Some Hidden and Actual Facts about Tamil Language

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Some Hidden and Actual Facts about Tamil Language

Introdction • I have summed up certain important facts about the Tamil Language and the importance of Tamil Language. • It has also been found that it is the oldest language and the scholars ans researchers have been trying to find the fact on which is the oldest culture and language in India, Do you think you have any Idea please go through the article to find more about the Language.

Importance of Tamil Language in the history of Mankind • It is hard to digest that the exact time when Tamil was born in this world is still unknown There are many researchers who have tried to find the fact about Tamil but have failed continuously, it is a fact that Tamil is the language which has got more Language to it and I think there are more than 30000 Language in Tamil.

Importance of Tamil Language in the history of Mankind • There are only two languages in India which holds the title Classical language to it which are Tamil and Sanskrit. • Tamil and Hinduism are the oldest bonded culture which tends to be older than 5000 years. • It has also been estimated that Lord Shiva was worshiped before some 5000 years and the researchers have found the proof of that in the places like Afghanistan, and some northern country that states that Tamil was practiced there too, it is also a proof that our culture is the oldest in the world that proves that the words of the scholars about the mesopatamian civilization should be rewritten with that of Indian civilization which tends back to more than 5000 years.

Tamil Language & Tamil Scholars • Indian Archeologists have discovered a Tamil Language called Agasthiam a book which is supposed to be written by Agasthiya maamunivar before some 1500 B.C. • This has replaced the oldest Language of Tamil which was previously stated to be Tholkappiam which was created somewhere near 500 B.C and it has been also found that the one of the oldest Language of Tamil is Sangam Language according to some scholars and it has been edited in books of tenth and twelth standard.

Tamil Language & Tamil Scholars • It has also been a fact that most of the words of Tamil is of their own and no other language can say that the words of Tamil are copied are dependent on other languages. • It is also a fact that all the Dravidian languages have been made from Tamil except that of the Sanskrit and most of the words from Tamil and Sanskrit has been lending to other languages such as English.

Conclusion • The main advantage of the online dictionary is that you can access it just by typing a word which is much faster than thumbing through the pages in the print edition. • Wordsmith offers free online english to tamil dictionary that helps you to understand and remember the word. • For more details, visit

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