March 14, 2019

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75 cents

• See Opinion page on A6

Cityhas Confederate statue removed

Volume 45, Number 27


See Sports on page B1•

After weeks of protest, heated conversations at City Hall, and ongoing conversations on social media, on Tuesday, March 12, the Confederate statue located at the corner of Fourth and Liberty Streets in downtown WinstonSalem was removed. The statue, which depicts a Confederate soldier holding a rifle, was dedicated on October 3, 1905, and sponsored by the James B. Gordon Chapter #211 of the United Daughters of the Confederacy and wealthy business and landowners in the area. The dedication

W I N S TO N - S A L E M , N . C .

speech was delivered by Alfred M. Waddell, a white supremacist who served as mayor of Wilmington and led the violent race riots of 1898. Talks about the removal of the statue have been floating around for about two years now, following two separate incidents where the statue was vandalized. In August of 2017, shortly after white supremacists marched in Virginia, two sides of the statue were defaced with a black “X”. Then on Christmas Day last year, officers with the WinstonSalem Police Department (WSPD) responded to a call that the monument had been defaced again.

Upon arrival, officers found the words “Cowards & Traitors” in permanent marker. In response to the vandalism, City Attorney Angela Carmon issued a letter to the UDOC demanding that the statue be removed by Jan. 31, 2019, or face legal action from the City. In the letter, Carmon said the removal of the statue was about public safety. As the deadline for removal drew closer, those in support and those against the city’s decision to remove the statue met several times at the busy intersection to ensure their voices were heard. Lillian Podlog, an organizer for Hate Out of Winston, a group that was formed to keep the pressure on city officials to remove the statue, said the statue needed to come down because it represents hate. During a rally in early January, Podlog said, “… Yes it is history, but we must ask what that history is. That statue was put up in 1905 by a man who murdered black people and went on to become mayor of Wilmington. That’s the history we’re talking about here,” said Podlog. “If you want to honor history, let’s be clear on what that history is. It’s not about honoring a soldier like they say.”

T H U R S D AY, M a rc h 1 4 , 2 0 1 9

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Confederate statue was removed from the corner of Fourth and Liberty Streets earlier this week.

Those opposed to the removal of the statue told The Chronicle that the Confederate statue in downtown Winston-Salem and others across the country had little to do with slavery and the oppression of black people. While defending the statue, an individual from Davie County said, “… I studied that time period

for 18 years and the sad truth of it is there’s so much ignorance about what that war was about. It was not about slavery, it was about tariffs and money. It was a political war.” Although January 31 came and went without much action, the City of Winston-Salem kept their promise and removed the

statue before noon on Tuesday, March 12. The statue is expected to be relocated to the Salem Cemetery where more than 30 Confederate graves are located. It is unclear if the United Daughters of the Confederacy will face any legal action.

Financial expert tackles state’s Economic and Financial Literacy Act Photo from City of W-S Government Facebook page

If approved, Senate Bill 134 would require high school graduates to pass personal finance course


The North Carolina General Assembly is considering a bill that would make it a requirement for high school students to a pass financial literacy course before they graduate. Senate Bill 134, or the Economics and Financial Literacy Act, would require high school students to complete an economics and personal finance course before they are eligible to graduate. If adopted as currently written, the course would include instruction in several focus areas including: true cost of credit, choosing and managing a credit card, borrowing money for a large purchase (automobile, etc.), home mortgages, credit scoring and credit reports, and planning and paying for post secondary education. The bill also includes

professional development courses for instructors who will be teaching the course. The State Board of Education will review the high school standard course of study to determine the grade levels the new course may complete. While the Financial Literacy Act is a step in the right direction, during a recent interview with The Chronicle, Gregg Murset, a certified financial planner and founder of, a chores app for kids that teaches financial literacy and responsibility, said kids need to learn the basic principles of finance before they reach high school. A father of six, Murset, who is a graduate of Arizona State with a degree in finance, said BusyKid came to be when he was looking for ways to teach his kids financial responsibility while keeping up with their chores and weekly allowance at the same time. He said he faced an issue that every parent goes through at some point. He said his plan was to make the process easier for everyone involved and today, BusyKid has more than 25,000 subscribers. Murset said, “The way I describe BusyKid is simple. It’s your kid’s first job with direct deposit.”

BusyKid allows children to receive their allowance from their parents’ bank account directly to their BusyKid account. By dividing the money into three different categories - saving, sharing, and spending - students learn responsibility, accountability, and smart money decisions. “… If you think about it, that’s exactly what we do as adults. We go to work, we earn some money, we put some money in a savings account or 401K. We give some to charity or church and we spend the rest. So we’re reinforcing Finance 101 with kids in a very hands-on way,” Murset said. Murset said he believes state lawmakers are missing the point with the high school financial literacy course. He said students should begin learning financial responsibility as early as elementary school. Murset said in a point in time where money is usually transferred with the touch of a button or swipe of a card, it’s hard to teach children the fundamentals because they don’t physically see the money. “I think they’re missing it because this really needs to happen in elementary and middle schools so kids can start

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learning the basic fundamentals earlier. I think one of the things that’s hard these days is that parents are trying to teach their kids about something they don’t see,” continued Murset. “I call it invisible money because you don’t hand your kids a bunch of coins and cash anymore. We swipe our card or tap our phones, so parents have a hard thing to teach kids about invisible money. “… And let’s be honest, teaching it in class and taking a test at school

is one thing, but the actual practical application is really where it’s at. That’s what BusyKids is, it’s that practical tool that gives parents the opportunity to help their kid learn by doing because I think that’s the best way to learn by doing stuff. ” Currently only 17 states require high school students to take a course in personal finance. In the 2017 Financial Report Card from Champlain College’s Center for Financial Literacy, based on their efforts to produce


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for first month

Profeessional self-storaage

financially literate students, only five states received an “A” for their efforts. Those state were; Alabama, Virginia, Tennessee, Utah and Missouri. If approved, the Financial Literacy Act would cost taxpayers about $2 million. That money will be used for professional development for teachers. If the bill passes, the course will be added to the curriculum during the 2020-2021 school year.

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Celebrating Women’s History Month: trailblazers and history makers.

A2 MARCH 14, 2019

Paulette Moore celebrates 25 years at The Chronicle


The newspaper industry has seen dramatic changes over the past 25 years and Paulette Moore, a long-time Chronicle employee, has first-hand experience in how it has changed. But one thing that hasn’t changed – how she greets everyone who walks in the front door with a warm smile and friendly “hello.” And like the television show, “Cheers,” where “everybody knows your name,” once Mrs. Moore meets you, she treats you like family. Few people walk in the door that she doesn’t greet by name, often with a hug. She is kidded that she knows everyone in town. Mrs. Moore started her career with the Chronicle in 1993 when the office was located on Liberty Street. At that time it had a pressroom in the basement where the paper was printed each week. She worked Wednesday nights inserting preprints into the paper and putting mailing labels on the paper to get it ready to go to the post office. In today’s automated industry, it is hard to imagine that this was once done manually, one paper at a time. “Then,” she relates, “Mr. Pitt (Ernie Pitt, the Chronicle’s founder and first publisher) found out that I could type.” He offered her a position helping in the newsroom, typing up press releases and community news that was handwritten and delivered to the front desk. Again, imagine a time before computers and email! She became Mr. Pitt’s secretary, assisting the newsroom and the front office staff. During those years, a large

Paulette Moore has been the welcoming face of the Chronicle for over 25 years.

Photo by Judie Holcomb-Pack

staff was needed – reporters, editors, circulation manager and paperboys, advertising sales people, graphic designers, pressmen – all working to put out the weekly paper. Over 25 years later, Mrs. Moore has become the face of The Chronicle. As administrative assistant, she greets visitors, answers the phone, manages subscriptions, and many other duties in the front office. She has been with the paper the longest of any employee. She laughed as she remembered how she had to “pound the keys on the manual typewriter” before electric typewriters came into being. Now she uses a computer, email and the Internet in her job. Mrs. Moore is often asked if she did radio or TV or if her speaking voice was an answering machine. Those questions speak to how her friendly and professional demeanor comes across to those on the other

end of the phone. After the death of her first husband, Mrs. Moore married Reggie Moore, who worked in the pressroom for the WinstonSalem Journal and is now retired. She related that they went from elementary school to high school together, but it was when his older brother stopped by the Chronicle one day and she asked how Reggie was doing that they reconnected. They have been happily married since 2007. Mrs. Moore has two daughters and is a proud grandmother to a grandson and granddaughter. She attends Mt. Olive Baptist Church where her grandmother was a member. She sings in the Mass, Gospel and Young Adult choirs, is a greeter (of course!), is in the Senior Dance Ministry, and a pastor’s aide. In her spare time, she likes to cook, take walks and enjoy music. Mrs. Moore recently

reminisced about past times at The Chronicle, how large a staff it used to have, and how technology has changed the way the newspaper is now produced. She remembers the events the Chronicle hosted, such as Family Day at Rupert Bell Park, where everyone enjoyed the food and music and just being together as one big neighborhood family. When she thinks about the future of The Chronicle, she said she hopes it will continue to grow, both in size and in subscriptions. She would like to see more young people read the paper. She is glad to have the opportunity to do work that she loves with people she enjoys working with, but she added, “It’s time for the

younger ones to lead the way.” “Mrs. Paulette continues to honorably serve our community through her work at the Chronicle,” said James Taylor, publisher of The Chronicle. “She is certainly a living legend that has made a positive impact on the lives of many. I count it a privilege to be able to glean from her wisdom of the industry and her knowledge of our culture.” Mrs. Moore has learned and grown over her 25 years at The Chronicle. But what she does best is what she has always done: make every person, whether staff or visitor, feel important. Her friendly spirit, bright smile and positive attitude set the mood at The Chronicle every day.

Donna Montgomery: Defying the odds and making history


In celebration of Women’s History Month, throughout the month of March The Chronicle will be highlighting women in our community who are blazing trails and making history every day. This week we highlight promoter and event planner Donna Montgomery. Since the late 90s, Montgomery has been known for booking some of the best artists and performers right here in the Triad. After a few years under her belt as a promoter here in the Triad area, in 2003 Montgomery was faced with her biggest challenge yet, booking Tyler Perry at the Lawrence Joel Veteran’s Memorial Coliseum. Montgomery said when she first started planning the event, she had a lot of people tell her that it couldn’t be done. At the time Perry’s stage play, “Madea’s Class Reunion,” was very popular across the country. The production made stops in a lot of big name cities including Atlanta, Charlotte and several others in the south. Because the play was so popular, Montgomery said naysayers who doubted her said she would never even be able to contact Perry. And the doubts from skeptics didn’t stop there. When she reached out to the Lawrence Joel Veterans Memorial Coliseum, she was told she wouldn’t be able to meet the $5,000 deposit,

Donna Montgomery

meet the requirements for the advertising campaign, or fill the venue, which holds about 5,000. “The people in place started asking questions like, who is Tyler Perry? Then they said I would be doing good if I sell 1,000 tickets and they asked me if I realized that they never had an AfricanAmerican show to sell that many tickets,” said Montgomery. “History has shown that AfricanAmerican shows typically do better in Greensboro; they did not expect for it to sell in Winston-Salem at all. “I’m the type of person that believes you can’t tell me what I can and cannot do.” On the day of the

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event, Montgomery proved the naysayers wrong when she became the first AfricanAmerican woman promoter to book and sell out the LJVM Coliseum two consecutive nights. Montgomery said people traveled from across the state and from South Carolina to see the onstage production. In 2004 Montgomery and her team started the North Carolina Battle of the Bands. Montgomery said the idea came after she talked to a parent who said their child was interested in joining the band, but couldn’t because they couldn’t afford to buy the instrument. “Any time a child is expressing that they want See History on A4


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The Chronicle (USPS 067-910) was established by Ernest H. Pitt and Ndubisi Egemonye in 1974 and is published every Thursday by Chronicle Media Group, LLC, 1300 E. Fifth St., Winston Salem, N.C. 27101. Periodicals postage paid at Winston-Salem, N.C. Annual subscription price is $30.72. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: The Chronicle, P.O. Box 1636 Winston-Salem, NC 27102-1636

local board of Elections sworn-in

t H E C H r ON i C lE

by tEviN StiNSON tHE CHrONiClE

during the first official meeting of the new

year, members of the Forsyth County board of Elections took the oath of office and introduced a new member to the board on tuesday, march 5.

MARCH 14, 2019 A3

the newest member to the board is Catherine Jourdan. members returning to the board were Susan Campbell (chair), robert durrah Jr. (secre-

Susan Campbell is sworn in as Board of Elections chair during the organizational meeting on Tuesday, March 5.

Photos by tevin Stinson

SECU Foundation provides challenge grant for Hospice and Home Care pilot

Members of the Forsyth County Board of Elections.

SUbmittEd ArtiClE

raleigh -- the member-funded SECU Foundation announced its support for a new healthcare pilot in partnership with the Hospice and Home Care Foundation (HHCF) of North Carolina. the Foundation’s $268,196 three-year challenge grant will help address the

HHCF was established in 1998 by the Association for Home and Hospice Care of North Carolina to promote the industry, educate consumers, provide workforce development, increase philanthropy efforts, and advance industry standards of care. the HHCF pilot will support these goals by providing substantial

Photos by tevin Stinson

tary), Stuart russell, and John loughridge. the five-member board is appointed every two years and is comprised of four members who are appointed by the State board of Elections and the fifth member, who is appointed by the governor. the principal functions of the board of

Elections include: establishing election precincts and voting sites, appointing and training precinct officials, preparing and distributing ballots and voting equipment, canvassing and certifying the ballots cast in elections, and investigating any voting irregularities. the local board meets

the third thursday of each month at 5 p.m. at the Forsyth County Government Center located at 201 N. Chestnut Street. For more information on the Forsyth County board of Elections, visit


Officials from HHCF were presented with a ceremonial check by SECU Foundation Board Chair Bob Brinson during a special event held at SECU’s Raleigh-Salisbury Street office.

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shortage of registered nurses in home health and hospice settings through the development of a comprehensive and systematic program to onboard recent graduates and newly hired nurses to the field. Officials from HHCF were presented with a ceremonial check by SECU Foundation board Chair bob brinson during a special event held at SECU’s raleighSalisbury Street office. “With the severe shortage of nurses in our industry, and particularly in rural areas, we are delighted that SECU Foundation has approved a challenge grant to help fund our newest initiative to address this shortage,” said HHCF Executive director Judy Penn. “Working together with the nursing schools and home care and hospice agencies, new nurse graduates and nurses new to this setting will be better prepared and onboarding will be quicker, ensuring patients will continue to receive quality care in their homes and communities.”

education and learning experiences for rN students, including clinical rotation opportunities, one-on-one mentoring with veteran rNs, and a comprehensive and standardized employer-based training model to bring newly graduated nurses on board. Sixteen pilot sites will be selected to participate in partnership with eight nursing education programs at community colleges and universities and eight home health/hospice agencies. “this pilot program has the potential to make a great impact in North Carolina – aiding in the recruitment and retention of highly-skilled nurses and addressing the growing need for hospice and home care services in our state,” remarked mr. brinson. “HHCF has fostered great relationships within the community for 21 years and has many strong supportive partners. SECU Foundation is delighted to offer our support for this initiative and we hope that the challenge grant will help them move forward.”

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5 Meals** are donated d locally when n you b our F buy Fo ood d Lion Li F Feed d ds navell oran nge bag. b

*$1 $1 helps provide at least ast 10 meals secured by Feeding America a® on behalf of local member food banks. $0.50 50 (monetary ary ry equ quivalent of 5 meals)) from each bag purchase will be donated to Feeding America® and member food banks. Food d Lion guarantees a minimum g inimum donation of $100,000 (monetary equivalent of 1 million meals) from March 6-26, 2019 019.

A4 MARCH 14, 2019

History from page A2

to develop a talent, they should be given that opportunity, so i started thinking about how i could raise money to help other kids who may be sitting in silence saying, ‘i wish i could’,” said Montgomery. “… Music has a way of bringing people together and i thought we can do this and we did.” Since the first event in 2004, the n.C. Battle of the Bands has grown tremendously in attendance and participation.

t h e C h r on i C le

Montgomery said what sets the event apart from others like it is every school that attends receives at least one scholarship. When discussing her success over the years, Montgomery said she never imagined that her business, total entertainment inc., would be as successful as it is today. Montgomery said she started planning events in 1999 while she was working at WinstonSalem State University as an on-air personality for the radio station. From humble begin-

nings assisting with events on the campus of Winston-Salem State University, today total entertainment inc. employs four people and works throughout north Carolina. “i got hooked on doing it. it was a thrill to see the ticket sales and to see people satisfied and talking about the events that i had assisted in putting together,” said Montgomery. “When we sit down and look at the things that we have accomplished when there were so many naysayers, it’s truly mindblowing.”

Before wrapping up her interview with the Chronicle, Montgomery left a few words of advice to young women who may face obstacles or naysayers on their journey to greatness. She said, “if you can think it, you can believe it, you can see it, you can achieve it. “Use the naysayers as leverage to push you to the next level. Use them as building blocks. Don’t allow someone telling you no to be a stopping point for you. explore other ideas. re-position yourself and try it again.”

*Maytrice Walton Fund was established in 1989 by the family of the late Maytrice Walton, one of Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools’ most remarkable teachers. the funds are used for professional growth opportunities and enrichment for a Winston-Salem/Forsyth County elementary teacher. *Blanche raper Zimmerman Fund was established in 1986 by Mrs. Zimmerman and provides assistance for teachers to increase their understanding of and appreciation for various world cultures, with preference for teachers of social studies or history. Forsyth County teacher Grants – 2019 award recipients: *alexis Callender east Forsyth high $2,400 for a cultural tour on the history of South africa and apartheid *allison George robert B. Glenn high School - $897 to attend the national Science teachers association’s national Conference *amyBith harlee r.J. reynolds high School - $1,911 for harvard's project Zero online course and trip to Washington, D.C. *Chantae reynolds Middle Fork elementary School - $1,815 to attend the WiDa annual Conference *Cheryl Whitaker the Special Children's School - $2,500 to attend the Council for exceptional Children Convention *Clayton richter parkland iB Magnet School - $1,927 to attend the national athletic Director Conference *Cristofer Wiley - r.J. reynolds high School $1,911 for harvard's project Zero online course and trip to Washington, D.C. *Crystal Joyce - old richmond elementary School - $513 to attend a workshop on how library media specialists can support literacy *Curtis Monroe thomas Jefferson Middle School - $625 for the explore learning pro-

gram and support *Daya patton - paisley iB Middle School $2,500 to attend an i n t e r n a t i o n a l Baccalaureate Social and emotional learning workshop *Fakhria luna - r.J. reynolds high School $1,911 for harvard's project Zero online course and trip to Washington, D.C. *Frankie Santoro Clemmons Middle School - $1,700 to attend the national Convention for the teachers of english *iris De la rosa easton elementary School - $2,163 to attend the annual Bilingual Symposium for Speechlanguage pathologists *iris Mudd Meadowlark Middle School - $625 for the explore learning program and support *Jenna Garrity WS/FCS instructional Services - $387 for an online trauma and crisis management specialist training *Jennifer Clayton Cash elementary School $1,675 for orton Gillingham training *Jennifer estes Moore elementary School - $1,815 to attend the WiDa annual Conference *Jessica McMahan Kimmel Farm elementary School - $387 for an online trauma and crisis management specialist training *Joshua Bragg Career Center high School - $1,739 to attend the national Science teachers association’s national Conference *Joy hamm Walkertown high School - $2,500 for a Spanish language and culture immersion experience in honduras *Karen Morris - r.J. reynolds high School $1,911 for harvard's project Zero online course and trip to Washington, D.C. *Kenny Melder Meadowlark Middle School - $625 for the explore learning program and support *Khara howe lewisville elementary

School - $475 to attend the orff-Schulwerk level iii workshop *Kimberly hall D i g g s - l a t h a m elementary School - $200 to attend the north Carolina School nurse annual conference *Krista Mathis Meadowlark Middle School - $625 for the explore learning program and support *laura Miller - Sedge Garden elementary School - $2,000 to attend the Get Your teach on conference *lauren abernethy old town elementary School - $1,815 to attend the WiDa annual Conference *lourdes pagan - John F. Kennedy high School $2,500 for a cultural immersion experience in peru *Maria Watkins paisley iB Middle School - $2,500 to attend an i n t e r n a t i o n a l Baccalaureate Social and emotional learning workshop *pamela Kirkland r.J. reynolds high School - $1,911 for harvard's project Zero online course and trip to Washington, DC *rachael Smith - r.J. reynolds high School $1,911 for harvard's project Zero online course and trip to Washington, D.C. *ruth Wilcox parkland iB Magnet School - $2,500 for a cultural immersion experience in peru * S t e p h a n i e McCarney - Smith Farm elementary School $2,450 to attend a summer institute at Columbia University on reading and writing *Sylvan taylor Downtown School $2,200 to attend the summer institute on enrichment-based differentiated teaching at the University of Connecticut the Winston-Salem Foundation is a community foundation that supports charitable programs in the greater Forsyth County area. learn more at

2019 Forsyth County teacher grants announced

SpeCial to the ChroniCle

the Winston-Salem Foundation is pleased to announce the recipients of the 2019 Forsyth County teacher Grants for professional development to K12th-grade teachers in the Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools. a total of $55,524 was granted to 34 teacher grantees. the selection committee, comprised of a panel of professional educators, made the awards in support of innovative and results-oriented educational experiences for teachers to improve their teaching ability and enhance the subject or content being taught in the classroom. the Winston-Salem Foundation is most appreciative of the following component funds that provided funding for this year’s Forsyth County teacher Grants:

*Sam and anne Booke Family trust was established in 1989 by family members of Sam and anne Booke to improve the quality of life in Winston-Salem and Forsyth County. Grants fund professional development opportunities for pK-12 teachers in the Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools. *Gaddy educator Fund was established in 1995 by Dr. Joe e. Gaddy, Jr. to provide grants for the professional staff at r. J. reynolds high School. Dr. Gaddy graduated from reynolds high School in 1963, completed his undergraduate degree at Davidson College and his medical degree at UnCChapel hill. *Doris Joyce Kohfeldt educator Fund was established in 2016 by Joyce Kohfeldt to help support and sustain the Foundation's teacher Grants program in Forsyth County. particular emphasis may be given to teachers in public schools, grades pre-kindergarten through 12th grade, to provide funds to support professional development opportunities and/or to subsidize classroom projects.

local board of education creates special committees to address issues SUBMitteD to the ChroniCle

the WinstonSalem/Forsyth County Board of education announced the creation of three new special committees. the equity, Climate, and Culture Special Committee, the School Choice Special Committee, and the Formula review Special Committee the creation of the special committees was lead by board chair Malishai Woodbury. the

School Choice and equity, Climate and Culture Committees will

meet the first Monday of each month, the week following the full board of

education meeting. the School Choice Committee will meet at 5 p.m. and the equity, Climate, and Culture Committee will meet at 6 p.m. Both committees will meet inside room 223 of the education Building located at 4801 Bethania Station road. the Formula review Special Committee will meet as needed. here’s a list of board members who on the new committees; *Formula review Special Committee; lida

Calvert hayes, chair, elisabeth Motsinger, vice chair, and Deanna Kaplan is also a member. *Climate, Culture, & equity Special Committee: Barbara Burke, chair, lida Calvert-hayes, vice chair. other members include; andrea Bramer, elisabeth Motsinger and leah Crowley. *School Choice Committee: andrea Bramer, chair, Dana C. Jones, vice chair. other

members include; Deanna Kaplan, lori Goins Clark, and Malishai Woodbury. For a complete list of all the committees within the WinstonSalem/Forsyth County School Board of education visit and click on the “Board of education” tab.


The first thing I noticed was the love Shaun and Arlinda Mayes have for each other. They own Mayes Video Productions in WinstonSalem and it’s clear Arlinda keeps everything in order. “I’m behind the scenes. I make sure everything is put together right. If we need batteries, I’m the one that goes and gets the batteries. I change the mount on the camera in the middle of a show, and I radio in and tell him what needs to be done. That’s me.” Shaun was smiling big and proud as his wife shared her responsibilities for their company. He truly admires his wife and is a true-to-life family man. The Mayes patriarch is training his 19-year-old son Evan in the video production business as well. “I help with the ideas for social media and promotions. I admire my dad and what he does. He inspired me to do my own YouTube. He teaches me to be independent,” said Evan, as he looked at his father with admiration. As a father of a 19-year-old myself, I could tell the Mayes’ parents raised a true gentleman. Shaun loves working with his family. “They’re the wind beneath my wings,” said the CEO of Mayes Video Productions. Shaun was doing video production as a hobby for 15 years before starting the family business. “1994 is when we started. A friend of ours wanted us to film their wedding, and I just had a slim cam at the time. We got it done, and since then it turned into a passion,” he said. “It’s definitely a passion of his and I’m glad we can support with this,” said the matriarch of the family.


Mayes Video Productions provides their clients with their vision in media. “People come to us with a vision and they want it to have flair and attitude. We sit down with them and ask what they want to see and then we make it happen. We go big with lights, audio, video, everything multi-media has to offer. We make it happen for our clients. And when they get the finished product, they look at it and say Wow! One client said it was better than what we envisioned and that’s always our goal,” said Shaun. They pride themselves on helping clients grow their business. Shaun said, “There’s a saying that you have 10 seconds to get somebody’s attention, and we help our clients do that. We help them create a product that people want to see, which helps them generate lots of business. The amount of gratitude we get when our clients are satisfied is priceless.” Arlinda smiles. “I’m very proud of him because he does put a lot of time and effort into what he does. When he says ‘I’m going to work,’ I’m like, go ahead and take your time.” Evan jumped in as well. “We use three cameras to give our clients all aspects of the different views and angles. It really gives you better picture and product.” I love one of the quotes in Mayes Video Productions bio: “We capture your memories in motion.” I asked Shaun to paint a picture with his Shaun and Arlinda Mayes, words. “Imagine the picture is a still shot from years ago.’ But it’s someyears and years ago, or thing that was already even VHS tapes from there, so we create that years ago. What we like to memory in motion.” They do is put together a pro- can take your old beta, duction of different per- VHS, etc and create your spectives on video. It’s very own memory in amazing! The clients will motion. They do wedsay, ‘We didn’t see that dings, concerts, stage

M A RC H 1 4 , 2 0 1 9 A5

Mayes Video Productions, with son Evan and daughter Ariel. plays, conferences, church services, funerals - “We do it all,” said Arlinda. Mayes Productions is a full-service company. “We have everything you need to do a great video production - sound, lights, audio, cameras, we have it

all. We provide promotional materials for our clients as well. We not only give our clients a great product, we also give them an experience,” said Shaun. Go to thewinstonsalem Chronicle YouTube channel to see

Submitted photo

the beautiful Mayes family and check out more of my interview. Contact Mayes Video Productions at 336-624-8657 or

A6 MARCH 14, 2019


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The Chronicle is dedicated to serving the residents of Winston-Salem and Forsyth County by giving voice to the voiceless, speaking truth to power, standing for integrity and encouraging open communication and lively debate throughout the community.

The Tax Surprise

The mainstream news has been covering an interesting story. People who were expecting significant tax refunds are, in very large numbers, either getting a minimal refund, no refund or having to pay the IRS. This, after the man Spike Lee has named “Agent Orange”—Donald Trump—promised a massive tax benefit for middle-income people. When I first started reading and seeing these stories, I wondered why anyone was surprised. After all, in the lead-up to Trump’s tax bribe, economists across the board were warning that this was a scam to benefit the rich. They were telling the average taxpayer that this was not going to work to their benefit. And, while the majority of the public has generally opposed the tax bribe—reform—it was still the case that the actual implications of the tax bribe took too many people by surprise. After more than 40 years of listening to rightwingers call for tax cuts and watching the public’s reaction, I have come to a few conclusions. First, when it comes to taxes, much of the public hears what it wants to hear. If someone says that there will be a cut and they can provide minimal evidence to that effect, such an argument can be a winner. Even when one demonstrates that it is a lie, the possibility of tax relief serves as a seductive song that softens the brain. Second, there are those who wish to believe that tax cuts for the rich really are positive because they themselves, despite not being rich, may at some point be rich. I realize that this sounds completely convoluted, but it turns out that there are those who believe that they will at some point in the future be rich and they do not wish to be penalized. This is called magical thinking. Third, there is a disconnect in the minds of many people between public services and taxes. There is also a racialized element here, by the way. A friend of mine told me a story about arguing with some Trump supporters and they were suggesting that they only wanted to pay for the things that they needed and not pay “…for someone else…” He asked them whether they drove on roads, pointing out that those roads were paid for by the taxes of many people who may or may not use particular roads. The discussion came to an abrupt halt. Many of us act as if ‘things’ happen on their own and that they need not be funded. Or, worse, that our tax money is being used for allegedly undeserving populations. Thus, there is a willingness to go for the right-wing arguments for tax cuts even when such tax cuts may cut one’s own throat. Welcome to another day in the United States of Agent Orange. Make sure that you test that bridge before you cross it. There may not be enough tax money to keep it standing. Bill Fletcher, Jr., NNPA Newswire Contributor

We Welcome Your Feedback

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Is this really North Carolina, a “better place to be?” To The Editor:

There is an ongoing battle in the North Carolina legislature over whether to criminalize female genital mutilation (FGM). Why a battle? The mutilation of little girls’ genitals defies all standards of humanity and cries out as a hideous violation of human rights according to the United Nations and World Health Organization. The CDC estimates that 513,000 girls are at risk of FGM in the U.S.! The eyes of the nation are on the North Carolina legislature, which has been reluctant to protect girls from this criminal assault, even though North Carolina has been identified by the federal government as one of the

top high-risk states for female genital mutilation. The Population Reference Bureau ranks North Carolina as 16th in the country for women and girls at risk for FGM. Furthermore, the PRB found that the Charlotte-Concord-Gastonia metropolitan areas in North Carolina rank 23rd in the nation for FGM risk. That data translates into real children at perilous risk to the trauma and damage of female genital mutilation. The North Carolina state slogan is “A Better Place to Be.” And yet the North Carolina legislature dithers, deaf to the cries of little girls that must undergo this painful and barbaric procedure whose effects last a lifetime. As several other states pass legislation to ban FGM after a federal law was ruled unconstitutional, North Carolina runs the risk of becoming a safe harbor for mutilators of little girls. Is this really North Carolina, a “better place to be?” Elizabeth Yore International Child Legal Counsel

U.S. Economy remains strong, but headwinds are emerging Algenon Cash

Guest Columnist

The Labor Department released the February jobs report this past Friday and needlessly to say, it was less than stellar - with only 20,000 jobs created, it was the weakest performance since September 2017. The weather-sensitive construction industry, along with the embattled retail sector, was mostly responsible for the paltry e m p l o y m e n t gains. Undoubtedly, the announcement renewed predictions that an economic slowdown is definitely on the horizon. Considering the previous two months both posted healthy job gains, it’s likely the most recent jobs report understates the overall health of the labor market. Other details in the overall economy give many of us a sense of optimism. For example, the labor participation rate has risen to 63.2 percent, annual wage growth is 3.4 percent, unemployment is below 4 percent, and consumer confidence rebounded significantly in February. All these important metrics point to a healthy economy. Economic growth

accelerated in 2018 because of Trump’s debtfunded tax cuts. However, economic growth in Q1 was around 1 percent, far below the administration’s stated target of 3 percent. Not to mention the $1.5 trillion stimulus provided from the GOP tax cuts appears to be losing steam, but unfortunately causing the federal budget deficit to reach nearly $1 trillion - the largest number since the ‘Great Recession.’ Trump’s tax cuts boosted the appetite for foreign goods and combined with tariffs imposed last year on foreign steel, aluminum, and Chinese products, pushed the trade imbalance to a decadelong high of $621 billion. The deficit with China widened to an alltime record of $419.2 billion. Of course, these numbers contrast significantly with Trump’s promise to “Make America Great Again” through resurgence in manufacturing jobs. Despite Trump’s success with renegotiating the North American Free Trade Agreement, also known as NAFTA, the trade imbalance with Mexico still reached a new peak of $81.5 billion - the United States maintained a surplus in 2017 with South and Central America. The primary beneficiary from the GOP tax cuts was large corporations,

but the deficit and debt hangover will mostly be felt by individual taxpayers. Treasury yields remain historically low, which eases government borrowing; however, when yields do increase, then it will certainly disrupt the federal budget as higher interest costs push out available capital for healthcare spending, education, defense, and multiple other critical areas. The current national debt is hovering around $21.97 trillion – a mindblowing number when you consider it equates to 76.4 percent of the nation’s GDP. Candidate Trump promised to eliminate the $19 trillion national debt in 8 years, but President Trump is going in the opposite direction. More government debt places the current or an incoming administration in a tight spot where the available tools to jumpstart a slowing economy are no longer available. The administration just released their latest budget, which acknowledges the federal deficit will double from their 2017 projection of $488 billion to over $1 trillion in 2019 and 2020. The U.S. has only run a deficit of $1 trillion or greater four times - during the Obama era ‘2009-2012’ but that was after the catastrophic effect of the financial crisis in 2008. Trump’s deficit pre-

dictions don’t improve until 2029, when the annual deficit drops to $202 billion, but the forward-looking picture still falls short of his campaign promise. The Congressional Budget Office disagrees with the administration with the expectation the deficit will not decline over time and by fiscal year 2029 it will hit $1.3 trillion. Not to mention the administration assumes GDP growth will average 3 percent over the next decade, which is highly unlikely considering the economy has been expanding for the past decade. June will mark ten straight years of U.S. economic growth, which is completely out of the ordinary. Recessions are an important necessity in a properly functioning economy. Downturns clean out underperforming assets, deleverages the economy, and routinely encourages healthy growth where capital flows to the best performing assets. We are long overdue for a recession. Algenon Cash is a nationally recognized speaker and the managing director of Wharton Gladden & Company, an investment banking firm. Reach him at m.


Treatment plan for WS/FC Schools

A soon as the Breaking News, ‘WS/FCS Superintendent to Resign,” Bradshaw flashed across my TV screen, I nearly broke two Guest fingers dialing Dr. Edwin Columnist Bell, Prof. Emeritus, WSSU School of Education, and other esteemed colleagues to quickly Velcro their “Super S” across their chests and to “pleez, pleez, spare us as we carefully navigate the Straits between Scylla and Charybdis during this Rubicon moment.” I pleaded to do it swiftly before we find ourselves entering another eon of darkness in providing our children with an appropriate education. I also asked them if we could find a way to clearly articulate that the community will not be dormant and comatose during the replacement process and what we will expect to materialize when the selection is complete. My greatest concern to them was the quality of input from the community-that it must come from thoroughly researched and informed sources rather than benign neglect and recycled gentrified obsolescence. I also expressed my wish to serve notice that historical and contemporary community organizations should be united behind their assertions of supporting the bestqualified replacement, lest those organizations with other agendas not be resisted forthrightly.


MARCH 14, 2019 A7

And so, as all great masterminds do when fairness is preeminent, I must confess that my previous expression of caution in hiring someone who is “familiar with the district” was dismissive and I offer this apologetic inquiry… are we willing to let our mud settle and the water clear? In my opinion, our mud has settled - lowest performing urban school district in the entire state. And, the water is clear so that we can now see the truth of our local history and the scabies of racism on steroids embedded within the WS/FCS Schools which will require a strong regimen of antibiotics and perhaps some gnashing of the teeth by some recalcitrants until it becomes an eradicated disease. The clarified water now shows a history of lack of adequate resources over decades of inequality and equity to a swath of Forsyth County’s population who were not born to the manor of … and will paint a grim picture of nuanced policy decisions including funding and placement of facilities, recruiting and retention of quality teachers, etc., which slowly attributed to the dreadful place we have landed today. And so, we are now presenting our voices with unbridled skepticism that the replacement must provide some evidence of having researched our long trajectory of how our schools have become what they are: low performing in the poorest census tracts versus high and above or at least at grade level in others within the boundaries of Forsyth County. And, have a demonstrated plan to reverse this arc of failure.

Of utmost importance the replacement must be an independent thinker without prejudice who has the chutzpah to be in concert with the newly elected school board, and address the hierarchy that dictates the edits of our ethereal “benevolent dictatorship” here in this city. And so, with these little pricks of myrtle, we offer a treatment plan for the WS/FC Schools for successful appointment of a proper replacement, which I am pleased to present for your ingestion. Try it. I have on many occasions during the past 40 years as my trusted companion Rocinante and I fought our windmills and witnessed many educational dalliances masked as equity and equality. However, the plan is palatable and enriched with good ingredients for old bones, broken promises, cross-brained spirits, and deferred dreams. The triage begins with the very first antibiotic being an all too familiar regimen - EXPERIENCE - taken with a heavy dosage of the din of sick’n tired voices being hurtled from the community. If the patient does not have this first ingredient, then further treatment is unnecessary. English Bradshaw is a retired Education Consultant and graduate of Harvard Graduate School of Education and University of Amsterdam in Education Administration and Leadership.

#CancelMichaelJackson? — It’s not that easy Stacy Brown

Guest Columnist

After a riveting documentary that revisited some of the alleged crimes by R&B superstar R. Kelly – even before his high-profile arrest on child pornography and other sex-related acts – a major social media movement got underway to #MuteRKelly and #CancelRKelly. Now, a possibly equally explosive documentary about the late Michael Jackson has led some to wonder if it’s time to “#Mute” or “#Cancel” the late King of Pop. “I don’t care about toppling Michael Jackson,” said the documentary’s filmmaker Dan Reed, whose “leaving Neverland” aired over two nights on HBO. “The question we should be asking is, ‘Should I trust my children to this stranger?’ The question that child sexual abuse victims should be asking is, ‘Is this the time for me to come out and tell my story to those around me? Can I tell my mum?’” Reed continued: “I don’t care whether people listen to Michael Jackson’s music or not.

Ellen Lindeen

Guest Columnist

On February 27, 2019, I attended a beautiful, yet painful, event, entitled, “Vigil in Remembrance of Those Affected by Gun Violence.” The event, sponsored by Moms Demand Action, was at a local church, in my hometown, in the northwest suburbs of Chicago. Names of those who have been killed were read. Hopeful statements by survivors were also read by attendees, and while the familiar sites of many shootings were also named (Columbine, San Bernardino, Orlando, Sandy Hook . . . sadly, the list went on and on), we all

It’s about the man and not the music. But the man appears as a much different figure after watching the film. He hurt a lot of people. He was cruel. He was vicious. How you reconcile that with the music is a private matter.” The film centers on two men who say that Jackson sexually assaulted them when they were children. Choreographer Wade Robson met Jackson when he was 7. James Safechuck said he began sharing a bed with the singer when he was only 10. In their younger years, both men denied Jackson molested them, but after Jackson’s death in 2009, both have detailed in graphic fashion the sex they said took place at various hotels and at the star’s famed Neverland Ranch in Santa Ynez, Calif. Jackson’s estate has sued HBO for $100 million claiming that the network entered into an agreement with the singer in 1992 that prohibited them from disparaging Jackson. HBO called the suit meritless and said it would air the documentary as planned. Some Twitter users have weighed in on whether there should be a “#Mute” or “#Cancel” Michael Jackson movement. “If you can

#MuteRKelly you can also #mutemichaeljackson. Death has nothing to do with the situation,” wrote Twitter user Krissiekris7331. “#MichaelJackson doc #leavingNeverland follows his serial rape of boys just like #SurvivingRKelly documents his serial abuse of girls,” Twitter user Robbie Woliver wrote. “Jackson’s music should be muted from playlists just like #RKelly. No difference just because the victims are boys. #MuteMichaelJackson.” Because fans of the late singer arguably are the most loyal for any entertainer and his estate is a cash cow that rakes in hundreds of millions each year, muting or canceling Michael Jackson poses many challenges. It’s also a fact that Jackson’s music represents the soundtrack of the lives of so many and his songs are a staple at weddings, anniversaries, and just about any social event imaginable. Oliver Keens, the Music & Nightlife editor of Time Out london, tackled that conundrum. “DJs I’ve spoken to recently have already started saying goodbye to their disco edits of ‘Rock with You,’ pruning ‘Off The Wall’ out of their record boxes, deleting ‘PYT’ from their memory sticks. I can’t stress how

much this is for your own good. After this film, you will not want to listen to Michael Jackson on the dance floor, at a wedding, at a club, anywhere. “I think it’s essential that ‘leaving Neverland’ sparks so much outrage that a movement for change begins straight away. Yet outrage itself is a complicated issue in 2019. Take a common reaction to any artist accused of wrongdoing, which goes: ‘But this is hypocritical. If we censor X, then surely we should censor Y and Z too?’ “If you’ve read all this and think I’m overreacting, see the film and make up your own mind. If you’re cynically minded and instinctively think the two men are liars (or just after money, a picture Jackson habitually tried to paint of any accuser), see the film and make up your own mind. Yes, Michael

Jackson made some of the finest music ever recorded, but it’s not enough anymore. letting his songs stay ingrained in the fabric of our society says that our society is morally dead.” Still, Jackson’s family and fans argue that, like R. Kelly in his 2008 trial, the King of Pop was acquitted of charges in 2005 that he molested a young boy. Critics counter that both men paid out substantial settlements in other cases, including Jackson’s more than $20 million payout to a young accuser who said Jackson molested him in 1993. As for the claims that “leaving Neverland” is a “pathetic attempt to cash in on Michael Jackson,” Reed told the Independent: “Of course it’s all about money. It’s about the estate’s money. It made $400m last

year [and] is trying to protect its main asset. “I’m not making any allegations, but I think the question remains: how much did the family know?” Reed said. “When did they know it? It’s clear that a lot of people in the Jackson household saw things. On the record, they testified to that,” he said. “[They] gave evidence in court. But the only noise I’m hearing from the Jackson camp is the estate hurling abuse at children who were raped by Michael Jackson. I think that’s shameful.”

lit candles. I was prepared to be there I thought. As a college professor of more than two decades, so many shootings have taken place at schools, that at the start of each semester, I have always looked around my classroom and imagined what I would do and say to protect students if someone with a gun appeared at the door. Part of my usual classroom routine has always been to put quotes on the board for students each day we met. I have a long list of favorites, but the list continues to grow. In 2015, I felt I had to add the following when I learned the details. A fellow English instructor at a community college was killed on the first day of class. As a tribute to his life, I wrote on the board for my students: “’Today is the first day of the rest of your life,’ written on the board on the

first day of class in introductory Writing 115, at Umpqua Community College in Oregon by adjunct English professor, larry levine, 67, before he was shot along with nine others by a lone gunman.” Honestly, I have become a bit numb when I hear of another shooting, but I still pay attention. Students in my classes in the last few years were born about the time of the Columbine shooting, so they’ve grown up with active-shooter drills. Yet, I still came to a difficult realization at the Vigil as I was listening to the featured speaker, lauren Carr, a survivor from the 2008 shooting at Northern Illinois University. She explained that she was in the third row when someone entered her lecture hall at the right of the stage and began shooting. All the students around her were hit. Her

laptop took a bullet and her seat had bullet holes, but somehow she escaped. She spoke bravely about her fears since the event, followed by anger, and then therapy, and now her active practice of looking for good in others. Carr went on to explain that just a year ago, she and other survivors met in DeKalb, Illinois, on the NIU campus for the 10year anniversary of the shooting, February 14, 2018. Many had stayed in touch but it was helpful to be together, facilitated by university professionals, to discuss their progress, to remember their friends, and to commemorate that they were still here and thriving, or at least attempting to thrive. Then Carr paused, and explained at a certain point during their reunion, some of them started getting texts, and then all of them did. The

information they received revealed the facts of the mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida actively taking place. Ten years later, on Valentine’s Day again, another mass shooting disrupted our country, killed more young people, and destroyed the faith and trust the survivors from NIU were just beginning to feel. Astounded, I realized that when the Parkland shooting occurred, I didn’t put the date together with the shooting at NIU exactly 10 years earlier. How common must these shootings have become for me, despite actively seeking for ways to prevent one in my own classroom, that the same date did not even register. I had not lost a loved one at NIU, but perhaps I just subconsciously decided to let February 14 stay Valentine’s Day?

Most Americans know we have a gun problem in the United States, but are we still looking for solutions? Thankfully, the Parkland students launched the March for Our lives that many of us participated in, but have universal background checks been passed into law yet? Just last week, a gunman killed five people at a place of business in the city of Aurora, Il. A student from NIU was an intern there, reporting for his first day of work. Is this ever going to stop? When will it ever end? When will we ever learn? Ellen Lindeen, syndicated by PeaceVoice,is an Emeritus Professor of English at Waubonsee Community College where she taught Peace Studies & Conflict Resolution and Human Rights & Social Justice.

When will we ever learn?

Submitted photo

Stacy Brown is a veteran journalist and author of the forthcoming biography: “Aftermath: Michael Jackson’s Dysfunctional Family and the Legacy of the King of Pop.”

IFB, Luxexcel provide free eyeglasses for students T H E C H R ON I C LE

A8 MARCH 14, 2019


Last week, IFB Solutions and Luxexcel, the only company in the world with technology that can 3D-print custom ophthalmic lenses, provided more than a dozen local students with free eyeglasses. The eyeglasses, which where made at IFB Solutions using the printer developed by Luxexcel, were distributed on Thursday, March 7, at the IFB location on North Point Blvd. As the students from various schools across the district entered the building, they were greeted by the smiling faces of the IFB team. According to event organizers, the students

why they are grateful for the partnership with IFB and Luxexcel. He said, “One of our biggest challenges in public education is meeting all the needs of children. Their medical, health, and physical needs happen beyond the classroom, but those needs are critically important to a child’s educational success. That’s why we are so grateful to have community partners like IFB and Luxexcel. Their gift of eyeglasses gives these students the gift of vision, something we could never do alone. At school and at home, vision is a vital part of a child’s overall wellbeing.” In celebration of the one-year partnership between IFB and

In celebration of their one-year partnership, IFB Solutions and Luxexcel provided free eyeglasses for local students in need.

Photo by Tevin Stinson

It’s good to know that there are organizations in the community who support things like this.” IFB Solutions is a nonprofit corporation founded in 1936 that provides employment, training and services for people who are blind or visually impaired. As the largest employer of people who are blind in the

United States, IFB operates manufacturing facilities in Winston-Salem, N.C., Asheville, N.C., and Little Rock, Ark., in addition to more than 40 office supply stores and optical centers across the country. IFB Solutions funds employee training and services, as well as community programs through grants and private dona-

tions, making possible the Community Low Vision Centers across North Carolina and in Little Rock, Ark., and Tracy’s Little Red Schoolhouse based in Winston-Salem. For more information v i s i t

A local student tries on his new glasses for the first time on Thursday, March 7. IFB Solutions and Luxexcel provided 17 pairs of glasses for children in need within the Winston-Salem/Forsyth County School district.

Photo by Tevin Stinson

were selected based on need. In a press release Michael Pesce, WinstonSalem/Forsyth County Schools director of social work, said one of the biggest challenges they face is making sure students have what they need to be successful and that’s

Luxexcel, after receiving their new eyeglasses students and parents got to enjoy free pizza and cake. After trying on his glasses for the first time, Jalen Jones said he was still getting adjusted to his new specs but he liked the design.

Jalen’s mother, Natashi Jones, said she was grateful for IFB and WS/FCS for their willingness to help those in need. Jones said she was shocked at how fast the glasses were made. She said, “I think what they’re doing here is wonderful.

Last week more than two dozen local students received a free pair of eyeglasses thanks to the partnership between IFB Solutions and Luxexcel.

Photo by Tevin Stinson

Use less gas with these simple tricks of efficient drivers


Did you know you can save considerably at the gas pump just by modifying your driving habits? Regardless of the type of car you drive, good driving habits contribute to better fuel economy, which saves money and helps the planet, too. *Perform routine maintenance. Your car needs the right proportions of air and fuel to run efficiently. A well-maintained vehicle will run at its best. *Keep tires inflated to ideal pressure. Underinflated tires tend to decrease mileage. (They're dangerous, too.) Check manufacturer’s recommendations and make sure your tires are inflated to the maximum PSI, measured when cold.

*Combine short trips. Warm engines run more efficiently than cold ones. Combining short errands (such as visiting the grocery store, dry cleaner, and bank) into one trip is an efficient way to save time, as well as gas. *Drive at moderate speeds. While every vehicle is different, mileage decreases quite rapidly over 50 MPH in most cases. To save gas, stay at or under the speed limit and drive at a consistent rate of speed. Use cruise control on long trips. *Drive friendly. Aggressive driving habits such as gunning the engine, speeding, screeching around corners, and jamming on the gas pedal are major fuel wasters. Avoid jackrabbit starts and generally drive in a measured and moderate fashion for top fuel savings.

*Travel light. Extra weight in the car creates a drag on the engine and consumes extra gas. Don't haul around heavy loads if you don't have to. Check the trunk and back of the vehicle for unnecessary items that may be safely stored elsewhere. *Keep your car aerodynamic. Good aerodynamics affect your car's fuel efficiency by reducing drag, especially at high speeds. Keep windows and moon roof closed on the freeway. Even keeping the car's exterior clean can make a difference. *Use the highest feasible gear. Driving at high speeds in lower gears burns excessive fuel. On a manual transmission, pay attention to RPMs as you accelerate and shift into high gear as soon as you reasonably can. *Avoid excessive

tional donation of canned foods. Shavers sent out a challenge to all community leaders to donate food to the food pantry. Feeding the hungry is a priority at Maple Springs. Their food pantry was established on Nov. 13, 2000 to offer short-term emergency food assistance to those in our local community who

are in need. The panty’s operational hours are Tuesday and Wednesday 9 to 11 a.m. and 1 to 3 p.m. Maple Springs United Methodist Church is located at 2569 Reynolda Road.

idling. Idling uses a surprising amount of fuel more than restarting the engine. If you need to wait in your parked vehicle for more than a minute or two, switch off the engine and only start up again when you're ready to continue driving. *Ride share. You'll cut per-person fuel consump-

tion in half when you share a ride. Ask friends and colleagues who live near you or frequent the same places you do to share a ride. You can split gas costs as many ways as there are passengers. The information in this article was obtained from various sources not

associated with State Farm®. For more information, please contact Donna M. Jones, Agent, Donna M. Jones Insurance Agency, Inc., 336-602-2980,, or email

Young Dems strike again SUBMITTED ARTICLE

Young Democrats of Forsyth County President Quamekia Shavers and co-treasurer Sharbrye’ Lewis recently packaged food for the Maple Springs United Methodist Church Food Pantry. Young Democrats wanted to assure they purchased items of need versus going for the tradi-

Members of the Young Democrats of Forsyth County donate food to the Maple Springs United Methodist Church Food Pantry.

Submitted photo

Timothy Ramsey

Also Religion, Community News and Classifieds

MARCH 14, 2019

Sports Columnist

Harper breaks the bank

After weeks of speculation and several team visits, Bryce Harper has finally signed a new contract. The Philadelphia Phillies won the bidding war for Harper, signing the free agent to a 13-year contract worth $330 million. It was somewhat of a sluggish start to free agency for star players, but that all ended with the signing of Harper to his insane contract along with the 10-year $300 million contract Manny Machado signed the week prior. The Colorado Rockies also made a big signing by inking Nolan Arenado to an eight-year, $260 million contract, making him the highest paid position player on an annual salary basis. Harper’s $330 million set a new record for the richest contract of all time in the history of baseball, eclipsing the 13-year, $325 million contract extension Giancarlo Stanton signed with the Miami Marlins before the 2015 season. As a former Washington National, I was surprised Harper decided to sign with the division rival Phillies. It was reported that the Nationals offered Harper a 10-year, $300 million contract, but he turned that down, which tells me he really wanted out of the nation’s capital for some reason. At 26 years of age, this 13-year deal will take him almost into his 40s. What makes this deal even more interesting is the fact it does not have an opt-out clause for Harper. “He wanted to go to one city, stay there, build a brand and identity and recruit players,” said Scot Boras, Harper’s agent. “He wants to tell players, ‘Come play with me.’ He knows it will help winning more if he’s with one team the whole time.” Harper is just hitting his prime in his mid-20s. He is a six-time All-Star player and won the National League Most Valuable Player award in 2015 when he put up the best numbers of his career (.330 batting average, 42 home runs and 99 runs batted in). He followed that with two solid seasons, but in 2018 he had a career low batting average at .249. Boras claimed it was due to a lingering injury sustained in 2017. I understand the need to sign a franchise-changing player like Harper, but I think the Phillies may have overpaid for him. They have a nice core of players and many are predicting them to be one of the better teams in the National League this season. The hope for Philly fans and probably the front office is to have Harper entice Mike Trout to make his way east when his contract is up after the 2020 season. Trout was born and raised in southern New Jersey and still lives in the area. The combination of Trout and Harper in the middle of the Phillies lineup, coupled with the complimentary pieces they have in place, would be a terror for National League teams. I think the reason Philadelphia paid so much for Harper is not only what he does on the field, but also what free agents he can attract and the economic impact he brings. I hope the Phillies get their money’s worth out of Harper. He is a dynamic offensive player, but lacks the defensive skills you would like to see from a player at his position in the outfield. Let’s just hope the Phillies are happy with this choice five or six years from now.


remained undefeated with a strong showing against Dudley last week. The Mustangs squashed the

Panthers by the score of 17-2.

Have a Story Idea? Let us Know

Photos by Alphonso Abbott Jr.

Mt. Tabor JV basketball team claims Piedmont Triad title

The Parkland Mustangs softball team


“That school over off Polo Road,” better known as Mt. Tabor, brings home yet another title. The boy’s JV basketball team finished the year 20-3 overall and 13-0 in the conference, winning the 3-A Piedmont Triad title. Ironically enough, all three of the losses for the Spartans came at the hands of West Forsyth. Two of the losses came early in the season and the final loss came during the Lash/Chronicle tournament. Following that final loss to the Titans, Mt. Tabor finished the regular season unblemished. Submitted photo Since JV head coach Kedrick Carpenter has The Mt. Tabor boys JV basketball team finished the season with an undefeated conference record. coaching double duty at Mt. Tabor, he missed the ence we were winning be bright for Tabor as their tions, he doesn’t feel any several guys that unexpectfirst matchup with West games handily and the freshmen team only lost added pressure to perform edly performed well throughout the season, due to the varsity football closest game we had was one game this season, as coach. “There is no pressure such as Finley Simmons, team’s playoff run. once Dudley. other than that, Carpenter said. He feels he returned, they played we pretty much just ran that group mixed with on me, because at the end Jashaun Torrence, Keiran what he will have left over of the day, I am just going White, Jimmy Britt and AJ the Titans again the follow- through the conference.” Carpenter said he had from this championship to follow suit with what Reeves. Carpenter went on ing week, losing a close questions about whether team will mesh together to coach Muse has put in to say that as a freshman, game. place,” he said. “I am Reeves has the potential to “We went on a run his team would bounce make another good team. “one thing I can say going to continue to sit in be “the face of Mt. Tabor going into the Lash and back in a positive way folthen we ended up losing to lowing the winter break about this group on JV is coach Muse’s office and basketball” in the future. “I am just very proud West in the championship due to how young the team that they do what they’re pick his brain and learn of the Lash Tournament was. He says they only had supposed to do in the class- what I need to learn to get of the guys, because I just challenged them to get betand I just remember having four sophomores on the room, the weight room and them ready for him.” Always the humble ter,” Carpenter said. “Like a conversation with the team and out of that four, the little things to get betguys in the locker room only one played on the JV ter,” he continued. “I am person, Carpenter doesn’t I always tell them, when just going to put it out there take much credit for the you walk into a gym and about just buying into team last season. “We just had a pretty on record that I am expect- success of his team. He you have that Tabor across playing the Mt. Tabor way,” said Carpenter. “My good group of kids that had ing a state championship says he just continues to your chest, people are stress his principles of going to come after you. biggest thing is playing a decent basketball IQ, so out of this group.” Carpenter has been the defense to his team and They just accepted the defense and I always let that helps out a lot,” he them know that hustle said. “year in and year out, head coach of the JV team they execute the game challenge and were really like brothers all year. It you never know what you for three years. He says plan. doesn’t take talent. Carpenter had many was just a fun season.” “We came out of the are going to get coming in this team is one of the best he has ever had. He says great things to say about Lash and went on a run. on the JV level.” The future continues to with such high expecta- his team. He spoke about For a while in the confer-

Local Parks and Recreation legend honored at CIAA championships


MARCH 14, 2019

By Ben PIggott And tImothy RAmSey the ChRonICLe

t h e C h R on I C Le

during the halftime show at the 2019 CIAA basketball tournament, Jacqie mcWilliams presented Livingstone College alumnus Ben Piggott and elizabeth City State University alumnus Robert Chadwick with awards for assisting hundreds of boys and girls to get exposed to college life through their CIAA Ball Boy and Ball girl program. “I am very humbled and honored to receive this award from the CIAA basketball tournament,” said Piggott. Piggott has been involved with the program since 1994, when the tournament was held at Lawrence Joel Veterans memorial Coliseum. Piggott was a volunteer ball captain for the then CIAA/Coca-Cola Ball Boys and Ball girls program. the ball boy and ball girl program was a combination of several agencies coming together for a common cause. the Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Submitted photo School System, the Winston-Salem Urban League, and the Winston-Salem CIAA commissioner Jacqie McWilliams gives 20-year award to Ben Piggott and Robert Chadwick for helping children in the CIAA Ball Boy and Ball Girl program. Recreation and Parks department, all contributed to put the program in and Ball girl Program.” Last but not least, Piggott wanted to motion. Initially, the young men and women thank the CIAA conference for their selected for the program were chosen by assistance in the program. the CIAA winning an essay competition. once the Basketball tournament is the oldest program left Winston in 1999, it went to hBCU basketball tournament in the Raleigh where Piggott met Chadwick. country and is currently being held in the program was renamed operation Charlotte. It will move to Baltimore, Future, but continued to allow inner-city maryland, in 2021. “I want to also salute Jacqie youth to be exposed to celebrities, coaches, players and alumni from all the mcWilliams from hampton University for being the first African-American CIAA schools. “I thank god for not only having female to become commissioner of the Robert Chadwick as a family member CIAA,” Piggott continued. Piggott also touched on one of the with the CIAA Ball Boy and Ball girl program as it moved to Charlotte, but I success stories from the program. also have to thank dave morrison, halima mcCaskill, who was a CIAA tonya morrison, tim Cunningham and Ball girl in 1997, won the teacher of the year award at Ashley elementary Jeff Brantley as well,” Piggott said. “We also thank god for the many School. She also grew up in the happy children that have grown up in the pro- hill gardens Community. gram being CIAA ball boys and ball Submitted photo girls. I would also like to thank the Ball captains Tim Cunningham (left), Robert Chadwick (middle) and Ben Winston-Salem Chronicle for helping by Piggott with some of the 2019 Ball Girls. writing articles about the CIAA Ball Boy


MARCH 14, 2019


Emmanuel Baptist holds scholarship service

Elder Richard Wayne Wood


Sunday School Lesson

Calling The Lost Scriptures: Luke 15:11-24

By the end of this lesson, we will *Identify with the characters in Jesus’ parable. *Sense God’s grief over His lost children. *Suggest ways to rejoice with new believers.

Background: Luke uses three of Jesus’s parables, one after the other, building in value and response. The lost sheep, the lost coin, and the lost son referred to as the prodigal - wastefully, recklessly extravagant. The common theme in all three is the joy over the return of the lost. The parable of the prodigal son is said to be the most popular and well known of all Christ’s parables. It is an example of sound repentance. The older brother represents the wickedness of the Pharisees’ self-righteousness, prejudice and indifference toward repenting sinners. The father pictures God, eager to forgive and longing for the return of the sinner. Still, the main point is the joy of God and the celebrations that fill heaven when a sinner repents. Lesson: The success of a story depends on its suitability to its audience. Jesus knowing this, uses inheritance here. The father has two sons and according to Jewish law, the older son receives double the portion of the younger, but usually this is after the father’s death (verse 11). So the son, asking for his third before his father’s death, “Father, give me the share of the estate that befalls to me,” was tantamount to saying he wished his father were dead. He was entitled to nothing while his father lived. The father grants the son’s request (verse 12). Within a few days, the younger son took his share of the inheritance and left to live up to the title “prodigal.” He went to a foreign land where he was not only extravagantly wasteful, but also loose in his actions - showing no moral standards (verse 13). The result of his fast living is a broken son, both inside and out, forced by his own actions to take a job insulting to any Jew. He was degraded to the point of feeding pigs (swine were the worst sort of unclean animals in Jewish custom) (verse 15), at the point of starving, but no one was offering anything to help him. He considered eating the pig’s food, but it was humanly indigestible (verse 16). Now in a sober state of mind, bankrupt and hungry, he was able to think clearly (verse 17). Best option, he concluded, was to return home. Planning what to say, “Father, I have sinned against heaven, and in your sight,” shows that he not only realized the uselessness of his situation, he also understood the seriousness of his transgressions against his father (verses 18-19). “So he got up and came to his father …” the father saw his son while he was still at a distance, while he was still a long way off. The implication is that the heartbroken father had been eagerly looking for his son, longing for him to come home. God is seeking to save sinners and rejoicing each time one repents and is converted (verse 20). The father doesn’t give his son a chance to finish his repentance speech, earnest in his plea for forgiveness, before he interrupts to grant forgiveness. God is eager to forgive (verse 21). The father pours out his love for his son, evident in his gifts of restoration and acceptance, the robe - reserved for the guest of honor; the ring - a symbol of authority; and the sandals - usually not worn by slaves; and therefore signified his full restoration to sonship (verse 22). The father also calls for the fatted calf - reserved for most special occasions (verse 23). The son was dead in sin and comes alive again, he was lost and now has been found. All of this symbolizes the true character of God. His nature and character is not to see His creation banished for eternity. God longs for us to return to fellowship with Him and repent (verse 24). (The UMI Annual Commentary 2018-2019, Standard Lesson Commentary, the Names of God Bible, MacArthur Study Bible). For Your Consideration: Why would a father throw a welcome party for such a lost son? Sometimes people leave our local church for various reasons. How should we celebrate their return? Application: Think of God as an eager father searching for his child. We may think we have strayed too far for God to take us back, but He is beckoning us home, waiting for us even while we are still a long way off. In response to this revelation of God’s constantly searching for those who are lost, we are called to seek those whom the world would deem “lost.” Even if they put themselves in their negative situations, God wants to give them the opportunity for a relationship with Jesus Christ. “For you were like sheep going astray, but now you have returned to the Shepherd and Overseer of your souls.” (1 Peter 2:25).

Dr. Sir Walter Mack Sr. served Emmanuel for 32 years prior to his death in 1982. In his honor, the church celebrates Scholarship Sunday in March to commemorate his birthday. This past Sunday the congregation honored Mack while also sowing into the lives of the young men and women in the church. The annual Scholarship Sunday service assists the young people in the church with tuition assistance and money for textbooks. The young person honored with the annual scholarship must submit an original essay and this year’s winner was Trajan Douthit. Douthit is a student at North Carolina A & T State University. His essay was about his grandmother and the tremendous impact she

has had on his life. He was thankful to be awarded with this honor. “This scholarship is tremendously helpful, because it will help my mom pay for college and help me with books as well,” said Douthit. “I was surprised that I won, but I was really hyped because this is really a blessing. “I have been at this church basically since I was born. I love being here and it is a blessing and an honor to see them give back to community and myself.” The young adults were featured throughout the service by serving as ushers and delivering the morning prayer, for example. Rev. Larry Brown delivered the sermon and said that he was inspired by his young cousins. “It’s integral for a church to sow back into the lives of its young members, because it’s a relationship

The youth performed a dance/step routine during Sunday’s scholarship service.

Photo by Timothy Ramsey

fostering,” said Brown. “We give because we love you and because we love, we give, and once we set that foundation, it’s on.” Rev. Dr. John Mendez says we all stand on someone’s shoulders and he stands on the shoulders of Dr. Mack Sr. “He left something that someone else wanted and after 32 years of laboring,

he had a great church and the fact I wanted it after he passed said volumes about what he did,” said Mendez. “When I first came, I said we would never forget Sir Walter Mack Sr. for what he has given and the contributions he has made. I am grateful to him for all that he gave and shared.”

Millennials aren’t flocking to the church like the generation before. Fact or fiction?


As the religion reporter for The Chronicle newspaper, I have been to well over 100 churches in and around the Forsyth County area. One of the most common topics of conversation has revolved around young people in the church. Many people believe that teenagers and young adults are not growing up in the church like they did in the past. But is that really what’s happening? I was born in 1981, so my childhood consisted of both the 80s and 90s. Growing up, I had no choice in whether I wanted to go to church. It was mandatory that I attended every Sunday. It was the same way with so many of my friends and family during that time that it seemed like the norm for me. Fast forward to the new millennium and to some folks, it doesn’t seem like the younger generation is making the church a priority like in years past, but for others, things have not changed as much as people make it out to be. I collected my thoughts for a few days as to how I wanted to approach this article, as I know it could be a sensitive subject for some. My main goal was to stay objective, but at the same time to spark some debate among those with different points of view. The best way to accomplish this was to speak to several people of varying ages that were on both sides of the equation. First, I thought I would give my perspective from someone who has had the privilege of visiting many churches of different denominations in the area. In addition, we are in the Bible Belt where religion is still very important to a large number of individuals from all age groups due to their upbringing, so this area obviously does not reflect all areas of the country. Once I sat down and gave this topic some thought, I realized that many smaller churches have seen their average church age rise in the last 20 years. I have noticed that with many small churches, most of the church population is over the age of 50. On the other side, medium and large churches have a more varied population, so I guess it depends on where you visit. I have also noticed that many of the younger pastors seem to have the ability to bring in the younger generation at a higher level. I am not sure if that is due to their age or rather to how they relate their biblical messages. I spoke with a young local pastor who broke it down from his perspective. He said he does not think the younger generation has “abandoned” the church, but instead they have access to so many other things than the previous generation that they “worship differently.” (I kept the identities of the contributors hidden as to not sway anyone’s opinion). “I think many young people today like to worship their own way,” he said. “There are many things out there that the church has to compete with that it did not have to 25 years ago. For me, I don’t think they are leaving the church, I just think they are coming later than

before.” His point of view has some valid points. Some people may not grow up in the church like 25 years ago, but that does not mean they do not worship in their own way. Another pastor had another point of view. She felt young people may be turned away from the church because they feel the church does not target them. She said many churches are stuck in the “old way of thinking” and they are not willing to evolve. “Everything changes; the question is whether or not the church is willing to follow suit,” she said. “I see that some churches have made it a point to reach out to the younger generation. It’s a new day so everyone needs to get on board or get left behind.” Another perspective that I really had not thought about that was brought up during my research was the spotlight that is placed on today’s news. Unlike 25 years ago, anything that is newsworthy, good or bad, can hit the wire in an instant. A young man I spoke with stated that his apprehension to join a church is mainly due to the news that has surrounded church scandals over the past decade or so. With such scandals such as the Catholic churches’ priests, church embezzlement, and mega church pastors being investigated by the federal government, young people are more aware of the shortcomings by those in the religious community. I have spoken with other individuals who feel that the media portrays the church in a way that fits their own agenda. A prominent pastor in the area says he does not feel young people are shying away from the church, but instead are gravitating toward the churches they feel are “real.” He said that young people have access to more information than the previous generation, so they are not going to “just go to any church,” but rather do their due diligence and research where they want to go and attend there. “These kids are not stupid,” he said. “They have access to all sorts of information at their fingertips, so they know everything that’s happening the moment it happens. For a church to pretend that is not how the world is nowadays is just being blind to the obvious.” It was interesting to hear all the different perspectives from people about the topic. Other people I have spoken with touched on the family dynamic of the African-American community now versus then as a reason why the church has struggled with bringing in the younger generation. Whatever the reason, it is an interesting debate that warrants conversation. The point of this article was to spark conversation, so for any individuals who wish to express your opinion, please email The Chronicle at We welcome a healthy debate and look forward to your opinion on this subject as well as other religious topics you would like to discuss.


Mar. 16 Clothes and shoe give away Friendship Missionary Baptist Church, 1317 Cherry St, will have a clothing and shoe giveaway on March 16 from 9 a.m. to noon. For more info, contact the church at (336) 723-6105.

Mar. 16 - 17 Women’s ministry celebration The Women’s Ministry of Emmanuel Baptist Church will host Women’s Weekend March 16 – 17. The celebration kicks off Saturday, with a fun-filled event featuring food, games and prizes from 10 a.m. – noon. Rev. Dr. Melva L. Sampson will be the guest speaker at the 10 a.m. morning worship service on March 17, culminating the celebration. The public is invited to join in the celebration. For more information, contact the church office at (336) 788-7023. Emmanuel is located at 1075 Shalimar Drive, where the Rev. Dr. John Mendez is the Senior Pastor. Mar. 17 40th Pastoral Anniversary services Mt. Olive Baptist Church will celebrate Rev. Dr.

Charles E. Gray 40th Pastoral Anniversary with services on Sunday, March 17 with Dr. James L. E. Hunt of New Birth Worship Center, East Bend. All services will begin at 4 p.m.

Mar. 17 Worship services The Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, 4055 Robinhood Road, will have worship services on March 17. On St. Patrick’s Day, the Rev. Lisa Schwartz will speak at both the 9 a.m. Awake service and the 11 a.m. traditional service on the story of St. Patrick and the modern legacy of living in harmony with nature. At Explorations, 9:15 a.m., Michael Hughes will speak about “Sin: What Is It Good For?” At the Forum, 9:15 a.m., Diana Wei Tong will give an illustrated talk about her trip to Sri Lanka and the Maldives. For more info, see

Mar. 17 Annual Day The Sarah Allen Women’s Missionary Society will celebrate their Annual Day on Sunday, March 17. The day will begin with Sunday school at 8:45 a.m. Morning wor-

ship begins at 10 a.m. The public is cordially invited to attend. St. James is located at 1501 N. Patterson Avenue at the corner of 15th Street (directly across from the U.S. Postal Service). The Pastor is the Reverend Shelton T. Miles. Mar. 24 College Day Bishop Phillip G McCloud Sr. and Fresh Fire Worship Center, 1538 Waughtown St., will host College Day on March 24 at 10 a.m. Guest speaker is Youth Pastor Josh Vernon from Mt. Hope Church of Salisbury, NC. There will be college giveaways and Sunday dinner fellowship. Transportation is available upon request. For more info, contact (336) 833-4208 or Mar. 30 Easter play On Saturday, March 30, “The Upper Room to Calvary” play will be presented at Mt. Olive fellowship hall at 6 p.m. For ticket information, contact the church at (336) 721-1959. The church is located at located at 1301 C. E. Gray Drive.


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MARCH 14, 2019

By Antonio RAttLey

Urban Rapunzel

Let me tell you the story of urban Rapunzel Long, silky blonde haired girl. no! Rapunzel was a whole live male, voice and all. Culture wrapped up in his black curls, a storm. Matter of fact a tornado. twist an army of uncivilized roots and you would get him. He was a beautiful creation lost in a fairy tale. Made up of fake happily ever after and Prince Charming. He was shook when he realized that nobody was coming to save him from this tower. Read in between the lines and found out he was stuck here. Staring out of the window at nothing for an eternity. But hey. At least he has more time to grow his hair strands. Let's forget the fact that they are the reason he's in this predicament now. Separated by everyone around him. Screaming at the trees hoping for the Lorax to come and save him. Save me! Save me! Can you please save me? His tears have nourished this earth for so long now that he is the water cycle. His DnA has been everywhere. even in closets filled with strangers. But hey! At least he has more time to grow his hair strands out! He looks in the mirror at the thick mane lying on his scalp. if only it would grow. So then maybe he wouldn't have to try new hairstyles every day. Attempting to get attention from boys who don't even show themself love. oh! Am i too raw for you? Blame my roots. i think he's discombobulated. one minute he fears attention. the next minute he wants attention. He might as well cut that it - i mean isn't he supposed to be the smart one? the only one that has the potential to make it? He knows society won't accept his new growth right? He understands that they don't like black boys that know what black means right? But what does it really matter? He won't even find a way out of that tower. out of this trap he was put him in. Ain't no exit doors in insecurities. Hence the word in securities. He'LL neVeR eSCAPe. But Hey! At least it'll give him more time to grow out his hair strands! More time to pick out every kink so that he can be accepted. So he won't ever have to run in the boy’s bathroom crying when somebody mentions a flaw about his hair again. this time, if he does escape the tower he will be marked perfect. they'll really hate to see him then. Hate to see the person he has become on the outside. Maybe then will they match. Where his knots won't have to be not. And more yeah or please give me your hair secrets. And then by chance he escapes his prison will he be able to tell them how to let it grow. All they have to do is just let it go i guess Disney is good for one thing. And i apologize if this isn’t the original story But you have to remember that she was made up and this is based on a true reality. And i guarantee you. 100 percent of the events in this story are true. i seldom use white saviors. only Pixar does that. © 2019 YOUTH POET OF THE WEEK Antonio Rattley

Sandra Headen wins inaugural Jacobs/Jones African-American Literary Prize


RALeiGH—the short story “Papa’s Gifts” by Raleigh writer Sandra Headen has won the firstever Jacobs/Jones African-American Literary Prize. Headen will receive $1,000, and the Carolina Quarterly will consider “Papa’s Gifts” for publication. this award was initiated by Cedric Brown, a Winston-Salem native and graduate of the University of north Carolina at Chapel Hill, to honor the best in short prose by African-American writers in north Carolina. Final judge Rion Amilcar Scott selected “Papa’s Gifts” from among 12 finalists for the inaugural prize. “‘Papa’s Gifts’ is the type of story that seems to exist in a hazy limbo, like something overheard between sleep and wake until the ending startles you to attention,” Scott said about Headen’s entry. “Papa of the title will stay with me for his ordinary strict father menace that morphs into something more chilling by the end.” Following a career in teaching and research at universities in Chicago and Chapel Hill, Headen became an independent

consultant and began writing historical fiction. Her debut novel, “Warrior on the Mound” (originally titled “Cato’s Last Home Run”) won the on-theVerge emerging Voices Award from the Society of Children’s Book Writers & illustrators. Scott also selected “May Day Miracle,” a memoir excerpt by Charlotte’s Barbara Johnson, for Honorable Mention. “‘May Day Miracle’ gives us a simple but heroic quest to root for. Seeking a fresh outfit for a May Day ceremony becomes a quest for dignity despite the indignities of rural poverty,” Scott said. “When the narrator's heart breaks, the reader's does, too, and when she triumphs, it washes over the reader and becomes our triumph as well.” Barbara Johnson was born to a sharecropping family in Leasburg and graduated from Bennett College. Her work has been performed at the Matthews Playhouse, Queens University of Charlotte, and the Warehouse Performing Arts Center in Cornelius. Both Headen and Johnson are members of the north Carolina Writers’ network

Sandra Headen

(nCWn). the Jacobs/Jones contest, sponsored by the nCWn and administered by the Creative Writing Program at UnC-Chapel Hill, is open to any African-American writer whose primary residence is in north Carolina. entries may be fiction or creative nonfiction, but must not have been pub-

lished before (including on any website, blog, or social media), and must be no more than 3,000 words. “the literary award was borne out of my frustration with being unable to readily find much fiction or creative nonfiction that conveys the rich and varied existence of black north Carolinians,”

Submitted photo

Brown said. “i wanted to incentivize the development of written works while also encouraging black writers to capture our lives through storytelling.” the full competition guidelines can be found at the Jacobs/Jones African-American Literary Prize honors the

nineteenth-century writers Harriet Jacobs and thomas H. Jones. Jacobs was born in 1813 near edenton, escaping to Philadelphia in 1842, after hiding for seven years in a crawl space above her grandmother’s ceiling. She published her autobiography, “incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl,” under a pseudonym in 1861. Jacobs died in 1897 and was inducted into the north Carolina Literary Hall of Fame in 1997. Jones was born into slavery near Wilmington in 1806. Able to purchase the freedom of his wife and all but one of his children, he followed them north in 1849 by stowing away on a brig to new york. in the northeast and in Canada, he spoke as a preacher and abolitionist, writing his memoir, “the experience of thomas Jones,” in 1854, as a way to raise funds to buy his eldest child’s freedom. the non-profit north Carolina Writers’ network is the state’s oldest and largest literary arts services organization devoted to all writers at all stages of development. For additional information, visit


Community Calendar NOW – May 16 – P a r e n t Academy/Community Institute Do you need to get your GED? Do you need an introduction to computers? Do you need to learn English as a second language or to learn conversational Spanish? Carver High School, 3545 Carver School Road, is sponsoring a Parent Academy/Community Institute in partnership with Forsyth Technical Community College every Tuesday and Thursday starting Nov. 8 until May 16, 2019 from 5:45 - 8:45 p.m. Free childcare will be provided. All of these benefits are free. For more information contact Mr. Javier Correa-Vega at (336) 727-2987, ext. 33048. NOW – May 31 – Annual literary competition Flying South, the annual literary competition sponsored by Winston-Salem Writers, is accepting entries now through May 31. There will be $2,000 in prizes awarded. Best in category winners will be published in Flying South magazine and will receive $500 each. The Winston-Salem Writers President’s Favorite will also receive $500. For complete rules and submission details, go to and click on the contest tab. Winners will be announced on July 1, 2019. NOW – July 1 – Help Support LEAD Girls of NC From now until July 1 and through the Quotes for Good Program, State Farm agent Donna Jones will donate $10 to LEAD Girls of NC for each call her office receives requesting an auto and home/renters quote. To get a quote and support LEAD Girls of NC, call Donna Jones at (336) 6022980.

TODAY, March 14 – Simon Selwood to speak at Forsyth Tech Simon P. Selwood will speak at Forsyth Technical Community College on March 14 from 4-5 p.m. The event will take place in the auditorium of the Robert L. Strickland Center, Forsyth Tech, 2100 Silas Creek Parkway. The event is free and open to the public. March 15 – Founder’s Day celebration Join the members of the Brown Chapter of Winston-Salem State University National Alumni Association for our 68th Founder's Day Celebration on March 15 from 7-9 p.m. The program will include a plated dinner and a keynote address from our newly elected Sheriff Bobby Kimbrough. The event will be at the Donald Julian Reaves Student Activities Center, 601 S. Martin Luther King Jr. Drive. March 15 & 16 – Joyce Meyer’s conference tour New York Times bestselling author and Bible teacher Joyce Meyer will be at the Lawrence Joel Veterans Memorial

Coliseum (LJVM) on March 15 at 7 p.m. and March 16 at 9:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. Seating is open, on a first come first serve basis, and no preregistration or ticketing is required.

March 16 – “A Taste of Kenya” On Saturday, March 16 from 5-7 p.m., Sister2Sister International Outreach Ministry will hold their annual “A Taste of Kenya Dinner” at the Providence Baptist Church, 319 Nelson Street, Kernersville, North Carolina. Tickets are $25 per adult, and $5 for kids 12 years and younger. Tickets can be purchased two ways: a) online at www.SistersInternational b) at the Umoja African Crafts retail store: 535 N Trade St. Contact Purity Ruchugo for more details @ 336-655-0347 / or via email at March 16 – Family Safari Night Kaleideum North will host Family Safari Night on March 16 from 6-8 p.m. . Pre-registration at w w w. k a l e i d e u m . o r g required for children and adults. $10(+tax)/member, $12(+tax)/non-member. Kaleideum North, 400 W Hanes Mill Road, Winston-Salem. (336) 767-6730. March 16 – Downtown Puzzle Hunt On March 16, a new escape room in town will throw a city wide celebration of games and puzzles in honor of their Grand Opening. Family owned and operated, Total Escape loves games of all kinds and wants to spread fun in its city. The celebration will run from 11 a.m. until 5 p.m. March 16 – Collective art project Join a major Collaborative Art Project led by Winston-Salem Artist Leader Owens Daniels and a team from WSSU, UNCSA and CDI on March 16 at 9:30 a.m. Feel free to bring photos of East Winston to share and scan, but there’ll be a focus on refining the stories over coffee and muffins. The meeting will be at the Delta Arts Center, 2611 New Walkertown Road. RSVP to Betsy Towns at or (919) 428-1717. More information:

March 18 – Documentary on rollerskating “United Skates” – which screens at a/perture cinema on Monday, March 18, at 6:30 p.m. – takes a deep dive into the vibrant and celebratory world of AfricanAmerican roller-skating. Filmmakers Dyana Winkler and Tina Brown will be in Winston-Salem for one night, March 18, viewing the documentary with the audience and taking questions afterwards. Tickets are on sale and can be purchased online at March 19 – Lisa See at Bookmarks Bookmarks is hosting

award-winning author Lisa See, who will discuss her newest novel, The Island of Sea Women, on Tuesday, March 19 at 7 p.m. at Footnote Café and Cocktails, 634 West Fourth Street #120 in downtown WinstonSalem. The event is free and open to the public but does require registration by visiting

March 19 – Movie/speaker series Temple Emanuel will have an installment of its movie/speaker series on March 19 from 7-9 p.m. The featured film will be “Earth, Water, Woman.” Temple Emanuel is located at 201 Oakwood Drive. March 21 – Volunteer orientation The Shepherd’s Center of Greater Winston-Salem will hold volunteer orientation from 10:00-11:15 a.m. on Thursday, March 21st at the center located at 1700 Ebert St. For a list of all of our volunteer opportunities visit our website, For more information or to register for the session, call The Shepherd’s Center at 336748-0217 or email March 21 – Underutilized Business (HUB) Certification Workshop The city is offering a free workshop Thursday, March 21, to assist minority and women-owned businesses with certifying or re-certifying as historically underutilized businesses with the state of North Carolina. The workshop will be held from 6 to 7:30 p.m. in Suite 150 of the Lowery Street Facility, 2000 Lowery St., Winston-Salem. Pre-registration is requested by March 20 by contacting Hasani Mitchell at or (336) 747-7459.

March 21 – Open discussion on food insecurity Forsyth Famine: A look at food insecurity in Forsyth County is an open dialogue presentation that will take place on March 21 from 7 - 8:15 p.m. The event will be held at 1128 Burke St. March 23 – Reverse Cash Raffle The Rotary Club of Clemmons will hold their 25th Annual $10,000 Reverse Cash Raffle to support its various charities on Saturday, March 23 at the Village Inn Event Center in Clemmons. Tickets to the event are $100 each and can be purchased from any Clemmons Rotarian. Tickets are currently available from any Clemmons Rotarian or you can contact Jorge Vidal at (336) 420-6892 or All Proceeds from the event go to support local and international Rotary service projects.

March 23 – Habitat Hammerbird 5K and Fun Run Habitat for Humanity of Forsyth County will host its Hammerbird 5K and One Mile Fun Run on March 23. Activities begin at 8:30 a.m. at

Kimberley Park Elementary School, 1701 N. Cherry St. Go to h t t p s : / / w w w. h a b i t a t to sign up. March 23 – Multimedia exhibition The Southeastern Center for Contemporary Art (SECCA) will present a multi-media exhibition of the work of Andrew Paul Keiper and Kei Ito. The exhibition, entitled “Archives Aflame: Works by Kei Ito and Andrew Paul Keiper,” will be on display at SECCA, which is located at 750 Marguerite Drive in Winston-Salem, from March 23 to May 5. SECCA is free and open to the public Wednesday, Friday and Saturday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Thursday from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. and Sunday from 1 to 5 p.m.

March 23 – Business Expo S u p e r p o w e r s University is hosting a business expo March 23 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Event sponsorship and vendor tables are available. In addition, high school seniors can apply for the first ever Superpowers University Eunice P. Ingram Scholarship. For more information, call (336) 775-6787.

March 23-31 – Forsyth Creek Week The seventh annual Forsyth Creek Week will be held March 23 - 31 with exciting new opportunities and old favorites to encourage everyone to get out and appreciate the beauty and importance of our local waterways. See the complete calendar of events at

March 23 – Gardening symposium Join the Gardening symposium on March 23 from 1-6 p.m. The event will be held at N.C. Cooperative Extension, Forsyth County Center 1450 Fairchild Road. Registration is not required for this free event. For Spanish interpretation, please call (336) 705-8823. Visit for the latest updates and agenda. March 24 – Concert The Winston-Salem Youth Philharmonic and Premiere Strings will present a mid-season concert on Sunday, March 24 at 7 p.m. The concert is free and open to the public and will take place in the Brendle Recital Hall on the campus of Wake Forest University in Winston-Salem.

March 25 – Community Forum Sheriff Bobby Kimbrough will host a community forum on March 25 at 6 p.m. The event allows the community to meet staff and ask questions. The forum will be held at the Forsyth County Central Library, 660 W. 5th St. March 26 – Community Town Hall Join the Office of Cancer Health Equity and Gramercy Research Group as we hear and discuss findings from our African American Community Assessment

MARCH 14, 2019

in East Winston and collectively strategize forthcoming solutions on March 26 at 6 p.m. This event will take place at the Delta Fine Arts Center located at 2611 New Walkertown Road. March 26 – Staged reading event The Southeastern Center for Contemporary Art (SECCA) will present Archives Aflame: Voices from the World War II Pacific Engagement, a staged reading of veterans’ stories, on March 28 from 6 to 8 p.m. The reading will be held in the Overlook Gallery at SECCA, which is located at 750 Marguerite Drive in Winston-Salem. This event is free and open to the public. March 28-31 – “Metropolis” “Metropolis” returns to the Hanesbrands Theatre, 209 N Spruce St., on March 28-31. Opening night is Thursday, March 28 at 7:30 p.m. Additional productions will be at 8 p.m. on Friday, March 29 and Saturday, March 30. The showing on March 31 will at 2 p.m. See Winstonsalemfestivalball for tickets prices or call (336) 747-1414.

March 30 – Urban League Gala The Winston-Salem Urban League is grateful for your support of the Whitney M. Young Gala originally scheduled for Oct. 27 will be held on March 30 at 6 p.m. at BioTech Place, 575 Patterson Ave. If you already purchased tickets for the original date (October 27), your purchase will carry over to the new date, so there is no need to re-purchase a ticket. If however, you would like to seek a refund, please contact Kenneth Pettigrew ( March 30, April 6 & 13 – Writer’s workshop Winston-Salem Writers will hold three workshops for writers on successive Saturdays, March 30, April 6 and April 13, on various topics on the craft of writing. All workshops will be held at the new offices of the Little Theatre of Winston-Salem, 419 N. Spruce Street, from 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. The cost is $15 per workshop; free to members of WinstonSalem Writers. Nonmembers can join for $36 and attend all three workshops for free. To register, email Payment is at the door, cash or check

March 31 & April 2 – Concerts The Winston-Salem Symphony will present Classics Series concerts. The concerts will take place on Sunday, March 31 at 3 p.m. and Tuesday, April 2 at 7:30 p.m. at Wait Chapel on the campus of Wake Forest University Tickets begin at $20 and are available in advance by calling the Symphony Box Office at 336-464-0145 or online at Ongoing

NOW – Volunteers needed


R e a d • Wr i t e • S p e l l needs volunteers to serve as tutors to public school students and to help with Reading Parties. For more information, email or call (336) 723-4391 ext. 1509.

Every 1st & 3rd Tuesday – Pinochle fun and fellowship Pinochle sessions will be held on 1st and 3rd Tuesday from 10 a.m.12:30 p.m. at Sims Recreation Center, 1201 Alder St. Persons wanting to learn the game are welcome and can call ahead to get a guideline sheet. Call Maurice Johnson at (336) 815-8417 or the center at (336) 727-2837 for more information.

NOW – Cultural Arts directory Triad Cultural Arts Inc. is compiling an online Triad Cultural Arts Directory. We would like to promote regional artistic organizations and independent artists, using our website and Coming Eventz e-newsletter. Post your event in our community news section of the Coming Eblast for free. To have a graphic/flier posted there is a fee. For more information, visit or email How to submit items to the community calendar: We appreciate your community news. Here’s how you can help us to process your news more efficiently: *Please give us complete information about the event, such as the sponsor and address, date, time and place of the event and contact information so that the public can contact someone for more information if needed. *Please submit items in document form in an email or Word or PDF attachment. *Submit photos as attachments to emails as jpegs at least 4 inches wide by 6 inches deep rather than sent on documents. Please send captions with photos. *Please do not send jpeg fliers only, since we cannot transfer the information on them into documents. The deadline is Sunday at 11:59 p.m. to have all calendar items submitted for that week’s paper. Send your calendar items to You can also drop them off, Monday through Friday before 5 p.m., or mail your items to Winston-Salem Chronicle, 1300 E. Fifth St., Winston-Salem, NC 27101; or send them via our website,

Have a Story Idea?

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UNCF issues first ‘State of the HBCU’ address to Congress B6

MARCH 14, 2019



RALEIGH – The UNCF (the United Negro College Fund) released the first HBCU Congressional Honor Roll, recognizing 59 members of Congress for their efforts on behalf of HBCUs and their students. The honor roll will be released annually and will highlight members of Congress who have served as true champions and strong advocates for HBCUs and their students beyond their voting records. Congressional support of HBCUs is vital to the continued success and sustainability of these institutions. Recognizing this, as well as the social and economic impact of HBCUs on the country and the state, Senator Thom Tillis and Representatives Alma Adams, Ted Budd, G. K. Butterfield, and David Price, have taken strong steps to support these institutions by doing things such as joining the bipartisan HBCU Caucus or sponsoring legislation beneficial to HBCUs and the students they serve. “These members of Congress understand that Shaw University is not only an essential element of our community’s high-

Bulky Item Collection Returns The city’s annual bulky item pick-up began March 4 and will run through Sept. 6. Collection crews will go through the city street by street, collecting bulky items that garbage crews cannot accept. Furniture, mattresses, appliances, grills, carpet, old toys and lawn furniture can all be set out. The city cannot collect televisions, computer equipment, building materials, hazardous waste, tires, cement, cars and car parts, stumps, tanks and oil drums, fire wood or yard waste. Do not mix bulky items with recyclables or brush. Bulky item collection is for single family residences, not businesses or apartments. The Sanitation Division will mail post cards in advance to let home owners know when bulky item collection will be held in their neighborhood. Crews will go through each neighborhood only once. To ensure collection, items must be at the curb by 6 a.m. the Monday of your collection week. To find out your collection week, go to and click on the link for online address lookup. Residents without computer access can call CityLink at 311 or (336) 727-8000 and a CityLink agent will look up the collection date.

and CEO Dr. Michael Lomax. “These gains included more than $100 million in additional support for HBCUs. However, our institutions still need significant investment in their infrastructure and innovation goals. In addition to releasing this honor roll, today I delivered the first ever ‘State of the HBCU Address.’ I called on all lawmakers to renew and increase their commitment to HBCUs, the students and the communities they serve, by providing additional funding for the Title III Strengthening Institutions Program and setting aside $1 billion for HBCU capital improvement.” To view the full list or to watch the entire State of the HBCU Address, visit

Therapy Exam (NPTE), a requirement to become a licensed physical therapist, all successfully passed on the first attempt. Also, their average scores (716) once again were significantly

Health Sciences launched an early assurance agreement, a first for an HBCU, that opens the door for WSSU undergraduates who meet admissions criteria to enter the DPT program with one semester remaining in the senior year. A goal of the program is to increase diversity in the profession to better meet the healthcare needs of North Carolina and the nation.

Through the effort, diversity of the 2018 graduating class was well above the national average. WSSU’s physical therapy program began as a master’s-level program and has graduated nearly 400 students since its first class in 1993. Twenty eight students are enrolled in the program each spring to begin a 36month curriculum that includes four clinical edu-

cation experiences spanning 36 weeks. The Doctor of Physical Therapy program is a signature program of WSSU’s School of Health Sciences, which offers learning opportunities for professional and graduate education. For more information, please visit the SOHS website.

pairing veterans with service dogs is clear, the unfortunate reality is that it is often a cost prohibitive option. Costs to purchase a service dog range from $10,000 - $25,000, depending on the animal and service needs of the individual. Saving Grace has been able to minimize these costs by partnering with local animal rescue organizations to locate the best dogs that can be trained to meet the needs of veterans enrolled in the program. Even still, the average cost to cover all training, gear and accessories comes in at approximately $1,500. That’s why the organization relies heavily on individuals and business-

es in the community for support. “We are so thankful for the EnergyUnited Foundation and the support we have received from ordinary people who simply chose to round their bills up to the next dollar,” Parsons said. “That small amount of change from their pockets adds up, and it will make a huge difference for the veterans we serve.” The EnergyUnited Foundation is a voluntary, member-funded nonprofit organization supported by EnergyUnited’s Operation Round-Up program. Nearly 70,000 EnergyUnited members choose to participate in the program by ‘rounding

up’ their electric bills each month. The maximum monthly contribution for an individual member with one account is 99 cents. Each of these small contributions are pooled together in a single fund managed by the EnergyUnited Foundation to support needy individuals, families, and nonprofit organizations like Saving Grace K9’s that complete an application explaining the reason and purpose for their requested grant. For more information about Saving Grace K9’s, please visit

program have received a perfect 100 percent firsttime passage rate on their national licensure exams. Of the 27 WSSU December graduates who took the National Physical

higher than the national average (671). In addition, for the fourth time since 2016, a WSSU graduate had a perfect score of 800 on the exam. Dr. Lynn

Millar, chair of the Department of Physical Therapy, attributes the success to the supportive environment faculty create. “Having a 100 percent cohort pass rate three years in a row demonstrates the quality of our program and dedication of our faculty,” Millar said. “This reinforced with our assessment data from employers who indicate that our graduates are well prepared from day one.” WSSU’s 100 percent first-time passage rate ranks the program among the best in the nation, Millar said. Millar said 80 percent of DPT graduates plan to stay and practice in North Carolina. In 2015, the School of


pair, with a requirement to tally 250 total training hours before graduating. Topics covered in the program include: basic obedience, specific service tasks and public access training. “Saving Grace K9’s is an organization that beautifully embodies the cooperative spirit of the E n e r g y U n i t e d Foundation,” said Debra Citta, EnergyUnited Foundation administrator. “Their success represents a perfect example of what we can accomplish when we work together to meet the needs of the people living in our communities.” In fact, Saving Grace is meeting a very urgent

and serious need. Last year, the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs released an analysis from 2005-2015 that found an average of 20 veterans commit suicide daily. These numbers are very alarming to Parsons, who has personally witnessed the positive impact that service dogs have on veterans who are dealing with PTSD. “There are an endless number of tasks a dog can be trained to perform,” Parsons explained. “They can be trained to help alleviate the anxiety, anger, memory issues and hypervigilance that accompanies combatrelated PTSD.” While the benefits of

For the third consecutive year, graduates of Winston-Salem State U n i v e r s i t y ’ s (WSSU) Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT)

SECU Family House elects new executive board and new members to board of directors. The SECU Family House elected its 2019 slate of officers on the Board of Directors: Bruce Brown (Chair), Michelle Clifton, Esq. (Vice Chair), Marisa Farabaugh (Secretary), Kevin Mack, (Treasurer), and Leigh Cameron Atkins (Member-at-Large). The Family House also elected Mike Gannaway, retired executive from VF Corp, and Dr. Erik Summers, CMO and Medical Director of Bed Management at Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center to their first three-year terms. Returning board members include Will Barnes, Mickey Boles (past Chair), Heather Bolt Mikeal, Jackie Brewer, Raul Colon, Roy Johnson, Lory Kelley, Debbie Marshall, Megan Martin-Wall, Musette Nesbitt and Jose Rodriguez. The Family House recognizes the accomplishments of its retiring member, Shari Covitz, Ph.D.

er education landscape, but a significant contributor to the local and regional economies as well,” said Dr. Paulette Dillard, president of Shaw University, who was present for the announcement. “Specifically, Shaw generates more than 840 jobs and has a total economic impact of $88 million. The University, faculty, staff, and students spend more than $1 million locally, which in turn supports additional job creation. It is in everyone’s best interest that Shaw continues to thrive and the federal support we receive helps make that possible.” “This new HBCU honor roll empowers the work our institutions began more than 150 years ago and hopefully helps us build on the gains we made last Congress,” said UNCF’s President

WSSU physical therapy graduates again achieve 100 percent passage rate on national exams SUBMITTED ARTICLE

Community Briefs

Forsyth Register of Deeds provides out-of-county birth certificates Those born in North Carolina but outside of Forsyth County can get a copy of their birth certificate from the Forsyth County Register of Deeds office. Out-of-county birth certificates only apply for those who are not adopted and were born in 1971 or after. They can only be requested in person at the Register of Deeds office on the second floor of the Forsyth County Government Center, 201 N. Chestnut St. in Winston-Salem. There is a $24 fee for the service that must be paid in cash. Customers also need to bring a valid form of identification. The office is open weekdays from 8 a.m.- 5 p.m. The name for the request needs to exactly match what the county of birth has on file, including any accent marks and punctuation, for staff to find it using a statewide search. Additional searches that need to be performed if a name isn’t found the first time cost an additional $14 each. Parkland High School Class of 1971 The Parkland High School Class of 1971 is planning their 50th reunion. Please send name, address, email and phone number to if you are a graduate of that class.

Novant Health named in Forbes’ top 40 employers for diversity Novant Health was recently named in the top 40 of America’s Best Employers for Diversity by Forbes, marking its second consecutive year on the list. Novant Health placed 38th overall, up from 83rd last year, and is the top-ranking company in North Carolina. Novant Health continues to cultivate a diverse and inclusive culture by providing: *Integration of a diversity and inclusion lens into strategic business imperatives *Diversity and inclusion ongoing education for all Novant Health leaders and team members *Web chats to provide open dialogue among team members around diversity and inclusion related topics and events that affect the communities in which team members work and live *Open forums such as live blogs with the president and CEO, team member meetings, workshops, retreats and celebrations to add to team member diversity knowledge and cultural competency Forbes partnered with a market research company to create the second annual ranking of America’s best employers for diversity. The list was compiled by surveying 50,000 Americans working for businesses with at least 1,000 employees. Respondents were asked to anonymously rate their organizations on age, gender, ethnicity, disability and sexual orientation equality. Then respondents belonging to minority groups were asked to nominate organizations other than their own. The top 500 list features employers that not only received the most recommendations, but also boast the most diverse boards and executive ranks and the most proactive diversity and inclusion initiatives.

EnergyUnited Foundation awards $10,000 grant

STATESVILLE – The EnergyUnited Foundation is pleased to announce it has awarded a $10,000 grant to Saving Grace K9’s, a non-profit, veteran support organization located in Davidson County. Saving Grace K9’s was founded by Brigette Parsons in 2013 to help support veterans suffering from PTSD by pairing each veteran in the program with a rescue dog for service training, or by facilitating service training for a veteran who has already bonded with a dog. The program offers weekly training for the


MARCH 14, 2019



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Jane Doe – mother of the juvenile John Doe – father of the juvenile

TAKE NOTICE that a Juvenile Petition seeking relief against you has been filed in the above-entitled action. The nature of the relief being sought is an adjudication of the Juvenile Petition filed by the Forsyth County Department of Social Services alleging Safe Forsyth Surrender AKA Isaiah Fredrick Forsyth to be a dependent juvenile as pursuant to N.C.G.S. 7B-101(9).

You are required to make a written answer to the Petition alleging to adjudicate de-pendency within forty (40) days after the date of this notice; and upon your failure to make a defense to the Petition within the 40 day period specified herein or to at-tend the hearing on the said Petition, the Petitioner will apply to the Court for ad-judication to the above-referenced juve-nile.

Any counsel appointed previously to represent you and not released by the Court shall continue to represent you. If you are indigent and not already represented by appointed counsel, you are entitled to appointed counsel and provisional counsel has been appointed upon your re-quest subject to the Courts review at the first hearing after this service.

The hearing on the Petition alleging to ad-judicate Dependency is scheduled for 3:00 p.m., on Monday, April 15, 2019 in Courtroom 1-D of the Hall of Justice in Winston-Salem, North Carolina or as soon thereafter as the Court can hear the said case. This the 27th day of February, 2019 _________________________ Theresa A. Boucher Attorney for the Forsyth County Department of Social Services 741 Highland Avenue Winston-Salem, N.C. 27101 ((336) 703-3900 The Chronicle March 7, 14, 21, 2019


We are searching for financial payment contractor (Accounts Receivable Representative). If you are interested contact for more details. The Chronicle March 7, 14, 2019

Hiring Career Opportunities Chief Financial Officer (FQHC) United Health Centers Starting Pay $135k

The Chronicle March 14, 2019

NORTH CAROLINA, WAKE COUNTY, In the General Court of Justice, District Court Division, Concepcion Soto Vergara, Plaintiff vs. Michael Richard Moore, Jr., Defendant. This notice is to: Michael Richard Moore, Jr.: Take notice that a pleading seeking relief against you has been filed in the District Court of Wake County, North Carolina. The nature of the relief being sought is as follows: Sole Legal and Physical Child Custody of the minor child, Michael Richard Moore. You are required to make defense to such pleading not later than 40 days from the date of first publication of this notice. If you fail to do so, the party seeking service against you will apply to the court for the relief sought. This the 18th day of February, 2019. J. Carlos Rojas, Esq, Counsel for Concepcion Soto Vergara, Rojas Legal Services, 5530 Munford Road, Suite 111, Raleigh, NC 27612. The Chronicle February 21, 28 and March 7, 14, 2019 NOTICE TO CREDITORS

Having qualified as Fiduciary of the Estate of Ella P. Jordan (19 E 437), also known as Ella Peterson Jordan Ella Ree Jordan, deceased December 24, 2018, Forsyth County, North Carolina, this is to Notify all persons, firms, and corporation having claims against the Estate of said deceased to present them to the undersigned on or before March 4, 2019 this Notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery. All persons indebted to the said decedent or estate shall please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 4th day of March, 2019. Robert Lee Jordan Fiduciary for Ella P. Jordan, deceased 12715 Glynis Road Cllinton, MD 20735

The Chronicle March 7, 14, 21, 28, 2019 NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS BY PUBLICATION STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA FORSYTH COUNTY In the General Court of Justice Superior Court Division Before the Clerk 19 SP 27

City of Winston-Salem Petitioner, v


Take Notice that a pleading seeking relief against you has been filed in the above entitled civil action. The nature of the relief being sought is as follows: Petition to determine own-ership of $3,344.24 in surplus funds paid to the Forsyth County Clerk of Court after the tax fore-closure sale of real property located at 2731 Teresa Avenue, Winston-Salem, NC 27105, and being known and designated as PIN 684626-0939.000. You are hereby required to make defense to such pleading not later than ten (10) days from the date of publication; and upon failure to do so, the party seeking service against you will apply to the court for the relief sought. This the ___ day of March, 2019. City of Winston-Salem S/: John R. Lawson Assistant City Attorney P.O. Box 2511 Winston-Salem, NC 27102 (336) 747-7406

The Chronicle March 7, 14, 21, 2019

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Having qualified as Administrator of the Estate of Lee Blakney Jr.(00000), deceased October 13, 2018, Forsyth County, North Carolina, this is to Notify all persons, firms, and corporation having claims against the Estate of said deceased to present them to the undersigned on or before May 18, 2019 this Notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery. All persons indebted to the said decedent or estate shall please make immediate payment to the undersigned.



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Geographic a and servicce re restrtricicctions t apply to to U-verse servicces. Call or visit to to verify eligibility. 1 UNLIMITED TA TALK: Phones only. Includes ccaalls from and ttoo DCA, Mexicco and Canada. Other CCoountries: Per-minute ppay-per-use rates apply unless you have an Interrnational Lo Long Distancce serrvic v e package. Rates e subjecct to change w/o noticce. Fo Forr ra rates, see UNLIMITED TEXT: Standard Messaging – Phones only. Requirrees compatible devicce. Includes unlimitted messages up to 1MB in size within DCA to more than 190 countries forr te text messages and 120 countries for picctur t e & video messages. AT&T may add, change & removve included co countries at its discretion w/o notice. Messages sent through appliccations may incur data or other charrgges. See for details. Adv dvanc a ed Messaging: Sender and recipient(s) must be AT&T T postpaid wirreless custtomers with HD Voicce accoun unts, capable devicces, have their deviccees turrned on & be within AT&TT-ow wned and -operated DCA (excludes thirrdd-party covverage & use in Mexicco/Canada). Includes unlimited messages up to to 10MB in size. Other restricctions t apply & can be found at att.ccoom/advanccedmessaging. GEN. WIRELESS SVVC: C: Subj. to to Wireless Custtomer Agmt (att.ccom/wca). Credit approval required. Svcs not forr resale resale. Deposit: May apply. Limits: Purch. & line limits apply. Pricices may vary by location. Taaxes, fees, monthly and other charges, usage, speed, covverage & other restr's apply per line. See att.ccom/additionalchar nalcharges for details on fees & charrges. Prromotions, tter errms & restr's subjecctt to change & may be modified or terminated at any time without noticcee. Inter erna national and domestic off-net data may be at 2G speeds. AT&T servicce is subjecct to AT&T nettwork management policies. See for details. 2 Acceess to available DIRECTV On Demand prroogramming based on package selection. Actual number of show ws andd movvies will vary. Additional fees apply for new re releases and ce cerrtain library titles. CCoompatible equipment and broadband Internet servicce with speeds of 750 Kbps or higher requirred. Dow wnloading On Demand ccoontent may ccoount against your data plan allowancce. Visit directv.ccom/movies for details. 3 Live strtreeaming and On Demand channels vary acccor o ding to TV package, loccation and devicce. Additional fees apply for new releases eases. Out-of-home viewing re requirres High Speed Inter e net ccoonnecction. t Ch Channels/additional features available for live streaming at home when ccoonnected e to an HD DVR with High Speed ccoonnection. All funccttions and prroogramming subjecct to change at any time. Visit directv.ccoom/strtreamdirecctv to get a list of co c mpatible deviccees (sold separately) and details. 4 Whole-Home HD DVR funcctionalit t y rreeq’s an HD DVR ccoonnecteed to one television and a Genie Mini, H25 HD Recceeiver(s) or a DIRECTV Ready TV/Devicce in each additional rrooom. Limit three remote viewings per HD DVR at a time. Visit for ccoomplette details. Exclusions: Does not include taxes, $19.95 acctiv t ation fee, Regional Sports fee of up to $7.49/mo. (which is extra & applies to CHOICE and/or MÁS ULLTR T A and higher pkkgs), g appliccable use tax expense surcharge on rreetail value off installation, equipment upgrades/add-ons and certain other add’l fees & charrges. DIRECTTV SVVC TERMS: Subject to Equipment Lease & Cuustomer Agreements. Must maintain a min. base TV pkg of $29.99/mo. Programming, pricing, terms and conditions subject to change at any time. Some offers may not be available through all channels and in select areas. Visit dirrec ectv.ccoom/legal orr ccaall for details. ©2018 AATT&T Inteellectual Property. All Rights Reserved. AT&TT, Globe logo, DIRECTV, and all other DIRECTTV marks contained herein are trademarks of AT&T Intellecctual t Prooperty and/or AT&T affiliated co companies. All other marks are the prroperty of their respective owners.

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