real local moms
since 2005
Salem | Aug / Sept 2022
Looking To To Grow Grow Your Your Family? Family? We We Deliver. Deliver. Looking SantiamWomen’s Women’sClinic Clinicand andSublimity SublimityMedical MedicalClinic, Clinic,offer offercare careand andsupport supportto tohelp helpwomen women Santiam managetheir theirhealth healthat atevery everystage stageof oflife. life.Whether Whetheryou youneed needaaroutine routinecheckup checkupor orare arepregnant pregnant manage andseeking seekingaamidwife midwifeor orOB OBto todeliver deliveryour yourbaby, baby,we wecan canmeet meetyour yourneeds. needs. and
BrookeRenard, Renard,MD, MD,OB/GYN OB/GYN Brooke SantiamWomen’s Women’sClinic Clinic Santiam
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Dr.Renard Renardreceived receivedher hermedical medical Dr. degreefrom fromUniversity Universityof of degree NebraskaCollege Collegeof ofMedicine Medicine Nebraska andcompleted completedher herresidency residencyatat and BayfrontMedical MedicalCenter Centerinin Bayfront St.Petersburg, Petersburg,Florida. Florida.She Sheisis St. boardcertified certifiedininObstetrics Obstetrics&& board Gynecology. Gynecology.
MelissaSheffield Sheffieldreceived receivedher hernurse nurse Melissa midwifedegree degreefrom fromFrontier FrontierSchool Schoolof of midwife Midwifery&&Family FamilyNursing NursingininHyden, Hyden, Midwifery Kentucky.She SheisisaaMember Memberof ofthe the Kentucky. AmericanCollege Collegeof ofNurse NurseMidwives, Midwives, American AmericanCollege Collegeof ofObstetricians Obstetricians&& American Gynecologistsand andthe theAmerican American Gynecologists MidwiferyCertification CertificationBoard. Board. Midwifery
Dr.Dunham Dunhamreceived receivedher hermedical medical Dr. degreefrom fromUniversity Universityof ofUtah Utah degree Schoolof ofMedicine MedicineininSalt SaltLake LakeCity, City, School Utahand andcompleted completedher herresidency residency Utah trainingatatVentura VenturaCounty CountyMedical Medical training Center,Ventura, Ventura,California. California.She Sheisis Center, certifiedby bythe theAmerican AmericanBoard Boardof of certified FamilyMedicine. Medicine. Family
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FAMILY FAIR IS BACK! Free pony rides Bounce houses Vendor fair Live music Membership specials and MORE!!!
Featuring a dazzling stage show by JUGGLEMANIA!
It’s what‘s
inside that counts
Sustainable back-to-school shopping 22
Keepin’ it spicy 28
Meet the MOM experts ... 4
Healthy MOM..................... 8
We all need more fiber....20
They know what they’re
Transitioning from summer
The lettuce on a cheeseburger
talking about.
fun to back-to-school
is not enough.
Because I said so............... 5
Cover MOM: Trina Horsey......................10
Sustainable back-to-school shopping............................22
We all need more fiber
A message from MOM
This mom gets real.
Keepin’ it spicy..................28 Bust out of food ruts
SATURDAY October 1st 11AM-3PM
More ways to love your MOM lovemommag We love hearing from you. Email us with feedback, story ideas or nominations.
Advertise today Want to get the word out about your business? Contact Kim Leighty at 3
meet the
[They know what they’re talking about] Drive On the Road with Laura Augustine, page 6
Focus Focus with Dr. Alton Rossman, page 18
Health Healthy MOM with Santiam Hospital, page 8
Pets Pets are Family with Dr. Emily Kalenius, Page 24
Thrive Helping Kids Thrive with Karen Swanger, page 26
Better than a thousand days of diligent study is one day with a great teacher.
— Japanese proverb
Style Home Style with Heather Van Eyk, page 27
Something to Smile About with Dr. Jay Vaikuntam, page 30
Because I said so!
Published by GO Creative, LLC 263 29th Avenue SW Albany, OR 97322 Editor-in-Chief Managing Director Audrey Meier DeKam Salem Advertising Representative Kim Leighty 503-510-9036 Mid-Valley & Lane County Business Development Manager Linda Blair 541-231-7250 Designer Sean Carver
MOM MagazineTM is produced by GO Creative, LLC. © 2022 All rights reserved. Any reproduction, in whole or part, without written permission of the publisher, is prohibited. Information in the magazine is provided for general information purposes only with the understanding that none of the content constitutes professional advice. Opinions expressed by the writers or advertisers are not necessarily the opinions of the magazine or the publisher. Inclusion in the magazine does not constitute endorsement of information, products or services.
The rush hour of life It’s what social scientists call the rush hour of life: the time period when you have kids, a career, partner, mortgage, community obligations and more responsibilities on your shoulders than you likely ever had before. It feels like this: You’re up at 5:30 a.m. after a night of being kicked in the head by your toddler. Then you had to pee, but you couldn’t get back to sleep until just minutes before your alarm went off. It’s a dry shampoo type of morning, someone is missing a shoe and another kid is yelling “WIPE!” from the upstairs bathroom while you are already late-late-late. You drop the kids off to daycare, then go to your job where — blessedly — no one is crawling all over you like a macaque monkey. You didn’t have time to pack a lunch, so vending machine food it is. At home you feel like that goddess with many arms, catching the tossed toy, fetching a napkin, up-down, up-down from the table. You scarf down kid leftovers and call it dinner. It’s bath time then books then internal pleading: Please fall asleep, child. I’ll buy you a pony if you just go to sleep. When I was postpartum with my second, I used to daydream of a complete leisurely shower, where I could shave my legs, wash my hair and even use the three-minute deep conditioner. I would put on a cute, unstained outfit and maybe a bit of makeup. Saddest day dream ever? Maybe. But it got me through the double stroller days. An older mom whose kids were well launched once observed me as I darted in and out of conversation to pluck a toddler away from some danger or another. She said, “I remember those days. I don’t know how I did it because they were exhausting.” And wow, I felt…seen. Not many moms who are up in it with diaper bags
My on-ramp to the rush hour: the birth of my second child, just 23 months after my first. and fishy crackers wants to hear, “Enjoy it now because it goes so fast!” We need to hear that we’re doing a good job and that it gets easier because we could fall over and sleep for four solid days if we had the chance. Now, as my children are teens and capable of making their own mac and cheese, I pay homage to the moms in the trenches. To the moms in the rush hour of life: We see you. To the moms who have been shut in for two and half years of this pandemic, waiting for the moment when their kids under 5 could finally get vaccinated, we see you. To the moms who, when they hit the brakes and an old sippy cup comes rolling out from under the car seat, we see you. We moms on the other side of the hump are rooting you on. We wish we could send you a week of perfect sleep, like one of those power bank chargers for phones. We talk a lot about self-care not being selfish, but what is self-care? Sometimes when you finally get a moment for selfcare, your eyes scan the filthy kitchen and your brain short-circuits with the should-dos. If you’re too tired to think, stop and ask yourself: What healthy thing does my body or mind need right now? Maybe it’s a nap, maybe it’s a zone-out sesh on TikTok, or maybe an overdue eyebrow plucking. Or maybe it’s our fav: kicking back to read MOM Magazine. You’re doing a good job. The rush hour always ends, and when it does, the road opens up wide and you can take in the scenery. Audrey Meier DeKam Editor-in-Chief 5
on the road
Don’t say it, don’t say it… It’s the topic of conversation at all your recent BBQs and playdates, and it’s held a steady spot in global news for months.
kay, we have to say it: gas prices have been insane! We can’t help it: when the price of something doubles in a year, it’s going to be a hot topic. To save on gas, some people drive all over town, but this is a penny-wise and a pound foolish as you waste gas while blowing through your precious time. Focus your efforts first and foremost on the following: Be a smooth operator: that means ease into acceleration and glide into stops. Herky-jerky driving wastes gas — and it’s harder on your car, too. Stay up on maintenance like oil changes, brakes, filters, etc. When your car is properly maintained, it runs at its optimum level. Our service department is happy to help you out. Don’t speed. Experts say that after 50 mph, fuel economy greatly reduces. For highways and freeways, use your cruise control for better mileage.
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Your dad was mostly right: roll up the windows on highways and use the AC. At low speeds, using the AC is less efficient, so windows down is a better move. Keep your tires properly inflated. That means not over- or under-inflated, as both are problematic for fuel efficiency (and safety). A quick tire check is worth your time. Avoid idling. Turn off your engine while waiting in a drive-through. Because they are a literal drag: remove unnecessary pods, racks and junk in the trunk.
Carpool for kids’ stuff: Your neighbor’s child gets out of the same school at the same time as yours? Offer to give them a ride. It’s one less car in the pickup line, and you can trade shifts with the other parent. If your child is going to practice three times a week, set up a car pool. Bonus: saves you precious time. Upgrade to a fuel efficient car: the time may be right to upgrade. Visit us at Capitol Auto to learn more. Bring the kids — we have an adorable play area and snacks, too.
Batch your outings. If you need to hit the grocery store, consider what else you might be able to do along the route: go through the car wash, take a donation to St. Vincent de Paul’s, etc.
MEET LAURA AUGUSTINE Laura Augustine has worked as a finance assistant at Capitol Auto Group for 7 years. She is the proud mom of three kids (four, if you count her husband Chad): Ariel, age 23; Claudia, age 22; and Bryson, age 18. As a family, they love to go fishing and boating at Detroit Lake, and they also have four Saint Bernard Dogs: Grace, Ted, Jerry and Stuart.
What What is is aa midwife? midwife?
Why Why choose choose aa midwife? midwife?
Midwife Midwifemeans means“with “withwoman.” woman.”For Formuch much ofofhistory, history,midwives midwiveswere werethe theonly onlybirth birth attendants. attendants.InInmany manyparts partsofofthe theworld, world, the themajority majorityofofpeople peoplegiving givingbirth birthare are still stillcared caredfor forby byaamidwife. midwife.
Midwives Midwivesview viewpregnancy pregnancyand andbirth birthas ashealthy healthylife life events eventsand andworks workstotohonor honorthe thenormal normalprocesses processes involved. involved.Midwives Midwivesuse usemodern modernmedicine, medicine,such suchas as lab labtests, tests,ultrasounds ultrasoundsand andprescription prescriptionmedication, medication, yet yetare arealso alsotrained trainedinintraditional traditionalorornon-medical non-medical approaches. approaches.
Midwifery Midwiferyscience scienceand andeducation educationhas has grown grownfrom fromapprenticeship-based apprenticeship-based training trainingtotorigorous rigorousscience-based science-basedhealth health care caretraining. training. Today, Today,midwives midwivesprovide providecare caretotopatients patients across acrossall allstages stagesofoflife. life.This Thisincludes includes routine routinegynecology gynecology(Pap (Paptests, tests,testing testingfor for STIs, STIs,birth birthcontrol, control,menopause, menopause,infertility infertility care careand andmore) more)ininaddition additiontotoprenatal, prenatal, labor, labor,birth birthand andpostpartum postpartumcare. care.
During Duringpregnancy, pregnancy,midwives midwivespartner partnerwith withthe the pregnant pregnantperson, person,their theirfamily familyand andsupport supportteam teamand and collaborate collaboratewith withother otherhealth healthcare careprofessionals professionalsas as needed. needed.They Theyprovide provideeducation educationand andpreparation preparation for forlabor, labor,birth birthand andrecovery recoveryfor forboth bothvaginal vaginalbirths births and andc-sections. c-sections. During Duringlabor, labor,midwives midwiveshonor honoraapatient’s patient’sability ability totowork workwith withtheir theirbody bodyand andprovide providesupport supportand and coaching in addition to pain medication if a patient coaching in addition to pain medication if a patient chooses choosestotouse Of Ofcourse, course,safety safetyremains remainsaatop toppriority priorityand and midwives midwivesare areexperts expertsatatmonitoring, monitoring,recognizing recognizing and andavoiding avoidingcomplications complications——and andacting actingquickly quickly should shouldan anemergency emergencyoccur. occur. Brought Broughttotoyou youby bySalem SalemHealth HealthFamily FamilyBirth BirthCenter. Center. Learn Learnmore 7
Transitioning from summer fun to
back-to-school After months of spontaneous summer fun, it can be a challenge for families to get back into a back-to-school routine...a little planning ahead will help everyone transition.
• Schedule age-appropriate blocks of time for play and rest
Summertime is a great opportunity for kids and parents alike to get their wiggles out after the rigor and structure of the school year. Children greatly benefit from unstructured play time, in moderation, and if you’re lucky enough to have some time off yourself, it’s great for adults to unwind and reconnect with the family.
• Don’t let kids sleep the day away!
There’s nothing like the first-day-ofsummer feeling, right after school lets out. Back to school seems a lifetime away and the months stretch out before you, full of possibility. However, after a few days of full-on summer, it can be helpful to put a bit of structure around those dog days. Some tips for a schedule that flows leisurely days:
• Make time for reading, drawing and other quiet activities • Observe reasonable curfews and keep bed times relatively the same
Of course, there will always be exceptions to the schedule when work or vacations intervene, but the goal is to keep general consistency during the summer so that back-toschool isn’t such a shock. As the first day of school approaches, start to tighten up on bedtimes (and wake-up times, especially). Ease into a routine that more closely resembles a school time schedule, including eliminating naps and encouraging healthy eating. And of course, eek out every bit of remaining summer freedom in the final days so that kids (and parents) have great experiences to propel them into the school year.
The goal is to keep general consistency during the summer so that back-to-school isn’t such a shock.
After months of spontaneous summer fun, it can be a challenge for families to get back into a backto-school routine. And while setting some boundaries in the time leading up to the first day of school might feel like putting a damper on summer, a little planning ahead will help everyone transition.
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• Keep meal times consistent 9
COMMUNI T Y: West Salem PA R T NER: Rip Horsey, director of campus recreation at WOU
CHIL DREN: Corryn, age 11, and Margot, age 9
QA MOMs Love Local We love locally owned businesses, restaurants, places and organizations. Share your favorite…
…shop to pick up a gift for friend: The Book Bin …coffee spot: Archive Coffee & Bar. They make the best London Fog. …view or scenic lookout: Baskett Slough …restaurant to take the kids: Yeasty Beasty in Monmouth …restaurants for a date night: Rudy’s Steakhouse …meetup spot for happy hour: Xicha Brewing Co. …boutique to find a new shirt or home décor item: Furbish …event in your community: Monmouth’s Music in the Park
Family comes first. All families are unique. Tell us about yours. We are a family of four. I have an amazing husband and our two daughters, Corryn who is 11 and Margot who is 9, keep us very busy. We also have a fluffy puppy, and her name is Pepper. Every family has their own traditions, rituals or inside jokes. What’s one of yours? We love family movie night. It’s through these traditional family evenings that we’ve introduced the girls to some of our favorite movie series like Star Wars. When did you know you wanted to be a mom? I don’t think I ever knew I wanted to be a mom…it was not something I yearned for or thought about. I think meeting the right person in life who shared my hopes and dreams for the future helped me think about being a mom.
We had a loooong conversation about bugs, rodents and responsible behavior with trash after that one. What is something you swore you would never do before kids that you now do? (skip showers, go to a drive through coffee in your pjs, etc.)? I used to wash my hair every day. Not anymore. My hair thanks me for it! It’s so much healthier. In what way are your children like you? How are they different? My daughters are polar opposites. One is happy-go-lucky, pretty flexible and nothing much phases her. My youngest is much more spirited, doesn’t like change and needs everything explained to her.
No one works harder than mom. We know that being a mom is a full-time job. How do you balance (or not) motherhood, activities, work, volunteering, household responsibilities, and life in general? What sometimes falls through the cracks? I have a shared calendar with my husband. We are committed to keeping it up-to-date and each other informed. Of course, we miss things sometimes and have to give ourselves some grace. I have a hard time saying no to things, and I underestimate the time I will spend on all the activities we have going on. Sometimes I just have to be honest with myself and say that it’s not going to happen this time around.
Has the pandemic changed the way you parent, beyond just the practical and logistical parts? If so, how? I am much more tuned in to what’s happening with my daughters…their moods, their subtle shifts in personalities. I feel closer to them than ever before and I thank the pandemic for that. I’ve gotten to know them in ways that would have been impossible had I not been forced into a yearlong lockdown with them. Tell us about one of your proudest mom moments. The girls make me proud all the time. Recently, we moved from Monmouth to West Salem, and they started at a brand new school. I am most proud of the way they took that challenge on and have made friends, done well in class and managed to keep smiles on their faces even though the change was hard. Now tell us about one of your most humbling mom moments. One time I got kicked out of a playgroup because my 18-month-old daughter bit one of the other kiddos. I was really embarrassed, but 100% understood the other mom’s protective instincts. I’m not sure I would have done the same thing had I been in her shoes, but it made me think differently about how people parent differently. What is the most surprising thing you have found wedged between the sofa cushions or behind a car seat? Oh em gee…two weeks ago, we just found behind our couch a sizable pile of wrappers, popsicle sticks and other things that belonged in the trash. 13
Tell us about your work or volunteerism outside of the home. I work for a private non-profit called Willamette Workforce Partnership. I’m the office coordinator and enjoy supporting the other folks I work with. We do some amazing things for our community, and I’m proud to be a part of the WWP team. In addition, I volunteer as much as I can with my girls’ school. I also get a lot of joy making food for friends who are experiencing hardship through an injury, surgery or other challenges. What have you learned professionally that has helped you as a mom? I will turn that around and say motherhood has taught me how to be a better professional. I stayed home with my two kids for about the first five years. You learn a lot about managing time, money, feelings and so many other things. These experiences have all been to my advantage as I re-entered the workforce. In fact, it’s how I deftly answered one interview question for my current position. There is no better preparation for organization and planning than being a mom. Tell us about a recent achievement you’re proud of, or a personal passion or talent. I’m nearly finished with a Master of Art degree in Organizational Leadership. Do you have a goal you’d like to accomplish within the next five years? I would like to complete my master’s degree and continue to grow in my professional endeavors. In five years, I will have high school students…gah, that’s hard to see on paper! I want to support my daughters in whatever path they choose and help guide them along the way.
If mom’s not happy, nobody’s happy. Tell us about your upbringing. How did it shape the mother you are today? My parents separated and divorced when I was in high school. It was earth-shattering. I had no idea that something like that could happen to our family. It is the single most grounding event of my upbringing and it made me realize how important being open and transparent with our children is. What is special about where you grew up? I grew up overseas, mostly. My parents both worked for the federal government, and they liked to take what the State 14
Department called “hardship” tours. I was born in Thailand during the Vietnam War, and we lived in Laos, Jordan, Yemen, the Soviet Union, and the Philippines. I had so many amazing experiences and a small part of me wishes that I could give the same life to my kids. However, moving every two years was hard on friendships and on my parents’ marriage. What do you think is the most important life skill or value your parents taught you? That no matter what happens, my children will always be loved. When was the last time you did something for the first time? A few years ago, I went solo camping by myself. It was scary and exhilarating at the same time.
What is one thing you never had that you want for your kids? A treehouse! We just bought a house with loads of big trees in the backyard. It’s something I always wanted growing up but we never lived anywhere long enough to have one. What is the quality you like most about yourself? I try to treat everyone else like I want to be treated. If you could instantly have one new skill (i.e. foreign language, musical talent, eyes in the back of your head, etc.), what would it be? I would love to be able to sing well enough to make a career out of it! What’s your superpower? Writing lists Name one thing that is part of your daily routine that you just can’t live without. My first cup of morning coffee without anyone talking.
MOM s Favorite... Tell us about your favorite…
…family game: Monopoly and Life …place to find some peace & quiet: Any winery …binge-worthy TV: Mandalorian, Breaking Bad, Stranger Things …way to get out of making dinner: Suggest pizza! …inspirational quote: “There’s no way to be a perfect mother and a million ways to be a good one.” — Jill Churchill …parenting philosophy: Explain the why…kids are smart and deserve to know why things happen the way they do 15
Tell us something about you that would surprise your kids (or your husband). I once courted Captain Von Trapp, playing the cosmopolitan, Elsa Schraeder, in a stage production of The Sound of Music. What keeps you up at night (apart from kids, of course)? The fact that my kids could go to school the next day and never come home. What keeps you sane? Spending time with friends…they literally save me every single time. What is the best way that you let off steam? Walking my dog or cleaning to loud music. What’s your guilty pleasure? Wine and cheese. Who is your favorite fictional hero? Scout Finch from To Kill A Mockingbird. Who are your favorite real-life heros? Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Amanda Gorman, and my friend, Katie.
Outside of your family members, who/what inspires you to be better? History, both in a broad and personal sense, inspires me to be better. What is something you think everyone should do at least once in their lives? Travel to a developing nation.
Listen to mom. Is motherhood what you expected? What surprised you the most? It’s so much more wonderful than I expected it to be! I revel in the moments when I see those slight changes that tell me time is short. I try to drink in every bit I can because I know this moment is fleeting. Also, I am totally surprised by how loud my kids are…and messy. Who and what has influenced the mother you are today? My mother has definitely influenced me in ways I could not imagine.
She made some difficult choices when my parents divorced and as I’ve grown older and had my own children, I realize just how tough those decisions were. She has always supported me as a mother, and I have appreciated all her sage advice. What’s the best advice you’ve received from another mom? Find times to say yes. What advice would you give your younger mom self? What do you wish you knew then that you know now? Worry about what I can control, the here and now, in my little corner of the globe. Chill on the other stuff. What message would you like to share with other moms? Remember to tell it like it is. Motherhood is so hard. It’s never perfect; you will never be perfect. But there are days when you will be darn close. Enjoy those days while you love on your kiddos.
Momism #55 You’ll thank me later.
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Kids and contact lenses Young people generally do very well with contact lenses. Your 12-year-old daughter might not share your affinity for fashion eyewear. Or, maybe she wants to ditch the glasses while playing soccer. Middle school and preteen ages are usually when we start discussing contact lens wear for social and sports uses. I consider age 10 and under a separate category: there can be difficulties handling lenses at this age, yet we have had many younger children do well wearing contact lenses for sports. It comes down to the individual based on the temperament, motivation and maturity of the child. And some children have no interest in getting away from their glasses and trying contact lenses.
Sterling Vision West Salem Vision Center 1594 Edgewater St NW STE 190, Salem 503-779-2119 |
You’ll be the hero to your child when their party includes: • • • • •
An amazing magic show with award-winning magician, Uncle Kadabra 45 minutes of hilarious audience participation Free magic gift for the birthday child Free gifts for all their guest Hilarious puppetry with Herkimer the Rabbit!
We’re bursting with cats & kittens!
Visit cats & kittens: noon to 5 p.m., Tue, Wed, Fri, Sat. & Sun. Closed Mondays & Thursdays
No appointments necessary to visit and adopt kitties. | (541) 757-9000 398 SW Twin Oaks Circle Corvallis
There are benefits of contact lenses: for starters, they don’t break, fog up or fall off. They increase the field of view, and if there is a big prescription difference between eyes, contact lenses help the eyes work better together compared to glasses. Typically if a contact lens is lost or damaged, the replacement cost is much less than with glasses. There are medical risks from contact lens wear, such as inflammation of the eye and cornea, corneal ulcers, solution allergy. While these are rare in younger people, we rely heavily on daily disposables because it decreases these risks. We also make sure patients have a functional pair of glasses and regular visits to monitor eye health.
Brought to you by: Alton Rossman, OD
BOOK YOUR SHOW FOR ANY DATE THIS YEAR AND receive $50 off just by mentioning this ad.
Uncle Kadabra
Appointments are preferred for dog adoptions. Because we are a Safe Housing emergency boarding partner with local law enforcement, our dog kennels are currently closed to the public.
Momism #21 I’m proud of you.
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You already know the many benefits of fiber-rich foods, but a quick review of the highlights: better digestion, weight control, immune and brain function, and more. Getting more fiber in our diets should be a high priority.
t starts innocently: you hear that bananas are the perfect food for your baby to try as a first solid…but too much banana leads to constipation, and a constipated baby is not a happy one.
A word about supplements: There’s no shortage of fiber supplements on shelves, some infused into enticing gummy characters. Most experts agree that getting fiber from your food is far better than relying on supplements.
Then into elementary school years where it’s one pizza party after another, and the stomach aches start. Everywhere you turn, our culture has enticing — and low fiber — foods calling out to us. And moms, we’re looking at you here too: after downing an extra tall mocha whip, you polish off the rest of your kids’ fries on the way to soccer practice, only to get home exhausted with only enough energy to bake a premade freezer meal. You need fiber too.
Persist: The experts are right in that you may have to present a food about 20 times before a child will like it. Don’t make it a battle, and make sure you eat your vegetables as a good example.
Make it tasty: season your food in new ways. See our article on spices in this issue.
Bring out the good with the not-so-good: melt cheese over the broccoli if it gets it down the hatch. If ranch dressing is the key for eating baby carrots, so be it.
Get sneaky: Add mashed black bean to brownies, or cannellini beans to deviled eggs.
Chew your food: berries, pears and apples are all good sources of fiber. Beware the smoothies, as those liquified fruits and vegetables are more fiber-adjacent: they pass through you faster than food you chew, making you feel hungrier sooner.
To reward, or not to reward: Some parents are against using dessert as bribery for healthy eating, saying it sets up an unnatural system of rewards. The rest of us keep it real and shake a bag of M&Ms if it gets those green beans eaten.
It’s a great goal, but how do you get your family (and yourself) on the right track? •
Swap out refined breads and pasta for whole wheat or whole grain varieties. Boom, your spaghetti dinner now has fiber.
And if your kid likes brussel sprouts, go ahead and celebrate…and please, tell us how you did it. *Disclaimer: If you have any health condition that impacts your diet, this article may not be for you. Follow your health care providers’ recommendations. 21
back-to-school shopping
We asked teachers: why do so many supplies get returned with children at the end of the year? The most common answer: Lists are not created by teachers. They are often general lists made by districts or the school itself, likely because teachers may not be assigned to classrooms until well into August. You can avoid over-buying by getting the basics — folders, pencils, notebooks — and waiting until the academic year gets underway for the rest. Or, save the supplies from each year and draw from your existing stock.
Go for longevity and spend more on a durable brand with strong zippers that won’t break in a year. Reinforced bottoms keep the weight of books from breaking through. Ditch the vinyl adornments. MOM advice: don’t buy a rolling-style one until you know if your child’s school allows it. Sometimes they don’t fit in lockers or cubbies.
Reusing is simple: Keep a storage bin of school supplies you already have that are in good condition, and shop from your own wares first. For the durable items you need to buy, try thrift stores like St. Vincent de Paul’s, the Salvation Army or used stores that support a cause you believe in. Swaps with other moms and deals through Facebook MarketPlace are also sources.
And that cute Pottery Barn Kids backpack with the embroidered name on the back? Totes adorbs, but skip the custom embroidery and label it on the inside tag. Advertising your child’s name could be an invitation for predators, and also when your child outgrows that print, the backpack is more difficult to reuse unless you know another Brayden.
Backpacks are the epitome of back-to-school essentials, but a new one every single school year isn’t necessary. Proof: take a tour of the pile of backpacks available at most thrift stores…it’s a museum of children’s media characters.
Crayons: You’ll likely have to get new ones each year, unless you are beyond organized at pulling together a full set from your bin at home, because these tend to break, labels fall off, etc. But fear not with those old crayons: they can be melted down into fun crafts. Avoid imported ones, as they have been found to contain asbestos (plus that whole carbon footprint thing of coming from overseas).
Before you buy: choose one that is well-made and in a style that will grow with your kid, which means opting for plain over the Marvel superhero du jour. If this makes you feel like a fun sponge, remember the larger goal: you want there to be a planet that can sustain your children’s future children.
Notebooks and paper: look for items that list the actual percentage of recycled materials they contain — beware of the glossed over labeling that’s getting away with a tiny fraction of recycled material.
Look for PVC-free and bisphenols-free (note that is plural, as in all bisphenols, not just bisphenol-A). Stainless steel is a solid bet for water bottles and lunch containers, and likely your best way of avoiding products containing lead. As always, look for US-made products, or better yet, ones made locally. CLOTHES
The average American has an astonishing number of clothing items, and many are made from oil-derived polyester. Good quality hand-me-downs are perfect for growing kids who put on two inches of height each year. So shop your own home before you head out for more. If you need gently used or new, look for 100-percent cotton, pants with reinforced knees and high-quality brands that are longer lasting than fast fashion. If you have the means and are itching to shop, find a local organization that puts together back-to-school items for children in need. Also ask your teachers what they need: last year colored paper was at a premium and many local schools were without. If your child wants to be part of the process, take them shopping with you to model how we help others. 23
pets are family
Your cat’s lifestyle: in or out Being a cat owner includes looking out for the behavioral and social needs of one’s feline friend. For some, this means their cat will live exclusively indoors. For others, a hybrid indoor-outdoor lifestyle fits better. All pets that venture outdoors should be properly collared and tagged, as well as microchipped. A microchip is the safest and best way for a lost animal to be returned to its owner. A found cat can be taken to any vet clinic or humane society, scanned, and the owner contacted by the chip service. Talk to your family veterinarian about the microchip process. Traffic is always a concern. If you live on or near a busy street, an indoor-outdoor lifestyle is a higher risk. Additionally, most domestic cats are adapted to temperatures that we consider normal. But when extreme cold or hot weather is expected, err on the side of caution and keep your cat indoors. Wilvet Salem 120 Ramsgate Square S (503) 741-8858 Open 24/7
Another consideration is what your cat may ingest while outdoors, such as antifreeze, rat bait, toxic plants or chemicals. If your cat shows symptoms of a poisonous ingestion, contact your local emergency vet immediately. Finally, think about other animals that your cat could encounter outside. In the Willamette Valley, these include deer, turkeys, squirrels, birds, bobcats, mountain lions, dogs and other cats. Abscesses, bite wounds and crush injuries are common at our emergency facility. While the safest environment for cats is indoors, for many cats, a healthy social and emotional environment includes time both inside and outside. Harness and leash sets offer a way to safely explore the outdoors with your cat, and enclosed “catios” offer the best of both worlds.
Brought to you by: Emily Kalenius, DVM
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Momism #148 Please text me back..
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When screen time becomes scream time Canadian researchers found that using screen time as a reward heightens a child’s attraction to it. There’s a dopamine connection that makes detaching from a screen feel painful — and for children with developing self-regulation, this can lead to meltdowns. There are better options for rewarding your children. Some parents set up reward charts, with stars and stickers, that then lead to a special outing or activity. Praise is a wonderful motivator, and you can capture it by writing your child a card or letter. For pre-readers, craft a short picture book of your child to illustrate how proud you are of them, for example, taking turns with toys around other children. A beautiful reward for any child is your time: Build a fort, toss a frisbee, make mudpies…let your child lead the way. Your engagement with them forms connections that are critical to their development. Look for non-screen time family fun. Camping is a perfect way to unplug, and many parents are pleasantly surprised to watch their children find endless joy in trying to catch tadpoles or skip rocks across a stream.
Brought to you by:
Karen Swanger
OSU KidSpirit, OSU Extension & Outreach
Director of OSU Kidspirit
And our favorite? Play! It’s a tenet of what we do at Kidspirit. Sure, kids are learning skills in our programs, but they’re doing it while having a blast. It instills the idea that play and learning are connected, which is truly rewarding.
Presented by
Socially sustainable HOME DECOR FROM JAIPUR LIVING By Sam Christopher
At Kalluna Interior Design, we help our clients to make educated and ethical decisions when purchasing products. We’re proud to showcase Jaipur Living as one of our socially sustainable vendors who creates beautiful rugs, pillows and décor. Jaipur Living promotes community empowerment in their workforce by improving their weavers’ incomes, providing access to health care and education, and by encouraging gender equity. A few ways they achieve this: • Jaipur Living removes the middleman from the rug supply chain. This allows Jaipur’s weavers to be fairly compensated for their work and increases their income ten-fold.
K ALLU NA / 541-497-8509 127 Broadalbin St SW Albany @kallunadesignstudio
• Jaipur Living’s goal is to teach 30,000 illiterate weavers through their adult education programs. • They formed rural health camps which have given 14,000 weavers access to health care services. • 80% of their weavers are women. Culturally, some women may be unable to leave their homes if they are responsible for taking care of their family. Weaving for Jaipur Living gives these women the chance to generate their own income.
Companies have the choice to include socially sustainable practices in their business model. Kalluna supports socially sustainable companies, and we aim to inspire our clients to do the same.
Heather Van Eyk is a mother of two and founder of Kalluna Interior Design, established in 2014.
Kaushik, R. (2015). Doing social good on a sustainable basis: competitive advantage of social businesses. Management decision, 53(6), 1355-1374. Tyagi, R. (2012a). Sustaining by Working at the Bottom of the Pyramid: A Case of Indian Rugs Manufacturing Company. Societal Studies, 4(2), 427-442. Tyagi, R.K. (2012b). Sustaining by working on the bottom of the pyramid: a case of Jaipur Rugs India on its socially responsible practices. International journal of business performance management, 13(1), 46-59. Walker, J.N., & Ghodasara, H.J. (2021). Transformational Development and Social Capital: Jaipur Rugs and Gram Vikas on Both Sides of the Threshold. Journal of Social Entrepreneurship, 12(1), 110-131. DOI: 10.1080/19420676.2019.1671482
New name and location Northwest Design House is now Kalluna Interior Design, relocated to historic downtown Albany. 27
Keepin’ it
Food and nutrition experts have been telling us for decades that properly seasoning our food can make it tastier. If you’re looking for inspiration, you might find that the right spice makes all the difference.
Time to break out of your food rut and try something new-toyou. There are differences between the herbs and spices — it comes down to which part of the plant they come from — but for the sake of simplicity, we’re going with spices.
west ocean waters. From pure sea salt to infusions with rosemary, lemon and others, their products are handmade. Side note: they sell salted caramels, which sound divine. Available from local vendors and at
You can put this on everything: potato salad, broccoli, eggs, soup, salmon, you name it. Hate the mess that traditional everything bagels make in your toaster? Instead, toast a plain bagel, top with cream cheese and sprinkle with the seasoning. Less mess, same taste. Some brands are saltier than others, so take a look at the label first and adjust accordingly.
Apparently Mexican oregano is a totally different plant than the oregano you likely have in your cabinet, i.e., Mediterranean oregano. Mexican oregano has citrus undertones that make it great for salsas, rice and rubs. Penzeys Spices makes a good one. Give it a go on eggs and hashbrowns for a pop of flavor in your breakfast. GOOD OLD CINNAMON
There’s nothing outrageous about this ancient spice derived from tree bark, but there are unconventional ways to use it. Go beyond the baked goods and try it in chili, pot roasts, butter chicken, carnitas and other savory dinners.
Yes, we saw this on Shark Tank. But it got us curious. It comes from a salt mix that’s widely used in Australia that was reinvented by two doctors with a mission of lowering sodium and not skimping on taste. Bonus: it’s vegan! Try it on sweet potato fries or popcorn. JACOBSEN SALT CO
It’s local: Jacobsen Salt Co makes artisan salt in Netarts Bay, from cold Pacific North-
CLEAN OUT YOUR SPICE DRAWER If you want your food to taste right, toss those outdated ones — it’s like putting dust on your food. It’s not that expired spices will likely harm you, it’s more about taste: old ones lose flavor, potency and aroma.
This traditional Ethiopian spice is a warm blend of fenugreek, ginger, paprika, cardamom and numerous other variations. Try it in a rub for baked chicken. 29
A back-to-school essential: water Water is life-sustaining and then some: staying properly hydrated helps our energy, digestion, concentration, immune system and more. It is also key to dental health, which some parents find surprising. Water helps wash away food particles that can cause tooth decay, prevents dry mouth and fluoridated water makes for strong teeth. Getting young children to drink good old-fashioned water can be a challenge. Sometimes the right water bottle can make all the difference. Some tips to get into the habit: • Let your child choose a water bottle. Adding stickers of beloved cartoon characters can go a long way with young children. • Practice bringing a water bottle to school, parks, on walks, drives, etc. Pretty soon it becomes second nature to not leave home without one. • Invest in several, so you can have a dirty/clean rotation.
Brought to you by:
Dr. Jay Vaikuntam
30 155 NW Hickory St # A Albany, OR 97321 (541) 928-1509
Making water more appealing to children can help prevent dental and other health issues from developing later. Starting these healthy habits at a young age sets a pattern that will continue into healthier adult life. 31
263 29th Avenue SW | Albany, OR 97322 541-926-0353 | 541-926-1515 fax |
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