The Manalaticus Uncyclopedia

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The Manalaticus Uncyclopedia

(Do Hundred And Denty Doo)

Do Hundred And Denty Doo Num (Lat)

Upon first glance this set may just look like another bunch of words that probably don’t make sense to you. However, this phrase in particular is quite a lot easier to self translate. Numerically it is spelt 222, but we don’t use it like that. An example: “ How comes you only gave me Do hundred and Denty doo when I just gave you a tenner to buy me a pack of carrots?”

Don’t Chat SHAAAT Phrase (Lat) Exp.

First and foremost don’t do it. Don’t chat SHAAAT! Second of all don’t chat shaaat proclaims to the person involved in the conversation to stop lying, to stop telling fibs and to stop chatting highly potent levels of SHAAT.

Doostoievsky Noun (Russ)

Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoyevsky, sometimes translated Doostoivesky was a Russian novelist, short story writer and a philosopher. In 1849 he was arrested for his involvement in the Manalaticus Circle a secret society of liberal multilingual Utopians that also functioned as a literary discussion group. Doostoievsky should be pronounced with force and authority over all.

Doughk Phrase (Lat)

Doughk has been very influential to the ideals and ethos of the Manalaticus Uncyclopedia movement. The use of Doughk is ubiquitous throughout the dialect and can be used in multiple contexts, either to express appreciation or disapproval. It works for anything in any given situation. For example: “ Do you want a cup of tea?” “ NO, Doughk!” 7

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