January 17, 2019

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75 cents

• See Opinion page on A6

Opposing sides meet at Confederate statue W I N S TO N - S A L E M , N . C .

Volume 45, Number 19


See Sports on page B1•

Chants of “Your Southern Soldiers were Enemy Combatants” and a rendition of the Battle Hymn of the Republic divided the corner of Fourth and Liberty streets last Sunday afternoon as more than 100 people gathered downtown to speak in support of or against the city’s decision to remove the statue which was placed at the old Forsyth County Courthouse in 1905. Those opposed to the removal of the statue, which depicts a Confederate soldier holding a rifle, showed up downtown just after 12 p.m. Initially, Heirs of the Confederacy planned to hold a support rally at the former place where the Silent Sam statue stood on the campus of UNC Chapel Hill before it was toppled last year, then travel to Winston-Salem for a similar event. In response to the scheduled meeting at the statue, a group called “Get Hate Out of WinstonSalem” scheduled to meet on the same day and time to show their support for the city’s decision to have the statue removed. Freezing rain, sleet, and snow didn’t stop residents from traveling from near and far to make sure their voices were heard on Sunday, Jan. 13. While taking a break from leading chants such as “Take it Down” and “Get Hate Out of Winston,” rally organizer Lillian Podlog said we must pay attention to what the statue represents. “…Yes it is history but we must ask what that history is. That statue was put up in 1905 by a man who murdered black people and went on to become mayor of Wilmington. That’s the history we’re talking about here,” said Podlog. “If you want to honor history let’s be clear on what that history is. It’s not about honoring a soldiers like they say.” Those who want the monument to stay where it is argue that the statue and their support of the Confederacy have little to do with slavery and the

T H U R S D AY, J a n u a r y 1 7 , 2 0 1 9

Supporters and protesters of the Confederate Monument gather in Downtown Winston-Salem.

Photos by Alphonso Abbott Jr.

oppression of black people. One of those men was Bill from Davie County. While standing near the statue with about 20-25 other men, Bill told The Chronicle that he studied the American Civil War for nearly 20 years and the city made the wrong decision.

“…I studied that time period for 18 years and the sad truth of it is there’s so much ignorance about what that war was about. It was not about slavery, it was about tariffs and money. It was a political war,” he said. “…The fussing at that time was mostly about tar-

iffs. The Southern states wanted to be a free economy and they wanted to have free trade with the world.” Aside from a few shouting matches, cold stares, and the occasional middle finger, both sides remained calm during the

encounter. More than a dozen officers with the Winston-Salem Police Department were on hand to ensure everyone was safe. Despite the efforts of the Heirs to the

Confederacy and others who are against the statue being removed, after receiving a letter from the City of Winston-Salem and Winston Courthouse LLC, for owners of the property where the statue currently


Rep. Anthony Brown. “So, I’m hearing about this, like my colleagues, each and every day from my constituents, while this shutdown is set to become the longest in the nation’s history,” said Brown, who joined Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) Chair Karen Bass (D-Calif.); Rep. Bennie Thompson

(D-Miss.), and Rep. Barbara Lee (D-Calif.), on a media conference call on Friday, Jan. 11. The CBC members said they were calling for an end to the shutdown so that workers can again begin to collect their paychecks and critical government services can resume. During the call, the

members discussed the debilitating effects of the ongoing government shutdown as thousands of federal employees are unable to collect their paychecks. They also denounced President Donald Trump’s threat to declare a state of emergency if Congress refuses to fund a border

wall – one in which the president claimed during his campaign that Mexico would pay for. “This shutdown and the whole issue of the wall is a fake crisis,” Bass said. “At the end of the day, even if he had all the money, it would still take eminent domain to build

Government shutdown hits African-Americans the hardest NNPA NEWSWIRE CORRESPONDENT

With over 50,000 federal employees, the fourth congressional district in Maryland represents the fifth largest number of workers, and Maryland likely counts as the third largest impacted state by the government shutdown, according to Democratic

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Statue from page A1

stands, it’s just a matter of time before the statue is removed. The letter to the United Daughters of the confederacy, owners of the statue, reads; “owner’s primary responsibility is to the residents of the Property who have a right to enjoy a quality living

space without being subjected to disturbances of any kind. Unfortunately, the recent controversy, press reports, and references to potential violence, have raised serious concerns for some of the residents. “Therefore in order to protect the residents and the Property, the owner cannot allow the Statue to remain on the Property.”

WS/FcS holds district wide science fairs By TeViN STiNSoN The chroNicLe

Some of the most inquisitive young minds in our area raised some interesting questions last week as dozens of students came together for the annual district-wide science fairs. The festivities began on Thursday, Jan. 10 with the Secondary Science Fair at Kaleideum North for middle and high school students. Not to be outdone, on Friday, Jan. 11 it was the elementary students' turn to take center stage. Projects such as "Which Soda changes the color of My Teeth the Fastest," "classical, Talk & rock:

enjoyed most about her project was finding out how insulin works because a lot of people in her family have diabetes. “i thought it was really cool how insulin worked and all that,” she said. “… it makes me happy that i have gotten this far but i don’t care if i win, i’m just happy i did the project.” With her second place finish in the 3rd -5th grade division, Meade and other winners will head to the regional science fair next month. according to David Delade, district director of K-12 science, first, second and third place winners in the 3rd -5th division, and both secondary divisions

District director of k-12 science


T h e c h r oN i c Le

his wall. That process will take years. This is further from page A1 evidence that this is a fake crisis and, in my opinion, just an attempt to change our attention away from the numerous impending investigations,” she said. Thompson, the chair of the homeland Security committee, said the shutdown is taking its toll on workers and government operations. “it is a challenge for us in homeland Security. We have 80 percent of the workforce not being paid. That goes from TSa employees in airports, to the coast Guard, to the Secret Service, to custom Border Protection individuals, and all of those individuals who have sworn to keep us safe, are not being paid,” Thompson said. “That’s not fair and we are compromising our national security strategy by reducing the morale of the employees.” on Saturday, Jan. 12, the shutdown entered its 22nd day, a record. NBc News and other outlets estimate that 800,000 federal employees are furloughed or working without pay because Trump and congress cannot reach a deal to reopen the government. They are at an impasse over $5.7 billion for construction of a wall along the southern border. The number of furloughed employees does not include federal contractors, according to a report by NBc News. it’s unclear how many contract or grant employees are affected by the shutdown — or even how many there are in total — but a Volcker alliance report estimated that nearly 5.3 million worked as contractors in 2015. Unlike furloughed federal employees, who have received assurances that they will be paid once the shutdown ends, contractors are not owed back pay and that has left them in an even murkier economic position.

Further, communities of color are probably the hardest hit by the shutdown, said Lee, who co-chairs the Steering and Policy committee and serves on the house committee on appropriations. Black people comprise 12 percent of the country’s

By TeViN STiNSoN The chroNicLe

istrators from our schools, as well as district and community representatives,” osbourne said. along with informational sessions on how and when to register, transportation options, and immunization information, representation from every school in the district was also on hand to answer any questions parents may have. “i think this is a awesome event. Before today i had a lot of questions about the process and most of those questions have been answered,” said Janet Wilcox while visiting the various vendors last weekend. “This eases the mind a lot. i’m glad the district is doing what they can to help parents and students.” Students had activities to enjoy at the countdown to Kindergarten event as well, including opportunities to

population but are 18 percent of the federal workforce, according to the Partnership for Public Service. “We know that communities of color are disproportionately affected by this irresponsible Trump government shutdown. and today is especially painful for so many workers because it should be payday,” Lee said. Without these paychecks, many federal workers are hanging on by a thread, she said. “i know there are hundreds of thousands of families out there who are grappling with the anxiety, and really fear, of not being able to pay the bills as this shutdown drags on. “Let’s be very clear: what’s happening here is President Trump is holding this government hostage and holding people hostage in order to get his useless, wasteful wall,” Lee said.

Preparing for the classroom

Kaleideum North, formerly SciWorks, located at 400 W. hanes Mill road, was transformed into a one-stop shop for everything Kindergarten last Saturday as hundreds of parents, students, teachers, principals, administrators, and other educators came together for countdown to Kindergarten. The event hosted by Winston-Salem/Forsyth county Schools is part of the district’s ready, Set, K! program, which is designed to ease the process for parents and students when preparing for the transition from Pre-K to kindergarten or to the classroom for the first time. The event on Saturday, Jan. 12, included several different sta-

The Secondary Science Fair was held on Jan. 10 at Kaleideum North.

Photo by Tevin Stinson

how Music and Talk radio affect Plant Growth,” “What removes Stains the Best?” and countless others were on display during the event. Many of the participants were there for the first time including fifth graders hialeah hazel and ella Meade. hazel, who attends South Fork elementary School, said what she enjoyed most about competing in the science fair was explaining her project to the judges. although it was her first time participating, hazel said she is looking forward to next year’s fair already. Meade, who took home second place in her division, is a student at Sedge Garden elementary School. While speaking with The chronicle before winners were announced, Meade said what she

(middle and high school), advance to regionals for the chance to compete at state. Before announcing the winners, Delade congratulated all the students on a job well done. “…Students, you did an amazing job today with your projects. interviewing, getting everything together and presenting everything; i want you to give yourself a hand,” he said. “Just remember, students, if we come out today and maybe you didn’t win anything, just keep this in mind that you should always keep questions through methodology and science.” “We’re all winners here today and it doesn’t matter if we come away with anything or not, we have to feel good about ourselves.”

Countdown to Kindergarten draws large crowd.

tions for parents and students. according to Vanessa osborne, transition coordinator for WS/FcS, “This event marks the beginning of the enrollment process for children who will be five on or before august 31, 2019. it is a way for families and their children to experience a bit of what school will be like, from the bus ride to the lunch line and on to the classroom. it’s a great way to meet and chat with teachers and admin-

New principal chosen for Lowrance Middle School

Photo by Tevin Stinson

board a school bus, go through a practice lunch and nap time, explore the exhibits at the museum, and the chance to meet ready Freddy, the countdown to Kindergarten mascot. For more information on countdown to Kindergarten, or the ready, Set, K! Program, contact Vanessa osborne at (336) 748-4000, ext. 34245 or Kelley Bendheim at (336) 341-0539.

SPeciaL To The chroNicLe

Samantha Manring will be the new principal at Lowrance Middle School. Manring has served as principal at The children’s center since 2016. Prior to that appointment, she served as an assistant principal at cash, Kernersville, and Walkertown elementary Schools starting in 2010. Manring started her career with WS/FcS in 2000 working in the exceptional children’s Department. During that time, she served in multiple roles including ec resource Teacher, Process Specialist, case Manager, and core Team Member. Manring earned a bachelor’s degree from high Point University and a master’s degree in special education from appalachian State University. Manring replaces Peggy Dickey who resigned at the end of 2018.



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Samantha Manring, new Lowrance principal.

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Photo by Tevin Stinson

The chronicle (USPS 067-910) was established by ernest h. Pitt and Ndubisi egemonye in 1974 and is published every Thursday by chronicle Media Group, LLc, 1300 e. Fifth St., Winston Salem, N.c. 27101. Periodicals postage paid at Winston-Salem, N.c. annual subscription price is $30.72. PoSTMaSTer: Send address changes to: The chronicle, P.o. Box 1636 Winston-Salem, Nc 27102-1636


JA N UA RY 17 , 20 1 9 A 3

I HAVE a DREAM - Martin Luther King Jr.

Honoring Martin Luther King Jr. Day

California Congresswoman Maxine Waters Makes History A4 JA N UA RY 1 7, 2 01 9

By CHarLene CroWeLL, SpeCiaL To THe CHroniCLe

as 2019 begins, there is also a new Congress with leadership in the House of representatives that makes history for people of color and women alike. Long-time California representative nancy pelosi returns as Speaker of the House – the first time in 50 years that a member of Congress has achieved this feat. on a gender note, Speaker pelosi becomes the most powerful woman on Capitol Hill and the only female in the nation’s history to do so. There’s also another key woman and legislator that is making history. Congresswoman Maxine Waters is now the first black and the first woman to chair the powerful House Financial Services Committee. Having served on this committee since 1995, and its ranking member in the previous Congress, Waters will set the committee’s agenda in key areas affecting the economy, banking, housing, insurance and securities. The House Financial Services Committee oversees the activities and responsibilities for major financial regulators, agencies, and the nation’s central bank, the Federal reserve. These agencies include but are not limited to the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), the Federal Deposit insurance Corporation – that insures monies in depository institutions, as well as the Securities and exchange Commission that is charged with maintaining fair and efficient investment markets. in other words, the fiery and bold black lawmaker who earned a reputation for challenging Wall Street and major lenders during the housing crisis will now set the direction for a range of financial players, regulators, and institutions. From monetary policy to the production and distribution of currency, and expanding financial access to affordable hous-

ing options, a progressive and principled committee chair is running the show. She is also expected to set standards of performance that level the financial playing field and hold lenders accountable when they take advantage of consumers or discriminate in their lending. With the right kind of regulation and committee oversight, the nation may be able to change financial trends that have worsened both racial and gender wealth gaps. For example, a December 2018 report by the asset Funder’s network analyzed racial and gender disparities in wealth and found that black and Latina women have “lost substantial amounts of wealth in the last two decades.” From 2007 to 2016, black women ages 45-65 had a 74 percent drop in median wealth, compared to that of white women who experienced a 28 percent drop. Further, the asset Funders network concluded the median “quasi-liquid” savings for single black and Latina women aged 45-50 was $0. earlier in 2017 the Federal reserve found that nearly 1 in 5 black families have zero or negative net worth — twice the rate of white families. additionally the median net worth of black families was one-tenth of that held by white families. These wealth disparities continue to plague communities of color in large part because of disparities in home ownership that enable consumers to build wealth. year after year, the Home Mortgage Disclosure act (HMDa) report has consistently found that consumers of color are denied access to mortgages, especially private conventional loans that remain the most sustainable and affordable loans. Last year, the Center for investigative reporting published its analysis of the most recent HMDa report. “it found a pattern of troubling denials for people of color across the country, including in major metro-

T H e C H r on i C Le

politan areas such as atlanta, Detroit, philadelphia, St. Louis and San antonio,” states the report. “africanamericans faced the most resistance in Southern cities – Mobile, alabama; Greenville, north Carolina; and Gainesville, Florida – and Latinos in iowa City, iowa.” a second but equally harmful trend is predatory lending that targets these same consumers with high-cost credit that creates debt traps. When consumers find themselves short of cash before paydays, overdraft fees, payday and car title loans are among the most predatory due to their extremely high interest rates and failure to consider whether borrowers have the financial capacity to repay the loans without taking on additional debt. For all of Black america, as well as consumer advocates and others who believe financial fairness should be the nation’s watchword, an expectation of a new era of accountability, access and transparency is hoped to soon unfold. "She is a tough and savvy defender of consumer protection and holds the feet of the banks and the Trump administration regulators to the fire," said Mike Calhoun, president of the Center for responsible Lending in a recent interview. Should anyone doubt the resolve of Congresswoman Waters, consider her reaction last fall when she and other prominent progressives faced a series of bomb threats and other violence. “We have to keep doing what we’re doing in order to make this country right,” Waters told the Washington post. “That’s what i intend to do. and as the young people say, ‘i ain’t scared.’” Charlene Crowell is the Center for Responsible Lending’s Communications Deputy Director. She can be r e a c h e d at Charlene.crowell@res ponsiblelending.org.

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The fiery and bold black lawmaker who earned a reputation for challenging Wall Street and major lenders during the housing crisis will now set the direction for a range of financial players, regulators, and institutions.

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She wears blood-red shoes, making money moves T H e C H R ON i C le


JA N UA RY 1 7, 2 01 9 A 5


Shalisha Morgan is a single mother of two that moved from Kansas City to Winston-Salem with her skills and a dream to start a tech repair business. “My two children and i moved here with basically nothing, no contacts, nothing; just a job,” said Morgan. But Morgan didn’t see that as a negative, she used it as motivation, “i could have easily said i can’t do this, but i work my butt off and networked my butt off to get where i’m at.” She’s the founder, consultant and repair tech for The Geek in Heels. Her kiosk is located on the second floor in Hanes Mall in WinstonSalem. When i saw the tall and beautiful Shalisha, she was wearing red stilettos. She’s not the “geek” in the movies and TV and when you visit her kiosk, you’ll notice that immediately. Morgan was hard at work on a computer when my son Nate and i arrived. She looked up and smiled, “You must be Busta Brown. i’m Shalisha,” and then gently extended her hand to greet me. She was very confident, yet humble. “let me finish this, and i’ll be right with you” and then looked at my 6-year-old son, Nate and gave him a huge smile. it was clear she loves children, “is this your son?” she asked. i said yes

Morgan in Heels.

and she replied, “He’s handsome.” When we begin the interview, my first question was what set her apart from the Tech Giants. “i do all those little things they don’t and won’t.” i noticed cracked screens from cell phones, computers and tablets, and also brand new screens. “i can fix anything, and i go above and beyond for my customers. And i’m honest. i do a lot of things others won’t do for their clients.” Then she grabbed a phone to demonstrate. She showed me a phone that was open, and then pointed to the different parts of the phone, “every component in this phone is replaceable. The power button, the back and front camera, the volume button; all the parts in your cell phone are replaceable. But they lie to their customers and say they have to buy a new phone, you don’t. i can fix it and have it ready in 45 minutes. i save my customers the $300 they’re charged to buy a new phone. i love to save my customers money.” Shalisha says it’s important that she keeps up with all the latest technology, “i don’t mind traveling to other cities and states, even if i knew nobody. i’m

Morgan working on a computer at her kiosk in Hanes Mall in Winston-Salem. still going to go, and leave with at least one contact. Networking is key.” As for her 11- and 6-year-old children, “i take my babies with me. They need to see various flavors of what success looks like, besides their mom.” i asked the savvy businesswoman if she was nervous about leaving everything behind in Kansas City to come to the Twin City to start her own business. She said, “Not really, because i know my abilities and talents, so i knew i would be successful.” She’s also setting her children up to be successful entrepreneurs as


well. “i also started a business for my children as well, called i See Tech For Kids. i gave that name because i’m a believer in you can’t be what you can’t see, and we want children to see, you can be anything you want to be in the tech business. it’s not just coding, you can do security, computer repair, etc. And when young girls that walk by my business see me, they believe if she can do it, so can i. A lot of times young ladies don’t pursue their dreams because they don’t see anyone that looks like them.” During the rest of my interview, Shalisha Morgan talks about the challenges she faces as a woman in the tech repair business and also how she deals with the offensive questions she’s asked by some of the passers-by at the mall. Also, she shares her idea of a geek, and once you see the video, you decide if she fits the image. You’ll truly enjoy the interview. Go to our YouTube page at WinstonsalemChronicle. The Geek in Heels is located in Hanes Mall on the second floor near the food court. You can reach her at (336) 794-6762 or www.TheGeekinHeels.com



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Can Winston- Nation held hostage Salem learn from Charlottesville? To the Editor

On next Monday, January 21, more than a thousand people from all over the city will gather at the Benton Convention Center to celebrate the life and the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. for our annual prayer breakfast. The Martin Luther King, Jr. Prayer Breakfast is an annual partnership between The Chronicle, the local Ministers’ Conference, area businesses, churches and various members of our community. Community partners gather to fellowship and to hear a timely message that will inspire and uplift our culture. This year’s message to the Winston-Salem community will be delivered by Councilman Dr. Wes Bellamy of Charlottesville, VA who was in the trenches on the day that white nationalists transformed his Virginia community from a place for lovers, to a microcosm of hate, violence and death over the removal of a Confederate monument statue. Though President Trump has stated that there were, “some very fine people on both sides” of the white nationalist rally, there are many who feel that supporters of Confederate symbols have outlived their welcome in America, particularly in the urban core of our cities where populations are more educated and diverse. Now, here in Winston-Salem, the Mayor and the Winston-Salem City Council have called for the removal and relocation of the Confederate statue located at the corner of Fourth and Liberty streets. The statue was also vandalized on Christmas Day with the words “cowards and traitors,” further sparking outrage from white nationalist and Confederate preservationists. Last Sunday, a majority crowd of non-city confederate statue supporters faced off with a majority crowd of Winston-Salem residents to express their opinions about the proposed fate of the local Confederate monument. Unlike the protests in Charlottesville, VA the protests here in Winston-Salem ended peacefully with no violent incidents. Regardless of how we feel about the presence of Confederate symbols in our community, we must remember the violence and the carnage that can take place when cooler heads refuse to prevail on issues that we care about most. Winston-Salem is the City of Arts and Innovation, which reinforces the notion that we live in a community of creative minds and innovative thinkers that may not always agree. What we can agree on is that every life is precious in this city and that all protests must be peaceful. There is a way to vigilantly fight for justice and to strive to live in peace all at the same time. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. taught us this lesson with his actions of peaceful protest and also with his words of liberation. Dr. King stated, “We must learn to live together as brothers or we will perish together as fools.” We are excited to celebrate the legacy of Dr. King on Monday morning over a community breakfast. We will hear from Dr. Wes Bellamy on his Charlottesville experiences and how they are relevant to our recent experiences with Confederate symbols here in Winston-Salem. It is no secret that if we don't learn from mistakes of the past, we may be destined to repeat them in the future.

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President Trump's speech on Jan. 8 sought to further hold our nation hostage over the building of a useless, massively expensive, and politically fabricated border wall – one that few want, security experts agree wastes our time and resources, and further divides our country before construction even begins. The government shutdown over this immoral and irrational political stunt has now led to hundreds of thousands of federal employees missing paychecks and halted vital services, affecting families and children across the United States. The only crisis at the border is the one that was caused by the Trump administration's cruel policies towards children and families—policies that actually jeopardize, rather than enhance, our security. Any crisis here was

The Moral Decline of America To the Editor

Only intervention from God can stop the moral decline of America. The hoopla about the historical significance of the election of Pelosi as Speaker of the House will pass, but there will be consequences, unless there is a change of heart. Nancy Pelosi, “America’s most powerful woman” is accountable to God, like everybody else. She has served in Congress for 32 years. Some have probably been there

Raleigh NC Justice Center

longer! A new heart from God would make her realize that America murdering over 2,000 unborn babies daily is a horrible thing to be doing! And since she believes “she is a super legislator” she should introduce a law to ban abortion. After all, obeying God is what we are to be doing. American laws are to be made by the Legislative Branch, not the Supreme Court. Therefore, when the Supreme Court exceeds their authority, it is the Legislative Branch, which should reverse the intrusion. But in several other cases too, the Supreme Court has exceeded a much higher authority, God. In those cases, they need to be reversed too. God would have to change many stony hearts to bring that about.


Donald Trump is a lousy teleprompter reader. His fake crisis speech from the Oval Office was clearly the product Guest of his handlers telling Columnist him in no uncertain terms, "Read it. Do not say anything else. Just read what we've written for you to say. Period. Not. Another. Syllable. Or you die on the vine." Dave Barry used to make fun of Al Gore for being so wooden in his speeches as Clinton's VP. Barry was funny; he referred to beavers chewing on Gore's leg while Clinton apologized to the nation for something – military mishaps in Serbia, sleeping with random women – and Gore would stand there dutifully, imitating an aspen tree, the favorite of beavers everywhere. If Gore was wooden, Trump was petrified and putrefied. He had zero idea what he was saying, mouthing words, faking expressions, emphasizing incorrect syllables, and looking pinched and pained that he was being controlled. I can see him ripping off the leash instantly afterwards. "We control you or you cease to be president." That must have been the message from Stephen Miller, his eloquently lying Officer of Disinformation, a staffer minimally nine times smarter than Trump but equally amoral. Trump told us, astonishingly, that the wall would be paid for three times, never by the American people. Once, as he promised relentlessly and re-rerepeatedly in his campaign promises, by Mexico. Two, incredibly in his speech, by "itself." Um … ok.

Tom Hastings

politically manufactured by the President. It is further unacceptable to negotiate new immigration policies while the government is shut down. Calling for "compromise" creates a false equivalency between thoughtful discourse over reasonable, pragmatic policy options and the demands of a chaotic White House administration using a ransom note to dictate the way forward. There is no ransom here to be paid, no bargaining to be done. Holding the nation, innocent federal employees, and lawmakers hostage in the name of a divisive, archaic border wall is harmful not only to our democracy, but in concrete ways, to millions of families and local economies across the nation. We are better than that as a people. The vast majority of Americans opposes the wall and want the government reopened immediately. The Justice Center urges our North Carolina lawmakers to support bipartisan government funding bills that will end this reckless shutdown.

Manuel Ybarra, Jr. Coalgate, OK

Three, what will we do with all this extra money? – "indirectly," by his new NAFTA 2.0 deal. Yeah. That mechanism was explained clearly by No One, Ever. That is classic gaslighting. Fake news. Lying. That. Will. Never. Happen. You will pay for it, assuming you are an American taxpayer. None of his lies were anything but. Not Mexico. Not "itself." Not "indirectly." Bullpucky. Pelosi was OK. She stated truthfully that Congress passed a bipartisan bill to reopen the government. But Schumer was more succinct: "We don't govern by temper tantrum." The new Congress has adaptively and rightly separated the Trump Great Wall debate from the ongoing functioning of the US government. It is up to the Senate to pass it and Trump to sign it. Step up, Republican Senators. Especially Cory Gardner (CO), Susan Collins (ME), Joni Ernst (IA), Shelly Moore Capito (WV), Thom Tillis (NC), and Lindsay Graham (SC). You believe you are safe? You can screw the American people with your business as usual? We shall see. You are all up for office again in 2020 and you have supported the stupidest Trump-for-ignorance, Trump versus the American people, Trump-corrupt measures, legislation, and nominations. You believe we'll forget and vote you back in. I wonder. What are the American people made of? Time will tell. Dr. Tom H. Hastings is PeaceVoice Director and on occasional an expert witness for the defense in court.


JANUARY 17, 2019 A7

Remembering Dr. King and ‘The Other America’

Once again on the third Monday in January, Charlene much of the nation will mark the life of the late Crowell Rev. Dr. Martin luther King, Jr. Countless proGuest grams and events will no Columnist doubt recall several of his famous speeches from the 1963 March on Washington’s “i Have A Dream” to his “i’ve Been to the Mountaintop” delivered in Memphis during the 1968 sanitation workers’ strike. in a life of only 39 years, Dr. King captured global attention in his valiant, nonviolent fight for the values of freedom, justice and equality. Preaching and fighting for long overdue citizenship rights first promised to all in the Declaration of independence, he championed economic justice – especially for blacks to have safe, decent, and affordable housing. He also called for full participation in the economy, and an end to financial exploitation. Now 51 years since his assassination, his words still strike a resonant chord. His words -- written as prose but markedly poetic--remain as timely as they are timeless. “There are so many problems facing our nation and our world, that one could just take off anywhere,” Dr. King said in a speech delivered on April 14, 1967 at Stanford University. Entitled, “The Other America,” Dr. King began by recapping the nation’s bounty and beauty, noting how “America is overflowing with the milk of prosperity and the honey of opportunity,” and how “millions of young people grow up in the sunlight of opportunity.” For his audience, those comments almost certainly reflected the lifestyles of the students attending one of the nation’s elite educational institutions. in his inimitable Baptist cadence, Dr. King then went on to speak of the “Other America” that was equally real but far removed from the commonplace privilege associated with Stanford.

“little children in this other America are forced to grow up with clouds of inferiority forming every day in their little mental skies. As we look at this other America, we see it as an arena of blasted hopes and shattered dreams,” said Dr. King. “it’s more difficult today because we are struggling for genuine equality. it’s much easier to integrate a lunch counter than it is to guarantee a livable income and a good solid job. it’s much easier to guarantee the right to vote than it is to guarantee the right to live in sanitary, decent housing conditions.” in 2019 the two Americas Dr. King wrote about still remain. A nation once lauded for its enviable and expanding middle class has evolved into a nation of people who are either growing wealthy or growing poor. in this unfortunate process, the nation’s envied middle class is vanishing. Historically, homeownership has been a reliable measure of the nation’s middle class. late last year it stood at 64.4 percent according to the Census Bureau. yet when race and ethnicity are added, who owns a home today discloses a far different picture. White homeownership was higher than the national average at 73.1 percent. But blacks still suffering from the financial losses from the now decade-old foreclosure crisis had a homeownership rate of 41.7 percent, lower than its pre-housing crisis rate of 47.7 percent. Today’s black homeownership resembles the same levels experienced at the time of the 1968 Fair Housing Act’s passage. latino homeownership today is higher than that of blacks at 46.3 percent; but still lower than its earlier precrisis rate of 47.7 percent. Housing also remains troubled for renters as well. According to the National low-income Housing Coalition, the nation lacks more than 7 million affordable rental homes that affect 43.8 million families. Moreover, 11 million families pay more than half of their income on housing and are considered severely-cost burdened. As of January 3, over 1,100 HUD contracts with landlords for its Section 8 rental voucher program expired. By February, another 1,000 more contracts are expected to

expire. At press time, the stalemated federal government shutdown continued, leaving millions of people uncertain about their lives, or livelihoods or both. While landlords and HUD figure out the paperwork, 1.2 million families relying on this vital rental support program remain at risk. Also caught in partisan bickering of a federal government shutdown are men and women – the military and civil servants - whose service to the country is deemed so essential that they must continue to work without knowing when another paycheck will arrive. Another 800,000 furloughed federal workers may be at home; but like others affected by the shutdown, they too still need to pay their rent or mortgage, honor their financial obligations and take care of children as best they can. When times are tough financially, a range of predatory lenders seize opportunities to tempt those who are hardpressed for cash with interest rates on loans that would make a bookie blush. When a loan of only a few hundred dollars comes with interest payments that double or triple the cash borrowed, predatory lenders are ready to exploit those with few or no financial options. Those who are unpaid or underemployed – those who are working but failing to earn a salary comparable to their education and training, student loan repayments can take a financial backseat to housing, utilities, or other daily living needs. At press deadline, the federal shutdown was approaching the 1995 shutdown record of 21 days. in 1967 Dr. King advised his Stanford University audience, “Somewhere we must come to see that social progress never rolls in on the wheels of inevitability. it comes through the tireless efforts and the persistent work of dedicated individuals…. And so we must help them, and we must realize that the time is always right to do right.” This year, may we all honor Dr. King and do our respective efforts to make America live up to its promise of opportunity for all.

i was born into segregation and know the James B. evils of separate but However, Ewers Jr. equal. America has come a long way since the days of Guest separate water fountains and accommodations Columnist simply based upon your race. Some would say that the current immigration problem is simply a problem of race and ethnicity. if you look at the history of race and racism in this country, it is hard to give a counter point of view. it appears that no matter how hard we try that racist behavior by some members of our beloved community continues to put a stain on this country. While some would say differently, i believe the present tone in America empowers racism. i call it RWA (racism without apology). People of ill will commit racists acts and think nothing of it. Recently in Portland, Oregon, a black man was on the receiving end of a racist act. Jermaine Massey, an AfricanAmerican male was a registered guest at the DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel. He was in the city attending a concert by rapper Travis Scott.

Jermaine Massey was in the hotel lobby calling his mother. A DoubleTree security guard asked Massey to leave the hotel property. This is after finding out that he was a registered guest in the hotel. The incident has prompted the hotel to fire the security guard and another employee. Of course, apologies have been non-stop since the incident. Paul Peralta, general manager at the hotel, has issued an apology. The mayor of Portland, Ted Wheeler said, “it is deeply troubling to hear about Mr. Massey’s experience with discrimination.” And lastly, the Hilton Hotel Corporate Offices have also issued an apology saying that it is not consistent with their values. The next steps according to the hotel will be to launch an investigation which will get to the bottom of it. Well, in my opinion, the bottom of it is that this highly regarded hotel hired two racist employees. This incident has some similarities to what happened at a Starbucks last year in Philadelphia. As with Starbucks, i wouldn’t be surprised if the Hilton Hotel has its employees undergo diversity training. Diversity training has its merits. it gives employees a set of guidelines and principles regarding employee behavior and customer service. Role playing and developing better communication skills are components of these training sessions. Equally as important is that they teach you how to value and respect people that are different than

you. Diversity training and when it occurs depends upon the organization. We will have to wait to see what approach the Hilton takes. However not to engage in some level of diversity training would be a mistake. i will say to the Hilton that the public is watching to see what you do. While we try to convince ourselves otherwise, race matters in the United States of America. While there may be another view, many of these uprisings involve African American males. Jermaine Massey was sitting as a registered guest in a hotel lobby. What was his crime? His blackness? Am i being overly sensitive? Dr. Cornell West wrote a book entitled Race Matters in 1993. it tackles an uncomfortable topic for a lot of people and that is race. Too many of us are wandering around in a racial wilderness. let’s do better. We must! James B. Ewers Jr. Ed.D. is a former tennis champion at Atkins High School in Winston-Salem and played college tennis at Johnson C. Smith University, where he was all-conference for four years. He is a retired college administrator. He can be reached at ewers.jr56@yahoo.com


two boys, aged 7 and 10, and their families. Now in their 30s, they tell the story of how they were sexually abused by Jackson, and how they came to terms with it years later.”

The fallout from “Surviving R. Kelly” continues with numerous celebrities joining the chorus of millions on social media and other platforms who’ve called for Kelly’s arrest. A Georgia prosecutor is reportedly looking into potential charges and, in Kelly’s hometown of Chicago, a district attorney has publicly called on “victims” to come forward. CNN reported on Wednesday, that R. Kelly’s former manager, James Mason, has been accused of threatening to kill the father of Jocelyn Savage, one of the women featured in the documentary. The case was presented to a Magistrate Judge who issued a warrant in July, citing “terroristic threats and acts.” As for Jackson, the late hitmaker often publicly said he simply enjoyed the company of children because of their innocence. “i’d slit my wrist before i’d hurt a child,” Jackson once said in a broadcast interview. His defenders have always pointed out that Jackson’s accusers were after money or fame themselves and could not be trusted. it was that theme that helped attorney Tom Mesereau successfully defend Jackson in his 2005 case in California. Mesereau famously referred to the accuser and his family as “grifters,” looking for a handout. No one in the Jackson camp returned messages on Wednesday. it should be noted that the accuser in that case has always maintained he was molested and, despite financial hardships, his family never attempted to sue Jackson. The accuser went on to graduate college and get married. ironically, Robson who defended Jackson in 2005, said it was only after he had gotten married and had a child of his own that he began to come to terms with what Jackson had done to him years earlier. “i have never forgotten one moment of what Michael did to me,” Robson told the Today Show in 2013. “But, i was psychologically and emotionally completely unable and unwilling to understand that it was sexual abuse.”

Hotel apologizes to African-American man they kicked out

New Documentary Threatens to Expose Michael Jackson as Child Predator

First R. Kelly. Now it’s the late King of Pop. After the scathing and gut-wrenching lifetime Television documentary, “Surviving R. Kelly,” shed more light on the alleged crimes of the R&B crooner, a new film about Michael Jackson threatens to do the same to the late “Thriller” singer. The Wrap reports that the 2019 Sundance Film Festival has added a documentary that will focus on two men: (presumably) choreographer Wade Robson and James Safechuck, who say they were sexually abused by Michael Jackson. Following Jackson’s death in 2009, Robson, who has worked with Brittney Spears, NySNC* and others filed a lawsuit against the “Thriller” singer’s estate claiming that handlers of the superstar essentially helped run a childsex ring. Robson claimed in a lawsuit, that was later tossed because a California judge said he waited too late to file, that Jackson raped him. Safechuck, who at 7 years old was befriended by Jackson and traveled extensively with the singer, also sued Jackson’s estate. While neither Robson nor Safechuck previously made complaints, Robson testified in Jackson’s defense at the singer’s 2005 trial which resulted in an acquittal for Jackson who was charged with 13 counts of molesting a teen cancer patient. Jackson had always maintained his innocence. However, many have argued that Jackson admittedly settled at least three multimillion dollar claims made by prepubescent boys and their families. A sheriff’s deputy at his 2005 trial claimed that, when factoring in settlement cash, attorney’s fees, private investigator costs and other fees, Jackson spent more than $200 million to quiet abuse allegations. The synopsis for the Jackson documentary titled, “leaving Neverland,” says: “At the height of his stardom, Michael Jackson began long-running relationships with

The report notes that the #MeToo and #TimesUp movements have resulted in some of Hollywood’s biggest names being outed as predators, abusers or simply having a history of inappropriate behavior.

WSSU receives $600,000 Mellon Foundation grant for humanities A8


t h e c h r on i c le

17, 2019

Special to the chronicle

the andrew W. Mellon Foundation has awarded Winston-Salem State University (WSSU) a $600,000 grant to strengthen its programs in the humanities. WSSU is one of the few public hBcUs – and one of only five University of north carolina System institutions – to receive a grant over the Mellon Foundation’s 50-year history. the three-year grant will provide the infrastructure to support faculty development and curriculum redesign for courses in art and visual studies, english, history, and music. “We are thrilled that the Mellon Foundation recog-

comes and introduce high-impact practices such as undergraduate scholarship, internships and creative endeavors. Graham said WSSU will serve as a model for other minority-serving institutions, with faculty sharing what they’ve learned through presentations and publications. the redesign also aims to: • Develop strong and relevant programs that attract faculty who are scholars in their fields. • increase the number of WSSU students who major in humanities. • Develop a sustainable faculty leadership structure that supports a “teacher-scholar model” that brings curiosity and discovery into the classroom. • create support structures to increase

tional humanities courses in philosophy, world languages and african american culture also will be engaged as part of the curriculum redesign. WSSU has had recent success instituting curriculum reform in existing courses. in 2017, through a grant from the council on Undergraduate research (cUr), faculty began infusing an undergraduate research experience into its introductory biological science and chemistry courses. this is WSSU’s first Mellon Foundation grant. the university becomes the first public north carolina-based historically black college and university (hBcU) to receive a prestigious Mellon Foundation grant in more than 40 years. the announcement comes just three months after WSSU reported a record $2.3 million in new

“We are honored to be among the few schools to receive a significant award from an organization as prestigious as the Mellon Foundation.”

nizes the incredible work being done here at WSSU and the potential for us to deliver transformative change,” said WSSU chancellor elwood l. robinson. “We are honored to be among the few schools to receive a significant award from an organization as prestigious as the Mellon Foundation.” over the next three years, WSSU faculty will restructure at least 54 humanities courses – from introductory courses to the senior capstone course – to support student success. “our strategic plan calls for a high-touch approach to bridge the gaps between students and their abilities to engage their education,” said anthony Graham, provost and chief academic officer. “this grant will provide us with the resources to introduce these equitable practices throughout our humanities offerings. research has found that this high-impact approach fosters student success and ensures that students obtain the essential skills they need to thrive in an ever-changing economy.” the redesigned curriculum will focus on learning out-

-Elwood L. RobinsonWSSU chancellor

the number of students who pursue graduate studies in the humanities. “the generous support of the andrew W. Mellon Foundation will reach beyond the college of arts, Sciences, Business and education (caSBe),” said Darryl Scriven, caSBe dean. “it will elevate the level of humanities scholarship campus wide for both students and faculty.” according to the proposal, three cross-disciplinary faculty learning communities (Ftc) will be created to redesign courses based on established best practices. the project will be overseen by a leadership team consisting of administrators from the provost’s office, the center for innovative and transformative instruction (citi), caSBe Dean’s office, and institutional assessment and research; and a faculty member in humanities. the curriculum redesign will begin in the summer with the first of three faculty institutes and nine faculty members. Faculty will receive a stipend for participating in the institutes. according to the proposal, faculty teaching founda-

national Science Foundation (nSF) research grants. WSSU ranks no. 9 in the nation on collegenet’s Social Mobility index (SMi), which evaluates colleges and universities on how well they enroll students from low-income backgrounds and graduate them into promising careers.




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Timothy Ramsey

Sports Columnist

Clemson takes another step toward the top BY TimoThY RAmseY The ChRoniCle

The Clemson Tigers have won their second national championship in the past three years. Their 44-16 rout of the Alabama Crimson Tide was a surprise to all. Alabama has been the gold standard in college football for nearly the past decade. since Crimson Tide head coach nick saban took over the program in 2007, he has turned the team into national contenders almost every year. For Clemson to totally dominate the game the way they did was not the expected outcome. i, along with most others, thought this game would be a close one all the way through. in reality, after the first quarter, Clemson dominated the game on both sides of the ball. i have never seen a nick saban-led Alabama team get manhandled that way. offensively, they were totally held in check by the Clemson defense. on defense, they could do nothing to stop what the Tigers threw at them. With five championships since 2009, i’m not saying Alabama isn’t the cream of the crop in college football, but Clemson has put themselves on an equal level with the win on January 7. i never thought the Tigers would be able to pull even with the Crimson Tide in such a short time. if you look at the national championship game, the Crimson Tide were soundly out coached by the Clemson staff. Also, there was a clear advantage for Clemson at the skill positions as far at pure athleticism was concerned. if there was a 50/50 play to be made, the Tigers seemed to always come up with it. honestly, that was a surprise to me. saban has always recruited the top athletes from around the country and routinely brings in a top three class every year, but they seemed outmatched by what Clemson had on the field. Clemson is just getting started. most of their skill position guys on offense are freshmen and sophomores, so the country has another year or two to deal with the talent the Tigers have on the field. Trevor lawrence, Clemson true freshman quarterback, was ready for this moment. he thoroughly outplayed heisman finalist Tua Tagovailoa, which i’m sure no one saw that coming to this degree. To be honest, i never thought that Clemson would get to this level so quickly under Dabo swinney. he took over the Clemson program midway through the 2008 year for Tommy Bowden. he immediately established himself as a great recruiter by making Clemson one of only 10 schools to be ranked in the top 20 of see Ramsey on B2

Also More Stories, Religion and Classifieds

JV Defensive Player of the Year sits down with The Chronicle JANUARY 17, 2019

BY TimoThY RAmseY The ChRoniCle

Collin smith is the 2018 JV Defensive Player of the Year for The Chronicle. The 5-foot 8-inch defensive back was a key contributor for the spartans on the JV level, before moving up to Varsity to help the team during their playoff run. The louisiana product was in his first year with mt. Tabor and made an immediate impact on the field. JV head coach mike lovelace says smith is one of the most talented, yet humble kids he has ever been around. smith recently spoke with The Chronicle about his incredible year on the field and what to expect from him going forward. Question: When you heard the news you had been selected as the defensive player of the year, what were your first thoughts? Answer: i felt blessed, because i worked hard for it. my coaches around me helped and supported me the entire year. i also had a good group of guys that welcomed me as i transferred schools from new orleans, so i was blessed to be in a good position and have a good coaching staff around me. This was a great opportunity for me. Q: What type of expectations did you have for yourself coming into the year considering it was an entirely new environment and team? A: Basically, i just wanted to prove to everyone that i could play at a very fast level and that i could

BY TimoThY RAmseY The ChRoniCle

Smith made an immediate impact for his Mt. Tabor team, transferring from the state of Louisiana.

submitted photo


live up to what my coaches were hyping me up to be. i just felt i

on Tuesday, January 8, the Duke Blue Devils made their way to Winston-salem to take on the Demon Deacons. Zion Williamson and the crew put on a great show for the fans in lawrence Joel Veterans memorial

could be a good piece to mt. Tabor football.

Q: What do you feel are your best attributes on the field, because you seem to be able to do it all, defending the run and pass? A: i feel as though i have a very high football iQ, i recognize things really fast, and i feel like i am a good leader on the field. honestly, i just like to make plays. Q: how do you get yourself amped up for every game? A: Well, i know that mt. Tabor is on the top of the map in Winston, so it’s always someone trying to be better than you or get where you are at. i just focus on trying to stay top dog and that keeps me going. Q: After a stellar sophomore campaign, what do you expect from yourself once you are on the varsity level full time? A: i definitely want to keep the momentum i have going. i want to improve what i am doing on the field by getting faster and stronger, so i can be more explosive next year and maybe help out on offense as well next year. Q: Your head coach had nothing but high praise for you. how good does it make you feel to hear those things coming from him? A: i feel like i am just an overall good person. i care for others and i am respectful to authority, because that’s how i was raised. Q: What are your favorite subjects in the classroom? A: english, i would say. Q: What is your dream school? A: lsU (louisiana state University), because they are the hometown team.

Photos by Alphonso Abbott Jr.

Coliseum. The Deacs kept the game within striking distance at the half, only trailing by the score of 42-34. But, behind Williamson’s 30 points and fellow freshman sensation RJ Barret’s 21 points, the Blue Devils turned it on after intermission leading to the 87-65 victory.

Piedmont International dominates Trinity in second half B2

JA N UA RY 1 7 , 2 0 19

By TIMoThy RAMSey The ChRonICle

The Piedmont International University (PIU) Bruins picked up their first win of 2019 with a 79-53 victory over Trinity Baptist College.  This win brings the Bruins’ record to 6-10 on the year. Trinity jumped out to an early six-point lead in the first half at 17-11.  That prompted Bruin head coach Josh howard to call a timeout and settle his team down, because they were playing a bit frenetic. With both teams struggling on the offensive end, the Bruins locked in on the defensive end to take their first lead of the game with just under five minutes left in the first half at 24-22.  PIU kept the pedal to the metal and never looked back after taking the lead. By halftime, the Bruins led 36-28. “I told them to start focusing on their mental game and not playing to the level of competition,� said howard about what he told his team during that early timeout.  “Trinity Baptist is a good team, but I think I prepared my guys well enough to let them know that we should dominate that game and go out there and not play around. “I think my guys responded well to that, definitely my bench guys who got more minutes than usual.  They came out ready to contribute and try to learn from that experience, because I am going to need those guys as we get ready for conference play.� Piedmont continued their onslaught as the second half began.  Before the eagles could blink, the lead had ballooned to 20. Defensive pressure and the ability to limit Trinity to one shot were the key factors in building the sizable lead for PIU. “The plan coming out of the half was to let Trinity Baptist know that we were not going to let up,� said howard.  “even with Tamir (Glenn) not having a typical good game, other guys were able to step up and learn from that experience and know that they can’t rely on Tamir 24/7. howard says his defensive philosophy is for his team to stay home on their defensive assignments and have everyone “crash the boards.�  he says since they are not a big team, his guards must get in the mix to help rebound the ball as well. That philosophy worked to perfection for the Bruins


T h e C h R on I C le

from page B1

recruiting five years in a row. 2011 is really when the Clemson program began taking the ACC (Atlantic Coast Conference) by storm. From that point on, there was no looking back for Swinney, as the Tigers started to become a national power, slowly but surely. With players such as Tahj Boyd, Deshaun Watson, Sammy Watkins, DeAndre hopkins, Vic Beasley, Shaq lawson and Mike Williams, all being high draft picks in the past few years, Swinney has turned Clemson into the place to be. his laid-back persona is a stark contrast to what Saban shows at Alabama. From the outside looking in, it seems Alabama is more of a business atmosphere, while at Clemson the players seem to be having the time of their lives. That type of attitude really resonates with an

18-year-old kid. The Tigers will continue to bring in the top tier talent, as long as Swinney is at the helm. I am not claiming that Alabama is taking a backseat to Clemson; I’m simply saying that they are now on an even playing field. So, when Swinney walks into a kid’s living room, he carries the same amount of clout as Saban right now. We have been waiting to see what team would step up and be a consistent challenger to Alabama and Clemson has accepted the challenge. It wouldn’t be a stretch to see Clemson and Alabama match up in the College Football Playoff next year. I know some people may be getting tired of seeing these two teams play, but until another team figures out a way to crack the mountain top, we are left with this. I love to root for the underdog, so hopefully a team can make it interesting heading into next year’s playoff.

Piedmont heads into conference play with some momentum after their 79-53 victory over Trinity Baptist College.

Photo by Timothy Ramsey

down the stretch.  The eagles did not give up as they attempted to make a run, but were halted by big shots down the stretch by PIU.  The Bruins put an exclamation point on the game with an emphatic dunk on a fast break that sealed the deal. “We knew it was going to be a hard-fought game, we just had to stick to our principles especially on the defensive end by holding Trinity to one shot, because they are definitely a good offensive rebounding team,� howard

continued.  “I think our guys responded well and did a great job of sharing the ball and rebounding.� heading into conference play, howard feels the tough, non-conference schedule he put his team in will pay dividends when they enter conference play.  “We just have to be mentally ready to play night in and night out and knowing we have a chip on our shoulders will take us a long way.�

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R ELIGION T h e C h R on i C Le


o n g t p d

Elder Richard Wayne Wood Sunday School Lesson

Submit to God in Christ Scriptures: Philippians 1:12-21

By the end of this lesson, we will *analyze Paul's circumstances spreading the Gospel despite other's responses. *Decide to be faithful and forgive others. *Rejoice in opportunities to do God's work in the world through Jesus Christ.

Background: Philippi was the first town in Macedonia where Paul established a church. Philippians was written while Paul was imprisoned in Rome (a.D. 60-62). Though a prisoner with constant guard, he was allowed visitors and had the opportunity to preach the Gospel. Paul had several purposes in writing to the church at Philippi. here we examine his thanks to the saints for their prayers and his expressions that circumstances all work in God's favor.

Lesson: Paul informs us that his imprisonment is explicitly for the furtherance of The Gospel. he proved that his imprisonment was no hindrance to spreading the message of salvation. The Gospel can be spread even in oppressive and adverse situations. Paul's powerful witness to The Gospel even as a prisoner demonstrated God's faithfulness to his children in any circumstance and encouraged others to be bold and not fear imprisonment (verses 12-14). There were two spirits at work in reaction to Paul's circumstances, one of goodwill and love toward him and the other of envy, rivalry and selfish ambition. Paul's view on this was that they both preached Christ. his supreme desire was to see Christ’s gospel spreading. he trusted that God would work out his plan of salvation regardless of motive. The effect was the same in both cases…new believers were added to the church (verses 15-18). Paul states, “This shall turn to my salvation through your prayer and the supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ.” (verse 19) he had confidence in the Spirit and trusted that whatever the outcome of his incarceration, it would result in the glory of God. his awareness of constant union with Christ emboldened him in his preaching, knowing if he was enabled to speak well Christ would be exalted in him, whether he lives or he dies (verse 20). “For to me to live in Christ, and to die is gain.” For Paul, his emotional balance and his whole range of values were entirely governed by his union with Christ. Christ was his reason for being (verse 21). (The UMi annual Commentary 20182019, the Macarthur Study Bible and the oxford Bible Commentary).

For Your Consideration: We often say “all things work together for good…” but does our perspective in bad situations reflect what we spout? “Christ is life” … does that fact affect how we live?

Application: Living in Christ does not free us from problems, difficulties, persecution, or adversity. Think about your life. Consider your suffering, the suffering of others in your family and those around you. Consider the suffering and imprisonment of persecuted Christians over the world. how do we respond? as Christians we should see God at work in our suffering, our daily life and societal interactions and in adversity. our response should not be one of passive joy, but of resistant joy like Paul. our life is guaranteed in Christ and our experiences have a greater purpose. Christ is the totality of a believer’s life. “his divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of him who called us to his own glory and excellence.” (2 Peter 1:3)

Jan. 20 Family and Friends Day 2019 Family and Friends Day will be held at St. James aMe Church, 1501 n. Patterson ave., on Jan. 20. The Theme for the day is “a Time to Remember.” Church school will begin at 8:45 a.m. Service will begin at 10 a.m. The preacher will be The Rev. Dr. Steven L. Lyons, former pastor of St. James. Currently, Dr. Lyons is the pastor of Mt. Zion aMe Church, hillsborough, nC. Jan. 20 Pastoral installation services Rev. Frederick L. Barnes, Jr. will be installed as antioch Baptist Church new Pastor on Sunday, Jan. 20 at 4 p.m. The service will be held at Phillips Chapel Missionary Baptist Church, 132 n. Glenn ave. Rev. Chad R. armstrong will be the speaker. The public is invited to attend. Jan. 20 12th Pastoral Appreciation service Christ Temple C.M.e. Church, 2935 n Glenn ave., will celebrate the 12th Pastoral anniversary of Pastor

JAN UARY 1 7 , 2 0 1 9


Ministers’ Conference gives stance on statue

By TiMoThy RaMSey The ChRoniCLe

a hot button topic permeating through the streets of Winston-Salem recently has been the relocation of the Confederate Monument located at Fourth and Liberty streets downtown. Last Sunday, January 13, supporters from both sides of the topic were face to face with one another in front of the statue, in a scheduled protest. The Ministers’ Conference of WinstonSalem and Vicinity (MCWSV), along with the Winston-Salem naaCP chapter, have been working in conjunction to have the statue moved for some time. They recently released a joint statement that read: “The Ministers’ Conference of Winston Salem and Vicinity and the Winston Salem naaCP support the work of the City of Winston Salem and the Winston Courthouse, LLC to address the important community concern, of the Confederate Monument located at Fourth and Liberty streets downtown. These statues were erected as a source of racial terrorism. The tolerance of these statues is not consistent with the spirit of diversity of Winston Salem. These statues and the racism they represent, must be eradicated immediately.

The City of Winston Salem has advised the owner of the monument that the city will seek a

hurtful symbol of racism and the oppression of the african-american people.”

agreed upon will bring some actionable results, which is the removal and relocation of the

Photo by Tevin Stinson

A local resident in support of the removal of the Confederate statue from downtown Winston-Salem during the rally last weekend.

court order if necessary, to have the monument removed due to concerns about public safety. it appears the course of action being pursued should result in the relocation of the monument to a more appropriate location. For that reason, the Ministers’ Conference and the naaCP are not going to engage in any protests or demonstrations at this time. however, it should be clearly noted that the Ministers’ Conference and the naaCP have communicated to the mayor and city manager that they expect the city to be vigorous in pursuing all actions possible to remove this

Ministers’ Conference prepares for MLK scholarships

By TiMoThy RaMSey The ChRoniCLe

it’s that time of year again for the Ministers’ Conference of Winston-Salem and Vicinity (MCWSV) to crank up their fundraising efforts for their annual scholarships. The scholarships are awarded to local seniors in the area heading to an institution of higher learning. it has been a mission for the conference to invest in the lives of the local youth for many years now. hundreds of students have benefited from the scholarships over the years. The conference receives funds from many of the member churches, along with holding the Martin Luther King Jr. service where they take a special collection for the scholarships. Since 2013, the conference has given away a total of 57 scholarships totaling $50,500. To collect more funds and reach their goal of $15,000, Rev. Dr. Dennis Leach, second vice-president and former treasurer of the Ministers’ Conference, says the confer-


nathaniel PJ Williams Jr., & Co-Pastor Wanda J. h. Williams on Jan. 20 at 4 p.m. The guest speaker will be Bishop Melvin Wilkins of Greater new Generational Praise and Worship international of Winston-Salem.

Jan. 20 Twin City Choristers’ concert Grace Presbyterian Church, 3901 Carver School Road, will host the Twin City Choristers’ 23rd annual Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Birthday Concert at 4 p.m. on Sunday, Jan. 20. The event is free, although an offering will be received during the intermission. a reception will follow. For more information, call (336) 725-4105.

Jan. 21 39th Annual MLK commemoration The 39th annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. noon hour Commemoration will be held at Union Baptist Church, 1200 Trade Street, nW in Winston-Salem, nC. Doors open at 11 a.m. to the general public without charge or reservation. an offering will be lifted. The program will conclude by 2 p.m.

Pastor Tembila Covington, president-elect of the conference, said the conference wants to respect everyone’s position on the matter of the statue, but chose not to participate in the protest for the safety of those involved. Covington said she knew there were already conversations to “get something going” so they wanted to avoid any potential violent acts such as those that took place in Charlottesville, Va in 2017. “From communications that have been ongoing from the city manager, the mayor, the naaCP and the Minister’s Conference, that have insured that what was

Confederate Monument,” said Covington. “We are expecting to see the relocation take place by January 31 or soon thereafter.” The large turnout for the protest says that people have begun to take notice that history cannot repeat itself, said Covington. “in order for that not to be repeated, we have to do something and we cannot allow people to do it alone,” she said. “it’s not a matter of looking at it from a progressive nature, i think it’s more of a humanistic perspective. People are not anxious to go backwards, but are anxious to see greater things ahead and the only way we will do that is together.”

ence has been discussing making an appeal to the public for more funds. “Bishop Fulton and i have been talking about making an appeal, so that others can contribute to the scholarship fund,” said Leach. “We have averaged over $10,000 in scholarships over the last few years and we want to keep that momentum going.” Leach spoke to the fact that when he came to the Ministers’ Conference years ago, the partnership with the conference saved the scholarship fund, so to speak. he says that year, without the donations from The Chronicle; the conference would have only been able to give out one or two scholarships. “The scholarship was really in decline, it really was, so it was a good partnership,” Leach said about the partnership between the Conference and The Chronicle. over the years, Leach says it has been a tremendous blessing for the conference to help so many of our local youth. he feels the best part of the scholarships is when the recipients come back and speak with the conference during the scholarship service to speak about how much help the scholarship provided them. “The good thing is that we have been able to get them to come back at our services to talk about the impact the scholarship has made,” Leach continued. “it is significant, and the students are very appreciative.” Leach went on to talk about the guidelines that the conference has for the scholarships, but says they routinely go outside of those to assist more students when extra funds are available. For those who may be interested in donating to the scholarship fund, you may send donations addressed to the Conference to emmanuel Baptist Church, 1075 Shalimar Drive, Winston-Salem, nC 27107, or visit Mechanics and Farmers back on MLK Drive. all funds are welcome to help advance the lives of our local youth.

Jan. 21 MLK Interfaith Service Saint James Presbyterian Church, 820 Ross ave., Greensboro, nC, will host the annual Martin L. King, Jr. Day interfaith Service on Jan. 21 beginning at noon. There will be a free lunch following the celebration. For more information, contact the church office at (336) 2736658.

Feb. 16 Benefit Gospel concert new Gospel Tabernacle holiness Church of WinstonSalem, a beacon of light and a pillar of hope for countless hundreds down through the years, was burnt to the ground last april. Travest hunter Global Ministries, LLC and Pixel Pushas are partnering to host a Benefit Gospel Concert “Music in the Village.” The concert is slated for Saturday, Feb. 16 at 4 p.m., and will be held at Second Calvary Missionary Baptist Church, 1751 new Walkertown Road.

It’s Girl Scout cookie season


JA N UA RY 17 , 20 1 9

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With the start of the new year comes the arrival of everyone’s favorite cookies- the Girl Scout cookies. running now through March 3, the public can stock up on thin Mints, caramel Delites, peanut Butter patties and more. through the Girl Scout cookie program, girls not only discover their inner leadership potential, but also use their earnings to power amazing experiences for themselves and their troop, including travel, outdoor adventure and science, technology, engineering and math (SteM) programming. Many girls put the money toward impactful projects right in their own backyards, from supporting animal shelters and food banks to working with local and state legislators to change laws. the cookie program’s

Community Briefs

AARP North Carolina presents Dr. Althea Taylor-Jones with The Andrus Award for Community Service RALEIGH – Dr. Althea taylor-Jones of Kernersville, is the recipient of the AArp north carolina’s 2018 Andrus Award, the most prestigious AArp Award for community service. Dr. taylor-Jones has volunteered with AArp for over 20 years, serving as an officer with the WinstonSalem AArp chapter, on the AArp north carolina executive council, and as lead volunteer for AArp in the triad region. She leads classroom sessions and seminars on health, finances and fraud prevention for AArp members and others in the community. Dr. taylor-Jones is the former Speaker of the nc Senior tar Heel Legislature (2015-2017). She is the first African-American elected to that office since the organization was founded in 1993. She has represented Forsyth county as an alternate and delegate since 2006. She formerly served as chairperson of the Health/Wellness/Quality of Life committee, and currently serves as chairperson of the Advocacy committee. A retired faculty member and professor of Gerontology at Winston-Salem State University, she has a long list of accomplishments and awards. Some awards include the Governor's Award from the north carolina Human relations commission for outstanding Service to the Winston-Salem community and the Betterment of Human relations among people in Winston-Salem; the city/community Leadership Award granted by the national Women of Achievement (nWoA); the older Advocate Award, presented by the S o u t h e r n Gerontological Society, in recognition of an individual who has devoted their retirement years to community and/or Submitted photo legislative advocacy Dr. Taylor-Jones on behalf of older adults.

New president and chief operating officer named for Novant Health Kernersville Medical Center novant Health is pleased to announce that Kirsten royster was recently named president and chief operating officer of novant Health Kernersville Medical center. royster will retain her role as patient experience officer, leading novant Health’s efforts on patient experience across the not-for-profit health system. She most recently served as president and chief operating officer of novant Health Medical park Hospital in WinstonSalem and led the health system’s ob-gyn service line. royster replaces former president and chief operating officer chad Setliff, who was recently named president and chief operating officer of novant Health Forsyth Medical center in Winston-Salem. royster has nearly 20 years of experience in a variety of hospital and medical group roles including vice president of the Heart and Vascular Institute at novant Health Forsyth Medical center, vice president of novant Health Medical Group specialty practice operations, senior director of support services and director of patient access and transcription. Before joining novant Health in 2005, royster worked for Stockamp & Associates (renamed to Huron Healthcare) in Atlanta. She received a Bachelor of Science degree in health care policy and administration from the University of north carolina at chapel Hill and a Master of public Health in health policy and administration degree from emory University in Atlanta novant Health Kernersville Medical center, which opened in 2011, is a 50-bed hospital located at 1750 Kernersville Medical parkway in Kernersville, offering a wide range of services in emergency, surgery, cardiovascular, diagnostic and cancer care close to home for residents in the Kernersville area, nearby Guilford county and beyond. Kirsten Royster

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benefits are many, and a recent Girl Scout research Institute study found that two out of three girls who participate in the program learn five crucial skills—goal setting, decision making, money management, people skills, and business ethics—while doing incredible things for themselves and those around them. the proceeds stay local, meaning that when consumers purchase the delicious cookies, they’re giving back to their wider community. this year, along with the classic cookie flavors, Girl Scouts carolinas peaks to piedmont is celebrating a tasty new way to support young female entrepreneurs with a recently debuted Girl Scout cookie added to the 2019 lineup: caramel chocolate chip. this gluten-free option features rich caramel, semisweet chocolate chips and a hint of sea salt in a chewy cookie. this gluten-free cookie will retail for $5 a box, while the other cookies are $4 a box. to find cookies near them, consumers can visit the cookie booth locator at www.girlscoutcookies.org or download the official Girl Scout cookie Finder app, available for free on ioS or Android devices. they can also contact the council at info@girlscoutsp2p.org.

Winston-Salem man inspires Hall of Fame quarterback to advocate on behalf of ALS

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Washington, D.C. – the ALS Association launched a new public awareness campaign that was the final wish of Winston-Salem resident

Harrison Anderson, who died on December 29, 2018 from ALS. the television pSA features Hall of Fame quarterback and FoX Sports announcer terry Bradshaw, who speaks about ALS and the

Community Calendar

NOW – Feb. 15 – Writing Contest the cDS Documentary essay prize will host a writing contest. Submissions can be made until Feb. 15. to enter the contest or for more info, see https://documentarystudies.duke.edu/awards/do cumentary-essayprize/how-to-enter

NOW – May 16 – P a r e n t Academy/Community Institute Do you need to get your GeD? Do you need an introduction to computers? Do you need to learn english as a second language or to learn conversational Spanish? carver High School, 3545 carver School road, is sponsoring a parent Academy/community Institute in partnership with Forsyth technical community college every tuesday and thursday starting nov. 8 until May 16, 2019 from 5:45 - 8:45 p.m. Free childcare will be provided. All of these benefits are free. For more information contact Mr. Javier correa-Vega at (336) 727-2987, ext. 33048.

TODAY, Jan. 17 – Award-winning author at Bookmarks Award-winning author Beth Macy will speak about her new book “Dopesick: Dealers, Doctors, and the Drug company that Addicted America” on thursday, Jan. 17 at 7 p.m. this event is sponsored by Bookmarks and Kilpatrick townsend and will be held at Footnote coffee & cocktails (634 W. Fourth Street #120 in WinstonSalem). It is free and open to the public.

TODAY, Jan. 17 – March 3 – SECCA exhibition the Southeastern center for contemporary Art (SeccA) will present “the Same Leaving: 3 projects” by christine Kirouac, featuring art by this canadian prairiegrown artist who creates bodies of work that seamlessly merge subject, concept, process, and medium. the exhibition will be on display at SeccA, which is located at 750 Marguerite Drive in Winston-Salem, from January 17 to March 3. SeccA is free and open to the public Wednesday, Friday and Saturday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.; thursday from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. and Sunday from 1 to 5 p.m. TODAY, Jan. 17 – SciTech Lecture Series robert A. Haack will discuss “How climate

change effects the planet’s Finite Water resources and the need for new technologies to Improve the Aging Water Infrastructure” during the monthly Scitech Lecture Series at Forsyth technical community college on Jan. 17 at 4 p.m. the event is free and open to the public and will be held at Strickland Auditorium, robert L. Strickland center, Forsyth tech, 2100 Silas creek parkway.

Jan. 18 - 20 – Art Show and Sale “Inspired by nature” is an art show and sale to benefit the Gateway nature preserve. the three-day event will take place at Artworks Gallery, 564 n. trade Street, in Winston-Salem. Admission is free. An opening reception is set for 5 - 8 p.m. on Friday, January 18. on Saturday, 11 a.m. - 4 p.m., students from the Youth Art Society will be present to show and discuss their works. the final day, January 20, will feature a “Meet the Artists” session from 1 - 5 p.m.

Jan. 20 – Twin City Choristers’ concert Grace presbyterian church, 3901 carver School road, will host the twin city choristers’ 23rd annual Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Birthday concert at 4 p.m. on Sunday, Jan. 20. the event is free. An offering will be received during the intermission. A reception will follow. For more information, call (336) 725-4105.

Jan. 21 – 39th Annual MLK commemoration the 39th Annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. noon Hour commemoration will be held at Union Baptist church, 1200 trade Street, nW in Winston-Salem, nc. Doors open at 11 a.m. to the general public without charge or reservation. An offering will be lifted. the program will conclude by 2 p.m. Jan. 21 – MLK Observance Durham attorney Ken Spaulding will be the guest speaker for the Marin Luther King, Jr. observance being held by the Dillard/Goldsboro Alumni and Friends Inc. in Goldsboro, nc. the event will be held at 11 a.m. at the H. V. Brown Hall on Monday, Jan. 21. the address for the occasion is 801 poplar Street, Goldsboro, nc.

Jan. 22 – Business Plan Competition info meeting the city is holding its Small Business plan competition again in 2019 and will kick it off with an

information meeting Jan. 22 for entrepreneurs interested in participating. the meeting will be held at 6 p.m. in the public Meeting room (room 530) of the Stuart Municipal Building, 100 e. First St., WinstonSalem. For more information go to cityofWS.org and search for Small Business plan competition, or call Steven Harrison at (336) 7477474. Jan. 22 – Email computer class the carver School road Branch Library will offer an email/Gmail computer class on Jan. 22 at 10 a.m. Learn how to send and receive messages, send attachments and other helpful information! Would you like to know more? this is the class for you. this program is free and open to the public. carver School road Branch Library is located at 4915 Lansing Drive. call (336) 703-2910 for more information and/or to register. Space is limited.

Jan. 24 – Adult Game day the carver School road Branch Library will have an Adult Game Day on Jan. 24, 11 a.m. Join us for some fun, fierce competition playing games like chicken Dominoes, Scrabble, and phase 10. Light refreshments are served. carver School road Branch Library is located at 4915 Lansing Drive. call 336-703-2910 for more information. this group is free and open to ages 18 and over. carver School road Branch Library is located at 4915 Lansing Drive. call (336) 703-2910 for more information. Jan. 24 – Application deadline the city is accepting applications for its Successful outcomes After release (SoAr) program through 11:59 p.m. on thursday, Jan. 24. participants will receive coaching and training in life skills such as goal setting, planning, interpersonal relationships, financial management, communication, job-search techniques and resume writing. An application link and more information are posted at c i t y o f W S . o rg / S o A r . Interested citizens can also call (336) 397-7770 or send an e-mail to faithb@cityofws.org or troys@cityofws.org.

Jan. 24 – Medicare workshop the Shepherd’s center of Greater Winston-Salem is offering a workshop for individuals turning 65 (as well as those who already have Medicare) to learn

See ALS on B5

about the different insurance options available, including “original Medicare,” Medicare prescription drug programs, Medicare supplements and Medicare Advantage plans. the session will be held on thursday, Jan. 24 from 5:30 – 7:30 p.m. at the Shepherd’s center of Greater Winston-Salem, 1700 ebert St. Jan. 24 – WSSU’s Spring Colloquium Winston-Salem State University’s Department of History, politics and Social Justice will present its Spring colloquium from 68 p.m. on thursday, Jan. 24, at the enterprise center, 1922 Martin Luther King Jr. Drive. the colloquium, which is free and open to the public, is sponsored by the department and by WSSU’s Alliance for Sustainability community committee. For more information, please contact Dr. Denise nation at nationde@wssu.edu or Dr. Jack Monell at monelljs@wssu.edu.

Jan. 24 – Lunch and Speaker series St. paul’s episcopal church, 520 Summit St., will host its monthly Bag Lunch and Speaker series on Jan. 24 at noon. Sabrina Slade will share the history and current state of income disparities in our community based on factors highlighted in two reports produced by the WinstonSalem Foundation. Bring your own lunch. St. paul’s will provide beverages. All are welcome.

Jan. 24 – Ribbon cutting north carolina Black repertory company and Winston-Salem Little theatre will have administrative offices and rehearsal spaces in the newly renovated Arts council extension (Ace) Building at 419 north Spruce Street. An open house and ribbon cutting will be held at 10 a.m., thursday Jan. 24. principals from the Arts council and the two theater companies will participate, along with county and city elected officials. the public is invited. Ongoing

Tuesdays – Senior Tai Chi class the Salvation Army Senior center, 2850 new Walkertown road, holds tai chi for Falls prevention (tcFp) on tuesdays at 10 a.m. Based on the tai chi for Arthritis program, tcFp is shown to prevent falls, improve balance and overall health, and reduce pain. tcFp consists of a series of gentle movements that can be done standing or seated.

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JAN UARY 1 7 , 2 0 1 9

from page B4

progress that has been made since the aLS ice Bucket challenge in 2014. “aLS is a terrible disease that has taken far too many americans, including several former nFL players,” said Bradshaw. “i’m honored to be fighting for all those living with aLS and their family members. we desperately need the public’s support to keep the momentum going.” aLS is a progressive, neurodegenerative disease that causes muscle weakness, difficulty breathing and swallowing, and paralysis while leaving the senses intact. aLS is always fatal and there is no cure. Bradshaw started working with the aLS association because of anderson, a long-time Pittsburgh Steelers fan, who was diagnosed with aLS in 2016. He used his wish from the Dream Foundation to request a call from Bradshaw. on that call, anderson asked Bradshaw to consider doing a public service announcement for aLS. anderson died only weeks after Bradshaw filmed the PSas. Fortunately, Harrison got to see the videos before he passed and he was thrilled with them. “even though i didn’t know Harrison, i knew from that first phone call with him that i wanted to help,”

Sorority youth attend youth conference, adds new members SPeciaL to tHe cHronicLe

national Sorority of Phi Delta kappa, inc. Beta Lambda chapter youth attended the 70th youth Leadership conference in Dover, Delaware in 2018. the theme was: “the three e’s to youth Success: empowerment; e n g a g e m e n t ; employment”. youth expressed themselves

through oratorical participation, art, dance, and song. Beta Lambda chapter has added new members to the youth groups (9th – 12th graders). the chapter will serve as host for the 71st eastern region youth Leadership conference in March, in winston-Salem. Donna Mickens is the president.

Terry Bradshaw

Bradshaw said. “My wife and i have traveled to north carolina to meet Harrison and his wife, and we are so

the winston-Salem F o u n d a t i o n welcomes evelyn acree, Jeff Lindsay, and Peggy reingold to the winston-Salem Foundation committee, the Foundation’s primary governing body. evelyn acree is a Senior Vice President and Business Banker with M&F Bank. She currently serves as secretary of the winston-Salem alliance Board and treasurer of the S.G. atkins cDc Board.

Evelyn Acree

evelyn serves on the winston-Salem chamber of commerce, Salemtowne retirement community,

Fifty-Five Strong: the largest congressional Black caucus kicks off the 116th congress

By Lauren Victoria Burke nnPa newSwire contriButor

as the new congressional Black caucus (cBc) chair karen Bass (D-calif.) was handed a large gavel from outgoing chairman cedric richmond (D-La.), it became clear that the new cBc would be making a sizable mark on the next congress. the new cBc includes the youngest africanamerican woman to be

sworn in to the u.S. House in history, Lauren underwood (D-ill.), as well as rep. ilhan omar (D-Minn.) and rep. rashida tlaib, the first Muslim females ever elected to congress. rep. tlaib occupies the seat held by long-term congressman John conyers (D-Mich.) who retired from congress on December 5, 2017. the new cBc features nine new members of the u.S. House bringing the group to a total of 55. the 116th congress will be the See Congress on B6

touched that he asked us to join the fight against aLS. we are heartbroken that he passed, and our prayers go out to robin and his family.” Before he died, anderson said Bradshaw is just like he appears on tV. “terry Bradshaw was always a role model that i looked up to, and i thought he would be a perfect fit for aLS,” said anderson. “For him to be a part of this shows he’s exactly the kind of person i expected him to be. we are both humbled by terry and tammy’s generosity and kindness.” calaneet Balas, President and ceo of the aLS association, said: “we’re honored and thrilled that terry has been so willing to help raise awareness of aLS and it’s such a great story of how it all came together. we are all deeply saddened that Harrison passed, but so grateful that he reached out and got things started. He had an impact in this fight and our thoughts are with robin and his family.” there are several prominent former nFL players living with aLS, including Steve Gleason, o.J. Brigance, tim Shaw, and tim Green, who recently discussed his own diagnosis with the disease on 60 Minutes. Last June, former Super Bowl champion San Francisco 49ers receiver Dwight clark died after his battle with aLS. For more information about the aLS association, visit our website at www.alsa.org.

Beta Lambda attends the 70th Youth Leadership Conference in Dover, DE – pictured (left-right): Kenya Brabham, Da’Maya Jefferies, Shawn Johns, Cheyenne Payne, RaShawana Huntley, Diamond Mann, Jada Moye, Duronza Artis, Cierra Godfrey and Shawanna Ladson

the winston-Salem Foundation committee announces new members

SPeciaL to tHe cHronicLe


and winston-Salem Police Foundation boards and is a corporate reading volunteer at ashley elementary School. Jeffrey t. Lindsay is novant Health's executive vice president and chief operating officer. He is current board chair of the winston-Salem chamber of commerce and past board chair of the north carolina Hospital association. Lindsay also serves on the boards of the winston-Salem alliance, winston-Salem Business inc., the centers for exceptional children of

Jeff Lindsay

winston-Salem, the arts council of winston-Salem and Forsyth county, and the winston-Salem Symphony.

Submitted photo

Peggy reingold is the community relations consultant for wells Fargo, serving the triad and western north carolina. She has been active on many local community boards, including the arts council of winston-Salem and Forsyth county, kate B. reynolds charitable trust, united way, Family Services, riverrun international Film Festival, children’s Law center and Fellowship Home. She previously served as board chair of the arts council of winston-Salem and Forsyth county and the riverrun international Film Festival. the Foundation is most appreciative of the leadership of Stan kelly, Davida Martin, nolo Martinez, and Vernon winters who rotated off the Foundation committee in December.

Peggy Reingold

Have a Story Idea? Let us know


Music@Home Concert Series presents


LOUISE TOPPIN Soprano and Scholar of African-American Art Song with Dr. John O’Brien, piano

SUNDAY, JANUARY 20, 3:00 P.M. Home Moravian Church, Saal 529 S. Church Street • Winston-Salem, NC 27101 All events are FREE, donations accepted


Visit us at www.homemoravian.org/music@home and on Facebook at www.facebook.com/HMCMusicAtHome


JA N UA RY 1 7 , 2 0 19


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first time that the congressional Black caucus will ever have over 50 members. Bass, 65, served as the former Speaker of the california House and was the first African-American woman ever to hold that position. “Honored to have been sworn in as 26th chair of the congressional Black caucus today. “We will fight fiercely against hate. We will not retreat and allow our past victories to be erased,” wrote chairwoman Bass on Twitter, Jan. 3, the first day of the 116th congress. “i am proud to witness the ceremonial swearing-in of the largest @officialcBc in history. With 55 members and @RepKarenBass serving as their chairwoman, the congressional Black caucus is stronger than ever,” wrote Democratic national committee chairman Tom perez. The presidency of Donald Trump will greatly shape the agenda of the congressional Black caucus over the next two years. Just as Rep. Richmond witnessed, there will be many issues that will arise out of nowhere in the news simply because the Trump Administration has decided to roll back so much of what was completed during the eight years president Barack obama was in The White House. But there is one huge difference: The cBc will have what was referred to at the ceremonial swearing in as “the big five.” They are the five chairmen and chairwomen who will serve over what many cBc members hope are Trump’s last two years in office. They are Reps. Maxine Waters (D-calif.), Elijah cummings (DMd.), Bobby Scott (D-Va.), Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-

The new CBC features nine new members of the U.S. House bringing the group to a total of 55. The 116th Congress will be the first time that the Congressional Black Caucus will ever have over 50 members.

Submitted photo

Texas) and Bennie Thompson (D-Miss.). Three of the five chairs will head committees that are certain to play an investigatory role over the Trump Administration. Rep. cummings, who will chair the committee on Government oversight, has already signaled that his committee will subpoena over the Trump Administration policy of children being separated from their parents and detained at the U.S./Mexico border. chairwoman Waters, who will lead the House

Triad Airbnb Hosts Earned $7.3 Million in 2018

SpEciAl To THE cHRoniclE

GREENSBORO, - Airbnb, the world’s leading community driven hospitality company, announced today that its Triad-area host community earned a combined $7.3 million in supplemental income while welcoming approximately 65,000 guest arrivals to the region in 2018. This comes as north carolinians increasingly embrace the home-sharing platform as an opportunity to earn supplemental income and make ends meet. There are now over 14,000 north carolina residents who share their

homes as Airbnb hosts, with Triad-area hosts typically earning about $4,700 annually in supplemental income. Yet, statewide data indicates that Airbnb and its host community appear to be complementing -- rather than competing with -- the north carolina hotel industry. According to the most recent state-commissioned lodging report, north carolina hotels are experiencing explosive growth in overall occupancy, revenue and prices -- in parallel with short-term rental growth. This suggests that Airbnb is opening up the region to a new slice of prospective tourists by catering to travelers less able to afford hotels, those who desire to stay in

Smith Reynolds Airport contributes $801 million, 3,585 jobs to local economy

This table shows the amounts earned in the Airbnb industry by Forsyth and surrounding counties.

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Smith Reynolds Airport has an $801 million impact on the local

economy and supports 3,585 jobs according to a new report from the n.c. Department of Transportation’s Aviation Division.

The “north carolina: The State of Aviation” report shows the economic impact of the state’s 72 publicly-owned airports and their related aviation

Financial Services committee, has signaled she will push against Wall Street and in favor of consumer protections regarding investment and financial products. Lauren Victoria Burke is an independent journalist and writer for NNPA as well as a political analyst and strategist as Principal of Win Digital Media LLC. She may be contacted at LBurke007@gmail.com and on twitter at @LVBurke

neighborhoods or cities that lack hotels, and families who prefer to be together under one roof. in addition to the new income going into the pockets of north carolina Airbnb hosts, the state is generating new revenue through a tax agreement with the north carolina Department of Revenue announced in 2015. The agreement allows Airbnb to collect and remit both the state sales tax as well as local city/county taxes on behalf of hosts and remit the revenue directly to DoR. Airbnb also launched Experiences throughout north carolina in 2018, offering handcrafted activities led by local experts in cities like charlotte, Asheville and Raleigh. Airbnb Experiences is creating new economic opportunities for north carolina residents by allowing them to unlock their talents and interests and make money from them, catering to the hundreds of millions of people that use Airbnb’s platform to discover unique and authentic travel experiences. Experiences is expected to expand further in north carolina in 2019, and the Experiences currently available can be found here. What follows is an overview of 2018 guest arrivals and total host income, broken down by counties within the Triad region*** with over $100,000 in host income for the year.

Submitted photo

and aerospace assets. The report was created as a guide for aviation investment and to help with recruiting aviation and aerospace businesses.

According to a report, Smith Reynolds Airport provides an $801 million impact on the local economy.

Submitted photo

The report said Smith Reynolds, a county-owned and operated airport located on north liberty Street, created the most jobs and economic impact among the state’s 62 general aviation public airports, which don't offer commercial service. The report also found Smith Reynolds contributes $226 million in personal income and $28.4 million in state and local tax revenue. The airport is used for corporate aircraft, air charter services, general aviation and air cargo. its tenants include Signature Flight Support, Signature TEcHnicAir, piedmont Flight Training, piedmont propulsion Systems and north State Aviation, which does aircraft maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRo). Airport Director Mark Davidson said the airport plays a major role in the local economy that’s recognized by local leaders like the Winston-Salem chamber of commerce, which recently commissioned a study to leverage it for business development. He said many private and public entities are taking strides to invest in its infrastructure.

“over the next five years, over $70 million in capital investment has been planned for the airport including $16 million for the Forsyth Tech Aviation center, which should start construction later this year,” said Davidson. “The proximity of the airport to the innovation Quarter is also an opportunity and the recent establishment of the Smith Reynolds Airport Board will allow leaders to focus on economic development. The airport is positioned for growth and will remain an economic force in the community." The report found that the state’s public airports contribute more than $52 billion to the state’s economy and $2.2 billion in state and local tax revenues. They also support 307,000 jobs that provide $12.6 billion in personal income. “our network of 72 public airports, and the aviation and aerospace assets that rely on them, help move our economy forward by creating jobs, supporting business growth and connecting people and companies to markets around the globe,” said Bobby Walston, director of ncDoT’s Division of Aviation.

P.I.P.A. receives grant from city, planning move BY TEVIN STINSON THE CHRONICLE

Thanks to a $60,000 grant from the city, Positive Image Performing Arts (P.I.P.A.) will be calling a new place home in the near future. Founded by city native Courtney Porter in 2005, P.I.P.A. started with less than 20 members and has grown into a national award-winning performance studio. From humble beginnings in a small studio on Fourth Street, over

I wanted to make sure that I live my life in a way kids can see as an example." Porter said. Porter said the process to receive the grant was long but in the end it was worth it. In order to receive the grant, Porter had to get references, make a presentation to a committee of city officials and fill out loads of paperwork. She said, "It took a long time but it is something I am grateful for. It's something I had to do from start to

Current children enrolled at Positive Image Performing Arts during a recent practice

Photo by Tevin Stinson

the years the P.I.P.A family outgrew their original home and had to move several times before settling in at the former site of Samaritan Ministries, 1243

finish and for that I'm proud of myself for going through the process." She said although they didn't plan on the move, when the opportunity


JA N UA RY 17 , 20 1 9


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WPDA, Inc. is accepting bids for the Whitaker Park East project that includes demolition of an existing building, grading, erosion control, storm drainage, waterline, sewer line, paving and landscaping for a 2,500lf of public roadway.D. The project will be bid in accordance with GS 143-129 for Formal Bids. A Non-Mandatory Pre-Bid Conference will be held on Thursday January 17, 2019 at 2:00 pm in Stimmel Associates, P.A. office located at 601 N. Trade Street Winston Salem, NC 27101. Sealed bids will be received in Stimmel Associates, P.A. office located at 601 N. Trade Street Winston-Salem, NC, until 2:00 pm on Thursday February 7, 2019. Interested bidders shall contact the Engineer to receive bid documents. Engineer contact – Kelway Howard, Stimmel Associates, (336) 723-1067. Documents may also be viewed on the isqft website or printed sets of bid documents may be purchased from Sharpe Images, 1020 Burke Street, Winston-Salem, NC 27101, (336-7242871). The Owner reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive irregularity in bidding. The Chronicle January 17, 2018


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Having qualified as Fiduciary of the Estate of Annie C. Dew (19 E 70), also known as Annie Clark Dew, Annie Morris Clark Dew deceased December 2, 2018 Forsyth County, North Carolina, this is to Notify all persons, firms, and corporation having claims against the Estate of said deceased to present them to the undersigned on or before January 10, 2019 this Notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery. All persons indebted to the said decedent or estate shall please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 17th day of January, 2019.

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Children enrolled in Positive Image Performing Arts during a recent tumbling lesson. Patterson Ave., in 2015. And now with more than 100 members, P.I.P.A. has outgrown their space again and is preparing to move. According to Porter, the grant from the City of Winston-Salem will allow P.I.P.A to purchase a new space in the downtown

came, she jumped at the opportunity. She said in order to sustain a presence in the community, sometimes change is inevitable. "My future thoughts and hopes is that we can always sustain and always remain what our name is. I want to sustain for a number of years and continue


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Positive Image Performing Arts started with only a few participants, today it has over 100. to have kids who start with area that she plans to have our program and stick with renovated to accommodate our program," she said. the growth of the program. While finishing up renAlthough the building may ovations at the new studio, be changing, Porter said P.I.P.A. is currently housed the P.I.P.A. mission at the Winston Lake remains the same. She said YMCA. For more inforshe wants to set an exam- mation on Positive Image ple for every child that Performing Arts, visit on walks through the door. Facebook or stop by the "...I picked a hard Winston Lake YMCA, 901 name to live up to because Waterworks Road. Photo by Tevin Stinson

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Those interested should contact the Clerk to the Board in writing by e-mail or U.S. Mail.

This opportunity is voluntary, and invocation speakers are free to offer the invocation according to the dictates of their own conscience. The Board requests only that the prayer opportunity not be exploited as an effort to convert others to a particular faith, threaten damnation, nor to disparage any faith or belief different than that of the invocational speaker.

Ashleigh M. Sloop Clerk to the Board Forsyth County Government Center 201 N. Chestnut Street Winston-Salem, N.C. 27101 sloopam@forsyth.cc

The Chronicle January 17, 2019

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The Chronicle January 17, 2018

The religious leaders or chosen leaders of any assembly that periodically and regularly meets in Forsyth County for the purpose of worshiping or discussing their religious perspectives are invited to offer an invocation before a meeting of the Forsyth County Board of Commissioners.

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An Invitation to Provide Invocations Before Meeting of the Forsyth County Board of Commissioners

The Board generally meets bi-monthly on Thursdays at 2:00pm, with an additional meeting in December on the first Monday.

Charles Edward Gray Fiduciary for Annie C. Dew, deceased 3840 Carver School Road Winston-Salem, NC 27105


Photo by Tevin Stinson



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Panel inspires older adults to take ‘Your Second Chance’

JA N UA RY 1 7, 2 01 9


A project for her graduate studies class, Disrupt Aging, turned into a panel presentation for nearly 75 attendees on Saturday, Jan. 12, at Novant Health Conference Center. Jodi Farley, a graduate student at UNCG, came up with the idea for a panel presentation by people who have taken risks to take a “second chance” in new careers as older adults. While researching the project, Farley was referred to Mark Hensley, Associate State Director of Community Outreach and Advocacy of AARP, and to Theresa Hoffman-Makar of Forsyth Futures and Age-Friendly Forsyth, who welcomed the opportunity to partner with her on the project. According to Farley, she originally hoped to have a diverse panel of both men and women, but found early on that the men she contacted were either busy or not interested. That led her to do some research that showed that while women “tend to have more social and community relationships,” men tend to live in “silos,” with less social interaction. She mentioned that a future project may be to find ways to help men feel less isolated and more open to forming new friendships. She ended up with four women who were excited to have the opportunity to tell how they developed new businesses at mid-life. The women on the panel represented an artist, a yogi studio owner, a restaurateur, and an elected official. As they answered questions from Farley, their passion for their careers was obvious. Lynn Felder, a journalist for the Winston-Salem Journal, described herself as a “serial second actor,” having held a variety of jobs. She developed an interest in yoga when she was only 16, but living in a small South Carolina town, there appeared to be no way to develop that into a career. Instead she went to college and studied theatre. She spent her early years in the newspaper and publishing business,


fully make some positive changes in our community. Motsinger said she believes that “regular people who care about ordinary things should be in elective office.” She has been a member of the WinstonSalem/Forsyth County school board for 12 years and at the age of 55 ran unsuccessfully for the 5th District Congressional seat. Beth Blair is an artist who sold her first

After the panel discussion, Sam Matthews, executive director of the Shepherd’s Center of Greater WinstonSalem, gave a short presentation on Retirement Re-imagined, a program that the Shepherd Center offers to adults age 65 and older. The program isn’t designed to cover the financial aspects of retirement, but the psycho-social aspects to promote and support successful aging.

From left, panelists Beth Blair, Lynn Felder, Mary Haglund and Elizabeth Motsinger at Your Second Chance event on Jan. 12.

Photo by Jude Holocomb-pack

piece in her 50s. She is a licensed massage and bodywork therapist, but is now focusing on her art. She said she made a commitment to get up every morning at 4 a.m. and paint until 7 a.m. She also made the decision not to worry if there were people

Theresa Leftwich (on right) talks with Arleatha Patterson about how her grandmother is her inspiration for successful aging.

Photo by Jude Holocomb-pack

then took a break and studied yoga, then returned to the newspaper business. But yoga was always an important part of her life, whether she was studying it or teaching it to others. She finally took a leap of faith in her 50s and opened The Yoga Gallery with co-founder and friend Judi Maloy. Mary Haglund is a well-known local restauranteur, having opened Mary’s, of course, after years of being a selfdescribed “troublemaker.” Haglund happened to meet the owner of a small restaurant who needed to sell quickly due to a health emergency. Haglund’s parents provided the collateral to buy the restaurant and it soon opened as Mary’s of course on Brookstown Ave. Haglund had no formal training as a cook, but that didn’t stop her from pursing her dream. She later took a leap of faith in moving to a location on Trade Street back before there were many businesses there and changed the name to Mary’s Gourmet Diner. She admitted it took some time for her regulars to follow her to the new location. Realizing a need for women to have a network to support and uplift them, at the age of 63 Haglund started “Mary’s Mavens,” which she said “is one of the most fulfilling things I’ve ever done in my life.” Elizabeth Motsinger also identified herself as a “troublemaker” in her youth. At 21 she had a child and was a single mother. At 28 her husband died suddenly and she had two children to raise. She knew an education gave her the best chance of taking care of her family, so she enrolled in Winston-Salem State University in their PA program and is now a certified physician’s assistant. At the age of 49 she decided to run for office to hope-

teach, but because she wanted to learn all she could. She was asked to teach a yoga class for cancer patients and discovered that she loved to teach. Haglund grew up in the kitchens of her grandmothers who were great cooks, then mentioned that her mother wasn’t such a good cook. Her mother was in the audience and agreed with Haglund, generating laughter from the audience. Haglund said

her art didn’t appeal to, but to paint what made her happy. When the panel was questioned about their motivation, Blair said that she had to confront her lack of confidence and that “the demons inside were coming out on the canvas.” She didn’t make a business plan, she just starting pursuing her art. Felder said that in 1998 and 1999 she battled cancer and that “yoga was the only thing that made me feel like a person and not a sick person.” When she recovered, she decided to register for classes in how to teach yoga, not that she intended to

she used cooking as a way to express her love for people. Motsinger said at the age of 16 she worked on her first political campaign for a town council position. At first she didn’t want to run for office, but instead ran meetings to find good candidates to run for school board. She then discovered that she was the good candidate. The panelists discussed the challenges they have faced as they pursued their passions. Blair said that her great challenge was committing to getting up every day to paint and her lack of confidence because she wasn’t professionally trained. Felder faced more ageism when she tried to get her first journalism job in her early 30s than she has faced in her 50s. Haglund said the “good old boy network” has been her biggest challenge and that she has had to “work twice as hard to get half as far” to get the respect in the restaurant community. She said that “gray-haired old ladies are typically invisible. I’m here to say ‘No!’ I’m not going to be invisible. My 50s were the most creative of my life.” Motsinger said, “Running for office sucks. If you don’t want your heart broken 15 to 20 times a day, don’t run for office.” But she also stressed that everyone should be kind to those who run for office, whether you support their position or not, or people will not want to run. The panelists offered this advice at the end of the discussion: Blair: “Make that commitment and do it. Don’t listen to the trolls and the naysayers.” Felder: “Be teachable. Have an open mind, be childlike again.” Haglund: “Just do it. There are people that talk, talk, talk and those that that do, do, do. I don’t see obstacles as stop signs. They are not failures but learning experiences. Stick to your vision.” Motsinger: “Write letters to the editor, get into chats on social media, get your name out there in lots of different ways.”

Nearly 75 people attended Your Second Chance panel discussion on Jan. 12.

Deb Burcombe, Program Director for Outreach for the Wake Forest Sticht Center for Healthy Aging and Alzheimzer’s Prevention, and the chair of Age-Friendly Forsyth, spoke about what we can do as a community to make this a place where we can age well. She quoted her mother who told her, “If it’s not illegal or immoral, don’t be afraid to do it.” AgeFriendly Forsyth is an initiative that connects, informs and engages older adults to live our best lives. She introduced Arleatha Patterson, the Community Engagement Coordinator for Age-Friendly Forsyth, who will be leading their resident engagement initiative and is looking for volunteers to serve on this committee. Burcombe also stated, “Ageism is one ism that we will all be one day.” After the program, attendees stayed around to talk with the panelists and others in attendance. Jan Morgan said, “Learning that we have experiences in common, motherhood, cancer, divorce, then seeing that these women are living vibrantly, creatively, in spite of losses and reversals in fortune, is very encouraging to me. Plus, they are doing so with such spirit and such a great sense of humor.” Jodi Farley said that she was very pleased at how this turned out. “I think the panelists were great, the speakers were great, and the partner connections were critical to the success.” Hensley said, “Jodi envisioned more than a term paper – she saw an opportunity to really impact and inspire others. AARPTriad was pleased to support Jodi’s incredible passion for this project and make it a reality.” Attendee Theresa Leftwich remarked after the program that “My grandmother is 90 and is technology savvy, just got back from a trip to Cuba, and plays with a seniors volleyball group. She’s my example of why I should keep going.”

Photo by Jude Holocomb-pack

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