Salem MOM | April/Mar 2020

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real local moms

Salem | April / May 2020

since 2005







Oh, What a Team!

Santiam Women’s Clinic, part of Santiam Hospital, offers care and support to help women manage their health at every stage of life. Whether you need a routine checkup or are pregnant and seeking a midwife or OB/GYN to deliver your baby, we can meet your needs.

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All of our providers are accepting new patients. To schedule an appointment, please call us at 503-769-9522 1373 N 10th Ave., Stayton •

Santiam Hospital & Clinics accept all insurance including all Medicare plans, OHP, Kaiser Permanente & Blue Cross.

Sublimity Medical Clinic, part of Santiam Hospital offers full spectrum, comprehensive primary care including obstetrics. Our skilled physicians provide support throughout your pregnancy and post-delivery, care for your newborn, and continued care for the years beyond.

Emily Alvale, MD

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All of our providers are accepting new patients. To schedule an appointment, please call us at 503.769.2259 114 SE Church St., Sublimity •

It’s what‘s

inside that counts GO Ba

-na -nas!

Nursery Design 22

Go Bananas 27 Designing a nursery...... 22

They know what they're

Cover MOM: Melissa Hedstrom...........10

Create a nurturing space

talking about

This mom gets real

that leaves your wallet and

Because I said so............... 5

Buckle up...........................21

A message from MOM

Stay current on car

Go bananas.......................27

seat guidelines.

Tasty treats using bananas.

Buckle Up


Meet the MOM experts..... 4

On the road.............................6

sanity intact.

Keep your car mess in check

Healthy MOM..................... 8 Put that phone down

More ways to love your MOM Blog: Facebook: lovemommag Email: We love hearing from you. Email us with feedback, story ideas or nominations.

Cover MOM


Photos by Joni Loraine Photography

CONGRATULATIONS to United Way of the Mid-Willamette Valley, winner of the 2020 MOM Magazine Community Impact Award. For more information about United Way of the Mid-Willamette Valley check out their ad on page 17.

Advertise today Want to get the word out about your business? Contact Kim Leighty at 3

meet the


[They know what they’re talking about]

Drive. On the road with Shelly Morales, page 6

Health. Healthy MOM with Santiam Hospital, page 8

Say Cheese. Say cheese with Dr. Ana Castilla, page 18

“Spring’s greatest joy beyond a doubt is when it brings the children out.

– Edgar Guest.


Smile. Something to Smile About with Dr. Na Xu, page 26


Because I said so! Published by GO Creative, LLC 263 29th Avenue SW Albany, OR 97322

‘til we meet again

Editor-in-Chief Managing Director Angela Hibbard


aying goodbye is never easy, which is why this Because I said so! has been so difficult to write—it is my last. After seven years as Editor-in-Chief of MOM Magazine, it’s time for me to leave the nest and move on to a new opportunity.

Salem Advertising Representative Kim Leighty 503-510-9036 Mid-Valley & Lane County Business Development Manager Linda Blair 541-231-7250 Tri-Cities Business Development Manager Kim Harvey 509-460-6526 Designer Sean Carver

MOM MagazineTM is produced by GO Creative, LLC. © 2020 All rights reserved. Any reproduction, in whole or part, without written permission of the publisher, is prohibited. Information in the magazine is provided for general information purposes only with the understanding that none of the content constitutes professional advice. Opinions expressed by the writers or advertisers are not necessarily the opinions of the magazine or the publisher. Inclusion in the magazine does not constitute endorsement of information, products or services.

“How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard. ” A.A. Milne (Winnie-the-Pooh)

It has truly been a privilege to tell the stories of so many amazing local moms. I’ve learned from each one of our Cover MOMs and all of our readers and partners. You’d think I’d have this motherhood thing figured out by now since I’ve had the benefit of so much MOM wisdom, but I don’t. I’m failing and learning and growing every day. When I stumble, I need to remind myself of some of the advice shared in this column over the years. So I leave you with a collection of my favorites from Because I said so!

The laundry can wait. Your presence is present enough. Don’t compare. You are the perfect mother for your child. Breathe. Perfect parenting is poor preparation for the real world. Love is spelled T.I.M.E. Put on your own oxygen mask before assisting others. Remember these words of wisdom the next time you need a little mom inspiration. Why? Because I said so!

Angela Hibbard MOM Magazine Editor-in-Chief 5

on the road


Spring is a time of renewal, a fresh start. So why not give your car a fresh start with a spring cleaning? WE’LL TELL YOU WHY; because two minutes after you clean your car one of your darling children is likely to wedge PB&J between the seat cushions or leave a banana peel under their car seat until the smell alerts the neighbors. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Check out these tips for keeping your car organized and clean(ish). PUT A LID ON IT: Without a designated trash

container in your car you’re bound to have fossilized orange peels and raisin boxes rolling around your ride. So be sure to have trash bags in your car at all times for quick garbage collection. Even better, put the bag inside one of those Tupperware or Rubbermaid cereal boxes, then you can close the lid on spills and messes. FILL UP, CLEAN OUT: Make a habit of doing a

Brought to you by:

quick clean up when you stop for gas. There’s always a trashcan to throw away empty snack wrappers, juice boxes and other minor garbage that didn’t make it into your designated trash container. Use the paper towels and washing fluid to mop up any spills.



Repurpose an over-the-door shoe holder by fixing it to the back of your car seat to store kids’ toys and games. Or, even better, invest in a seatback organizer with closeable or zip pouches, so there’s no concern about flying objects if you have to make a sudden stop. DON’T FORGET THE BASICS:


Every car needs wipes, hand sanitizer, plastic bags for wet or soiled clothes (stuff happens) and, for little ones, a supply of diapers. A towel comes in handy too. We can’t promise a spotless car all of the time, but if you follow these tips you just might keep the mess in check so you can enjoy the ride.

MEET BRIANNA BROWN Brianna Brown works in Capitol Auto Group’s control office. She has two children: Skye, age 6 and Bryce, age 1, and loves Capitol’s family atmosphere and all of the fun events they put on for employees and customers alike. “It’s nice to work at a place where everyone, including the owners, know who you are and take time to say hi and make sure you are doing well.” 1-844-361-9185 Come see us at Capitol Auto Group to get your car road trip ready.

[ Momism #64:

Wash your hands.




Taniah Johnson B.S. in Human Development and Family Sciences U.S. Air Force Okinawa, Japan 7

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WORKPLACE TO HOME BASE, screens are increasingly a part of everyday living. In a world where our entertainment, communication and education glimmer at us from a touchscreen, it can be truly difficult to unplug—at any age. For children, especially, who have never lived in a time without smartphones, the impact of screen time can be adverse to both mind and body.

In general terms, screen time is a sedentary activity. Watching TV, flipping through Instagram, or reading the news online requires a person to be relatively still. Unfortunately, this flies in the face of what our bodies fundamentally need to be healthy—to move. Assuming school-age children are sitting in desks for six hours a day, require 10 hours of sleep, and spend a couple of hours sitting while eating, doing homework or traveling by car or bus, that leaves only six hours a day of “free” time. Of that six hours, any time on the phone, tablet or TV is time better spent moving around. Although not the only contributing factor, it’s no coincidence that the rise of screen use has paralleled childhood obesity in recent decades.

Not-so-social media. Though labeled as “social” media, screen use is actually quite solitary. It prevents people from engaging in real-life conversations and interactions. How many times have you asked someone to put down their phone while you’re talking to them? Screen use also creates unnecessary anxiety. In a University of Pennsylvania study, participants examined carefullycurated social media profiles of others, and anxiously felt their own lives lacking by comparison.

behavior. When someone gets a notification or like, your brain triggers dopamine along a reward pathway. It’s the same association that people have with food, love and exercise, but not in a positive way.

Leading by example. Getting children to abide by screen limits can be difficult at first, and is almost always more successful when parents set an example themselves. Adults are often connected to their screens by work, in addition to entertainment and communication. It can be extremely challenging to log off, but it's worth the effort. Screen time at any level should not interfere with or take the place of other good habits including mealtime, physical activity, or sleep.

“Getting children to abide by screen limits can be difficult at first, and is almost always more successful when parents set an example themselves.” Brought to you by:

Rewiring our brains. It’s also been suggested that social media causes our brains to crave “likes” on our posts, and to respond to the buzz of notifications, in the same way that slot machines cause addictive 9


Cover MOM, Melissa Hedstrom, is a busy mother of two and owner of Optimal Living nutrition and yoga therapy. She reminds other moms that change happens from the inside out.

Her Family, Cover MOM Melissa Hedstrom, Madelyn (Maddy), age 17 and Tyler (Ty) age 14. Photo credit: Joni Loraine Photography

10 10 11

Q& Who is MOM?


Salem, OR.


Nutritional therapist, yoga therapist and business owner.

Family comes first. All families are unique. Tell us about yours. My daughter, Maddy, is 17. I prayed for her that she would have the confidence I never had and I’m watching her now take on her world and life with confidence, strength, determination and focus. She is a junior at South Salem High School and wants to be a teacher and travel. My son Tyler is 14, my handsome. He is so caring, empathic, thoughtful and kind. He takes care of his mom and always knows when something’s up. He is there when I need him and is so helpful. He loves computers and wants to head to college. My kids are my everything and through some ups and downs in the last several years we have remained very close. I am so blessed and thankful for who they are, who they are becoming, and for all their love. 12


We’re all moms so we know that no one is perfect all of the time, or even some of the time. Tell us about your most recent “Mother of the Year” moment. You know, like forgetting to pick the kids up from school. I totally spaced on going to Ty’s conference at school. I felt so bad because I pride myself on being on top of all of those things. I literally completely spaced it. I cried, I felt so bad. Thankfully their dad was there. He and I have a great divorced-parent relationship so I was thankful he was my back up. I just felt horrible when I got the phone calls and texts, “Mom, where are you?”

No one works harder than mom. We know that being a mom is a full-time job. Tell us about your work outside of the home. What is Optimal Living? My mission with Optimal Living is to touch as many lives as possible. Helping and holding space for people to connect with their innate wisdom and capacity to heal and thrive. As a nutritional therapist, I look at the whole person and treat food as medicine. It is very individualized. We uncover the areas where clients need the most support and space to heal. That may include gut healing, improving digestion, hormone balancing, blood sugar balancing, or anti inflammatory and lifestyle support. I often find that we get to underlying emotional obstacles as well while I am helping them change their insides. I collaborate with primary care providers, look at blood work, as well as mental health support. I also teach two courses: Optimal Living Nutrition and Lifestyle 101 and 201. As a yoga therapist, I provide-trauma informed therapeutic and restorative yoga. I have individual sessions and group sessions. I don’t consider myself a yoga studio but, rather, a therapy setting. I have a heart for those who feel that they can’t do yoga, have chronic pain, trauma, or various injuries. I had a student recently say, “I felt at home the first class attended.” I also have a passion to share the healing space of silence. On the third Saturday of every month I have Optimal Living Self

“My mission with Optimal Living is to touch as many lives as possible. Helping and holding space for people to connect with their innate wisdom and capacity to heal and thrive.� 13


Care Saturday at Witte Farm. I wanted to create a mini retreat for those who want to get away to breathe a bit, but don’t have the funds or time, especially with busy families. So my dear friend—lawyer by day and flower farmer by night—lets me come out to her flower farm. It is three hours and I take people into a relaxed state through gentle therapeutic and restorative yoga, as well as give them space for reflection, flower time and healing. This is all done in silence—no hats to wear, no facial interactions needed, just a quiet space to heal, connect and breathe. For those ready to experience a little more, I have my three-day retreats that weave together real food nutrition, mindfulness, lifestyle and yoga. Finally, I contract with and am a passionate part of Mid-Valley Pain Clinic. I have contracted with them since 2013 and work with their patients. What have you learned professionally, that has helped you as a mom? Do what you love and feel passionately about. This has helped me be an example to my kids and to encourage them to follow their dreams; to do what lights them up, not what they think they are supposed to do or achieve to be “happy.” It has taught me to be open to their dreams and desires and helped me release the pressure to follow the “getting the next degree, the house, the car, the boat, then you’ll be happy” kind of path. I want my kids to be happy from the inside out at this moment. What advice do you have for busy moms who are struggling to make time for their health and wellness? Ask yourself this question, “What is one small thing I can do for my health?” Write it on a sticky note and read it daily. The brain likes questions and to solve problems—it is good at creating one if you don’t have one. As you plant this seed into your thoughts each day, your brain starts to work on it. That one small, healthy action or thought, will start to lead to the next and the next and the next. You might say, “I am going to drink my water with lemon this morning,” or “I am going to sit with my cup of coffee and drink it slowly without my cell phone or computer on.” Maybe it is as small as saying, “I am going to drive to pick up the kids without the radio

on and breathe in and out instead.” This pause drops us into a place to be present and uncover the health and wellness we seek. It is in the little moments of being present that we rewire ingrained patterns and habits in the brain. I know that, as moms, we are often fixers and we want to fix ourselves too. But then when it seems too overwhelming, we struggle and often pour ourselves into taking care of someone else’s needs because it’s easier than taking care of ourselves. So when we start with one small step or pause daily, at that moment, we don’t scare ourselves into fight or flight. Before we know it, we are finding more of healing space and wellness we crave.

If mom’s not happy, nobody’s happy. What do you think is the most important life skill or value your parents taught you? My dad is my biggest fan and is always there for me. I want to be that to my kids and have them know that I am always there for them and love them unconditionally. Which good habit do you wish you started earlier? Meditation.

Who and what has influenced the mother you are today? My mom. She was right there when I had both of my children. She’s such a relief and support to my life. My mom loves to cook and shares her love and care through good food. My kids always know it is going to be good if Grandma made it. I have some beautiful, strong women in my life and thank them for the example of confidence, independence, strength and encouragement they have shared. All of them have come into my life and my world, inspiring me and encouraging me to shine and grow. What’s the best advice you’ve received from another mom? Someone once told me that your kids came through you to have their own life. That has helped me so much to remember.


Favorite… …place to hide and find some

Who is your favorite real life hero? My kids. They have rolled with a lot of life changes and, all the while, have been the ground and anchor to my life and I know their dad’s life as well.

peace & quiet:

What is something you think everyone should do at least once in their lives? Go on a silent retreat.

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the

They say that everyone has a book in them. What’s the title of your book? Living from the inside out.

Listen to mom. Is motherhood what you expected? What surprised you the most? I don’t really know what I expected. I expected to have it go by the book, so to speak. But it has been nothing like the book. I kind of figured out that you create your own book and that’s okay. I’m okay, they’re okay, and we all are finding our way.

My yoga room or Yachats.

…inspirational quote: So many … I frequently use the Serenity Prayer:


…parenting book or philosophy: The Parent’s Tao Te Ching, by William Martin.

…words to live by: Don’t take anything personally.

…way to get out of making dinner: Assign one of the kids to be in charge (with one week notice). 15

What message would you like to share with other moms? Remember to tell it like it is. Love yourself. Get to know yourself. Your life is right now. It is not a race; it is not one more thing on the to do-list; it’s not when the pounds go down; it is not when the kids go to college, not when this or that is paid off, not when your marriage gets better, or any of the hats you wear. It is in this very moment. Your happiness is in your hands and you hold the ability to rewire to see, feel and know that. When you stop to hear your own voice, feel your own breath, be in silence, taste—really taste—that sip of coffee, that is the health, wellness, realness, and awakened life you seek. You are an accumulation of your life and the conditions wired in your brain. You have to unravel the conditioning of the things that no longer serve you or are keeping you stuck. Start by just becoming aware—aware of what you do


every day, how you respond, how you care or don’t care for yourself. When you become aware in that moment, pause, breathe and simply notice. In time, you’ll begin to offer yourself a new way to think and feel. The peace, the rewiring, the reconditioning, the healing, is in the pause, the quiet, the space between your thoughts and your breath. When you begin to do this, things change. The stress, the kids, the to-do list, life, will begin to have a different feel. You’ll begin to respond differently because you have changed from the inside out. Your children are watching. When you dive deep to uncover, heal, breathe and change your life in a profound and meaningful way, you lay the groundwork for them to do the same.

[ Momism #79: Cough


into your elbow.


It is our intent to be nimble and adaptive in our response to the needs of women and children in our community, striving for lasting social change in our Mid-Valley region. Join us.


We are a philanthropic group of women who take action on important issues affecting women and children in our community. Join us every first Friday of each month at the United Way office for our Brown Bag Monthly Meeting.




WOMEN UNITED is a subsidiary of United Way of the Mid-Willamette Valley | (503) 363-1651 | 17

Life with braces G


period, you will need to be mindful of the foods and snacks your child eats to avoid breaking adjustment. Generally, on the or damaging brackets or wires. first day with braces, there is This means no overly crunchy or no discomfort—just an overall sticky foods including “weird feeling.” hard breads, raw Most kids laugh vegetables, popcorn, after braces have This means no overly nuts and candy. been adhered Additionally, they’ll to their teeth crunchy or sticky want to kick some because they foods including questionable habits think it tickles. hard breads, raw including chewing on On days two to vegetables, popcorn, pens or pencils and four, however, nuts and candy. biting their nails. These your child will habits can not only likely experience cause damage to braces, but they a feeling of general soreness. are bad for your teeth as well! This is when it is especially important to provide soft foods, Knowing what to expect and how including pasta, soup and mashed to adjust to life with braces is a potatoes. key step in getting the smile of After the initial adjustment

Castilla Orthodontics 503-399-0721 434 Lancaster Drive NE, Salem

your life.

Ana Castilla, DDS, MS is a board-certified, Oregon-based orthodontist. She is passionate about helping patients attain their perfect smile, so they can live their lives to the fullest!

Summer Camp Ages 8-13 Spend a week lakeside in Central Oregon!

Type 1 Diabetes: June 23 - 26 Session C: July 12 - 17 Session A: June 28 - July 3 Session D: July 19 - 24 Session E: July 26 - 31 Session B: July 5 - 10 18

Session F: August 2 - 7 Session G: August 9 - 14 Session H: August 16 - 21

[ Momism #81:

We’ll see.




Wondering If Now is Still A Good Time to Buy or Sell Real Estate? Let me help you navigate and decide

Kim Leighty Each brokerage independently Realtor / Broker owned and operated. (503) 510-9036 19

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BUCKLE UP! Car seat guidelines and laws are confusing. Vehicle and car seat technology can be even more so. Here is a quick summary of some of the most important—yet not always wellunderstood—recommendations on child passenger safety: Oregon law states that kids need to be rear-facing until age two. The American Academy of Pediatrics, however, recommends keeping children rear-facing as long as possible, so long as they fit in the weight and height requirements of the seats. Most convertible car seats—seats that can rear or forward-face—will accommodate kids rear-facing until they weigh 40 pounds. The next big—and often confusing—step is transitioning kids from a five-point harness, forward-facing car seat into a

booster seat. This can happen after age four as long as they are over 40 pounds. I always advocate that parents keep their kids in a car seat as long as they fit, because a five-point harness is much safer than a three-point seatbelt in a beltpositioning booster seat.

The lap belt should be over the upper thighs and hips, not the abdomen.

The final step in the car seat transition is moving from a booster seat to a seat belt only. This may happen when a child is anywhere between eight and 12 years of age; they should be about 4’ 9” before this transition occurs. They should be able to pass several tests before they use the seat without the booster:

Motor vehicle collisions are the No. 1 cause of death and significant injury in kids under the age of 19. There’s a lot we can do to protect our kids so they are safe while riding in a car. Following car seat and seat belt laws and guidelines really does save lives!

If your child is not ready, stay with the booster. Passing these tests can keep your child much safer in the event of a collision. Finally, kids should stay in the back seat until they are 13.

The child needs to be able to sit up straight with knees hanging comfortably over the edge of the seat, feet on the ground, and with the seat belt in the correct position with the shoulder belt over the middle of the chest—not near the neck.

Angela Zallen, MD is a pediatric hospitalist and a certified child passenger safety technician. She’s also the co-chair of SafeKids West Oregon. She lives in Eugene with her husband, a pediatric surgeon, and their two children, two dogs and 10 chickens. 21


Designing a nursery Designing a nursery can be overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be. We love these tips for creating a nurturing space that will grow with your child and leave your wallet and sanity intact.



1: The basics


Nurseries only need to support the baby’s basic activities in order to thrive. So, what do babies do? New babies eat, sleep and play. Does your baby need a mommy daybed adorned with pillows, a long chaise lounge and a television? No. Buckets of love, a crib or bassinet, a chair for nursing and a comfortable surface for play are all your baby needs for a good growing start.

2: Safety Safety has to be the first priority when designing a space for your baby. For example, choose cordless window treatments, a new or properly retrofitted used crib, no/low VOC paint and forego crib bumpers at certain ages or altogether. If it is not safe, don’t let yourself love it and put it in the room.

3: That special chair A chair is used for nursing, bonding, rocking, relaxing, singing, reading and, sometimes, sleeping. So many precious moments will take place in


this chair, so find a good one, new or used! Traditional gliders are often resold after mom and baby outgrow them, while an upholstered chair with rocking feet can be used in another room in the house.

4: Changing station It’s entirely possible, and some argue

safer, to change diapers with just a pad on the floor. If considering a table or dresser, new or used, choose a pad that can be securely attached for safety. Dressers, rather than changing tables, allow for easy access to diapers, supplies and baby clothes and can also be used during toddlerhood and beyond.

5: Lights out Even the tiniest sliver of light can wake some babies, especially if you have a summer-born, light-sleeping baby. A dark room will add to your baby’s sleeping success rate. There are many cordless blackout shade options in various lengths that can be cut to size. Or simply buy blackout material and “hook and loop” tape it to the surrounding millwork.

5 23 23

Check out these tips for creating a room with personality without breaking the bank. They just make sense (cents)! A non-themed room transitions more affordably, and can be accomplished gradually avoiding future expenses when interests change or your baby grows an opinion. When buying more expensive or custom items choose colors and patterns that transition over time. For example, gender-neutral colors and age-transitional patterns: geometrics and stripes over baby-specific scenes; greens over pinks; multi-color fabrics; furniture in white or wood tone over bright painted colors. Bring in color with smaller, budget-friendly items: storage baskets, sheets, throws, wall art and other decorative top notes. Books and toys are the most practical ways to style kid’s rooms; select your favorites and put them front and center! Decorate with affordable art. Search “printable nursery art” online then repurpose old thrift store frames and buy a custom colored mat at your local frame shop. Select paint last. If you want to get the color right, wait until you know the design direction of the room. You can create any color in the world after you have a reference point such as a color pulled from fabric or a rug.

Kari Delavenne is a mother of two and Interior Designer. For more of Kari’s design ideas visit Article adapted from A room to grow, MOM Magazine April/May 2016

24 24

[ Momism #93: One


day you’ll thank me.

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W Name one baby item new moms don’t need.

e asked moms to weigh in on the most unnecessary baby item. We heard from hundreds of you and the overwhelming answer was: Wipe warmers! Most moms just don’t need them. Some other honorable mentions include bottle warmers, diaper genies, changing tables and—our staff favorite—unsolicited advice from others! @lovemommag

of here! Get out don't need st Moms ju pe warmers. you, wi 25

something to smile about


DENTAL TIPS FOR TEENS While we can’t guarantee that your teenager will smile at you (especially if you’re enforcing curfew or screen time), we can help you protect their smile with these tips. PLAY IT SAFE. Prevent injuries by wearing a mouthguard while playing sports. Be sure your teen keeps it clean by rinsing it often and storing it in a ventilated container. AVOID ORAL PIERCINGS. People with tongue or other mouth piercings can easily chip their teeth while eating, sleeping, talking and chewing. This can lead to a filling, or possibly go deeper, leading to a root canal or tooth extraction. SNACK SMART. While fast food and "nutrition" bars can provide a quick snack during a teen’s busy schedule, these habits can permanently damage oral and overall health. Make sure your teen has access to healthy snacks such as apples, carrot sticks and cheese and low or no-sugar drinks. Just like adults, teens should visit their dentist at least twice a

Brought to you by: Healthy Smiles Family Dentistry

2601 25th St., Suite 400, in Salem 503-689-8936

year to keep teeth bright and shiny (a boost to any teens’ self-esteem), and help catch minor problems before they

Na Xu, DDS, is a mother of two.

become worse. Adapted from Delta Dental

r o f g n Cari ies

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GO B a GO B a -na

-n-a na -n-ass! !

There seems to be no middle ground with bananas. They either disappear within 24 hours of purchase and you find yourself saying, “Didn’t I just buy bananas?” or they hang around for days, uneaten, turning brown and attracting fruit flies. When you find yourself in the latter situation, put those over-ripe bananas to good use with these tasty treats. 27 27

Go Bananas

Try peanut butter syrup on these hot cakes. +

You can double, triple or even quadruple the recipe depending on how many hungry mouths you are feeding.

Banana pancakes More than a Jack Johnson song, making banana pancakes is a tasty way to use up ripe bananas. INGREDIENTS:

3 bananas

1 cup skim milk 1 cup white sugar ½ cup natural creamy peanut butter

2 eggs

1 teaspoon vanilla

½ teaspoon vanilla DIRECTIONS:



3 tablespoons flour ½ teaspoon cinnamon

Ba -na -nas!

Peanut butter breakfast syrup

Combine ingredients and stir until you have a slightly lumpy batter. Heat a lightly oiled griddle or frying pan over medium heat. Pour or scoop batter onto griddle using approximately ¼ cup for each pancake. Cook until the pancakes are golden brown on both sides. Serve hot. Save any leftovers for snacks or tomorrow’s breakfast.


Stir milk, sugar, and peanut butter together in a saucepan over medium heat; bring to a boil while whisking constantly. Cook at a boil for 3 minutes, remove from heat, and stir vanilla extract into the syrup. Source: recipe by Tara Lofley

Why did the banana go out with the prune?

Why did the banana go to see the doctor?

Because he couldn’t find a date.

The banana was not peeling very well.


2 to 3 very ripe bananas, peeled (about 1 1/4 to 1 1/2 cups mashed) 1/3 cup melted butter, unsalted or salted 1 teaspoon baking soda 3/4 cup sugar (1/2 cup if you would like it less sweet, 1 cup if more sweet) 1 large egg, beaten 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 11/2 cups of all-purpose flour pinch of salt DIRECTIONS:

Banana bread Every house should have a good banana bread recipe. If yours doesn’t, here it is. This is one of the most popular recipes on and there’s no wondering why. It’s so easy and uses just one mixing bowl, so clean up is quick. You can also easily adapt it by tossing in a small handful of nuts, dried fruit, chocolate morsels, or other treats.

Preheat the oven to 350°F (175°C), and butter a 4x8-inch loaf pan. In a mixing bowl, mash the ripe bananas with a fork until completely smooth, then stir in the melted butter. Mix in the baking soda and salt. Stir in sugar, beaten egg and vanilla extract, then mix in the flour. Pour batter into your prepared loaf pan and bake for 50 minutes to 1 hour, or until a tester inserted into the center comes out clean. Remove from oven and let cool in the pan for a few minutes. Then remove the banana bread from the pan and let cool completely before serving. This recipe also makes great muffins, just reduce the cooking time to 25 to 30 minutes.

Banana benefits

This tropical fruit is more than just an easy lunchbox treat. Bananas are well-known for their high potassium levels which helps prevent high blood pressure. Bananas also contain vitamin C, which has been shown to help prevent cancer and B6, an immune-system booster that can help in the formation of red blood cells.

Banana-sicles Bonus tip

Try adding a variety of nuts on top for sources of omega-6, omega-3, fiber and protein

Everything is more fun when frozen. Peel your ripe bananas and cut them in half (across the middle), then insert a wooden ice cream stick into the flat end, place on wax paper and put in the freezer for three to four hours. Once frozen, quickly dip your frozen bananas in 6 ounces of melted chocolate morsels. Then top with your favorite treat like chopped nuts, candy sprinkles or shredded coconut. Re-freeze until chocolate hardens.

Why were the apple and orange alone? Because the banana split! 29

Breakfast banana oatmeal treats MAKES 16 SMALL COOKIES.

These treats are great for breakfast-on-the-go, lunchbox snacks or a quick nibble en route to sports practice. And since they don’t involve using a mixer or blender, it’s easy to get your little ones involved. All you really need are the ripe bananas and oatmeal—you can adjust or omit the other ingredients, depending on your taste. INGREDIENTS:

2 large overripe bananas 1 cup quick oats 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon 3/4 teaspoon sugar 1/4 teaspoon butter 1/4 cup chopped walnuts 1/4 cup raisins or dried cranberries pinch of salt DIRECTIONS:

Smoothie boost It almost goes without saying that adding a ripe or frozen banana to your favorite smoothie recipe adds a boost of vitamins, potassium and fiber and uses up some of those brown bananas!

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Butter or oil to grease two cookie sheets. Mash bananas with oats, cinnamon, sugar, salt and butter. Mix in walnuts and raisins (or dried cranberries). Drop a tablespoon of banana-oatmeal mixture onto a greased cookie sheet, then flatten with the back of a spoon, or skip flattening if you prefer softer cookies. Bake for 35 minutes, then flip cookies and bake an additional 5-10 minutes depending on preference. Cool cookies and enjoy. Recipe source:

Frozen banana soft serve dessert Before you toss your brown bananas into the freezer, peel them and cut them into chunks. Then when your kids need a sweet treat, put the frozen banana chunks (equivalent of 3 to 4 bananas) into a blender or food processor and blend until creamy. Once desired creaminess is reached, mix things up by pulsing in some treats. Here are a few of our favorites.


Pitted cherries

Fresh berries

Cocoa powder


Dark chocolate chips

Chocolate sauce

Mint chocolate chips


Peanut butter

Coconut milk

try a melted white chocolate drizzle to turn these into healthy dessert snacks


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