Your part in Australia's sustainable future
Apart from the obvious benefits of a cleaner world and future, what are the benefits of selecting a carbon-neutral printer?

Reduce your carbon footprint. Attract sustainability-conscious customers and ESG-focused corporations.
Employee and customer pride.
Potential financial savings from possible offset saving opportunities.
Demonstrates your business's commitment to sustainability.
Responsible supply chain.
Promote your business as sustainable on your printed material with this NoC02 Logo
Carbon Neutrality plays an important part in ESG or Environmental, Social and Governance and has been multiplying since the beginning of this decade and is expected to continue to rise significantly over the coming years.
83% 91% 86%
of consumers think companies should be actively shaping ESG best practices.

of business leaders believe their company has a responsibility to act on ESG issues.
of employees prefer to support or work for companies that care about the same issues they do.
Certified NoCO2
While we educate our team in the benefits of behavioural change and identify technology and process to reduce our carbon footprint, it is inevitable that we will not be able to neutralise our unavoidable greenhouse gas emissions.

In 2012, we engaged the Carbon Reduction Institute to conduct a carbon audit of our Production Hub. The audit aims to capture 100% of the carbon emissions which an entity is responsible for.
To neutralise our unavoidable emissions, we purchase carbon credits in Carbon Credit Projects as determined by the Australian Federal Government National Carbon offset standard.
Over the years, a number of our Worldwide Centres jumped on board to become certified.
Potential cost saving opportunity. Exceeds client expectations or sustainable supply. Delivers sustainable economic, environmental and social benefits to those who need it most. Reduces our carbon footprint. Reduces your client’s carbon footprint. Reduction in greenhouse gas is real.
What is a Carbon Footprint?
A carbon footprint is the total amount of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions generated from a business, product or service expressed in tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e). For Worldwide this covers all Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions that the business is responsible for.
What is Carbon Neutral?
Carbon neutrality is a voluntary mechanism with the primary goal of achieving zero net GHG emissions from all business activities. This is accomplished through a combination of reduction strategies e.g. energy efficiency, green procurement decisions, behavioural changes, and purchasing verified carbon offsets for all remaining unavoidable emissions.

The Generic Wind Project
Our current Carbon Credits project is the Generic Wind Project in China, which is crucial to avoid catastrophic consequences caused by carbon emissions. Windfarms replace energy derived from fossil fuels, whilst limiting local air pollution and creates longterm job opportunities for contractors, suppliers and residents in the area.

The aim of the project is to reduce longterm harmful air quality conditions.
Improves China’s carbon emissions, which ultimately affects the world’s emissions.
It’s a clean fuel source and is cost-effective.
Promotes renewable wind energy technology.
Progresses community health and local economy.
Why are the projects chosen all overseas rather than in Australia?
One of the key standards for Carbon Offsets is that the carbon savings are ‘Environmentally Additional’. A knock-on effect of this is that since Australia ratified the Kyoto Protocol in late 2007, the carbon savings in Australia are now already accounted for in our Governments mandatory reduction targets, and therefore carbon savings in Australia no longer qualify as being environmentally additional. Carbon Offsets must meet all criteria in order to become certified under the NoCO2 Program.

How can we be assured as to the legitimacy of the Carbon Offsets?
All carbon offsets used by Worldwide are tested to meet the Australian Federal Government National Carbon Offset Standard. Further to this, the Carbon Reduction Institute tests carbon offset projects against 5 key criteria. These are Financially Additional, Environmentally Additional, Permanence, No Leakage, and Validated and Verified Savings.

How does Worldwide know how much to offset by?
Every Worldwide Centre that holds a current NoC02 Accreditation has been through a full carbon audit process. This means every Worldwide operation has had its carbon footprint measured, including all GHG emissions that the business is responsible for. Each year each site is reaudited, so the correct number of carbon offsets can be purchased and retired to comply with the NoCO2 claim.

Solar Power
99KW Solar Photovoltaic System
Through the Federal Government’s Clean Technology Investment Program initiative, for Cleaner Energy Printing, The Worldwide Production Hub received a $147,144 grant towards the cost of a $380,557 solar farm.
A 99kW solar photovoltaic system was installed by Solargain PV Pty Ltd in August 2013.
The system comprises of 396 Suntech Solar panels – 60kW of these are ground mounted and 39kW are roof mounted.
Seven SMA inverters undertake power conversion and the system has a state-of-the-art control system and live monitoring equipment.
Solar farming is beneficial to the environment. The sun is a clean, renewable source of energy that has very few negative effects.
Creating more solar energy for release into the power grid reduces the amount of energy from non-renewable sources.
Solar farms generate clean, green electricity all day - every day.
Certified Colour Printer
ISO 12647-2-2013
The Worldwide Production Hub prints to ISO 12647-2-2013 Standards. We were one of the first printers in Australia to be certified.
We have received training in the practical implementation of ISO 126472-2013 and operation of the Print Spec Colour QA System.
Our printing equipment and consumables have been optimised to meet the targets and tolerances set out by ISO International Standards.
We use D50 lighting in colour critical areas for viewing prints and proofs. Our colour measurement instruments are regularly calibrated and certified by the manufacturer and reviewed every six months by a specialist for revision, training and review.
We pride ourselves in printing to consistent colour standards and conforming to ISO certifications.
ISO International Standards ensures that products and services are safe, reliable and of good quality. For business, ISO Standards are strategic tools that reduce costs by minimising waste and errors and increase productivity.
ISO 12647 provides printers with a set of quality control guidelines for their printing processes.