February newsletter

Page 8

Greener is not Greater Evangelist Chris Sands

Why does the grass always look greener on the other side? As people we often choose the most attractive mate, the best paying job, the nicer looking neighborhood and the best friends. In Genesis 13:10 Lot, Abraham’s nephew, made this mistake as I suppose we all have been guilty of making in one form, fashion or another. Unfortunately for some of us we have the tendency of repeating the same mistake instead of learning from it. Abraham rescued Lot the first time but could only pray and intercede on his behalf the second time. (Gen.18:20-33) Maybe you’ve made the same mistake more than once. Don’t feel ashamed! Thank God that there’s somebody named JESUS, interceding for us all the time while we’re having a hard time dealing with our circumstances, situations and/or issues. Peter quoted Solomon’s Proverb 26:11 in 2 Peter 2:22 that as a dog returns unto his own vomit so does a fool to his folly and/ or foolishness. Peter goes on to say that a pig washed shall return to wallow in the mire. Let us pray for wisdom for ourselves and others to learn from our mistakes not to repeat them for in doing so will only lead us down a path to destruction.

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