Bronte Bulletin 10th May

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Fortnightly Newsletter of Brontë House School

Weekly Awards

Reception Superstar


Eva P

Head’s Award


Year 1; Hashim R, Rose S, Ada D, Agnes

OS, Neela S and Arjun D

Year 2: Millie H, Bonnie C, William A, Arwaa A, Ezra B, Jessica F, Adam H and Xander K

Year 3: Amelia S, Charley Mae H, Zain K and Oscar M

Mathematical Genius!

This AMAZING group of Year 6 mathematicians beat 116 teams, from schools across the country, and WON the first round of the National Mathematics Championship, securing automatic entry to the final at Oxford University in June. A huge well done to you all from everyone at Brontë!

10th May

Year 5 Residential!

A definite highlight of the year - Year 5's trip to The Lakes! A fantastic time was had by all, as the children turned their hands to activities such as: Gorge scrambling, climbing, raft building and kayaking. Even a 15km mountain day trek up Wansfell Pike saw the children beaming with pleasure. Tucking into cones of award cream in Ambleside certainly helped to keep spirits high!

Happy 90th Birthday Brontë!

On Sunday Brontë House School turned 90 years old! During the week there has been lots of celebrating among the children and staff. The week started with a very exciting birthday party, the children enjoyed bouncy castles, party games, a special lunch and a big birthday cake! There were lots more activities throughout the day. Year 5 designed some amazing, colourful birthday cards and nursery enjoyed some arts and crafts activities.

Pre-School had a fantastic time exploring Hesketh Farm. They particularly enjoyed feeding the calves; holding the guinea pigs; and the highlight of the day was definitely the tractor ride with Farmer Chris!

Reception made the most of the lovely weather by using the outdoor area to build nests for birds. They used materials found on the ground such as twigs, leaves and grass to make their nests.

Spring was definitely in the air at Brontë House this week. This children have all been enjoying our beautiful grounds!

Year 1 spent the afternoon in the Potting Shed, carefully planting their sunflower seeds.

Year 2 having been learning about micro-habitats in their science lesson. They carried out a survey in the school grounds, counting the number of different minibeasts they could find in two micro-habitats, and then using their results to create a pictogram.

As part of Year 4’s PSHEE curriculum at Brontë, they used Jazz and Jigsaw puzzle pieces to help with circle time. This week, the children discussed what a good friend means to them. They then problemsolved different friendship scenarios and performed them in class.

The rain may have stopped the children playing rounders last Friday, but instead, they had great fun playing diamond cricket in the sports hall.

Year 5 and 6 Outdoor Adventure Co-Curricular Club enjoyed a pool session with a difference yesterday evening! After learning basic kayaking skills, they enjoyed some games and races in the water, with lots of fun had by all. This may have been the first time canoes have been spotted in The Grove pool!

Fingers crossed for good weather for our colour run supporting Breast Cancer Now. This is a cause close to our hearts, and you can sponsor pupils following this link.


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