Mid Valley MOM | December 2021 / January 2022

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real local moms

Mid Valley | Dec 2021 / Jan 2022

since 2005







My First Choice for My Child’s Health The CDC estimates that the vaccination of children born between 1994 and 2018 in the U.S. will help prevent over 400 million cases of illness and avoid over 900,000 deaths.

Unfortunately, vaccinations have slowed. As a parent, here are a few important things to keep in mind regarding vaccines: A. If you’re not entirely comfortable with certain vaccines for your children yet, don’t be afraid to ask your pediatrician for more information. A good pediatrician will ensure you can make an educated decision. B. Different vaccines are required at different ages. Depending on the vaccine, it may not be a one-and-done experience. C. It’s never too late to start! If you’ve never vaccinated your child or have fallen behind, it’s not too late to get your child on a catch-up schedule. If you need a pediatrician you can trust, call (541) 754-1278. All of our pediatricians are boardcertified and practice alongside our specialists, providing care that’s comprehensive, coordinated, and convenient.

Schedule an appointment (541) 754-1278 | CorvallisClinic.com/pediatrics

It’s what‘s

Holiday gift guide


inside that counts

Holiday fun & then some


Soup’s on!


Meet the MOM experts ... 5

Holiday gift guide...........18

Soup’s on!..........................29

They know what they’re

A few of our favorite gifts

Easy, cozy recipes to warm up

talking about.

this year.

the whole family on chilly

Because I said so............... 7

Holiday fun & then some.....................26

A message from MOM

Cover MOM: Christy Jones ....................10 This mom gets real.

winter days.

Ideas for holiday fun, plus activities to take you into January.

More ways to love your MOM mommag.com facebook.com/ lovemommag info@mommag.com We love hearing from you. Email us with feedback, story ideas or nominations.

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Photos by Emily Hall Photography

Want to get the word out about your business? Contact Linda Blair at linda@mommag.com mommag.com 3

Eyecare Associates

from your Eyecare Associates team

Spencer Ludlow, MD

Bruce Madsen, MD

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mommag.com 4

meet the


[They know what they’re talking about]

Health Let’s Talk Health with Samaritan Health Services, page 9

Style About Home Style with Heather Van Eyk, page 23



Pets are Family with Dr. Josiah Moses, page 14

Focus on MOM with Dr. Carli A. Bunn, page 28



Helping Kids Thrive with Karen Swanger, page 15

Something to Smile About with Dr. Jay Vaikuntam, page 32



Partners in Education with AnnaMarie Gosser, page 16

Natural Choices with Jasmin Woodside, page 34

Say Cheese Say Cheese with Dr. Wade Haslam, page 17

mommag.com 5

6 mommag.com


Because I said so! Published by GO Creative, LLC 263 29th Avenue SW Albany, OR 97322 Editor-in-Chief Managing Director Audrey Meier DeKam audrey@mommag.com Mid-Valley & Lane County Business Development Manager Linda Blair linda@mommag.com 541-231-7250 Salem Advertising Representative Kim Leighty kim.leighty@mommag.com 503-510-9036 Designer Sean Carver s.carver@oregonwebpress.com

MOM MagazineTM is produced by GO Creative, LLC. © 2021 All rights reserved. Any reproduction, in whole or part, without written permission of the publisher, is prohibited. Information in the magazine is provided for general information purposes only with the understanding that none of the content constitutes professional advice. Opinions expressed by the writers or advertisers are not necessarily the opinions of the magazine or the publisher. Inclusion in the magazine does not constitute endorsement of information, products or services.

Why we give About 15 years ago, a sweet friend of mine was diagnosed with leukemia. She spent over 70 grueling days at OHSU, which prompted me to join Be The Match national bone marrow registry. Gratefully, my friend survived, and as the years have gone by, my name stayed on the registry. Imagine my surprise when I was recently identified as a possible match for a 60-year-old man with a rare type of blood cancer. I thought I was too old to donate (the preferred ages are 18 to 35), but as long as I was healthy and willing, it would be fine. Before the donation coordinator could finish asking, I was ready to give. They overnighted a new cheek swab kit, invited me to a private Facebook Group for donors, and let me know it would be a few months of waiting to hear back. The online community of donors is a beautiful group. People from all over the country, on any given day, are donating bone marrow or stem cells to total strangers — many of whom are children. Donating isn’t an easy process: you must have a complete physical, several blood draws and five days of injections to increase the number of blood-forming cells in your body. Many donors fly across the country, where they might be hooked to a machine via double IVs for five hours or more. Or, the donation might be done surgically, where marrow is extracted from the pelvic bone. An oft-given piece of advice from donor to donor: use a wheelchair in the airport because you will be sore. The donors in the group are moms, soldiers, college students — people from every walk of life. They put their own lives on hold to willingly help a complete stranger. What’s more is that they are enthusiastic, becoming crestfallen when the transplant isn’t needed. Why are

average, everyday people so willing to go through so much for someone they’ve never met? When I received news about my potential recipient, it was that his care team decided not to pursue a donation at this time, but I could be called back to help. When I asked if the patient knew about me as a match, the coordinator said yes. He then told me something I won’t forget: for a patient and their family, just knowing there is a donor who is willing to help gives them hope. When you have a serious diagnosis, hope is a life raft in an open ocean of fear. So while I’m not immediately needed, there is a deeply rewarding sense of being someone’s hope. It answered my question as to why so many of us are motivated to be donors. In this season of giving, I challenge you to give a gift to a stranger in need. Not everyone can be a marrow donor, but there are many other ways to help. Buy some socks for your local shelter, ring the bell outside the grocery store, pay for the car behind you in the coffee line. However you aid another human on this planet, you give them hope: and hope can carry us all so very far. Have a wonderful holiday season. Audrey Meier DeKam Editor-in-Chief

mommag.com 7


omism #11: When I was your age...


TIPS FOR A HEALTHY HOLIDAY SEASON: Christina Miller, MD Stick to three balanced meals per day.

541 704 7304

Avoid overeating at holiday meals. Offer healthy snacks like popcorn, raw vegetables and fruit. Avoid fast food.

At Willamette Valley Pediatrics we believe that health care is personal. Dr. Christina Miller takes the time to develop relationships with her patients and their families to care for their “whole” health.

You and your child’s health are our priority. We know that health concerns are stressful for moms. We offer same-day appointments and can work with your busy schedule. We schedule sports physicals with minimal wait time, because we know that an active child is a healthy child.

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Dr. Miller strives to provide so much more than just a doctor’s visit. She knows that children are a blessing, and she partners with you and your child to help them become their best selves.

Christina Miller, MD

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Stay active to keep you and your kids to avoid eating out of boredom. Family walks or bike rides are a great way to get exercise and fresh air. Drink water: 1 to 3 year-olds need 4 cups per day, 4 to 8-yearolds need 5 cups per day, and older kids need 7 to 8 cups per day.

1123 Hill Street SE Suite B. Albany 541-704-7304

541 704 7304 magazines • inserts • newspapers postcards • catalogs • maps • calendars

8 mommag.com



Let’s talk health


Have a question you forgot to discuss at the doctor’s office or are too embarrassed to ask? The experts at Samaritan Health Services are here to help.

Q: My potty-trained toddler is having trouble in the bathroom. What should I do?

A: It’s common for children to be

embarrassed to use the bathroom when in a new setting, to be afraid to go if they experience pain during a bowel movement, or to have stress-related constipation. Children will develop their own schedule. As long as they go at least once every three days and aren’t having pain, there is no need to worry. Here are ways you can help your child develop healthy toileting habits: • Keep track of their frequency and ask whether it is hard, soft or painful. • Have them eat plenty of fiber, the kind found in whole grains, legumes, nuts, fruits and vegetables. Fresh or dried

Q: I had a cesarean section three years ago with my first baby. This time I’m hoping for a more natural birthing experience. What are the main considerations to determine whether I should plan to deliver my baby vaginally?

A: This is a great question! There are a

number of things you need to consider if you want to try to have your baby by VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean). First, you

Let’s talk health

• • • •

fruit is usually the easiest for kids to enjoy, but you can also adjust family meals to have more fiber overall. If they are constipated, limit bananas, rice and dairy. Make sure they drink plenty of unsweetened water between meals. Add at least two bathroom breaks into their daily routine. Make your toilet child friendly, with a step stool for their feet or child-size seat. Encourage active play for at least 60 minutes throughout the day.

Please reach out to your doctor for tools and support, especially if your child has chronic constipation or a painful stool that cannot pass. — Bob Michael, MD, Pediatrician, Samaritan Lebanon Health Center

need to make sure that you are receiving care at a hospital that offers VBAC, such as Good Samaritan Regional Medical Center in Corvallis. Many hospitals are not able to offer this option. Some women will transfer their prenatal care during pregnancy to an obstetrics practice that works with a hospital that offers VBAC.

vaginal birth: the baby is not breech and there are no other conditions present that would require a C-section. And finally, during your pregnancy you will need to have an in-depth conversation with your provider regarding the risks and benefits of trying for VBAC, as well as your likelihood of success.

Second, to have a vaginal delivery you need to ensure your pregnancy meets the criteria required of any pregnancy for

— Emily Zeno Yeast, (she/her/hers), Certified Nurse Midwife, Samaritan Obstetrics & Gynecology – Corvallis

Brought to you by:

Call Samaritan Health Services Find a Doctor line at 800-863-5241 to find a provider who is right for you.

mommag.com 9

Christy Jones If Christy Jones isn’t in her car ferrying kids to and fro, she’s out camping with her family, someplace near the water, preferably out of cell phone range. 10 mommag.com

Family comes first. All families are unique. Tell us about yours. I have an amazing husband who works so hard for our family in his career and at home. As a Hotshot Wildland Firefighter, he works long labor intensive hours for days at a time and at home he is a very present father to our kids and keeps up with all the maintenance of our home and vehicles. Jacoby, my oldest son, is a very athletic, funny and kind teenager who keeps us busy with wrestling, football and baseball, and he helps take care of his little sister. Julian, my youngest son, is quiet, a jokester and loves to fish. He’s always up for a board game or throwing around a ball outside. Samia, my baby (now really a toddler) is so sweet. She sings along to any song, loves dress-up and has the family love for water. She also bosses her brothers around. Sox, our old man dog, is 17 years old and still hanging in there. He’s been with us for so many great family memories. Every family has their own traditions, rituals or inside jokes. What’s one of yours? We love to camp, whenever and wherever we can. Usually camping involves all the other activities we love too, like fishing, hunting, swimming and riding our motorcycles. We prefer primitive camping along a body of water where we can reconnect with each other and the outdoors.

Photos by: Emily Hall Photography

Profession: Higher Education, Native American/Indigenous Student Success Coordinator, Oregon State University

Community: Philomath Husband: Glenn Jones, Hotshot

Wildland Firefighter, Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs

Children: Jacoby, age 13; Julian, age 11; and Samia, age 3

When did you know you wanted to be a mom? I knew I wanted to be a mom when I was a kid. Not sure how old I was, but I knew I wanted to have kids when I got older. Once I met my husband, together we created that beautiful family.

celebration and unconditional love. It’s like no other feeling I had felt before and definitely my proudest mom moments. In what way are your children like you? How are they different? My kids love the outdoors just like I do. My boys have even asked if I could homeschool them while we are camping so we could stay out there longer. They also love to swim and fish like I do. My kids also like to joke and be funny.

MOMs Love Local We love locally owned businesses, restaurants, places and organizations. Share your favorite… …coffee spot: The Human Bean …view or scenic lookout: When I’m driving home, coming over the small hill into Philomath on Highway 34 and seeing the beautiful place we live with Mary’s Peak in the background and more often than not a beautiful sunset, it’s like a breath of fresh air and I know I’m close to home.

Has the pandemic changed the way you parent, beyond just the practical and logistical parts? If so, how? We’ve had more screen time, all of us. We also have a lot more time together. I look at the pandemic and know this extra time we have together won’t happen again. This means closer bonds with my kids, and they have more time to bond and fight with each other.

…place to treat yourself to a mani/pedi, massage or other personal service: Hair by Stephanie Seits

Tell us about one of your proudest mom moments. Becoming a mom with each birth of my kids. The feeling I had once I met my babies...no one can explain it or prepare for it: it was a mixture of joy,

…take-out, food truck or quick bite: GetSumAloha Kine Grinds

…restaurant to take the kids: Spaghetti Factory …restaurant for a date night: del Alma

mommag.com 11

You know you’re a mom when you hear yourself say, “__________.” Did you wash your hands? Go brush your teeth. Stop fighting.

No one works harder than mom. We know that being a mom is a full-time job. How do you balance (or not) motherhood, activities, work, volunteering, household responsibilities, and life in general? What sometimes falls through the cracks? It definitely takes a village to raise a family. I am so thankful to my family for all the support and time they spend helping me and my family get to where we need to be. For me, balance doesn’t always mean equal time and energy is spent on everything. A lot of the time something has to wait so we can spend the time and energy where it’s currently needed. At times that means we have to get meals on the go, since I’m going straight from work to sports practice or games for the boys and picking up my daughter on the way,

12 mommag.com

too. We spend a lot of time in the car getting everyone to where they need to be, school, work, childcare, etc. Luckily my husband keeps up the maintenance on my vehicle, I’m so thankful for his skills. Tell us about your work or volunteerism outside of the home. I have been working in higher education since I started college as a first generation college student. I enjoyed it so much I made a career out of it. My professional passion is to support students who identify as first generation, low income and students of color because that is how I identified as a college student. I hold two degrees from OSU and have worked in Financial Aid, TRIO Student Support Services, and now EOP (Educational Opportunities Program). My title is the Native American and Indigenous Student Success Coordinator. I get to support Native American and Indigenous students at OSU to reach their educational goals.

What have you learned professionally that has helped you as a mom? The students I get to work with are amazing and resilient, they each have unique stories. I like to hear about their families and experiences that help shape who they are as young adults. I’ve learned that being patient, present, and consistent make a huge difference in having a positive trusting relationship. These actions have helped me be a better mom to my kids. Do you have a goal you’d like to accomplish within the next five years? Yes, professionally I would like to increase graduation and retention rates for Native American and Indigenous students at OSU by creating more support systems for the students. Personally, I would like to get my family into a bigger house. Although we love where we live, we have outgrown our first house.

Tell us about your upbringing. How did it shape the mother you are today? I grew up in Corvallis with my parents and my brother. I had a good childhood but noticed that not many of my classmates and friends looked like me. It’s important for me to talk to my kids about diversity and being Native American. My parents always encouraged me to become whatever I wanted to be when I grew up and still support my goals now. I’m the mother I am today because I had a very loving mother who would do anything for us. My parents worked really hard and would save up their vacation time to take long road trips with us as kids. I still love road trips and show my kids that love for traveling and learning about the outdoors. What do you think is the most important life skill or value your parents taught you? The most important skill my parents taught me was working hard. And to go along with that, not giving up. I use those two skills daily as a parent and encourage those skills in my kids with their school work, sports, and friendships. When was the last time you did something for the first time? Having a teenager right now is a first for me. What is one thing you never had that you want for your kids? I never lived very close to my extended family growing up, that is one thing I am doing now for my kids that I didn’t have. They are able to see their grandma, grandpa, uncle and cousin often. What is the quality you like most about yourself? The quality I like most about myself is that I’m a problem solver. That relates to many areas of my life. It benefits me at home with my kids, with my relationship with my husband, and at work. I also use it to find things that are missing. It has to do with my skills of tenacity, grit, and not giving up. It is a blessing and a curse. I have found my husband’s lost arrow while target shooting and found my kid’s lost tiny toy piece on the playground. I just don’t give up! What’s your superpower? My superpower is that I can slay fish. I love to salmon fish in the fall and have caught the biggest fish in our group a few times. I’m helping my son Julian learn how to salmon fish now.

Name one thing that is part of your daily routine that you just can’t live without. My car! It gets us where we all need to go (school, work, sports, home). It’s Saturday afternoon and you suddenly find yourself at home alone for a few hours (we know, it never happens). What do you do? Take a nap. I love naps, they give me more energy to make it through the night and get everything done. I rarely get to take a nap unless it’s in the car and we are going somewhere far. What keeps you up at night (apart from kids, of course)? Wondering if I got everything I’m supposed to done.

What advice would you give your younger mom self? What do you wish you knew then that you know now? It’s all good! Take time to enjoy the small stuff because the kids grow up so fast. Make a plan but don’t stress if it doesn’t work out like you planned for. Be as prepared as you can, and you will make it work one way or another. What message would you like to share with other moms? Remember to tell it like it is. Give yourself grace if everything doesn’t get done today. Have a plan, keep pushing forward and surround yourself with a supportive system.

What keeps you sane? My husband. Together we make a great team and have for the last 17 years! Checking in with him and having his companionship keeps me grounded. What is the best way that you let off steam? Being outside and getting some fresh air. What’s your guilty pleasure? Homemade chocolate chip cookies. Who is your favorite real-life hero? All of my ancestors who paved the way for me to be in this moment with my own family. What is something you think everyone should do at least once in their lives? Travel to another country. It’s awesome to see and learn about different cultures and places in the world. Also seeing the total solar eclipse a few years ago was amazing. I would love to see another one in my lifetime. The shadows and the way everything looked was so cool.

Listen to mom. Is motherhood what you expected? What surprised you the most? Not always — sometimes it’s hard and sometimes it’s easy. Motherhood is always changing, and each stage has its amazing awesome moments and also struggles, too. My kids are growing up so fast, and now both of my sons can fit my shoes and are almost as tall as me. I didn’t realize it would go so fast. What’s the best advice you’ve received from another mom? Do what works for you and your family. You only have 18 summers with your kids, make the most of those 18 summers!


If mom’s not happy, nobody’s happy.

MOM s Favorite... …family game: Monopoly and LIFE …place to find some peace & quiet: In the coast range, by one of several of our favorite coastal rivers, where there is no cell phone service. …binge-worthy TV or podcast: True crime shows, 20/20 …way to get out of making dinner: When both boys have practice or a game at the same time, across town or in different towns! …inspirational quote: “I want to be remembered as the person who helped us restore faith in ourselves.” — Wilma Mankiller …time-saving app or digital tool: My phone calendar …parenting book or philosophy: Most people will never meet their favorite athletes, I’m raising mine.

mommag.com 13

pets are family

‘TIS THE SEASON FOR PANCREATITIS In the veterinary world, the days after Thanksgiving and Christmas are called “panc days,” in reference to the influx in cases of pancreatitis we see in pets. Most people know the peril that can befall our pets from eating bones. However, not everyone is familiar with the dangers associated with the high fat content in a deliciously unattended turkey carcass.

In partnership with Willamette Veterinary Hospital & Ark Animal Hospital

Brought to you by: Josiah Moses, DVM Eastgate Veterinary Clinic

Pancreatitis is the inflammation of the pancreas, often stemming from eating a large amount of fatty or rich food. This leads to inflammation of multiple areas

in the gut resulting in diarrhea, vomiting and significant pain. Mild cases can be treated with hydration, a bland diet, pain control and gastrointestinal medication from your veterinarian. However, many cases require more aggressive IV fluids and hospitalization to resolve persistent gut inflammation and serious pain. This season, avoid panc day by keeping that delicious turkey and leftover gravy boat out of reach from determined, counter-surfing pets.

Our new Rec Fit Membership gets you more! Group exercise classes at C3 and lap swim, unlimited fitness for one great price! Individual Price: $40 per month ($50 for those who live outside Corvallis city limits) Household Price: $75 per month ($90 for those who live outside Corvallis city limits) Plus $10 per person Purchase your Rec Fit Membership in person at Corvallis Community Center, Osborn Aquatic Center, or online under Memberships.

14 mommag.com

Games with rules And how they help children For 7 to 12 year-olds, child development experts define types of play as physical, social, constructive, fantasy, and what’s called “games with rules.” The games with rules category includes all kinds of activities, such as playground pastimes like freeze tag or red light, green light. It also includes checkers, cards and a variety of board games. Games with rules range from games that children direct themselves, as well as organized activities like robotics or basketball. The next time your child is playing, take a moment to observe the depth of what is developing. Games with rules provide a landscape of learning how and when to take turns, the procedure of each activity’s beginning and end, and penalties for breaking set rules. It makes for a microcosm of the world at large, in how we learn to live with an understanding of societal norms and rules that keep society functioning.

Brought to you by:

Karen Swanger

OSU KidSpirit, OSU Extension & Outreach kidspirit.oregonstate.edu

Director of OSU Kidspirit

The famous saying “play is the work of the child” is particularly meaningful. It really is more than just fun and games!

Contribute: CPSFOUNDATION.ORG mommag.com 15

THE SPIRIT OF GIVING, It’s perfect, honey! AS A FAMILY Have you ever noticed that we love our children’s artwork, no matter how purple the sky or red the grass they’ve drawn? We don’t expect it to be perfect, yet we find joy in it anyway. We find joy in their imperfection, yet we often expect no less than perfection from ourselves or our spouse. When we reflect on our

Brought to you by:

AnnaMarie Gosser Santiam Christian Elementary Principal

4 mommag.com 16 mommag.com

www.santiamchristian.org 541-745-5524 x 243

lives, we see what we don’t have. When we look in the mirror, we see our flaws instead of the blessings. Can we take a step back? Can we Finding ways to give and serve friend who could use a night off accept extra pounds, or scuffed shoes, or not-so-new as a those familyfew is deeply rewarding. from cooking or enjoy a special car—even with its occasional rattles—and allow ourselves to It helps role-model generosity treat. A bouquet of winter greens experience satisfaction with what we have and who we are? Peace and instills in your children the with a handmade note is another sense of being part ofusato commlovely with ourselves liberates be our own “best.gesture. ” unity. This holiday season, and SERVE. If there is a nursing Today’s the new day. Give into the year,yourself considera break from the expectation of home, mission organization or perfection ways to:and say, “I’m okay.” service group in your community, It’s GIVE. called GRACE. Givehow yourself some today! Talk about a handcall them now about holiday made gift says, “You are worthy events that your family might of my time and effort.” Plan early help with. and follow in making brought to youthrough by There’s something to be said simple gifts that your child can about giving as a family: the give to special people in their shared experience amplifies all lives. A child’s artwork is a that is fulfilling and joyous, beautiful present for relatives creating memories — and maybe and friends, especially Towery is a Santiam Christian Schools if their Carla even traditions — you carry into own children are past the ageKindergarten of teacher, www.santiamchristian.org the future. adorable drawings. Santiam Christian Schools 541-745-5524 x243 Santiam Christian wishes you a MAKE. Cook something together blessed Christmas. and drop it off to a neighbor or a

‘Tis the season for budgeting Whether you or your child need orthodontics, the thought of braces can be overwhelming. It’s important to know the facts when it comes to braces and maximizing all the benefits you can to make them affordable and financially stress-free. Planning. Initial orthodontic consults are free of charge and can help you determine orthodontic needs and fees, allowing you to make a plan that works for your family. Financing. Most orthodontic offices offer financing, interest-free and on flexible terms that work best for your needs. Insurance. Most dental insurances carry an orthodontic benefit to help pay for orthodontic expenses. Your orthodontic team can help research, explain and utilize your benefit to its maximum potential.

This smile is brought to you by:

WADE L. HASLAM, DMD, PC 2657 NW Rolling Green Drive Corvallis | 541.757.2440 valleyvieworthodontics.com

Flexible spending and Health Savings Accounts (HSA). Some employers offer the opportunity to contribute to a health savings or flexible spending account, which is a way to set aside money for medical expenses, pre-tax. Orthodontics are a great way to utilize these funds.

mommag.com 17


Holiday Gift Guide


Bonus: many are from talented, local makers!



18 mommag.com


From Daisy Yang of Linlan Design in Eugene. etsy.com/shop/LinlanDesign 04


Made in Corvallis by Ethos Body available online and in their downtown Corvallis location. ethosbody.shop 03 TOTES ADORBS

Halsey-based creator Mandy Deaube sells items like this hexagon-patterned canvas clutch. etsy.com/shop/TheWanderingQuail 04 YOU HAD US AT CUSTOM CANDLES 05

Salem-based maker Jessie, of Zilldy Gifting Co., can set you up with custom gift boxes. Perfect for pals, events and maybe just to treat yourself. etsy.com/shop/zilldy 05 KITTY WANTS TACOS

A refillable catnip taco toy that makes crinkle noises will drive kitty wild in a good way. From Brownsville maker Chariss of BooBoyCatToys. etsy.com/shop/BooBoyCatToys 06 CUSTOM HOUSE DRAWINGS


Salem-based artist Heidi Toepfer specializes in custom house portraits with gentle lines and delightful watercolors. See more on Instagram @rosehipheidi and at her online store. etsy.com/shop/Rosehipheidi

mommag.com 19

Holiday Gift Guide 02

03 01


You’ve been hilariously singing it wrong all these years. Look for Merriweather products at Ricky’s Bubbles & Sweets in Salem, Many Hands Trading in Corvallis or Hiron’s Drug in Eugene. meriwether.love 02 T-REX WALL ART

It’s art you semi-make with pre-cut and pre-creased paper. Shop by age for masks, lamps and other animal-inspired items. papercraftworld.com

20 mommag.com


Wrestle those caps off with these fun bottle openers by Kikkerland. Kirkkerland.com




Puffy, colorful and made from recycled material, Rumpl blankets are headquartered in Portland. rumpl.com 05 FOOD, YA BURNT

Blue Q products have kept us laughing since their original flat cat in 1988. Look for their kitchen towels and oven mitts at Market of Choice and other local retailers. blueq.com



Do you need a tortilla blanket? No. But do you want a tortilla blanket? Yes, because burritos make everyone happy. Mermaker on Amazon.com

Healthy sleep, Beautiful smiles, Happy kids Dr. Lindquist uses non-invasive removable appliances to help your child grow to his full potential! Contact us today for a free consultation.

Give the gift of healthy sleep!

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@pearlywhitesfamilydentistry mommag.com 21


Momism #11: When I was your age...

Get Pie Five Pizza for your holiday parties! Gift certificates make great stocking stuffers and are available online or at the counter.

Located in the Corvallis Timberhill Shopping Center | piefivepizza.com | 541-286-4394 | @piefivecorvallis

22 mommag.com


Hosting for the holidays My favorite thing about the holiday season is seeing my family and friends. If you’re having visitors staying with you this holiday season, here are some tips for making their stay extra cozy...

Invest in quality sheets for the guest bed. Look for sheets that have a high thread count and are made of cotton for breathability. Avoid materials like flannel as so many people tend to sleep hot. Place a universal charger beside the bed for wireless devices. Offer a pitcher and cup for guests to fill with water before retiring to their room. Set fresh towels out so no one has to go digging for linens. Subtly scent the room with fresh lavender, cinnamon sticks, or my favorite, eucalyptus. Let guests know when coffee will be ready in the morning, or set the coffee pot on a timer if they rise before you. Giving the gift of a five-star treatment when you have overnight guests in your home is a great way to demonstrate your love and appreciation.

Heather Van Eyk is a mother of two and founder of Kalluna Interior Designs, established in 2014.

K ALLUNA kalluna.com / 541-738-2806 127 Broadalbin St SW Albany

New name and location! Northwest Design House is now Kalluna Interior Design, relocated to historic downtown Albany.

mommag.com 23









We have a new name and location! Northwest Design House is now Kalluna Interior Design, relocated to historic downtown Albany. Visit our new showroom for inspiration and guidance in making your home reflect who you are. Kalluna serves residential and commercial clients throughout the mid-Willamette Valley. Call us today to arrange a free consultation, either in person or virtually.

Heather Van Eyk is the founder of Kalluna. She believes design should be a fun, unique experience customized to the spirit and personality of each homeowner.

kalluna.com / 541-738-2806 127 Broadalbin St SW Albany

24 mommag.com

At Kalluna Interior Design, we take your goals and budget to create functional, beautiful and personal spaces. Visit us online at kalluna.com to learn more.

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Day trips Salem/ Keizer/ Silverton NOV. 26 - JAN. 9 Silverton Christmas Market at the Oregon Garden Lights, snowless tubing, market and more. silvertonchristmasmarket.com

DEC. 3 - 12 Annie the Musical Historic Grand Theatre enlightenedtheatrics.org

DEC. 11 Keizer Holiday Light Parade, River Road N facebook.com/ KeizerHolidayLightsParade

DEC. 19 - 23 Magic at the Mill at the Willamette Heritage Center Lights, children’s activities, miniature trains and more willametteheritage.org/ magic-at-the-mill

DEC. 3 - 17 Albany Storybookland Tiny tots will have eyes all aglow at holiday scenes and model trains. christmasstorybookland.org

DEC. 5 Downtown Twice Around Christmas Parade & Community Tree Lighting albanydowntown.com

Santiam Excursions Trains They had us at Candy Express and Ugly Sweater rides. santiamexcursiontrains.com

Splatterbox Splash one another with paint for messy good fun. splatterbox.net

NOV. 20 - DEC. 24 The Eugene Saturday Market’s Holiday Market Inside at the Lane Events Center


Albany/ Corvallis/ Lebanon

DEC. 17 - 23 The Nutcracker at the Hult Center, presented by the Eugene Ballet Company

NOV. 26 - DEC. 31 Pastega Christmas Lights, Benton County Fairgrounds A drive-through event

Watch whales at Depoe Bay. While the whale watching center may be closed, the viewing deck is usually open.

Eugene/ Springfield

DEC. 4 Springfield Christmas Parade Known as “Oregon’s Oldest and Coldest Parade.”

Awesome Indoor Playground Pizza and a playground sounds great for rainy day fun.

Go sledding at Santiam Sno-Park. Note that you’ll need a sno-park permit. Don’t forget sunscreen!

See the Spruce Goose at the Evergreen Aviation Museum. evergreenmuseum.org

Check Facebook events


Demolition Zone Smash some stuff as a family. demolitionzone.net

Look for wintering dusky Canada geese at the Baskett Slough National Wildlife Refuge. fws.gov/refuge/ baskett_slough/

mommag.com 27

Night driving can be a glaring problem Oncoming headlights, bright tail lights, streetlights and rain can make for dangerous driving situations at night. If you wear glasses, first make sure your lenses are clean. You might also want to ask your eye care professional about anti-reflective coating for your glasses. The coating works by reflecting the light away from your lenses, which then prevents it from entering your eye. The end result is reduced glare, clearer vision, less eye strain and more contrast when looking at objects. If you wear contact lenses or have post-laser eye dryness, managing your dry eye is key for optimal vision. Keep your eyes moisturized with an appropriate solution. We guide patients in choosing what works best for their unique vision needs.

Welcoming Dr. Bunn to our team! She is accepting new patients. Brought to you by:

Carli A. Bunn, OD eyecareassociates.net Albany Willetta St SW (541) 926-5848 Albany Custom Eyes (541) 928-2020

Downtown Corvallis Office (541) 757-1120 NW Corvallis Office (541) 752-4622 Lebanon Office (541) 451-5808 Lincoln City (541) 614-0946

KIDS DON’T COME WITH DIRECTIONS Parenting is better with support


Growing Leaders Early Learning Center focuses on building an educational foundation for children ages 3 to 5 through enrichment programs that provide learning opportunities for everyone in our community. Visit ymcaalbany.org for more information about this exciting program or to register. For more information: Ashley Thomas 541.918.2255 | elcdirector@ymcaalbany.org

28 mommag.com


SMOKY CHILI 1 1 2 15 28 15 2 1 ¾ ½ ½ ½

pound ground turkey, browned and drained small onion, chopped cloves garlic, minced salt and pepper to taste ounces tomato sauce ounces Bush’s Baked Beans ounces black beans, drained and rinsed tablespoons brown sugar teaspoon smoked paprika (the smoked variety is key) teaspoon salt teaspoon garlic powder teaspoon onion powder teaspoon cumin dash of cayenne pepper

Brown the ground turkey with chopped onions and garlic in a large skillet over medium heat. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Drain and add meat to a slow cooker. Add the rest of the ingredients and ½ cup of water if it’s too thick for your liking. Cook on low for 4 - 6 hours. Can be topped with shredded cheddar cheese and sliced green onions before serving.

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TACO SOUP 2 1 1 15

cups rotisserie chicken, shredded small onion, chopped red bell pepper, chopped ounces of corn, frozen or canned (drained) 15 ounces pinto beans, drained and rinsed 1 packet of taco seasoning 2 cups of chicken broth 15 ounces of tomato sauce ½ lime, juiced 1 teaspoon garlic powder salt and pepper to taste Combine ingredients in a slow cooker and cook on low for 4 hours. Can be served with tortilla chips, cilantro, avocado slices, radish slices and additional lime.

WHITE CHILI 2 cups rotisserie chicken, shredded 12 ounces chicken broth 2 cans white northern beans, drained and rinsed 6 ounces Monterey jack cheese 4 ounces diced green chilis ¾ cup sour cream Combine chicken, broth, beans, cheese and chilis into a slow cooker. If you want a thinner soup, add 1/2 cup of water. Cook on low for 4 hours, then add the sour cream before serving and stir well. Top with shredded cheese and cilantro if desired. 30 mommag.com


potatoes, chopped into 1-inch pieces 14 ounces of kielbasa, sliced into ½-inch pieces 1 medium onion, chopped 4 celery sticks, chopped 2 cubes chicken bouillon 4 ounces Velveeta, cubed 1 can evaporated milk Brown the sausage and onion in a skillet over medium heat, then put into a slow cooker with the potatoes. Add the celery, bouillon, Velveeta and enough water to cover the mixture. Cook on low for 4 hours until the potatoes are tender, then add evaporated milk.

SOUPÇON VS. SOUP’S ON They sound similar, but carry different meanings. A soupçon means a tiny bit or trace of something, usually in reference to cooking. The expression “soup’s on” has come to mean “dinner is ready” or “come and get it.”

Space-age Dentistry No needles, no drills and no pain One of the most commonly asked questions in pediatric dentistry is, “Am I going to get a shot?” A trip to the dentist for a filling or other procedure conjures up all kinds of anxiety and emotional responses in children. Not any more: in the age of electric cars and space travel reality, lasers are revolutionizing the way dentistry is being delivered. Our new Solea Laser uses light to both anesthetize and vaporize cavities, which can then be filled. With this technology, no numbing shots are needed, and the noise and vibration of a traditional handpiece is a thing of the past. It makes appointments more pleasant and less timeconsuming, and children can return to school after appointments without the parents having to worry they might bite their cheek or tongue. Laser dentistry also allows us to do more treatments in a single appointment, which means less visits overall.

Brought to you by:

Dr. Jay Vaikuntam

32 mommag.com

pediatricdentistoregon.com 155 NW Hickory St # A Albany, OR 97321 (541) 928-1509

Ask your pediatric dentist if your child is a good candidate for laser fillings and procedures. If you would like to know more, please contact my office or go to Ilovesolea.com Dr. Jay is a Certified Solea user. For more information, call Pediatric Dental Associates at (541) 928-1509.


Momism #14: Make good choices.


Let Vacation MOM Plan Your Dream Vacation! Family Vacations Romantic Getaways Cruises All Inclusive Resorts Disney Vacations

Get seen by moms! Advertise with MOM Magazine.


Donnita Bassinger VIP Vacations, Inc. 541-913-5272 Facebook: Vacation MOM mommag.com 33

From down the street or around the globe… ...the best gifts are made with love. This holiday season, the Co-op can do more than fuel your feast, we can make eyes light up with surprise. Check out these great gift ideas to help you stuff the stockings and line the tree — they’re just a taste of what we’ve got in store for the holidays. Gifts from down the street: A Co-op gift card is the easiest (and cleanest) way to give the gift of fresh, local food. Surprise the plant-lover in your life with handmade, plant-themed earrings, studs and stickers from Plant Posse. Spread the seasonal love far and wide with gorgeous prints and holiday cards from local artists.

Come to First Alternative Natural Foods Co-op for all of your grocery needs. It’s the natural choice.

34 mommag.com

Two locations in Corvallis 1007 SE 3rd • 541-753-3115 2855 NW Grant • 541-452-3115 Open daily www.firstalt.coop

And raise a glass to a new year of possibilities with one of our many locally produced sparkling wines or festive beers. Gifts from around the globe: When it comes to staying warm, you know you can trust people from the chilly heights of the Andes! Wool gloves, hats, scarves and more from the fair trade-certified artisans of Andes Gifts will keep your loved ones warm for many holidays to come. Warm hearts (and please sweet tooths) with gift boxes containing a beautiful mug, a bar of decadent fair-trade chocolate and a bag of rich, fair-trade coffee.

Jasmin Woodside of First Alternative Co-op and her children.


champions together


mommag.com 35

263 29th Avenue SW | Albany, OR 97322 541-926-0353 | 541-926-1515 fax mommag.com | info@mommag.com

The views, information and content in this magazine are not that of the organization that may have provided MOM Magazine to readers as a courtesy. MOM Magazine and its distributors assume no liability for the contents or events arising out of its distribution.

From annual health checks to after-hours care, we love caring for your pets. May your holidays be healthy and bright! 36 mommag.com




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