Issue no 61 eloQuence

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eloQuence ISSUE NO. 61

APRIL 2021




01 Presidential Address

03 WMC Communication

02 VPPR's Message

05 Feature







Birthday Celebrations

The Journey

FROM THE PRESIDENT'S DESK Dear WMCians, One of the highlights during this month is the day when the Sun moves from the Southern hemisphere to the Northern hemisphere. Another highlight of this month is the beginning of the holy month of Ramadan. On behalf of Excom, I extend the festive greetings and Ramadan Kareem to one and all. May almighty listen to your prayers and fulfill your dreams. Yet another highlight of this month is the 1st April, April fool’s day. We asked all members to share their experiences of getting fooled and /or making someone else a fool. Looking at the number of responses, I can say that most of us are very wise people, not easy to be fooled around with! On the other note, 5th consecutive Speechcraft is running zealously at American Mission hospital. WMCians are doing a wonderful job of transforming people’s life by making them ‘stage smart’. We are motivating more and more people to follow the path. Kudos to all WMC volunteers. Thank you for your support in publishing this wonderful edition of eloQuence. Keep reading, keep writing and keep talking. Cheers.


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VPPR's MESSAGE Dear members of WMC Toastmasters, April Fools' Day, according to, speculatively dates back to the 1580s when France shifted from Julian Calendar to the Gregorian Calendar. The story goes that many who were unaware continued to celebrate the new year on the 1st of April not realizing that the new year was over 4 months ago! They became a butt of jokes as they had missed seeing the shift!!! And that was supposedly the time when April Fools' day was born. This month's eloQuence is dedicated to April Fools' day because apart from the fun in getting fooled or fooling someone, it also exposes our vulnerable sides. And the more we expose our vulnerable side, we accept ourselves, learn and improve. Just like in Toastmasters where we are willing to give ourselves away on the stage only to overcome the fear and control our nerves! Just like in Toastmasters where we are asked to write a story or a script and we start blank but ace it eventually! These last 10 months have been fun for me and the PR sub-committee to read, edit and present your work. We believe the feeling is mutual and you have enjoyed the editions as much. Thank you for rekindling some of your innate memories and inking them, you were awesome!!! I will cherish these moments forever, (after all) not many a time in my life I have got to produce magazines and an audience who have waited for them. Thank you! Enjoy the edition and stay blessed!


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8 DCP POINTS Excom and the members of WMC Toastmasters Two more points to go for achieving the perfect 10! | PAGE 03

MEMBERSHIP UPDATE Two members celebrated their TMI anniversaries

Congratulations Members, VP Membership and Treasurer

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Adapted from Reader's Digest: Canada

FROM AROUND THE WORLD France: According to Le Parisien, in 1986, the Eiffel Tower was going to be dismantled and rebuilt inside the

new Euro Disney park. Denmark: In 1965, a Copenhagen newspaper reported that Parliament had passed a law that all dogs be

painted white to improve road safety because they could then be seen clearly at night. Norway: In 1987, after reading that the government was planning to distribute 10,000 litres of wine confiscated

from smugglers, hundreds of citizens turned up carrying empty bottles and buckets. China: Claiming that it would reduce the need for foreign experts, the China Youth Daily joked in 1993 that the

government had decided to exempt PhDs from the nation’s one-child-per-family policy. After foreign press picked up the hoax, the government condemned April Fools’ Day as a Western tradition. Great Britain: In 1980, those serial pranksters at the BBC announced that Big Ben, London’s historic clock

tower, would undergo a face-lift and become digital to keep up with the times. Enraged callers flooded the station with complaints. Canada: In 2008, WestJet airlines advertised its overhead cabin bins as “among the most spacious of any

airline” and said it would charge passengers an extra $12 to use these “sleeper cabins.” Taiwan: In 2009, the Taipei Times claimed that “Taiwan-China relations were dealt a severe setback yesterday

when it was found that the Taipei Zoo’s pandas are not what they seem.” The paper reported that the pandas, a gift from the Chinese government, were brown forest bears dyed to resemble pandas. Among the complaints sent to the paper was one from the zoo’s director. Germany: In 2009, BMW ran an ad promoting its new “magnetic tow technology.” The invention enabled

drivers to turn off their engine and get a “free ride” by locking onto the car ahead via a magnetic beam.

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Adapted from Reader's Digest: Canada

FROM THE CORPORATES Reasoning that a well-executed prank can result in valuable publicity, firms such as Google, Microsoft, BMW, Guinness, and Virgin regularly try to get in on the fun. In 1996, fast-food chain Taco Bell announced it had purchased the famed U.S. Liberty Bell, which it claimed it was renaming the “Taco Liberty Bell” and relocating from Philadelphia to its headquarters in California. The company claimed publicity from the hoax increased sales by $1 million over a 24-hour period. Google is another chronic hoaxer. It once insisted that it was launching a broadband service using cables that

would run through the sewer system. In fact, its reputation for pranking was such that when the company launched its Gmail service on April 1, 2004, few believed them. On April 1, 2009, YouTube turned some of its videos upside down. A page on “Tips for Viewing the New Layout” suggested users hang their monitors upside down from the ceiling.

When it comes to the best April Fool’s pranks of all time, Great Britain is a world leader. Indeed, many believe a BBC TV hoax, broadcast over half a century ago still comes in at #1. In 1957 the news show Panorama reported that, thanks to a mild winter, Swiss farmers enjoyed a bumper spaghetti crop. To prove this, it broadcast a three-minute report of Swiss farmers carefully plucking, or “harvesting,” strands of spaghetti from trees. Legions of viewers were duped and many called the BBC wanting to know how they could grow their very own spaghetti tree. The BBC advised each caller: “Place a sprig of spaghetti in a tin of tomato sauce and hope for the best.”

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PERSPECTIVE "April Fools' Prank"


DTM (Dr.) Babu Ramachandran April 1 - A memorable day for me. No it is not my date of birth, wedding day etc. It was on an April 1 , years back that I was officially inducted as a Toastmaster in the Manama Toastmasters Club. And this cannot be considered as an April fool joke played by any Toastmaster on me because that start continues to power me on. I was wracking my brains thinking of old pranks to pen down for Sukumar to be published in the forthcoming issue of our Eloquence. Nothing in memory stands out ... Then I debated on whether I could keep on delaying my article always telling Sukumar over the phone “Yes the article is taking shape “… “It is on its way “and finally tell him ——“Sorry, no article “APRIL FOOL. “No, this won’t work out with Persistent Persuasive Sukumar. Eureka! Traveling down memory lane I have dug out something. ____ Balu a good old friend of mine was getting married on April 2 1992. Our group of friends wanted to gift him a present. The only problem “No money “ yet we struck upon an idea. On the pre-wedding day (April 1) we decided to surprise him with a gift. John, part of our Gang of Four bought a few cartons of varying sizes. Together with Baiju and Rajeev, we filled a small bottle with methylated spirit (no dear friends, not alcohol). It was what we use to clean wounds. Then we stuck a label on the bottle and packed the bottle in small to large cartons .... one carton within the next till we finally had a big carton neatly wrapped in colourful paper and tied with a red ribbon. “Hi Balu, wish you all the best for a long and happy married life “. Balu beamed with pride as we presented this big carton in front of his parents. “Come on in “- he took us to his room. “No formalities with you guys “he continued as he tore open the wrapping. Carton after carton was discarded and Balu’s expression changed from pride to confusion to disappointment ... He opened the innermost small packet, saw the bottle opened it and smelt it thinking it must be some exquisite whiskey “. His face fell ... “What?? CLINICAL SPIRIT “. Read the label on the bottle I said. He could not miss it, I had it was written neatly: “IT IS NOT WHAT ONE GIVES THAT COUNTS BUT THE SPIRIT BEHIND IT THAT MATTERS. “ Balu didn’t know whether to laugh or cry but I am sure that he got over the initial shock of our April 1 gift. Years later, the bottle still had a significant place in his front room showcase ... a testimony to our friendship!

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TM Joe Francis I was introduced to the April fool pranks by my elder sister. I was 10 or 12 years old when she heard about it from her friends and together we decided to prank some more innocent victims from my village. We had so much fun that I forgot all my childhood pains on that day, which was obviously nothing serious! The prank I want to write about is the one I did, not on April fool day but in May of 1996. It was the Mango season. We had a Mango tree in front of our house which flaunted a panoramic view. To be honest, during the months of April and May, that tree was a pride for us and a pain for many. Seeing a tree with more mangoes than it could support, had its way with many passersby on the road. Up until 1995, my summer plans were tidier. School closed in March and with the final exam done, everything I learned during the year was conveniently forgotten. My focus would be on only one thing- how many mango souls (seeds) could I save from their prison term i.e. being locked up in a big jar as mango pulp. My vision was for them to transcend into a mango sapling and then a giant tree (simply put: eat the mangoes before they are gone!)

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1995 onwards I was in college. The burden of career progression now largely fell on me. I had to act and look like a thoughtful grown-up. The worst part was that the exams were usually delayed till June which means I had to multi-task; study for exams and eat mangoes. “Do you realize how hard it is to study with your tummy full of mangoes?!” TThe summer of 96 was crazier. Apart from the regular exam, I had to study for my engineering entrance exam. For the purpose of clarity and context- the entrance exam to me an 18-year-old was a once-in-alifetime chance to become a member of the crème da le crème aka focused and intelligent kids. Good in mathematics, I was damn sure that I am destined to be an engineer. Being human, I wanted to take a shortcut, what if my father bought an engineering seat for me? That means I can fully concentrate on eating Mangoes for me. I tried to convince my 'ignorant' father on how ‘buying’ an engineering seat is an investment but my father categorically said No. After some failed persuasion and typical teenage tantrums, I realized I had no other choice but to earn my seat by working hard! My tryst with the engineering seat began and most of the days, I was either holding a book or peeling a mango. After working hard for many many days, my brain decided it needed some fun. That is when I decided to prank on those who would be walking by the road with a freshly fallen, deliciously looking Mango except that it would have been half-eaten by a bird or a squirrel mango! I gently placed the Mango on the roadside with the clean side up and the devil’s side down. I still remember that I did not have to wait for a long time! My first victim- a gentleman, his eyes lit up when he saw the mango and he bent down with a smile. I briefly lost him due to the height of our boundary wall. But within seconds he stood straight with an angry face and left. AAAAh. What pleasure! I ran back and placed the coveted mango in position (victims are not decent enough to place the mango back as eloquently as they found it). I waited again. Here came another gentleman on a bicycle. His eyes twinkled and he jumped from the bicycle as if he didn't want anyone to know about the mango- not even his bicycle. He disappeared into my blind spot besides the wall. Within seconds, he stood up with a frown face, muttered something, and left. I repeated this 2 more times and each time I had an elevating rush of adrenalin as the victim bent to pick the Mango. wonderful time. With a content mind, fresh brain, filled tummy, and a peeled mango in hand; I went back to my studies.. With the blessing of the Mango goddess and Dinken god, I managed to crack the exam. As a bribe for future blessings from the Mango goddess, I planted 2 Mango trees-one each for clearing entrance and clearing pre-degree exams(12th class). Clearing pre-degree was tougher because of English paper which I managed to pass by the skin of my teeth… Even today, I eat Mangoes from all of those trees when I go back home! Yummy!!!

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Before writing about my experience, I thought I will check on the internet why 1st April is called April Fool’s day. I found many different stories and theories. I do not want to mention those stories here because you can google it yourself. I most interesting theory I found was, the first marriage on the planet took place on 1st April. That is why it is called April Fool’s day. LOL.


FOOLS... TM Yashodhan Abhyankar Well, this theory has got nothing to do with my story. During our college days, one of my friends invited us for dinner at his place. He said that his parents were not at home and we could enjoy some drinks and have fun. Getting such an opportunity in those days was a rarest of a rate thing. We reached his home only to realise that it was 1st April and we were the fools…Tch! We were so excited with the thought of enjoying the evening that we forgot to check the date. His home was locked, and he was watching us from his neighbor’s window. It goes without saying that 2nd of April was the worst day in his life as he had to face five angry fools. Another one that I remember happened on our computer lab day. Our dear friend sat in front of a computer and started typing his code. To his dismay, nothing appeared on his screen. Confused, he started fiddling with the switches and aloha! some ghost photos started appearing on his screen!!!








understand what was happening. Finally he tried to switch off his computer and yet again nothing changed!!! All of a sudden a message appeared on the screen, “2nd April is also called April Fool’s day”. It took some time for him to realize that we had swapped the monitor cables and the person sitting next to him was controlling his monitor. Everyone burst out laughing at him… Even today, whenever we meet over drinks at my friend’s place (yeah the first one who fooled us), we cherish those funny moments and laugh!!!

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TM Sukumar Swaminathan April fools' day might have been engineered by someone who wanted to dedicate a day to craziness, laughter and fun! I have lived my life fooling myself most of the days. Let me explain: When I sucked at school, I said to myself "all is well." When my parents said I was lagging too much, I said to myself "life is not a race." When my friends flaunted relationships, I said to myself "it is not yet my time." When I was still to get a job, I said to myself "I am in training." When I was three jobs down and did not like any of them (actually they fired me), I said to myself "I am still young, don't they get it?" When I was at the bottom quartile of the salary pyramid when compared to my batchmates, I said to myself "there is a lifetime to earn, what's the hurry?" Today, I have reached somewhere, I am someone and live some life! I am not being pompous here but trying to make a point! A recent Washington Post article puts a scary statistic that 25.5% of young Adults contemplated suicide in the United States in 2020 (that is 1 in 4). In India 10,159 students died by suicide in 2018 (100+% increase over 2017) which again increased by 3.5% in 2019 as per a timesofindia article. Most of these cases have been due to peer/ parental/ performance pressure (3Ps). Life is not a bed of roses but at the same time a few subjects, teachers, friends, family members, bosses and our fears cannot determine the destiny of a young mind. There are enough professions and time in life for everyone. Let's not let our ambitions drive the next generation to the wall. I fooled myself and I am sure some of you who are reading it must have done it the same way but not everyone would have gone this way. They did not give themselves another chance!!! Let us be fools! Let us encourage fools! Life is more beautiful than we may think sometimes...

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by TM Priyanka Gaikwad Meeting 412 was very special as we had an all women team of role players marking the celebration of Women’s Day. The ambience for this meeting was perfect, lit up with all smiling, cheerful faces seen together on one screen. The meeting started with an informal chit chat between the members and the Seargent-At-Arms laying out the rules for the meeting. There was an innovative twist as the President’s role was taken up by TM Pragathi and her role was taken care by the President TM Yash. TM Pragathi exhibited great confidence and executed the President’s role fearlessly. The presidential address, introduction of the guests, role players as well as timing criteria being the timer of the day was perfectly carried out by her. Nurture (to care of, support, encourage, nourish), a simple word, yet powerful word was chosen as the WOD

by Grammarian, DTM Rekha. She beautifully explained the WOD with a very powerful message on how women should nurture themselves first and be what they want to be and not what men want them to be. The AH counter for the evening TM Rajeshwari explained her role very clearly and performed it meticulously. She presented her report in an unusual entertaining way which all the members enjoyed. The evening became brighter when the MC TM Nidhi took control of the meeting with energy and enthusiasm. She steered the meeting very beautifully thereon and introduced all the role players and guests. She conducted an interactive session making sure that all the guests spoke their minds about Women Empowerment keeping up the spirit of the theme for the meeting. Two insightful prepared speeches with meaning take home messages enlightened the evening further. TM Jefrey with his speech titled “A Tulip by any other name” reminded us to “Live in the present” and “To be kind to the less privileged.”

Whereas, TM Joe with his speech titled “Fooled by words” highlighted the different communication styles we all have and how we all can evolve with analytical thinking. The Table topic session was the highlight of the meeting, conducted seamlessly by DTM Rekha. The topics were simple yet challenging. The outcome of the session were some powerful thoughts and messages presented by the table topic commentators. The participants spoke on how women are role models and can take care of the entire family, the soft and emotional nature of women are their actual strength and how men should change their attitude towards women supporting and empowering them. | P Aby G Erespecting, 12


The general evaluation session was conducted by TM Priyanka(that’s me

). She was all praises for the

excellent performances by all the lovely ladies of WMC. The individual evaluators gave some excellent tips and suggestions for the prepared speeches. The business session was conducted by TM Pragathi and although a couple of excom members were unable to attend, it was well taken up by the other members of the Excom Team. Women: Many Shades – a beautiful theme, some powerful messages, fabulous performances by all the

role players and participants, encouraging comments from the guests, diligent efforts by the excom to arrange and conduct the meeting all put together resulted in a lovely Toastmasters meeting. Just Perfect!!.

Signing off for now! See you all soon!!

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“Mentoring is a brain to pick, an ear to listen and a push in the right direction: - John Crosby

by TM Ovin Crasta Meeting number 413 was a unique meeting as it dealt with mentee-mentor relationship mainly to re-

ignite the bonding between mentor & mentee, which was the need of the hour. Significant effort was put in by the President cum Master of the ceremonies of the day to introduce each role player by their mentee/mentor. Meeting began with members initial chit chat along with the guest who was not only the daughter of our President but his mentor as well . Sergeant at arms opened the meeting at 4:08pm explaining the code of conduct for the meeting. President started off the meeting with the broad smile. Grammarian of the day TM Pragati was introduced by her mentor TM Anil Kumar. He appreciated his

mentee for her hard work and accepting the roles assigned by excom in the meeting. He mentioned that he likes the way she approaches him on guiding her on toastmaster assignments. TM Pragati introduced the word of the day “ Forbearance” means tolerance, restraint and self-control. Ah counter was manager by TM Asif and he rightly pointed out the purpose. He was introduced by his

mentor TM Bilal, he applauded the efforts of his mentee and persuaded him to take up more roles. President then ,started the meeting with beautiful story and spoke about Gautam Buddha one of the

greatest mentors. People used to flock Buddha with their problem on daily basis. One day Buddha addressed the people with the joke. Everyone laughed at the joke when they heard it first time. He repeated the joke & only few of them laughed; again, he repeated the same joke no one laughed. He told the gathering. We don’t want to laugh on the same joke again but on the contrary choose to keep crying on the same problem again. Isn’t it so? Look around for the beautiful things and enjoy the life rather than cribbing and crying on unnecessary things. After his presidential speech he changed his cap to master of ceremonies and introduced his beautiful daughter as his mentor TM Mugdha. She applauded the efforts her father put in as toastmaster which has transformed him into an excellent speaker. Timer of the day TM Sukumar was introduced by his mentee TM Ponnambalam. He praised TM Sukumar

about the qualities he possesses and expressed his gratitude on mentoring him as well as the gavaliers. TM Sukumar accurately explained the role of Timer and importance of time in the toastmaster meeting. He put it across beautifully saying, “When we say we don’t have time, that means we don’t want to do this task” 27 | PAGE 14

Toastmaster of the Day TM Yashodan ran through some slides on explaining the mentor-mentee

relationship and stressed on enhancing the bond by comparing it with the nature. Communication is the key for the relationship between mentor & mentee. Educational session contained two speeches. Speech 1 was delivered by TM Rajeshwari Chouhan which was an ice breaker speech titled “Happiness” on

her selected path Presentation mastery: Her speech evaluator TM Ponnambalam was introduced by his mentor TM Sukumar and he rightly mentioned the efforts taken by him in grooming the gavaliers since last 4 years and commended his efforts. TM Ponnambalam read out the objectives of the speech. TM Rajeshwari explained her passion towards dance and how as the Judge for the Garba dance competition (Popular traditional dance widely popular in Western parts of India and originated from State of Gujrat) put her in a spot to speak in front of larger gathering. How WMC Toastmasters club is helping her to overcome her fear of public speaking and we witnessed that in her fluent speech. Speech 2 was delivered by ever smiling Yoga Guru DTM Manoj Pandey Project 3: Level 1 titled “I don’t like it,

but it’s the best” on his selected path of Effective Coaching: His speech evaluator TM Anil Kumar was introduced by his mentee TM Pragati. She appreciated her mentor wholeheartedly and thanked for him being there on every occasion, nurturing her. TM Manoj Pandey was introduced by his mentee TM Masood and he pointed out that DTM Manoj Pandey enthused the confidence in him and helped in identifying his strength. TM Manoj Pandey took us to his journey of Mentor-mentee relationship with his wits and laughs. However, his exuberance took him out of the radar of the timer. Dr. Babu highlighted the importance on mentor/ mentee relationship and called it as “love-love”. He

highlighted that mentoring is not always limited to the club and one can have several mentors. Table topic session was handled by Area Director TM Bilal and he was introduced by his mentee TM Asif and he rightly pointed out that he will take up the Master of ceremonies role for the coming meeting. He explained the rules of Table topics and asked some relevant & interesting topics to the participants. TT questions answer by DTM Thuraya, TM Ovin, TM Sukumar, TM Murali

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DTM Thuraya highlighted the importance of mentee mentor relationship and stressed that more coordination is required from mentee by reaching out to the mentor by one week in advance at least. As an Area Director on his official visit, TM Bilal in his address mentioned the theme of the area – Accept, Adapt & Transform. He highly praised the efforts of WMC Club by accepting, adapting and transforming in

this difficult time. He specially mentioned about milestone 400th mega meeting and the PR campaign. He congratulated the club on bagging several awards for the period and also winning all the area level competitions. Business session was conducted By President and his team in usual manner. President wished all the best

to all the contestants participating in the Division contest. EloQuence titled “Books“ was launched by our VPPR TM Sukumar. General evaluation was done by moi … TM Ovin Crasta and was introduced by TM Jefrey, he liked the

attitude of Ovin coming to him asking for assistance and progressing reasonably on his toastmaster’s journey. TM Ponnambalam in his evaluation, lauded the speaker TM Rajeshwari’s efforts in presenting a very good ice breaker speech and wished her all the best in her future endeavors. He advised her to vary her delivery to connect with the audience. TM Anil Kumar in his evaluation, lauded the speaker DTM Manoj Pandey on completing his speech and choosing the subject in assimilation with the theme. He advised the speaker to pay heed to the timing criteria of the speech and prepare accordingly. All the role players provided their reports upon calling. Few recommendations from the General Evaluator: Advised and encouraged the SAA to be more energetic and bring enthusiasm while starting the meeting by standing and delivering the speech. Grammarian to use the background “word of the day” and encourage the audience to use the word more by sharing it on the WhatsApp group in advance and which in sync with the theme. If possible, conduct the polls in parts as it’s widely noticed that many of the audiences leave early as we do not have control on online meeting. Role players and speakers are encouraged to use the PCs instead of mobile phones for better screen presence and avoid places with background noise.

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DTM Rekha in her message emphasized that mentee should have willingness to be mentored and share their growth plan to their respective mentors. TM Yashodan urged mentors to reach out to the mentee as they are hesitant at times and mentees to reach out to the mentors in advance. Lastly TM Prabodha highlighted that in his experience mentee should initiate the communication with their mentor and in case there is no communication by mentee, then mentor should initiate the dialogue. Poll was conducted and winner were declared in each category before concluding the meeting by the President at 6:50pm. Overall an excellent meeting, though the member participation was very low. The theme was the need of the hour and it will surely encourage to open up the channel between mentor & mentee. As all good things to come to end, I hereby sign off with the quote of Steve Jobs: "If you are working on something that you really care about, you don’t have to be pushed. The Vision Pulls You." Au Revoir!

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Birthday Celebrations April 22nd

May 11th

May 31st

June 9th

June 12th

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eloQuence The Journey

Issue No 52

Issue No 53

Issue No 54

Issue No 55

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eloQuence The Journey

Issue No 56

Issue No 57

Issue No 58

Issue No 59

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eloQuence The Journey Issue No 60

Issue No 61

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SHUKRAN & SAYONARA Team eloQuence Editor and Designer

TM Sukumar Swaminathan

Contributing Editor

DTM Rekha Utham

PR Sub Commitee

DTM (Dr.) Thuraya Juma Issues 52-55

TM Murali Udayakanth Issues 57-60

TM Apurva Divakaran Issues 52-55

TM Manu Philip Issue 59

DTM Manoj Pandey Issues 52-57

TM Priyanka Gaikwad Issues 56-60


Executive Committee

Term 2020-2021

TM Yashodhan Abhyankar

Vice-President Education

Vice-President Membership

Vice-President Public Relations

TM Jefrey Abraham

TM Anil Kumar

TM Sukumar Swaminathan




TM Joe Francis

TM Pragati Nagendra Kumar

TM Asif Sheikh

Immediate Past President

TM Masood Shah

Editor and Designer : TM Sukumar Swaminathan

Stock photos: Feature Credit:

Disclaimer: eloQuence is a club newsletter meant for stimulating learning and education for WMC Toastmasters club members only. This is not a commercial newsletter and is not published for mass circulation. We respect all trademarks, copyrights and intellectual property rights of the brands, logos and content used within the newsletter. We would like to reiterate that any content is solely used for stimulating a learning environment for the club's members.




eloQuence logo and the design are trademarks and copyright of WMC Toastmasters Club. All rights reserved.

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