WorkLife October 2018

Page 5


Bethenny says “Set Yourself Up for Success”


Bethenny says “Live in the moment”


Bethenny says “Think about it like a golf game”

Emi says: This is about looking for opportunities to make something positive out of the situation. It’s about making sure you don’t give up entirely, but you do what you can. In our training programs, we talk about the balance between supporting yourself, and being kind and nurturing to yourself, while at the same time challenging yourself to take some positive forward steps. Its not one or the other, its both.

Emi says: This is particularly true when we are faced with a difficult situation at work or at home. Spending too much time and energy thinking (worrying) about things in the future, without having all the information, or a clear mind to digest it, can just lead to more anxiety and pain. It’s helpful to remember that for a little while, while everything is still raw, to focus on the here and now. Once things have calmed down a little, then you can start to make decisions and make positive plans for the future. We often say “don’t make a decision in a crisis”.

Emi says: It’s a great analogy. Concentrate on the first hole, and what is needed right now. Only once that one is sorted, you move onto the next. In real life, this means prioritising what needs your attention right now, and letting go of all the other things for the moment. They can wait. When we’re under extreme stress, taking that weight off your shoulders can be a huge relief.

Watch the Video Here:



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