Re:solutions - 21 young leaders on climate change

Page 40

After thorough training, Energy Crossroads volunteers and the women’s group reached out to the only public primary school in the area, Nyeihanga Primary School. The school bought firewood and prepared a single meal for the teachers and children using three-stone open stoves. The service was much appreciated by the school administration, other headmasters, parents plus local Council officials in Nyeihanga village! Head teachers from schools in other districts traveled long distances to Nyeihanga just to see the new energy saving technology. Interest was spreading fast due to the fact that the price of firewood, which was used as primary energy source in the district, was rising at the same pace as the levels of local deforestation. The project was completed with a local concert for the school children and their parents. Before its start, energy efficient stoves were displayed to the entire community and the consequences of using traditional stoves in addition to raising awareness of climate change were presented. The occasion was successful with a big attendance and diverse performances by the school children, e.g. poems, songs and games that all carried the message of climate change, importance of tree growth, energy efficient stoves, proper disposal of plastic waste, sustainable agriculture and women’s empowerment.

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