend pretty much anyone. Funny, quirky, and outgoing are but a few words to describe her. Zoë, big sister Emma, and I are all extremely close and nothing brings me more joy than surfing with my lovely sisters. The surfing lifestyle is truly something that will bond us for life. She is intelligent and incredibly beautiful - but watch out surfer boys, her big sisters are always close behind!

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What is it like growing up with 2 older sisters who surf and compete? Growing up with 2 older sisters has its ups and downs, but it’s definitely amazing to have two role models as sisters who I get along really well with and who help me with everything. What is the definition of a perfect day for you? A perfect day would be doing all the things I find funsurfing with the people I love, followed by good food and laughs with friends.

Zoe Smith

Best results? Semi finals at SA Champs, 3rd place at the Billabong Junior last year and being chosen as a reserve for the South African team. Having qualified as a reserve for the SA team going to worlds, do you one day wish to make the team that competes? Yes, I definitely want to have the honor of being able to represent my country at World Games. Other passions and hobbies? I love horse riding, baking, hanging out with friends and doing fun things outdoors. Top 3 favorite songs right now? The draw - Bastille, Depth over Distance - Ben Howard, Sedated Hozier If you could wake up tomorrow having gained one ability what would it be? That’s a hard one - I’d love to wake up being Clark Kent! Tell us a joke. What do you call a fake noodle? An impasta. Favorite thing about surfing? It’s just so much fun! Surfing is always different and I love being able to be in God’s creation and surfing with dolphins! One word that describes women surfing? Unique

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Surf Stoked . . . South Africa

3 T

South Africa: Up & Coming GROMS

Words by Gina Smith Photos by Greg Chapman

he youngest of the trio at 13, but lacks nothing in personality and surfing ability. Livvy is the cutest thing with her doll face, dark hair, and dimpled smile. She often appears to just be floating through life in her own little world! She is, however very much with it and is a popular, funny and interesting little lady. Her surfing is much like herself: classy, innovative and all round stylish. She has a great ability to read waves and link together some good maneuvers. She is also from Kwa-Zulu Natal and fits right into the surfing scene.

What are your favorite conditions to surf in? I love it when the waves are not too big, but also not too small. What is your most embarrassing moment? When I fell face first off a trampoline. What are your best results? Qualifying to make the South African team. How will you train for World Games representing South Africa?

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Olivia Izzard I am doing fitness training and surfing as much as possible. Who is your favorite surfer and why? Mick Fanning because he does every maneuver well. How did you start surfing? My dad taught me. What are your other passions and hobbies? I play hockey. What grade are you in at school? Do you enjoy school? I am in Grade 8 at Crawford North Coast and I enjoy being at school to be with my friends, but I don’t enjoy the work! What is your favorite thing about surfing? Being able to express myself. What is your favorite food? Sushi and toast. F

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Photo by: Barb Silvagni

going and compatible with my busy lifestyle. Sponsors: Stewart Surfboards have been one of the best sponsors providing quality boards under my feet. Bill Stewart is a friend, mentor, legend, and all around positive influence in my life. He continues to amaze me with his craftsmanship and I enjoy spending time learning more about surfboard design through him. Hot Wax Surf Shop in Wilmington, North Carolina has been sponsoring me for close to 4 years now. Michael Paul took an interest in my surfing and continues to support me through all the fun I have competing in one of the best sports, surfing! Kulcha Shok Muzik has been my longest, supporting sponsor for my surfing career. Lanceo met me in Jupiter, Florida at the Jupiter Fall Classic surf contest and he has always bent over backwards to support every year in order for me to compete globally. I enjoy his friendship and all the reggae music I get to listen to keep the positive vibes flowing. Favorite quote: ” Go big, or GO home!”

My Dream Girl: I I look for someone that is out-

rhymes because its my time to shine!

Favorite Music Before Surfing: I like to bust

Countries Surfed: Maldives, Fiji, Australia, France, Brazil, Japan, China, Indonesia, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Panama, Mexico, Sri Lanka, Italy. Favorite Wave: Glassy, peeling right hand point breaks with chest to head high surf conditions. Favorite Maneuver: Hanging Ten through a critical section is always fun! Dream Maneuver: Hanging heels backwards going through a tube. I hope on accident this happens one day!

9’0” Stewart Surfboards CMP model, 9’2” Tipster handshape poly, 6’0” Stewart Duece Model, 5’10” Stewart Shortboard Squash tail all shaped by Bill Stewart. I have some special nostalgic longboard gems too!

Age: 28 | Years Surfing: 23 Home Break: Hamlet Avenue, Carolina Beach Current Quiver:




Community . . . Industry

Meet the Designers Patented adjustable waist boardshorts

Just Bones Boardwear tradeshow booth

Fitting for Just Bones Girls line

Boardshorts: Hanalei

Photo: Michael Rovnyak MJR Photography

Jennifer Weisman

designer & founder of

Just Bones Boardwear MY SURFING ROOTS

We use fabrics that are super comfortable for surfing, other water sports or just hanging out all day, the essence of lifestyle apparel. We use quick-dry microfiber for our hybrid boardshorts and 4-way stretch for ultimate comfort and surfing performance.


Yes, the demand for women’s sizing has been tremendous, so we are working on developing an exclusive line of boardshorts for women. The Just Bones Boardwear™ girls/junior collection has been performing extremely well and our buyers continue to tell us that women are asking for the same great fitting adjustable boardshorts in their size.

When my twin sons were in the 5th grade, I was frustrated shopping yet again for something that didn’t exist in the marketplace - boardshorts that fit growing boys. I was determined to fill that niche. As I had studied textile design at FIT, I set out to create boardshorts that would fit boys of all shapes and sizes which didn’t have to be tailored. To my surprise, local moms and buyers at stores thought this idea was ingenious and Just Bones Boardwear™ (named after one of my boys) took off. Responding to huge demand for boardshorts for other genders and additional sizes,we developed lines for toddlers, girls and men. So many things will inspire the prints and colors we use. I love fabrics from studying textiles and enjoy creating prints and designs that aren’t generic.

MY TOP 3 FAVORITE ASPECTS IN MY DESIGNS 1. They adjust to provide everyone with the perfect fit. 2. The adjustable waistband is hidden and therefore many people don’t even realize it’s there. 3. The adjustable waist is super comfortable and works great for all water activities ~ our boardshorts really don’t fall down! 82 | | wSSm


I surf a little, but I snowboard better because I get the chance to do that more often. I got into surfing because I thought if I’m going to sell boardshorts, I should learn to surf! My kids and I took surfing lessons together at Goofy Foot, a surf school in Lahaina, Maui, while on vacation, and we all learned on longboards.



We have sponsored both surf contests and community outreach programs. We have donated boardshorts to charities in need, as well. Giving back is always important. Just Bones Boardwear™ donated boardshorts and sponsored at the Tommy Tant Memorial Surf Classic. We have also sponsored at Kidsfest NYC and Kidsfest Hamptons, which 100% of the proceeds go to Free Arts NYC. We sponsored the Masters at the Belmar Pro 2014 and are sponsors at the Belmar Pro again for the upcoming September 2015 event!


I hope Just Bones Boardwear™ continues to grow as a lifestyle brand producing unique, quality surf apparel. We will also continue our dedication to charitable programs.

LEARN MORE & PURCHASE A PAIR! Facebook: Twitter: @JustBonesBW F


When I was a little girl, I saw bright vibrant colors around me on a daily basis. There was no such thing as gray in my eyes and I definitely didn’t see the difference between people other than their own quirky personal ways of doing and saying things. I didn’t see skin color as a “separation” among us, but rather as a product of God’s paintbrush. I didn’t see body types as an opportunity of judgment, but rather as an eclectic array of lines filled with souls. I believe ART is what dodges the punches of society and brings humanity back to ground zero - reminding us why we’re all really here. For as long as I can remember, I have needed art like oxygen. However, for me, the difference between air and art is that I am more conscious of the need for art. This is because art is something that we must create and if we don’t create it, then it may run out (which is a very scary thought!). I think Artists and Designers are “messy” because their creations take priority over everything else - it just feels like we can’t quite move and produce fast enough... Every single day I wake up extremely thirsty for either continuing the evolution of my artwork and designs that have already taken root and/or for inventing something completely fresh! Attempting to thoroughly quench this thirst, I began The L.A.B. About four years ago, I set out to craft a grass-rooted brand name as “a place where creative things happen.” From the ground up, “The L.A.B.” began with a dual meaning: first, “L. A. B.” are my initials, acting as my signature for all of my creative freelance work. Second, I added “The” at the beginning of L.A.B., making it “The LAB,” which is a great description of an “experimental ground” - and that’s exactly how any brand gets started. “Trial and Error.” I create art with so much purpose that I feel obliged to share these purposes immediately - to the point of wanting people to wear them. This is why most of my art develops into fashion. I remember starting to sketch little fashion designs around the age of eight. As soon as I started, I never stopped. I consciously walked straight down the path leading towards a fashion design career. After obtaining a Bachelor’s in Apparel Design, I quickly went on to work for a handful of fashion brands in the corporate world. I lived and worked in cities that made up my bedroom wall paper as a little girl: Paris, France and New York City. I lived my childhood dreams of what a “fashion designer” should be rather quickly. As an adult, I realized that my next set of dreams would start with The L.A.B. Ironically, I traveled back to the dirt roads of Georgia to create something larger than myself. And that’s where I’m at now: in the middle of developing a fashion label “for the dream-chasers and free-spirits.”


Inspiration runs in my blood. I come from a good ole’ grass-rooted, extremely hard-working, southern family, where entrepreneurship isn’t something that is trendy or fun; it is a way of life and failure is just not an option. Period. My grandmothers are extremely strong and creative women; and I believe my grandfathers anchored all of my family by rolling up their sleeves and working with their hands. I am inspired as soon as my eyes open in the morning. The most beautiful thing about life to me is that every day is unique from yesterday, yet we can all bank on the fact that the sun will rise in the morning! So I’ll start by saying - “sunshine” is my biggest inspiration! Actually, it may be a tie between the sun and the ocean. The beach is truly where my soul lies, so I can relate to the surfer

the L.A.B. designer & founder

Lindsey A. Barnett

community with this specific connection. There’s really no words to describe what the beach, ocean, and sun do for my emotional well-being. I thirst for the beach lifestyle like I thirst for art. I’m also inspired by other places and events where people blatantly choose to come together and be purely and simply happy; i.e., music festivals! I love traveling to different festivals to meet people, thrive with their energy and retail The L.A.B. brand.


I. The Revival-Wrap. This is a story-telling innovation - love is wrapped up in every ounce of this design. Although it is not “pen to paper,” it is equally filled with organic art. No matter how large this entity will go and no matter how many pieces will be hand-crafted, it’s not the quantity that lives in my heart - it’s the story. And for that reason, not only is it a favorite design, but it is also an ever-evolving creation because I’m always fine-tuning the details of the Wraps - the process, the materials, etc. In this moment, I don’t see an end of completion in sight for The Revival-Wrap and for that reason, it has to be my top favorite! II. My tree graphic has got to get some recognition on my list of current favorites! It’s such a great symbol of life and growth. That graphic started with a painting inspired by my first Bonnaroo show in 2014, and it really rooted a new slogan for my brand: “Be strong. Be True. Be Free.”


Photo: Amy Pursifull Photography

I hand cut all of the crop tops and fringe tees in my collection. I hand cut on the spot at festivals for people... it sometimes turns into a collaborative effort. The customers get to add their own opinion and that’s beautiful, because then it really truly is no longer only my art. I try to create as much “one-of-a-kind” experiences as possible within my brand; which is hard to do as The L.A.B. grows, but I welcome the challenge! I think this approach is what definitely makes me different from potential competitors. Even on a mass production level, I’m still finding ways to bring a sense of unique personality and customized pieces to my customers.


“Lola” was the first Revival-Wrap sketch and now is an icon on the tags

I’m always looking for ways to support other small businesses and/or individuals around the Atlanta area. I love employing women at domestic abuse shelters to create The Revival-Wraps - it is truly a rewarding experience. Other than the ladies, I also enjoy finding small sponsorships to participate in as well. For example, I recently sponsored a little girl scout by purchasing a ton of girl scout cookies from her and then I just give them away to folks that purchase L.A.B. fashion from me at festivals!


I am living day by day. I really have no idea what the future holds for me, except that there will be trials, tribulations, celebrations and success! The entities that I plan on growing at a high priority include fresh design work, a L.A.B. team of peoplepossibly a small army, and a solid location. My design work will always reflect the imperfections and changes in life, as well as the evolution of innovation. I will continue to aim at pushing “the norm” and encourage people to step outside of the box! As an artist, through my work, I am constantly seeking to exemplify a life full of high vibration and positive energy. I have huge fashion and accessory designs on the cusp of production - it’s just a matter of the right resources and the right timing. I also plan to continue progressing in the extra gigs that help fuel my fire like yoga, writing, and travel. F


Find all current L.A.B. info at: instagram: @labcreator wSSm | | 83

Community . . .

Photos by Koakai

Meet the Designers of “KOAKAI” by Beka Shane Denter


met sisters Crystal Soukoreff and Erica Craig, the creators of KOAKAI Supply Co. in the most appropriate of places –in the parking lot at White Rock beach. It was an unusually warm day for early July on the west coast of Canada. The beach was packed with sunbathers and a local crew of SUPS. As I made my way along the promenade, I was distracted by the sight of a VW bus similar to the one I had logged many travel hours in as a young child. The bus belonged to Crystal and Erica, who were setting up shop for the upcoming Canada day celebrations on the beach. With natural surfergirl style, warm, welcoming smiles and a funky 1975 VW decked out with their latest designs, the sisters stood out amongst the other vendors who had set up their goods under more typical tent-covered tables. I was immediately drawn to the unique and laid back vibe of the KOAKAI set up and the simple, stylish designs. KOAKAI, I learn, is a secret gem in a sea of big name brands; where focus is on quality, not quantity. A small, homegrown operation – “we press our hats on the kitchen counter,” explains Erica, “and Crystal’s house serves as a place for production and storage space.”The duo design seasonally; in summer top sellers include tank tops, t-shirts and “high crown” snapback ball caps emblazoned with a golden sunburst wave or a solid splash of color bearing the words, “Aloha, “Local,” and “KOAKAI.” In the fall and winter months, customers can expect an array of hoodies, long sleeves and a colorful collection of the “Everyday beanie.” There’s a selection of styles and sizes for men, women and children, or “little cubs” as noted on their website- The sisters have no plans to expand or place their products in stores anytime soon. They’re not closed to future opportunities. They believe that “what’s missing today is a relationship with the people behind the brand; community really is our main concern here,” explains Erica. Their approach to business and design is, I learn, a natural evolution of their upbringing. Crystal and Erica grew up splitting their time

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between the small beach town of White Rock on Canada’s west coast and the island of Maui, where their paternal grandparents purchased a condominium on the beach in the 1970’s. The family would spend sometimes up to six months of the year on the island. “I wouldn’t have started KOAKAI if it weren’t for Hawaii,” says Erica. Hawaii left a lasting impression. “The Hawaiian islands are a magical place. Once you’ve been, you just think about how you can get back. The air, the locals, the fresh fruit, the warm water... it really is paradise,” adds Crystal. Erica remembers feeling “a little empty when I returned to the mainland.” She especially missed the attitude of local Hawaiians. “I felt like people didn’t look up and smile as much here (in White Rock); they were much more to themselves and things were more uptight. In Maui, you work so you can enjoy “Hawaii Nei” (Beloved Hawaii) and you do whatever you can to preserve it.” The inspiration behind KOAKAI can also be attributed to the sister’s early experiences of local swap meets on the island. Crystal remembers a brand called Maui Built. “This brand started out with a guy and a shack and grew to be something you can only get if you go to Maui. We love the exclusivity of that and the fact that it’s all about representing the local area; they are proud of their place.” Erica expands, “We’ve got a super rad spot here and people are stoked once you talk to them about it, but there wasn’t any local goods being produced for people to rep the area. That’s where we saw market opportunity for KOAKAI and how the term ‘White Rock Local’ was born. The sisters design products that they themselves want to wear – gear bearing the words “For Locals” being amongst their bestseller. The company name, Erica explains, is “the marriage between two Hawaiian terms – “koa” meaning brave/fearless/strong/warrior and “kai” meaning ocean or sea.” The sisters had been tossing around names for the company for a while until one day, inspiration hit while Erica was walking her dog by the ocean. She asked herself, “What is the one thing about creation

that I am most passionate about? - The sea, because my entire life revolves around it.” She immediately called Crystal, who agreed that brave seas/fearless ocean was exactly the message they wanted the company name to exude. “The ocean is one of the most powerful natural forces on earth and we are just in constant awe of it.” After spending 3 months in Maui after college graduation, Erica applied for a visa with hopes of staying and working in her field on the island. The visa didn’t work out, but this didn’t deter her. “I thought, ok, this is the time -let’s bring it – a bit of Hawaii (KOAKAI) to White Rock.” KOAKAI was officially launched in the summer of 2013. The goal was to create a company “with a healthy marketing message that could encourage positive change in people’s lives.” Erica pitched the idea to Crystal, and soon after, she and her 1975 VWbus were on board! There was no question the sisters would build KOAKAI together. Erica attributes their ability to work well together to “already being aware of each other’s strengths, passions and weaknesses.” For example, Erica explains, “I get a million ideas a minute and my sketches are always rough because my thought process is fast. Crystal will take a sketched idea and break it down. We’ll refine it together, and in the end I’ll render it digitally and together we’ve produced the product. Erica gets it,” says Crystal. “We experienced so much of the same stuff together growing up and she had a desire to brand something herself, and I was able to join the party. The great part of working with a sibling is that you just know things about each other and how to get along. Drawbacks are sometimes you assume things because you are too familiar, which can lead to miscommunication, but as long as you recognize that…” They both bring something unique to KOAKAI. Crystal attended the British Columbia Institute of Technology, where she completed her bachelor’s in architectural science and design. The switch to fashion was a change for her. “I knew Photoshop, but I had to teach myself Illustrator amongst other things. I enjoy the production side of things.” Erica’s career in graphic design for marketing “has been a mash up of anything and everything creative. I’m more the business and marketing mind and have a good working knowledge of printing processes from working different jobs in the design industry.” Erica casually holds the title of creative director

at KOAKAI and handles the sales and marketing, while Crystal is responsible for the financial figures. Both say that over time, they have started to share a lot of the responsibilities, especially in the areas of design and photography for the company. KOAKAI’S motto perfectly sums up the company ideals: “Fuelled by a love for community and creation, our goal is to help spread respect and protect vibes, and redefine the responsibility of what it means to be a local. We believe in passion over profit, our designs are printed by the same hands that draw them.” I asked each sister to expand on the motto in her own words.

your community by trading services.” She’s also a brand ambassador for multiple companies. “I do everything from photography, to writing copy, to traveling and documenting – anything and everything media related. This has to be one of the most rad perks of what I do – getting to enjoy and be part of the success of already established brands, as well as grow small brands that show huge potential – it’s so humbling and inspiring. I feel extremely lucky that people trust me to handle their corporate image.” And then there’s KOAKAI. Having started her own company from nothing, she brings a certain understanding to handling others new up and coming brands. “Nothing beats meeting other people who truly get the ‘grassroots’ vibe. That small-town mindset is something I bring into everything I do –I want everyone in my life to feel like family – love for the whole human race, that’s what it’s all about!” igh


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Both Crystal and Erica wear other hats in life, thus KOAKAI is not at the moment, a full time

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Erica – “I believe that ‘local’ is a mindset. We all have the desire to belong, and I think we rip ourselves off when we try to define that by our geographical location or the race we’re born into. We took a step back and looked at how the Hawaiian communities did things and we really admired it. Something that makes KOAKAI different is that our definition of ‘local’ isn’t exclusive; it’s one’s actions and attitude that will either make a killer community or keep you from one. It’s a choice whether one wants to be ‘local’ or not and it all starts with respecting the other people in your community and protecting what you have together. We started KOAKAI with $500, in hopes we could produce good, simple product that represented a positive lifestyle and responsible marketing message of golden rule living. Anytime you’re producing yourself (and really it’s just us two making the gear) it will be small. We’re not trying to compete with corporate companies.”

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Crystal – “We are big on respect and protection of the area and the people in the local community...any community. It sends a message to people who aren’t locals or who want to join in; that you need to realize it’s not okay to come and trash the place (there’s been a big issue with litter at White Rock beach) and then go back to your own community.” In regards to “passion over profit,” Crystal says she likes the idea of a smaller company because “it’s more grassroots.” This is where the Hawaiian influence comes in. “It’s about knowing the people who buy from us and being out and about in our community.”

gig. Erica currently works as a Creative Marketing Manager for a software company in the greater Vancouver area. “I handle their corporate identity and work on events, coding, building apps… you name it. The job challenges me mentally and I’m constantly learning. The structure is a big adjustment for me because I’m naturally more of a ‘freebird’ when it comes to my working environment. But it provides me with the income to pursue my other more ‘creative’ interests.” Those creative interests include taking on personal clients for whom she does freelance branding and design work. She lives by what she speaks and often trades services (her specific skillset for someone else’s). “It’s super cool to be able to sustain

In addition to running KOAKAI with Erica, Crystal is a full time mom and runs a side business doing small design jobs from home. She’s also

into photography, a passion of hers for the last six years. She’s also responsible for the unique way in which KOAKAI sells and promotes its designs. I want to know the story behind the 1975 VW bus. “I have been obsessed with VW vans for years,” explains Crystal. “Family members and friends buy me van memorabilia because they know it’s a slight obsession. My husband and I purchased the van a couple years ago on Vancouver Island. We had a 1963 van in our wedding (that’s how we got down the aisle.)” The idea to sell KOAKAI from the VW bus came from Hawaii and the common practice of doing just that on the islands. In Hawaii, Crystal explains, “They don’t need permits, there’s hardly any red tape, it’s just natural...and awesome! We set up (KOAKAI) at local festivals in our area because we don’t have a shop. We do local drops offs and pickups and people who really want to buy KOAKAI gear email us to set up a time and place.” Erica expands, “growing up it’s always been ‘the dream’ that we would both one day rock out in kombi’s. I’ve got a 1977 now to add to the fleet, but the busses are how we’re going to do it because they bring people together, stir up old memories and inspire a simpler way of life. So for us, it’s bus or bust.” There have been opportunities to go into a few retail locations in White Rock, “but the whole point of KOAKAI is that we wanted to get to know our community.” The brand is currently a local secret of sorts. “We create printed posters for every event we do and put them up all over town - that’s our favorite way to advertise.” Because the weather in the pacificnorthwest can be especially wet in the winter months, the KOAKAI method for selling out of the van is seasonal. During the winter months, customers can shop for KOAKAI goods online via the company web site ( KOAKAI is also on Instagram and Facebook. The sisters receive a lot of personal emails and phone calls inquiring about specific items seen either on a friend or around town. “That’s our favorite way to sell KOAKAI,” says Erica. We like that “the customer is serious about the product, to the point of seeking it out, which once they find it, there is an instant relationship created and brand loyalty is established. We also offer ‘Kama’aina’ (local) pricing to locals who come pick up the product directly from us.” F wSSm | | 85

Community . . . Industry

Meet the Photographer Morgan Maassen by Alexandra Uzik I have always wondered what is so special about a picture of a famous surfer coming out of a barrel. I have seen so many of them and they’ve begun to overlap just a little bit. My idea of a great surf photo is a specific signature of an artist, unusual angle, playing with exposition, maybe a little bit blurry with artistic mist and mostly of a surfer girl. Thus, Morgan Maassen caught my attention.

Morgan doing what he loves | Photo by Zak Noyle

He is 24 years old, and born and raised in Santa Barbara, California. He started surfing at a young age, but got injured at age of 13 and couldn’t surf with his friends for awhile. So he grabbed a camera, started to shoot videos and photos of his friends on the beach and never stopped. Now he travels the world, shooting the pros and loving the life. Morgan Maassen’s work is my idea of a great surf photo. I got to talk with him to learn more about his approach to photography. MORGAN AND WOMEN’S SURFING

”While men’s surfing continuously pushes the envelope for performance and the size of waves ridden, I think women’s surfing tackles elegance in a way no man could ever step foot on a surfboard. This has always appealed far more to me, because in my quest to document surfing, I put style and flow on the highest pedestal.”


“I’m looking to capture both the style and flow of a surfer, as well as their interaction with their environment. Growing up surfing, those aspects have always captivated me the most about the sport, so that is what I try to translate through photography and films.”


“I love traveling, as well as regard surfing as one of the most beautiful forms of physical expression. I hope my work can translate my appreciation for that.”


“I think I’ve joked too many times that I have a crush on Steph in interviews, that I might as well accept it as the truth. She’s a hero of mine, dare I say my favorite surfer, and a brilliant person out of the water. I admire so many things about her, and am always honored at the opportunity to travel by her side.”


“I grew up in and around the ocean. It is a central focus of my life and something I will forever explore with surfboards, boats, cameras...”


“I love to travel. Going to countries and studying their art, architecture, food, people, land, seas... it is my absolute passion. I also spend a lot of my time hiking, running, doing art, and hanging with my dog, Moose. My future? I’m working on some exciting film projects in the commercial, music, and documentary world, as well as planning some surf trips for this year.” F 86 | | wSSm

Morgan and his dog Moose

Community . . . Industry

with a Purpose


Shopping can be more than mindless consumerism, if you make conscious choices of who (and what) you (and they) are supporting when you’re making your purchases. Here are some great companies that offer fantastic products that you can feel good about supporting. Help them help others!


Our freedom as women in America is something we often take for granted, like the air we breathe, or just like a pretty necklace or pair of earrings. But when you shop at Purpose, you’re supporting them as they empower survivors of modern day slavery, and build a bright future. With 100% of the proceeds benefiting International Sanctuary, a nonprofit that provides holistic care for young women rescued from sex trafficking, you can feel good about pampering yourself or a friend with jewelry. You’re giving women around the world a chance at a better life- free from slavery and abuse.


With an endless array of soft, pliable, uber-comfy customizable belts that are easily interchangeable, can be cut to size to fit any waist, won’t fray or wear over time, are easy to clean and fully recyclable, and available in a bevy of colors and prints... choosing your belt is just part of your job when shopping online at C4. You get to choose your charity, too! C4’s mission is to promote individuality through quality belts that give back. C4 stands for “Choose your Color, Choose your Cause”. So not only do you choose the colors to best match your style, you also choose one of four charities to determine how C4 will give back 10% of your online purchase.


Comfortable, rubber sandals inspired by the classic 5,000 year old wooden sandal worn by Mahatma Gandhi. Gurus are designed to be functional and comfortable without losing the uniqueness and tradition of the original. Made from natural latex that is hand-harvested from rubber trees in a process that can continue daily for 25 years without harming the tree. By using this natural instead of synthetic rubber, Gurus are more eco-friendly than other sandals. AND, because Gurus come from a tree, they plant a tree for every pair they sell!


ALL proceeds from the sale of Salty Sista merchandise goes to help needy animals of both the land and the sea, so surf in style AND help animals when you support Salty Sista! Swimwear, rashguards, surf pants and clothing designed for like-minded women who love the ocean, surfing, stand up paddle (SUP), and other water sports. Karen Judge (founder) donates all proceeds to Pet Pals Animal Rescue’s (spay and neuter program), Catopia, Bush Wildlife Sanctuary, Loggerhead Turtle Clinic and Nosara Animal Care. Pet Pals Rescue was created by Karen to address the overwhelming population of animals in need in the Ft. Lauderdale, FL area. She has created an aggressive spay and neuter program that can be implemented anywhere in the country, wherever it’s needed. Reach out to her for help in your area!


Support small and unique businesses that dream big and are working hard to make those dreams a reality! The Grommet launches undiscovered products and helps them succeed (they call them Grommets). Their philosophy is that Grommets aren’t just things. Grommets are products with a purpose invented by people with stories. They encourage you to buy differently, by helping to change the world, one purchase at a time. The Grommet “is a place where you can shop by your values to make more impactful purchases”, so that YOU can support what matters most to you: whether it’s technical innovation, green or social enterprises, the creation of jobs, domestic manufacturing, or the preservation of craft. Our pick? Turq Sport Brief “Challenge Life without the Chafe”.


“Fashion for a purpose” was the goal for CEO, Helena Cho. Dedicated to delivering the most fashion-forward, uplifting, and inspirational bracelets and accessories for men and women while helping those in need, you’ll find bracelet wraps, cuffs, necklaces, etc., inscribed with inspiring scripture verses, the serenity prayer and so much more! Each purchase helps someone in need as 25% of net profits will provide a meal to 31,000 homeless and help support 29,000 underprivileged children attending an after school program in the United States. The company’s advocacy work also includes providing home essentials to over 117 former homeless families as part of its “Home Sweeter Home” campaign, working with nationally renowned enrichment program LA’s Best to provide over 1,200 holiday gifts to low income students, and sponsoring an annual “Dream Prom” event for scholastically deserving, underprivileged high school students. “Random acts of kindness really make a difference”, she reflects, “and empower people.” 88 | | wSSm

Community . . .

Surfing Freddie’s in Hawaii | Photo by Kara Brown

She Surfs

Nicole Fulford

Age: 14 | Years Surfing: 3 , 1 competitively | Homebreak: Ponce Inlet | Follow on Instagram: Nicole_Fulford | Sponsors: WAVE TOOLS Costa Mesa, California, Dakine, Vonzipper Eyewear, Jolyn Swimwear, Aquasoul Surf Wax, BNG Construction Inc, Favorite Board: WAVE TOOLS Costa Mesa, California

Nicole in Puerto Rico | Photo by: Darren Muschett 90 | | wSSm


n the Beginning

I grew up doing tons of other sports including soccer, basketball, track, volleyball, skiing, etc. I didn’t learn to surf until I was 10 years old, and it was with Pure Life Surf School at Frank Rendon Park in Daytona Beach, Fl. I fell in love with it! Three years later I quit all my other sports and began being dedicated to surfing.

My Surf Life Now

I am surfing many contests with many of the same girls, but what I love most is traveling. I have been fortunate enough to surf many breaks in Costa Rica; Pavones, Hermosa, Jacos, Tamarindo, Quepos, Playa Negra, Avellanas, Playa Grande, Marbella. However, Nicaragua is amazing! Popoyo, Lances left and Playgrounds, and Rancho Santana are awesome! I love Puerto Rico, too! My favorite home breaks are Ponce Inlet and New Smyrna and I travel a bit to Satellite beach. I recently surfed Prime and got an invite to surf in the USA Surfing Championship in California (June ‘15) after competing for only one year. I’m blessed to surf Trestles every day while training with Frieda Zamba for a couple of weeks, then my Mom and I will stay in San Clemente and Huntington Beach for 5 more weeks. I’ll then come home and leave for Costa Rica and Nicaragua for training, then to Puerto Rico where I’ll be doing more training with Josie and Maria Graves.

My Surfing Routine

Workout daily, stretch, eat healthy, visualizations, video analysis, coaching, watch surfing, travel frequently.

3 People Who Inspire Me

John John Florence, Silvana Lima, Griffin Colapinto

Future Hopes & Plans

My high hopes are doing well in California USA Championships, NSSA Championships, Volcoms contest and the Rip Curl Grom Search contest- all in Cali during June 2015. Also doing well at the Eastern Championship in Nags Head Sept ‘15. Future hopes include winning Nationals for NSSA and Surfing America Prime, and becoming a pro surfer on the WSL so I can share God’s word with everyone.

Favorite Countrymen To Surf With

If I Had A Special Power

Breathing underwater, so there’s no worries of getting hammered and held down.

Co-Ed Or All-Girl Surf Camps

Co-ed, because guys will push you more than a girl ever could. They’ll be busting airs and laybacks while a lot of girls concentrate on snaps and wraps.

My Hobbies

Working out, yoga, nutrition, Spanish, God’s Word, MUSIC (singing!)

One Thing the World Should Know I will work as hard as I can to be the best.

Last Time I Was In The Water At Sun-Up

I don’t get to dawn patrol because my mom needs two cups of coffee and by then, the sun is already up.

My Favorite Surf Buddies: Gaby, Rachel and Lilli.

An Epic Surf Session

It would be either my last trip to Nicaragua at Popoyo, because I was landing everything and having so much fun, or my session at Pelican Beach with John Holeman, because it was the first time I landed an air!

Surfing Injuries

The last time I got hurt was in Costa Rica when I was surfing Quepos. Some guy’s board hit me right below my eye and busted it open. He tried to convince me it was a coconut... I had a black eye for a week after that and it was pretty gnarly.

Bikini Shot vs. Surf Shot In A Mag

SURFING SHOT! Anyone can pose in a bikini, not everyone can surf.

Fin Technology... Make A Difference?

Yes, different fins make a difference! I had a board I tried as a quad and it rode alright, then I changed it to a tri-fin setup, and my tail released more and the board felt really good underneath my feet.

Man Made Wave Parks

They are SICK! Like the Wave Garden in Spain… I’d visit that wave any day when the waves are flat elsewhere. F

Hawaiians, because they push you to surf bigger and better waves.

At A Glance: - In my lifetime, I’d love to see: Maldives - I’ve always wanted to: go skydiving - You’re not really a surfer unless: you have a leash tan - I’m working towards: becoming more flexible, fit, and all-around better at surfing - My favorite surf buddy is: Lily Whatley Placing 3rd in ESA Regionals Switzerland last March with Matterhorn in the background

- If $$ was no option, I would: travel the world - When I was little, I loved to: put on a pink wig with a pink sparkly dress, and play my pink guitar, pretending that I was a rock star - A charity I love is: Christian Surfers - When I’m stressed: I pray to calm down and spray myself with lavender - Someone told me once: to always give your glory to God - I’ve learned that one of the most important elements to maintaining contentment in life is: mental, physical and spiritual health - Happiness is: found in God - I love the smell of: empanadas and eucalyptus - Favorite color: blue wSSm | | 91

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She Surfs Kristina Anderson

Photo by:

AGE: 34 YEARS SURFING: 23 HOMEBREAK: I don’t have one! I travel quite a bit now, but I grew up surfing the North end of Virginia Beach SURFBOARDS/QUIVER: 5’8” UltraLite custom fat fish, 5’10” WRV Sparky, 6’4” UltraLite custom pintail mini-gun, 9’4” Log


Kristina & Raven, sharing a wave

n the Beginning

I grew up on the East Coast boogie boarding and watching the boys surf. There weren’t many girl surfers in Virginia then (early 90s). I always wanted to go out when it was super rough-- like nor’easter and hurricane swells-- and some of my earliest memories are of getting drilled in the shore break. My mom would get so irritated with all the sand I’d bring home in my bathing suit and hair. I guess it was a natural transition to surfing, I mean it looked really fun so I gave it a go. I never took a proper lesson in the beginning, just took my licks and kept at it. My first board was a Seasoned 6’8” funboard. It was de-lamming and super yellow but I loved that thing. I kept it in my bedroom and wouldn’t let it live in the garage.

“One of my favorite family photos shot in Bali last May in front of a perfect, reeling left at Balangan”

Surfing Around The World

I always enjoy the different styles of life in each place. Compared with the States, island life is super relaxed and each island has a different degree of relaxation. Hawaii is beautiful and the people can be so kind and generous. People there are really conscious of the environment and I love the public shaming of litterbugs. In the Marianas and Micronesia the education about pollution just isn’t there, it’s heartbreaking seeing trash on beautiful beaches. But the waves are empty! I love empty waves. Bali has the neatest culture-- the daily offerings, the incense, their religion and belief of karma, and of course the waves. Every surfer needs to pilgrimage there at least once. Now I live in Puerto Rico and I love exploring here. There’s fantastic waves all over this island. I love surfing new spots and exploring with friends while practicing my Spanish.

Advice For International Travel

The best advice I can give everyone is to be respectful. Wait your turn, pack your trash, and smile! Also, always try to bring rinse water for after your session. Saltwater eats bikinis and freshwater prevents haole rot!

Surfing Is A Family Affair

Our whole family loves to surf. All vacations are absolutely planned around surfing. It was tough when Raven was little. One of us would always have to stay on the beach and we’d take turns paddling out. Now that Raven is getting a little older, it’s getting more fun to travel with her and share a session, along with different cultures and experiences.

Surfing, Pregnancy & Motherhood

With Raven, I surfed a shortboard through about 4 months then switched to the log till about 6 months. After that I was more interested in eating and napping than I was surfing. I’m pregnant again now (!) and so far I’ve been charging! The waves have been really fun lately, and it’s hard to pass up a swell. I just have to be conscious of other people and crowds and know how to avoid bad situations like flailing newbie SUP’rs.

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Other than that, I’d say with my surfing it’s “business as usual”. The only thing that’s changed are the logistics of surfing. If I want to surf a shallow reef and the kiddo isn’t ready for that, I can’t bring her or she’ll be super bummed. I’ve got to find a sitter or find waves that both of us can enjoy.

Living Near Surf

We’ve been lucky with my/our careers to move to places with surf. Wearing a wetsuit is torture for us, so we try to target warm tropical places with surf. Moving around a lot, it’s easy to make friends surfing. Just keep showing up with a smile and a post-surf cooler of beers and you’ll make friends. Guaranteed.

Surfing’s Life Lessons

I think surfing really teaches you to live in the moment. It’s impossible to worry about your retirement account or your mortgage while you’re riding a wave. Thinking about the past and worrying about the future distracts you from focusing on the present.

Best Surf Advice I’ve Received

Pretty basic, but pay attention! Getting caught inside by a cleanup set is no fun!

Dream Surf Destination

I’ve always wanted to go Ecuador and check out other places in South America. That’s next up on the travel list.

Favorite Quote

“Fortune favors the bold.”

Surfing In One Word? YEWWWW! F

Palikir Pass, Pohnpei, Micronesia Photo by:

F Islands, photo by: Marianas

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Photos by: Natalie Quinn

Manzanillo, Nicaragua

Natalie at Playa Colorado, Nicaragua Surfing photos by Brian Scott/ 94 | | wSSm

She Surfs Natalie Quinn


n the Beginning

A friend of mine took me surfing for the first time about thirteen years ago at San Onofre state beach in San Clemente, California. It was on a 9’6 Hap Jacobs board. I grew up snowboarding, so I never really thought I wanted to surf, but once I started it was all I could think about. Every trip from then on had to involve surfing!

Places I’ve Surfed

Natalie & Thalia Photos by: Brian Scott

I’ve surfed up and down the California Coast, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Brazil, Hawaii, Baja Mexico, Cabo and, of course, Nicaragua. There was so much to love about each destination that it would be too long to list in our short interview! I will say this though, Brazil has by far the most amazing food and, of course, the waves in Nicaragua are quite amazing which is what lead me to move here!

Surf Travel Mishaps

I can’t recall having any bad memories on any of my trips. All my surf trips have been wonderful experiences which I will remember forever. But I will say this, always drink bottled water when traveling to those far away destinations and I would probably skip the salad when dining out!

Life In Nicaragua

What drew us to Nica was the awesome surf and uncrowded beaches (although that is quickly changing!). It was our little paradise. The people are friendly and Nicaragua’s Southern parts have beautiful beaches and scenery. It’s like a latin version of what Hawaii probably was 100 years ago!

Surfing, Pregnancy & Motherhood

I only surfed through my first trimester. It was a decision I made because I did not want to risk having any accidents. The surf here can be unpredictable and the nearest hospital is 2 1/2 hours away, so it’s a risk I did not want to take! If I were by a mellower break, like Waikiki (minus the crowd, haha), I would have definitely surfed longer. Since then, my approach to surfing has changed since becoming a mom. I am definitely more cautious in the water. I am not as daring as I used to be, but I hope that will change over time. I do think of my little one the whole time I’m surfing. I just can’t wait to get back and see her!

Photography Is My Passion

I’ve always loved photography as long as I can remember. I first discovered my passion from my father. He was always taking photos. I still have his 35mm Minolta camera he gave me years ago. I spent many

days in high school shooting with that camera. It was exciting for me to develop my film and anxiously wait for the results. I just found this so exciting and it was all I wanted to do. I then went on to study art photography at Syracuse University where I got my BFA. Some of my favorite photos were shot during that time on B/W film with my Hasselblad and 4x5 Calumet cameras. I loved experimenting with older cameras I’d find at garage sales. As the digital age took over, I became resistant to the change and was shooting less as I transitioned into graphic design. After taking a little hiatus, surfing eventually became my new inspiration and I began shooting what I love! Surfing. I love capturing those moments in time that would have otherwise been missed or forgotten. There is always something to shoot and it’s always exciting to see the end results.

Surfing & Photogrpahy Life Lessons Stop and smell the roses! Life is already so fast paced these days. Whether I am sitting on my board in the ocean or I am shooting something or someone that inspires me, I try and remind myself to soak up that moment to the fullest. There isn’t anything that matters for those couple of hours when I am out surfing or creating something new with my photography. Both worlds keep me grounded, yet make me feel so alive all at the same time.

Valuable Advice

My mentor, Russel Ward, was my biggest inspiration. He always managed to capture beautiful photos with what he had. He showed me how to keep it simple, not to over-think things and focus on my own progress, and to keep shooting what I love, what inspires me. I found that surfing and photography are very similar. The difference is with one you’re capturing fleeting moments in time and the other you’re catching fleeting waves. Both are fueled by an emotional drive, an inspiration, a love for capturing the essence of life. Capturing that moment, that wave, is such an awesome feeling!

Dream Surf Destination

There are so many places that I would love to surf, but I would have to say Indo, Fiji, and the Maldives are on the top of my list!

Favorite Quote

“Don’t keep dreaming…take charge of your life and make your dreams happen. It’s better to regret something you have done than something you haven’t done!”

Surfing In One Word? Life. F

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Photo: Elizabeth Lloyd

Gia and Christina at Locals Surf School

Christina & Dillon O’Toole from Locals Surf School Photo: Michael Koloyan

Locals Surf School, Gia (background) “Christina surfing with help of Chris Caiazzo Photo: Michael Kololyan Rockaway Beach Surf Club Photo: John Madere

Rockaway Beach Surf Club Photo: John Madere

She Surfs Christina Bryant Wait, there’s surfing in Queens!?

After 15 years of living in New York City, this was the year I was determined to explore the nature it offers. It was also the year I decided to stop thinking of myself as a fat kid. I grew up overweight and inactive, escaping an unpleasant home life with books and TV. I am more active than I was as a child, but I still think of myself as physically limited. Problem is, this belief is completely at odds with my inner desires. I am excited by extreme sports like parkour and rock climbing; I want to hike and kayak more often, embark on challenging vision quests and learn survival skills. And I want my outer life to reflect these inner impulses. I started researching adventures in and near the city; my criteria was that I would get there by public transportation, and would be in the woods or at the beach at least once a month. I searched for upstate camping sites and hiking trails and easily accessible beaches. That is when I learned about Rockaway Beach, Queens and it’s wonderful surf culture. Surfing was a nagging curiosity I had relegated to a west coast trip, someday, eventually. But all I had to do was take a day off work, hop the subway and I could try it now. I was in. $2.50 and a 90 minute ride later, I stood on a soft-sanded beach, cleaner and larger than I expected. Rockaway was devastated by Hurricane Sandy, and while it is still in repair, it is filled with thoughtful venues and good people: like Locals Surf School. I chose to learn from Mike Kololyan and Mike Reinhardt because they are, well locals, and they had phenomenal reviews. As I walked up, they simultaneously welcomed and sassed me, like well-meaning brothers. I have taken lessons with eight of their instructors, all men. I am struck by how many more women than men are taking les96 | | wSSm

Locals Surf School: Rippers: Rockaway Taco: Rockaway Beach Surf Club:

sons, and by how supportive and respectful the Locals gang is, especially to their female students. Surfing is one of the hardest things I have ever tried, because it causes me to face fears and perceived failures every second I am out there. It took eight hours of lessons and gym time to finally pop up and stand for two seconds. Until that happened, the limiting beliefs I have about my body were in full flare up. I had to convince myself that I could get strong enough to do it, and remind myself that surfing is extremely awkward and overwhelming; it would take time to get comfortable. During lesson five, I was starting to get there, and the ocean was gentle and encouraging. I stood up on most of the waves my instructor pushed me into and I have never felt so accomplished and confident. It amazes me that even this early into it, in those moments, I am changing that story about what I can achieve. Of course, fears still waft in: fear of sharks, falling, getting hurt, drowning, and looking foolish. I spent one whole lesson surrendering to the tumble of the ocean, trusting that I was not going to drown while my board pulled me under. Every time I get through a fear, it has less power over me, and I push myself to tackle the next one. Facing fears and rewriting personal stories is physically and mentally exhausting, so I follow every lesson with rewarding, hedonistic, self-care. I walk down the new boardwalk to Rippers, a beach-side juice bar with refreshing green juice, sprinkled with seaweed. I continue to Rockaway Surf Club, a bar that by all logic, should be in L.A. or Hawaii, but is an oasis in the city. There I inhale the best fish taco I have ever eaten (I take my tacos seriously) by Tacoway Beach, along with their guacamole with flake-salted plantain chips. Sitting on a tree stump stool, with beautiful, vintage surfboards hanging from the ceiling, the windows open to the outdoor cantina. I end my day with Gia and Allison, two audacious friends that also have the tenacity to learn to surf in the city. After some dark ‘n’ stormies and thoughts on the surf, we hop back on the subway and return to our noisy and crowded day to day life, telling stories of strength and accomplishment. F


If I Had A Special Power

earning to Surf

It was very fun and I liked going to the beach with my family. I first started surfing when I was 6. My dad helped me a lot pushing me in on my foam surf board.

My Surf Life Now

Mostly I surf with the kids on my surf team at School of Surf in Cocoa Beach. I like surfing in New Smyrna Beach and Cocoa Beach about the same. I surfed Melbourne, Fl., Ft. Pierce, Fl, and Satellite Beach, Fl. but I like New Smyrna and Cocoa Beach the best. Everyone is pretty nice where I live and surf. The groms in the area all support each other and the adults all support the kids, too. There are mostly short boards here, but still a lot of long boarders, too.

My Scariest Surf Experience

My Sponsors

I would have built-in shark repellent.

Keep ‘N It Wet… “no water-no life”. They were a sponsor all season at a grom surf series I competed in. After the season, they asked to sponsor me and I said yes. I ride for them because they are a local company and like supporting the kids, I like their clothes, and the owner, Robby, is funny. I like him. My other sponsors are Long Doggers Restaurant in Cocoa Beach, Supkini, and I’m an ambassador for Sun Bum.

My Pets

I have 3 dogs (Coco, Gigi and Dora), 3 fish (Gnarly, Charly, and Dyson, Dyson is a sucker fish, HaHa)

Best Surf Travel Tip

Always have your headphones, good music on your phone, and a Carver skateboard for the parking lot.

Contests I’ve Won

My Hobbies

Skateboarding and fishing. I also do a lot of modeling and commercials, and I hope to do it a long time.

One Thing the World Should Know

Keep an eye on me, I’ll be a professional surfer some day.

When I was in a contest, the finger mullet fish were all over the place and you had to paddle through them, and I had a big tarpon jump out of the water next to me. I wasn’t sure what it was at the time, but I was ready to get back to shore.

My Biggest Wave

3 People Who Inspire Me

Because my board is short, I was told to use my knees for duck diving and now I use it all the time.

Bethany Hamilton, Kelly Slater, Adam Wickwire.

Current Quiver

4’8” funshape and 7’8’ Gordzilla longboard custom shaped by local shaper Gordon Lawson, 5’1” Clever Grominator Jet custom shaped by local shaper Jay Smith, 4’8” Clever Whale Booger shaped by local shaper Jay Smith.

I’m most proud of Gnarly Charley Grom Surf Series championship contest that I won. It was the last contest of the season and I got first in all of my heats and won a big trophy and gift card. F

My biggest wave was in Cocoa Beach during Hurricane Bertha, and it was 5’ tall. Some day I’ll surf bigger, as I get older.

Best Surf Tip I’ve Received

At A Glance:

- In my lifetime, I’d love to see: Hawaii - I’ve always wanted to: meet Bethany Hamilton - You’re not really a surfer unless: you have a major wipe out and get up and try again - My favorite surf buddy is: my friend Kaley - If $$ was no option, I would: live on the beach and surf every day - Happiness is: being at the beach

Surfing Injuries

It was during a winter surf contest and it was really rough. I came up from under the water and a wave pushed the board into the side of my head, it really hurt!

- Favorite food: Ahi Tuna - Favorite color: Neon Yellow - Siblings: Older sister, Brooke Smith

AGE: 9 | YEARS SURFING: 2 HOMEBREAK: Cocoa Beach, Florida FAVORITE BOARD: my 4’8” Gordzilla custom shaped by Gordon Lawson

She Surfs

Bree Smith wSSm | | 97

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She Surfs

Crystal Hulett Photos and story by Greg Chapman

Athletic, beautiful, confident, fun, sweet and extraordinarily talented, Crystal Hulett is a 16-year-old surfer from the small town of Cape St. Francis, South Africa. She is a natural foot surfer that excels in the quality right hand point breaks of the Eastern Cape. It is therefore no surprise that her favorite wave is Bruce’s Beauties, an epic right-hander close to home. Focused and intensely competitive on the outside, Crystal is ever so sweet and down to earth. She is a good-natured young lady that has a raging desire to succeed at whatever she does.


n the Beginning

Growing up by the ocean, surfing seemed to come naturally to Crystal. Her dad’s sides of the family were all great water-people and she remembers, as a child, sitting in the rock pools watching her Dad surf. With fond memories, Crystal remembers her first surf.

“From what I can remember, my dad gave me a red board that was about a 5.10ft long with a fish tail, which ironically enough was made for my dad, by my coach now, Graham Hynes. I remember going out at Huletts (a break that was named after my family). This wave was relaxed, easy to make and flowed to form a perfect right-hander. I remember paddling out when I was about 6/7 years of age. Of course being so young, paddling was always a mission. Having my family in the sport was a blessing and this was motivation for me. I remember sitting in the lineup with wide eyes amazed and a natural beauty that was unseen in my life but only from the shore, until now. For many people, if you manage to catch your first wave but don’t enjoy it, you’ll probably end up never going back, but for me my first wave was the start to my life’s adventures.”

Crystal has many memories from those early years of her surfing life, none more than going surfing early in the morning with the biggest stoke she has ever experienced. She also remembers staying in the surf for hours and having the St. Francis locals supporting her on to waves.

Competitive Nature

Crystal’s competitive nature seems to be hereditary! At school she thrives to be the best she can be, whether it is academically or on the sports field. Crystal has a keen interest in field hockey, water polo, kite boarding (for those onshore days) and fitness all of which she does well in. She sees her competitiveness as a positive thing because she feels that she can channel those emotions to her advan-

tage and make her more determined. Crystal’s first competitive surfing experience was when she was 11 years old. Along with her friends, she thought it might be a good idea to surf the Eastern Province closed surfing championships in Port Elizabeth. This being her first competition, she was inexperienced and winning was definitely not on her mind. She was more concerned about doing what she could to make sure everything was right, surfing wise. Even though the conditions were not great, this actually ended up being one of those days that changed her life and made her what she is today with her surfing. Since her first venture into the world of competitive surfing, Crystal has consistently been an achiever and her more noteworthy achievements include: - 1st SA grommet games 2010 - 1st Bloodscan in J-Bay 2011 - 1st SA long boarding Champs 2013 - 2nd SA long boarding champs 2014 - Eastern Province Ladies and U/16 champ 2014 However, Her most memorable surfing achievement has to be her win in the U/15 division at the SA junior surfing Championships 2012. “In 2012, I made the Eastern Province team for the first time (still not sponsored) and it took place in Jeffrey’s bay. I was the youngest in the final, but other than that, I was over the moon about the fact that I got so far. I remember it so clearly. I walked up to the channel at the top and I looked around at all the sponsored girls and just thought how incredibly blessed I felt knowing I was competing with those girls. I didn’t think I had a chance and I just remember saying to myself that I got this far and that was good enough. In the water, I looked around at all the girls catching waves and I remember sitting with my coach (Graham Hynes) and him telling me that the sets looked the best, but only came through maybe once in a heat. All of a sudden I remember seeing Supertubes getting a set and being coached by the best coach in SA. He

taught me simple things that changed me for the heat. And then just knowing that there was a set coming through soon, I made my way wide. The set came through and it was only one wave. Looking to my left, I remember seeing all the girls taking off and falling and I took off, almost falling from the wind and slowly made my way down this magic wave, taking it step by step and reading its every point. Then on the speakers, I remember hearing that I was in the lead and I could feel my heart start beating faster. Coming out on the rocks, crying because I just did something I never thought would be possible for me.”

Crystal received a sponsorship from Billabong South Africa in 2013, which she says was one of the best things to happen to her to date. Billabong has created an environment for Crystal to give her surfing the attention it deserves. According to Crystal, being sponsored is so much more than the clothes and stickers on one’s board. It is more about the family atmosphere that Billabong has created with the their team that allows Crystal to grow as a surfer and person. “Billabong tries to help us develop as a people and as professional surfers by helping us become more confident to public speaking. Billabong also helps us to get involved in helping people and to be better people. Although surfing isn’t a team sport, Billabong always brings the team riders together as a family to create a safe fun environment to surf in.”

The Future

Still dealing with school, Crystal’s future plans with surfing are not complicated. She will continue to train hard and she hopes to achieve a standard she feels is needed to get the results she desires. She just wants to be able to surf her best. “I just hope to access my surfing at its best. I just don’t want to look back and say I didn’t live to go somewhere, so in my life with surfing I wish to explore and venture out into the unknown, until I know I have lived my life very well.” F wSSm | | 99

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Photos by AJ Neste

She Surfs

Alicya Simmons AGE: 17 | YEARS SURFING: 4 | HOMEBREAK: New Smyrna Beach, FL SPONSORS: Hendricks Surfboards | FAVORITE BOARD: 5’5 swallow tail by Hendricks


- Favorite food: dragon fruit

- Favorite color: Purple

- Slippers or high heels: high heels

- Siblings: Krysia Simmons

- Lipstick or gloss or bare: bare

- Traction pad or bareback: traction pad

- Favorite dessert (that you can cook) : brownies and ice cream

- MAC or PC: MAC

- Favorite artist/song: Future Islands / Long Flight - Last movie you watched: The Town - Favorite guy surfer: Dane Reynolds - Top 2 favorite magazines: WSSM of course, and Surfer Magazine - Top 2 favorite surf brands: Volcom and O’Neill - Dream surf destination you haven’t been to yet: Fiji

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- Favorite fastfood: Chick Fil A - Bottled water or tap: tap - Bicycle or skateboard: bicycle - White wax or colored: white - Jam or jelly: jelly - Favorite quote: “It is not down in any map; true places never are.” Herman Melville


earning to Surf

An Epic Surf Session

I started surfing when I was only 13. My old shaper had a camp I used to go to and that’s how I learned how to surf. I’ve met most of my best friends through surfing with girls. We all do local and global contests together so it is easy to get along.

My friend told a couple of us that the waves were so bad that we shouldn’t go, but we took a trip down to the inlet anyways and it was firing with only 5 other people out! We had such an awesome time.

My Homebreak

Keep a stable and level-head and believe in yourself.

New Smyrna has different types of waves everyday and it is the most consistent break here in Florida, so it’s easy to be able to surf every day. The inlet at New Smyrna is a really fast wave and to a lot of people, is a good practice wave. We get a lot of press where I live. It has some of the best waves in Florida. We have a lot of successful surfers that come out of New Smyrna, so it is really cool to be able to surf with them. We only have one major break, which is our inlet. There are a couple shredders that are girls, but mostly it is male dominant.

My Scariest Surf Experience

My scariest experience would have to be surfing in Rincon, Puerto Rico. It was about 12 foot that day and it was my first year surfing. I paddled out and was sucked into Indicators, which are massive rocks and a cliff. I was saved by one of the local guys. It wasn’t a fun experience, but a lot was learned.

Competition Advice Fill’n In The Blanks:

In my lifetime, I’d love to see___ Australia. You’re not really a surfer unless___ you have fun. I’m working towards___ improving my surfing and technique. My favorite surf buddy is ___ Sydney Herring. If $$ was no option, I would ___ have houses all over the coasts of the world. When I was little, I loved to___ dance and play tennis. A charity/foundation/group I love is___ Christian Surfers. When I’m stressed, I___ surf a whole lot and have way too much salt water intake.

3 People Who Inspire Me

Someone once told me this, and it really made an impact on me. It was___ to always believe in yourself and always make sure you’re having fun, no matter what the conditions are in the water, because surfing is surfing.

Most Important Character Quality

I’ve learned that___ confidence is one of the most important elements to maintaining contentment in life.

Stephanie Gilmore, of course, Leila Hurst, and Dane Reynolds. Positivity. I think it is so important that people should be positive, especially with a sport that has to do with a lot of mentality.

Happiness is___ the key to life and should be a major priority.

Co-ed or All-Girl Surf Camps

I love the smell of___ pine in a forest.

Best Surf Travel Tip

I hope to just travel and enjoy surfing as it is and not get so consumed in the middle of how crazy surfing can be. F

Co-ed! Boys are able to push me to do more and try more things. Be prepared for the unexpected, it makes great stories.

Future Hopes & Plans

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A Pearl for

Every Girl


At the edge of the Pacific Ocean as the waves gently rolled to shore, Christina DiMari bent down and began writing words in the sand: BELIEVE. DREAM. SHINE.

These were the words Christina most wanted girls to hear—words that would inspire and encourage every young woman to be the beautiful pearl she was created to be. From writing words in the sand to becoming a published author of five books and founder of the nonprof it A P E A R L F O R E V E R Y G I R L , Christina’s journey to support and encourage young women has taken her on a whirlwind adventure of worldwide travel, personal growth, and spiritual revelation. After experiencing a rough home life as a child and needing to make her own way in the world, Christina decided to help other young women in their own journey of life. Whether girls come from bumpy or smooth backgrounds, Christina says they all need a strand of pearls: other girls and women who are willing to come alongside them as a sounding board, mentor, friend, encourager, and guide to help them discover how to live a whole life, pursue their dreams, and make a difference in this world. It was this ambition that led Christina to write her memoir, Ocean Star, published in 2006. By sharing her own story of brokenness and restoration, Christina wanted to pass on the hope and freedom she had found with other girls. It is written in a way that girls can connect with.

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“I wrote my memoir to encourage others to believe there is a special plan for their life, to never forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith, to pursue the gifts God has given them, and to pass on those blessings to others,” Christina says. Within months of the book’s release, Christina was overwhelmed with thousands of letters from girls who shared how impactful the book had been for them. After seeing how many young women had been encouraged and uplifted by her story, Christina realized she needed to connect with these girls further and on a more personal level. As a native of California and a part of the beach culture, Christina did what was second nature to her—she went to the ocean! She began gathering groups of twelve girls together and taking them to the beach for a day—a day of journeying together, talking, listening, laughing, and growing. S H E S H A R ED W I T H T H E M LES SO N S F RO M H E R M E M O I R , lessons she had learned from the

ocean: the beauty and uniqueness of every pearl formed by a single grain of sand; the legend of the starfish, stars that broke and fell from the sky, becoming ocean stars that are now on a journey to become whole again and return to the sky to shine brightly for all to see; the community and strength of a pod of dolphins, protecting and caring for one another through challenging circumstances.

As Christina connected with more and more girls, the beach day gatherings began to spread. It didn’t take long before Christina met groups of girls in beach communities all over the U.S. From the

beginning, her desire to shine also took her to numerous countries across the globe, including Italy, France, Spain, Korea, Japan, and the Philippines, to name a few. Christina created an accompanying interactive journal called You’re Designed to Shine to go along with the study of her memoir. With this tool, girls who had read Ocean Star could use the book to help them apply the lessons from Ocean Star to their own journey. Once the girls took time to reflect on their own stories and life, they could then lead their own groups of girls through the same ideas and experiences. With this model— groups of twelve girls gathering then each leading their own groups—the gatherings of girls experiencing encouragement, finding a community of like-minded friends, and discovering how their life can make a difference for others exploded. Soon these gatherings were taking place all over the world, from Peru to Jamaica and Barbados to India and across Europe. “That’s what this is all about,” Christina says. “It’s not about one person. It’s not wrapped around me. It’s about journeying with small groups of girls, sharing God’s love with them, and equipping girls to lead others. It’s natural mentoring.” W O R D O F C H R I S T I N A’ S M E N T O R I N G P R O G R A M H A S C O N T I N U E D TO S P R E A D .

Within just a couple years, thousands of girls had experienced the encouragement offered through Christina’s memoir and study guide, and they began asking, “What next?”

After months of prayer and reflection, Christina knew what she wanted to do. “I decided to write a new book that would walk girls through the process of transformation I had been through in my own life: a process of being Purified, Empowered, Anointed, Rooted, and filled with Life to shine God’s love to the world,” Christina says. “It’s the forming of a PEARL.” A year later she published a truly unique, inspirational, interactive book for girls of all ages called Cultivating Pearls. Cultivating Pearls walks girls through five sessions using the acronym of P E A R L , allowing young women to experience true transformation and be cultivated into a beautiful pearl by discovering the rhythm of walking with God in every area of life and understanding how their life can make a difference in this world in a way that points others to life. In 2014, she journeyed with a group of high school and college age girls, who allowed her to walk them through Cultivating Pearls. “This was one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. I got to watch God shape one girl’s life at a time in the most beautiful way! These girls are now sharing their pearl stories on our website and encouraging other girls all over the world. Many of them come over after school to help me with my greeting card line and our outreach to the nations. It is through mentoring these girls that I have found my team. They are with me, ready to help other girls experience growth like they have,” Christina says.

C U LT I VAT I N G P E A R L S With so many girls to mentor who were spread all over the world, Christina realized she couldn’t travel to meet individual groups anymore; she needed to be able to reach them in a new way. She had heard a saying that goes, “If you teach a girl a rule, you help her solve a problem. If you teach a girl to walk with God, you teach her how to solve the rest of her life,” and she knew this was the next step in her journey—finding a way to equip young women to continue growing in and strengthening their faith for the rest of their lives.

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Community . . .

When several of these girls were asked to choose one word that would describe their journey through Cultivating Pearls, this is what they said: H E A L E D. C H A N G E D . R E B O R N I N S P I R AT I O N A L . F A I T H T R A N S F O R M AT I O N F O R G I V E N . I D E N T I T Y. A N O I N T E D . G R OW T H . C U LT I VAT E D . U N F O R G E T TA B L E . L O V E . SH INE . BE AUTIFUL .

Just like the LIFE-COACHING model of her other books, the message of Cultivating Pearls is starting to rapidly multiply and spread as young women begin sharing hope and encouragement with others. One hundred percent of the proceeds from Christina’s books are donated to the nonprofit organization she established called A Pearl for Every Girl, “This book is a perfect tool for young women who want to journey with and help mentor their younger friends. It is also a valuable guide for girls to use for their own personal growth,” she says. And it’s not just Christina who thinks so. Jim Burns, president of HomeWord and author of The Purity Code and Confident Parenting, had this to say about Cultivating Pearls: “Christina DiMari is one of the most inspiring people I know. Her passion to bring a life-changing message to girls while helping them find true meaning is contagious. This book will help anyone who dares go on this adventurous journey of personal and spiritual growth to develop a much more meaningful life. I hope you start this journey. You won’t be disappointed.” As the message of Cultivating Pearls continues to spread, Christina says her dream is that every girl from every community all over the world would know and believe she is a pearl of much value, that

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every girl would have a pearl who was willing to shine light into her life, and that she would be a pearl for another girl.

I have learned so much from the book Cultivating Pearls because it teaches us how to use symbols from nature to remember lessons that help us on our journey through life. Being able to learn through a creative process like writing, drawing, and creating has helped me to take what I am learning and make it personal to where I am at on my own journey. It has changed my life! Courtney

R I V E R R E T R E AT S To help further this dream and as a part of the efforts of her nonprofit, Christina began hosting Cultivating Pearls retreats in the summer of 2015 by a beautiful blue river in the mountains of Colorado. Girls come and stay in a homey, lodgetype setting, big enough to host twelve girls but small enough to feel warm and cozy like a mountain retreat, where they enjoy a deck with a fire pit looking out over the river—the perfect spot to work in their Cultivating Pearls book during the day and stargaze while sharing stories at night. The retreat center is surrounded by walking trails meandering alongside the river, bike trails with views of the mountains, and endless opportunities for hikes and mountain adventures. By using the retreat center as a gathering place to walk girls and young women through the Cultivating Pearls journey, Christina is able to send them out equipped to lead other girls through the process in their own communities—thus spreading the Cultivating Pearls message around the world.

To help connect the girls and young women around the globe who are going through Cultivating Pearls, Christina has begun creating an online global community through the Facebook page A Pearl for Every Girl, where girls can ask questions, share their art, poems, stories, and other expressions created throughout the sessions of Cultivating Pearls, and inspire each other on the journey.

A H AVA R I V E R Little did Christina know that those words she had written in the sand at the beginning of her journey would one day become a popular greetingcard line and a way to help fund her nonprofit and her dream of shining for girls. “I continued writing in the sand until the shoreline was covered with words,” Christina says. “I placed the ocean star above the last word and then sat down next to it. Within minutes, the words had drawn many visitors. They all stopped to read the inspirational sayings and ask me what they meant. As I explained my dream, an older woman took my hands and encouraged me to take photos of my words and turn them into greeting cards as a way of spreading the vision of my dream.” This led Christina to launch her company, Ahava River. “Ahava” means “to give love” and the word “river” means “to bring life.” Christina says she hopes that all Ahava River products will find their way into the hearts and hands of people who are blessed by them. That words which bring life, light, and hope would be written in the greeting cards. That her pearl jewelry would help girls and women around the world remember they are beautiful, unique, and valued. That her books and interactive journals would bring peace, encouragement, and inspiration to those who receive them and that everything Ahava River carries helps people take a little bit of love and life home with them.

places. Currently the greeting-card lines are being sold in surf shops, boutiques, gift shops, bookstores, national parks, and resort towns all over the United States and Caribbean Islands. When asked what she likes best about the work she does, Christina answered, “I love creating something beautiful that store buyers want to purchase and carry in their stores. It’s super fun meeting all the buyers and building relationships with them. By carrying Ahava River products in their stores, they become connected to our mission of encouraging girls around the world, and together we are making the world a better place. When it comes to my work with the girls, I love getting to see that look on a girl’s face when all of a sudden a lesson I am presenting makes sense and they go on a journey and start writing, drawing, praying, or doing something that helps them document and express how it is impacting them in their life. For the girls around the world who I don’t get to meet in person, I absolutely love it when they send messages in their own words about what they are learning and how Cultivating Pearls is helping them transform their life into a beautiful pearl.” All books, gifts and greeting cards mentioned in this article are available for purchase at

by Kelsey Perry

This mission further spreads as Ahava River greeting cards and gifts continue to grow in popularity as they are sold in more and more

Become a Pearl

Discover how to become a Pearl and impact girls’ lives in your own community! Visit

El Mirador Villa Rincon, PR 201-401-9180

18 21’ 40.50” N 67 15’ 52.5” W

SURF ART . . . I am an Artist

The A,B, C’s of

Painting An interview with Heather Pastor


e all feel inspired from time to time to paint a gorgeous sunset, the perfect point break, perhaps beautiful flowers or that long winding road that leads our imaginations to worlds unknown and oh-so-exciting destinations. But most of us also have NO idea where to begin, what supplies to buy, if we even have the talent to paintthus, is it even worth it to start? After a second painting session in New Smyrna Beach with our good friends, the Levy family, and their gifted teacher, Heather Pastor, I felt more inspired than ever to really make 2015 the YEAR that I would learn to paint AND not be critical of myself, my work, or progress in it. Heather has a way of teaching that makes it so easy to learn. She breaks it down step by step of how to look at that blank canvas (without freaking out and running out of the room before you even start), and decipher what colors should be painted first (background? foreground?), where to put the main subject (this really does make a difference), and how to blend colors without it becoming a big, muddy mess. You know, the A,B, C’s of painting. Our first session, we painted one of my favorite flowers, a Hibiscus (see photo). During the process, she encouraged us to experiment with colors that were non-traditional, if that is what inspired us. As you can see, I took her literally. Excited with the results, our next session was to paint a wave. It’s a LOT harder than you think, but Heather made it easy, and with her encouragement to really paint what moves us, we all came out with a different style of wave-- each incredible in their own way. This made me realize that we ALL have a painter inside, waiting to be discovered. We just need a teacher to help us find our way. Won’t you help us, Heather?

Sandra Olson

To get started in painting, what are the basic supplies needed, that can be purchased pretty much anywhere, and don’t cost a fortune? Let me start by saying not to allow the search for the perfect art supplies – paints, brushes, or a “proper” surface -discourage you from following a creative inspiration! Art can be created with a variety of supplies. If nothing else is available, use the most basic items you used as a kid like crayons and markers! Recycle things that would normally be thrown in the garbage like the back of a cardboard cereal box and use it as your canvas. You can sketch beautiful landscapes with a simple pencil on the back of a return envelope. u PAINT For the classes I’ve been teaching, I choose to use low cost acrylic craft grade paints (Americana, Folk Art, Martha Stewart) you can buy in bottles of varying size at any local box store.They come in a phenomenal array of colors. If you have a very limited budget know that you can mix most any color you can imagine with just red, blue, yellow, black and white paints. Though I hate to admit it, places like Walmart have a great selection. I have purchased student grade acrylics, but truthfully I didn’t see much difference in the coverage they provided for the price. They do have a nice sheen to them that you won’t be able to achieve with craft paints whose finish is flat. They are easy to clean up (with water and a little soap), are inexpensive and have a quick drying time that make them perfect for 2 hour painting classes! u BRUSHES I use brushes with synthetic Taklon (derived from nylon) bristles for classes. They wear well and clean up nicely even after multiple uses. I prefer short handled brushes, personally. Brushes are best chosen based on the size of the canvas you’ll be painting. For instance, when painting on a 16” x 20” canvas in classes, the ¾” brushes work nicely. I keep it simple with a filbert or round wash brush and a flat wash brush. The rounded head is good for blending and the flat makes it easier to create clean lines in your composition. I always include a small detail brush as well for signatures or adding minute touches. The ends of the brushes are great for making circular shapes like pupils in eyes. There are all kinds of brushes for specific uses. Most stores offer combo packs that will let you experiment with which one fits your style best. u WHERE TO BUY CANVASES I purchase almost all of my supplies at a local box store – Michael’s or Hobby Lobby- only because I like to be able to see and feel the products in person. I usually buy the economy, back-stapled canvases that come in multi-packs and are ready to paint for classes. The more expensive canvases have more tooth to them where these are a bit smoother. There are lots of online art supply retailers (i.e. Dick Blick, Jerry’s Artarama) if you don’t have a craft or independently owned art supply store in your community. Other ideas are to use a scrap piece of wood (old pickets from torn down fencing are cool) or pick up previously painted canvases at thrift shops or garage sales for coin and repaint them. You can purchase a gallon of Gesso at an art supply store, coat the surface in that thick white paint and create a “brand new” surface to paint on. u OTHER SUPPLIES Again, you can get really fancy about this, but you could just as easily use common household items as “tools” of the trade. We use paper plates as paint palettes and plastic cups (could be one that you rinsed out after a stop at a local eatery) to hold water for cleaning your brush in. Paper towels or a hand towel come in handy when you’re trying to get excess paint off of your paintbrush bristles too. If you want, small tabletop easels are available at the local box stores I mentioned previously. But, you can always just lay the canvas on a table top or on the ground. I like to prop it up in my lap for some projects! Depending on your subject, you may want to sketch on your canvas before you begin painting. In that case, a standard No. 2 pencil will do the trick. Or if you don’t have one, use a light colored paint to “sketch” with a small paint brush. When teaching, what are the biggest obstacles your students encounter, and how do you help them get past them? Most of the people who take my classes have never picked up a paint brush.

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Clockwise: Bobby Levy, Dan Olson, Michelle Olson, Valeh Levy, Heather Pastor, Sandra Olson, Carolyn Palma, Sydney Levy | Photo by Bob Levy

A lot of them had an interest in school, but weren’t encouraged to consider art as a viable career. Some will come in accompanied by a friend who claims that they “can’t even draw a stick figure”. Sometimes people will come in with a photo or will have done some research on an artist they admire before they attend. If they are stumped, I suggest students to do some basic, simple thumbnail sketches to begin…It helps get the ideas flowing. I offer encouragement to let them know they are on the right track. They are more afraid of doing things wrong…In reality there is no “wrong” and showing up in class is the first step beyond that fear. I want them to find their own style and not to simply copy my every action. It’s always amazing how with very little “instruction” everyone will begin to develop their own individual brush stroke. The ability and desire to create is innate and it takes all forms. How should we choose a subject matter? Is there anything that you feel is too difficult and should be avoided? Choosing a subject is very personal… Begin by thinking of the things you love, scenery that evokes a specific emotion or something for which you have a passion. These subjects will usually translate to the surface best because you already have an affinity for them. I wouldn’t necessarily avoid anything, but be cautious in trying to paint human faces or other things you want to have a photorealistic quality. It can lead to frustration, as those present challenges to even the most seasoned professional artists. I teach Pop Art style and Picasso style (cubist) portrait classes that let people learn basics about proportion and portrait drawing, but break things down into geometric shapes and color to start. There are lots of tutorials for every level on YouTube for specific techniques and help if you have a subject you want to concentrate on. Check local listings for art schools and instructors that specialize in what you’re interested in learning. Don’t be afraid to try anything! But also keep in

mind that perfection does not exist… So we’re sitting in front of a blank canvas. Now what? I keep several notebooks by my bedside, in my car, in my purse and flip through magazines at any chance I have of collecting ideas and looking for inspiration. If you are constantly making notes of things you find interesting or unusual, you will never have a question when you sit down in front of a blank canvas as to what you want to create... I think the best artists are those who are the best observers of their environment. Watch people, their interactions, their facial expressions. Look at what they wear and the colors they pair together. You become a better artist as you become better at noticing the details in the world around you. I notice when I have classes in retail stores that people automatically will look for their choice in color combinations and ideas by checking out what is around them or on the walls. Life is a study of the things around you and art is just a manifestation of that. Look at the way light hits the trees, the shadows it makes, the shape of the leaves, etc. All of those details make your composition more believable and pleasing to the eye. It only takes a single stroke to get started… F

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SURF ART . . . I am an Artist

Heather Pastor How did you discover you were an artist? As a kid I was always very creative and entered all kinds of art and coloring contests. I remember winning (positive reinforcement that I had talent) a book sale poster design contest when I was in 5th grade. Though I concentrated my studies through high school in graphic and commercial arts, and was accepted to University of Michigan art school, I didn’t pursue a degree in fine arts. I had taken various art classes throughout my life, but it wasn’t until I was laid off at my corporate job and was invited to read “The Artist’s Way” by Julia Cameron with a supportive group of ladies in 2012, that I reignited my interest in creative pursuits. As soon as I opened the door, opportunities began to appear from all directions. I created a body of work and had my own show, entered pieces in local exhibits, and joined organizations that would allow me the opportunity to show my work.

Photo by Kimberly Cline

Are you a full-time artist? I’m a full-time artist with another part time job! I have expanded my class offerings and continue to find new creative outlets that pay. My hope is to soon merge my paycheck earnings with my passion. I was encouraged by my mom (Thanks, Mom!) to teach a painting class similar to one we had attended together. I began to piece together the items I would need to start my own business and approached locations in my area about teaching. It’s taken some time and good marketing, but things snowballed from there. What are your favorite subjects to paint and why? My preference is for pop art. I incorporate “ mystery” elements and recyclable pieces into my work to encourage the audience to see the world a little differently. I use paint as a medium to help me convey my message, but I also enjoy paper collage and photography. I am drawn to (and have been since I can remember) layout and graphic design elements. I am fascinated with type and font styles, the way you can convey specific emotion or a message with a few lines of text. I love the works of Andy Warhol, Roy Lichtenstein, Wayne Thibodeau. They took basic everyday things like food and flowers and made them interesting with bold, unexpected color combinations.

Photo by Terry J. England

What are your fears as an artist and how have you overcome them? It’s always scary to show your work to the general public. It opens you up for critique, and artwork is an expression of yourself, personal. When people don’t appreciate your interpretation, it’s tough. I’m always learning and much of what I’ve done is self-taught. So, it’s intimidating sometimes to be involved in shows where there are fine artists who have prestigious degrees. My greatest fear is not being able to support myself doing something I love, to be trapped in a cubicle in front of a computer all day instead of creating art! F Learn more, follow, purchase! Artist, Heather L. Pastor of “One by One Designs” Website: Facebook: Email: Phone: 386-232-8424

Photo by Kimberly Cline

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CONTEST SCENE . . . Hawaii

Surf n Sea

PIPELINE WOMENS PRO presented by Brazilian Show Room Pipeline, Oahu, Hawaii (March 16-24th, 2015)

Keala Kennelly, winner of the Pipeline Womens Pro | Photo: Larry Haynes Photos & Story by Betty Depolito

Pipeline can be a crazy wave, because there is always drama and plenty of action. The Surf n Sea Pipeline Womens Pro presented by Brazilian Show Room has a long history of events at Pipeline starting in 1980 when only the women bodyboarders were taking on the challenge. At the time there were organized women’s surf groups working at it and big world tour events in other countries. As women’s shortboarding grew, there came the day when they wanted to have a contest at the world famous spot. It was on! Pipeline can be a crazy wave, because there is always drama and plenty of action. The Surf n Sea Pipeline Womens Pro presented by Brazilian Show Room has a long history of events at Pipeline starting in 1980 when only the Women Bodyboarders were taking on the challenge. At the time there were organized women’s surf groups working at it and big world tour events in other countries. As women’s shortboarding grew, there came the day when they wanted to have a contest at the world famous spot. It was on! The first events were held with many styles of board riding including SUP and long boarding. The Surf n Sea Pipeline Womens Pro presented by Brazilian Show Room got the nod from Faith Wenzl, the WSL administrator, and crew. Surf n Sea was there once again to pitch in! Surf n Sea is celebrating their 50th year keeping everyone in the water. They just won a SIMA gold award for their service to the community and have been in the same building in Haleiwa since 1965. Surf was small the first day, but great spring conditions and a good way to kick off the event. Top seed, two time World Champion Carissa Moore, did not find enough waves to advance out of the very first heat, and her sister, Cayla Moore, missed the day due to her appearance in Kamehameha’s School Song Contest, a requirement of the school. Cayla is a senior and the class won the event, so a good reason to miss Pipeline! In heat two Sophia Bartlow from Long Beach California was the stand out with fellow mainland surfer Natalie Anzivino advancing. Local North Shore surfer, Bailey Nagy, won her heat easily. There was a break and when the heats resumed, heat 4 saw the junior surfers Zoe McDougall and Honolua Blomfield taking the heat. Both caught solid 112 | | wSSm

waves and pulled off the typical bottom turn, top turn, and smash the lip again kind of riding. These girls, both from the North Shore of Oahu, are the new breed- well trained and gun ho to get on the World Tour. Unfortunately, this event, a 1000 point small event, is not enough points to make a big difference in ratings. “It really is heart breaking”, said contest director Betty Depolito. “The event has been four star rated in the past with much more at stake but this season we got a late sales start. We do need a three year plan to work with a great partner, that would secure the event and give us a better chance to get the perfect day.” The second day saw 4-6 foot roping Pipeline and a challenging situation for all the women surfers. It was good in the morning and windy in the afternoon. The morning heat stand-outs included Anastasia Ashley from California, who is pretty much a local having grown up in Hawaii and who is a previous winner of the event. Frankie Harrer, USA, was surfing well and so was Hawaii’s Moana Jones. Jones eventually made the final taking 4th. The Big Island’s Kehanu Delovio was solid also and has the contest experience as she is surfing on the Hawaiian team now. Bianca Valenti from the San Francisco area, another previous winner was on fire, but just missed out in her semi. She received the best wave award for the day for a big roping right hander. Hawaii’s Melanie Bartels was also kicking okole all day and ended up in third place. North Shore surfer and rising star Honolua Blomfield took a second. Winning the event was Kauai’s Keala Kennelly who was solid the whole way through, winning every heat and slamming the hardest off the lips she possibly could. She also found the best tube ride of the day and received an alaia board trophy made by surfer Jenn Miles. Kennelly was on a mission to win. She used every bit of her competitive know how and her big wave experience. Kennelly, 36, has been ranked as high as second in the world and is known for her crazy big wave adventures scoring several Billabong XXL titles along the way. “I’ve been surfing out here since I was about 12, so I’ve put in a lot of time,” said Kennelly. “Being a big wave surfer definitely helped today. I’ve taken my fair share of beatings, so for sure it helps to not be intimidated when the conditions are heavy like they were in the afternoon”, she explained. You also might know Kennelly from her stints as an actor in the movie “Blue Crush” and “John From Cincinnati”. Kennelly jump started her surfing career when she won an event in at Teahupoo and won it again later on. She was inducted into the Walk of Fame and Actions Sports Hall of Fame and is a professional DJ, “DJ KK”. She’s good at it with stints in Las Vegas and around the world including opening for Snoop Dog at an event. For her this event was just a drop in her bucket and it will be fun to watch her continue her journey. F

PRESENTING SPONSOR: Brazilian Show Room is located in Haleiwa and Kailua. They specialize in the best Brazilian products brought straight from Brazil to Hawaii. They carry top designers and are always ready to service you with the upmost care. (

Official Drink: Local and Kona, Hawaii based Hawaiian Ola is an organic food and beverage company offering healthy, functional packaged goods to retailers, smoothie bars, and sport shops wherever they are needed. The company was established in 2012 and has since released many great products. Ola products are certified organic by the USDA, certified vegan, certified fairtrade, gluten free, and packaged BPA free. ( Official Beauty Product: NYR Organic (Neal’s Yard Remedies) started life in a small depot in central London, driven by the passionate belief that health and beauty should be more natural and less synthetic. Today they have many products that are distributed around the world. They are passionate about transforming people’s lives, educating and empowering you on how to live more healthily through the power of nature. Their local Hawaii number to call is 808-537-3933 and you can find Kim at Poster Artist: CHRISTIE SHINN is a self-taught graphic designer and illustrator based in Canada but inspired by Hawaii. With a bright, graphic style, SHINN documents daily life on the North Shore of Oahu through her work. Her work steers clear of the familiar postcard imagery and, instead, features smaller moments that are telling of the larger experience. SHINN’S unique aesthetic comes from a varied collection of influences that include old skate graphics, DIY screen printing and comic book art. ( /

Anastasia Ashley

“DJ KK at Banzai Sushi wrap party

Malia Jones, Honolua Blomfield, Keala Kennelly

Poster Surfer: Emilia Perry, just call her “Meals”

for short, has been an extra avid surfer at Pipeline for over 15 years and her passion continues to grow. She is also a professional mermaid and teaches surfing on Oahu’s North Shore. “ I want girls to know that you can do anything”, she says.” Mermaids have more fun!” Perry will once again be a competitor in the competition and is one of the stand outs in every session! Surfboard Designers: Jen Miles and DMZ

Surfboards have put their planers in gear to build two great surfboards for the contestants. Miles in her own right is a great surfer who has the passion for designing boards and has created other surfing events in the past. The gang at DMZ designed a beautiful board for the wahine. Mahalo!

Bianca Valenti

Zoe McDougall, a Hawaii’s hopeful

Honolua Blomfield

Outrigger Duke Kahanamoku Foundation, ODKF: The legacy of aloha left

by Duke Kahanamoku continually inspires us. This year the foundation honors Duke’s 125th birthday. They are an organization that awards scholarships and grants across the islands for academic and athletic goals of higher achievement. This year alone they gave out $165,000.00 to different entities. You can join the Ohana, be a donor and you too can help Hawaii’s top athletes and scholars to reach their full potential as they honor the father of surfing, Duke Kahanamoku! ( Official Forecaster: Surf News Network

sharing surf heights and conditions for over 30 years. Call 808-596-7873 for daily updates at 7a,m. ( wSSm | | 113


Gabeto Fernandez HAIR & MAKEUP: Buffy Archer MODELS: Christina Coffee Carolyn Palma Kaydi Archer Josh Serra FASHION COORD. & ASSISTANT: Carolyn Palma FASHION DIRECTORS Sandra Olson, Dan Olson

Morning Stroll Kaydi

Shirt: Perfect for the beach or an evening out. By ELAN ( / Skirt: “Short Scrunch Skirt” by Ipanema. Wear it as a coverup or under a tshirt for daytime wear. Featuring an adjustable scrunch side and reversible to aqua. ( Necklace & Earrings: “Crystal & Pearl Beaded Starfish Necklace” and shell earrings. Trendy Jewels by World End Imports ( | 1-800-722-2309) Long Necklace: “Chunky Stone and Tassel” shown in lemon, by Calypso Studios ( Jewelry Tattoos: “Desert Blue” temporary jewelry tattoos by Lulu DK (

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Photos by Greg Chapman wSSm | | 115


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F 150 Josh (left)

Shirt: “Sri Lanka Surf” in royal by Prawno Apparel ( Shorts: “Skull Stamp” by Just Bones Boardwear, featuring their patented adjustable waistband ( Cuff / Wrap Bracelet: “Blessed” valor cuff mens leather bracelet, and “Original Wrap Bracelet with Studs” in charcoal, by Good Works(s) Make A Difference ( Sunglasses: “Mojo” polarized in cobalt blue, featuring their signature paddle inspired design and integrated hinges, by Hobie ( Watch: “Organic Cotton Orange Strap with Bamboo Dial” timepiece by eco-friendly Sprout (

Beachin’ Josh (above)

Shorts: “Wave Runner” in white by Lagaci ( Sunglasses: “Stockton” polarized by Peppers (

Christina (above)

Bikini Top: “Reversible Wrap Top” in pescado by Mi Ola. Perfect for the glam-surfer girl! ( Bikini Bottoms: “Leahi Bottom” in nior nior- a strappy little black bikini by Elle Mer ( Sunglasses: “Pixie” Bombshell Fashion Polarized in black by Peppers ( Bracelets: “Laini” hand constructed bracelets made from their neoprene boyshort remnants, by Spirit Designs ( Jewelry Tattoos: “Blue Lagoon” temporary jewelry tattoos by Lulu DK (

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BEACH Cruisin’ Josh

Pants: “Cotton Linen” pants in white by Lagaci ( Shirt: Steve Sherman- art driven t-shirt design. By T-Sherms ( Watch: “Natural Cork Dial & Strap with Black Corn Resin Case” timepiece by eco-friendly Sprout (


Dress: “Forever Dreamin’ ” in peacock blue by Lagaci ( Hat: “Skipper” in white by Peter Grimm ( Necklace: “Curvy Anchor Necklace” Trendy Jewels by World End Imports ( | 1-800-722-2309) Long Necklace: “Vintage Key” by THe l.a.b. ( Bracelets: “Wrapped Wire Bracelets” in chunky stone and turtle, by Calypso Studios ( Neck Jewelry Tattoo: “Desert Blue” temporary jewelry tattoos by Lulu DK (

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You, Me, Sea (bottom right)

On The Pier (top right)


Kaydi (left)

Kaydi (left)

Sport Bra: “Coobie Bra” in Zebra Ivory by Coobie Bra (

Watch: “Green Lightning Multicolored Organic Cotton Strap” timepiece by eco-friendly Sprout (

Sunglasses: “Sunset Blvd” Polarized by Peppers (

Pants: By ELAN (

Necklace & Earrings: “Starfish” necklace on a sterling silver chain, teardrop shell earrings with black pearls, handmade in Hawaii by Lino Life ( | Instagram: linolife | E: Belly Chain: “WANDERLUST” exotic belly chain/necklace/belt and handmade in California. From Nearly Naked by Crista Grasso ( Sunglasses: “Kara” Bombshell Fashion Polarized in maroon by Peppers ( Shoes: “Yoga Sling 2” in coral with a real yoga mat footbed, by Sanuk (

Tank: “Hello Miss Macrame” in Mint by Lagaci (

Christina (right)

Tank: “Crochet Patch Back Tank” in hot pink from Surf Gypsy by Vintage Havana ( Bikini Bottoms: “Striped Boyshort” in True Red by Mi Ola, a surf-friendly brand ( Back Jewelry Tattoo: “Blue Lagoon” temporary jewelry tattoos by Lulu DK (

Tank: By Wave Riding Vehicles (

Carolyn (middle)

Shirt: Steve Sherman- art driven t-shirt design. By T-Sherms ( Bikini Bottoms: “Nui Bottoms” in Ocean Blue by eco conscious, Koru Swimwear ( Sunglasses: “The Avenue” in Burgundy by Soda Sunglasses (

Christina (right)

Tank: “Bikini Season” by Lagaci ( Bikini Bottoms: “Striped Boyshort” in True Red by Mi Ola, a surf-friendly brand ( Sunglasses: “Alexis” Bombshell Fashion Polarized by Peppers ( Arm Jewelry Tattoo: “Desert Blue” temporary jewelry tattoos by Lulu DK (


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Yoga On The Pier Carolyn (far left)

Sport Bra: “Coobie Bra Scoopneck” in Plum Pinstripe, by Coobie Bra ( Leggings: “H2OM Full Length Leggings Red Phoenix” by The Om Collection. Perfect for hot yoga, hiking, biking, or even kayaking, surfing or swimming. (

Kaydi (middle)

Sport Bra: “Coobie Bra Scoopneck” in Striped Berry & Gray, by Coobie Bra ( Leggings: “Coobie Seamless Ankle Leggings” in Gray Houndstooth by Coobie Bra (

Christina (right)

Sport Bra: “Coobie Bra V-neck Lace Trim” in Army Green, by Coobie Bra ( Leggings: “JOJO Legging” in free-spirited and colorful Gypsy, by Dona Jo ( Indo Yoga Board: “Indo Board Yoga Deck and 3x IndoFLO Cushions” by Indo Board (

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On The Wall Kaydi

Shirt: “Water Lilies Draped Sleeve Blouse” in navy by Prawno ( Shorts: “Lace Up Shorts” in white by Ocean Drive Clothing Co. ( Sunglasses: “Kara” Bombshell Fashion Polarized in maroon by Peppers ( Necklace: “Turquoise Triangle Necklace” Wooden Birch necklace engraved with “Then, Now, Always” with reversible turquoise acrylic triangle ( Long Necklace: “Brass & Antiqued Silver Long Feather Necklace” Trendy Jewels by World End Imports ( 1-800-722-2309) Bracelet: “Strength with Anchor Charm” bracelet by Calypso Studios ( Boots: “Chopper” in brown, featuring a water resistant PVC rain boot with sweater material and microfiber upper. By Nomad ( Tote Bag: “Vintage Manager Bag” in red, creatively hand-crafted to the last detail. This one-strap hato bag has embroidered designs on front pocket and strap. By Old Cotton Cargo (

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Presidential Original DuraCord Rope Hammock

Shown in Coastal Blue, this and woven, cottony-soft, and designed to be weather-tough, this luxury hammock easily holds up to three people! Southern white oak spreaders are hand-dipped in marinequality varnish, and hanging hardware & chains are galvanized steel.

Green Soft Weave Hammock Pillow

A generously plump cushion of polyester fiberfill batting is encased within two layers of soft all-weather, solution-dyed fabric. Oh-so-soft!

Decade Sand Sunbrella Designer Porch Pillow

Stitched from 2 sheets of all-weather, cottony-soft “Sunbrella” fabric for beautiful, lasting color.

Chill Time (above)

Best Friends (right)

Christina (left)

Carolyn (left)

Shorts: “Lace Up Shorts” in white by Ocean Drive Clothing Co. (

Leggings: By Peace & Om (

Headband: “Revival Wrap” by THE l.a.b. Wear it as a wrap bracelet, headband, ponytail wrap, a belt, necklace, a cowgirl boot wrap, anklet and more! (

Scarf: “Pewter Grey Horizon” rayon slub lightweight sweater by Truehitt (

Sweater: “Black Flag” rayon slub lightweight sweater by Truehitt (

Shoes: “Block” in yellow by Nomad ( Headphones: “Inspire 300 for Women” TwistLock® Technology and FlexSoft® Comfort Fit guarantee yurbuds® Inspire® 300 For Women won’t hurt or fall out! (

Carolyn (right)

Sweater: “Red Bold Stripe” rayon slub lightweight sweater by Truehitt ( Shorts: “Lace Up Shorts” in denim by Ocean Drive Clothing Co. ( Necklace: “Vintage Key” by THE l.a.b. ( Shoes: “Tribe” in blue by Nomad (

Shirt: “Liberty Belle” in orange by Lagaci (

Shoes: “Lavendar” rubber sandals by Gurus ( Surfboard Fins: By Fins Unlimited ( Surfboard Leash: DayGlo 6’ leash by Sticky Bumps (

Frosty (dog)

Collar: “Dog Collar” handmade by the Wayuu families of Columbia. By Buena Onda (

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Young Love (below) Christina

Shirt: “Stripe Open Knit Baja Fringe Hoody” soft and lightweight- perfect for the beach, by Vintage Havana ( Shorts: “Lace Up Shorts” in denim by Ocean Drive Clothing Co. ( Necklace: “Paduak Triangle Teal Necklace” made exotic padauk wood with a teal center. Engraved with “Then, Now, Always.” ( Watch: Water resistant to 300ft, by Armitron (

Shoes: “Yoga Sling 2” in Ocean, featuring a real yoga mat footbed, by Sanuk (


Shirt: “Grey Heather Tee” soft and lightweight by Nectar ( Shorts: “Triangle” 4-way stretch boardshorts by Just Bones Boardwear, featuring their patented adjustable waistband (


Green Large Soft Weave Hammock

Soft padded fabric provides the sensation of a plush suspended bed, with

individual overlapping thatch-woven fabric ribbons, pulling against each other much like ropes in a rope hammock, recreating that welcome sensation of being held aloft in a comfy net, which cradles the contours of your body even as you shift positions. Southern white oak spreaders are hand-dipped in marine-quality varnish, and hanging hardware & chains are zinc-plated steel.

Large Canvas Hammock Pillow

Featuring two sheets of all-weather fabric that are lock-stitched with heavy thread and corner grommets for added stability, sandwiching a center of equally nonabsorbent recycled polyester hollowfill fiber. Shown in Sunflower and Navy.

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Watch: “Organic Cotton Black & Green Strap with Bamboo Dial” by eco-conscious Sprout ( Shoes: “OOAHH Slide” by Oofos in black... some of the most comfortable shoes you’ll ever wear! (

Christina (bottom right)


Sunglasses: “BlueSteel” polarized by Nectar (

Silver Necklace: “Happiness is Found in Saltwater” in white Trendy Jewels by World End Imports ( 1-800-722-2309)

Belt: “Swirl” an interchangeable, earth-friendly, easy-to-clean, soft & pliable belt by C4Belts (

Sunglasses: “Pit Boss” in Shiny Light Gold by Peppers (

Watch: “Pink Rainbow Multicolored Organic Cotton Strap” timepiece by eco-friendly Sprout (

Long Necklace: By Charming Shark Surf Jewelry (

Shirt & headband: “Tie-Dyed “Believe” Ponch Hoodie” inspired by Amelia Earhart & The Wright Bros. ““Revival Wrap” handmade with love, and can be worn a multitude of ways. By THe l.a.b. (

Bracelets: Trendy Jewels by World End Imports ( /1-800-722-2309) Shoes: “The Drift Canvas” in light blue by Soft Science. A supremely comfortable, amazingly light shoe that can be worn as a clog or as a slip-on, as seen here. (


Hat: “Blue Ocean” hat by Brokn Legend. Fully adjustable with a leather buckle closure. “Only Dead Fish Go With The Flow” embroidered on the back. ( Sunglasses: “Huckleberry” crystal clear with red iridium lenses, from the Mike Alessi 800 Signature Series. By Sikk Shades (

Shirt: “Liberty Belle” in black by Lagaci (

Headband: Handmade in Mexico by Bonino, of soft macrame and beads. Fully adjustable, can also be worn as a belt. ( Arm Jewelry Tattoo: “Desert Blue” temporary jewelry tattoos by Lulu DK (

Josh (top right)

Shirt: By Wave Riding Vehicles ( Sunglasses: by Peppers (

Cuff / Wrap Bracelet: “Blessed” Valor cuff mens leather bracelet by Good Works(s) Make A Difference ( Shorts & Belt: “Blue Belted Chino Shorts” with adjustable drawstrings at the hems, and “Handmade Vintage Orange Belt”, by Old Cotton Cargo (

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City Stroll (left) Carolyn

Dress: “EOS Tunic Dress” in white, featuring a flattering empire waisted cut. Great for layering or worn as a dress. By The Om Collection ( Sport Bra: “Coobie Bra Scoopneck” in yellow, by Coobie Bra ( Leggings: “H2OM Legging Cosmic Peacock Capri” made from recycled water bottles and perfect for hot yoga, hiking, biking, kayaking, surfing or swimming. ( Earrings: “Shell Disc Hoop” Trendy Jewels by World End Imports ( | 1-800-722-2309) Hand Chain: “SIMPLY SEXY Silver Hand Chain” wear it alone for simple sexiness, or layer it with your other

Beach Chic (above) favorite bracelets and rings. Handmade in California. From Nearly Naked by Crista Grasso ( Sunglasses: “Alexis” Bombshell Fashion Polarized by Peppers ( Wrist Jewelry Tattoo: “Blue Lagoon” temporary jewelry tattoos by Lulu DK ( Shoes: “Neopolitan” Cork wedges with handmade macrame uppers made in Mexico by Bonino ( Clutch: “Wristlet” from the Cork Collection. Cork is the new leather! Lightweight, water resistant and all natural, from Calypso Studios (


Shirt: “Sun Sand Surf Muscle Tank” in mint, from Luv Surf. Comfortable, breezy, perfect for a day at the beach or a casual night out. ( Shorts: “Lace Up Shorts” in denim by Ocean Drive Clothing Co. ( Watch: “Organic Cotton Black & Green Strap with Bamboo Dial” by eco-conscious Sprout ( Belt: Handmade in Mexico by Bonino, of soft macrame and beads. Can also be worn as a headband. ( Necklace & Hair Clip: Seashell & sterling silver necklace, real starfish hair clip, handmade in Hawaii by Lino Life ( | Instagram: linolife | E:

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Summer Romance Christina

Dress: “EOS Tunic Dress” in purple, featuring a flattering empire waisted cut. Great for layering or worn as a dress. By The Om Collection. ( Boots: “Sound” in khaki with suede uppers and macrame fringe on the shaft that adds movement and volume with every step. A super chic and comfortable bootie from Sbicca Vintage Collection. ( Cap: “Soltau” in tan by Peter Grimm ( Watch: “Natural Cork Dial & Strap with Corn Resin Beige Bezel” timepiece by eco-friendly Sprout ( Bracelets: “Wrapped Wire Bracelets” in chunky stone and turtle, by Calypso Studios ( Arm Jewelry Tattoo: “Desert Blue” temporary jewelry tattoos by Lulu DK ( Earrings: By Charming Shark Surf Jewelry (


Shorts: “Lime Stripe” boardshorts by Just Bones Boardwear, featuring their patented adjustable waistband ( Watch: Water resistant to 330ft, by Armitron ( Bracelets: Trendy Jewels by World End Imports ( | 1-800-722-2309)

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Boudoir Carolyn

Sweater: By ELAN ( Necklace & Rings: “Large Keshi Baroque Pearl on Sterling Silver” necklace, “Pearls & Swirls” rings handmade in Hawaii by Lino Life ( | Instagram: linolife | E: Shorts: “Lace Up Shorts” in denim by Ocean Drive Clothing Co. ( Foot & Hand Chains: “VAVANT Naked Sandals & Hand Chain” in Bronze and Opalite. Victorian inspired bronze filigree in beautiful boho vintage style is elegantly combined with glowing opalite gems in this unique jewelry set. The opalite shifts in color as it moves, from opaque blue to sunset orange, evoking a feeling of mystery and romance. From Nearly Naked by Crista Grasso (

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Warehouse Hip Hop Carolyn (Left)

Christina (Below)

Hat: “Endless Summer” in teal with metallic gold ink trucker hat by Get Salty (

Shirt & Headband: Tie-dyed, relaxed and cool shirt, “Revival Wrap” handmade with love, and can be worn a multitude of ways. By THe l.a.b. (

Leggings: “Coobie Seamless Ankle Leggings” in white by Coobie Bra (

Bracelet Wrap: Long studded wrap bracelets by Calypso Studios (

Arm Jewelry Tattoo: “Indigo” temporary jewelry tattoos by Lulu DK (

Bracelets: Coil bracelets from Trendy Jewels by World End Imports ( 1-800-722-2309)

Shirt: “Headphones” fringed hand-cut loose tank, handmade with love by THe l.a.b. (

Shoes: “Hip Hop HD II” in Multi/White by Gotta Flurt. This show-stopping sneaker is embellished with black pyramid studs that detail the metallic rainbow uppers. (

Jacket: “Striped Unisex Cardigan” in black from Iron Fist Clothing (

Belt: “Green” silicone, interchangeable, earth-friendly, easy-to-clean, soft & pliable belt by C4Belts ( Shoes: “Destiny” in black. Exquisitely extravagant, these beautiful ultra high top sequin sneakers can be folded down or worn updepending on your personal style. By Gotta Flurt (


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Burning Man Kaydi

Shirt: By ELAN ( Hat: ”Braden” made of handwoven Panama straw and featuring a shapeable wire brim with studs and a heavily embellished hat band. By Peter Grimm ( Necklace: “Black Baroque Filigree Statement Necklace” from Trendy Jewels by World End Imports ( / 1-800-722-2309) Sport Bra: “Coobie Bra Scoopneck” in red, by Coobie Bra ( Leggings: “H2OM Full Length Leggings Red Phoenix” by The Om Collection. Perfect for hot yoga, hiking, biking, surfing or swimming. ( Jewelry Tattoos: “Indigo” temporary jewelry tattoos by Lulu DK ( Boots: “Bailey” in black, featuring a wrap-around belt with metal buckle detail and a relaxed shaft opening, by Nomad (

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Glamour Girl Kaydi (Right)

Shirt: By ELAN ( Leggings: “Jojo Legging” in Azteca gorgeous bohemian print. Soft to the touch and the ultimate in comfort, by Dona Jo ( Sunglasses: “Naomi” in shiny leopard. Combining protection with glitz, the oversized design features nickel silver brow, laser etched logo, and barrel hinges. By Hobie ( Watch: “White Corn Resin Lead Free Crystal Accented Dial and Cork Strap” timepiece by eco-friendly Sprout ( Cuffs, Bracelets: (left) “Dream Scripture Come Together Cuff” featuring Philippians 4:13 on their signature 6-cord cuff design, and easy-to-wear sliding magnetic clasp. (right) “Bliss Wrap Around Bracelet” features a glint, celebration themed finish. Shown in green. (right) “Miracle Scripture Cuff” in pale pink, with Proverbs 3:5-6 inscribed on it. All by Good Works(s) Make A Difference ( Jewelry Tattoos: “Indigo” temporary jewelry tattoos by Lulu DK (

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Sexy Shoes

Grafitti Girl

Carolyn (Below)

Carolyn (Right)

Shoes: “Multi Over The Rainbow Platform” These crazy sexy kawaii printed platforms feature an adjustable ankle strap, a 5” heel and 2” platform, giving you height without the hurt. High contrast black closed toe box with matching black bows. By Iron Fist (

Leggings: “Coobie Seamless Ankle Leggings” in white by Coobie Bra (

Dress: Johnny Russia (

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Sweater: By ELAN (

Sport Bra: “Coobie Bra Scoopneck” in red, by Coobie Bra ( Necklace & Bangles: Pearls and Sterling Silver necklace and bangles handmade in Hawaii by Lino Life ( Instagram: linolife |

(middle bracelet) “Dream Scripture Cuff” in Mocha with Philippians 4:13 inscribed on it. By Good Works(s) Make A Difference (

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Festival (right)



Shirt: By ELAN ( Earrings, Hand Chain & Body Chain: “WANDERLUST Filigree Drop Earrings” feature cascading circles of ornate filigree cutouts dangling from french hook earwires. “WANDERLUST Filigree Hand Chain” bohemian style bracelet-ring hand chain features a double bracelet chain. From Nearly Naked by Crista Grasso ( Necklace: “Black Baroque Filigree Statement Necklace” from Trendy Jewels by World End Imports ( / 1-800-722-2309) Cuff: Hand painted, strappy, leather cuff with Swarovski crystal elements and snap closure by Caroline Rocha ( Leggings: “H2OM Full Length Leggings: Snake Sunset Print” by The Om Collection. Perfect for hot yoga, hiking, biking, surfing or swimming. (

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Shirt: “Festival Fringe Tree Tee” All original L.A.B. art, (Be Strong, Be True, Be Free). Locally printed & hand cut, and designed to show off your skin. By THe l.a.b. ( Sport Bra: “Coobie Bra Scoopneck” in red, by Coobie Bra ( Hat: “Tabor” in tan by Peter Grimm ( Belt: “Handmade Red Vintage Old Cotton Cargo Belt” by Old Cotton Cargo ( Skirt: “Crochet Trim Fringe Skirt” by Surf Gypsy by Vintage Havana (

Boots: “Bailey” in camel, featuring a wrap-around belt with metal buckle detail and a relaxed shaft opening, by Nomad ( Wrap Bracelet: “Serenity Prayer Wrap Bracelet” in mocha. By Good Works(s) Make A Difference ( Bracelets: “Coco Infinity Macrame” & “Leather Coil Knot” bracelets from Trendy Jewels by World End Imports ( 1-800-722-2309)

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Carolyn (left)

Shirt: By ELAN ( Sport Bra: “Coobie Bra” in Zebra Ivory by Coobie Bra ( Shorts: “Lace Up Shorts” in denim by Ocean Drive Clothing Co. ( Boots: “Amplify” in wine. A modern twist on the classic cowboy boot, complete with stud and wrapped chain accents. By Very Volatile ( Hat: “Raw Bird” limited edition, air brushed over olive tones, straw drifter cowboy hat by Peter Grimm ( Rings: Pearls and sterling silver rings, handmade in Hawaii by Lino Life ( Instagram: linolife E: Leg & Wrist Jewelry Tattoos: “Indigo” temporary jewelry tattoos by Lulu DK (

Carolyn (right)

Shirt: “Hola Bonita” in coral by Lagaci ( Shorts: “Lace Up Shorts” in denim by Ocean Drive Clothing Co. ( Boots: “Pasa” in beige. Lush suede with weathered micro-studs accentuating the curved topline and over-the-topawesome fringe that creates incredible movement as you walk. By Very Volatile. ( Hat: “Caspian” in dark brown. Overwhelmingly popular, this wool hat is both stylish and trendsetting. By Peter Grimm (

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Western Chic

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Sally Australia’s own

Fitzgibbons By Ashley Caudle


Photo by M. Fitzgibbons

DATE OF BIRTH: 19 December 1990 BORN: Gerroa, New South Wales, Australia


LIVES: Gerroa, New South Wales, Australia

SPONSORS: Piping Hot, Red Bull, Samsung, X-Dubai, Land Rover, Firewire, FCS


he world of women’s professional surfing is changing with new faces on the world tour, new locations, and a fierce battle for the number one spot have made this an exciting year to watch. Thanks to a second place finish at the Swatch Women’s Pro in Trestles and a third place finish at the Van’s US Open of Surfing in Huntington Beach,Sally Fitzgibbons has moved into first place on the WCT with a 1950 point lead over second place, Stephanie Gilmore. I was able to talk to Sally after Trestles when she had a moment to answer some random questions about her equipment and training, how the sport of women’s surfing is progressing, the recent name change announcement from the ASP and her future plans. This is what she had to say. This first question is something I’ve been wondering. What do you do with all your old boards? Are they destroyed, donated, or just discarded once you no longer use them? My sponsor partner supplies me with 30 or so boards a year wSSm | | 145




Top: Big wave surfing at Margaret River, Australia Bottom: Surfing Novia Scotia Photos by M. Fitzgibbons

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and we are constantly developing them to find the magic board. When I decide to change the profile I do end up with some extras that I donate to charities looking to raise money at auctions around Australia. There are so many worthy causes needing help and I am happy to say they have raised over $50,000 so far. You’re arguably the fittest surfer on the tour. How has your training regimen changed and improved over the years to bring you to the number one spot on the tour? Over the years I have continued to gather information, programs and different exercises from an array of great trainers and coaches. This has allowed me to better myself and see what best suits my body and what is most effective for me to improve out on the water. I never stop looking for something new to take me to the next level and this helps to raise my performance level year in and year out.

Above: Sally enjoying some time with her mother, Mary Photo by: M Fitzgibbons

This year saw some new locations for the women’s tour and the return of some old ones, do you think we’ll ever see the women’s tour as expansive and rigorous as the men’s tour? The new additions of Trestles and Fiji are awesome locations bringing the tour back to 10 stops, taking us from February through to December. More quality locations would be welcome, but it is already a busy year when you do a few qualifying events as well. There are 18 ladies on the WCT and 36 men, how do you see the sport expanding in years to come and do you think we will see an equal amount of women and men on the respective tours? There are a number of factors that control the number of surfers on tour. Getting through a contest in two and a half days for the Women and three and a half for the men, means we need six days of swell to finish a combined event. As you know, it is a difficult thing to expect nature to deliver that on a consistent basis. So I don’t see the Women’s tour expanding any further at this stage and maybe the men’s tour will be reduced further, only the ASP (WSL) organizers know what direction we are headed. Now that the ASP has announced it is changing its name to the World Surf League in an effort to better promote the sport of surfing, do you feel this will have any impact on the expansion of the women’s WCT perhaps even increase coverage, sponsorships and prize money at events? I think it is a good change and will align with a number of other sports in stating more clearly what the sport is. I’m not sure of the impact of a name change on those things you mention, but the sport is definitely moving in the right direction if the year so far is an indication of our future. When the day finally comes when you stop competing what’s next for you, what sort of plans do you have? Sports commentator perhaps? Haha, I hope that it isn’t too soon, and yes sports commentary would definitely be on the cards back home. I love following all sorts of sports, so it would be a job that I would love to do and even develop those skills along the way while I am competing. In Australia, I do some co-hosting on Wide World Of Sports, my favorite Sunday sports show. Is there anything you would like to add, anything you’d like to tell the readers which hasn’t been covered extensively in the past? I have published a health and surfing lifestyle book “Live Like Sally”, so anyone wanting to kick start living a healthier life should check it out! (details on my website) Keep up with what’s going on in Sally’s world by checking her out on one of her social media links: | | F wSSm | | 147




Top: Getting barreled in Fiji Bottom: (left) Training in Nova Scotia Photos by M. Fitzgibbons Victory claim at the Roxy Pro France Photo courtesy of Roxy

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(top) Enjoying a golden morning (bottom) Staying in peak performance Photos: M Fitzgibbons


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Laura Enever

North Shore, Oahu, Hawaii | Photo by Gregerson

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Carissa Moore

North Shore, Oahu, Hawaii | Photo by Gregerson

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Courtney Conlogue North Shore, Oahu, Hawaii | Photo by Gregerson

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Kobie Enright

North Shore, Oahu, Hawaii | Photo by Gregerson

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Silvana Lima

North Shore, Oahu, Hawaii | Photo by Gregerson

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Story by Ashley Caudle | Photos by Greg Chapman


ew people know that when I’m not running all around the world working or following the WSL World Championship Tour I live in Tableview, South Africa. While surfing down around Muizenberg, I realized just how under represented South Africa is on the surfing world stage; other countries known for having good surf like Australia, Brazil, USA, and technically part of the USA but listed separately, Hawaii, are all well represented on the surf scene. Then there’s South Africa, for the men there is Jordy Smith and on the women’s side there is Bianca Buitendag who was featured in the fall/spring 2015 issue of WSSM. Two people whom I respect, but a far cry from the twelve men and six women on the same tour from Australia alone.

So what is it like to be sort of the South African ambassador of surfing? It is great, my aim is to get more girls in the water, surfing and growing the sport in our country. Surfing is such a healthy lifestyle and I love encouraging people to surf, whether it is competitively or just free surfing.

Fortunately, amongst the Qualifying Series there are more South Africans competing and representing around the world. I had the privilege of interviewing Tanika Hoffman after she returned from China and here’s what she had to say about surfing around the world, representing sponsors, the differences in sanctioning bodies and the future of surfing in general.

What about surfing as an Olympic sport? With the proliferation of wave pools around the world, is this something we may be seeing in the future? It would obviously be an honour for surfing to be part of the Olympic Games. We do, however have the ISA World Games which is seen as the “Olympic games” of surfing. The ocean and its un-predictability plays such a large role in surfing, especially competitive surfing. In my opinion, surfing consists of the full skill package: surfing, your mind set, selecting the correct waves, reading the ocean…therefore contests

Women’s professional surfing is exploding worldwide with greater prize money and more stops on the tour. How do you see the sport progressing? Will women’s surfing ever be equal to men’s surfing in sponsorship support and tour stops? Surfing in general is growing worldwide, the men’s and women’s events are getting consistently bigger and better. I think the only reason that men’s surfing appears bigger would be due to the number of men who surf competitively. The girls abilities are definitely up there and getting better and more progressive on a daily basis. As we get more women involved competitively, we will definitely see a huge jump in women’s surfing in general.



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in a wave pool could bring on a completely different twist to what we are accustomed to seeing in the competitive scene. I personally would prefer competing in the ocean as apposed to a wave pool, as I love the challenge that the ocean provides. What advice would you give to new surfers trying to get into this sport and the young surfers striving to reach the professional ranks? Once surfing becomes part of your lifestyle, it becomes part of your DNA, all you have to do is work hard, use every opportunity you get and never give up. The best training for surfing, would always be to surf, so lots of time in the water will definitely help. For someone looking to take their game to the next level, as a member of the ISA and ASP (ASP is now known as the WSL, World Surfing League), what are the differences between the two organizations from a competitive perspective? To compete at the ISA events you have to be selected by your country, therefore you are representing your country and it is seen as a team event. When competing on the WSL and doing the WQS (World Qualifying Series) events, you are entering as an individual with the goal of qualifying for the WCT (World Champions Tour). It is always an honor representing your country at the ISA World Games. The WSL, WQS take you all around the world competing against strong, hungry competitors who all have the same goal of qualifying at the end of the year. Both are challenging and great experiences.

Photos by Greg Chapman


Any tips for getting recognition and attracting sponsorships? The best thing is to do as many contests as possible. The events are always sponsored by brands who are keeping an eye out for young new talent. Contests are also usually swarming with photographers, so surf as much as you can and you should end up with some cool pictures… potentially in magazines. Also remember that these days, social media plays a huge role, so stay active and get your best pictures out there. But most importantly, be dedicated to your sport, stay humble, train hard and never give up… hard work always pays off! How do you maintain being true to yourself and grounded while at the same time being the international spokesperson and public figure necessary to promote your sponsors? I think it is important to never forget who you are and what your goals are… stay true to yourself. I am always just myself, whether it is in interviews, magazines, or any kind of social media. You’ve done well this past year and you’re still quite young, will we see you on the WCT in a year or two? This year, I am hoping to do all the WQS events, with the goal of qualifying in the next two years, so hopefully things go well! Many years from now when you decide not to surf professionally anymore, what’s next? I think surfing will always be part of me, even if it isn’t competitively, I will always surf. I often get asked, ‘where do I see myself years from now’, but to be honest, I am so focused on fulfilling my current competitive surfing goals that I haven’t looked much further. I can’t picture myself doing a 9 – 5, behind a desk kind of job. I would prefer to be out there, working and interacting with people. My surfing takes me all around the world, and travelling has definitely become something that I enjoy… so who knows, a job in travelling maybe? Is there anything you would like to add which hasn’t been covered repeatedly already, something you would like to share with the fans? Maybe just to say thank you for all the support that I get! Fans, family, friends, sponsors... I really appreciate it. F wSSm | | 159

Who is the

women's pro tour chaplain? IS THIS YOUR FIRST TIME ON TOUR? No, I did the ASP tour as a competitor during the early 90’s. My generation was the first Brazilian women surfers on tour.


Ana Barend Women's World Tour WSLSunset Chaplain FAVORITE WAVE: Beach, HI.

FAVORITE BOARD: I have two boards I love: Tim Carroll 5’9’’ and JC 5’10’’

FAMILY: Husband - Chuck (love of my life) Children - Ed and Maria (15yr old twins)

WHAT IS A CHAPLAIN? A chaplain is a person who strives to bring God to people and people to God. It is a person who seeks to listen, understand, support, and love the athletes of the world tour in a selfless manner. My heart is to show and express to the girls on tour that their worth and value does not depend on performance and/or appearance. My prayer is that when their professional surfing career becomes only a memory, they will think of their chaplain and know God loves them.

HOW DOES THIS TIME DIFFER FROM THE FIRST TIME? It differs a lot. It is like comparing apples to pears. When I was competing on tour it was all about me. My identity was wrapped up in how I performed and how I was perceived in the industry. So, as you can imagine, it was shaky ground. There was nothing certain from which I could draw some sort of security and freedom. When I did well, I felt good about myself, and vice-versa. Now, it is not at all about me. I am there to serve others, to show God’s love to others. My identity is firm on the solid ground of what Christ did for me; thus, I am free and secure in who I am.


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I never applied for the position. Once moving from Hawaii to Rhode Island we wanted to start a Bible study to love surfers. We felt that starting a Christian Surfers (CS) chapter in RI was the most effective means to do so. We got to know everyone at CS’s national office and we became part of an amazing family of believers who share love for God and surf. When the WSL (former ASP) was creating the Women’s Chaplain position they contacted Christian Surfers. CS asked me if I was interested. At first I did not think I could do it. But after a while I decided to pray for God to choose the person He wanted… for reasons unbeknownst to me, here I am! You see, I believe that the less we look at ourselves, and the more we gaze at God, the more He does the work in and through us. We do the beholding and He does the transforming.

WHO IS ANA BAREND? I am lady who was born in Rio, Brazil, and started surfing to escape from family problems. Surfing became my escape and fulfillment. As with anything, the more I surfed, the better I became, which ultimately resulted in a couple of National titles. As aforementioned, surfing then became not only my escape and fulfillment, but also my identity. When I found Jesus (or when He found me), this changed. I found freedom from performance and unconditional acceptance and love in Him. Who is Ana Barend? I am a sinner who is eternally and infinitely loved by God. I am forgiven, victorious, cherished, valued, and worthy for God.

IS IT FUN TO HANG OUT WITH THE TOP WOMEN SURFERS IN THE WORLD? It is interesting that I do not see them as top surfers. I see them as (I know this may sound weird) daughters. As a matter of fact, some call me mom. I forget they are such amazing athletes and surfers! I guess what I am trying to say is that I value them for who they are, not for what they do. And to answer your question, yes, it is fun. It is a blessing to pour my life into the life of others. It is a blessing to surf with them and see them having fun. Sometimes they hoot me into waves and it is super fun. One time I had a huge wipe out in front of Sally, when I came up she was clapping screaming: “A for effort!” We laughed so hard, I will never forget! But sometimes it is also hard. It is hard to leave my family behind, it is hard to be lonely on tour while away from my husband and children. But I am very privileged to be in this position and I do not take for granted.

TELL US A STORY... During the Roxy Pro in Australia last year (2014) I was sharing with the girls that their worth and value is not derived from performance and appearance. After the event I stopped in Hawaii, where we used to live. I used to love to surf Sunset, and I used to surf it pretty big. One lovely day, the waves were pretty big and we decided to go surfing. I was super excited to wax our old guns that were stored under a friend’s house. I got out there and it was heavy. I was amazed at how I was intimidated by what was easy for me to handle when I lived there. To make a long story short, I had a huge wipe out in front of everyone, and my board buckled. I found myself wanting to scream to everyone that the reason I was paddling in was the buckle, not because I was scared. Of course I didn’t scream, but I felt humiliated. I came to shore and I was really bummed. I could not believe I could not surf Sunset anymore. It was such a joy stealer. Then I felt God whispering in my heart, “If you don’t believe, neither will they.” WOW… I started to cry and sat down to ponder on what was going on in my heart. I was seeking affirmation and joy from performance, I was unhappy with myself for not fulfilling my own expectations and I was worried about what others were thinking. I sat down on the bike path and started renewing my mind regarding who I am in God’s sight. I am loved, forgiven, accepted, valued, worthy, and cherished. None of these are dependent upon my surfing or any other performance! I started skipping back home and I was so full of joy that my friends thought I scored great waves. When I told them I had a terrible West peak wipe out and a buckled board they were dumbfounded. I am free in Christ! And you can be too! When Christ sets you free, you are free indeed! -John 8:36

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