Europe - a bygone dream? (small format)

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continue to innovate. This innovation is then perceived as European innovation. A European Patent Office already exists in Munich. Now, it is time to introduce a USE patent, which is already in the planning stage. The first unitary patents will be issued in 2014. National egoisms have virtually disappeared. Thus, we should soon have simplified application formalities, and this will give a great boost to innovation in the USE. At the same time, examination of the degree of novelty of the invention becomes stricter, so that there is not an overabundance of detail or utility patents. Finally, in a not too distant future, the three-tiered political structure of the USE should be replaced by a structure of two levels, with a new Constitution for a "United Europe" with the regions as a second level and the elimination of the national level altogether. But this change will probably not happen before the next generation of Europeans. Fortunately, the press supports the development of a Union, away from nation States and closer to a Federation. Especially young Europeans cannot wait until the moment where the national fossils finally disappear. They are all polyglots, lived, studied and worked in different parts of the USE, and wish to no longer fall back into the old national model. The capital, Brussels, is accepted by the vast majority, even if this capital suffers a little from a lack of momentum. Having said this, some politicians argue that a capital city should be more than just a place for the administration of the UES and some cultural and architectural projects that are intended to give a more dynamic image of the capital are approved. In particular, artists with international format are invited to Brussels to organise concerts, performances, exhibitions, etc., and architects are responsible for future and at the same time sustainable projects.


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