Champion (5-6 Grade) Intro Quiet Time (Sample)

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Four-Week Daily Devotional

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Four-week daily devotional for children in grades 5-6 Published by Word of Life Local Church Ministries A division of Word of Life Fellowship, Inc. Don Lough - Executive Director

USA P.O. Box 600 Schroon Lake, NY 12870 518-494-6000

Jack Wyrtzen & Harry Bollback - Founders

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John Collins - Director, Local Church Ministries

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Publisher’s Acknowledgements Writers and Contributors: Jennifer Carter, Steph Diehl, Holly Poe, Amy Powley, Paulette Walker Editor: Amy Powley

Curriculum Manager: Don Reichard

Design and layout: Ottoman Creative Group

Copyright © 2022 All rights reserved. Published by Word of Life Local Church Ministries. A division of Word of Life Fellowship, Inc. Word of Life creates faith-defining experiences that give students and families the opportunity to encounter God and grow in their relationship with Christ. No portion of this publication may be reproduced in any form without prior written permission of the publisher. Printed in the United States of America

Introducing your

Quiet Time It’s a special time that you set aside each day to read God’s Word, to get to know Him better, and to learn how He wants you to live. During this time, God speaks to you through His Holy Word, the Bible, and you speak to God through prayer. What an adventure! As a Christian, spending time in God’s Word every day is very important for you to grow closer to Him.

This booklet is divided into two sections:

Personal Prayer Journal

Daily Quiet Time Pages

A place for you to write your prayer requests and answers to your prayers.

Each day has a Scripture passage for you to read and questions or activities to help you understand, think through, and use the truth from God’s Word.


This Quiet Time provides an easy, fun opportunity to interact with your child about the vital truths of God’s Word. Here are some tips to help your child get the most out of their time in God’s Word. • Work together to decide on a regular daily time to set aside for their Quiet Time.

• Ask your child what the passage was about, what they learned, or how they will live it out.

• Work together to decide on a good place to keep their Bible, this Quiet Time, and other supplies needed.

• Share with your child a way that passage impacts your own life.

• Be available to help your child find the Bible passages and answer questions they may have.

• Encourage your child to use the Prayer section, and ask if they would like you to pray for any specific request.

This Quiet Time and Word of Life’s Teen/Adult Quiet Time use the same Scripture passages. This makes it easier for your whole family to share and discuss what you have learned with each other.

Your Daily Quiet Time DAILY PASSAGE Each day, read the verses shown from your Bible.

ACTIVITIES AND QUESTIONS Complete the activities and answer the questions to better understand the thoughts of the passage and why they are important.

LIVE IT Complete this section to put God’s Word into action.

Week 1

DAY 1 Why is being “born again” so important? JOHN 3:1-2

I will circle one. Nicodemus, a Pharisee, was a RELIGIOUS / GOVERNMENT leader. He visited Jesus when it was quiet, so he chose: NOON / NIGHT. What time of day is best for me to find quiet time with Jesus? ____________ Do I have a special place? _______________________________

JOHN 3:3-7 If I want to live with God forever, I need to be _________ again. This second birth takes place physically. YES / NO The Holy Spirit and Word of God lead me to this new spiritual birth. YES / NO John 3:8

PRAYER Use this to start off your time talking to God after reading His Words to you. You can also write prayer requests in the front of this Quiet Time. The important thing is to remember to spend time talking to God in prayer.

JOHN 3:1-12


What illustration from nature helps me understand the power of the Holy Spirit? ________________________________ I will: q pray for the Holy Spirit to work in the lives of people I care about and want to see be born again. q pray for the Holy Spirit to help me say what will help others understand and believe in Jesus.

John 3:10-12 Just like Jesus, I can use earthly examples to share about being born again. I will try to share the Gospel message this week with: ____________________________________(name) by: __________________________________________________________________ .

PRAYER: Lord, I want to be a witness of Your truth. Help me this week to have the chance to do that and recognize it.

THINGS I NEED FOR MY QUIET TIME: My Bible • My Quiet Time • Pen or Pencil • A Quiet Place

My Personal Prayer Diary Spend time with God through prayer. Keeping a Personal Prayer Journal is a great way to remind yourself to pray for specific people and things. It also reminds you to thank God and to tell others when He answers your prayers. Prayer is the chance you have to talk to the Person who loves you the most. God wants to hear what you’re thinking and feeling. He wants you to share anything that is on your heart with Him. He wants that time with you. Some ideas of what to talk to God about include: FRIENDS AND FAMILY: safety, health, problems, and those who don’t know Jesus as their Savior.

PRAISE TO GOD: You can praise God for Who He is and His salvation through Jesus.

YOURSELF: that you will grow in your Christian life and become what God wants you to be. You can pray about any problems or struggles you have.

THANKS TO GOD: You can thank God for answered prayers, specific people, and so many other things.

MISSIONARIES: You can ask them for specific prayer requests. Write these on your prayer pages.

AUTHORITIES OVER YOU: Teachers, people in government, pastors, church leaders, and parents.

Prayer Requests DATE


















Week 1


JOHN 3:1-12

Why is being “born again” so important? JOHN 3:1-2

I will circle one. Nicodemus, a Pharisee, was a RELIGIOUS / GOVERNMENT leader. He visited Jesus when it was quiet, so he chose: NOON / NIGHT. What time of day is best for me to find quiet time with Jesus? ____________ Do I have a special place? _______________________________

JOHN 3:3-7

If I want to live with God forever, I need to be _________ again. This second birth takes place physically. YES / NO The Holy Spirit and Word of God lead me to this new spiritual birth. YES / NO John 3:8


What illustration from nature helps me understand the power of the Holy Spirit? ________________________________ I will: q pray for the Holy Spirit to work in the lives of people I care about and want to see be born again. q pray for the Holy Spirit to help me say what will help others understand and believe in Jesus. John 3:10-12 Just like Jesus, I can use earthly examples to share about being born again. I will try to share the Gospel message this week with: ____________________________________(name) by: ____________________________________________________________ . PRAYER: Lord, I want to be a witness of Your truth. Help me this week to have the chance to do that and recognize it.


JOHN 3:13-21

Have I “looked to Jesus” for salvation? JOHN 3:14-15 This describes an event Nicodemus knew about from Numbers 21:4-9. God had given Israel a way to avoid death from their sin against Him. Now, when I look to Jesus for forgiveness of sin, I do it by: (Circle.) SIGHT OR FAITH ALONE.

JOHN 3:16 I’ll read this carefully and substitute my name in place of “the world” and “whoever/everyone” as I do. Now, I’ll do that with the name of a friend or a family member (name) ________________________________ who isn’t saved.

JOHN 3:17-18 If I, my friends, or my family don’t accept Jesus as Savior: q Jesus condemns. q unbelief and sin condemn. Who or what saves?


John 3:19-21


I have a choice! I can try to hide my sin from God and others or admit my sin and turn to Jesus, the Light of the world! ❏ I’ve made the choice to admit my sin, turn to Jesus, and accept

His payment for sin through His death, burial, and resurrection. ❏ I’ve not yet made that choice, but I’ll find out more about it. ❏ I will make that choice today, and be born again!

PRAYER: Lord, thank You for the life You give if I turn to You in faith. Help me to share that light with others around me!


JOHN 4:1-15

Living water—what’s that? JOHN 4:5-9

Why was this woman surprised that Jesus asked her for a drink? q She was unable to help Him. q She was mean. q She was a Samaritan, and the Jews didn’t like Samaritans.

JOHN 4:10

Jesus told her that if she knew Who He was, she would ask Him for __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __. 5 4 9 4 6 3 10 1 8 2 7 CODE: 1=A 2=E 3=G 4=I 5=L 6=N 7=R 8=T 9=V 10=W

JOHN 4:11-12

Based on her response to Jesus, did she understand what He meant, or Who He was? YES / NO

JOHN 4:13-14

Jesus says that those who have living water will never thirst again, and that they will also have eternal l__________. John 4:15


❏ I want living water and the eternal life that Jesus has to offer. I’ll

ask Him for that now. ❏ I’ll tell someone about the offer Jesus has of living water and

eternal life. That person is: _________________ (name). ❏ I’ll look for someone I don’t usually spend time with, and be kind

to them. Maybe it will give me a chance to talk about Jesus.

PRAYER: God, I thank You for the eternal life that You give me! I’m grateful for Your love and care. Help me share it with others!


JOHN 6:15-21

A time when I was scared was… JOHN 6:17-18 I’ll circle the words that tell the event correctly. The disciples were in a FUN / SCARY situation because it was BRIGHT / DARK out, the sea was very CALM / ROUGH, and they were NEAR / FAR FROM the shore.

JOHN 6:19-20 Jesus told the disciples not to be afraid because at first when they saw Him on the water, they were

__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __—they did not realize it was Jesus! 5 2 6 6 4 3 4 2 1 CODE: 1=D 2=E 3=F 4=I 5=T 6=R

JOHN 6:16-20 This must have been quite the sight to see! I’ll use the space below to write or draw a comic strip of what happened in these verses.


John 6:19

One thing in my life or the world that I am afraid of is: ________________ _______________________________________________________________. The best way to deal with this fear would be to: ____________________ _______________________________________________________________. I think it might be a good idea to talk to an adult about this fear. __ YES, their name is __________________________. __ NO

PRAYER: God, help me to know that through my “storms” You are with me and You are protecting me. Help me to place my faith in You, even when I am scared.


JOHN 6:35-40

What do I believe is the will of God for my life? JOHN 6:35 If I believe in Jesus, He will satisfy my: q physical hunger. q spiritual hunger.

JOHN 6:37 I’ll use the words below to complete the truth. _______________ may still reject me, but if I __________________ in _________________, He will never ________________ me. WORDS: JESUS, REJECT, PEOPLE, BELIEVE

JOHN 6:39 God’s will for my life is simple: I will believe in Jesus, and I will be raised to eternal life on the last day. YES / NO John 6:39


I know that I: o do believe, or trust, in Jesus. o need to believe in Jesus. I’ll trust Him today. o am not sure if I believe in Jesus. I’ll talk to a godly adult about it. If something is God’s will, then it will happen. If I have trusted in Jesus and put my faith in Him, then I: o will have eternal life with Him for sure. o might have eternal life, but I can’t be sure. John 6:40 God’s will is that people would believe in Jesus. One person whom I can share Jesus with this week is (name) __________________________ . I’ll share Jesus with them by: ______________________________________________________________ .

PRAYER: God, I ask You today for courage to: o share You with the person I wrote above. o ask questions of _____________________, an adult who can help me understand the Bible better. Thank You!


JOHN 7:30-39

At times it is hard to understand what I am being taught! JOHN 7:31-35 I’ll match each group of people with two answers. ___ ___ Many people in the crowds ___ ___ The religious leaders A. had belief. B. had knowledge of the Scriptures. C. had a positive idea of Jesus based on His character. D. had a negative idea of Jesus, based on the religious rules.


John 7:31-35 God cares more about my: (Circle.)

belief in Him. OR knowledge of Scripture. Some of the people believed in Jesus because: (v. 31) ______________________________________________________________ . q I have not yet decided to believe in Jesus, but I’ll consider what He says in the Bible as I read it. q I have chosen to believe in Jesus because: ____________________________________________________________ . John 7:37-39 The Holy Spirit helps those who trust in Jesus to understand God as they read and hear His Word. One thing I understand clearly about God is: ____________________________________________________________ . One thing I need help to understand is: ____________________________________________________________ .

PRAYER: God, I do not understand all that is in Your Word, so please, through Your Holy Spirit, help me to understand more. Thank You for allowing me to believe in You by faith that Jesus is the Son of God.


JOHN 8:1-11

A time that I had to forgive someone was… JOHN 8:3-5 The Pharisees wanted this woman to be killed because she had broken the law by: q talking to Jesus. q killing a man. q being unfaithful to her husband.

JOHN 8:7-9 The crowd and religious leaders didn’t condemn her because they: q also had sin. q were perfect. The only perfect person who can judge others in perfection is: q me. q Jesus. q society around me. q my church leaders.

JOHN 8:5, 10-11 I’ll circle the best answer. When I sin, breaking God’s law, it is wrong and I deserve: DEATH. OR FORGIVENESS. Instead God desires to give me: DEATH. OR FORGIVENESS. John 8:10-11


When people wrong me, my best choice is to: ❏ condemn them, just like the Pharisees did. ❏ just don’t talk about it and it’ll go away. ❏ forgive them, just like Jesus has forgiven me. ❏ fight someone.

When God forgives me, like this woman, He wants me to: ❏ stop doing that sin from now on. ❏ don’t be concerned whether I keep sinning.

One person I need to forgive is ___________________________________ .

PRAYER: God, help me to forgive others just like You have forgiven me, especially the person I wrote above. God, I pray for that person right now.

Week 2


JOHN 9:1-12

When something bad happens to me, how do I usually respond? JOHN 9:1, 6-7

Jesus healed a b________ man by putting m______ on his eyes and directing him to go w_______ them.

JOHN 9:2

The disciples had believed that this man was blind: q because someone sinned. q so that the power of God could be seen.

JOHN 9:3-5

When bad things happen in my life, it is not always a consequence of my sin. It can also be because God is using those bad things to show Himself to me or others. My attitude should show me to be: (Circle.) angry and blaming God. teachable and usable by God.

LIVE IT! Jesus said there is a limited amount of time to show God’s works to others (v. 4). If I put it off because things are hard now, I could lose the opportunity. One thing I know God wants me to do for Him and not put off is: __________________________________________________________________ .

John 9:8-11 Today, like the man who was healed, I’ll look for opportunities to share Jesus with others! I will: (Choose one.) ❏ pray and ask God for opportunities to show Him to others. ❏ take a step to use an opportunity I have. I’ll:

________________________________________________________. ❏ write a bad situation I know of in my prayer journal and pray about it. PRAYER: God, even when bad things happen, I know that You are in control. Help me to have the right attitude, and please use those situations to bring glory to You. Teach me and use me!


JOHN 9:13-23

What would it be like if I couldn’t see? JOHN 9:14-16, 18-22 I’ll match the characters with their response. ___Parents of the blind man ___ Pharisees

___Blind man

A. had mud put over his eyes, saw Jesus was God B. could not see that Jesus was God C. saw Jesus was God, but were afraid to admit it

JOHN 9:17 The blind man said that: q Jesus must be a prophet. q he was faking being blind. q the Pharisees should call his parents.


John 9:18 Which type of sight did the Jewish leaders have?

q physical sight with the eye q spiritual sight with the heart What is more important for me to have? (Star one.) ____ physical sight with the eye ____ spiritual sight with the heart If I have spiritual sight with the heart that means that I: (Circle.) question everything.

believe Jesus is God.

ask people’s parents if they’re telling the truth. I know and believe that Jesus is God because: (Write or sketch below.)

PRAYER: God, I thank You for giving me both physical sight and the spiritual sight to see that Jesus is truly God. Help me to have courage to share about You. I ask that You bring spiritual sight to those around me!

DAY 10

JOHN 10:1-13

Can I recognize Who is the real deal and who is fake? JOHN 10:1-5 I’ll make sure I understand what Jesus means by matching the character with the description: A. Shepherd B. Thief/robber C. Sheep ____ enters by the door

____ enters another way

____ Jesus (Son of God)

____ believers

____ a person who claims to be the Son of God ____ follow the shepherd and know his voice ____ the sheep won’t follow this person

JOHN 10:9-10 Whether I believe in Jesus, or someone else who claims to be God, either way I’m saved from eternal death and will have a satisfying, full life. YES / NO John 10:8


Whether it’s a false religion that claims to offer salvation or things that distract and pull me away from God, they can’t satisfy me. Things which could pull my attention away from the real shepherd are: (Write or sketch below).

If I’m one of Jesus’s sheep, He _______________ let those have power over me. q will q will not John 10:11 The good shepherd is ______________ (ESUSJ). I know that Jesus is the good shepherd because: q He abandons me. q He doesn’t eat sheep. q He gave His life for me. I will make a choice! I’ll choose to follow: __________________. PRAYER: God, I choose to follow You! Thank You for being the good shepherd Who can truly satisfy my soul. Help me not to get distracted by _________________________________________________________________.

DAY 11

JOHN 10:14-21

One person’s voice I can always recognize no matter where I am is: ______________________. JOHN 10:19-21 At the end of Jesus speaking, the crowds: q all agree that Jesus is demon possessed and insane. q all agree that Jesus is the Son of God. q do not agree about Jesus and Who He is. This means that: q they all think they can see, but are really blind. q they all know the voice of God and are His sheep. q some of them are a part of Jesus’s flock, and some aren’t.

John 10:14-15, 17


Will everybody go to Heaven as part of Jesus’s flock of sheep? YES / NO Do I know Jesus as my shepherd who laid down His life for me on the cross? q Yes! I’ll praise and thank Him today for that. q No, but I want to follow Him as my shepherd from now on. I’ll admit my need for Him, believe in Him, and call on Him to save me from eternal death. One person that I know doesn’t believe in Jesus is _________________ . This week I can: q invite them to church with me. q ask a godly adult for help to share about Jesus with them. q show Jesus’s love to them by: _______________________________ .

PRAYER: God, I know that I: (believe in You / struggle to trust You). I (know / am unsure) that You died for me, and You are truly God. Help me to (share You with others / share with a godly adult that I need to trust You).

DAY 12

JOHN 10:22-30

How many times do I need to be told? JOHN 10:24 The Jews wanted Jesus to tell them: q the future. q a funny joke. q if He was the Christ/Messiah.

JOHN 10:25-26 Jesus had never told them before who He is. YES / NO

JOHN 10:28 Jesus says that those who believe and follow Him as their shepherd: (Check one.) q will have eternal life. q will never perish. q cannot be snatched out of the Father’s hand. q all of these.

LIVE IT! Since that’s true, if I have trusted in Jesus as my shepherd and Savior, then no one can take me away from Him and the life He gives! I’ll: q write out verses 27-28 on a card or paper and put it where I’ll see it as a reminder. q share verses 27-28 with a friend to encourage them. John 10:27 I know I am one of Jesus’s sheep because I believe in Him and I know His voice. YES / NO One thing I feel like I need to have explained to me over and over is: _______________________________________________________________. I’ll ask this trusted adult: (name) __________________________________ q today q tomorrow q at church this week to help me understand.

PRAYER: Lord, I trust You and want to know You more. I want to know Your voice—don’t allow me to ask the same question over and over without understanding! Please help me learn more about You.

DAY 13

JOHN 11:1-13

One of the hardest times in my life has been… JOHN 11:1-3 Jesus received a message that: q He had won the lottery. q His family was taking Him on vacation. q a close friend was sick and close to death.

JOHN 11:4 – According to Jesus, this rough circumstance was: q an accident God didn’t see coming. q being used by God to glorify God. q something God didn’t really care about. When I go through rough circumstances it’s because: (Circle one.) God made a mistake.

God can use it to glorify Himself.

God doesn’t really care about me.

JOHN 11:5-6 Jesus didn’t respond to their request right away, even though He loved them. Does God always respond to me immediately? YES / NO Does He still love me? YES / NO John 11:7-8, 11-13


Sometimes God does things with different timing and in strange ways that I don’t understand. When that happens, my best response is to: q rebel and get angry at Him. q do things His way in His timing and talk to Him about it.

PRAYER: God, thank You for protecting and watching over me, even when I don’t understand. I pray You would give me patience and peace when I go through hard things.

DAY 14

JOHN 11:14-29

What does it mean to trust someone? JOHN 11:21 Martha: (Circle.) wasn’t sure OR was very sure that Jesus could have kept Lazarus from dying. Martha had trust (faith) in Jesus and Who He is. YES / NO

JOHN 11:25

Jesus was able to __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ 8 2 9 11 8 8 2 1 10

Lazarus because Jesus is the __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ 8 2 9 11 8 8 2 1 10 4 7 6

and the __ __ __ __. 5 4 3 2 CODE: 1=C 2=E 3=F 4=I 5=L 6=N 7=O 8=R 9=S 10=T 11=U

JOHN 11:25-27 Martha said that she believed that: q Jesus is the resurrection and the life. q whoever believes in Jesus will die physically. q whoever believes in Jesus will have spiritual life. q all of the above John 11:25-27


Even when bad things happen in my life, the best response is to still trust and have faith in Jesus. YES / NO This week I’ll live out trust in Jesus by: q praying about what is on my mind. q reading Scripture about how good God is instead of worrying. q talking with ____________ about trusting Jesus for eternal life.

PRAYER: God, even when it is hard to trust You, help me to remember that You are in control; You are God, and You always love me.

Week 3

DAY 15

JOHN 11:30-37

Do I really care? JOHN 11:32-33, 35-37

Who said or did what? I’ll match. ___ If you had been here, my brother would not have died. ___ He was deeply moved and wept. ___ See how He loved him! ___ He healed the blind—couldn’t He have healed Lazarus? A. some of the Jews B. other Jews C. Mary D. Jesus

JOHN 11:35

Jesus was deeply moved and wept because He didn’t know He could raise Lazarus from the dead. True / False John 11:35-37


Jesus: q is deeply moved by and cares about my pain and my faith in Him. q does not really care about my pain or my faith in Him. When I see hard situations people are going through, my reaction should be: q criticism. q sympathy. One person I know who is going through a hard time is: _____________________________________ (name). A way I can be there for them is: ________________________________ PRAYER: God, one thing that is hard for me right now is ________________ ___________________________________________________________________. Even though I don’t always understand how everything will work out for good, I trust You and have faith that You care for me even when I’m sad or upset.

DAY 16

JOHN 11:38-44

Wow! God is more powerful than death! JOHN 11:39 Jesus said: ________________________________________________________ . Martha said: _______________________________________________________ .

JOHN 11: 38, 43-44

Jesus has the power to raise the dead to life! I’ll illustrate or write here what it might have looked like to see Jesus raise Lazarus from the dead:

The grave has no real power over me if I believe in Jesus because He will give me eternal life! YES / NO John 11:40-42


Since Jesus is more powerful than even death, is there anyone who is too far in sin (spiritually dead) for Him to give spiritual life to? Yes No One person I know who seems so far from God is: _________________ . Today, I’ll: q believe God can give them eternal life, and pray for them. q believe God can even give me eternal life. I’ll ask Him to do that now. When, like Jesus, I pray and obey in belief that God can do what He says in His Word, people around me will see Him glorified. One thing I know God wants me to pray about or obey is: ______________________________________________________________ . When I do that, I’ll initial here. ________ PRAYER: God, I’m so thankful that the grave has no power over me because of You! Help me to share this great news with people around me, so they can also know You and have life!

DAY 17

JOHN 12:20-26

Would I rather have something that lasts or that does not last? JOHN 12:24 I’ll match the action with the result. ACTION: RESULT: A piece of grain that doesn’t fall into the earth _____ A piece of grain that falls into the earth and dies _____ A. bears much fruit. B. remains alone and unfruitful. I am like one of these pieces of grain. My life, when turned over to God, can produce fruit. It could be: (Check all that apply.) q other people believing in Jesus as their Savior from sin. q watermelons. q good character traits and work.

JOHN 12:25 I’ll match the action with the result. ACTION: RESULT: Loving life in this world most _____ Loving life in the next world most _____ A. losing my life eternally B. keeping it eternally This means the short-term things I can build my life on don’t last, but the eternal things I can build my life on last. According to Jesus, it is better for me to concentrate the most on: q here and now. q eternity. John 12:26


There are times when serving God will be hard for me, but in the end, God will honor it. YES / NO Jesus said, “If anyone serves me, let him follow me.” I can follow Jesus by obeying Him. One way that I can follow Jesus today is: (Write or sketch below.)

PRAYER: God, help me to follow and serve You. I want to make sure that today and every day, I live for eternity.

DAY 18

JOHN 12:44-50

What does it mean to really listen? JOHN 12:44 Jesus says that if I believe in Him, that also means that I believe in ______ (DGO) the _________(TRHEFA).

JOHN 12:46 Jesus came into the world as l_____________ so that I do not have to stay in d_________________________.

JOHN 12:47-48 If I hear Jesus’s words, but don’t always obey: (Star two.) ____ He doesn’t judge me. ____ He came not to condemn me but to save me. ____ Jesus’s words will condemn me on the last day. If I reject Jesus and don’t accept His words… (X one.) ____ He doesn’t judge me. ____ He came not to condemn me but to save me. ____ Jesus’s words will condemn me on the last day.

LIVE IT! In order to be saved, I must: (vv. 47-48) q hear, accept, and believe Jesus and His words. q keep the commands perfectly. q both q I know that ______________________________________ (name) will discuss questions I have about what I believe and help me to understand. I’ll talk to them this week about some questions. q I don’t know who I could ask about questions I have, but I’ll pray and ask God to give me a wise, godly person to talk to. PRAYER: God, thank You so much for Your Word and for giving me ears to hear what Jesus has to say! Please continue to give me a deeper understanding of You.

DAY 19

JOHN 14:1-6

Have I ever wondered, “Which way do I go now?” JOHN 14:1-3

When I think about eternity, if I believe in Jesus and what He has done for me, then I: q can’t know what to expect—which is worrisome. q can be sure Jesus is preparing a place for me with Him.

JOHN 14:4

Jesus said the disciples don’t know the way to where He is going. YES / NO


John 14:6

I can get to Heaven and have a relationship with God the Father through: q lots of different religions or gods. q only faith in Jesus and the truth and life He can give. Do I know a person who thinks there are lots of ways to get to God? YES / NO / I’M NOT SURE. Today, I’ll: q work on learning this verse so I can share it with the person I thought of. q write this verse on a card and keep it where I can see it to remind me of this truth. q share what I learned in these verses with someone. I’ll do that with: _________________________________ (name).

PRAYER: Lord, I am so thankful to know You and know that You are preparing a place for me. Father, please help me to think of Heaven often and to tell others about You so that they can be with You in Heaven someday too!

DAY 20

JOHN 14:15-24

Is my love for God just something I say, or what I do? JOHN 14:21 I’ll write out this verse and circle the two action words in it below.

JOHN 14:16-17 I don’t have to do it alone, without God’s help! Jesus said He’ll send a Helper to be with me. This Helper is: q my friend. q the Holy Spirit. q a person to marry. John 14:15


Keeping Jesus’s commands shows that I love Him. YES / NO If I don’t know what Jesus says to do, then I can’t do it. I’ll learn about what Jesus wants me to do by: (Check one.) ❏ listening carefully when I’m in church—I can even take notes! ❏ asking questions about what God’s Word says. I can ask:

_____________________. ❏ taking enough time each day to have my quiet time without


JOHN 14:22-24 If I love God, I’ll live it out! One way I can do a good job of keeping God’s Word this week is: __________________________________________________ .

PRAYER: God, I know I’m not perfect, but please help me to love You by keeping Your commandments. Help me to remember that You have given me the Holy Spirit, and You are always with me to help me do the right thing.

DAY 21

JOHN 15:1-11

Can a branch survive without being attached to the tree? JOHN 15:5 Jesus said that He is the __ __ __ __ and I am a __ __ __ __ __ __. He also says that 12 7 8 4 2 10 1 8 3 6 apart from Him, I can do __ __ __ __ __ __ __. 8 9 11 6 7 8 5 CODE: A=1 B=2 C=3 E=4 G=5 H=6 I=7 N=8 O=9 R=10 T=11 V=12

JOHN 15:2 What happens to the branch that does not bear fruit? __________________________________________________________________ What happens to the branch that does bear fruit? He _____________________ it so _____________________________________.

JOHN 15:4-7 When God repeats something, it’s important! A word that is repeated often in these verses is: A_______________. It means: to remain or continue in fellowship with Christ. John 15:8-10


I can bear fruit for God as I: ❏ keep His commands and abide in His love. ❏ work hard on my own without God’s help.

I’ll obey and abide in God’s love this week by: (Choose one.) ❏ being obedient to my parents with the right attitude knowing

God gave them to me to help me as I grow. ❏ following the rules and directions at school, knowing God gives

me rules for my protection and good. ❏ treating people around me respectfully, knowing God loves me

no matter how others treat me. ❏ Other: ______________________________________________________ .

PRAYER: God, help me to love You more and keep Your commands. I want to have a life with purpose—with lasting fruit. Show me today how to bear good fruit and abide in You!

Week 4

DAY 22

JOHN 16:1-11

Does it feel like life would be easier with Jesus physically at my side? JOHN 16:5

Where did Jesus say He was going? (Star one.) ____ to be with the Father ____ Judea ____ Peter’s house

JOHN 16:6-7

Jesus understood that the disciples were sad because He was going away. YES / NO Jesus said that when He goes away, the disciples will get a: __ __ __ __ __ __ called the __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __. 2 1 4 6 1 7 2 5 4 10 8 6 3 7 3 9 CODE:











Which of these gives me a greater advantage in our world today? q having Jesus physically here right beside me q having the Holy Spirit living within me always John 16:8-11


I can share the truth about Jesus with people, but I can’t make them believe in what I share. Who convicts of sin, the need of righteousness, and judgment? ___________________________ Today I will pray that the Holy Spirit would work in the heart of _____________________________ (name) who I know needs Jesus as Savior from their sin. PRAYER: God, sometimes it just feels like it would be easier to hear Jesus’ voice out loud! But You have given me the Holy Spirit to guide me and to bring me peace. Help me to grow closer to You and trust You with every area of my life!

DAY 23

JOHN 19:1-11

Does God know and care about my troubles? JOHN 19:1-3 The Roman soldiers cruelly beat Jesus and made fun of Him by: __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________. Do I know anyone whose attitude toward Jesus is like the soldiers’ attitudes? YES / NO

JOHN 19:4, 6 Did Pilate condemn Jesus?


JOHN 19:7-8 The Jewish leaders shouted for Jesus to die because He claimed to be the S______ of G_______. Why was Pilate so eager to release Jesus? q He was afraid. q He believed in Jesus. q He wanted to be done with work for the week. John 19:10-11


Pilate thought he controlled the situation; Jesus reminded him that his power came from ________. When I am faced with a problem, fear, or job to do, I should q follow my own thinking. q give in to temptation. q remember that God knows, cares, and has power to help me. I’ll turn my troubles over to God by: q praying to Him about them and asking for His help. q asking a godly adult for wise advice or help. q both of these

PRAYER: Dear Jesus, I am sorry You had to face great suffering on earth when You died for my sin. Right now I pray about: _______________________ ___________________________________________________________________.

DAY 24

JOHN 19:23-30

I deserve punishment, but Jesus paid it! JOHN 19:23-24 God cares about the details. Why did the soldiers divide Jesus’s clothes in the way they did? q That’s the way they always did it. q It fulfilled Bible prophecy.

JOHN 19:25-27 God cares for people. How did Jesus care for His mother? __________________________________________________________________ John 19:28-30


God cares that work is finished well. Even though Jesus was going through terrible pain, He still did not give up. He made sure that Scripture was fulfilled. One thing I know God wants me to do that I started, but need to finish, is: _______________________________________________________________ What are the last words Jesus said from the cross? q “It is finished.” q “Let it begin.” Jesus’s work to take the punishment for my sin was finished! Have I accepted His substitute payment for my sin? q Yes. I’ll praise and thank God for His death on the cross. q I never took the time to admit my sin, believe He paid my punishment, and call on Him to save me. I’ll do that now.

PRAYER: Thank You, Jesus, for completing the work of salvation so I can have eternal life! I pray for: ____________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________.

DAY 25

JOHN 20:1-10

Jesus is risen, just as He said! JOHN 20:1-2 The three people in this passage are: (The circled letters will be used later, too.) ___ ___ S

y M___ g ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ , ___ ___ ___ P___ ___

___ ,

the other disciple: ___ ___ h (Hint: He wrote down this book of the Bible.)

JOHN 20:2 What did Mary discover at the tomb? q The tomb was still sealed. q The tomb was empty and the Lord was gone.

JOHN 20:3-7 How did the disciples react to the news? (Check all that apply.) q They ran to the tomb and looked in it. q They waited for more news. q They entered the tomb to see for themselves. John 20:8-9


I’ll use the circled letters from above to fill in the blanks. The disciples: (Circle.) DID OR DID NOT understand that Jesus was __ __ s __ __ from the dead. Do I need to have all understanding and know everything about God before I can believe and put my faith in Him? YES / NO q I believe in faith in Jesus’s death, burial, and resurrection! q I have not yet trusted in Jesus. I’ll do that now. q I’ll ask a trusted, godly adult about it. PRAYER: Thank You, Lord, for Your resurrection power! Help me to remember that You are even more powerful than death. Thank You for the hope that gives me!

DAY 26

JOHN 20:11-18

My sadness can be turned into joy! JOHN 20:11 Who stayed at the tomb? (Star.) ____ Peter and John

____ Mary

____ Peter

A time of sadness in my life or someone I know that had a happy ending was: __________________________________________________________________.

JOHN 20:11-16 I’ll sketch, doodle, or list the events.

John 20:17


After Mary discovered Jesus was alive, she: q fainted. q held onto Him. q was scared and ran away. How would I feel to experience this? (Circle.)

My response to Jesus’s resurrection should be: (Check all that apply.) q not caring. q praise and joy. q sharing it. q disbelief. John 20:18 Like Mary, I can joyfully tell others about Jesus’s resurrection. The words I would use to tell about it are: _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ PRAYER: Thank You, Lord, that You are a living Savior! I praise and worship You today. You are the powerful, living God!

DAY 27

JOHN 20:19-31

Is seeing believing, or is faith the evidence of things not seen? JOHN 20:19, 24-27 I’ll order the events by numbering. ___ Jesus appeared again and told Thomas to touch His wounds. ___ The disciples were together with doors locked. ___ Thomas, who was missing, did not believe Jesus was alive. ___ Jesus appeared to the disciples.

JOHN 20:19, 21, 26 A time I was afraid was: __________________________________________________________________. Jesus’s greeting was one of: P __ __ __ __. When I don’t see and understand what is going on, Jesus can give me peace too as I trust in Him. YES / NO

JOHN 20:27 Jesus helped Thomas overcome his doubts by: q appearing to him in person. q sending a message to him. John 20:29-31


I’ll choose to believe God: q only if I see evidence. q by faith in Him. This book was written so I “may ______________ (EBVIELE) that Jesus is the Christ, the ______ (NOS) of God, and that believing you may have __________ (FLIE) in His name.” What doubts (if any) do I have about my faith in Jesus? ______________ _______________________________________________________________ I’ll talk to this godly adult about them this week. ____________________

PRAYER: God, I pray for help to overcome those doubts. Please help me to have faith in You, even when I am afraid or don’t see all the answers.

DAY 28

JOHN 21:15-25

Does Jesus still love me after I have sinned? JOHN 21:15-17 Jesus asks Peter: (Circle.) 1 2 3 times, “Do you _____________ me?” Peter responded, “Yes, Lord. You know that I _____________ you.” Even though Peter had denied Jesus, Jesus forgave Peter and called him to serve Him by saying: q carry my cross. q feed my sheep. q shepherd my sheep. When I sin and do wrong, Jesus is ready to: (Circle.) forgive me and restore me to fellowship. reject me as His child. John 21:18-19


How far will I follow Jesus? Today, in my neighborhood or school, I’ll follow and serve Him by: ______________________________________________________________ . John 21:21-22 I should focus more on: q the plan God has for someone else and if they’re following God. q the plan God has for me and how I am following Him. A way I think God may want me to serve Him in the future is: ______________________________________________________________ . I’ll: q find out more about that. q pray whether that is what God wants for me. q do my best now for God to prepare me for His future plans.

PRAYER: Lord, I praise You for Your forgiveness in my life. I want to follow and serve You. Help me to do that today by: ______________ ___________________________________________________________________.



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