Women in Livingness - Edition #2

Page 95

willingness to know and feel the love that we are which is, above all, ‘authentic’ and never fraudulent – so that whether we are delivering a world-changing speech or hanging out the washing, we are in a state of connectedness and authenticity that makes what we are doing a joy. True confidence in fact depends on presence. The confidence that comes from living connected with bodily presence in this way is something that belongs to everyone without exception, and it is intimately linked with true beauty . . . that special spark, that emanating warmth of a woman.

The more we connect with our body, and with the unruffled essence that lies within us, beneath all the raciness and brittleness of everyday life, the more we connect with something exquisite within, something long remembered, ever-known to us, and never lost. As we allow ourselves to live from this inner-most place, rather than from the promptings of the outer world – a world which tells us we must be pleasing or we will not be liked and accepted – the more we reveal the beauty that we innately are. And the confidence we feel is warm, strong, never imposing and an inspiration to all. It is time to turn the tide on this ‘crisis in confidence’ in women and bring back our truth and beauty to a world that is crying out for this.

Photographs by Iris Pohl


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