Our Prospectus 2013

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World Merit Prospectus

The Change Makers For the first time in history the next generation of leaders will have the tools to collaborate instantly and widely. Some would say that that is a timely

What makes World Merit and our community

development as they are about to inherit

unique however is that we realize good

problems of a type and scale that few

citizenship is merely the minimum

generations have had to deal with before.

requirement. Taking action with integrity is at


our heart. The people of merit here want us to ”We are a generation that is more connected

facilitate collaboration and build teams. The

and globally informed than ever before.This

people of merit here want us to support and

makes the potential for collaborative action

mentor the small steps that give experience.

and meaningful impact exponentially greater

The people of merit here want us to match

than it has ever previously been.”

their ambition and have us help ensure

Martina Buchal, Canada [World Merit USER ID: 1697]

opportunity matches their ability.

One thing is certain; to make global progress

”I think my generation needs to dare to

we need innovators, entrepreneurs, and

dream, to dare to believe that we are capable

leaders to come together more often and to a

of being change makers. After realizing that

greater depth. World Merit is bringing people

we can actually make the world better, we

together and we have found a huge number of

need to evolve from dreamers to doers. That’s

change makers with the determination to find

what I think young people need to do, at least

solutions across borders.

in South America and in my country” Hugo Salas, Peru [World Merit USER ID: 42614]

We believe that global citizenship is a vital concept to fight for, and we are looking for both individuals and business to stand up and

A B I l iit y > O P P O R T U N I T Y

be recognized that way.

Your Big Year Champions 2010


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