World Hope Live! Building Resilience

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Building Resilience

VOLUME 26 ISSUE 1 | Published semi-annually for the donors and supporters of World Hope International

Dear Friend,

Building resilience in and for the projects that World Hope stewards and the people it serves requires a cadre of committed partners and donors just like you.

An excellent example of resilience is the rebuilding of the ancient walls of Jerusalem. Bolstered by their trust and faith, the community’s powerful dedication to the vision and necessary collaboration with a variety of partners was what made “the work work” and brought the vision to practical fruition.

Likewise, the mission of World Hope continues to be built and strengthened through the combined commitment, courage and contribution of individual donors, valued partnerships, private and government collaboration, all undergirded by careful planning.

It is my sincere hope that the program highlights and stories of resilience gathered from across the globe in this newsletter will inspire you as you continue in your commitment to the work and ministry of World Hope.

Thank you for your partnership and sacrificial giving that builds resilience, brings dignity, provides opportunity, and offers hope to families in communities and nations around the world.

With hope,


Disaster preparedness training for first responders in Barbados. See the full story on page 12. 3

Witnessing the Resilience of Ukrainian Refugees

Since Russia invaded Ukraine last February, World Hope International (WHI) has delivered over $12 million dollars’ worth of medical supplies to aid those fleeing the war zone. The medical provisions received by the Moldova Ministry of Health have been distributed to over 94 institutions across the country, including the contested region of Transnistria.

Andrei Cazacu, the Head of the Foreign Assistance Department at the Moldova Ministry of Health, addressed the impact that this donation has in the current context:

“Access to medical supplies through World Hope International has allowed the Moldova Ministry of Health to respond to the Ukrainian Refugee Crisis without significant delays. Lifesaving medicine such as insulin or tests to screen for COVID-19 have been of tremendous help toward the health system strengthening of the country…”

There have been high incidences of diabetes in the refugee population and the Moldova Ministry of Health recommended donations of insulin and other medications to address many chronic conditions. The Association of Young People Living with Type 1 Diabetes


(DIA) is one of the institutions that received a donation from WHI through the Ministry of Health. The WHI team met with Veronica Volcov, the Co-founder and President of DIA. Veronica tells us her team of volunteers mobilized to find and connect with refugees that would need medical care to manage their chronic diseases. The team at DIA sprang into action; they explained to confused and frightened refugees how to access care, how to keep up with the daily measurement requirements, why shifting types of insulin medication are counter-productive, and even texting people daily tips on nutrition, physical exercise, and management of diabetes.

WHI’s team became well versed in the five types of insulin that doctors prescribe, why having the correct type of syringe is crucial for a person with diabetes, and why glucose monitors are essential. Veronica admits that the past three months have been challenging. Since the start of the war, her team has had over 50 case management referrals.

As the crisis in Ukraine continues, Veronica is weary. She worries that more people with complex needs will lose access to lifesaving medicines. The WHI donations are crucial as her group distributes insulin to the 50+ cases in their care, only enough for the next 6-8 weeks. She can breathe a sigh of relief knowing that those patients are being taken care of for now. WHI will also continue to support Moldovan healthcare facilities with medical supplies.

WHI has further secured partnerships with companies to provide both water filters and individual first aid kits to support the efforts of first responders and paramedics who are on the ground in Ukraine to save lives. My Medic has designed an essential

trauma kit, the Individual First Aid Kit (IFAK), that will mean the difference between life and death for victims of the ongoing war. The kits include emergency response equipment designed to stop bleeding, stabilize fractures, seal open chest wounds, clear compromised airways, and care for burns and other medical emergencies.

WHI aims to distribute 5,000 total IFAKs to civilian paramedics and civilian emergency response personnel in Odesa, Ukraine, with 3,000 already delivered. WHI will also distribute water filters to civilians affected by damaged water infrastructure caused by the war.

Thank you for your generous support that allows WHI to stand with our brothers and sisters in Ukraine and surrounding countries providing refuge. 5


A Call to Ambassadorship

Child Sponsorship is a comprehensive program that partners with schools in Sierra Leone, Liberia, Zambia, Philippines, and Haiti to provide quality education and support for children as they engage in their educational journey.

Not only does WHI offer access to school, but we also provide quality programming including teacher training for uncertified teachers, child protection education to empower children and keep them safe, access to computer technology, medical support, and food resources. In addition to educational programming, WHI advocates for the improvement of school facilities through funding partnerships to provide latrines, handwash stations, wells, new school buildings, building renovations, and school furniture.

WHI promotes inclusive, barrier-free education for all children, including those with disabilities. Several initiatives to support children with disabilities include installation of ramps at schools, providing tuition support at specialized schools, and providing sponsorship for children enrolled in the Enable The Children (physio and occupational therapy) program.

As a result of the child sponsorship program, children have strengthened potential to complete primary and secondary education, engage in quality education increasing readiness to pass national examinations, and are informed about protection protocol for abuse and trafficking. Over 6,000 children are impacted each year by the child sponsorship program with 1,690 receiving direct sponsorship.


WHI is seeking volunteer leaders to serve as Child Sponsorship Ambassadors to proactively engage with churches, ministries, organizations, and individuals to advance child sponsorship opportunities. Ambassadors may travel to churches to set up an informational table, share stories with others interested in becoming child sponsors or establishing new connections for WHI to pursue child sponsorship partnerships. World Hope will provide you with all the information you need to be well informed to speak on behalf of World Hope and the child sponsorship program. There is no set time obligation, and we are happy to work with your availability as a volunteer. Please get in touch with Tara Kram, Director of Child Sponsorship, at if you are interested in learning more!

It takes a village to ensure that a child can grow up safely, securely, & with access to education and hope for opportunities in the future.

World Hope’s child sponsorship program is set up to remove barriers to education for children, and you can join their global village for as little as $40/month. 7
Are you passionate about supporting children globally to access safe, quality education?


Finding Community at the Beach

On March 12, the Enable The Children (ETC) team hosted their annual beach outing on Lumley Beach in Freetown, Sierra Leone for all the children in the program. WHI was excited to offer this powerful event again after Covid-19. There were approximately 500 children and their families that came to the beach for a time of fun, testimonies, and encouragement. Additionally, 30 stakeholders attended, including the Minister of Education, the British High Commissioner, and the Deputy Minister of Social Welfare, who encouraged the families with state-

ments and conversations. WHI celebrated that these influential leaders also shared about the beach outing on their social media platforms to spread the message about WHI’s work and the importance of inclusion for children with disabilities.

Before attending the beach outing, Mohammed’s family was very discouraged and stigmatized within the community. Previously, he was taken upcountry for traditional medicine, which commonly happens when there are spiritual beliefs about the child and families feel there are


no other options. Fortunately, the family returned to Freetown and were able to attend the beach gathering.

After seeing the other children at the beach, the family was able to discuss their issues with other caregivers, and both witness and hear about improvements other children had made. They were motivated to continue with the program, with the dad being especially encouraged. He discussed the child’s condition with their neighbors and other community members, which helped to reduce the stigma. The mom is now able to leave him with neighbors to do business and she feels supported within her community.

Even though life continues to be challenging, they now feel more hopeful and

supported, knowing there are others in a similar position. They are very thankful for the beach outing, and Mohammed continues to make progress through regular physiotherapy interventions. 9
Even though life continues to be challenging, they now feel more hopeful and supported, knowing there are others in a similar position.

Jahoo Opens After Pandemic

As travel restrictions imposed during the Covid-19 pandemic loosen, visitors are welcomed back to the forests of Keo Seima Wildlife Sanctuary (KSWS) in eastern Cambodia where the Jahoo program operates. Jahoo is a community-owned ecotourism enterprise that contributes to conserving the habitat of about 1,200 southern yellow-cheeked crested gibbons while creating wildlife-friendly jobs

in ecotourism and research. Jahoo works to foster positive attitudes toward wildlife and conservation in Andong Kralong, a Bunong village inside of KSWS, and to enable as many Bunong households as possible to benefit from ecotourism.

Ecotourists visiting the sanctuary with Jahoo pick from three tour options, all of which include gibbon and wildlife watching and immersion in the sanctuary. Two of the tour options incorporate overnights at the iconic bamboo camp. Bio-cultural activities, among them a traditional resin collecting experience and the popular activity of


preparing Bunong soup using ingredients gathered in the forest, give outsiders a glimpse into the rhythms of indigenous life. Jahoo continues to explore potential tour offerings and is currently testing a bird “screen” with feeding stations.

Exciting research efforts are also underway at Jahoo. Plans for a research center are being finalized with the project launching by the end of 2022. Jahoo’s research assistants will also be installing acoustic monitoring units in the canopy at KSWS, a project that required them to receive tree climbing training in preparation! Jahoo is currently exploring additional research collaborations with colleges and universities in Australia, the UK, the USA, and Cambodia.

The efforts at Jahoo aim to benefit indigenous people and an ecosystem that is threatened by logging and poaching. As Jahoo’s staff plan tours, compile research proposals, and strategize about community outreach among the Bunong, they never lose sight of their mission to support sustainable social development and conserve the Keo Seima Wildlife Sanctuary for generations to come. 11
“David Attenborough levels of knowledge of the local wildlife made for a fascinating and insightful trip overall!”

Getting Ahead of Emergencies

More than 100 disasters have affected over 50 million people worldwide since March 2020. Global disasters facing communities worldwide are increasing rapidly.

Why wait for disaster to strike before we show up for relief work? Why not get ahead of the storm and train local first responders to be prepared?

Following invitations from the Barbados fire services, military, and local church leaders for disaster training, WHI put together four, oneday sessions for disaster preparedness training.

World Hope secured qualified trainers working for the State Department, Fairfax County, and Los Angeles County fire departments to provide classroom and

hands-on training in Barbados in April. The trainers had been involved in search and rescue efforts from the Pentagon on 9/11 to recovery missions in Central Asia.

WHI sent invitations for training to the Barbados Defense Forces, local First Responders, Barbados Fire Department, U.S. Embassy personnel, leaders of the World Food Programme, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), Red Cross, Caribbean Disaster Management Agency, United States Southern Command Defense Force, faith leaders, and civic leaders.

In addition, WHI participated in Tradewinds, a training event set up by U.S. Southern Command to partner and train with different nations from Central and South America this


past spring. The land-based exercises took place in Belize City, Belize and the naval portion took place in Cozumel, Mexico.

In Mexico, WHI worked with the Royal Dutch Navy to support their humanitarian vessel, the Pelikaan. WHI organized and participated in multiple training exercises that simulated fresh water being offloaded from the Pelikaan onto a WHI truck which distributed the water among the people of Cozumel. WHI was also involved in a training exercise in which the Pelikaan offloaded supplies onto a Mexican navy ship, transporting the supplies to the mainland for distribution.

WHI also spent several days training the Mexican Marines search and rescue team. The exercise simulated a collapsed building in which people needed to be rescued from rooftops, walls needed to be cut through, and helicopters needed to deliver supplies. Search and rescue consultants from WHI

advised the marines on how to best conduct the operations. Trainers taught rappelling and rope systems for saving victims off rooftops and safety on the rescue site.

Lastly, WHI participated in the Resolute Sentinel exercise, an event hosted by U.S. Southern Command to train the El Salvador military on different life-saving medical techniques including helicopter medevac. Highranking Colonels and Lt. Colonels from El Salvador’s armed forces met with and learned from WHI’s team members and U.S. Southern Command. WHI was invited by U.S. Southern Command to share their expertise and train the members of the El Salvador armed forces on these medical techniques.

Team members from WHI with many years of medical experience helped teach and instruct military first responders on patient assessment, emergency medical first aid, and treating while transporting victims. The objectives of the training were to teach first responders how to treat life threatening emergency injuries, package patients safely for transport, and how to safely medevac patients via helicopters. WHI brought supplies to help teach specific medical techniques such as proper use of tourniquets, stop the bleed, IV and IO therapy, airway management, and mass casualty triage.

The goal of these training events is to provide first-rate training to those responding to a disaster and build relationships among the various groups who need to coordinate efforts in a crisis. WHI wants to prepare groups for crisis response, plan concrete ways to serve their communities, and provide guidance for physical and emotional care. 13


La Gonâve Hospital Endures

In 1958, through a joyous celebration, a small hospital was dedicated in Anse-àGalet, Haiti, to serve an isolated population on La Gonâve Island. Wesleyan Mission personnel had operated a small clinic for several years prior, but the new intentionally designed space allowed doctors to treat a large crowd of outpatient cases each day, as well as care for patients who stay overnight. At first, the medical staff were entirely expat or foreign missionaries, but they immediately began training local nursing aids and lab, X-ray, and phlebotomy technicians.

In 2021, WHI engaged Build Health International, a leading international healthcare consultant and design-build organization to conduct a comprehensive master plan to understand the current reality,

receive stakeholder input, and to design an evidence-based road map for future strengthening and a hopeful future.

In February 2022, Build Health delivered to the hospital board the primary master plan documents and a broad stakeholder survey document compiled from a wide range of stakeholder interviews. These documents were approved in principle by the board and the next steps for planning and fundraising are currently taking place.

The priority project chosen by the hospital administration is a Pressure Swing Adsorption plant to give the hospital its own oxygen generating capacity, eliminating an expensive and unreliable supply chain issue. A blood transfusion center


was also recommended by the Ministry of Public Health (MSPP) to not only supply the blood needs of the hospital but also the general population.

The first major project, perceived as the area of greatest need for the hospital, is a new facility for all outpatient services to replace the outpatient building dedicated in 1958, which is now in need of repair.

A primary focus of the new plan is to create a long-term funding initiative that addresses the financial insecurity of the hospital

by lowering costs, increasing local revenue, and establishing a hospital support auxiliary able to raise the gap between local revenue and actual operating costs.

WHI has procured funding for the oxygen generation plant and required infrastructure enhancement and is currently fundraising for the blood transfusion center and the complete rebuild of the antiquated outpatient services buildings. 15
Photos by Build Health International

Partnership with charity: water is Life-Giving

World Hope International (WHI) received support from charity: water (CW) to drill 55 boreholes and conduct community led total sanitation in 55 communities in Sierra Leone. To date WHI has drilled and equipped almost 55 boreholes with India Mark 11 Pumps and declared 32 villages open defecation free. 21,362 beneficiaries have been served in the targeted communities.

Puntuhun (population 250 people) is one of the communities that has benefited from the CW funding. During the monitoring visit, WHI staff met Posseh. With excitement and confidence, she introduced herself and said she is married with three children. She was also selected to be the pump caretaker of this water point.

“As a caretaker, my role is to ensure that the water point is opened and closed on time, kept clean, and everyone follows the set by laws,” she said.

In February 2022, WHI drilled the borehole at a depth of 36 meters deep as per the recommendations of the geophysics survey. The community paid the technician 80,000 Leones (about $6 USD) from their cash box, after the water quality analysis and the water was recommended safe for human consumption by the Bombali District Water Directorate.

During the pump installation, the Water Management Committee (WMC) signed the Chiefdom bylaws whereby no other technician will be allowed to repair or conduct yearly routine maintenance apart from the Ministry of Water Resources approved technician. The technician was introduced to the community and his job card with his picture and contacts was placed at the nearby house to the water point.

WHI staff left the field celebrating the excitement in the community as expressed by Posseh.

“Ever since the history of this community, we didn’t have a reliable water point. We used to walk five kilometers to fetch water from the swamp and at the water point we had to stand in line for at least one hour or so,” Posseh explained. “Today we are grateful to charity: water and World Hope International for bringing life to Puntuhun as water is life.” 17

Upgrading Water System at ELWA Mission

In March 2021, Eternal Love Winning Africa (ELWA) management requested WHI to support the mission in identifying a sustainable water solution for the entire campus. Since then, WHI has worked with ELWA Director and the Service Department team to gather relevant information, identify gaps in the current system, and propose a comprehensive solution to the water crisis at the ELWA campus.

ELWA Mission, which began as a respected Christian radio station in the 1950s, includes a hospital, dental clinic, an academy for pre-school through high school students, compound providing housing accommodations for missionaries, and technical services and security.

As of August 2022, World Hope completed the mini-grid water system. WHI drilled two boreholes (both yielding 10,260 liters per hour); then we facilitated the excavation and installation of PVC transmission pipeline connecting the boreholes to hospital treatment units. Two submersible pumps powered by eight-panel solar system have been installed on the new, drilled wells to reduce energy costs and minimize interruptions often arising from power outages.

Additional separate solar power systems were installed at three water treatment centers to power pressure pumps ensuring consistent supply to the hospital; dental clinic; the academy and residential facilities.

WHI believes that the new water system at the ELWA Mission will bring clean water to:

5,000 HOSPITAL PATIENTS per month

580 STAFF MEMBERS on campus

825 STUDENTS on campus

80 FAMILIES residing at ELWA

Preventing Cervical Cancer

In January 2021, World Hope set out to start the Cervical Cancer Seeand-Treat Screening program in the Bombali District of Sierra Leone. As of February 21, WHI has screened 479 women for signs of cervical cancer through Visual Inspection using Acidic Acid (VIA) method, which is a low-cost way to screen for signs of precancerous cells. Approximately 5% of the women are positive and WHI has treated (using thermal ablation) over 80% of those diagnosed.

The goal, over three years (to end December 2023), is to screen approximately 50% of eligible women in the district. WHI started screening focused at three static facilities in Makeni and is now starting to do outreach to the Public Health Units (PHU). WHI will visit each PHU twice over three years to reach the entire district.

Mortality from cervical cancer in Sierra Leone is significant and losing women, most often at an early age, in turn increases child mortality. WHI is also referring women to get HIV testing as a positive HIV status is linked to risk of cervical cancer. The program also promotes awareness of breast cancer and training on how to conduct breast examinations. 19

Transforming Hearts

After eight months of thorough planning of the content and its suitability for the people of Sierra Leone, Radio Fry Fry started broadcasting on January 4, 2022 as the first audio-visual radio station in Sierra Leone through WHI. Radio Fry Fry is now broadcasting in five major cities, reaching a geographical coverage of 3.5 million people in Freetown, Makeni, Kono, Bo, and Kenema, and has plans for expansion to reach over 80 percent of the population in Sierra Leone. Radio Fry Fry is a faith-based radio station with a contextual

name that resonates with its listeners with the objective of “bringing people together” and with the vision of being “your most valued listening partner.” It has a mission to transform, restore hope, and serve every community through storytelling and sharing real-life experiences.

The launch of Radio Fry Fry across both urban and rural regions of Sierra Leone addresses the need for moral content, music, dialogue, and storytelling that influences society for critical positive change.


Through Radio

81 percent of Sierra Leoneans have access to a radio and 47 percent listen daily. Fry Fry’s message airs to a majority Muslim context and extends to rural regions that would otherwise be challenging to reach. Right now, Fry Fry reaches an estimated audience of 878,900 – 1,000,000 people. The majority are 25-34 year olds.

Radio Fry Fry also bridges the gender gap that exists in other media modalities within Sierra Leone and allows both men and women to equally access radio communi-

cation. In a society where women are not encouraged to address important daily issues they face, Fry Fry provides a safe outlet to bring voice to these challenges.

Fry Fry’s story-telling method communicates that each person’s individual stories are different and unique, yet similar as we relate and connect emotionally. Empathy enables us to have a better understanding at a deeper level through a journey of discovery to learn something new about another person, the types of events and kinds of people that shape our lives, and about people’s hopes and dreams for the future. We know it’s not always easy to tell a story, but by asking, we foster trust while we listen and tell these stories from a place of love, acceptance, empathy, and respect.

The latest from Radio Fry Fry is a prayer hotline where staff members will pray with the listener.

You too can be involved by going to 21

Reflections on Sierra Leone

When Jo Anne Lyon asked me to write some reflections about my April trip to Sierra Leone, I thought, “absolutely, that won’t be difficult.” The college and young adult pastor from 12Stone Church, Alex Carney, and I had a great experience seeing so much of what World Hope International is doing to impact the lives of the vulnerable in Sierra Leone. I was certain the words and stories would flow. The problem would not be having enough to say, but rather what would need to be pared down from what I could write. But when I sat in front of my computer to record my thoughts, I had trouble narrowing the focus of my reflection.

As Christ followers we know that God created all of mankind in his image, which means his presence in every person makes each of us worthy of dignity. The problem is that many image-bearers see themselves unworthy of dignity and respect because they have often been treated as “less than” by the world around them. As I reflect on all the work and ministry I witnessed being done through World Hope International in Sierra Leone, the word “dignity” keeps coming to mind.

In Acts 3, Peter and John are walking to the temple to pray when they encounter a man who was born lame begging in front of the Beautiful Gate. I imagine him with his


head down and his hand out. He’d been in the same undignified place doing the same undignified thing for years—begging with his head down and hand out. But Peter looked at this man and the first thing he did was offer him dignity with the words, “look at us.” Peter knew that before he could offer the lame man freedom through healing and purpose through praising God, he had to offer him dignity by saying, “look at us.” That’s what I saw happening for the vulnerable people of Sierra Leone through World Hope International. Using words, deeds, or both, the leaders, and staff of WHI offer dignity to all they serve by figuratively, and at times, saying, “look at us.”

Alex and I met with the Protection Team serving the vulnerable being rescued through the World Hope International Recovery Center. Every member of that team is committed to restoring dignity to the victims of human trafficking in Sierra Leone. We saw the impact of the WASH (water, sanitation, and hygiene) program and how it is transforming rural communities through improved water and sanitation. We walked through streets in Freetown to visit families of children with special needs, such as cerebral palsy or down syndrome. There’s

so much being done to restore dignity for the vulnerable in Sierra Leone that this one article is not nearly enough to share all the impact happening through World Hope International in Sierra Leone. 12Stone Church

has made a multi-year commitment to support the World Hope International Recovery Center in Sierra Leone, so Alex and I will certainly be back again. I look forward to serving with World Hope International as they offer dignity to the marginalized and vulnerable men, women, and children of Sierra Leone. 23
“There’s so much being done to restore dignity for the vulnerable in Sierra Leone that this one article is not nearly enough to share all the impact happening through World Hope International in Sierra Leone.”

Uniting for Ukraine

WHI Volunteer Sonia Smyk was invited (at the request of Kristina Tanasichuk with GTS Coalition) to represent World Hope International at the Kensington Benefit for Ukraine in Kensington, CA, on June 12. Attendees experienced live music, snacks, and guest speakers and had the opportunity to learn about World Hope and three other organizations and the work we are doing with Ukraine.

Over $50,000 was raised for Ukrainian efforts, according to the Benefit’s creator. Part of that was matched and given to WHI. These donations will go toward water filters which will be distributed to the civilian first responders on the ground.

Upcoming Events

Lipman Memorial Invitation Golf Tournament in Plano, Texas: September 23-24, 2022

Marathon with Hope Water International in Grand Rapids, Michigan: October 16, 2022


Anna Vines, Program Director and Physiotherapist for WHI’s Enable The Children Program, was awarded and received recognition from the Strategic Evangelist Network for Humanitarian work in Sierra Leone.

WHI Cambodia received a Certificate of Appreciation from the Provincial Department of Education in Mondul Kiri and the Provincial Deputy Governor on June 23, 2022 during the Provincial DoEYS Assembly.

Trip Advisor has awarded Jahoo a traveler’s choice award for 2022 and has consistently great reviews and ranked in the top 10% of properties/attractions.


Fellowship at General Conference

Delegates from all over the world descended upon Saint Louis, MO for the 14th General Conference of The Wesleyan Church from May 22-25, 2022 and World Hope International was there to meet and greet them. WHI had team members from Sierra Leone, Haiti, Canada and the United States in attendance to connect with delegates and attendees. The WHI booth featured a backdrop of the Bombali Bana village in Sierra Leone with an opportunity to take a photo in the photo booth with images of sponsored children, some brightly colored skirts, and bowls brought from Sierra Leone.

Many great conversations took place as people stopped by the booth: some about the possibility of taking trips with World Hope, some about child sponsorship, and others about the many ways World Hope International brings opportunity, dignity,

and hope to those we partner with. We gave away World Hope International swag: water bottles, pins, pens, caramel popcorn (the most popular snack at General Conference), and brownies. Many who stopped by the booth entered a drawing for a chance to win an iPad, a LuminAID solar inflatable lantern, and a Katadyn water filter.

Jo Anne Lyon, WHI Founder, and Saidu Kanu, Sierra Leone Country Director, shared about World Hope at the well-attended ice cream social, held Tuesday evening. Jo Anne shared the history of World Hope International and her heart for justice, recounting a few of the experiences she has been a part of over the past 25 years. Saidu shared about the field work being done in Sierra Leone and his hopes for more to be done. What a joy to attend and be part of the Wesleyan General Conference. 25

Celebrating 10 Years of Hope

This past spring, World Hope and our Protection Team celebrated 10 years of the World Hope International Trafficking-in-Persons (TIP) Recovery Centre (RC) in Sierra Leone.

Janet Nickel (Anti-trafficking Technical Advisor), Miriam Fullah (Protection Manager), Solomon Kekurah (TIP Secretariat), Haley Clark (Director of AntiTrafficking and Gender-Based Violence Program), Saidu Kanu (Country Director),

and, importantly, survivors came together to share their stories of recovery and hope. They ate food, enjoyed music, and celebrated the lives of the courageous survivors.

Since its establishment in 2012, the RC has served 3,174 survivors of TIP and GenderBased Violence and returning migrants, through those directly admitted to the recovery centre, those placed with a partner shelter, and those served in their communities.

Your gift is very much appreciated and fully deductible as a charitable contribution. A copy of our latest financial report may be obtained by writing to World Hope International, 1330 Braddock Place, Suite 301, Alexandria, VA 22314, 703-923-9414. If you are a resident of one of these states, you may obtain financial information directly from the state agency: CALIFORNIA – A financial statement is available upon request from World Hope International, 1330 Braddock Place, Suite 301, Alexandria, VA 22314. FLORIDA – A COPY OF THE OFFICIAL REGISTRATION AND FINANCIAL INFORMATION MAY BE OBTAINED FROM THE DIVISION OF CONSUMER SERVICES BY CALLING TOLL-FREE, 1-800-435-7352 (800-HELP-FLA) WITHIN THE STATE OR AT REGISTRATION DOES NOT IMPLY ENDORSEMENT, APPROVAL, OR RECOMMENDATION BY THE STATE. Florida Registration (CH15660). GEORGIA – a full and fair description of our organization’s programs and activities and a financial statement are available upon request from World Hope International at 1330 Braddock Place, Suite 301, Alexandria, VA 22314. MARYLAND - A copy of the current financial statement of World Hope International is available by writing 1330 Braddock Place, Suite 301, Alexandria, VA 22314 or by calling 703-923-9414. Documents and information submitted under the Maryland Solicitations Act are also available, for the cost of postage and copies, from the Maryland Secretary of State, State House, Annapolis MD 21401, (410) 974-5534. MISSISSIPPI - The official registration and financial information of World Hope International may be obtained from the Mississippi Secretary of State's office by calling 1-888-236-6167. Registration by the Secretary of State does not imply endorsement by the Secretary of State. MINNESOTA - World Hope International is located in Alexandria, VA. All contributions made to World Hope International are 100% tax deductible. A full and fair description of our organization’s programs and activities may be obtained from our website at NEW JERSEY – INFORMATION FILED WITH THE ATTORNEY GENERAL CONCERNING THIS CHARITABLE SOLICITATION AND THE PERCENTAGE OF CONTRIBUTIONS RECEIVED BY THE CHARITY DURING THE LAST REPORTING PERIOD THAT WERE DEDICATED TO THE CHARITABLE PURPOSE MAY BE OBTAINED FROM THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF THE STATE OF NEW JERSEY BY CALLING (973) 504-6215 AND IS AVAILABLE ON THE INTERNET AT REGISTRATION WITH THE ATTORNEY GENERAL DOES NOT IMPLY ENDORSEMENT. NEW YORK - A copy of the organization’s latest annual report may be obtained, upon request, from the organization (World Hope International,1330 Braddock Place, Suite 301, Alexandria, VA 22314) or from the New York State Attorney General’s Charities Bureau, Attn: FOIL Officer, 120 Broadway, New York, New York 10271. NORTH CAROLINA – FINANCIAL INFORMATION ABOUT THIS ORGANIZATION AND A COPY OF ITS LICENSE ARE AVAILABLE FROM THE STATE SOLICITATION LICENSING BRANCH AT 1-888-830-4989. THE LICENSE IS NOT AN ENDORSEMENT BY THE STATE. OHIO – World Hope International is located at 1330 Braddock Place, Suite 301, Alexandria, VA 22314. PENNSYLVANIA – The official registration and financial information of World Hope International may be obtained from the Pennsylvania Department of State by calling toll-free, within Pennsylvania, 1-800-732-0999.

Registration does not imply endorsement. VIRGINIA – Financial
this organization is
from the Virginia State Division of Consumer Affairs, Department of Agricultural and Consumer Services, PO Box 1163, Richmond, VA 23218. WASHINGTON – Financial Information about this organization is available from the Charities Division, Office of the Secretary of State, State of Washington, Olympia, WA 98504-0422, 1-800-332-4483. WEST VIRGINIA – Residents may obtain a summary of the registration and financial documents from the Secretary of State, State Capitol, Charleston, WV 25305. WISCONSIN – A financial statement is available upon request from World Hope International. A full and fair description of our organization’s programs and activities may be obtained from our website at Registration with any of these state agencies does not imply endorsement, approval or recommendation by any state. 26 WORLD HOPE INTERNATIONAL, INC.
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Ways to Give

Have you tried World Hope’s new online philanthropic and estate planning tool called “My Legacy Planner” from The Giving Crowd yet? This is a secure, easy-to-use system that, in less than 15 minutes, will calculate your tax liability and help you see how you can significantly reduce or eliminate taxes by including World Hope in your estate documents. It also provides valuable information on ways to realize powerful tax benefits available when giving out of assets rather than your checkbook.

You can maximize your philanthropic gifts to the Kingdom and World Hope by:

• Making charitable gifts of assets rather than cash

• Planning before selling your appreciated assets and thus eliminating capital gains taxes

• Disinheriting the IRS with your estate plan

• Transforming taxes into charitable gifts

My Legacy Planner costs nothing and is completely confidential; we will only know that you used the system so we can say “thank you” and get your feedback. Otherwise, all the information you enter is hidden from us. Find out more at 703-9239414 X131 or get started by visiting

If you are age 70 or older you might also consider making charitable gifts out of your IRA. Charitable distributions from your IRA are tax-free and meet your required minimum distribution. You can give up to $100,000 per year. If you need help, or want more information, just let us know.

You can also make a gift to The Hope Fund or to World Hope’s Endowment Fund. Because of your generous and planned gifts, WHI’s legacy to provide those in need with opportunity, dignity and hope will remain strong now and in the future.

Questions about any of these options?

Learn more online at or contact Nancy Green, Chief Development Officer, at or 703-923-9414 X131. 27

YES, I want to build hope for people around the world!

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In an effort to further reduce our administrative costs and protect the environment, World Hope transitioned to e-receipts as our standard receipt function for your charitable gifts. Thank you for supporting paperless receipts and good stewardship! If you still require a paper receipt to be mailed to you, we ask that you opt-in to paper receipts by checking the box below.

n I prefer to still receive paper receipts

n I am interested in including WHI in my estate planning. n I have already included WHI in my estate planning.

Make a recurring or single donation in one of three ways:

Make a credit or debit card payment by calling 888-466-4673

Return a check in the attached envelope

World Hope International is committed to sound stewardship and using your gift to deliver the most effective, sustainable solutions for alleviating poverty, suffering and injustice. In order to use our resources in the most efficient manner possible, we may deem it necessary to redirect your contribution to the greatest need or our general purposes.

In fiscal year 2020, 9.5% of all expenditures went to program services.

World Hope International

Attn: Gift Processing P.O. Box 743794 Atlanta, GA 30374-3794 888-466-4673

You can also visit to get involved and find easy ways to raise awareness.

1330 Braddock Pl., Suite 301 Alexandria, VA 22314
DONATE TODAY at or send a check in the enclosed envelope to:
Program Fundraising General & Administrative 90.5% 4% 5.5% In scal year 2019, 90.5% of all expenditures went to program services. Find out more. FISCAL YEAR

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