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W I N S TO N - S A L E M , N . C .
Volume 47, Number 4
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THURSDAY, October 1, 2020
Study on housing loss reveals few surprises for urban core
Last month representatives from New America, a think tank that focuses on a range of public policy issues, revealed findings from a study that took a closer look at evictions and mortgage foreclosures in Forsyth County. To no one’s surprise who is familiar with the area, the findings show that the communities east of Highway 52 are in dire need. The year-long study that was part of a national study conducted by New America and coordinated locally with WinstonSalem State and Wake Forest Universities, ranked the level of housing loss for 2,200 counties based on their combined eviction and foreclosure rates, and overall severity of housing loss. With a housing loss rate of 4%, twice the national average, Forsyth County ranked 89th worst in the country. Between 2014 and Photos by Tevin Stinson 2018, 12,276 households One of many abandoned houses in East Winston. The study conducted by New America takes a closer look at evictions and foreclosures in were evicted in Forsyth Forsyth County. County and 6,221 properties were foreclosed. Lawrence Joel Veter- ing loss rates six times the factors. He said rent costs also a 16,000-unit short- here in Forsyth County, have increased by more age of extremely-low the study also included a The numbers show 80% of ans Memorial Coliseum county average. than 5% while wages have income rental housing, list of recommendations, Robustelli, after speakand the fairgrounds), and all housing loss was due to decreased for 30% of resi- which is a striking figure, such as: expanding home ing with people in the Southeast Winston. When eviction. programs and projects funded by the ownership dents. community and looking discussing the findings, A closer look at the Low Income Tax Credit and affordable housing; “Rent costs have inat the numbers, said they Tim Robustelli, a policy data shows housing loss and other affordable hous- adopting forward-thinking is the highest in East Win- analyst, said the average discovered that the driv- creased in recent years ing programs cannot make development policies; and while wages for about a ers of displacement in housing loss rate for Forston, North/Northeast up that gap by any means.â€? creating “neighborhoods Winston, (specifically syth County was 2.6%, but the area is a combination third of county residents opportunity.â€? The Robustelli also of the communities near the some communities in East of low wages, lack of af- have actually decreased,â€? mentioned that Forsyth findings also recommend a Smith Reynolds Airport, and Northeast had hous- fordable housing and other Robustelli said. “There’s County has 1,524 heirs’ national push to strengthen rights and properties, the fifth tenants’ highest in the state. improve housing loss data Heirs’ properties refers and prevention of housing to a home or land that loss policy. While the study and passes from generation recommendations to generation without a the legal designated owner are a step in the right resulting in ownership direction, until we build being divided among all sustainable communities living descendants in a where citizens have the family. This unstable form opportunity to make a of home ownership limits livable wage, the housing a family’s ability to build crisis here in Forsyth generational wealth. It County will only continue is also one of the leading to get worse, especially in causes of land loss among the urban core. “Stable housing is only African Americans. “There are a number the base for a community; of issues around heirs’ to really thrive you need properties related to neighborhoods with good building generational schools, access to good wealth ‌ it also leads to jobs, access to healthy neglect when descendants grocery stores,â€? Robustelli of original owners move said. For more information, away and don’t care for the property,â€? Robustelli view the report at: https:// said. “It falls into disrepair, www.newamerica.org/ taxes aren’t paid and that future-property-rights/ sometimes can lead to reports/displaced-america/ tax foreclosures as well, housing-loss-in-forsythcertainly an avenue for county-north-carolina/. further research.â€? According to the study conducted by New America the communites east of Highway 52 are in dire need. To remedy the issues
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O ctober 1, 2020
The C hronicle
Local board of education scheduled to make decision on reopening school BY TEVIN STINSON THE CHRONICLE
teachers and faculty to return safely. Under the hybrid model, students will return to in-person learning by grade level beginning with Pre-K as soon as Oct. 26, other grade levels will be added every two weeks. For example, after Pre-K, grades K-2, 6 and EC Self Contained, EC-OCS, ESL Academy can return as soon as Nov. 2. Grades 3, 4, and 7 will be able to return as soon as Nov. 16 and grades 5 and 8 are expected to be able to return by Dec. 7. Due to winter break, high school students wouldn’t return to in-person learning until Jan. 21. “It’s a slow transition,” said Hairston. “It gives teachers time to adjust, it gives us time for staff to adjust.” Once all grades levels have transitioned into in-person learning, to account for social distancing measures, students will have a modified schedule. Grades Pre-K through 2 will attend school four days per week, EC SelfContained, EC-OCS, ESL Academy and EC Students who attend special schools, will also attend school four days a week. Grades 3, 4, and 5 will be split into four different cohorts and attend school once a week. All middle and high schools will be divided into “2” or “4” cohorts depending on school enrollment and the square-foot-per-student requirement at COVID occupancy. Two cohort schools will attend school on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. Wednesdays will See Schools on A3
Charmon M Baker
Financial Advisor
In the blockbuster film “The Matrix,” Neo, played by Keanu Reeves, is offered the choice of a red pill and a blue pill by Morpheus, who was played by Laurence Fishburne. Take the red pill and you supposedly reveal the “unpleasant truth” about society or take the blue pill and remain in “blissful ignorance.” While their decision won’t involve colorful capsules or special effects, just like Neo, today, Oct. 1, the Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools’(WS/FCS) Board of Education is faced with their own tough decision, when they vote whether to allow students to return to classrooms or continue virtual learning for at least nine more weeks. Here’s what we know: On Sept. 17 Governor Roy Cooper announced that beginning Oct. 5, public school districts can choose to allow students grades K-5 to return to in-person learning with important safety measures like face coverings for all students, teachers and staff, social distancing, and symptom screening. “We are able to offer this option because most North Carolinians have doubled down on our safety and prevention measures and stabilized our numbers,” said Cooper. “North Carolinians are doing the hard work to improve our numbers and trends. Many people are wearing masks, keeping social distance and being careful to protect others as well as themselves. We have shown that listening to the science works. And I’m proud of our resolve.” On the same day Gov. Cooper made his announcement, the WS/FCS COVID-19 committee was presented with a proposed, phased re-entry plan that would begin Oct. 26. The proposed re-entry plan is a hybrid of in-person and remote learning. Although the governor recommended opening elementary schools under Plan A, the least restrictive of the three plans for reopening schools, Dr. Angela Hairston, WS/FCS superintendent, said she feels the hybrid model is the best way for students,
Member SIPC
135 Jonestown Road Winston Salem, NC 27104 336-768-7687
Local students discuss race and equity during annual forum BY TEVIN STINSON THE CHRONICLE
Students from Winston-Salem/Forsyth County high schools came together virtually last week to share their thoughts on race relations and equity across the country and in their respective schools, during the annual Student Race Relations Forum. The forum, which is hosted by the city’s Human Relations Commission/ Human Relations Department (WSHRC/ HRD), is designed to give young people throughout the community a platform to openly share their perspectives and has been held annually for nearly 20 years. “Each year we hold this forum so that we can benefit from hearing from our youth,” said Wanda Allen-Abraha, WSHRC/HRD director. She said our youth have a lot of important insight and experiences that need to be shared, and older generations should value what they have to say. According to AllenAbraha, students were selected by their guidance counselors and every high school in Winston-Salem and Forsyth County was represented. “This is something we look forward to every year,” Allen-Abraha said. “We do think it’s very important that we provide a safe space and platform for our communities’ young people to talk about
some really important topics.” To jumpstart the conversation, moderators, Porsche Smith, a senior at Winston-Salem Preparatory Academy, and James Taylor III, a senior at Early College of Forsyth County, asked participants a series of questions that focused on race. One of the early questions asked students if they felt they were affected by the racial justice movement that has swept through the country in recent months. Prince Thon, a junior at Walkertown, said when it comes to the Black Live Matter movement, he has a lot of friends who have different opinions than he does and at times that can be hard to deal with. “I think it has put a toll on everyone I believe,” Thon continued. “It just makes me feel very sad because this is the way we have to live and this is what we have to go through to find equality in our communities.” Zoe Adunoluwa, a senior at Early College of Forsyth County, said the past few months has forced her to reevaluate her friends. She said at a place in time where race is dominating conversations across the country, it is important that minority cultures create spaces where they feel safe, even if that means losing a few friends. “What I’ve been trying to learn for myself and what I’ve been trying to
implore the people around me to understand … especially if you are part of these minority groups, is that not everyone is going to hold space for you so you have to do it yourself. And you really have to reevaluate who you’re going to keep around and what sort of people you want to have relationships with,” Adunoluwa continued. “We all hear about leveling up and becoming your best self; well a part of that is the people around you.” During the virtual forum, Mayor Allen Joines applauded the students for having the courage to speak openly on such an important topic. He said we can learn a lot from the young people in our community. “I can’t think of a more important time and more important topic to have,” Joines said. “I’m so encouraged every year when we hear from these young people who are discussing frankly, and openly and candidly, issues that they see out there every day … we can learn a lot from these young people.” The Student Race Relations Forum can be viewed in its entirety on the City of WinstonSalem YouTube channel. For more information on the forum or the Human Relations Department, visit the city’s website.
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T he C hronicle
October 1, 2020
Increasingly refined data can pave way for upward economic mobility BY RUSSELL SMITH AND ZACHARY BLIZARD
At Winston-Salem State University’s Center for the Study of Economic Mobility (CSEM), data is one of our bedrocks. The data we have collected and analyzed regarding public transportation and education in Forsyth County has helped to define the dialogue on those issues for our community, but CSEM has not stopped there. New data is consistently being created, collected, analyzed and explored. One of the fields in which our data collection is advancing most rapidly – and pointing most definitively to solutions is that of spatial justice. Spatial justice is an emerging field of study that seeks to bring together multi-disciplinary perspectives to help resolve longstanding geographical inequalities impacting Winston-Salem and numerous other communities across the globe. CSEM has, almost since its inception three years ago, supported research to resolve these challenges through its emphasis on one type of spatial injustice — economic mobility. Economic mobility is at its core a spatial justice issue, since research has proven that one of the largest factors impacting a person’s ability to climb the ladder of economic success is geography. As a result, we were interested to find out how specific geographic attributes might impact economic mobility at the sub-county level. A policy paper we published on the CSEM website in 2019, focused on this question and stated that a county ranked third from the bottom nationally in terms of economic mobility is also home to “North Carolina’s fifth largest municipality, two Fortune 500 companies, and several institutions of higher education. Consequently, it is difficult to comprehend how climbing the economic ladder in
Schools From page A2
be reserved as flex days or free days for all students. Because they are the most populated schools in the district, four cohort schools will be split into four sub-cohorts. The first sub-cohort will attend school on Monday and Tuesday, the second subcohort will attend school on Thursday and Friday. The following week, the third and fourth subcohorts will follow the same schedule. On days students aren’t attending school, they will be expected to participate in remote learning, and Wednesdays will be reserved as a flex day or free day for all students.“That’s the only way they would really see all of their teachers faceto-face over a period of time,” Hairston said. If opening is approved, students will be screened before boarding school buses and again before entering the school. The district will be hiring additional healthcare professionals to help with screening. If student shows symptoms or becomes ill during the school day, that student will be kept in an isolated area until they are able to be picked up or taken
Submitted photos
Russell M. Smith Forsyth County could be so difficult” (Equality of Opportunity, https://www. wssu.edu/academics/ colleges-and-departments/ college-of-arts-sciencesbusiness-education/ center-for-study-ofeconomic-mobility/ourresearch/_files/documents/ urban-form-policy-paperissue-3.pdf). The 2019 study built upon previous research from across the nation and sought to explore how local urban geographies impact economic mobility at the census tract level. To accomplish that, we measured the association among various spatial indicators of urban form including sprawl, the number of brownfields, and the number of bus stops against levels of economic mobility for each census tract in Forsyth County. We factored in the influence of other potentially important variables, such as racial segregation and the share of a population that utilizes public transportation for commuting. The results we found were illuminating. For example, “In Forsyth County, a 100-unit reduction in sprawl is associated with an increase in the probability of upward mobility for the residents at the bottom of the income ladder of around 5 percent. This is as if Rural Hall went from its current level of compactness to a level similar to downtown Winston-Salem. … As sprawl decreases (associated with increasing levels of compactness … a more urban environment), economic mobility tends to increase.” It was evidence worth putting before policymakers and the rest of the public, and home. There will also be a screening process for teachers and faculty as well as everyone who enters the building. “We are hiring 16 healthcare professionals. And what we’re in the process of doing is seeing how we can best distribute those individuals. … Right now our plan is to have someone who is assigned to the school,” Hairston continued. “Yes we would love to have additional healthcare professionals, but we feel we have enough to support the work that has to be done.” The special-called board of education meeting is scheduled to begin at 5 p.m. The meeting will be held at the WS/FCS Education Building, 4801 Bethania Station Road and can be viewed on the WinstonSalem/Forsyth County Schools YouTube channel or Cable 2 television. During the meeting the public will have an opportunity to share their thoughts. For more information or to view the districts Back to School Plan, visit https://www.wsfcs.k12. nc.us/Page/115981. “I don’t think that there’s a playbook for us to follow; all we can do is use our best judgment,” Hairson said.
even more refined data is pending as we continue to cooperate on research. Professor Russ Smith, a CSEM Research Fellow and the faculty lead for the Spatial Justice Studio, also works with WSSU’s new Center for Applied Data Science. Through the center, Smith will work on a Spatial Justice Index, seeking to create a methodology by which a wide range of spatial justice issues can be quantitatively explored at the same time. Potential variables that will be included in the index include measures of education, environment, health care, transportation and access to healthy food. These issues have been aggravated by the current public health pandemic, social and racial unrest,
Zachary D. Blizard and decades of spatial inequality. Zach Blizard, CSEM’s research manager, continues to work with Smith and other CSEM Fellows as he explores a myriad of issues. Currently, we are analyzing the impact of political fragmentation on racial segregation. We hope to understand whether increases in the number of municipalities in a given metropolitan area results in a more racially segregated geography. The data used in this study was created
from a wide variety of sources, including the U.S. Census, Brown’s Diversity and Disparities Project, the Bureau of Labor Statistics, FRED Economic Database. Though this isn’t focused directly on Winston-Salem/Forsyth County, the findings of this study have ramifications for the organization of local government structure and potentially impacts residents’ economic wellbeing. As CSEM continues to work on a variety of different projects, a greater number of datasets will be created and stored in our newly established database. Recognizing the importance of using data and empirical evidence to scientifically test hypotheses on challenges facing our community is
key to finding solutions to complex questions. Ultimately, we hope these datasets will enable qualified community researchers to have access to a treasure trove of information. Russell M. Smith is a professor of geography and the faculty lead for the Spatial Justice Studio @ CDI, where he works on research related to spatial inequalities in the local community. Zachary D. Blizard is the research manager at the Center for the Study of Economic Mobility, where he works on quantitative social science research related to economic mobility in Forsyth County, N.C.
SCORE SNACKS —— — — — — — that —— — — — — — LOVE YOU BACK Bring home organic favorites for game day to enjoy with family and friends.
O ctober 1, 2020
The C hronicle
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Our Mission The Chronicle is dedicated to serving the residents of Winston-Salem and Forsyth County by giving voice to the voiceless, speaking truth to power, standing for integrity and encouraging open communication and lively debate throughout the community
Guest Editorial
Trump’s voter intimidation army is coming. Here’s how we fight back. Voter intimidation – the act of intimidating or threatening someone else with the goal of interfering with their right to vote – is illegal under federal law. But, it wasn’t always so. Whites – both vigilantes and those with legal authority – used voter intimidation to block access to the voting booth. When Union troops began to withdraw from the South at the sunset of Reconstruction, the Ku Klux Klan, the Knights of the White Camellia and others used racial terrorism to discourage Freemen and their white allies from voting. During the Civil Rights Movement, segregationists like Bull Conner likewise assaulted Black demonstrators with dogs and fire hoses to quell calls for integration and voting rights. In these historical examples, voter intimidation not only disenfranchised Black Americans, but also cost the very lives of those who sought to exercise the right to vote. But what can we do to ensure Black and brown voters can access the polls safely? One, we must educate Black and brown voters so they can identify and appropriately respond to voter intimidation on the rare occasion that they witness or experience it. If someone aggressively questions you, harasses you or challenges your eligibility to vote outside of the polls, document and report the incident to an election official on-site. Request any person engaging in this behavior be removed from the polling place. Call the national Election Protection hotline (1-866-OUR-VOTE). This hotline staffed by voting rights lawyers can help you address voter intimidation in real time. Second, advocates should work with election officials ahead of early voting to create police-free polling locations or limit the role of police at the polls. Election officials should also restrict firearms at polling sites. Police at the polls may intimidate voters who are justice-involved, while the recent killings in Kenosha, Wisconsin, highlight the dangers presented when deadly weapons are brought to contested spaces. To be sure, it is important that police are able to be quickly dispatched to polling locations in the event of an emergency, but using state and local officials should work to recruit enough poll workers to manage social distancing in long lines, control crowd flow and provide assistance to voters with disabilities or language access needs. These roles are inappropriate for law enforcement. Finally, we must restore the Voting Rights Act (VRA). Prior to the Supreme Court’s weakening of Section 5 of the VRA in the Shelby v. Holder case, federal employees would monitor the administration of elections in states across the country with a history of racial discrimination. In 2020, it is clear that the U.S. Department of Justice is not coming to save Black voters from voter intimidation. It is up to the organizers, advocates, and grassroots leaders to continue the fight to vote. Gilda Daniels is litigation director of Advancement Project National Office and the former deputy chief in the Department of Justice, Civil Rights Division Voting Section. She is the author of “Uncounted. The Crisis of Voter Suppression in America.”
We Welcome Your Feedback Submit letters and guest columns to letters@ wschronicle.com before 5 p.m. Friday for the next week’s publication date. Letters intended for publication should be addressed “Letters to the Editor” and include your name, address, phone number and email address. Please keep letters to 350 words or less. If you are writing a guest column, please include a photo of yourself, your name, address, phone number and email address. Please keep guest columns to 550 words or less. Letters and columns can also be mailed or dropped off at W-S Chronicle, 1300 E. Fifth St., W-S, NC, 27101; or sent via our website: www.wschronicle. com. We reserve the right to edit any item submitted for clarity or brevity and determine when and whether material will be used. We welcome your comments at our website. Also, go to our Facebook page to comment. We are at facebook.com/WSChronicle.
Dan Besse not afraid to take Krawiec deserves reelection on tough issues To The Editor: To the Editor:
Dan Besse has represented the Southwest Ward on the Winston-Salem City Council for the16 years he has served. While I’ll be sorry to lose him as a council representative, I’m voting for him for the North Carolina House District 74. I support Dan because we need representatives who understand our challenges and who will support good schools, a clean environment, and jobs with living wages and excellent benefits. Dan favors better pay for teachers, excellent health care for our citizens, clean air and water, and creating jobs so our children don’t have to leave the area to succeed. Dan listens to everyone, carefully considers all aspects of issues, and then stands up for what is right. He’s not afraid to take on the tough issues, and he works on practical solutions that address the needs of children, families, and older adults. He doesn’t give up until the job is done. When Dan goes to Raleigh, I know that I will have a representative I can be proud of and someone who won’t forget the people he represents. It’s time for big changes in Raleigh. I urge all voters to vote for Dan Besse.
Senator Joyce Krawiec has served the citizens of Senate District 31 very well and deserves reelection. When Senator Krawiec was first elected, she hit the ground running. She spearheaded a bill that had been languishing for 10 years. This bill was to allow families who have children with autism to get coverage for their autistic children. Insurance companies had been fighting to avoid this coverage. Krawiec learned that state employees and those with Medicaid had this coverage. In other words families paying for coverage for other families, couldn’t even purchase it for their own children. Joyce took the bull by the horns and never stopped until a bill was passed to cover these children with the services they need. Thanks to her, many children in North Carolina can now get treatment to help them lead productive lives. I have heard her say that this is one of the most rewarding and satisfying things she has accomplished as a Senator. I am proud to support her in the upcoming election. Kristian Krawford Kernersville
Marjorie Hoots Winston-Salem
Babbling in ‘tongues’ James Haught Guest Columnist
President Trump’s nomination of Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court may rouse debate over the dubious Christian practice of “speaking in tongues,” or glossalalia. She’s a fervent Catholic who belongs to a charismatic fringe clique, People of Praise, whose members reportedly babble “the tongues” like all Pentecostals. Various researchers say the kooky practice has spread so much that one-fourth of all Christians around the world are tongue-talkers. During Senate confirmation hearings, it will be interesting to see whether any senators or news reporters are brazen enough to ask her bluntly: “Have you spoken in tongues?” Comedian Bill Maher certainly is brazen enough. During his HBO monologue, he blurted: “She’s a f**kin’ nut [about] religion. … I mean really, really Catholic – like speaking in tongues.” A couple of years ago, I wrote the following analysis: The Book of Acts says the risen Jesus told his apostles “ye shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost not many days hence.” And when they gathered on Pentecost, “suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind … and there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire … and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues.” Just over a century ago, a little-
educated evangelist named William Seymour, a son of ex-slaves, preached that modern Americans could “get the tongues” as the apostles did. In a Los Angeles slum, he led followers in ardent prayer, hoping for the “rushing mighty wind” from heaven. Finally, on April 9, 1906, after five weeks of beseechment, a follower began spouting uncontrollable sounds. Next meeting, six more believers experienced glossalalia. Then the minister himself followed - and word of the “miracle” spread like wildfire. Hundreds, thousands, of believers flocked to the ramshackle church, where many “got the tongues.” Excitement spawned missionaries who carried the mysterious new phenomenon to other cities - and finally to other countries. The Los Angeles Times heard the buzz and sent a reporter, who wrote: “Meetings are held in a tumbledown shack on Azusa Street, and the devotees of the weird doctrine practice the most fanatical rites, preach the wildest theories and work themselves into a state of mad excitement in their peculiar zeal. African Americans and sprinkling of whites compose the congregation, and night is made hideous in the neighborhood by the howlings of the worshipers, who spend hours swaying forth and back in a nerve-wracking attitude of prayer and supplication. They claim to have the ‘gift of tongues’ and be able to understand the babble.” Another L.A. newspaper reported: “They cry and make howling noises all day and into the night. They run, jump, shake all over, shout to the top of their voice, spin around in circles, fall out on the sawdustblanketed floor jerking, kicking and rolling all over it. Some of them pass out and do not move for hours as though they were dead. These people
appear to be mad, mentally deranged or under a spell.” Pentecostalism became the name of the practice, and it snowballed into a national, then worldwide, movement. The Assemblies of God was established in 1914, followed by the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World in 1916 and the Pentecostal Church of God in 1919. For decades, Pentecostals remained a remote fringe, derided as “holy rollers.” But gradually, they inched into the mainstream. Republican politicians like Sarah Palin and John Ashcroft were Assemblies of God believers. As late as 1980, Pentecostals were smallish, comprising a tiny fringe of Christianity. Then a remarkable upsurge occurred. “The Atlas of Pentecostalism,” maintained by the Pulitzer Center, says: “An estimated 35,000 people join the Pentecostal church each day. Of the world’s 2 billion Christians, a quarter are now Pentecostal - up from 6% in 1980.” As most of Christianity shrinks, Pentecostals are the fastest-growing group. A Wheaton Theology report says: “There were 631 million Pentecostals in 2014, comprising nearly one-fourth of all Christians. There were only 63 million Pentecostals in 1970, and the number is expected to reach 800 million by 2025.” Will much of Christianity be transformed into jerking, howling, swooning congregations who utter incoherent sounds? If so, that’s one more reason for thinking people to renounce irrational supernaturalism. James Haught, syndicated by PeaceVoice, is editor emeritus of West Virginia’s largest newspaper, The Charleston Gazette-Mail and author of 12 books.
T he C hronicle
October 1, 2020
If you are African American in America, stay vigilant. Dr. James B. Ewers Jr.
Guest Columnist
I am in my home and I have not committed a crime. The same sentiment can be made about millions of people who share my skin color. Because of recent events involving African Americans, more anxiety has come into our daily lives. The last thing we need is more anxiety because we already have high blood pressure, diabetes and heart disease in high numbers. With the killings of Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna
Taylor and George Floyd, injustice has been at our doorstep. Last week after an agonizing six months, the state of Kentucky finally ruled on the death of Breonna Taylor. The City of Louisville awarded the Taylor family $12 million as a settlement in her death. The financial settlement can be looked at in multiple ways. The horrific and inexcusable way that her life was taken makes the money far less important. Does $12 million make the six bullets fired into Breonna Taylor justified in any way? The answer is a resounding no! Last Wednesday, the Kentucky grand jury’s decision was to not charge any of the three police officers with the shooting death of Breonna Taylor.
Justice for us in America is always delayed and denied. How can her home be riddled with police gunfire and no one be criminally charged? There are not any rational responses for these actions. Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron in his briefing said that Brett Hankison was the only officer charged. He was charged with three counts of wanton endangerment because he shot into the homes of Breonna Taylor’s neighbors. Upon hearing Mr. Cameron’s comments, I became instantly ill. I do not know who had more nerve: the grand jury making the charge or the attorney general reading the charge. The attorney general has incurred the wrath of many people lately. Attorney Benjamin
Crump said, “Did he present any evidence on Breonna Taylor’s behalf? Or did he make a unilateral decision to put his thumb on the scale of justice to help try to exonerate and justify the killing of Breonna Taylor?” Jaylon Brown of the Boston Celtics said, “To be honest, I was not surprised.” Dwayne Haskins of the Washington football team said, “We have to be better as a country and as people.” This has been a miscarriage of justice. Hurt and pain are common themes that have been woven into this tapestry of assault and guilt. Each day, we pledge to do better, but we do not. Each day, we say we have had enough, but we get more. Each day, the news haunts us and the
television pictures scare us. Derrick Johnson, president of the NAACP said, “You have a right to be angry. You have a right to be upset and you have a right to fear.” When we go into the public square, we must look around and look out. Social conditions and health worries have made us leery and weary. Those of us who wear masks are mocked. The POTUS said he could not understand a reporter because he was wearing a mask. Protestors are maligned because they are marching for justice and fairness. Hypocrisy is ruining America. Men and women in our country’s leadership say one thing one year and the next year they say something entirely different about the same
subject. Gaslighting has become a tactic of the enemy. We cannot allow wrong to overtake right. We cannot let evil overthrow good. As Congressman John Lewis said, “When you see something that is not right, not fair, not just, you have to speak. You have to say something; you have to do something.” America is our country. We will not sell out to peddlers of insanity. James B. Ewers Jr. is a former tennis champion at Atkins High School and played college tennis at Johnson C. Smith University where he was all-conference for four years. He is a retired college administrator and can be reached at overtimefergie.2020@ yahoo.com.
Marxists, Smarxists. Black Lives Matter. Kevin Seraaj, J.D., M.Div
Guest Columnist Black Lives Matter. The inability of some to accept these words has completely divided the nation. The statement “Black lives matter” is both a pronouncement born of centuries of frustration with racism in this country, and a reaffirmation of Blacks intent to demand the basic respect that every American is rightfully due. It is an inclusive– not an exclusive– phrase. It is a cry that “my life matters, too,” intended only to advance the idea that Blacks are also entitled to the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. With the initial declaration that Blacks should be counted as 3/5ths of a person, the idea that Blacks are not equal to whites–that a Black life is not equal to that of a white–became a bedrock of American society. Those who dispute this need to go back to high school for a refresher course in American history. It was embedded in the U.S. Constitution. Equality is indisputably impossible when laws, customs and mores accept the inherent superiority of one group of people over another. Point if you will to the passage of laws designed to free Blacks, or give them the right to vote, or to be educated in nonsegregated institutions, or to enter into and be patronized in public and
private accommodations. None of those acts– while certainly exemplary– toll the bell. Because long after these laws were passed, Blacks continued to suffer from the same discriminatory mistreatment that gave rise to them–in both the public and private sectors: Jim Crow laws, convict leasing, peonage and ‘Emmitt Till beatdowns’ are just a few examples of how attitudes prevailed over the written laws. Racism and hate have long memories, and both are exceedingly difficult to eradicate, no matter how much some of us deny they exist. A Palestinian acquaintance of mine told me once, in a conversation about Blacks who rented apartments from him, that “these people are nasty and dirty human beings.” He then turned to me and said, “but not you. You are not like them.” No? Patting me on the back didn’t erase his racist views. Dr. Martin Luther King once gave voice to this understanding, saying “It may be true that the law cannot make a man love me, but it can keep him from lynching me, and I think that’s pretty important.” Fifty-two years after his death, the struggle is not so much “to keep a man from lynching me,” as it is “to stop a man from shooting me.” This “less than human” philosophical viewpoint wound its way through every institution in the nation, and made it easy to justify the barbaric mistreatment of Blacks both during and after slavery for hundreds of years. It left in its wake a
morbid disdain and deep contempt for everyone and everything black. Blacks, themselves, often fell victim to this pathos of self-hate, heralding everything white and despising everything black. Unfortunately, this debilitating malaise is still with us today. In 1857, in the landmark case of Dred Scott v. Sanford, the U.S. Supreme Court made clear for the nation that the concept of “less than” was inherent in the foundations of our system of American jurisprudence, and confirmed, as a matter of law, that Blacks had “no rights that a white man is bound to respect.” Blacks were called “nigger” in every state in the Union. Trump, like many whites in America, stands on the idea that Black history is a relic of the past. “We build the future, we don’t tear down the past,” Trump said during the Republican National Convention. But when Blacks focus in on their past in America, (slavery, Reconstruction, Jim Crow, lynching, denial of civil rights, segregation and police brutality), they are told that they need to “move on,” even while the legacy of the past is tied to their ankles like a ball and chain. Whites, according to the President, should “embrace history.” But just like his “Make America Great Again” slogan, when it comes to Black America, it is hard to put one’s hands on any period of American history where Blacks as a people were not being singled out and discriminated against. Even today, Blacks with
substantial wealth are not wanted in many American communities. This spirit of againstedness persists. All lives matter. All. But there has never been a time in the history of this nation when a question could be raised about whether or not white lives mattered. So the need to scream ‘Black lives matter’ springs forth from our collective history– from the repugnance and the contempt and the lack of respect heaped on Blacks for generations. Thank God for the Quakers and the abolitionists, for the whites like John Brown and his sons, and for the many members of the Underground Railroad who recognized the inhumanity of their fellow whites. Whites of good will have always existed, and many today have taken to the streets to join the Black Lives Matter protest against police brutality and racial injustice. Some are simply taking a knee or lending their voices to the effort to bring racial intolerance to an end. Black Lives Matter called attention to the need to remind our non-Black fellow Americans that we matter, too–and that they, too, must move on. The past that celebrates human inequality and degradation; that defines Black men and women as “less than” cannot be embraced and despite the President’s view, must be torn down. It may be unfortunate for some of us that the founders of Black Lives Matter call themselves “trained Marxists.” Critics argue that Black Lives
Matter is therefore fighting to replace our current politico-economic system with communism, or Marxism. They might be, but a Communist America is not in the cards. Marxism postulates that the working class will eventually overthrow the ruling class and bring about some Utopian society in which all property is owned by society as a whole. In America? Really? People with different political ideologies have always been tolerated in America. People like the thousands of Russians who moved from Communist Russia to the United States after the collapse of the Soviet Union. People like Dr. Wernher von Braun, the German–born American aerospace engineer and space architect who was “the leading figure in the development of rocket technology in Nazi Germany.” America managed to overlook his Naziism because of his ability to pioneer rocket and space technology and get us to the moon before Russia. Communists and Marxists certainly exist in America and they have the right to freedom of speech as do we all (which they might not have under a Communist regime), but the notion that any American will willingly give up the rights promised by the Constitution as amended, or the idea of keeping what he or she has (or acquiring what he or she wants) in favor of ownership by the masses is laughable. The ordinary protester has no interest in overthrowing the system of capitalism–they simply
want the police brutality to stop. The more real and pressing danger to America is a president who calls for ballots to be thrown out, for people to illegally vote twice, and who refuses to commit to a peaceful transition if he loses the election. Because he is commander-in-chief of the most powerful military in the world, fascism is a much greater threat to America today than some outdated Marxist ideology. Finally, the idea that Black Lives Matter should be criticized because it focuses on racism and police brutality and not on issues like Blackon-Black crime or the aborting of Black babies is nonsensical. Anyone who believes the organization is incorrectly focused should stop whining and start a movement focusing on whatever they believe is being neglected– Blackon-Black crime or Black abortions or too many “baby mamas.” If they really cared about those issues, I submit they would be doing something about them, instead of complaining about what BLM is doing. Haters. Instead of fighting the idea that Black lives matter, why not truly embrace the idea that ALL lives matter and include Black lives in the “all?” Kevin Seraaj, J.D., M.Div., is a former attorney, retired pastor and current publisher of the Orlando Advocate newspaper. He also heads the Cornerstone Media Group, a publishing concern based in Orlando, Florida. Follow him @ KevinSeraaj.
Election 2020: The coming chaos ROBERT C. KOEHLER
Guest Columnist Is this the future, leaking into the present moment? “You have good genes, you know that, right? You have good genes. A lot of it is about the genes, isn’t it, don’t you believe? The racehorse theory. You think we’re so different? You have good genes in Minnesota.” The speaker, of course, is Donald Trump, playing, so it seems, the Nazi card at a campaign rally last week in Bemidji, Minnesota — tossing genetic superiority out to his white supporters. And this, of course, is only part of the chaos we’re unavoidably heading toward. As the 2020 presidential election gets closer and closer, the doubts about its possible illegitimacy grow ever larger. On the same day as Trump’s Minnesota rally,
Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg died, giving Republicans a golden opportunity to shift the court’s ideological makeup for a generation and, maybe even more importantly, ensure victory for their party this fall, should contested election results wind up being decided by the court. All they have to do is shove through their nominee before the election, smirking at their own hypocrisy in the process. And Trump has made clear the likelihood that he will not accept the results of the election unless he’s the winner. So here we are, a month and a half away from what may be the most chaotic, uncertain election since … uh, 1860? Are we on the brink of a latter-day civil war? That certainly seems to be Trump’s belief, not to mention his strategy: Invent an easily feared and hated “them” and herd his supporters into a sense of “us.” Thus he also said at the Bemidji rally: “Every family in Minnesota needs to know about sleepy Joe Biden’s extreme plan to
flood your state with an influx of refugees from Somalia, from other places all over the planet.” He might as well be standing there with a shovel, promising to dig up Jim Crow. “What’s really going on here,” Jay Michaelson writes at the Daily Beast, “is a final power grab by a minority party, which lost the presidency by 2.9 million votes, that controls the Senate despite its senators representing 15 million fewer Americans than those of the other party, and which has committed itself to a shrinking base of nativist, mostly conservative-religious, mostly less-educated, white men. “Republican leaders know that their days are numbered.” And if your days are numbered, almost any action to stave off the inevitable can seem justifiable, including undoing whatever is left of the American democracy. Such undoing includes ramming a right-wing replacement of the iconic RBG through the Senate
prior to the election, or even through the lameduck Senate between election and inauguration. If that happens, and then disputed election results, possibly in numerous states, are ruled on by the Supreme Court, which would then have a 6-3 Republican majority, the outcome is inevitable. “It’s hard to believe,” writes Miles Mogulescu, “that only weeks after being appointed by Trump and being confirmed by McConnell’s Republican Senate, the new Justice will turn around, break her side of the bargain, and cast a vote that effectively denies her patron, Donald John Trump, a second term.” But with or without the Supreme Court under its control, Team Trump will likely do whatever it can to hold onto the presidency. Rouse as many supporters as possible, glorify the Second Amendment, remind them of their genetic superiority—set the stage for civil war. And then, most importantly, refuse to let the “fake election,” with all those mail-in votes and the
obvious fraud, determine who’s president. Refuse to leave office. Then what? “If Trump loses the election (while claiming it to be fraudulent) and refuses to give up power, he puts us all in uncharted territory,” write Bob Fitrakis and Harvey Wasserman. “Within a nonviolent framework, shutting the country down for as long as necessary may be the only way to force Trump out. “Would such a departure from office be forced by Congress? The corporations? The military? “Above all, the power to retake our democracy would have to come from the core of our nation … occupying the workplaces, spilling into the streets, grinding the country to a halt for as long as necessary. “Only a nation in total resistance, grinding the wheels and streets to an absolute halt, could force this despicable tyrant to finally turn tail. “Do we as a nation have that within us?”
Fitrakis and Wasserman certainly ask the right question. This is a nation that’s bigger than Trump, at least in the long run, but is it also a nation equal to the chaos that’s pending within the next two months? Will we accept Trump, win or lose, with a shrug, or will we refuse to do so? This is not a simple question. Part of this nation is pro-Trump and desperately attached to its whiteness. Nonviolent resistance to Trump means more than just defeating him and jettisoning him from the presidency; somehow it also means reaching his supporters and transcending the civil war they’re ready to wage. This is not a matter of us vs. them. Everyone’s future is at stake. Robert C. Koehler (koehlercw@gmail.com), syndicated by PeaceVoice, is a Chicago awardwinning journalist and editor. He is the author of “Courage Grows Strong at the Wound.”
O ctober 1, 2020
The C hronicle
‘I’d rather be blind, because it made me a better person.’ BY BUSTA BROWN FOR THE CHRONICLE
During a dispute at the age of 18, Roderick Wilson was shot in the face and at that moment his life changed forever. He’s become a true example of humility. “I have to be honest with you. If I had to do it all over again, from day one when I got shot, I’d rather be blind, because it made me a better man. Being blind taught me to think more consciously about someone other than myself,” said Roderick. He continued, “At this point in my life, anything I do, I always think about how it will affect someone else.” Although the incident left him permanently
phenomenal man I had the honor of interviewing. He’s intelligent, brave, funny, thoughtful and kind. Roderick is spiritually, physically and mentally strong and extremely hardworking. He’s proven that there’s strength in softness. Roderick doesn’t see himself as a victim, nor does he want you to, either. Failure is not an option, so when the social worker suggested he get his GED, he not only took her advice, he passed with flying colors. “I passed the first time, and that’s rare, and I scored a 230. I also went to Hadley Institution for The Blind and the first class I took I received a B+ in Personal Psychology and
COVID-19 was tough, because the CDC tells us to avoid touching anything as much as possible to prevent contracting or spreading COVID-19. But touching is extremely important for us, so that made things even more difficult. But with God and the support of my sisters, I got through it,” he said. “The coronavirus is like the flu on steroids.” Rod joked. While he was sharing his battle with COVID-19, I couldn’t help but think: while he’s in quarantine for 14 days, there’s no income coming in, but the bills are. So I asked, how did you survive financially? Rod became very emotional as he explained, “Industries
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Roderick Wilson blind, he became a vision of love to his sister. “My birthday is on Dec. 4, I was shot on Dec. 12, and was released from the hospital on Dec. 20, which is my sister’s birthday. This was over 30 years ago, and she still says happy birthday to my best gift ever,” he said while laughing with joy. “Because of that, my sister and I have developed a very close bond.” Roderick and the gunman were only 15 feet apart when he was struck in the face by one of multiple bullets, and he was proud to share how blessed he is to be alive. “The doctors were wondering how did I live through that night. It was my grandfather. He’s been deceased for several years, but when I was shot, I could see my grandfather standing there in his suit. God takes care of fools and babies, and I was one those fools at that time, and he looked after me. Not once but twice. I had a good life, my parents raised us well, and were great providers. We always got what we needed, but my brothers and I wanted more, so we got caught up into the street life,” Roderick said. Eventually that lifestyle and the company he kept landed him in prison. “I was in the car with two guys that actually committed a robbery and an assault on a store clerk. The three of us were sentenced to 32 years a piece, but we were sentenced under the Fair Sentencing Act. Our time was cut in half, and I did 11 out of the 16 years. I was released on Feb. 20, 2004.” Now 26 years old, during a visit with a social worker, he received some advice that shifted his life in a positive direction. It was the beginning of the
an A+ in Abacus. At the end of my three years in the Industries for the Blind work release program, I was blessed to get hired. In 2009 I was awarded Employee of the Year,” he said with pride. He made a decision to keep moving forward and to this day, he hasn’t looked back. What’s most inspiring about Roderick is, there have been no regrets or excuses, just an amazing testimony. “I’ve always had the urge to mentor at-risk youth, because I was their story. I believe 80% of the prison population is in because they made a mistake, and the other 20% are the hard criminals. The rest of them made mistakes and got caught up. And I refused to be a part of guys going back and forth to prison, and my reason for mentoring youth is to keep them from being a part of that statistic as well. So, I had to do something to change my life, so I can be a living example to young people and a better man for my family.” Things were looking up for Roderick Wilson, and then in 2020 he experienced most everyone’s greatest fear. He contracted COVID-19. He lost his sense of taste and smell, had excruciating headaches, body aches, and could barely walk. Rod wasn’t able to feed himself and struggled to get out of bed. But his sisters, Tanisha and Yolanda, came to his rescue. “They cooked for me, fed me, and everything else I needed. They were at my house every day, several times a day, reminding me when it was time to eat and drink, and they would spray Lysol and wipe everything down before they left. I couldn’t have made it without them. “But, being blind with
For The Blind has a program called The People First Fund. They took care of me, along with 560 others. They helped pay my bills and all of my other financial needs. And I didn’t have to use my vacation time. IFB paid for that as well. “I want to thank all of the donors of The People First Fund, because without their donations, the blind and visually impaired people would not have this much-needed relief. The government checks that we get are immediately spent on our living expenses. And if you have a child as well, it’s even more stressful. So, the program relives the stress and we can focus on getting better, because you can’t heal if you’re stressed. Thanks again to all the donors, and thanks in advance to the future donors.” At the end of the interview, IFB PR specialist Laura Burrows shared some warm and inspiring words about Rod. “He is such an inspiration, and he’s what’s right in this world. We need more people like Rod in today’s world.” And then she looked into his eyes and said, “You’re amazing!” My heart became even more full. What a phenomenal man and program. I also have to give a big thank to Nicole Ducouer, IFB senior director of corporate communications. You’re doing an amazing job and I’m proud to call you a dear friend. If you’re not already a donor to The People First Fund, please visit https:// ifbsolutions.org/donate for more information on how to support this worthy cause, or call 336-2455615.
Salemtowne is a nonprofit, Life Plan Community that provides the highest standards and options for seniors at all stages.
T he C hronicle
October 1, 2020
Wake Forest Baptist first in U.S. to enroll patients in innovative COVID-19 trial SUBMITTED ARTICLE
Wake Forest Baptist Health is the first health system in the country to enroll patients in a Phase 2 clinical trial designed to quickly determine whether drugs already approved for other uses can be repurposed to effectively treat COVID-19 in critically ill patients. The study’s “adaptive platform trial design” means several possible drug treatments can be tested at the same time, with the most promising potentially moving forward for further exploration and the least promising being removed from the study. Several drugs have been identified that either neutralize the virus or help heal lung or
other organ injuries that make people severely ill from coronavirus. All study volunteers also receive medications approved as standard of care for the virus. Known as the Investigation of Serial Studies to Predict Your COVID Therapeutic Response with Biomarker Integration and Adaptive
Alzheimer’s Association offers virtual education programs and online support groups CHARLOTTE – While the on-going coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic still threatens the health of millions in this country and around the world, it continues to create additional challenges for people living with Alzheimer’s and all dementia, their families and caregivers, including 180,000 in North Carolina and their estimated 479,000 caregivers. The Alzheimer’s Association, Western Carolina Chapter and the Alzheimer’s Association, Eastern North Carolina Chapter are continuing to offer free virtual education programs and online support groups to help all North Carolina caregivers and their families. Launched in May in response to the impact COVID-19 was having on those affected by dementia, the Alzheimer’s Association now offers a number of education programs that can help those living with Alzheimer’s and their families understand what to expect so they can be prepared to meet the changes ahead. “From the health risks of COVID-19 to the social isolation caused by the pandemic, we serve a vulnerable population. We see it as our duty to ensure that all North Carolina caregivers have access to Alzheimer’s Association resources,” said Katherine L. Lambert, CEO of the Western Carolina Chapter. “The COVID-19 crisis continues to alter daily lives, but the needs of Alzheimer’s caregivers persist. These online programs allow us to connect with caregivers and provide necessary information especially amid the on-going crisis.” Two new topics being added in October include a two-part series “Living with Alzheimer’s - For LateStage Caregivers” and “Dementia and the LGBT Experience,” both of which are even more important in light of the COVID-19 pandemic as caregivers strive to care for individuals living with dementia at home or at a distance. Living with Alzheimer’s - For Late-Stage Caregivers In the late stage of Alzheimer’s disease, caregiving typically involves new ways of connecting and interacting with the person with the disease. In this 2-part series, participants will hear from caregivers and professionals about resources, monitoring care and providing meaningful connection for the person with late-stage Alzheimer’s and their families. Living with Alzheimer’s - For Late-Stage Caregivers is being offered on October 14 and October 21. Participants are not required to attend both parts, but it is recommended. Dementia and the LGBT Experience Learn about Alzheimer’s, dementia and memory loss in the LGBT community during this brief communityfocused listening/discussion session. This program will take a look at the importance of increasing resources and outreach to the aging LGBT population. It will explore the unique factors that put this group at potentially higher risk for developing dementia, and the resources that may be needed for them and their loved ones as they age. Dementia and the LGBT Experience is being offered on October 7. Other programs in October include: *10 Warning Signs of Alzheimer’s *Understanding Alzheimer’s and Dementia *COVID-19 & Caregiving *Advancing the Science – The Latest in Alzheimer’s and Dementia Research *Understanding and Responding to DementiaRelated Behavior *Effective Communication Strategies *Dementia Conversations: Driving, Doctor Visits, Legal & Financial Planning *Caregiving for the Holidays Each virtual education program is approximately one hour and allows the audience to ask questions and engage with others going through the journey. Attendees are invited to join via video/webinar or through a toll-free number. There is no charge to participate, but registration is required. For a complete list of upcoming virtual programs or to register for a class, visit alz.org/northcarolina/helping_you/virtualofferings or call 800-272-3900. Participants will be sent conferencing details prior to the date of each virtual program. More than 16 million family and friends, including 479,000 in North Carolina, provide unpaid care to people with Alzheimer’s or other dementias in the United States. To help family caregivers navigate the current complex and quickly changing environment, the Alzheimer’s Association has also offers additional guidance to families at alz.org/covid19help. For more information, visit alz.org/northcarolina or call the 24/7 Helpline at 800.272.3900.
Learning (I-SPY COVID Trial), the study is a collaboration among pharmaceutical industry members of the recently formed COVID Research & Development Alliance and others; the Quantum Leap Healthcare Collaborative, a partnership of medical researchers and investors; and the Food and Drug
Administration. Two Wake Forest Baptist faculty members are serving as co-principal investigators for the Wake Forest Baptist site: D. Clark Files, M.D., and Karl Thomas, M.D., both from the health system’s section of pulmonary, critical care, allergy and immunologic medicine. “The adaptive design
of this trial allows us to constantly analyze the data and learn which drugs are working and which ones are not,” Files said. “By identifying effective treatments in real-time, our goal is to reduce mortality and the length of time patients spend on ventilators,” Thomas added. The adaptive platform
design for the I-SPY COVID Trial was adapted from the I-SPY 2 TRIAL, a research study for patients with early-stage, high-risk breast cancer. In October 2019, Wake Forest Baptist became the first health system in the state to join that trial. In addition to Wake Forest Baptist, the other initial I-SPY COVID Trial sites are Columbia University Medical Center, Montefiore Medical Center, Sanford USD Medical Center, University of Alabama, University of California San Francisco, University of Colorado Denver, University of Pennsylvania, University of Southern California and Yale University. Other sites are planned to open in the future.
ZERO LOCAL FUNDING FOR PRE-K IS COSTING US WAY TOO MUCH. Not long ago Winston-Salem was named the hardest city in America from which to escape childhood poverty. Today, we still don’t invest a dime of local funds in High Quality Pre-K, which research proves is critical education for 4-year-olds that also equalizes opportunity among children. With Durham, Mecklenburg and Buncombe Counties spending millions, we think it’s time for Forsyth County to get serious about High Quality Pre-K. What will it cost? Let’s find out.
Because as long as we continue to do nothing, our community will keep paying a terrible price.
SIGN THE PLEDGE TODAY AT PreKPriority.org Convened by Family Services and supported by the Kate B. Reynolds Charitable Trust.
O ctober 1, 2020
The C hronicle
Bookmarks receives $50,000 grant from The Literary Arts Emergency Fund SUBMITTED ARTICLE
Bookmarks was chosen as one of 14 literary arts organizations to receive a $50,000 grant from The Literary Arts Emergency Fund. A total of 282 nonprofit literary arts organizations, magazines, and publishers nationwide received $3.5 million in emergency funding ranging from $5,000 to $50,000. Three national nonprofit literary arts organizations – the Academy of American Poets, Community of Literary Magazine and Presses, and the National Book Foundation – came together to establish this emergency fund for the literary arts, a field that has been dreadfully impacted by COVID-19. This fund was made possible by a grant from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. The organizations receiving support have cumulatively reported over $27 million in financial losses and are projecting over $48 million in financial losses in the next year. “We are thrilled to have this national support and recognition,” said Ginger Hendricks, executive director of Bookmarks. “This funding will help us greatly during our fourth quarter as Bookmarks welcomes Jamie Rogers Southern as interim executive director. Our board of directors, Jamie, and the staff will do a wonderful job leading our organization into 2021
and our next chapter.” Bookmarks has sustained over $450,000 in losses because of COVID-19, but has continued to virtually host over 15 author events and book clubs monthly since mid-March. It resumed hours to seven days a week in late July with walk-in and appointments available. The 16th Festival of Books and Authors is planned for September 25, 2021. “Writers create humanity’s vast and intricate record – they are the chroniclers of our joys and fears, our varied inner lives, our humor, anguish, and determination,” Elizabeth Alexander, poet and president of the Mellon Foundation said. “This one-time emergency grant provides critical support both for these vital storytellers and for the organizations that ensure their written work remains accessible to enrich and deepen our collective engagement
with a diverse, inclusive American culture.” Bookmarks is a literary arts nonprofit organization and independent bookstore that works to ignite the love of reading by connecting the community with books and authors. In addition to the annual Festival of Books & Authors, Bookmarks offers yearround programming, including author talks, lecture nights, book club gatherings, and more, all of which are currently being offered virtually. Community outreach efforts also include Book Build and Bookmarks in Schools, which connects students in the WinstonSalem area with authors and new books. Bookmarks is located at 634 West Fourth Street in downtown WinstonSalem and is open daily for appointment, phone, and walk-in shopping. Visit bookmarksnc.org for more information.
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THURSDAY, October 1, 2020
Also Religion, Community News, and Classifieds Timothy Ramsey Sports Columnist
The Clippers were frauds At the beginning of the NBA season, if I had to put money down on one scenario, it would have been that the two L.A. teams, the Clippers and Lakers, would meet in the Western Conference finals. As it turns out, I was only 50% right, because the Clippers were unceremoniously bounced from the playoffs in the second round by the Denver Nuggets. Once the restart began in the bubble, it seemed like a foregone conclusion that the Lakers and the Clippers were going to face off in the playoffs. Both teams were playing well, and their rosters seemed to be head and shoulders above their talented Western Conference foes. On Sept. 10, the Clippers and Lakers both held commanding 3-1 leads against their respective opponents and my prediction seemed to be coming to fruition. At that point, things began to unravel for the Clippers, while the Lakers were taking care of business against the Houston Rockets. The Lakers quickly took care of the Rockets in five games, but the Clippers proceeded to lose three straight games to the Nuggets. The sad part about each of those losses for the Clippers is they were up in double figures in all of those games. When it came down to crunch time, the Clippers folded, and the Nuggets did not. This outcome for the season was probably something the Clippers’ players, coaches and front office could not have imagined. They literally mortgaged their immediate future to acquire Paul George from the Oklahoma City Thunder and he did not live up to his “Playoff P” moniker. For the Clippers to give up first round picks in 2022, 2024, 2026 and 2021 (unprotected) and 2023 (protected) first round selections via the Miami Heat to the Thunder for George, their goal for the season had to be championship or bust. Don’t get me wrong, the Nuggets were a formidable opponent, but with the star power the Clippers have, they were not supposed to lose that way. The combination of Kawhi Leonard and George was touted as the best wing combination we have seen since LeBron and D-Wade. For the most part, Leonard fulfilled his part of the combo, but George did not. George went missing in several fourth quarters See Clippers on B8
Chris Paul joins First Take for interview BY TIMOTHY RAMSEY THE CHRONICLE
Chris Paul was a guest on ESPN’s First Take to discuss his involvement during HBCU Week and the continued fight for social justice in America. Paul dropped a major announcement at the end of the interview where he stated he was attending Winston-Salem State University. The mission of HBCU Week is to encourage highschool-aged youth to enroll into HBCUs, provide scholarship dollars for matriculation, and sustain a pipeline for employment from undergraduate school to corporate America. The most impactful event during HBCU Week is the HBCU College Fair, per the website. Paul said he became involved with HBCU Week due to his entire family going to HBCUs and his yearning to give a voice to the voiceless. “Everyone doesn’t always know about HBCUs and why they were created, and I just try to bring attention to them,” Paul said during the interview. Paul recalled when he was in high school how he would visit his brother at Hampton University or attend homecoming at WSSU. “Even though I was at Wake Forest, WinstonSalem State was down the street, so I was always over there,” he said. “It’s nothing like it, the competition is amazing, just the culture and I think the more awareness people get, the better. “A lot of times people try to look at HBCUs like
Chris Pual’s interview on ESPN’s First Take aired on Sept. 25. they are inferior and that is not the case. I think that’s why it’s been so dope to see how many people are stepping up and you get a chance to see what really makes HBCUs great.” Paul touched on the trend of high-profile Black athletes attending HBCUs, rather than going to Power 5 schools. Because high school players have the power, Paul said wherever the top players decide to attend, the cameras will follow. As the president of the
NBA Players Association, Paul reflected on the imagery and conversations that took place with the players inside of the bubble. “When you’re in there, you just always trying to figure out what you can do,” Paul said about his time in the bubble. “All of us guys are sort of in situations where we sort of been protectors or caregivers for our family, so we just want to be able to help. “We are humans, we
are fathers, we are brothers, we’re husbands, any of these different things, so it’s tough. When you see the verdict on Breonna Taylor, it’s heartbreaking. I’m the father of an eightyear-old daughter and to see the way that women, especially Black women, are treated at times is not okay. And for those guys to be there and people to wonder should they just play and not speak on these different issues, there is no way, so I just want to commend all the guys in
Submitted photo
the league and the women for what they are doing.” Paul has long been a supporter of HBCUs, consistently wearing HBCU paraphernalia to games, so him attending WSSU is Paul coming full circle. Paul also stated his social change fund, in collaboration with HBCU Heroes and Lyft, will be providing transportation to the polls for HBCU students in swing states to enable them to vote in the upcoming election.
Charity golf tournament seeks to help local team BY TIMOTHY RAMSEY THE CHRONICLE
The Winston Lake Golf Course will once again host the charity golf tournament for the Winston-Salem Stealers organization. The tournament, organized by The Robinson Group, will take place on October 10 and will start at 9 a.m. sharp. Alvin Robinson, founder of The Robinson Group, said the tournament is especially needed this year due to the Stealers organization not being able to raise funds for scholarships for their players as they normally do each year. “We are trying to raise money, because since COVID-19 has come in, they have not been able to have any tournaments to raise money for scholarships,” said Robinson. Robinson has been organizing the tournament for 16 years. Three of his children have played for the organization and he says he continues to sup-
Submitted photo
The Winston Lake Golf Course will host the Winston-Salem Stealers charity golf tournament on October 10. port the Stealers because they are a class organization that looks out for their players. “The impact they have had on young women in the sport of basketball has been great,” he said. “They keep the vision of basketball alive for young women as they grow in the sport.” Dan Motsinger, owner of Cahill & Swain and longtime tournament sponsor, said they want to make sure they are consistent
with holding the tournament because they know it is needed, especially during the pandemic. “It is very important right about now due to the lack of money they (Stealers) have coming in,” said Motsinger about the tournament. Robinson and Motsinger said they have made sure they are following all pandemic protocols to ensure the safety of the participants. They are currently still looking for more
players to take part in the tournament to maximize the fundraising efforts for the Stealers organization. Organizers say they are truly thankful to their dedicated sponsors who routinely donate their money, time and services year in and year out. They also wanted to thank the Winston Lake Golf Course for their hospitality. “It has been a blessing to have the guys riding with us for the last 16 years,” said Robinson.
“When we call, there is no hesitation. They actually ask us when we are going to have the tournament, because they know all of the money is going towards the Winston-Salem Stealers.” For more information about the tournament, please contact Motsinger at Dan@cahillswain.com or 336-767-0731. You can also contact organizers at 336-416-3513 or 336-9229435.
October 1, 2020
The C hronicle
Nonprofit puts focus on the east side of town
Elder Richard Wayne Wood Sunday School Lesson
Love and Devotion to Others Scriptures: I Samuel 19:1-7 By the end of this lesson, we will: *Explore the story of Jonathan’s defense of David when David was opposed by Saul; *Long for love and justice within the family and beyond; *Grow in love and devotion for justice for others. Background: In the Book of Samuel both Saul and David are anointed king. Both are at God’s instruction to Samuel. One king is the choice of the people, the other is God’s choice. Each of them experience the Spirit of the Lord; Saul in chapter 10 verse 9 “… And the Spirit of the Lord came mightily …” and for David in chapter 16 verse 13 “ … and the Spirit of the Lord came mightily upon David from that day forward.” Interestingly enough, at the same time David received the Spirit of the Lord, it departed from Saul and was replaced by an evil spirit of jealousy, rage and anger. The exchange of Spirits and all that happens after is how God brought Saul and David together and how Jonathan and David became covenant brothers. (Read chapter 18 of I Samuel) “ … that the soul of Jonathan was knit to the soul of David, and Jonathan loved him as himself.” (I Samuel 18:1) The evil spirit that God put on Saul brought David and Saul together (David soothes Saul), but in the lesson Saul is at the point of wanting to kill David. Saul has already made David his enemy in his own mind after hearing the chants in the streets of David’s victories compared to his own (18:7). Saul is bold in his attempts at David’s life. He uses a spear while David is playing harp, makes him commander of thousands to be killed in battle, and again against the Philistines to secure a dowry of 100 Philistine foreskins. In all of this, God is with David, “David behaved himself more wisely … So, his name was highly esteemed.” (18:30). Lesson: Saul in the lesson, has now blatantly voiced his intent to kill David, but Jonathan warned David that he should hide the next morning: “Saul my father is seeking to put you to death … please be on guard in the morning … hide yourself” (verse 2). Jonathan becomes the conciliator and has to balance his loyalties to his father, David and Israel itself. He reminds Saul that David has done nothing to deserve death, the victories of David were in fact the Lord’s and David was actually worthy of honor for his good works (clearly by divine power and at his own risk of life) toward the king and Israel. Jonathan emphasizes that by killing a man without sin, Saul will gravely sin himself. David was a faithful servant, to both Saul and God (verses 4-5). Saul listened to reason and promised under divine oath not to kill David. “As the Lord lives, he shall not be put to death.” And their relations were restored – temporarily (verses 6-7). It was Saul’s own family that saved David from his attempts at killing David. (The UMI Annual Commentary 2020-2021, The MacArthur Study Bible, The Jewish Study Bible, The Oxford Bible Commentary). For Your Consideration: Have you found yourself in the role of “conciliator” with relatives or church members? How did you handle it? Should you confront someone you love when they are wrong? Application: In all relationships, Christians must not be silent when someone is wrong. The effects of wrong behavior may not always be immediate, but could also be expansive and longlasting for many. We can disagree respectfully, and with the mind of Christ there should be avenues to gain quick and peaceful solutions. As believers, our loyalty must align with biblical principles. It is a disservice to the offender not to call attention to the wrongdoing, but the correction must be considerate, orderly and respectful, not judgmental and self-righteous.
The focus on social justice has spawned a lot of grassroots efforts to not only fight for what’s just, but also a renewed attention on those in need. Sistas 4 ChangeWinston-Salem is a new organization that is seeking to make a difference in the city. Sistas 4 Change was started by Hatasha Carter (president), Ayo Powell (vice-president), Tisha Via (treasurer) and Donna Carter earlier this year. The four women met at a local protest following the killing of several unarmed Black men and Sistas 4 Change was soon born. “Sistas 4 Change was kind of birthed out of the
The ladies prepare to serve food to the community. explosion of the Black Lives Matter movement, when everything happened with George Floyd earlier in the year,” said Powell. “We were out
just protesting and began collaborating and came together. “All of us just had a feeling of wanting to do more. The marching and
Sistas 4 Change served chicken and biscuits to the community.
Photos by Timothy Ramsey
speeches are great, but we thought, what could we physically do to try and become an active part of the community? So, the four of us got together and decided to start Sistas 4 Change.” One of the first initiatives the ladies wanted to bring to the area was to feed those in need. Because the ladies were limited with funds, their pop-up Community Eats was a low-cost way to introduce themselves to the people in the area. “The last thing we did was a rally for peace and at the end of that we sparked a conversation to do something else,” she said. “Our president reached out See Sistas on B8
New data highlights church challenges during COVID-19 BELLINGHAM, Wash. – New survey data from Faithlife, the church technology company behind Logos Bible Software, reveals that while the majority of churches are returning to in-person gatherings, leaders face numerous challenges to church unity within their congregations. “COVID-19 has necessitated that churches re-evaluate the way they worship, gather and disciple their congregants,” said Bob Pritchett, founder and CEO of Faithlife. “This data highlights how many churches are still grappling with what the remainder of 2020 and the future will look like, but we believe there are solutions and tools all churches can
use to foster community and unity during these unprecedented times.” COVID-19 has increased divisiveness
within many churches. While most churches (73%) report that their staff agrees on how to run their church during
the pandemic, many leaders face challenges to church unity within their See Church on B8
*Please call ahead to make sure your event is still happening. We will post cancellations/postponements announcements when received.
Thursdays and Saturdays Free Meals Christ Rescue Temple Church, 1500 North Dunleith Ave., will serve hot meals as part of the People Helping People Feeding Program. Meals will be served every Thursday and Saturday from noon until 1 p.m. at the church’s location. For more information, call 336-7229841. NOW Zoom services New Birth Worship Center (NBWC) in East Bend has gone virtual. Please join Dr. James L. E. Hunt, Senior Pastor on Sunday mornings at 10 a.m. on Zoom webinar. The link is https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84789021891 or Dial-In: 1 301 715 8592 ID Mtg. #: 84789021891. In addition, Sunday School is taught by Deacon James Henry at 9 a.m. via telephone conference call #: 1 917 900 1022 ID#: 868433#. All are welcome to join us for Zoom (virtual) Bible Study on Wednesdays at 7 p.m. Our Pastor, Dr. Hunt, will be the teacher. The Zoom Link: https://us02web. zoom.us/j/89195349778 or Dial-In Mtg #: 1 301 715 8592 ID#: 89195349778#. For additional information, please call 336-6993583 or visitwww.newbirthworshipcenter.org or visit our Facebook page.
the importance of advocacy for the affluent as well as the disenfranchised. The forum will be live streamed at https://uufws.org/virtual-forum. For more information, please visit uufws.org.
Oct. 3 & 4 Pastoral anniversary On Sunday, Oct. 4, Morning Star Missionary Baptist Church will celebrate the 11th pastoral anniversary of Rev. Dr. Dennis Leach Sr. Elder Tembila Covington, president of the Ministers’ Conference of Winston Salem & Vicinity will deliver the preached word during the 10 a.m. service. On Saturday, Oct. 3, the celebration will also consist of a drive through celebration that will be from 11:30 a.m. until 1 p.m. Morning Star Missionary Baptist Church is located at 1400 Fitch St. The community is invited to attend. Please call the church office at 336418-2003 if there are questions. Oct. 4 Live stream services The Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, WinstonSalem, will live stream its Sunday service at 10:30 a.m. at https://uufws.org/virtual-worship-service. Pastor and community organizer Terrance Hawkins will speak about the history of injustice unfolding in modern times and the opportunity to embrace healing. At the Forum at 8:45 a.m., community activist Philip Carter will discuss
Oct. 4 First Waughtown Baptist Church Live Stream Senior Pastor Dennis W. Bishop will deliver the sermon and lead worshipers in Corporate Communion at 10 a.m. Sunday, Oct. 4. Everyone is encouraged to have their elements prepared to partake of The Lord’s Supper. Please join us on Facebook Live, https://www.facebook. com/FirstWaughtown/ or the First Waughtown website, https://www.firstwaughtown.org and click on MEDIA. Oct 7 & 21 Winning Wednesdays Winning Wednesday delights will make their Fall debut on plate sales to support the 100th Anniversary of Wentz Memorial United Church of Christ, at 3435 Carver School Road. The Wednesday dinner plate sale will be held Oct. 7 & Oct. 21, from 4:30-6:30 p.m. The sale is held the first and third Wednesday of each month. The cost is $10 per plate. Proceeds from the plate sale will be used to help offset the expenses and costs of the church’s 100th anniversary celebration Due to restrictions related to COVID-19, plates will be available as a drive-through/pick-up item or in special situations as a delivery within a five-mile radius. Contact Reginald Gaither at 336-391-8586 to place orders or for more information. Or you may contact Wentz Church at 336-722-0430.
T he C hronicle
October 1, 2020
Community Calendar Please call ahead to make sure your event is still happening. We will post cancellations/postponements announcements when received. NOW – Volunteer Center of the Triad The Volunteer Center of the Triad is responding to COVID-19 by bringing the volunteer community together. We have designated a portion of our website www. volunteercentertriad. org to assist our nonprofit community as their needs arise around the COVID-19 pandemic. If you are interested in volunteering, visit www. volunteercentertriad.org, click COVID-19 Response and search volunteer opportunities available. NOW - Oct. 4 – Artist support grants The Arts Council of Winston-Salem & Forsyth County is seeking applications for its new Artist Support Grants program (formerly the Regional Artist Project Grant), which will help artists in a five-county region further their professional and artistic development. Committed, gifted individual artists and collaborative groups in Forsyth, Davidson, Davie, Guilford and Randolph counties are eligible to apply. Deadline for applications is Sunday, October 4, 2020 by midnight. Grants will range from $500 - $2,000. Guidelines, application and online information sessions are available at www.intothearts.org. NOW - Oct. 28 – Powerful Tools for Caregivers Registration is now underway for a virtual Powerful Tools for Caregivers class. This is a 7-week course for anyone caring for a loved one who is frail or ill. Classes will take place by Zoom on Wednesdays, 2 -3:30 p.m., Sept. 16 – Oct. 28. There is no charge, but donations are accepted. Registration is required. To register or get information, call Carol Ann Harris at The Shepherd’s Center of Greater Winston-Salem, 336-748-0217. Class size is limited, so early registration is suggested. Oct. 2 – Registration deadline for Neighborhood Trust Talk Neighborhood Trust Talks: Human Relations Approach to Police and Community Dialogue is an opportunity to provide citizen input directly to police officers in a trusting, open environment, featuring local neighborhood association presidents. The virtual event will take place on Oct. 15 from 6 - 8 p.m. Limited space available; first come first serve. Please call Dr. Pam Peoples-Joyner at 336-7737962 or e-mail pjoyner@ wspd.org. Register by Oct. 2 to receive the Zoom link. Oct. 3 – “Blackonomics” On Saturday Oct. 3, from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m., Thirsty will host a free event, “Blackonomics.” “Blackonomics” is an outdoor, educational and small vendor’s fair to be
held on the corner of 14th Street and Claremont in Winston Salem, NC. The goal of this event is to continue fostering collaboration and strengthening relationships amongst the African American residents of the north and southeast communities of the city. Let’s be mindful that COVID-19 is still active. Please wear your mask and keep a safe distance from others. A handwashing station and hand sanitizer will be provided for everyone. Oct. 3 – Community event The NAACP / Winston-Salem Forsyth County Branch #5471 will sponsor a community event on Saturday, Oct. 3, from 11 a.m.-2 p.m.. This event will include NAACP Membership Drive for adults, youth, young adults and lifetime members. Voter Registration will be conducted by the NC League of Conservation Voters, Back-To-School Drive Thru Giveaway and COVID-19 testing info. All activities will be conducted outside, with facemasks and 6 ft. social distancing. For further information, please contact the NAACP Branch Secretary Mrs. Patricia Biassi ( 336) 7673470. Rev. Alvin Carlisle is the NAACP President. Oct. 20 – Fish fry The A. H. Anderson Alumni Association invites the community to a curbside fish fry on Saturday, Oct. 17, from noon to 3 p.m. in the New Light Missionary Baptist Church lot. The event will be held outdoors at 1535 E. 15th St. and meals will be delivered to cars to maintain safety protocols. Come out and support the Alumni Association and pick up a southern fried fish plate with sides of potato salad, cole slaw and baked beans. Carolina Hot Dogs will also be on sale. For Information contact Theodis Foster, President. at 336 978-3517. Oct. 20 – Virtual conversation Wake Forest’s Face to Face Speaker Forum will host Peggy Noonan and Eugene Robinson for a virtual conversation on Tuesday, Oct. 20, from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. Preprogramming will begin at 7 p.m. The event is free for Face to Face Speaker Forum season subscribers and students, faculty and staff at Wake Forest, as well as students and faculty in the WinstonSalem area. Visit go.wfu. edu/facetoface to register for this event. Tickets for general audience are $10. Oct. 12 - 21 – Virtual author event Marking the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the 19th Amendment, and acknowledging that not all American women secured the right to vote in 1920, The Women’s Fund of Winston-Salem and MUSE Winston-Salem invite readers to join the Unsung Suffragists Book Club
for a community reading experience of “Vanguard: How Black Women Broke Barriers, Won the Vote, and Insisted on Equality for All,” by Martha S. Jones. Participants should acquire and read the book on their own. Beginning the week of October 12, registered participants can participate in one of several moderated small-group discussions via Zoom. Then on October 21 at 4 p.m., Dr. Jones will join for a virtual author’s event, offering brief remarks and engaging in a discussion with readers. Readers must register at https://www. w s f o u n d a t i o n . o rg / w f book-club, to sign up for a discussion session and register to receive an access link for the October 21 virtual author event. Participants are encouraged to order the book online through Bookmarks at https://www.bookmarksnc. org/book/9781541618619 and can use discount code 20VANGUARD for 20% off. Oct. 21, Nov. 12 & Dec. 16 – Read to Right Wrong The Forsyth County Public Library system is holding a series of community conversations around complex subjects to launch its new Read To Right Wrong initiative. Read To Right Wrong (RTRW) is an effort to provide information around the many topics that the community is wrestling with, through programs, reading recommendations, outreach efforts and more. *Wed., Oct. 21 at 7 p.m. Racial Equity in Housing *Thur., Nov. 12 at 7 p.m. Food Disparities in Forsyth County *Wed., Dec. 16 at 7 p.m. Health Equity Oct. 26 – Medicare workshop The Shepherd’s Center of Greater WinstonSalem is offering a virtual workshop for individuals turning 65 (as well as those who already have Medicare) to learn about the different insurance options available, including “Original Medicare,” Medicare prescription drug programs, Medicare supplements and Medicare Advantage plans. The session will be held on Monday, Oct. 26, from 3:00 - 4:30 p.m. through computer and telephone access. The session is provided at no cost. Because space is limited, reservations are required. Contact the Shepherd’s Center at 336-748-0217 or Info@shepherdscenter.org for more information or to reserve a seat. C A N C E L E D EVENTS: Oct. 14 – Charity Golf Tournament - Canceled Due to the on-going COVID 19 pandemic disruption, Jim Shaw’s Ace Aviation Academy of Winston Salem will regretfully postpone the planned Oct 14, 2020 Charity Golf Tournament.
How to submit items to the community calendar: We appreciate your community news. Here’s how you can help us to process your news more efficiently: *Please give us complete information about the event, such as the sponsor and address, date, time and place of the event and contact information so that the public can contact someone for more information if needed. *Please submit items in document form in an email or Word or PDF attachment. *Submit photos as attachments to emails as jpegs at least 4 inches wide by 6 inches deep rather than sent on documents. Please send captions with photos. *Please do not send jpeg fliers only, since we cannot transfer the information on them into documents. The deadline is Sunday at 11:59 p.m. to have all calendar items submitted for that week’s paper. Send your calendar items to news@ wschronicle.com. You can also drop them off, Monday through Friday before 5 p.m., or mail your items to WinstonSalem Chronicle, 1300 E. Fifth St., Winston-Salem, NC 27101; or send them via our website, www. wschronicle.com.
October 1, 2020
The C hronicle
Salem College receives Truth Initiative Grant and pledges to go tobacco and vape free e-cigarettes. Teens and young adults can text “DITCHVAPE” to 88709 and get immediate help. Parents of young people who vape can get support at becomeanex.org. Salem Academy and College is the oldest educational institution
will also develop and lead educational efforts to build a movement to become a smoke, vape and tobacco-free campus. After participation in the program, the institutions are poised to join a growing movement that will protect more than 1.9 million students and 159,000 employees in 40 states. Since 2015, the Truth Initiative Tobacco/VapeFree College Program has awarded more than $2.4 million in funding to 200 colleges, universities and college systems. Moreover, with the tobacco industry’s long history of targeting vulnerable communities, the grant program seeks to serve community colleges, minorityserving institutions, and women’s colleges. This year’s 14 grantees represent a diverse group of institutions, including
State awards $47.3 million in grants and loans for local government disaster recovery RALEIGH−The North Carolina Office of Recovery and Resiliency (NCORR) has awarded $47.3 million in grants and zero-interest loans to help communities recover after multiple hurricanes, while also building resiliency to reduce damage during future storms. Since the launch of the NCORR program last year, 41 local and tribal governments have received a total of 63 grants and loans to help with operating costs and recovery expenses. The state-funded program offers a financial lifeline to communities facing challenges due to major hurricane damage. “Our communities are committed to rebuilding smarter and stronger and these funds will help foster new partnerships and make North Carolina more resilient against future storms,” said Governor Roy Cooper. Funds awarded by the NCORR program are helping North Carolina communities pay for local infrastructure projects such as upgrades to the Town of Robbins wastewater treatment system, which was damaged when Hurricane Florence hit. In Robeson County, a $2 million zerointerest loan awarded to the Lumbee Tribe is funding a dam construction project that will help manage flooding during future storms, while providing many other benefits to the community. Funds awarded by NCORR are also being used for projects such as reconstruction of Princeville’s town hall and senior center, which were both flooded by Hurricane Matthew. “Hurricanes damage not only individual homes, but also buildings and infrastructure that are critical for community
stability and welfare,” said NCORR Chief Operating Officer Laura Hogshead. “Our office is committed to building local government partnerships that will support long-term disaster recovery throughout the state.” Grants of up to $1 million are currently available to local and tribal governments as short-term assistance to pay for certain everyday operating expenses or to provide additional support for disaster recovery. Information on the grant application process is available on NCORR’s ReBuild. NC.gov website. The 2020 loan application period has now closed, but another application period will be announced in the coming months. “The grant has been a financial lifesaver for our town,” said Pollocksville Mayor James V. Bender Jr. The town is using the funds to reduce debt service, retain the services of a full-time employee to help with disaster mitigation and resiliency, and to cover additional accounting expenses and financial services. In late 2018, Governor Cooper established NCORR in the Department of Public Safety at a time when much of North Carolina had experienced two devastating hurricanes in the span of only two years. The office administers nearly $1 billion in HUD disaster recovery and mitigation funding, as well as state disaster recovery funds. In addition to local government grants and loans, NCORR manages programs statewide that include homeowner recovery, infrastructure, affordable housing, resiliency and strategic buyout.
community colleges, HBCUs, Hispanic serving institutions, women’s colleges, tribal colleges, and Asian American and Native American PacificIslander serving colleges. “The grant from Truth Initiative has set us up for success and I’m positive we can achieve our goals,” said Susan Henking, interim president of Salem Academy and College. “We are going to hit the ground running with our plan so that we can make our campus environments safer for all of our students, faculty and staff.” “Our goal is to make campus environments healthier places to live, work and learn,” said Robin Koval, CEO and president of Truth Initiative. “We are proud to continue to build relationships and provide grants to minority-serving institutions, women’s colleges and community
for girls and women in the United States. For more information about Salem Academy, please visit salemacademy.com. For more information about Salem College, please visit salem.edu.
colleges to give them the tools to go tobacco and vape-free.” Truth Initiative is equally committed to helping young people who vape to quit. This is Quitting is a first-of-itskind, free and anonymous text message quit-vaping program for teens and young adults that has helped more than 200,000 young people who have enrolled. This is Quitting, which first launched in January 2019, was created with input from teens, college students and young adults who have attempted to, or successfully, quit e-cigarettes. Preliminary data about the program published in Nicotine & Tobacco Research showed after just two weeks of using This is Quitting, more than half of participants—60.8%— reported that they had reduced or stopped using
Join Us for Our Inaugural Season NEW VIRTUAL EVENT
October 20, 2020 at 7:30 p.m. A Conversation Between Pulitzer Prize-winning columnists
Peggy Noonan
of the Wall Street Journal
and Eugene Robinson
of The Washington Post
Join us for this not-to-miss virtual conversation between two powerhouse political analysts. Noonan, who served as a special assistant and speechwriter for President Ronald Reagan, writes a weekly column for the Wall Street Journal. Robinson is a columnist and associate editor of The Washington Post. He also provides political commentary to MSNBC.
January 26, 2021 at 7:30 p.m. Malcolm Gladwell
Bestselling Author of Talking To Strangers, Blink and Outliers LJVM Coliseum
March 18, 2021 at 7:30 p.m. A Conversation Between
General Colin Powell
Secretary of State (2001–2005)
and Dr. Madeleine Albright
Salem College was one of 14 colleges and universities to be awarded a grant from Truth Initiative® to adopt a 100% tobacco/vape-free campus policy. The effort is part of a national movement among students, faculty and administrators to address smoking, vaping, and nicotine use at college campuses throughout the U.S. As the nation gets back to school amidst the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, concerns about the youth vaping crisis continue to mount as the evidence based on the connection between the two grows. Newly published data show young people who reported ever using e-cigarettes may be up to five times more likely to test positive for COVID-19 compared to their nonvaping peers. In addition, new CDC reports show an encouraging decline in youth vaping, but a troubling rise in menthol and flavored disposable e-cigarette use. Over the next 19 months, Salem College will form a campus task force that will assess smoking, vaping and tobacco use behaviors and attitudes; identify a treatment plan for current smokers and vapers; and develop a smoke, vape, and tobacco-free policy. Two student leaders
Secretary of State (1997–2001) LJVM Coliseum
May 1, 2021 at 7:30 p.m. Yo-Yo Ma
Multiple Grammy Award-Winning Cellist, Cultural Ambassador and United Nations Messenger of Peace LJVM Coliseum
October Virtual Event Free with a Season Subscription! Buy Now!
T he C hronicle
October 1, 2020
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1. Zoning petition of City of WinstonSalem to amend and change from Forsyth County MU-S (Two-Phase) to WinstonSalem MU-S (Two-Phase): the zoning classification and Official Zoning Map of the property located on the South side of Mizpah Church Road; property consists of ¹ 150.6 acres and is PIN 6809-96-6493 as shown on the Forsyth County Tax Maps (Zoning Docket W-3454). 2. An Ordinance amendment proposed by Planning and Development Services staff amending Chapter 5 and Chapter 11 of the Unified Development Ordinance to revise uses allowed in the Limted Industrial (LI) and General Industrial (GI) zoning districts; to revise the outdoor storage area requirements of the use Manufacturing B; and to revise the definitions of Manufacturing A and Manufacturing B for Winston-Salem and Forsyth County. (U-DO-CC4) 3. An Ordinance amendment proposed by Planning and Development Services staff amdending section 3.2.2 of the Unified Development Ordinance, pertaining to Certificates of Appropriateness. (UDOCC5) 4. Public Hearing for the Downtown Winston-Salem Streetscape Master Plan. All parties in interest and citizens are invited to attend said hearing (virtually) at which time they shall have an opportunity to be heard in favor of or in opposition of the foregoing proposed changes. If you would like to speak during the public hearing, please visit www.cityofws.org/ccvirtual. If you have questions regarding public hearing participation, please call (336) 727-2224. During the public hearing, the City Council may hear other proposals to amend the zoning of the above-described property or any portion thereof. At the end of the public hearing, the City Council may continue the matter, deny the proposed rezoning, in whole or in part, grant the proposed rezoning, in whole or in part, or rezone the above-described property or any portion thereof to some other zoning classification. Prior to the hearing, all persons interested may obtain any additional information on these proposals which is in the possession of the City-County Planning Board by inquiring in the office of the City-County Planning Board in the Bryce A. Stuart Muncipal Building on weekdays between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Written comments will be accepted on the public hearing itemns until 7:00 p.m. October 6, 2020. Written comments may be sent to the City Clerk’s Office, P.O. Box 2511 Winston-Salem, 27102, or by email to sandark@cityofws.org. All requests for appropriate and necessary auxiliary aids and services must be made, within a resonable time prior to the hearing, to Angela Carmon at 747-7404 or to T.D.D. 727-8319. BY ORDER OF THE CITY COUNCIL Sandra Keeney, Clerk of the City Council of the City of Winston-Salem The Chronicle September 24, and October 1, 2020
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IN THE MATTER OF: PEYTON JEREMIAH RICH DOB: 11-11-2019 NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS BY PUBLICATION TO: (1) The Mother Melissa Chapel Hyatt of the minor child Peyton Jeremiah Rich. TAKE NOTICE that a Motion to Terminate Parental Rights seeking relief against you has been filed in the above entitled action. The above-mentioned minor child was adjudicated to be a neglected and dependent child on October 23, 2017. The nature of the relief being sought is a termination of parental rights of the Motion to Terminate Parental Rights filed by the Forsyth County Department of Social Services on June 22, 2020 with respect to the above-referenced the minor child pursuant to N.C.G.S. 7B-1102. The Mother Melissa Chapel Hyatt of the minor child Peyton Jeremiah Rich is required to file an answer to the Motion to Terminate Parental Rights within forty (40) days after the date of notice. If the Mother Melissa Chapel Hyatt fails to make a defense of the Motion to Terminate Parental Rights within the 40-day period specified herein or to attend the hearing on the said Motion, the Movant (Forsyth County Department of Social Services) will be requesting the Court to terminate the parental rights of the Mother Melissa Chapel Hyatt to Peyton Jeremiah Rich. If the Mother Melissa Chapel Hyatt is indigent and not already represented by an attorney, then the Mother Melissa Chapel Hyatt may be entitled to a court-appointed attorney and said attorney could be appointed upon a request subject to the Court’s review at the termination of parental rights hearing after this publication notice has run for one day a week for three consecutive weeks in the WinstonSalem Chronicle. The termination of parental rights hearing regarding the parental rights of the unknown unnamed father is scheduled for 3:30 p.m. on Wednesday, October 21, 2020 in Courtroom 1-D of the Hall of Justice in Winston-Salem, North Carolina or as soon thereafter as the Court can hear the said case. This the 18th day of September, 2020 Erica Glass, Assistant County Attorney, Forsyth County Attorney’s Office 741 Highland Avenue Winston-Salem, NC 27101 The Chronicle September 24, and October 1, 8, 2020
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The undersigned, having qualified as Administrator of the Estate of MARK GRAY APPERSON, deceased, of Forsyth County, North Carolina, hereby notify all persons, firms or corporations having claims against the estate of said decedent to present them to the undersigned on or before the 18th day of December, 2020, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery. All persons indebted to the estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 17th day of September, 2020.
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The Chronicle September 17, 24 and October 1, 8, 2020 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Fiduciary of the Estate of Donald Foster, Sr. (20 E 1324), also known as Donald Foster, deceased April 27, 2020, Forsyth County, North Carolina, this is to Notify all persons, firms, and corporation having claims against the Estate of said deceased to present them to the undersigned on or before December 18th, 2020 this Notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery. All persons indebted to the said decedent or estate shall please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 17th day of October, 2020.
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Jon B. Kurtz Attorney for Plaintiff NC State Bar No. 21158 KURTZ EVANS WHITLEY GUY & SIMOS, PLLC 119 Brookstown Ave., Suite 400 Winston-Salem, NC 27101 (336) 768-1515
The Chronicle October 1, 8, and 15, , 2020
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TAKE NOTICE that a Summons and Complaint has been filed in the above action seeking relief against you for absolut divorce. You must file your response to the above-referenced pleadings no later than October 1, 2020, which is 30 days from the first publication of this notice.
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The Chronicle September 17, 24, and October 1, 8, 2020
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NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to the requirements of Article 19 of Chapter 160A of the General Statutes of North Carolina, that the City Council of the City of Winston-Salem will hold a virtual public hearing at 7:00 p.m. on October 5, 2020, on the following proposed amendments to the Offical Zoning Map of the City of Winston-Salem, North Carolina:
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.com PAGE 1
October 1, 2020
The C hronicle
Locally owned Masks for Love partners with H.O.P.E of Winston-Salem in fundraising effort
Special people, family and friends offer tribute
Masks for Love, LLC has begun a fundraising effort to support H.O.P.E of Winston-Salem, a local nonprofit designed to address food insecurity in Winston-Salem. WinstonSalem is one of the highest ranking cities in America for hunger in children ages 0-4. The economic crisis spurred by the COVID-19 epidemic has only worsened this problem. H.O.P.E of Winston-Salem has provided over 272,000 meals for Winston-Salem families since they were founded and has provided over 17,000 meals for families since March of 2020. “As a nonprofit serving underserved children, masks are not something we see a lot of in the neighborhoods we deliver food to,” says Tyler Beyea, development director of H.O.P.E of WinstonSalem. “Masks for Love has been an amazing partner to work with because as soon as Ritu and the team of sewers got together, the first thing they did was reach out and ask, ‘Do you need child masks?’ We love that Masks for Love continues to serve the community with a goal to make sure everyone has access to a mask for the health and wellness of all.” Masks For Love is a company founded in Winston-Salem to provide high-quality, handmade masks for the community during the coronavirus crisis. A central part of their goal is to provide income for people who have been
Submitted photo
Masks for Love has donated masks to H.O.P.E of Winston-Salem for use with their volunteers. Master Juwaan Denard Woodbury, Jr. financially impacted by tion of their profits from SUBMITTED ARTICLE the 2020 economy. Since their Masks Show Love Thank you! the company was formed Not Fear mask to H.O.P.E These are two words to convey the in June, they have grown of Winston-Salem to help infinite feeling in our hearts. Thanks for to employ eight people provide food for Winston- the past, present, and future through your and have created over 500 Salem families. gifts and other acts of kindness. Special people are sent to us for The mission of H.O.P.E masks. They have donated masks to several Piedmont of Winston-Salem is to use special reasons. This is a worthy moment: Celebrating Triad organizations, and community-wide support the 10th birthday of Master Juwaan also offer masks for sale to to prepare and bring Denard Woodbury, Jr. For the children the public at www.masks- nutritious weekend meals and families under care at the Brenner’s to thousands of children in Children Hospital, a drive-thru celebration forlovellc.com. “They have especially Forsyth County who are at was held on Sunday, Aug. 9, and toiletries for the families were collected. helped H.O.P.E. when it risk for hunger. Masks for Love, comes to making sure the (https://www. kids we serve have access LLC to quality masks and also masksforlovellc.com/) helped H.O.P.E. through in Winston-Salem is a business funding as well (and mask-making special H.O.P.E. masks with the goal of providing we love!). It is a company employment for Piedmont based on good, caring and Triad neighbors who have compassionate people that been financially impacted the coronavirus want to help others stay by healthy and that is what we economy. They create need more of right now. an array of high quality, We are blessed to work handmade masks for retail sale, including with them,” says Beyea. Masks for Love has children, tween, and adultdonated masks to H.O.P.E sized masks, as well as of Winston-Salem for specialized communicator use with their volunteers. masks for care providers. They are donating a por-
Submitted photo
Mr. Drew Schlinder, representative from North Carolina Baptist Hospital, was in the area distributing bags and pens. Local DJ, Mr. Ian “Kingfish” King, kept the flow of traffic moving to a thunderous beat with great music. The Martin Luther King, Jr. Fire Department circled the area with a giant horn blowing, which thrilled the kids and adults. This was Jr.’s favorite! He loved to visit the fire station along with his brothers. There were souvenirs for all. Master Juwaan Denard Woodbury, Jr. expired on June 11, 2018, accidentally drowning. What a great tribute!
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HIGH POINT --Members of the Friends of John Coltrane, Inc. are proud to announce the winners of the 2020 Student Essay Contest. The announcement date, Sept. 23, coincides with the celebration of the 94th birthday of John Coltrane,
T he C hronicle
Guitar Penn Griffin School for the Arts, 10th grade, High Point *Miles Jennings, High Point - Alto Saxophone Phoenix Academy, 6th grade, High Point *Larry Monroe, McLeansville - Baritone
*Janet Sams, High Point - Euphonium High Point Central High School, 10th grade, High Point *John Wagner, High Point - Tuba High Point Central High School, 12th grade,
October 1, 2020
Blues Festival, named to honor of the musician who grew up in High Point. The coronavirus forced the postponement of the 10th anniversary festival, scheduled for Labor Day weekend. Organizers decided to hold the contest
Submitted photos
The 10th John Coltrane Fstival was post poned this year. the saxophonist, composer and jazz icon. Seven middle and high school student musicians will receive a brand new instrument for writing a compelling essay that
Saxophone Dudley High School, 11th grade, Greensboro *Kyle Pemberton, High Point - Violin Forsyth Country Day School, 7th grade, Winston
Janet Sams continue to develop their music skills,� Joe Williams, Friends of John Coltrane Board member explained. “Our hope is
possible by Bill Banks, along with KHS America, Inc., an instrument manufacturer, and the festival sponsors. The
John Wagner High Point In past years, winners were presented with their instruments on stage during the John Coltrane International Jazz and
even though there would not be a live event for the students to attend. “We think it is so important that while at home, our young people
Elisabeth Qualls Larry Monroe expressed their personal passion for music and need for an instrument. The winners are: *Richard Crabtree, High Point - Electric
Salem *Elisabeth Quails, Lake Toxaway - French Horn Rosman High School, 8th grade, Rosman
Kyle Pemberton
that we will encourage students to practice at home by providing new instruments to some who are in need.� The prizes are made
Friends of John Coltrane, Inc. is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization that produces the annual John Coltrane International Jazz and Blues Festival.
Participants will be compensated for their time. IRB# 00053376
October 1, 2020
Clippers From page B1
of the series against Denver. With his woeful performance, coupled with previous playoff disappearances, maybe George is not good enough to be the second star on a championship team. After the loss to the Nuggets, there were several reports about some dissention in the Clippers’ locker room. According to The Athletic, George attempted to rally his teammates following the Game 7 loss, urging them to stay prepared for another championship run next season. His speech was reportedly met with “eye rolls and bewilderment” from his teammates, primarily due to George having a disappointing series against the Nuggets. Along with George’s lackluster play, there were reports of him not holding himself accountable for his play. There was even a heated exchange between George and SixMan of the Year, Montrezl Harrell during game 2 of the series against Denver. The Clippers have several key free agents this off season, including Harrell, which they have to make
From page B2
to some volunteers and it is just another way we want to be a resource to the community.” The ladies hold the Community Eats twice a week. On Mondays, the ladies are located in the gravel lot next to the Citgo gas station on Liberty Street and on Thursdays, the ladies set up shop
The C hronicle
decisions on. I also saw a lot of blame thrown at head coach Doc Rivers. Admittedly, he is the only coach in NBA history to lose multiple playoff series while leading 3-1, and he has done it three times now. I think some of the blame has to go toward Rivers, but I don’t think firing him would be the right move. I knew the Clippers were somewhat of a flawed team to begin with, but I thought with the additions of George and Leonard, they could overcome them. The most glaring issues I noticed were the lack of a playmaking point guard and a lack of three-point shooting depth. We all know the league is now a threepoint shooting league and those who shoot it well are coveted assets for any team. The Clippers have competent shooters, but for the most part, they are more streaky than consistent shooters. This off season they need to invest in a couple of knockdown shooters that are threats to shoot every time they catch the ball. The most pressing issue for them to address this off season is a point guard who can create
for others. Throughout the post season, Leonard seemed to take on the role as primary playmaker. That is not really Kawhi’s strong suit. The Clippers need to invest in a point guard that can handle the playmaking duties and free Leonard up. I think the Clippers are only a few pieces away and hopefully they will keep the band together to make another run at it next year. I remember there were high expectations for the Miami Heat when LeBron and Chris Bosh joined Dwyane Wade in Miami in 2010. The Heat did not win the title and lost to the Dallas Mavericks in the NBA finals. They did at least make it to the finals and the core group returned the next year and won it all. I think if the Clippers keep their core group and add the right pieces, they can come back next year and win it all. Their window to win is not very large, so they must take advantage of this opportunity while it is here. I just hope they don’t choose to blow it up and start from scratch, because I think we all want to see a Lakers vs. Clippers matchup next year in the conference finals.
across from the Church’s Chicken on Patterson Avenue. They begin giving out meals at 6 p.m. until all of the food is gone. “We just hand out free hot meals to any and everyone that needs a meal,” Powell continued. “We encourage everybody to come out and get something to eat for the few hours we are here, and we are here until all of the food runs out.”
Powell stated she enjoys helping those in need, because she was once in need of help. “It is always a joy when you can give back to others,” Powell said. “I also enjoy the satisfaction of seeing our own children looking up to us and seeing what we are doing.” Via added, “I have little girls and I just want to show them that we can all make a change and you
congregation. The most common challenges are decisions about holding inperson church gatherings (34%), mask wearing (19%), worship styles (13%), and conspiracy theories (13%). Only 9% of churches reported no divisiveness. The majority (61%) of churches surveyed reported that they are currently holding inperson meetings indoors with social distancing measures in place. Only 9% are meeting outdoors. The return to in-person gatherings varies by geographic region. In the South and Midwest, 67–70% of churches are meeting indoors with social distancing, and 13– 20% are completely back to normal. This drops to 57–62% of churches in the Northeast and West, with 14% completely back to normal. Most churches report seeing a slight decrease or about the same attendance during the pandemic, but this is influenced by church size. Churches
with more than 150 members were more likely to report a slight increase in attendance (27% for churches with 150–349 members, 30% for churches with 350 or more members) than smaller churches. Nearly half of the churches with 50–149 members reported a slight decrease in attendance, while 37% of churches under 50 members reported attendance has been stable. Faithlife recognizes the challenges COVID-19 has caused for church leaders in reaching their congregation and creating unity both physically and digitally. For this reason, Faithlife offers a set of comprehensive tools to help churches ensure that they are prepared for a “Digital Fall,” including resources for how to set up a vibrant online community and strategies on how to digitally disciple congregants. “To be fully digital this fall, churches need solutions for organizing online giving, community outreach, congregational discipleship and more,” said Pritchett. “The
don’t have to be wealthy or rich to make change.” Donna Carter said she knows there is a great need for organizations like Sistas 4 Change in the city and their goal is to make people feel comfortable enough to ask for help when they need it. Sistas 4 Change president, Hatasha Carter, said their organization provides other services to assist families in lower
income communities. “We just need people to reach out to us, so we will know where to touch bases at,” said Carter. “We want to hear directly from the people and what they need and when they need it. That is what Sistas 4 Change is all about. We are about being that resource where there are no strings attached or no hoops to jump through.” The ladies have big
Church From page B2
‘Digital Fall’ tips break down the otherwise overwhelming process of migrating everything online into easily manageable steps that any member of any church staff can quickly learn.” More information about Digital Fall is available at https://grow. faithlife.com/Digital-Fall. The Faithlife survey data is compiled from 361 responses to a survey of Faithlife and Logos Bible Software users completed between August 24 and September 3. Churches represented by the survey respondents cover a wide range of denominations and span the globe, although a majority (76%) of responses come from church leaders in the United States. Additionally, church participants range in average weekly attendance size, including 1 to 49 (25%), 50 to 149 (34%), 150-349 (18%) and 350 or more (23%). To view more data from the survey, visit https://faithlife.com/ ministry-resources/report/ fall-kickoff.
plans for the future. They currently are working on four initiatives: community assistance, creative arts, financial security, and education for school-age children. For more information on Sistas 4 Change, please visit them on all social media platforms and their GoFundMe page.