November 19, 2020

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• See Opinion/Forum pages on A4 & A5 •

Volume 47, Number 10

W I N S TO N - S A L E M , N . C .

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THURSDAY, November 19, 2020

Ministers’ Conference calls for full disclosure of scuffle, arrest of teen


After a cell phone video showing a 15-year-old being taken to the ground with excessive force by an officer with the WinstonSalem Police Department (WSPD), the Ministers’ Conference of WinstonSalem and Vicinity (MCWSV) has called for full disclosure and transparency from the WSPD Here’s what we know: On Saturday, Nov. 7, around 6:30 p.m., police were investigating reports of several teenagers trying to break into abandoned houses. Officers approached a group of teenagers on Hartford Street. Cell phone video recorded by a resident who lives on Hartford Street shows officers asking one of the teenagers in particular her name and the young lady refused. When Chief Catrina Thompson speaks during a recent press conference. the young lady tries to He said after seeing simi- committee, said one of the African American comwalk away, Officer Zachlar incidents play out in things that was most dis- munity has been experiary Jones follows the cities across the country, turbing was when Officer encing for years and we’re teenager and asks for her he never thought he would Jones violated the 15-year- not expecting empathy or name again and again she have to explain something old’s first amendment sympathy. We’re here torefused. At that point the like this to his daughter. rights when she refused day to call out the powers group of teenagers ap“I hate that under the to tell officers her name. that be and say that we’ve peared to begin arguing circumstances we have to While some will argue that had enough.” among themselves. Visibly The Ministers’ Conbe here at this second, but the teenager should’ve just frustrated with the teenagwe are here. It is real, it’s given her name, Fulton ference also contends ers and the person recordnot fake, and there’s noth- said, “It was in her right that Officer Jones never ing, Officer Jones can be attempted to use any deing that I can see in that not to give her name.” seen trying to grab the video that calls for (her) to “This young lady escalation techniques and teenager and she begins be attacked or pursued, or was exercising her first was “overly aggressive” to resist. In just a matter made to give any informa- amendment right by not while engaging with the of seconds, Officer Jones tion without my presence. giving her name and the teenagers. The group is forced the teenager to the I’ve played it clip by clip first amendment right was calling for full disclosure ground and eventually put to try to understand the of- violated by Officer Jones,” from the WSPD about the her into handcuffs. ficer’s actions as well as he said. “Not only were incident and the release Earnest Sides, father my child’s actions, and I the first amendment rights of the 911 dispatch call, of the teenager who was just don’t think it was nec- violated, Officer Jones all video from the police heaved to the ground by essary.” violated the citizen whose department, and any inthe officer in the video, When discussing the yard he was in by tell- formation related to the alsaid he didn’t have the cell phone video, Bishop ing her to get back or she leged criminal charges and words to express what he Todd Fulton, chair of the would be put in handcuffs. pending investigation be felt when he saw the video. MCWSV’s social justice These are the things the released to the family.

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Mayor Pro Tempore Denise “D.D.” Adams said Officer Jones’ actions were unacceptable and she didn’t mince words when discussing her thoughts on the role race played in the incident. “I don’t care how you shape it ... how you want to construct it, how you want to put it on a platform, it’s unacceptable,” Adams continued. “This is racism, y’all ... Let me ask you one question: If she had been white ... if this had been in Buena Vista, if it would’ve been a group of teenagers walking down Stratford Road, would this have happened?” Chief Catrina Thompson has said the WSPD has launched an internal investigation into the inci-

dent. “As your chief of police and as a mother of two teenage African American children, I share your concern,” Thompson said during a press conference last Sunday. She said after seeing the video, she immediately directed the Internal Affairs Division to begin their investigation. Thompson also mentioned that the family of the juvenile in the video has been given information on how to file a formal complaint against Officer Jones. Although laws prohibit the WSPD from releasing the body camera footage to the public, Thompson assured that they would be transparent throughout the investigation. “We have pledged to complete a prompt, fair and thorough administrative investigation and we have asked for your patience until the investigation is complete,” Thompson said. Chief Thompson also took a moment to send a message directly to the Sides’ family. She asked the family to trust her. “I give you my word that we will conduct a thorough, complete investigation using facts and evidence and guided by our laws, our Constitution, and our departmental policy,” she continued. “Once that investigation is complete, we will act appropriately. You have my word.” The Chronicle has received information that the Sides’ family has hired a lawyer to look into the incident.

CDC, NCDHHS advise scaling back Thanksgiving With the COVID-19 pandemic seemingly tightening its grip on communities across the country, health experts have advised Americans to forget

the traditional gatherings during the holiday season to help turn the tide against the rising number of cases. At the time of publication there were more than 11 million active cases of infection nationwide and here in N.C. things are worse than ever. There are 315,000 active cases across the state and numbers have been on the rise since September. Over the past two weeks the number of daily positive tests has topped record highs five different times. Here in Forsyth County nearly 2,000 people have tested positive for

the virus over the past 14 days and there has been reported outbreaks at several schools throughout the district impacting teachers and staff, as well as students. In response to the rise in cases across the state, during a press conference on Thursday, Nov. 10, Gov. Roy Cooper extended Phase 3 for three weeks and reduced the limit on indoor gatherings from 25 to 10. Cooper said science has shown us that indoor gatherings increase the risk of transmission of COVID-19, and the Executive Order seeks to

limit gatherings that could spread the virus. “This reduction in our indoor gathering limit aims to slow the spread and bring down our numbers,” Cooper said. “It also sends a serious signal to families, friends, and neighbors across our state: Success in slowing the spread will help our businesses.” With Thanksgiving a week away, the Center for Disease Control (CDC) has urged people to avoid activities that risk spreading the virus even more, including the traditional potluck style dinner, shopping, and holiday parades.

If you do plan on having dinner guests, the CDC suggests having one person wearing a mask serve all the food, limit the number of people going into the kitchen, and require everyone in attendance to wear a mask when they’re not eating. Dr. Mandy Cohen, secretary of the N.C. Department of Health and Human Services (NCDHHS), stressed the importance of wearing a mask in public and taking the necessary steps to keep loved ones safe. “Let’s keep our friends, family, and loved ones

safe this holiday season. If you are going to travel or get together, plan ahead to reduce the risk to your family and friends,” Cohen said. “Remember, it’s not how well you know someone when it comes to wearing a mask. If they don’t live with you, get behind the mask.” The N.C. Department of Health and Human Services (NCDHHS) also released health guidelines to help people celebrate the holidays safely. The guidelines can be viewed by visiting

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N ovember 19, 2020

The C hronicle

Community Service Awards … the show will go on This year COVID-19 has forced organizations and businesses to redirect their efforts and “reimagine” their events. The Chronicle is no exception. We’ve had to revamp and reinvent during these challenging times. Yet, we remain committed to supporting our community. With that being said, the 35th annual Community Service Awards will go on … virtually. The ceremony will be aired on Dec. 5. The Chronicle recognizes people in our community who go beyond the call of duty to serve others in Winston-Salem and surrounding ar-

lenges presented by the pandemic and still used their reach to help others. In October, we conducted Instagram and Facebook polls for nominations. You (our readers) have spoken and the winners have been chosen. We will be honoring area residents with the following awards: *Man of the Year *Woman of the Year *Church of the Year *Youth of the Year *Creator of the Year *2 Lifetime Achievement Awards *For Seniors Only Award

year. In 2019 we changed the format of the Community Service Awards ceremony. It mirrored other red carpet events like the Grammys™ or the Oscars™. We plan to bring that same excitement and anticipation with this virtual event. Join us on Dec. 5 at 7 p.m. on our Facebook page (@ WSChronicle) or on our YouTube Channel (Winstonsalem Chronicle) as we celebrate our annual awards ceremony and honor the service and accomplishments of those who have shown exemplary leadership in our community.

eas. COVID made connecting with people nearly impossible with social distancing guidelines. This year, we put a special focus on those who overcame and persevered the chal-

The Chronicle’s Community Service Awards is one of the most anticipated events in our community. We were looking forward to topping our very successful event from last

For more information, contact The Chronicle at 336-722-8624 or email at

Black Philanthropy Initiative requests proposals for fall Equity in Education grants program SUBMITTED ARTICLE

The Black Philanthropy Initiative (BPI) is accepting applications for its fall Equity in Education grants program. For this grant cycle, BPI requests proposals that work toward their focus area goal of advancing racial equity in education so that Black students and graduates can gain access, advance, and have the support needed to thrive. Organizations can apply for grants of up to $10,000. BPI recognizes that the pandemic this year has only heightened systemic inequities that continue to prevent Black students from thriving. Within this focus area, BPI will support grant proposals that: *Address equity issues within the K-12 and higher education systems *Are designed with the goal to make a positive impact on students of color with an explicit focus on Black students *Are being implemented by a 501 (c)(3) organization, public school or higher education institution, or a faith-based organization (organizations that do not have a 501(c) (3) may use an organization with one to serve as a

fiscal agent) For this grant round, priority will be given to: *Black-led groups/organizations *Public schools with a high population of Black students *Organizations and programs that invest directly in predominately Black schools and/or neighborhoods *Organizations/ schools that are actively engaging students, parents, and/or educators in helping to guide the organization’s work in education and determine its goals. For more information or to apply online, visit and scroll down to the “Grants” section. Staff is available to talk through any proposal ideas you may have and to answer any questions about the application process. For assistance, contact Andrea Hulighan, director of strategic initiatives at ahulighan@wsfoundation. org or call 336-604-5034. Please reach out prior to Friday, Nov. 20, to set up a time to talk if you would like to discuss a proposal idea. Application deadline is midnight, Tuesday, Dec. 1.

When it comes to promoting equality, words are not enough.

$1 million in grants to support social justice and racial equity in North Carolina At Duke Energy, we are committed to addressing and overcoming racism in our state through tangible action. As part of this commitment, the Duke Energy Foundation has awarded $25,000 grants to each of 40 nonprofits across North Carolina that are dedicated to advancing social justice and racial equity. We’re honored to help support these amazing organizations, and we will continue to engage local organizations and leaders to help us discover more ways to be a part of the long-term solution. DUKE-ENERGY.COM/EVERYTHING

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The Chronicle (USPS 067-910) was established by Ernest H. Pitt and Ndubisi Egemonye in 1974 and is published every Thursday by Chronicle Media Group, LLC, 1300 E. Fifth St., Winston Salem, N.C. 27101. Periodicals postage paid at Winston-Salem, N.C. Annual subscription price is $30.72. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: The Chronicle, P.O. Box 1636 Winston-Salem, NC 27102-1636

The Chronicle

November 19, 2020


CSEM supports a roundtable in the historic Boston-Thurmond community BY JOHN RAILEY

The Boston-Thurmond community, which includes about 3,000 residents in northern Winston-Salem, faces the same challenges as many historic/up-and-coming communities, including being designated a food desert, the need for more affordable housing, and other challenges aggravated by the pandemic. Unlike many other areas, however, Boston-Thurmond has a burgeoning resident-led, resident-driven group, the Boston Thurmond Community Engagement Roundtable (BTCER) working to improve its community. “We are about improving Boston-Thurmond,” said Petitesa Mickle, one of the resident members involved in the network. The network is Boston-Thurmond United (BTU), composed of the Boston-Thurmond Community Engagement Roundtable (BTCER) and the Boston-Thurmond Community Network (BCTN). BTCER members Petitesa Mickle and Sandra Stinson also serve on the BTU. Their involvement is evidence of the active participation by Winston-Salem State University’s staff in contributing to improving neighborhoods. Stinson just recently retired from her position as an accountant technician, and Mickle, who is still employed as an administrative professional, are part of an important link, that of the Winston-Salem State University family giving back to the neighborhoods in which they live. The proximity of the Boston-Thurmond neighborhood to WSSU, combined with the active participation of WSSU staff, created an opportunity for WSSU’s Center for the Study of Economic Mobility (CSEM) to present the roundtable with an Economic Mobility award. The CSEM award came with a stipend that helped the roundtable work with a consulting firm to design and develop the formation of the BTCER to support an effort aimed at increasing residents’ participation in shaping the future development of their neighborhood. The roundtable’s works requires tenacity. It seeks to be a united force, a collective voice, and a platform for engaging and supporting residential participation. Boston Thurmond, a diverse community of residents that is primarily African American but also includes whites and Latinx, is committed to working together to address current challenges and create a master plan for community revitalization and economic development. Achieving neighborhood participation and ownership is not an easy accomplishment. The BTCER began its work three years ago. This was when Winston-Salem North Ward Councilwoman D.D. Adams secured initial funding for the consultants for the roundtable. Today, the BTCER in partnership with BTU, is a designated Purpose Built Communities’ partner, a national initiative that puts residents first in revitalizing their neighborhoods because, Stinson said, “the residents’ voices needed to be heard in the conversations about revitalization in Boston Thurmond.” The roundtable facilitated the participation of residents in the formation and support for revitalization initiatives or new ventures coming into the neighborhood. Stinson said several roundtable members have attended Purpose Built Conferences and have visited a Purpose Built community “… to learn from them and their work getting started. We have similar structures and can benefit from their experiences and not recreate some of the initial work. Some of the Purpose Built sister communities are young, like we are, and others are more established.” BTCER planning teams’ goals are to address issues including affordable, mixed-income housing, safety and neighborhood beautification, and education. Regarding

affordable housing, Stinson said, “There is such a shortage of affordable housing for single parents. We would love to see a young, single mother be able to afford a home with access to parks and grocery stores. One education concern is the need to support our neighborhood schools in Boston-Thurmond and to encourage students returning to these schools. We believe every child in the community should have access to quality education.” The roundtable, which includes stakeholders - prior residents, business partners and other community partners who reside outside the community but have taken in interest in and participate in the work - is strategically pursuing community engagement activities to enlarge our numbers. The BTU is composed of representatives from Wake Forest University, Novant Health, Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center, the Kate B. Reynolds Charitable Trust, and the Z. Smith Reynolds Foundation. The

community engagement initiatives seek to strengthen the important work of connecting the historic significance of Boston-Thurmond to the innovation and revitalization structures in the greater city of Winston-Salem. “With our relationship with Novant Health, BostonThurmond is the benefactor of a health clinic van in the community for those without insurance,” Stinson said. “With the Goler CDC, the community will benefit from a hydroponic garden that will help address the food desert issue.” In such gardens, popular in urban areas, plants are grown not in soil, but with water and nutrients. There are approximately 26 members on the BTCER. Stinson and Mickle want to grow that number, especially among younger residents who they want to encourage to stay in the community. But the pandemic has complicated the “reaching out to residents” opportunities. “We have a lot of residents who may not have computers,” Mickle said. “They’re interested, but they are not able to join the Zoom meetings at this time. We had a real good community engagement push until COVID started.” Stinson said, “It’s one step at a time, we’re getting this done together.” They will keep pushing forward, building on a good future for their community. John Railey,, is the writer-inresidence for CSEM. For more information visit www.

IFB Solutions announces promotion, new hire SUBMITTED ARTICLE

IFB Solutions, a nonprofit organization based in Winston-Salem and the largest employer of people who are blind or visually impaired in the country, announces the promotion of Anastasia Powell to manager of corporate culture and internal communications, and the hiring of Cortney Henderson as a digital communications and social media specialist. Powell, who is blind, joined IFB Solutions in 2005 as a sewing machine operator. She quickly became involved in many of IFB Solutions’ programs and community activities including Toastmasters, the Twin City Host Lions Club, and the Board of the Commission for the Blind. Starting in 2013, Powell was promoted to positions with IFB Solutions’ Adult Programs that help develop personal and professional independence through computer and braille classes, recreational activities and support groups. In 2018, she was promoted to manager of the adult and youth pro-

grams. Powell has won two prestigious awards within the organization. In 2010, she was named Employee of the Year and in 2015, she received the Career Achiever Award Henderson joins IFB Solutions from the Cooperative Extension at North Carolina A&T State University where she served as a public relations assistant. In response to COVID-19, Henderson created the department’s social media campaign, planned and hosted a virtual programming series, and helped create online resources for the community. She also managed and created content for the department’s social media channels. Prior to joining the Cooperative Extension, Henderson served as a program director for the Salvation Army Boys & Girls Club in Greensboro. She is a graduate of North Carolina A&T State University and currently a candidate in the MBA program at Johnson & Wales University. For more information on IFB Solutions, visit


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N ovember 19, 2020

The C hronicle


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Our Mission The Chronicle is dedicated to serving the residents of Winston-Salem and Forsyth County by giving voice to the voiceless, speaking truth to power, standing for integrity and encouraging open communication and lively debate throughout the community


Nation divided — Where do African Americans go from here? With the popular vote split nearly right down the middle, the 2020 Presidential Election revealed to some and reminded others that America is truly a nation divided. The Defender spoke to two political science professors, Carroll Robinson and Michael O. Adams, and Marcus Davis, host of Fish, Grits & Politiks, to get their takes on where the country is headed post-election. Defender: Moving forward, how will the 2020 election results impact state and local politics? Davis: Our nation has a problem that we only pass significant legislation if we have one party that has the House, the Senate and the White House - if you think about it. Trump Administration’s biggest legislation was the tax bill. How was that passed? Because he had the House, the Senate and the White House. The Obama Administration’s biggest piece of legislation was the ACA (Obamacare), because he had the House, the Senate and the White House … It means that American citizens are addicted to getting duped by the system. Robinson: Black people showed up, showed out and delivered, but not enough focus was put on winning the state by driving up Black voter turnout. … What last night showed is we have to build the future of the Democratic Party, or the Texas Democratic Party, on Black voter turnout. The idea that you’re going to build the future of the Texas Democratic Party on Hispanic voters and white women, that’s just not a solid enough foundation. You’ve got to maximize Black turnout. Defender: What does this election say about us as a country? Adams: I’m overjoyed that so many people turned out to vote. That’s the beauty of a democracy. Because, you want people to participate, regardless of where you stand or what’s your party affiliation. However, it was kind of ugly where you play into dog-whistle politics. It only seeks to divide the country. I’m a little afraid. They tried to kidnap the governor of Michigan. Man, who knows what these people will do? Davis: This election says that we are the divided states of America, not the United States. … This concept of the United States of America is failing … It means that the pledge of allegiance is a lie. That’s what it means. Because we are not one nation. We are not indivisible. We damn sure ain’t under God. And we damn sure ain’t got justice and liberty for all. By Aswad Walker, Defender News Network

Have an Opinion? Let Us Know! We Welcome Your Feedback Submit letters and guest columns to letters@ before 5 p.m. Friday for the next week’s publication date. Letters intended for publication should be addressed “Letters to the Editor” and include your name, address, phone number and email address. Please keep letters to 350 words or less. If you are writing a guest column, please include a photo of yourself, your name, address, phone number and email address. Please keep guest columns to 550 words or less. Letters and columns can also be mailed or dropped off at W-S Chronicle, 1300 E. Fifth St., W-S, NC, 27101; or sent via our website: www.wschronicle. com. We reserve the right to edit any item submitted for clarity or brevity and determine when and whether material will be used. We welcome your comments at our website. Also, go to our Facebook page to comment. We are at

New study suggests COVID patients more susceptible to mental Illness BY STACY M. BROWN

Medical and scientific experts have sounded the alarm, wanting people to understand that COVID is not the flu or a common cold, and recovery may not be permanent. According to a new study, 20% of recovering

ings … show this to be likely,” Paul Harrison, a professor of psychiatry at Oxford, told Reuters. “(Health) services need to be ready to provide care, especially since our results are likely to be underestimates (of the number of psychiatric patients),” he added.

likely as for other groups of patients in the same period, the researchers said. The study further revealed that people with a pre-existing mental illness were 65% more likely to be diagnosed with COVID-19 than those without. More than 10 million Americans have been di-

Twenty-four percent of Black adults lived in households that were behind on rent payments. And approximately onethird of African Americans shared a home with someone expected to lose employment income this month. “COVID-19 affects

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Twenty-four percent of Black adults lived in households that were behind on rent payments. And approximately one-third of African Americans shared a home with someone expected to lose employment income this month. coronavirus patients develop some form of mental illness within 90 days. Researchers at Oxford University in Great Britain noted that firsttime diagnosis of anxiety, depression, and insomnia increased two-fold in patients after they’ve recovered from COVID. Further, they discovered that COVID survivors also experienced significantly higher risks of dementia. “People have been worried that COVID-19 survivors will be at greater risk of mental health problems and our find-

The study, published in The Lancet Psychiatry journal, analyzed electronic health records of 69 million people in the United States, including more than 62,000 cases of COVID-19. The findings are likely to be the same for those afflicted by COVID-19 worldwide, the Oxford researchers noted, according to Reuters. In the three months following testing positive for COVID, 1 in 5 survivors were recorded as having a first-time diagnosis of anxiety, depression, or insomnia - about twice as

agnosed with the coronavirus, and over 238,000 have died. African Americans comprise more than 20% of the total deaths in the United States. Blacks and other communities of color continue to suffer disproportionately from the economic consequences of the coronavirus pandemic, according to the Urban Institute. Over one-quarter of adults in Black households surveyed between August 19-31 used savings or sold assets to meet economic needs of the previous week.

the central nervous system, and so might directly increase subsequent disorders,” Simon Wessely, regius professor at King’s College London, told Reuters. “But this research confirms that is not the whole story, and that this risk is increased by previous ill health.” Stacy M. Brown is NNPA Newswire senior national correspondent. Reach her at @StacyBrownMedia.

Have an Opinion? Let us Know

T he C hronicle


N ovember 19, 2020


Trump will be remembered for mismanaging America and for upholding racism Dr. James B. Ewers Jr.

Guest Columnist

Trump’s time in the White House is almost over. His tenure there has been chaotic and crisis filled. Like a balloon, he was just full of hot air. He may not go home, but he is going to have to leave the White House. The election was held on Nov. 3 and was one of the most contentious in United States history. Here we are weeks later, counting votes and certifying states’ electoral vote counts. Usually, this post-

election ritual would go unnoticed and taken for granted. As we know, this election was different. Why? It was because we have a political thief as commander-in-chief. He started months ago hurling accusations that if he did not win, the election was rigged. Well Mr. T, you are rigged! You are rigged to cause havoc and heartache. You are rigged to tell lies and plant seeds of doubt every day. You are the one that is rigged! Voter fraud, deceased people voting, and faulty mail-in ballot procedures were comments that came from many Republicans. Tucker Carlson, Fox News commentator, had to make an apology regarding a deceased person who allegedly cast a ballot in the election. James Blalock

of Covington, Ga., voted on Nov. 3 according to Mr. T’s team and later Tucker Carlson. Mr. James Blalock, a former postal carrier, passed away in 2006. However, it was Mr. Blalock’s widow that cast the ballot. Newton County officials in Georgia said, “Her voter registration was signed as Mrs. James E. Blalock, Jr. and that is exactly how she voted in the Nov. 3 General Election.” A lawsuit filed by the president’s lawyers was recently dropped in Arizona. Lawyers representing him in Pennsylvania decided to bow out of representing him. As we know, President-elect Joe Biden won both Arizona and Pennsylvania. Last Sunday, Mr. T finally acknowledged

that Joe Biden won, but said that the election was rigged. Multiple Republican and election officials said the election was not rigged. There was no evidence of voter fraud or impropriety. The election system worked overtime to ensure a safe and secure election. This system worked before and it worked this time too. Mr. Trump is seen in the eyes of many as holding up progress. He is withholding valuable information from the Biden camp regarding national security. The General Services Administration has not yet signed off on the formal transition documents. Former President Barack Obama recently assailed both Trump and the Republicans on the CBS

program “60 Minutes” for doing so. He said he was not surprised at Trump, but the Republican Party knows better. Mr. T is power hungry and his Republican colleagues are afraid of him. They are afraid because they do not want to lose the power in their home states. Before we forget, he received over 70 million votes. This country, our America, is in desperate need of physical and emotional healing. We have been rendered mute by COVID-19 and psychological scarring. There are over 11 million cases in the U.S. and over 246,000 people have passed away. The president does not care. He only cares about himself. This narrative has been in play since he

took office. Yet at some point he will come to the painful conclusion that he has come to the end of his road. It is a dead end. He is finished and it will be final in the next two months. He will be leaving the White House in January and America will breathe a sigh of relief. Sanity and ethical behavior are just around the corner. Hold on America. It is coming. James B. Ewers Jr. is a former tennis champion at Atkins High School and played college tennis at Johnson C. Smith University where he was allconference for four years. He is a retired college administrator and can be reached at

Trump’s game Mel Gurtov Guest Columnist What is Trump’s game? In defying the vote numbers and urging rejection of a Biden victory, does he seriously believe his own narrative about voter fraud? I doubt it; I think Trump is enough of a realist to realize that he has lost in a fair and free election. It surely grates on him, as all commentators agree he can’t stand losing. But his narcissism does not explain all of his behavior. There is also calculation: He is looking for a path back to power in 2024. Trump’s strategy is clear: maintain control of the Republican Party as the Trump Party, install

“acting” officials who will not cooperate with the Biden transition team, and keep the base stirred up with the Big Lie of a stolen election. Trump’s rejectionism counts on two things: a coincidence of his ambitions with those of the Republican leadership in both houses of Congress, and undying support from the same 70 million people who voted for him. Trump has shown his core a way to keep the faith while denying the reality of loss exactly the formula he has followed for four years. As for his supporters in Congress, they all are desperate to stay in power and keep enjoying the luxuries that come with it. Some, like Ted Cruz and Mike Pence, see themselves as presidential candidates in 2024. Others, like Mitch McConnell, want to hold on to what they have. They’ll say anything to keep alive the myth of a stolen election, whether

they believe it or not. Still others, like Trump Jr. and the rest of the family, refuse to look beyond life at the top and probably plan on seizing control of the party to make sure it moves in daddy’s direction. And then there’s Trump himself. Whether he plans to run again in 2024 or simply be a kingmaker, he has said that being president appeals to him more than being a hotelier. He can’t let go; that would be totally out of character, not to mention possibly keeping him out of jail. The key point is this: Those people who are beholden to Trump’s plans cannot fathom life outside the swamp. They will do whatever is necessary to demonstrate loyalty to Trump, “for no other reason than fear” of him, Senator Chuck Schumer says. If that means destroying our democracy, which neither Trump nor any of

his enablers has ever regarded as sacred, so be it. Simon Wilentz, a Princeton historian, gives us an ominous view of just how far Trump is willing to go. Trump’s denial of Biden’s legitimacy, Wilentz writes, “would be an act of disloyalty unsurpassed in American history except by the southern secession in 1860-61, the ultimate example of Americans refusing to respect the outcome of a presidential election.” It would amount to “a kind of Trumpian government-in-exile”: Trump would be trying to establish a center of power distinct from and antagonistic to the legitimately elected national government - not formally a separate government like the Confederacy, but a virtual one, operating not just out in the country but inside the government, above all, in Congress. Can this malicious, indeed traitorous, variation

on a coup succeed? Time may not be on Trump’s side. Support in and beyond Washington is likely to erode as he rants and raves from afar, with nothing to offer beyond foulmouthed personal attacks. Independents, among others, will be reminded come 2024 of Trump’s disparaging of elections and all-out efforts (twice!) to undermine them. Further counting against him is his ongoing purge of the Defense Department and intelligence leadership, which leads to concern among some observers that Trump, to enhance his reputation, will say and do things that threaten national security on leaving office. Most importantly, Trump’s plan won’t succeed if Biden’s counterplan works reasonably well: bringing the coronavirus to an end, expanding health care, revitalizing the economy, collaborating with the rest of the world

to combat global warming, and restoring battered relationships with Europe and Asia. But a rocky four years are ahead, in which the Trumpians will do everything possible to sabotage Biden’s agenda. They have put “sand in the gears” of government by rolling back hundreds of regulations on everything from the environment to workers’ rights, and by replacing career bureaucrats with supremely unqualified loyalists. Before the new administration can really get to work, it will have to remove the sand, oil the gears, and rebuild the engine. Mel Gurtov, syndicated by PeaceVoice, is professor emeritus of political science at Portland State University and blogs at In the Human Interest.

I had to teach my kids about immigration: You may have to as well Allie Mondell Guest Columnist Immigration has always been an important part of American history. But today, it has become controversial – often laden with emotion and complicated by politics. But amid all the debate these days, parents still have an obligation to teach their children the simple truths about immigration, which today’s controversies overlook. As a mother to three young boys, I’ve felt prepared in tackling tough questions like “What happens when you die?” and “Where do babies come from?” But a recent conversation with my son

reminded me that our children are absorbing political rhetoric, emotion and ideas from the world around them. It was a conversation I wasn’t prepared for. My son came home from school and said, “Mom, people that aren’t from here shouldn’t come to our country.” He heard this from his classmate who also told him there is a big wall to keep people from coming in. I was shocked. He was four years old at the time. In some sense, this event was inevitable. Immigration is almost always in the news, on the radio and debated on TV. How could I not expect my son to pick up something from someone along the way? No matter how much we may try to protect our kids from politics, we can’t keep them in an information bubble. So, when my

son told me about all the bad people trying to get into this country, I was reminded we as parents have to be intentional about not just protecting our children, but teaching them too. But how can you teach your kids something as complex as immigration in the United States at such a young age? Everyone wants to make immigration into a contentious political issue. How can you cut through the noise and speak truthfully? In my own case, I applied lessons I’ve learned from teaching my kids about my own Christian faith. Christian history, theology and ethics can be incredibly complex. When teaching my boys, I look to Jesus’ words when asked what the most important commandment is: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul,

and all your mind. And the second is this: love your neighbor as yourself.” Those simple truths get to the heart of the matter. Immigrants and refugees are our neighbors; therefore, we should love them. My son could understand that. At the heart of immigration are immigrants themselves. These are people who are often fleeing persecution, violence or hardship to seek a better life for themselves and their families. At the end of the day, immigrants are just people who want to come to America for safety, shelter and a chance at a brighter future. That is what I tried to explain to my son in that moment. Immigrants are kids just like him who have moms and dads who love them, friends they like to play with, and special teddy bears they hold tight at

night. Since then, I’ve tried to be intentional about discussing this topic with my kids. We’ve talked about what it would feel like to leave our home and have to start somewhere new. On another occasion, I asked my boys if they are good at following the rules. They said yes. Then I wrote a rule on a piece of paper and asked if they could follow that rule. They could not, because they can’t read yet. I asked them if they could follow the rules if there were hundreds of rules and they all kept changing. They shook their heads. I told them this is how it is for many immigrants who want to follow the rules, but have a hard time because of language and the vast amount of complicated laws. “How can we help them?” one asked. We can change the narrative of

hate and fear. One thing this experience has made abundantly clear to me is that parents can’t afford to ignore the difficult or controversial topics. If we aren’t teaching them, then someone else is. Politics in America doesn’t look like it will get simpler, easier or more civil in the days to come. But in the end, issues like immigration aren’t political issues at all when you break them down into their simplest parts. Every day our children are learning to forget that immigrants are no different than they are. As parents, we can and we should help them to unlearn these errors. Allie Mondell is an advocacy organizer for Choose Welcome and resides in North Carolina with her husband and three sons.


N ovember 19, 2020

The C hronicle


Samantha McSwain truly has an ‘attitude of gratitude’ BY BUSTA BROWN FOR THE CHRONICLE

This is one of those stories that doesn’t end with a fairytale romance, a fancy car and a mansion … not yet! The best part of this story is that Samantha McSwain is truly grateful for what she does have. So, I asked if she would share her testimony in hopes that at least one reader would inherit her “attitude of gratitude.” I’ve heard it said before, that the only person we should compare ourselves to is the person we were yesterday. Samantha McSwain is a faithful example of that quote. After speaking with this phenomenal woman, the song “I Won’t Complain” has resonated with me like never before. Samantha has had some bad times, plenty of hills to climb, lots of weary days, and lonely nights. But at this point in her life; she doesn’t complain. “My mother was a drug addict, so I moved in with my father, who worked 24/7, and he didn’t treat me right. But I needed that toughness to prepare me for what was to come. I’ve always been grateful for the good and bad times in my life; it helped develop a toughness that I would need in

blaming others, I never stopped praying. I still felt blessed even in all of my mess. I had a beat-up car and a small apartment, but I was still grateful, because it was all mine. It was far more than I’d ever had. But I continued making so many bad decisions,” said Samantha. Even so, her grandmother remained her biggest supporter. She always knew there was something special about Samantha. “She helped me get a great job at the hospital where she worked as dietary aid manager for over 25 years. It was just cleaning rooms with housekeeping, but was a step up from my previous jobs. And I lost it,” she said with a heavy heart. “My grandmother was so disappointed in me. It was an embarrassment to her, because she was very well respected and her reputation was on the line.” In 2016, her grandmother passed from a heart attack. “It felt like I had a huge hole in my heart,” she said as tears were gently flowing from her eyes. As she softly wiped her face, Samantha continued. “I felt so alone without my grandmother, but after I grieved, I thought about what she would want me to do, and it put that fire under my butt. At that point I had no choice but to do it on my own. I had to fig-

Samantha McSwain, mother, educator, and student. days to come. “Eventually my grandmother took me in and everything was going well until I got pregnant. She was a very strict Christian woman, so she didn’t allow the life I was living in her house, so I had to move into a shelter. It may sound heartless to most people, but I love my grandmother for that, because it forced me to become a woman. I was living the party life, hanging with the wrong crowd, and also in a very abusive relationship with my daughter’s father. I didn’t see it then, but moving into the shelter was the best situation for me at that time in my life.” During her stay at the shelter, she had plenty of time to think. “I had time to decide what was best for me and my baby,” said McSwain as she wiped tears from her eyes. After leaving the shelter, she moved in with an aunt. “It was truly a blessing, and it gave me time to save up money to get my own apartment. I was always able to get a job, but could never keep it, because I began to fall back into that party life. I partied until I didn’t have a dollar left. I had to ask my grandmother for help … again. I wasn’t responsible at all. As a child I was always pulled in different directions, because I grew up in a predominately white neighborhood with a white mother.” Samantha was born and raised in Rutherfordton, N.C., in a predominately white neighborhood. She said her mother was an addict and it created a hazardous environment. That played a major role in her risky behavior and her choices in friends and men. “And then at 11, I moved to Charlotte with my Black father, who lived in a predominately Black neighborhood. So, the trials and tribulations came very early in my life. But I won’t complain, because as an adult, it all taught me how to appreciate the little things that others take for granted,” she said. While still living with her aunt, Samantha had a beautiful baby girl and wanted badly to build a safe and productive environment for her daughter. But her high-risk lifestyle halted every effort she made. Samantha is an extremely beautiful woman, so meeting men was never an issue. It was her choices in men. “Like every woman, I wanted to find my true love and have a family. One night while I was out partying all weekend, I met a man that swept me off of my feet. Eventually we had a son, and at that time in our lives, we had a lot of maturing to do. Our relationship was off and on for seven years and through it all, I could feel God working on me. So, instead of complaining and

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ure this thing out. I didn’t have a degree, no money saved up, and my boyfriend and I broke up. My life was a mess, but I refused to quit,” said Samantha. She said that her grandmother’s fighting spirit and praying daily is what kept her going. Finally, God’s blessings began to rain down. “One night in 2017, I asked God, what do you want me to do, because I don’t know the first step. I had to trust Him, and then I moved to Greensboro with my best friend. I had no car, no money. Nothing! She was very considerate that I had to start from scratch. She allowed me to live there rent free, and took me back and forth to work. She helped change my life. I found a job as a waitress and every day I came home, I would put my money in a shoe box. I saved up enough money to buy a $700 car, a ‘99 Toyota, which I still have. The paint is chipped and a busted headlight, but it’s mine. I felt so blessed, Busta, because that sucker got me to work and back,” she said while laughing. “For the first time in a while, I was able to drive myself to work, drop off my son and then pick him up. I no longer partied and didn’t allow anything to distract me, because I was on a mission to get my daughter back. I let her stay in Rutherfordton with her grandmother so she could finish Prek, because I didn’t want to take away that normalcy from her. “Let me tell you how God works. He blessed me with my own place in 2018, and it was the happiest day in my life. Then I told God I wanted more out of life than the job that I had. I want to be able to take care of my children without a man. My relationship with God became stronger than ever. My best friend suggested that I go back to school and walked me through every detail. She also helped me get a job working with her at a prep school, and it’s an amazing work environment. I feel so loved and appreciated by all of my colleagues and administration. It’s the best job that I’ve ever had. My daughter is back with me, I’m back in school, and my son’s father and I are back together and doing great. “Busta, my story may not have a fancy car in it, a big house, nor do I make a lot of money,” said Samantha, as tears of joy and gratitude glided down her face. “But I am so grateful to have made it this far, and I want other women in the struggle to know you can make it. To all of my queens, perseverance is your best friend, and just know that God has already worked it out for you. Just like he’s done for me, and I’m just getting started. My story isn’t done yet.” My Person of the Week is the phenomenal Samantha McSwain.

Have a Story Idea? Let Us Know

THURSDAY, November 19, 2020

Also Religion, Community News, and Classifieds Timothy Ramsey Sports Columnist

2020 NFL quarterback class might be better than 2004 When it comes to recent NFL quarterback classes, the first one that comes to mind is the 2004 draft that included Philip Rivers, Ben Roethlisberger and Eli Manning. All three are sure-fire hall of famers, with two of them having multiple Super Bowl rings, but the 2020 class seems primed to possibly be just as good. All three of those signal callers elevated their teams to another level. Manning brought the Giants back to relevance they have not seen since the late 80s. Roethlisberger was seen as a game manager early on, but has reminded Steeler fans of their glory days of the 1970s. Even though Rivers has not won a championship, he may go down as the best pure passer of all three and will more than likely be mentioned with Dan Marino as one of the best quarterbacks to never win a Super Bowl. There have been a few draft classes that have come after the famed 2004 class, but none of them have ever lived up to the hype. The most noteworthy class is probably the 2012 class that included Andrew Luck, Russell Wilson and Robert Griffin III. Wilson has won a Super Bowl and was one play away from winning another, Luck was well on his way to legendary status before retiring due to injuries, and Griffin was Rookie of the Year in 2012. I know it’s early, but halfway through the year, the rookie quarterback class of 2020 is looking quite impressive. Joe Burrow, the No. 1 overall pick, Justin Herbert and Tua Tagovailoa have all played well so far this season. Since he was the first pick in the draft, I will start with Burrow. The Bengals had the first pick in the draft for a reason they were not very good. Burrow was stepping into a situation where no one expected much from this team. Surprisingly, Cincinnati has been respectable with a 2-5-1 overall record in the first half of the season. The defense needs help, and the offensive line is not very good, but the cupboard was not totally bare for Burrow. He has guys like A.J. Green, Tyler Boyd, John Ross and rookie sensation Tee See NFL on B8

Photos by Alphonso Abbott Jr.


The 14U team from the Winston-Salem Warriors has made their dreams come

true. The team has won the state championship in their respective youth football league. Now these young men will move on to high school football with some well deserved bragging rights.

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Lady Cougars find new coach BY TIMOTHY RAMSEY THE CHRONICLE

The Calvary Day School Cougars have hired Barbara Robinson as their new head varsity girls’ basketball coach. The Lady Cougars are looking to rebound from a couple of down seasons and their hope is that Robinson has the magic touch to do so. Robinson was recommended for the position by renowned local coach Brian Robinson. She felt good after the interview and felt confident she had a good shot at getting the job. “Anytime you’re going for a job, you are kind of nervous because you never know if you did as well as someone else who is going for the same position,” said Robinson. She said she was “nervous and excited” after hearing the news that she was selected for the position. “I have been around basketball for a long time, so this is just a different role with different responsibilities,” she said. “Coaching is something I have done for a while now, so I am just excited for this new journey and where it takes me.” This is the first time Robinson will be a head coach on the varsity level. She has been coaching for

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Barbara Robinson (in black), is the new girls’ varsity head coach at Calvary Day School. 10 years, so she is positive she is ready for the job. “My dad has coached a long time and I have run every team that I have had based mostly off of what he has taught me over the years,” she stated. “I am confident that he has instilled some wisdom and good things in me that will carry over and produce some good results.” Robinson says you have to look at the game from different perspectives and love kids to be able to coach them. “I love kids, so I know once they trust me and trust that I have

their best interest at heart, I think we will be fine,” Robinson said. Robinson has not had the chance to meet any of her returning players and the Cougars will hold tryouts soon. She said their goal is to grow the program on and off the court. “We just want to see what we have and what we need to do to get the program better and add to it,” she said. “We want to make sure we not only have skilled athletes, but good human beings. Just good solid people, so when they leave Calvary Day, they will be better people and better prepared to help

the world.” At 24 years of age, Robinson is a young coach and looks at it as an advantage in some ways, but not so much in others. She says kids have changed over the time she has been a coach, so she knows there are things she can and cannot relate to them on. “I have coached and been in a position where I’ve been in charge of a lot of stuff at a young age, so I have matured a lot faster,” she said about her age. “I hope they are ready to be coached at a higher standard in the way they think, the way they move, and the way they operate.” Win, lose, or draw, Robinson is looking for her team to fight to the end in every game they play. “I would want any team I coach to be the hardest working team and the most disciplined team on the floor,” she continued. “That translates to life outside of sports.” Robinson says she is looking for players that are going to buy into her system, work hard and listen. Robinson says she is really appreciative of Brian Robinson for mentioning her name for the position. Robinson provided her with her first opportunity to coach at the age of 14.


N ovember 19, 2020

T he C hronicle


Elder Richard Wayne Wood

Local pastor speaks on COVID-19 diagnosis and recovery


Sunday School Lesson

Sharing Love Scriptures: Acts 4:32-5:11 By the end of this lesson, we will: *Explore the Jerusalem church’s practice and witness of communal sharing; *Repent of any idolatrous attachment to material goods; *Create a plan to increase our giving for the common good. Background: The Greek word for “acts” (praxeis) was often used to describe the achievements of great men. Luke features in “The Acts of the Apostles,” both Peter and Paul highlighting the acts of the Holy Spirit through them. Acts contends that it was the Spirit’s directing, controlling, and empowering ministry that strengthened the church and caused it to grow in numbers, spiritual power and influence. Peter’s power of perception is highlighted in this week’s lesson. Lesson: There are many subtitles for Acts 4:32-37. They include: Sharing in All Things, The Common Life, Gospel Generosity, Believers Have All Things in Common, The Believers Share Their Possessions and The Believers Share Their Property. Theses subtitles all highlight the sharing love indicated in the lesson title and reminds us that the first Christians were generous when it came to personal property – they had “all things in common” (verse 32). The Believers understood that all they had belonged to God and they were instructed according to Old Testament law in Deuteronomy that the more fortunate were to meet the needs of those brothers and sisters who were less fortunate. Their sharing of goods, too, was a show of their being united with one another in their faith in Christ. The method of showing this then was to give the monies acquired to the Apostles who would distribute it (verses 34-35). Jose’s or Joseph, who was called Barnabas, was a positive example of how to use wealth and disposable property as a way of creating surplus for giving within the church so that all were taken care of equally (verses 36-37). Chapter 5:1-11 has fewer subtitles of Ananias and Sapphira, Lying to the Holy Spirit, and Holiness vs. Hypocrisy. Looking first at the meaning of their names, Ananias means “the Lord is generous” and Sapphira means “beautiful.” Were they misnamed or mislead? They largely followed the lead of Barnabas: “Having land, sold it, and brought the money, and laid it at the apostle’s feet” (verse 37). But they lied about their gift amount. Peter said “Ananias, why hath Satan filled thine heart to lie to the Holy Ghost, and to keep back part of the price of the land?” (verse 3). The couple wanted to look good to the other disciples, but they also wanted to keep something for themselves, a classic example of hypocrisy among Christians who faked their spiritually. They were punished, not for being greedy, but for lying to the Holy Spirit, who saw through their lie and used Peter to call them out. Ananias and Sapphira are an example of holding on to things with clenched fists, and exhibit traits of possessiveness, stinginess, manipulation, and elitism, which is in contrast to our call to compassion and generosity exhibited by those filled with the Spirit of Christ. Because of Ananias and Sapphira’s story, “great fear came over the whole church …” (verse 11) and they understood that lying to the community is “lying to God and tempting” the Holy Spirit. The incident also serves to highlight the spiritual authority of the church and the supernatural insight and authority of Peter through the Holy Spirit. “Great fear”- respect for the church. (The UMI Annual Commentary 2020-2021, The MacArthur Study Bible, The New Interpreter’s Study Bible, The Message//Remix: Pause, The Names of God Bible, The Modern Life Study Bible and The Oxford Bible Commentary). For Your Consideration: Do we see the same hypocrisy of Ananias and Sapphira in the church today? Do we see any examples of Barnabas-like generosity in the church? Application: We should consider our finances in light of the grace that God has shown us through Christ. If we are filled with the Spirit of Christ, then we ought to respond to people’s needs with His love. God calls us to hold whatever we have lightly, knowing that everything we possess comes from Him. He gives it to us as a trust to manage and not a treasure to hoard. Colossians 3:2 - “Set your affection on things above, not things on the earth.”

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected thousands of people in the state of North Carolina. As the numbers continue to rise, the virus seems to hit closer to home for many people in the state and right here in Winston-Salem. Pastor Gloria Samuels is one of those individuals who has had a battle with COVID-19 and has lived to share her story. Samuels hopes her journey can inspire others and give faith to those who are still dealing with the virus, whether it is themselves or someone they know and love.


Samuels contracted the virus in late July. She thinks she came in contact with the virus while attending her aunt’s funeral. “Someone felt like they needed to come around the family to give their condolences and they had COVID and I am not sure if they knew they had COVID or what, but they had COVID and 14 of my family members ended up getting COVID, and that included my 84-year-old father and my 80-year-old mother,” Samuels said. According to Samuels, doctors initially thought she had a sinus infection

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Pastor Gloria Samuels I had never been that sick and when I heard COVID, I wasn’t like, ‘Oh my God I’m going to die;’ that didn’t come. I didn’t feel like I was going to die, but I knew that my body was under attack. “I think what bothered me the most is that you’re isolated when you are in the hospital and nobody that really cares about you can be there with you, because they don’t allow family to be there with

prayer warriors and people from 25 different countries were praying for Samuels by the end of the day. “I felt people praying for me because I felt the spirit of death,” she said. “I felt death and at one point with the pneumonia, I smelled like death. When I heard my daughter praying to God and begging God to not have to bury another parent, I knew she could see death on me. “I had to speak what I

better after first contracting COVID-19. She says the virus came and went, but the pneumonia persisted for weeks. After being nursed back to health by her daughter, Samuels said she will never be the same. “My life will never be the same and anyone who knows me, knows how much I love God, and anybody who knows me, knows how much God loves me,” she said. “You are never the same and everybody who has heard me preach even says my preaching is different. You are never the same when you see death and know death has an assignment, but God won’t let it take you, because it wasn’t my time to go.”


prior to being tested for COVID-19. She continued to feel under the weather and actually lost consciousness after her blood pressure dropped. After being admitted to the hospital, she was tested for the virus and was confirmed that she was infected.


“My spirit was very well alert and on guard and I just knew that I have never been that sick,” Samuels said. “Physically

you. It does something to your aura and your soul and the people who are assigned to care for you, you can tell that there is fear on their faces in taking care of you.” Samuels spent two days in the hospital the first time and was released. She was soon back in the hospital due to the virus causing her to develop pneumonia. She says when they admitted her back into the hospital, her daughter sent out a call for

knew and not what I was feeling. My spirit that is connected to the spirit of God took over, because at one point I didn’t even know I was in the world.”

‘MY LIFE WILL NEVER BE THE SAME’ Samuels felt compelled to post a video testimony of how she overcame the virus. Her hope was to show people that the virus is real and dangerous. It took nearly a month for Samuels to start feeling

“And that was one of the conversations I had with God while I was recovering. I said, you have given me so much that I need to do, is it time for me to go? I knew it wasn’t time for me to go.” Samuels celebrated her 65th birthday last week and after her battle with COVID-19, she says she has a different perspective and wants to help others find their mission from God. “I just have a different vigor when it comes to ministry. I have a different perspective when it comes to ministering to people,” she said.


*Please call ahead to make sure your event is still happening. We will post cancellations/postponements announcements when received.

For additional information, please call 336-6993583 or visit or visit our Facebook page.

Thursdays and Saturdays Free Meals Christ Rescue Temple Church, 1500 North Dunleith Ave., will serve hot meals as part of the People Helping People Feeding Program. Meals will be served every Thursday and Saturday from noon until 1 p.m. at the church’s location. For more information, call 336-7229841.

Nov. 19 Zoom presentation A Zoom presentation on Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and childhood trauma will be presented by Nicole Alford, Counseling Program Manager at Family Services, on Thursday, November 19, 12:15-1:15 p.m., sponsored by the Faith and Justice Committee of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church. To register, please email

NOW Zoom services New Birth Worship Center (NBWC) in East Bend has gone virtual. Please join Dr. James L. E. Hunt, Senior Pastor on Sunday mornings at 10 a.m. on Zoom webinar. The link is or Dial-In: 1 301 715 8592 ID Mtg. #: 84789021891. In addition, Sunday School is taught by Deacon James Henry at 9 a.m. via telephone conference call #: 1 917 900 1022 ID#: 868433#. All are welcome to join us for Zoom (virtual) Bible Study on Wednesdays at 7 p.m. Our Pastor, Dr. Hunt, will be the teacher. The Zoom Link: https://us02web. or Dial-In Mtg #: 1 301 715 8592 ID#: 89195349778#.

Nov. 21 “Surviving the Holidays” The St. Paul United Methodist Church’s Surviving the Holidays seminar helps participants discover: How to deal with emotions; what to do about traditions; helpful tips for surviving social events; and how to find hope for the future. “Surviving The Holidays” will be held virtually on Saturday, November 21, at 10 a.m. To register for the virtual seminar, call 336-723-4531 or go to for more information. Nov. 22 First Waughtown Baptist Church Live Stream Senior Pastor Dennis W. Bishop will continue the

message, What Are Your Priorities in Life? from the following reference scriptures: James 4:14 and Colossians 3:1-2. Please join us at 10 a.m. Sunday, November 22, on Facebook Live, or the First Waughtown website, https:// and click on MEDIA. Nov. 26 Thanksgiving service The Trinity Center located, 5307 Peters Creek Parkway, will have an annual Thanksgiving service on Thursday, November 26, at 10 a.m. Pastor Joseph A. Miller Sr., and Lady Nicole Miller invite you to celebrate virtually or in person practicing all safety tips outlined by state officials. This is an annual Thanksgiving service, enjoyed each year, with praise songs, liturgical dance, testimonials and more. For more information, questions or concerns please feel free to contact the church administrative office at 336-784-9347. How to submit items to the Religion calendar: The deadline is Sunday at 11:59 p.m. to have all calendar items submitted for that week’s paper. Send your calendar items to You can also drop them off, Monday through Friday before 5 p.m., or mail your items to Winston-Salem Chronicle, 1300 E. Fifth St., Winston-Salem, N.C. 27101; or send them via our website,

T he C hronicle

Community Calendar Please call ahead to make sure your event is still happening. We will post cancellations/postponements announcements when received. NOW – Volunteer Center of the Triad The Volunteer Center of the Triad is responding to COVID-19 by bringing the volunteer community together. We have designated a portion of our website - - to assist our non-profit community as their needs arise around the COVID-19 pandemic. If you are interested in volunteering, visit, click COVID-19 Response and search volunteer opportunities available. NOW - Dec. 19 – Buy Black! Holiday Market S.G. Atkins Community Development Corporation and The Green House Village Market are sponsoring a BUY BLACK! Holiday Market continuing every weekend through Dec. 19 at The Enterprise Center, 1922 S. Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive in Winston Salem. For more information and vendor opportunities, please call Patricia Degraffinreaidt at 336-7346916 or email NOW - Dec. 31 – Scholarship drive Atkins High School Alumni and Friends, the Atkins Class of 1969, cordially invites you to participate in our scholarship drive for Winston-Salem Preparatory Academy, formerly Atkins High School. You can do so by purchasing a large, 50x68-inch, beautiful, high quality Atkins High School afghan for only $79. All proceeds go toward the scholarship. If you are interested and willing to help, please call Ms. Shelia Smith at 336-6718836 or 336-893-5326, or email us at We appreciate your support. Nov. 20-21 – Presentation of the “The Blue Death” The Little Theatre of Winston-Salem will present the world premiere of The Blue Death, a new docudrama by local playwright Bill Cissna, on Friday, Nov. 20, and Saturday, Nov. 21, on the theatre company’s website, Facebook page, and YouTube channel. This virtual play will be presented at no cost, but donations are requested. For details, visit Nov. 21 – Online production of “The Other Way Around” 40+ Stage Company is proud to announce the company’s first online production with the dramatic reading of “The Other Way Around” by local playwright Nathan Ross Freeman. The reading will be held Saturday, Nov. 21, at 4 p.m. A question-and-answer discussion will follow. There is no cost to view the stream. However, advance registration to the Zoom Webinar is required. Go to Streaming capacity is limited and will be on a first-come first-served basis. Donations will be greatly appreciated. Nov. 22 – Screening of “On Broadway” The RiverRun International Film Festival is offering a screening of “On Broadway” on Sunday, Nov. 22. Sponsored by

Martha and Ernest Logemann with marketing support from the Tanger Center for the Performing Arts, the screening of “On Broadway” will take place at Marketplace Cinemas at 2095 Peters Creek Parkway. Gates open at 5 p.m., and the screening begins at 5:30 p.m. The RiverRun at Marketplace Drive-In series is sponsored by Parkway Lincoln. RiverRun is offering tickets to the screening as an “End of Season RiverRun Drive-In Discount” of $15 per car and are available from Marketplace Cinemas website at Dec. 3 – Virtual event Join Reynolda Gardens and Bookmarks for a free virtual event on Dec. 3 at 2 p.m. with Sue Stuart-Smith, distinguished psychiatrist, avid gardener, and author of “The Well-Gardened Mind: The Restorative Power of Nature,” a Sunday Times bestseller. The book offers an inspiring and consoling narrative about the healing effects of gardening and its ability to decrease stress and foster mental wellbeing in our everyday lives. A Q & A with Jon Roethling, director of Reynolda Gardens, will follow. This event is free to attend but requires registration. Books are now available for purchase at Dec. 16 – Read to Right Wrong The Forsyth County Public Library system is holding a series of community conversations around complex subjects to launch its new Read To Right Wrong initiative. Read To Right Wrong (RTRW) is an effort to provide information around the many topics that the community is wrestling with, through programs, reading recommendations, outreach efforts and more. The last session in this series will be on Health Equity on Wednesday, Dec. 16, at 7 p.m. How to submit items to the community calendar: We appreciate your community news. Here’s how you can help us to process your news more efficiently: *Please give us complete information about the event, such as the sponsor and address, date, time and place of the event and contact information so that the public can contact someone for more information if needed. *Please submit items in document form in an email or Word or PDF attachment. *Submit photos as attachments to emails as jpegs at least 4 inches wide by 6 inches deep rather than sent on documents. Please send captions with photos. *Please do not send jpeg fliers only, since we cannot transfer the information on them into documents. The deadline is Sunday at 11:59 p.m. to have all calendar items submitted for that week’s paper. Send your calendar items to news@ You can also drop them off, Monday through Friday before 5 p.m., or mail your items to WinstonSalem Chronicle, 1300 E. Fifth St., Winston-Salem, NC 27101; or send them via our website,

Festival of Lights opening postponed due to flooding SUBMITTED ARTICLE

The effects of Hurricane Eta that caused heavy rain and flooding of the Yadkin River led to the postponement of the opening of Tanglewood Park Festival of Lights to Monday, Nov. 16. Several displays are not operational due to the heavy rain and subsequent flooding. Updates and changes will be posted on social media and on the county’s website at

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N ovember 19, 2020








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IN RE: DOE NOTICE OF ADOPTION BY PUBLICATION TO: UNKNOWN FATHER OF LAYLA LYNN MARIE NORRIS PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that pursuant to N.C.G.S. §48-2-401the Petitioners have filed a petition for the adoption of the abovenamed juvenile in Forsyth County, North Carolina. The above-named juvenile can be described as a Caucasian female, born on August l5, 2011 at approximately 4: 11 pm at Novant Health Forsyth Medical Center in Forsyth County, North Carolina. The abovenamed juvenile was born to Marissa Paige Norris (Caucasian female) of Stokesdale, Rockingham County, North Carolina. The unknown father is suspected to be a Caucasian male, approximately 25-30 years old, with black hair, approximately 5'7 - 5'9, with light/pale skin. The unknown father us suspected to be from Winston-Salem, Forsyth County, North Carolina. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that any parental rights the unknown father may have will be terminated upon entry of the order of adoption. TO PARTICIPATE IN THIS ACTION and receive further notification of any proceeding(s), including Notice of the time and location of any hearing in the above-entitled action, you must file a response WITHIN THIRTY (30) DAYS upon service of this notice or if service is by publication, 40 days after first publication of the notice. Response can be sent to: Forsyth County Clerk of Superior Court PO Box 20099 Winston-Salem, NC 27120 This the 30th day of October 2020. Susan Sullivan Simos (NCSB #43409) Kurtz Evans Whitley Guy & Simos, PLLC 119 Brookstown Ave., Suite 400 Winston Salem, NC 27101 (336) 768-1515 Telephone (336) 768-1550 Facsimile Counsel for Petitioners

The Chronicle November 5, 12, 19, 2020 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA FORSYTH COUNTY IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE DISTRICT COURT DIVISION NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS BY PUBLICATION Rashidah H. Razzak Plaintiff, vs. Ismail M. Issa Defendant. CASE NUMBER 17 CVD 2270 This notice is to: Ismail M. Issa, last known address Guilford County: Take notice that a pleading seeking relief against you has been filed in the District Court of Forsyth County, North Carolina. The nature of the relief being sought is as follows: Modification of Custody and Visitation Order of the minor child Hakeem N. Razzak, male, 10 years. You are required to make defense to such pleading not later than (40) days from the date of first publication of this notice. If you fail to do so, the party seeking service against you will apply to the court for the relief sought. This the 10th day of November 2020.

Having qualified as Fiduciary of the Estate of Reuban J. Gilliam Sr. (20 E 1829), also known as Reuban Jeremiah Gilliam, Sr., deceased May 20, 2020, Forsyth County, North Carolina, this is to Notify all persons, firms, and corporation having claims against the Estate of said deceased to present them to the undersigned on or before February 22, 2021 this Notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery. All persons indebted to the said decedent or estate shall please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 3rd day of November, 2020. Anita W. Gilliam Fiduciary for Reuban J. Gilliam, deceased 2520 Atwood Rd. Winston-Salem, NC 27103 The Chronicle November 19, 26 and December 3, 10, 2020

REAL ESTATE AZALEA TERRACE APARTMENTS A Community for Mature Adults (55 and Older) Located on the corner of Trade Street and Northwest Blvd in Winston-Salem An income based multi-level building with 2 elevators consisting of 100 one BR Apts, with handicapped accessible units, Section 8 Assistance Available; just minutes from the downtown business district, city bus depot, farmers market, main public library Office Hours: 8:30 am-4:30 pm Monday thru Friday for applications call 336-723-3633. Equal Housing Opportunity Managed By Community Management Corporation Arbor Oaks & Aster Park Apartments 2 & 3 bedroom - 2 bath apartments convenient to downtown. Amenities include W/D connections, self-cleaning oven, refrigerator w/ice maker, microwave, DW & disposal. Ask about our rental specials. Units available from $535 and up. Office Hours 8:30am -4:30pm Mon-Fri. For application information call-336703-0038, Handicap Units Available Equal Housing Opportunity Managed by Community Management Corp.

Spring/Wachovia Hill Apartments Managed by Community Management Corp. 1 Bedroom Units conveniently located in Winston Salem, 62 yrs of age or older Handicapped and/or disabled. Section 8 assistance available. Income restrictions apply. Call 336-251-1060. 8:30 a.m.-12 p.m. on Mon and Fri, 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. on Wed. Equal Housing Opportunity


wschronicle .com

Please contact Rashidah Razzak at (336) 483-7741 or Forsyth County Courthouse 900 N. Main Street, Winston-Salem NC 27101 (336) 779-6300. The Chronicle November 12, 19, 26 and December 3, 2020 (Revised)

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Diversity Communications SpecialistYadkin Riverkeeper – November 2020 Yadkin Riverkeeper, Inc. is seeking to hire a part-time contract position (approximately 15-20 hours per week) to assist it in: 1) identifying and reaching out to communities of color on water quality and environmental justice issues,

DBE Business Enterprises James R. Vannoy & Sons Construction Co., Inc. is currently soliciting quotes from interested DBE subcontractors and suppliers for the following project:

Bid Date: December 4, 2020 @ 2:00 PM— Sub Quotes due by December 3 @ 3:00 PM

2) developing outreach materials and educational programming for communities of color and YRK generally, 3) updating YRK’s diversity plan and goals in conjunction with the YRK board, and

Date of Availability: February 15, 2021 Completion Date: November 11, 2021

4) researching and recommending internal organizational policies to promote YRK’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion goals.

We have adopted several policies and procedures to encourage the participation of D/M/ WBE firms on our projects, so if you are interested in this project but discouraged by any of its requirements, please contact us. We have special joint pay agreements and even an expedited payment policy for D/MWBE firms, and we encourage to you to contact us to discuss how these procedures can help you on this project. If the bonding, letter of credit or insurance requirements set forth in the bid documents would otherwise prevent you from soliciting a quote please contact us and we will discuss ways that we may be able to help you meet these requirements. Likewise, if you are discouraged from submitting a quote on this project because you think you may have trouble obtaining the necessary equipment, supplies, materials, or any other related assistance or services that may be necessary to complete the work, please contact us and we will discuss ways that we may be able to help you overcome these obstacles. We adopted these policies to encourage the participation of D/M/WBE firms like yours, and we encourage your company to explore and take advantage of them; so please feel free to give us a call in these regards

Job responsibilities: 1) Develop communication messages, outreach materials, educational curriculum and social media content designed for communities of color, including bi-lingual publications and information. 2) Work with the Yadkin Riverkeeper to identify water quality, public health and community economic development issues impacting communities of color in the Forsyth County portion of the Yadkin River watershed. 3) Work with the Yadkin Riverkeeper to develop on-line information on water quality issues and monitoring programs impacting communities of color. 4) Assist the executive director and Board in researching, developing and implementing internal organizational diversity policies. 5) Represent YRK in state and regional environmental justice initiatives Qualifications: 1) Experience/interest in community outreach and organizing in communities of color. 2) College level courses or comparable experiences in environmental science, education, communications and/or marketing. 3) Willingness to work on different tasks within the broader context of making YRK a more diverse and inclusive organization. 4) Working knowledge of Photoshop, PowerPoint, Square Space website design, Canva and other graphic design programs. 5) Excellent writing and verbal communication skills. Video production experience a plus. Please send a cover letter and resume by December 5 to: Edgar Miller Executive Director Yadkin Riverkeeper 846 W. 4th Street Winston-Salem, NC 27101

The Chronicle November 19, 2020 TOWN OF KERNERSVILLE PARK MAINTENANCE WORKER (FULL-TIME) Don’t miss this opportunity to join the Town of Kernersville’s Parks & Recreation Department! This full-time position performs a variety of semi-skilled and manual labor tasks in the maintenance of parks and recreational facilities. Duties include mowing and upkeep of grounds, equipment and facility repairs, landscaping of beds and pruning of trees in parks and public right of ways. Performs some carpentry, plumbing and minor electrical work. MIN QUALIFICATIONS: Valid NC Driver's License with good driving record. PAY: $14/hr. Visit our careers website at for more information and to apply online by 12/2/20. The Town offers a progressive pay plan and excellent benefits. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. Apply online today! EOE.

The City of Winston-Salem is looking to fill the positions for Assistant City Attorney Public Safety - 1216 Please visit: for job description and application process.


Project: Novack Street Bridge Replacement Grading, Paving, and Structure

Contact: Gary Eisner or John Maloney or 1608 Hwy 221 North—PO Box 635 Jefferson, NC 28640 Phone: 336-846-7191 Fax: 336-846-7112

The Chronicle November 19, 2020



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T he C hronicle

N ovember 19, 2020

Area student becomes finalist for national scholarship


Chef Horace E. Jackson


Securing funds to pursue higher education is an issue many high school seniors deal with every year. As a finalist for the Semper Fidelis All-Americans Honorary Award, Parkland High School senior Zuri Greenlee may have her college finances taken care of. The idea for the scholarship was brought to Greenlee’s attention by her head coach, Ken Leak. He has presented the opportunity to all of his previous players, but Greenlee was the first to take advantage. Greenlee has gone through her ups and downs as a basketball player. She has suffered devastating knee injuries by tearing her ACL on two separate occasions. Entering her senior season, Greenlee and her parents have decided to sit out the season instead of jeopardizing her health with any further injuries. To keep herself around the game, Greenlee became the team’s manager because she wanted to be a part of the game and close to her teammates. Through their time together as player and coach, the relationship between Leak and Greenlee became more like a father/daughter bond. “With Zuri, you could see that this kid is special and not just with her just being a leader on the court, because after she injured her knee the second time, I already made her a captain and she continued in that role as captain for the team even though she wasn’t playing,” said Leak. “I have always just been a listening ear for her.” As part of the application process for the scholarship, Greenlee had to write an essay about someone she considers a mentor. She chose Leak as the subject for her essay. “Once she sent me the email of what she sent in, it brought me to tears because I didn’t realize how much of an influence I had been and someone she was looking up to,” Leak continued. “As a coach you try to make sure your players are doing right, but I didn’t know I was making that big of an influence on her. “It was just so passionate of what she put on paper that it blew me away, because I just didn’t see myself that way. I just see myself as a coach and I am always on them about different things and making sure they are becoming great human beings outside of basketball.” Greenlee said Leak has played a major role in her life and it was almost a nobrainer for her to choose him as the topic of her essay. “Personally, he is a father figure for me and he has always given me good advice and just has been there for me, not only as a basketball player, but as a human being,” said Greenlee of why she chose Leak. “He treats me like I am his daughter and it’s definitely more about me than about me playing basketball. “Even though I am not playing basketball this year, he still reaches out to me, still talks to me and makes sure I am okay and doing well. He definitely cares about me more beyond basketball, so I definitely wanted to make him the focus of the essay.” To their surprise, Greenlee’s essay was selected as one of the 100 finalists out of all the applicants from around the nation. Greenlee and Leak were presented with trophies to commemorate the honor. “I was shocked and surprised that out of everyone in the United States

Submitted photo

Zuri Greenlee stands with her head coach Ken Leak (right) and Parkland athletic director Linwood Jerald (left). who applied, I was able to be one of the 100 that were given an opportunity to be a part of this program,” said Greenlee. To make it to the point of being a finalist brings Greenlee feelings of joy, considering the hard times she has endured on the basketball court. She misses playing the sport, but says there are many other things in life she wants to accomplish outside of basketball. “It was definitely a shock that it happened again for the second time,” said Greenlee about tearing her ACL the second time. “I definitely had high hopes for me playing basketball at a higher level and going to college. I had a dream when

I was younger to go to the WNBA, but things get reshaped and the way you combat situations and deal with it and move forward is what really makes you strong as a person. “I needed to focus on academics because I wanted to pursue higher learning, so I definitely felt that it would be a good idea to shift my focus away from feeling bad about myself, because I still could bounce back and have a future in basketball. But I do need to pursue other aspects for myself, so I can have a plan B and not put all my eggs in one basket.” Greenlee’s hope is that her story inspires others to continue fighting no matter what obstacles you face in

life. “The biggest thing is that you don’t stop,” she said. “If you have a goal and something you want to do in life, it may get off track, but make sure you always have a backup plan and make sure you don’t stay in the state of feeling bad for yourself. You need to get up off your feet and go do something about it.” If selected as one of the scholarship winners, Greenlee says it will be an emotional moment for her and her family. She says her family is not rich, so to have the ability to alleviate them of the financial burden of college tuition would mean the world to her.

ChefHorace E Jackson is one of those special people who has touched many people's lives. His friendships were genuine, his cooking and baking were from the heart, and his generosity reached every person he came in contact with through the years. Chef Jackson's professional career expanded over 45 years in the Culinary Arts/ Hospitality Industry He held substantial positions at the Marriot Hotel, Arby's Inc., and Fulton County Government to name a few. Chef Jackson dedi­ cated the bulk of his career to Fulton County, where he devoted his expertise to the commu­ nity of senior citizens. Along his career journey, he achieved the status of Executive Chef Chef Jackson couldn't stay idle! He catered fo1 private occasions and blessed us all with an array of foods and food delights that permeatec his love and essence to us all! T hose remaining in his family to carry forward his memory are his beloved Daughter, Luciana Morgan; Grandchildren, Adoncia Jackson, Naomi and Hannah Morgan; Mother, Mary E. Jackson; Brother, Dr. O.D. Jackson; and Sister, Regana Linton. Chef Jackson is an alumnus of Morris Brown College, Atlanta, GA, and AshevilleBuncombe Technical College, Asheville, NC. His life will go on forever through us all.


N ovember 19, 2020

T he C hronicle

Curiosity about how things work turns into business for young entrepreneur BY TEVIN STINSON THE CHRONICLE

Whether it was fixing issues with his gaming console or fixing loose doorknobs, for as long as he can remember Moustapha Diaw has always had a knack for fixing things. “As I kid I just gravitated towards fixing things ... whether it was putting it together, taking things apart … just looking at how things work,” he said. Diaw’s fondness for repairing things followed him through high school and now the 20-year-old has turned that passion into his own business, 88 Repairs. During his senior year at Atkins High School, Diaw dropped his cell phone and at the time he Photo by Tevin Stinson didn’t have the money to Moustapha Diaw, owner of 88 Repairs. get it fixed “… so it was either do it myself or go After graduating from fixing phones … so I said, without,” Diaw said when Atkins in 2019, Diaw start- this is taking off, let me speaking with The Chron- ed taking business classes drop out and go full-on, icle last week. at Forsyth Tech. He said and that’s when things reHe said after he fixed he planned to transfer to ally began to take off.” his phone, he realized it Winston-Salem State UniA few months after he was fairly easy for him and versity, but he decided to decided to go into business essentially 88 Repairs was bet on himself and follow for himself, Diaw’s local born. his dream of becoming an barber and business owner, “I started offering it entrepreneur. Antony Hamby, gave him to my friends and people “I realized quick that the opportunity to rent started messaging me … as an entrepreneur, it’s bet- space in his barber shop. so I would do it in the back ter to go out and do it,” he Diaw said, “He’s a great of the math class, in the continued. “I was going guy.” gym, in the locker room, to go to Forsyth Tech and “He didn’t even make wherever, ” Diaw laughed. switch, but I was already me pay at first, it wasn’t


From page B1

Higgins to throw the ball to. He also has Joe Mixon and Gio Bernard in the backfield, so Burrow has some above average talent at the skill positions to work with. In eight games of work, Burrow has thrown for 2,272 yards, with 11 touchdowns and 5 interceptions. If Burrow continues on this pace, he could throw for 4,500 yards and nearly 25 touchdowns. To be honest, I did not envision this much early success for Burrow. He wasn’t even the most sought-after quarterback in college to begin his senior year. He not only rose to the top of the draft class, but quite possibly put together the best season ever for a quarterback. His last year at LSU, Burrow threw for 5,671 yards and 60 touchdowns, which led to him winning the Heisman Trophy and National Championship. I doubted how good Burrow was going to be in the league because I did not think he had an elite arm, along with being surrounded by NFL talent at LSU. With players like Clyde Edwards-Helaire, Ja’Marr Chase and Justin Jefferson at his disposal, I thought his numbers were inflated because of who he was playing with. So far, he has exceeded what I thought he could do on the NFL level and looks to be well on his way to becoming an elite starter in the league. Herbert was drafted 6th overall in the draft and was not supposed to be under center so early on in his career. He was told just minutes before the week 2 game against Kansas City that he was going to be the starter. That could have been a recipe for disaster,

but Herbert performed well with a stat line of 2233 for 311 yards with one touchdown and one interception. Most people thought Herbert was going to be the first quarterback taken in the draft after Tagovailoa hurt his hip during the season. If not for the legendary season put up by Burrow, Herbert would have been the top pick. Herbert has only won one of his seven starts, but the blame cannot be put on him due to his outstanding play. If a couple of plays went their way, the Chargers could easily have four wins. Herbert has progressively gotten better every game. Through seven games he has thrown for 2,146 yards with 17 touchdowns and five interceptions. Those are gaudy numbers for a rookie. The Chargers have to feel good with their selection of Herbert and their move away from longtime quarterback Phillip Rivers. His strong arm and gunslinger mentality have served him well thus far. Out of the three, Tagovailoa was the last to start for his respective team. The Dolphins were playing well and then-starter Ryan Fitzpatrick was more than serviceable at the position. Miami surprised everyone by benching Fitzpatrick in favor of Tua. With his injury concerns and the Dolphins being in the mix for a division title, many wondered why the Dolphins made the change. Once the change was made, I immediately thought the Dolphins wanted to see what they had in Tua prior to next year’s draft. Miami will have the Houston Texans first round pick next year and it seems it will be a high pick due to the subpar season the Texans are having. Trevor Lawrence of Clemson and

Justin Fields of Ohio State are the top two quarterback prospects this season, so if Tua does not work out, Miami could possibly be in play for one of them in the 2021 draft. The Dolphins vehemently denied that Tagovailoa is “auditioning” for his job and has fully backed him as their franchise quarterback. Tagovailoa has made two starts and has won them both. His first start was somewhat forgettable with a pedestrian stat line of 12-22 for 93 yards and one touchdown. That is understandable as he played against Aaron Donald and the fierce Los Angeles Rams defense. His second start against Arizona was a lot better. Tagovailoa looked calm and in command during the game. He went 20-28 for 248 yards and two touchdowns. He also looked elusive on a couple of improvised runs when the pocket broke down. If Tua can stay healthy, I think the Dolphins have found their guy. It’s rare that three teams hit on a quarterback in the top half of the draft. Yes, it’s only year one for these players, but they all

about money to him. He really just wanted to see me succeed.” After working out of the barbershop and his own apartment for a several months, earlier this year Diaw moved his business to a storefront on Reynolda Road. He said he enjoyed the process, looking for retail spaces, but when he found the spot on Reynolda Road, he knew it was the perfect location. Diaw said throughout high school he tried starting businesses, but he wasn’t persistent. He said when he started 88 Repairs, he knew he had to see it through. Throughout the process he said he learned to never give up. “Just never giving up, that was a big thing for me. I’ve always had the entrepreneur spirit … but if I had a little bit of resistance, I would say, let’s put this to the side,” Diaw continued. “For me to really take that step forward, I just had to learn to give it 100% and don’t quit.” 88 Repairs specializes in cell phone repair, tablet repair, computer repairs, and game console repairs. The shop is located at 2725 Reynolda Road. For more information, visit or call 336-979-7545.

look like they are going to be solid starters and possibly Pro Bowl level players. I am not sure they will end up with more Super Bowls than the 2004 class, but I wouldn’t bet against it. If you ask me which class is more talented, I would have to say 2020 over 2004.

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