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Our lives are the sum total of our thoughts, words, and actions. The master plan and the secret formula for manifesting our dreams and living our best lives must include our thoughts and words coming into alignment with our actions. We are what we continually do, and we have what we continually think and say. Famed philosopher James Allen, author of As A Man Thinketh, put it this way, “As a man thinketh so is he. As he continues to think, so he remains.” You might be thinking, “Well, I’ve been saying I want to lose weight.” But are you working out regularly, eating properly, and getting adequate rest? If so, are you thinking about how great you want to look and feel, or are you only seeing your flaws and failures? Maybe you want to get out of debt. How’s your spending? Do your actions line up with your stated goals? What are you doing CONSISTENTLY to achieve them? Are your thoughts, words, and actions working in tandem, or are they nullified by your relationship with inconsistency?


Our thoughts and words are seeds that inform our actions. When we plant them in the ground of our hearts and minds, we reap a harvest. Unfortunately, we often pay more attention to the harvest than the seeds and become disappointed or disillusioned when we don’t manifest the desired crop. Allen wrote, “Every thought-seed sown or allowed to fall into the mind and to take root there, produces its own blossoming sooner or later into the act, and bearing its own fruit of opportunity and circumstances. Good thoughts bear good fruit, bad thoughts bad fruit.” Yet, we are often disappointed by our inability to successfully achieve our goals and dreams when we fail to plant the appropriate seeds. The truth is our lives reflect our most dominant thoughts. So, how do you properly tend the garden of your heart and mind to produce a beautiful life? First, take inventory of what you’ve been thinking. If your thoughts aren’t aligned with your vision for your life, change them. Second, create a list of affirmations and speak them daily. Third, meditate to get clarity about action steps to take and visualize where you want to be. Regardless of what things look like or how long it takes, remain consistent until your thoughts, words, and actions produce the actions necessary to achieve your goals and dreams.



What would you do if fear didn’t rear its ugly head each

time you imagined fulfilling your greatest dreams? What could you achieve if you did your part and then fully

trusted God as you stepped out in faith and allowed Him to do the rest? What if you believed beyond your limits and tapped into the unlimited power and resources of God? I want to encourage you to dare to dream in this season! There are gifts and talents that only you can bless this world with. Someone’s breakthrough is tied to the courageous pursuit and achievement of your dreams.

As you dare to dream, it’s important to remember these things:

You are whole, complete and lacking nothing! Everything that you need to achieve your greatest dreams already exists within you. If it’s God’s will, it’s most certainly His bill.

Marianne Williamson is famously quoted as

Rest assured that when you give God your yes, He’ll

saying “Our deepest fear is not that we are

connect you to the right people, at the right time, with the

inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are

right resources.

powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask

Protect your dreams. You must nurture your dreams until

ourselves, ‘Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous,

they’re ready to be shared with others. The premature

talented, fabulous?’ Actually, who are you not to

birth of any dream may result in delayed manifestation or

be? You are a child of God. Your playing small

total disruption. Please know that some people won’t have

does not serve the world.”

the capacity to understand or believe in your dreams and that’s okay. Your dreams were given to you, not them!

This is not the season to play small and diminish or ignore your dreams! What may seem

Dream big and refuse to place limits on yourself. If you’ve

impossible for you, is certainly possible with

been given a dream or a vision that scares you, you’re on

God. You + God equals the dream team! The

the right track! God’s dreams and visions are so much

manifestation of your dreams will activate

bigger and greater than the ones we come up with on our

greatness and blessings in your life and in the

own and that’s because they’re intended to impact lives

lives of so many others. The world’s waiting on

far beyond our reach and comprehension.

what only you can offer.

I have a Public Service Announcement for women in business…. YOU ARE VALUABLE! As the founder, visionary, and leader of a woman-owned business even I have to remind myself of this often. Did you know there are 12.3 million woman-owned businesses that generate $1.8 trillion a year in the U.S. alone? Why then do we need a reminder of our value in the marketplace? Because in comparison to male lead businesses we are often undervalued in revenue, compensation, and business financing. Let’s break this down. As women we ask for less, receive less and make do with less, and yet manage to accomplish more. That’s not a hand clap for super shero or martyrdom. Operating on an under-valued, overachieving level leads to physical, mental, emotional, and financial burnout. When pricing products or services we typically price ourselves below market because we want to appear “competitive” or “affordable”. We believe this will lead to the opening of doors, but those doors darken a path to much less profitable places. Let us change the mindset here. When thinking about pricing give high significance to your expertise, the quality of your product/service, and the differentiating factor you bring to the marketplace. Doing so will also help you identify who your real customer is. Wouldn’t you rather serve the few who appreciate your worth than to be nickel and dimed by the many who could not afford you in the first place?

Female entrepreneurs ask for roughly $35,000 less in business financing than men because we don’t believe we deserve more or are worth more. If we asked for and secured the equivalent or more in business financing, we could experience a greater rate of growth. Since women-owned businesses added half a million jobs between 1997 and 2007, we are being counted on to expand and add to the stimulation of the economy. This cannot be done securing the bare minimum. Let’s trash this stinking thinking and take back our worth! Stop shrinking back from the fullness of your position of leadership. The Proverbs 31 woman is many things, one of which is a businesswoman who knows the worth of her work. She is skilled, buys, trades, sells everything from wares to land and is respected for it. Take back your worth in business by charging the full amount, negotiating the best deals, utilizing the full extent of resources and standing in the fullness of your treasure. Not only do you command a seat at the table, but you are deserving of being heard, seen, and also PAID!

take back your WORTH DANITA MOSELY


You’re going to be hurt, either mentally, emotionally or physically at some point in this life Unfortunately, it comes with the territory, if you live long enough, you will experience some kind of strife When that happens there will be some decisions you need to make Your actions will dictate just how long the mending process will take By any means necessary, address the issue, fresh wounds need to be nursed until the bleeding stops Make sure nothing else can get to it, cover the perimeter from the bottom to the top Like many things, the healing of wounds will come in stages This is something we’re destined to learn throughout the ages It’s okay to initially protect the hurt but there will come a time when it needs to be unveiled You will be vulnerable for a period and it’s alright, this is where most people have failed You have to see it for what it is, forgive yourself, no need to be ashamed It doesn’t matter who’s at fault, don’t let your mind trick you into playing the blame game Stop trying to save face, hiding behind a mask as if you were at a masquerade ball All that does is set you up for setbacks that could once again cause you to fall So go ahead, rip off the band-aid, yes it will hurt, purposely breaking it open might seem a bit bizarre This technique will only work if you dig deep and be honest about where in the process you really are Uncover those sores, to aid in your development they now need to be exposed The air will do them good, it’ll take longer for the scabs to fall off if you leave it closed Some wounds will heal completely, there will be no proof it was even there And some will leave a scar, it’ll no longer hurt, but there’s a mark that reminds you to proceed with caution, beware. Let go and let God, put this thing to rest, stop rehashing it and let it end It is then and only then that you’ll truly be able to let the healing begin.


If life were a dance, I’d want three steps of compassion. I had an experience recently that challenged me to be amused with life no matter what. It didn’t matter that it wasn’t a funny situation. I wanted to figure out how to take back my rhythm so that I could keep celebrating the generous support poured on me these past months.

Listening to myself while feeling disconnected was not easy. What gave me direction was focusing on what I treasure most. Being the mistress of my emotions meant that I would observe my thoughts, feelings, and actions so that I could be gentle with myself. That did not make it easy or stop me from wanting to run away. I decided to paint my thoughts to align with what I believe. That meant changing my mind a lot and dismissing many thoughts. I wanted to criticize myself. Speaking to myself from a state of wonder at my feelings helped me remember, solutions are possible. For weeks as the situation continued it seemed like I was eating more, shirking responsibility, and stepping out on myself. Selfabandonment was not what I wanted. But I felt like running away. I allowed myself to grieve and laugh at myself while wondering, what do you really want? Practicing a life with rhythm does not keep me from experiencing a countermelody. Moving through this challenge has brought me to my latest amusement. And that means more laughter to share. My goal is to dance through life as it happens.

There is so much luxury in allowing grief and laughter for myself as I sift through thoughts. There were years when I did not consider taking time to listen to myself. Time to wonder at what could be. I didn’t know how valuable it was to speak well to myself, especially when I wasn’t feeling it. My thoughts are the baseline to action and the design of my life. Practicing presence and intention is not a steady march. It is tender and unpredictable full of all emotions. It’s almost a divine echo. And the refrain is that I have more to share with you. It is my practice to uncover behavior that stands in the way of the things that you want most in life. Because your state of mind affects your life in every way including your vitality, your loves, and your opportunities. Having relationships is standard. Enjoying them is a luxury. Is it impossible for you to peek at my latest amusements? I have more love notes I want to share with you.


You can live life or you can LOVE LIVING LIFE…the choice is yours! “But how?” you might ask. So many things combine to create the quality of your life experience. How do you deal with all that life throws your way and still somehow maintain balance and experience joy? Well, here are eight principles that help me LOVE living life every day! I call them Love Living Life Affirmations. Read them out loud for a week or two and watch your life become more interesting and enjoyable than ever before! 1.I have one life and I can LOVE my one life. When I LOVE my life, I fully live my life. When I intentionally live my life, I can sincerely LOVE my life. 2. I LOVE my life when my life is guided by principles, practices and a purpose. I love knowing that I can accomplish what I intend and that what I accomplish has value that impacts myself and/or others. 3. I LOVE my life when my life includes those people and activities that produce the kinds of interactions and outcomes that align with my intentions. 4. I LOVE my life when the facets of my life are aligned on the continuum that is central to my core being. My physical, emotional, spiritual, social, interpersonal, financial, and psychological expressions of myself are driven by a common theme.

5. I LOVE my life when my intentions, efforts, actions, and outcomes are aligned and congruent. When I plan and execute an action, the actual final outcome usually matches my expected outcome. 6. I LOVE my life when those people I surround myself with enhance, support, direct and sustain me either emotionally, physically, spiritually, and more. I consciously select those that I want to have in my life. I authentically interact with others and I allow others to authentically interact with me. 7. I LOVE my life when I successfully stop doing things that conflict with my core beliefs about myself. I release them with purpose. 8. I LOVE my life when I deliberately do the things I love doing--daily. Each day I determine to do something that I love to do. The more I do in my life that I love, the more I LOVE living my life. Your words. Your life. Your decision. Your choice. Choose to LOVE LIVING YOUR LIFE today.



Relationships are beautiful experiences. Through them we sometimes find we lose ourselves which can transcend into losing our worth. We enter relationships to gain, but oftentimes, for a myriad of hap and circumstances--we lose. Once we lose, reclaiming what we lost can sometimes be daunting. The light bulb moment is when we discover we can get our worth back! Reclaiming our worth can also be a beautiful experience even though the process may not be pleasant. Take these life events for instance. No one gets married with the goal of getting divorced. No one births children with the goal of raising unsuccessful, dependent adults. No one develops a friendship with the goal of it turning into constant confrontations. However, life happens, and we have to pick up the pieces and put them all back together. The journey through loss is a learning experience. I personally, didn’t learn how to be married until I experienced a divorce. My model for marriage was my parents’ loving and nurturing relationship. But as time would reveal, no guarantee. That’s what I saw; that’s what I knew. I wasn’t prepared for how you navigate marriage when things aren’t so good, and you find your worth depleting.

When I married for the first time, I was a single mother with one child, building a successful life, furthering my education, and building a career. I looked forward to a happy marriage and growing my family. I didn’t expect to fail. No one does. But, after 10 years, I accepted reality and decided the marriage had to end in order for both of us to reclaim ourselves, move forward in a positive way, and be healthy parents. Many times, it’s through the after-process that you learn you were losing yourself. After the divorce, I learned what I needed to change to be a positive participant in a healthy relationship. How do you ask? I had to be honest with myself and take responsibility for my actions that contributed to the breakdown of the marriage. I had to discover what I lost, so I could take it back. I also had to decide to abandon those actions and behaviors so I could have successful relationships. My life lessons to reclaiming your worth – be honest, be willing to put in the hard work, own your stuff, be BOLD in knowing what you’re worth, and reclaiming what you’ve lost. Pat yourself on the back in the process. Celebrate!


A few weeks ago, a couple of friends and I spent a Saturday evening making vision boards. Though I don’t do them often, I really love vision boards. I'm a firm believer in visualizing the life you want. As my vision board began to take shape, I noticed that most of my images were split into two categories, my career aspirations and my personal aspirations; most of which involved a lifestyle of leisure and relaxation. I found myself feeling guilty for desiring to rest as much as I desired to reach my professional goals. The “work hard play hard” lifestyle is not one that is often sold to women who look like me, so I often view rest as something indulgent rather than a key component of my well-being. I examined my guilt and found it rooted in a centuries’ old belief that women like me exist to be mules and have an unlimited resource of energy to give to whoever needed a boost in their endeavors. Now, I am learning that I must reclaim my energy through rest to support my own journey.

We can learn to prioritize rest the way we do work by viewing rest as a necessary tool for our upkeep. Resting is often seen as something we need to work towards. But in reality, rest informs the work we do. In fact, if we were willing to lean into the rest that our bodies require, we might find that we get more work done and are more productive. This isn’t to say that the purpose of prioritizing rest is solely to fuel our productivity. But, rather, if we centered rest in the same way we centered hard work, we might find that the byproducts align us more closely with our goals. For me, those goals make room for a life of ease and hard work to exist in tandem. In this season of “The Take Back,” I want to return to viewing rest as maintenance, not an aspiration. Rest does not have to be earned, longed for, or even seen as a treat. We deserve rest, period. And while it’s easy to visualize rest on a vision board, our commitment to rest needs to show up in our daily lives. Learning to re-center rest in life will take time, patience, and discipline, but this is the type of work our health depends on.


After talking with Tiesha and realizing how much we had in common I knew she was perfect for Women of MORE. What stood out the most was her transparency but also her resilience. Her story is impactful but more than anything, her comeback is powerful. WHEN DID YOU KNOW YOU WERE A WOMAN OF MORE? I realized I was a Woman of More when I lost my mom. Losing her made me realize more than ever that life is short and because of that you must live your life to its highest potential. Finding what your purpose is and walking in that while being your authentic true self isn't easy when you don’t know who you are. Now, that’s not a bad thing or something to be embarrassed about because the journey to self-discovery is absolutely amazing. You must be willing to embrace the process, understanding that it's not always going to be pretty. There will be some battle scars but that's where true strength is gained and character is built. TELL US ABOUT YOUR BUSINESS MODEL Give it everything you have. I like to treat each project as if I were the client. That method always puts things in perspective for me.

WHAT HAVE BEEN SOME KEY COMPONENTS WITH YOUR SUCCESS AS A BUSINESSWOMAN? AND, WHY? Staying true to who I am as an Artist/Creator. I believe that when you stay true to who you are and work from a place of passion, the work will find you. WOMEN OF MORE THEME FOR 2021 IS, ‘THE TAKE BACK.’ CAN YOU THINK OF ANYTHING THAT YOU NEED TO TAKE BACK IN YOUR LIFE? IF SO, WHAT IS IT AND WHY? My power to be Me no matter who is in the room. When you can show up anywhere on the planet and not feel pressured to be anyone other than you is an incredible feeling. I'm speaking in terms of relationships, workplace, social settings, etc. WHAT WOULD YOU SAY TO INSPIRE WOMEN AROUND THE WORLD? To never forget to pour into YOU. Self-care is extremely necessary. Being both mentally & physically healthy should always be a priority. Understand that if you're not mentally grounded everyone and everything around you will be affected. This is when the word selfish is acceptable. It’s okay to be selfish with who and what you give your time to. Everyone doesn't deserve to experience the best version of you; that’s your call, not theirs. Oftentimes, you have to be okay with leaving some things exactly where they are and not feeling guilty. All of these things are important in order to Take Back YOU!





Women of MORE came across Alexandra Dobre on Tic Tok earlier this year. We were so impressed with her style and how she made masculinity stylish and sexy. We believe you will be inspired by her and her gift with tailored fashion.

WHO IS ALEXANDRA DOBRE Dobre Tailoring is the contemporary, modern expression of chic, refined masculine and feminine elegance. Whether formal or classic, the suit offers elegance and freedom in clothing expression. Dobre Tailoring is a Romanian brand, which is beginning to be appreciated outside Romania.

TELL US ABOUT YOUR PASSION FOR FASHION Fashion is a very complex concept. There is fashion in all kinds of things, not only in clothing, in my opinion, but also in ideas and even in our own names. This industry, especially the female one, captures many aspects of life, including art, identity, knowledge of one's own body, and integration into society on different hierarchical systems based on visual identity. Because we wear clothes on our body, and clothes express personal tastes, which develop in a certain cultural context, fashion has a very important role in a person's sense of identity. It is like a "second skin" that gives us the feeling of who we are. WHY ARE TAILORED CLOTHES IMPORTANT? The reinterpretation of a masculine costume transposed on a feminine silhouette is the basis of contemporary fashion at this time and can be accessed in the business arena, so we developed this area of interpretation. Let's not forget that at present, there are more women in entrepreneurship and management positions who have good taste in fashion and by default, they will want unique clothes.

WHAT HAS BEEN YOUR RECIPE FOR SUCCESS? The process of creating a successful brand has a clear recipe that we are guided by, and it includes essential tasks to create unique items. Respect for customers is essential at the Dobre Tailoring workshop, and because we take into account all of their requirements, the clothing consultation is meticulously performed and very carefully studied to fulfill their wishes and provide a complete and complex service. Comfort is also an aspect that we take into account when making the selection of materials, selecting the most precious fabrics for our suits. WHAT WOULD YOU SAY TO INSPIRE AND EMPOWER WOMEN AROUND THE WORLD? Choose a career you are passionate about that allows you to express who you are through your values, creativity, and talents.



I recently had the opportunity to get on a submarine. When we boarded the vessel, the crew member told us that we will see different things on the “starboard” side and the “port” side. These were not terms that I was familiar with, so my ears perked up to the opportunity to put new information in my brain’s Rolodex.


A few days later I was reading and there were those two nautical terms again. I was reading the Bible and in the passage, the disciples were fishing but not catching anything in their nets. Jesus instructed them to start fishing on the “starboard” side of the boat. Of course, my eyes widened, and I flipped through my brain’s Rolodex to recall the difference between the two sides. The starboard side is the right side of the boat. This is the side of the boat where the vessel is steered. At the time, they were fishing on the left and catching nothing. With this obedient adjustment, they cast their nets and were overwhelmed with the quantity of fish they caught.


I thought my takeaway was adding these two new words to describe the left and right side of the boat to my vocabulary, but it wasn’t. It was a lesson in obedience and adjustment. Making small adjustments to the left or the right is an easy task but one that can be hard to do. When we can’t tangibly see the reward of the adjustment we doubt, procrastinate, or avoid, leaving us in the same position. Let’s consider making some adjustments in anticipation of experiencing our more. Cast your net on the opposite side, move a little to the right, take two steps forward! A minor shift can change the trajectory of our future success. Granted, these adjustments bring discomfort, fear, doubt and questions but we will never know what is on the other side without doing more. You can operate as usual with the “this is how it’s always been” posture or you can make a minor adjustment for a large difference. What is on the other side of your small adjustment? Is this where success sits and waits for you to show up? How many opportunities are we missing because we have our nets ill-positioned? Women of More take back your rod from the port side of the boat, there are more fish waiting on the starboard side. Success is closer than we can think or imagine when we are obedient and adjust.

Ephesians 6:13 Therefore, take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all to stand.

Stand in the Silence

There will come a time in the journey in which God will appear to be silent. This silence can be intentional to test your faith. Or the silence can be assumed, due to the onset of fear. God never promised the journey would be without pain or discomfort. In fact, the pain and discomfort are part of the plan. Don’t revert to plan B and assume that because it is not going smoothly that you are going in the wrong direction. Trust that God knows what is best.

Sometimes the difficulty of the journey can intensify the voice of fear. You begin to question your abilities and even start to tell God how you are not fit for the task. If you could do it in your own abilities, there would be no need for God. Stop saying and focusing on what you can’t do and do what you can. Sometimes when you start doing it, you will realize you can do more than you thought. If the instructions are not clear, stand in silence. If you can’t hear God’s voice, stand in the silence. You must quiet your thoughts to hear God. The loudness of fear is drowning out His voice. Wait until you can hear clearly. PRAYER: Dear God, I thank you that you are ordering and establishing my steps. Help me to quiet the voice of fear and rely on your strength and abilities rather than focus on my weaknesses. In Jesus’ name, Amen. Today’s Article taken from Indiana’s 90-day devotional entitled Awaken the Dream. Indiana is an author and Kingdom Writing Coach who helps aspiring authors unleash the power of their pen to heal, transform lives, and create a legacy by turning their genius into a book. Follow her on FB, IG, and Twitter @ Author Indiana Tuggle.


Registered Nurses are healthcare’s greatest asset, providing an unreplaceable service. Nurses don’t just take care of the sick, but we nurture the mind, the body, and the spirit. CoVID-19 revealed what we (nurses) already knew; that we are undervalued, unprotected, and underpaid. For decades, nurses have been viewed as an occupation of subservient helpers for physicians. However, due to the advancement of healthcare, this is the farthest thing from the truth. Registered Nurses and Physicians have two different scopes of practice but work together as a team to provide the best care for patients. Each expert practices under their license and answers to their board of health. Fortunately, the pandemic has created a massive market for Registered Nurses to travel. COVID-19 has created awareness about how vital nurses are to hospitals and healthcare in general. Due to this new awakening, many nurses left their staff positions and traveled locally or across the country for work. The mass exodus has caused many hospitals all over the U.S. to be highly short-staffed, putting Registered Nurses in high demand to help with the influx of COVID patients. According to NursingCE.com, more than 50,000 nurses are traveling, and they are tripling to quadrupling their regular hourly wages. For most healthcare professionals, this is a scary but exciting time to be in healthcare. Nurses are in a season of “take back.” They are taking back their time, energy, and value while demanding their much-needed respect. COVID has created a very bright future for nursing. Hopefully, this “take back” season will push hospitals to compensate and create an environment conducive to taking care of one of their most undervalued gems, nurses.

“Different is Definitely NOT Deficient” TYNETTA T. BROWN

Currently, many of us are rethinking how we view ourselves within this everchanging universe. Many of us are also taking stock of how others view us, particularly along demographic lines. It seems we are now experiencing an awakening when it comes to the value of diversity in the areas of race and ethnicity, gender, religion, and more importantly our thoughts and approaches to life when we are at work or play. We are unique and when we present ourselves or thoughts to the world, they will often be different from others. Even your thumbprint is unique, so your approach to solving a problem should not be viewed as any sort of deficiency simply because it isn’t what the rest of the world does or is “the norm.”

I personally have had many career experiences where the strategies or approaches I offered were viewed as deficient simply because I didn’t adopt another way of completing an assignment. Challenging others to see diverse thoughts as a positive thing takes effort. Helping others become comfortable with the idea that your way is different and still acceptable takes some strategy and time. Typically, if the approach or solution, or lifestyle you offer is different, but does no harm to anyone, doesn’t impede progress, eventually, people will come around and appreciate your unique perspective.

Helping others become open to “different” or “positive defiance of the norm” may take more time and energy than many of us have time for but is so worth the effort in Positively defying “the norm” is always a good thing the long run. Showing others that because your race, from my lens. There are times when people are judging gender, religion or problem-solving strategies are your approach to life or work. The strategies you offer different in no way should be viewed as deficient or a may not be the same as your friend or colleague, but in negative reflection on you as an individual or within the most cases, you arrive at the same solution and collective demographic segments. Go forth and put your sometimes the better one. Some view the approach of own unique stamp on the world and perhaps over time taking the road less traveled as deficient if it challenges the expansion of diversity in thought and approaches to their thinking or not the way of the majority because it is life will be viewed as something of value heading into the different and thereby viewed as deficient. next century.


I became aware that I was a “Woman of More” a couple of years after founding my business, when I started to enlist women to become VAs (Virtual Assistants) for my company. I remember a young woman was working for a great company, making good money, but she was on the brink of starting a family with her husband. I encouraged her not to settle for anything less than what she wanted. She quit her job, began working for me as a VA, and eventually started her creative agency that’s becoming wildly successful!! At that moment, I realized that I had accomplished a lot of things for myself, but my voice, experience, and story were bigger than me! Encouraging women to follow the dream that God has placed inside of them was my defining moment of becoming a Woman of More. God doesn’t allow us to go through things just for us, but to turn around, lead & inspire. When you become a Woman of More, you realize that God does not bless you just for you, but for you to be a blessing. I am purposed to empower women, especially mothers, to define and achieve their limitless life. As a Woman of More, I not only want to ignite my sisters’ passion but also shine a light on God’s plan to give hope and an amazing future. (Jerimiah 29:11)


Stepfanie Brinkley is a powerhouse, encourager, and a Woman of MORE. She will challenge you to organize your life and your business. The moment we talked, I knew she would be beneficial to women around the world and Women of MORE.



Actually, 2021 has brought about a change in my business model. God has pivoted me from owning a VA agency, where I had a team of virtual assistants that helped entrepreneurs work in their grace while increasing their revenue and saving them time. I realized that God has called me to have an even greater impact. So, I’m not going to manage VAs now, I’m going to show women, especially mothers, how to become CEOs of their own business by starting a virtual professional career. Whether it is a general virtual assistant, social media manager, community engagement specialist, or even a blogger or photographer, I am putting together resources for women of faith to achieve their limitless life by pursuing their virtual careers.

WHAT HAVE BEEN SOME KEY COMPONENTS OF YOUR SUCCESS AS A BUSINESSWOMAN? Loyalty: As an entrepreneur, it is very easy to jump and find the next big opportunity, but I found it more beneficial and highly successful to find clients that align with my life's vision, to find work that speaks to my soul, and to look to be a part of something bigger than me. Being loyal to my clients has afforded me some of the world's most amazing experiences because loyalty produces trust, and trust opens the door for greater opportunities!

Dedication: I started as a VA (virtual assistant), grew into a virtual professional, and now I have acquired the roles of OBM, Project Manager, and COO. None of this would’ve been possible if I was not resilient and dedicated to my craft. There are a lot of ups and downs and a lot of distractions. A ton of things can deter you, especially when working from home with children, so you must be anchored with determination and discipline to achieve success Help: In my personal and professional life, I found out that help is just necessary. I teach a course that helps entrepreneurs have successful relationships with their VAs, and I always start by saying, “Jesus is all-powerful, omnipresent, and omnipotent, and He even enlisted a team of people to rally around Him and help push and support His mission. Help is necessary to fulfill the calling God puts on your life. Don’t undervalue good help.

But in all honesty, the reality is that the most fundamental component to my success in business is Jesus. He has been my strength. He has been my guide. He has brought people to me; he has taken people away; he has given me hope for the future while making me content and grateful for the present. Without Jesus, none of this would be possible, and I’m just grateful for him being the true compass to my life, especially in my business.


Around five or six years ago, I distinctly recall being in bed asleep and having a dream about the Lord that woke me up. Once I woke, I felt him calling me and urging me to go downstairs and pray. The voice of God was so strong at this moment that I knew it was Him! I was extremely fatigued (I had a 6-month-old at the time), so my flesh was fighting me. But I wanted to hear the voice of God more than please my flesh. So, I went into a closet and prayed to God. He spoke to me like never before! He instructed me that this will be my prayer time and that He would commune with me during this time and speak with me directly. I was obedient during this time and received many words from the Lord for myself and other people. It was one of the most remarkable experiences I’ve ever had. After having more children and starting a career, I got distracted and got off my prayer regimen. Now, I am determined more than ever get back to the place where I date the Lord again. I am going to take back control over my time and my relationship with the Lord. I want to have my date with Him, and I want to get excited and anticipate speaking with Him and Him speaking to me, so I can grow in my relationship with Him even more. I am taking back my dedication to my prayer life, and I am determined to give Him all the attention He deserves.



The main message that God gave me is that we were put here on earth as an image and reflection of Him. We should come to the full understanding that we can live a completely limitless life. Once you decide to accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior, you open up your life to the realm of infinite possibilities. God is not defined by time, space, nor anything that the world confines us by. So, if God is a limitless being and He lives inside of you, you can therefore truly have a limitless life! I want women to know that this limitless life is just not something to be said, but it’s something to feel, to breathe, to live by! If you want your hair longer, you can get it. If you want to lose weight, you can do it. If you want to have million-dollar months in your business, you can! If you want your children to have the best education, they will. Everything that you want for yourself, you want it because God put that in your heart to desire. The only thing standing in your way is you! FINALLY WORDS

A lot of moms always put themselves last, we take care of our spouse, our children, our business, our homes, and then, if we have time and strength left, we may use it for things that we want to do. I started a group called Limitless Mompreneurs because I want women and mothers of faith to be able to come together, support, encourage, and hold each other accountable for the things that we know we need to do! If you’re reading this, I want you to understand that you don’t need to accomplish your goals because it’s something you want to do but you need to accomplish the goals that are in your heart because God needs to use you to bless, help, and encourage somebody else! It’s bigger than you sis, and if you can achieve your success with just you then you’re not dreaming big enough...remember that you have no limits!


In the last article we spoke about what it takes to press through a difficult time in your career and the courage it takes to move forward. As we continue on this career journey, now you must learn how to tell your story. What does that mean? It means being able to communicate your life experiences, challenges, and victories to someone else; in a concise fashion. You never know when the opportunity will arise, so it’s good to prepare your story now. Tomorrow you may land that long awaited interview or you may be at a networking event and have the chance to meet a company president. I recall one winter evening in 2014, I was at a Human Resource networking event and I met a classy, professional woman. She was friendly, intriguing and without my knowledge, an owner of a 7-figure, woman-led, HR consulting firm. Who knew that within months I would be consulting with her and within a year, I would be on her team as their Executive Recruiting Director? So how did I make this connection with her? How did I share my story? My success was due to some simple techniques: 1. I didn’t put on any charades, I just acted like myself. 2. I was confident. 3. I knew when to listen and not over-talk.

In another scenario, you’ve landed that long-awaited interview and you will need tell your story through an interview. Interviewing is not like it used to be. Now you have to be able to share what your work and life experiences were and how they relate to your potential job and how they could contribute to the success of the company. This style of interviewing is POSTMODERN titled “Behavioral Interviewing”. It’s important to be PAINTING. Stella able to respond to these sample questions,alternately through paints in your story, 1) What was your individual roleoilon andawatercolor project/task? 2) What was the final result? 3) What did you learn? 4) What motivated you to do your best on the project/task? How you share your story will determine your next step in the interview process. Although your personality and fine-written resume may have opened the door for you to interview, the craftsmanship of your story will bring you to the next level. Here are a few additional tips: 1. Prepare your thoughts beforehand and practice. 2. Don’t be shy about sharing your accomplishments. This is your time to shine! 3. Relax and enjoy yourself. Believe it or not, you are interviewing the company as much as the company is interviewing you. You’ll see, the more you share your story the more comfortable you will be and the more confident you will be. Soon it will be so natural to you. Stay tuned to our next article when we discuss: What’s the best way of growing your career? Horizontally or vertically? Do I need a mentor or a coach? We’ll explore all of these possibilities and more! Until then, don’t despise humble beginnings!


Romans 10:17 AMP So faith comes from hearing [what is told], and what is heard comes by the [preaching of the] message concerning Christ.

So if we receive our faith from what we hear then we need to make the decision daily to turn our frequency to the right vibration to enlarge our faith. It's not what we know, it's what we're hearing that will change everything. Sometimes we don't realize when we speak, we're listening to what we're saying. So what are you saying that you're hearing? There's MORE to You! HEARING DEFINITION : the process, function, or power of perceiving sound specifically : the special sense by which noises and tones are received as stimuli

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