Exotic Silk Road Photo Tour 2019

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The Exotic Silk Road 2019

How Physical Is It?

Bring Your Partner

You don’t need to be super fit to enjoy this

Non-photography partners are most welcome

photography tour. If you can walk along well

to come along, but they will be expected to

maintained tracks, you should have no trouble on

participate on most of the activities. Sometimes

the Silk Road.

we may leave early to take photographs, and then continue on to our next destination.

However, there will be some walking involved when we leave the hotels or the vehicles to get to

However, there will be some mornings when we

the best photographic locations.

will return to the hotel, so if your partner wanted to sleep in, that would certainly be okay!

Sometimes we will only be walking a few hundred metres. Most of the time it is no more than a

What we find is that non-partners really appreciate

kilometre or so.

our itinerary. Rather than being centred around meal times, it’s based on experiencing the

The weather will also determine what walks

countryside and what it has to offer. It’s a varied

are possible, but at this time of year, we’re not

and exciting program, and whether you’re using a

expecting there to be any major difficulties!

camera or not, the experiences will last a lifetime.

Zenkov Cathedral Almaty Kazakhstan


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