Sharing the Faith That You Love

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Sharing the Faith That You Love

L is for the local body of Christ (see Acts 2:37-47 and Ephesians 3:21) and for liturgy (the public worship of the Church), through which we grow in Jesus. This includes prayer, study, the sacraments, community, service, and evangelization. You may find it helpful to memorize these six points so that you can stay focused on the gospel. You might also use these points to assess your own encounters with God and note which point might be the focus of a particular faith event in your life. For example, John’s college struggle with depression might be focused on “S”—God sends a Savior. Therese might share her story about an all-night prayer experience as “P”—Pentecost of the Holy Spirit. (For an example of sharing a relevant part of the gospel message according to the needs of your listener, see “The Christ Story in China” in the New Evangelization Workouts section.) Here is the way St. Benedict Joseph Labre (1748–1783) summarized the gospel: Jesus Christ, King of Glory, came in peace. God was made man. The Word was made flesh. Christ was born of the Virgin Mary. Christ walked in peace through the midst of them. Christ was crucified. Christ died. Christ was buried. Christ rose again. Christ ascended into heaven. Christ conquers. Christ reigns. Christ commands. May Christ defend us from all evil. Jesus is with us.19

Trust in God’s Presence in Others We are made to be evangelized and to evangelize others. The Catechism of the Catholic Church opens with this statement: 34

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