October 10, 2017

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Campus mourns death of professor




HERALD.NEWS@WKU.EDU Lloren Foster, a former professor in the African American Studies Program, died last Tuesday, Oct. 3, after having a heart attack, according to Foster’s son. Eyon Alexander Biddle Sr., Foster’s son, posted on Facebook that Foster had died Tuesday “after suffering a massive heart attack.” Black Leaders Advocating for the Community, or BLAC, confirmed the death of Foster on Tuesday night, posting on Facebook, “BLAC would like to extend condolences to the family and friends of former WKU professor, Dr. Lloren Foster. You will be missed!” BLAC is “a network of representatives from different areas of the community including churches, businesses, sororities, fraternities, civic groups, nonprofits and educational institutions,” according to their Facebook page. Foster formerly taught in the African American Studies Program within the department of diversity and community studies at WKU. Foster taught at WKU until 2015 and worked at the University of Florida as the executive director of Multicultural and Diversity Affairs until last September, according to The Independent Florida Alligator. According to Biddle, Foster had recently accepted a new position as Chair of English and Modern Foreign Languages at Hampton University. WKU and University of Florida students and faculty took to social media, mourning the death of Foster. Sehmar Ghebreselasie tweeted, “So sad to hear about Dr. Foster. #WKU lost a man who cared so much about the students he served.” WKU admissions counselor Kayla Lofton tweeted, “Deeply saddened to hear about the passing of one of my favorite WKU professors. I’ll miss you Dr. Foster! Thank you for changing my life.” Reginald Lane, associate director of sorority and fraternity affairs at the University of Florida, remembered Foster on Facebook. “My heart is with the family of Dr. Lloren Foster,” part of Lane’s post



President Tim Caboni listens to former Student Government Association Chief of Staff James Line during SGA’s first meeting on Tuesday, Jan. 17, 2017 in the SGA offices in Downing Student Union. KATHRYN ZIESIG/HERALD

Campus reflects on 100 days with Caboni




onday, Oct. 9 marked Timothy Caboni’s 100th day as WKU’s 10th president. Student Government Association President Andi Dahmer said she has been impressed with Caboni’s dedication to hearing every voice throughout the first 100 days. She said he has fulfilled his promise to meet with SGA once a month and discuss student issues. “There is a strategic effort for every voice and vision to be heard,” Dahmer said. Throughout the meetings with SGA, Dahmer said Caboni has been

very open to discussing issues he has a good understanding on and will direct them to another source if he cannot provide all of the information. Throughout Board of Regents meetings, which Dahmer attends as student regent, she said Caboni will directly ask board members for their opinion on a subject if they have remained quiet during discussion. Senior Shayla Koch said she believes Caboni has done well with reaching out to students by coming to events. She said he attended an event for her sorority, which she found encouraging. In addition, Koch said Caboni has been personable and informal with

students through social media and getting to know students. Dahmer said another focus of Caboni’s first 100 days has been strategic planning. She said at first she wasn’t sure if Caboni could reach his goals with a “progressive timeline,” however, she said everything has been handled quickly and efficiently. “He wants to make sure all these goals come into fruition,” Dahmer said. Dahmer said she believes if Caboni continues to value input from all voices, the strategic planning will be successful in making a comprehensive plan to benefit all students and members of WKU.


Beshear, Caboni commit to end domestic violence BY MONICA KAST HERALD.NEWS@WKU.EDU President Timothy Caboni and Kentucky Attorney General Andy Beshear signed a proclamation Monday afternoon, declaring the month of October as National Domestic Violence Awareness Month at WKU. The proclamation states that Caboni and Beshear “believe in the inherent right of all women and children to remain free from violence,” and stated Beshear and Caboni’s commitment to “ending the cycle of violence on our campus, in our city and county.” The proclamation also encouraged students, faculty and staff to participate in events and programs “to eliminate violence in our families.” Beshear spoke before signing the proclamation, saying that one of his four major goals is “seeking justice for victims of rape, sexual assault and domestic violence.” “I want you to know that we use the term justice because it’s what we need,” Beshear said. “You all know that we see far, far too many instances of domestic violence ... yet rarely we see the type of justice that must come out of it.” Beshear said that “nearly 1 in 2 Kentucky women will be subjected to some form of sexual violence in their lifetime,” and he “would not live with the reality” of that statistic.

Beshear said he will announce grants from the Department of Justice “that will help us seek justice for victims of rape and sexual assault that have waited far too long.” Beshear said the announcement will be streamed live on Wednesday. Caboni also spoke before signing the proclamation, saying “domestic violence is never acceptable,” and violence of any kind “will not be tolerated on our campus.” “A single instance of interpersonal violence is one too many and it will not stand,” Caboni said. Caboni said he had two key messages for those attending, one message for those in an abusive relationship and one message for those who want to help someone who is in an abusive relationship. “To those in a relationship, you didn’t cause the violence, and no one has the right to hurt you,” Caboni said. “And to those who want to help, you are there to offer support, not to rescue and not to save.” Caboni said he was “honored” and proud to sign the proclamation, complimented Beshear’s “leadership on this issue.” Elizabeth Madariaga, sexual assault services coordinator at WKU’s Counseling and Testing Center, said the proclamation “sends a very clear message to college campuses that violence is not acceptable here or anywhere.”

Attorney General Andy Beshear discusses how a community should remain safe by keeping violence out during the Proclamation Signing in the first floor of Downing Student Union on Monday. Madariaga thanked Caboni and Beshear for their support and said there is hope for ending domestic violence in Kentucky. “The statistics are staggering but hope is not,” Madariaga said. WKU students who have been victims of domestic violence can contact the Counseling and Testing Center for assistance. In Bowling Green, Barren River Area Safe Space, or BRASS, also

exists as a shelter for victims of domestic violence and also offers crisis intervention and educational programming. Representatives from both groups attended the proclamation signing Monday.

News editor Monica Kast can be reached at 270-745-6011 or monica. kast187@topper.wku.edu. Follow her on Twitter at @monica_kast.



OCTOBER 10, 2017

Poetry contest takes place this weekend BY MONICA KAST

HERALD.NEWS@WKU.EDU The 21st annual Jim Wayne Miller Celebration of Writing and Poetry Contest will take place this weekend, hosted by WKU. The annual contest is open to English majors and minors, or any undergraduate student currently taking a creative writing course, according to the contest’s website. Submissions for the contest were due in September, and 10 finalists from the contest will participate in a workshop hosted by Kentucky Poet Laureate Frederick Smock. Smock is a poet and essayist and currently is an associate professor of English at Bellarmine University in Louisville, according to his website. Smock, who has previously won the Jim Wayne Miller Prize for Poetry,

will select the winners of this year’s contest, according to the contest rules. Owensboro junior Nathan Mayes is a finalist in the contest. Mayes said he entered the short story contest last year, but this is the first time he has been a finalist. Mayes’ poem, “Middling Forgiv-

read the poems written by the other finalists and to attend the workshop hosted on Sunday. “I’m excited to get feedback from the poet laureate,” Mayes said. “I’m also excited to get experience and hear what feedback he has for the other finalists.” Burlington junior Delaney Holt is another finalist for her poem, “The Heron.” Holt’s poem is based on a heron she used to watch at her family’s farm. Holt said her father used to shoot at the heron because it would steal fish from the manBurlington junior Delaney Holt made lake on the farm. Holt said her poem looks at the “industrial, materialistic ing,” is based on his experience as a and wildlife ... juxtaposition” that she middle child and learning to forgive observed on her family’s farm. the people in his life. Mayes said his Holt said she is excited to particisiblings haven’t read the poem yet, pate in the workshop and considers but he might show it to them in the the others who are finalists to be exfuture. perienced and knowledgeable. Holt Mayes said he was most excited to said she was looking forward to get-

It’s a chance to grow and get good, solid comments from those who know more than me.”

ting “good constructive criticism” from Smock and the other finalists. “It’s a chance to grow and get good, solid comments from those who know more than me,” Holt said. Jim Wayne Miller taught German and literature at WKU for 30 years, until his death in 1996, according to the contest website. Miller wrote several essays, short stories and plays, but was best known for his poetry, according to the website. Winners of the contest will be recognized at the Jim Wayne Miller Celebration of Writing at 2 p.m. Sunday in the Kentucky Building. The event is free and open to the public, with refreshments served afterward. The first, second and third place winners will receive a monetary prize.

News editor Monica Kast can be reached at 270-745-6011 and monica.kast187@topper.wku.edu. Follow her on Twitter at @monica_kast.

100 DAYS

groups made up of different stakeholders within WKU. Each working group will focus on a different aspect of WKU such as Caboni sent an email that dis- academics, diversity and budgeting. cussed what has been done and his Caboni said he has “guiding quesplan for WKU after these first 100 tions” for each group which discuss days. In the email, Caboni said stra- the overall path of the university and tegic planning will be the primary fo- how to navigate through current difcus of his administration. ficulties to higher education. Over the past few months, The working groups will be Caboni said he has spent time guided by a steering commitmeeting with groups and intee, which will be co-chaired dividuals on campus from all by Caboni and professors stakeholders such as students, Bruce Schulte and Paula Potfaculty and staff. He said the ter. purpose through these meetIn the email, Caboni also ings was to “get a sense of the REBEKAH announced the co-chairs for community’s view of [WKU’s] each group. In Academic Inchallenges and opportuni- ALVEY novation and Excellence, Rob ties.” News reporter Hale and Harold Little will be In addition, Caboni said for College co-chairs. Co-chairs for Stuthese meetings served as an Heights dent Success and Experience opportunity to meet people Herald are Martha Sales and Jerry Daon a more personal level and day. The Diversity, Equity and have an active discussion. Inclusion committee will be headed The strategic planning process is by Lynne Holland and Molly Kerby. intended to last the next nine months Research, Scholarship and Creand will set a plan for the university ative Endeavors will be co-chaired by over the next several years, according Kelly Madole and Dave Tatman. Lastto Caboni’s email. Throughout the ly, Budgeting, Efficiency and Infraprocess, there will be several working structure will be co-chaired by Susan Continued from Front


Continued from Front reads. “I think he taught us all something about what it meant to be Black in America. [His] dedication and commitment to black excellence will be missed.” Lane, a 2010 WKU graduate, said although he did not know Foster as a professor, he became friends with

him after graduating from WKU, through visits to the university and through his fraternity brothers. Lane and Foster also worked together at the University of Florida. “One thing that was consistent was that he did care about his students,” Lane said. “He wanted you to excel and do well.” Lane said one of the biggest les-

President Timothy Caboni reads Student Government Association’s list of expectations for the new president during their meeting on Tuesday, Jan. 17, 2017 in the SGA offices in Downing Student Union. KATHRYN ZIESIG/HERALD

deVries and Christian Ryan. The co-chairs will recruit other members of each group and begin working on their goals at a kickoff event this week. In the email, Caboni said the strategic planning process will include almost 75 people direct-

ly in addition to the digital feedback and open forum opportunities in the spring for the entire campus.

sons he learned from Foster was “controlling the narrative” and always being himself. “One of the things he taught me... was not conforming to what society would want me to be, to be greater and be who I wanted to be,” Lane said. Lane said he thought Foster was inspiring to many people, and a rea-

son why Lane has had success in his life. “He’s a good man and I’m so sorry for the loss of such a special man,” Lane said of Foster.

Reporter Rebekah Alvey can be reached at 270-745-6011 and rebekah.alvey660@topper.wku.

News editor Monica Kast can be reached at 270-745-6011 and monica.kast187@topper.wku.edu. Follow her on Twitter at @monica_kast.


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OCTOBER 10, 2017


Students participate in poverty simulation BY KATIE DANIELS

HERALD.NEWS@WKU.EDU Health and social work students found out last Tuesday what it is like to live in poverty by participating in a poverty simulation held at Downing Student Union. The simulation was a role-playing exercise, consisting of a month of poverty condensed into four fifteen-minute “weeks.” Students were randomly assigned into a family, and volunteers played the part of teachers, employers, social workers and pawn shop owners. The Poverty Simulation was sponsored by the South Central Area Health Education Center, or AHEC, in the College of Health and Human Services in cooperation with Community Action of Southern Kentucky. Lucy Juett, Center Director for South Central AHEC, said she is very passionate about the simulation. She said she believes that it will help future health care workers be more empathetic and understanding towards those they serve. As an example, she said some people who use the emergency room as primary care may not have the luxu-

ry of missing work to make a doctor’s stressful. study about the poverty simulation. appointment. Some people who fail “We didn’t have enough time,” Tre- So far, the study has had over 350 to keep appointments may have un- jo said of the simulation. “We didn’t participants. foreseen circumstances arrive, such have enough resources.” “Our analyses thus far indicate as not having a car or phone, Juett At the end, students participated in that participants have improvements said. a debriefing and were asked to share in their attitudes related to the stigJohnny Polson, a social studies their impressions of their simulat- ma of living in poverty and societal instructor at South Warren High ed month in poverty. Many students structures that may impact those livSchool, played the role of “the resi- participating said the situations were ing in poverty after completing the dent criminal” in the simulation. He stressful, and the time to accomplish simulation,” Wright said. said the relationship beA publication on the thetween crime and poverty is matic content of reflective very clear in his mind. journals written by nursing I can’t imagine kids leaving school “I don’t think people students who participatknowing that lunch was the last meal ed in the simulation will be want to do bad, but they want to do what they have coming out next year in the they were going to have for the day.” to for their family,” Polson “Nursing Education Persaid. Shelbyville junior Katie Hudgens spectives” publication. Katie Hudgens, a junior Talley ended the simulafrom Shelbyville, played tion with a final reminder. the role of a 9-year-old girl living with tasks were limited. “The next time you go to the groher grandparents. Leslie Talley, Chief Operation Of- cery store and the person in front of “When I was a kid I never worried ficer of Community Action, has you is counting out their ones and about what I was going home to,” run poverty simulations in Bowling fives, or can’t speak the language very Hudgens said. “I can’t imagine kids Green for about eight years. Her fa- well, be compassionate,” Talley said. leaving school knowing that lunch vorite part of the simulation is what “Think about what you went through was the last meal they were going to she called the “aha moment” at the today.” have for the day. It frightens me to end, when participants realize real know that other people are in that people live through these circumReporter Katie Daniels can be situation.” stances every day. Cazandra Trejo, a junior from Los Dawn Wright, an associate profes- reached at 270-745-6011 and katie. Angeles, played a mom in the sim- sor in the School of Nursing, is the daniels962@topper.wku.edu. Follow ulation and said she found it very principal investigator of an ongoing her on Twitter at @AuthorKatieLynn.

Committee discusses academic freeze option BY EMILY DELETTER

HERALD.NEWS@WKU.EDU The University Senate Academic Quality committee is proposing a potential academic freeze for students with poor grades for a semester, instead of being put on probation or retaking a class. If a student were to apply for an academic freeze, it would have a similar effect to retaking a class, but instead it would apply to that student’s entire semester. The “frozen” semester would still show up on transcripts, but would not have an effect on the student’s overall GPA. They would be put a semester behind, but Student Government Association Speaker of the House Ryan Richardson said it would still be conceivable for the student to graduate in four years. Richardson said the idea for an academic freeze is still relatively new, and therefore tentative, but believes that it could have a positive effect for WKU. “I know personally, my first semester here was pretty intense,” Richardson said. “I came to WKU thinking it would be easy to be just as involved as I was in high school, but college is a completely different environment.” Richardson said the idea for an academic freeze was first brought up by

• • •

academic quality committee member Jim Berger during their Sept. 21 meeting. Berger, a professor in the Department of Educational Administration, leadership and research, said in an email he would begin proceedings to possibly implement the freeze at WKU. Berger said this would involve checking other benchmark schools to make sure it has been implemented successfully, as well as further discussing possible issues with financial aid. The academic freeze has yet to move from the committee stage, and various details are still being worked on, but important factors like tuition and room and board would not be affected. Other issues such as any scholarships received by the students implementing the freeze have not been discussed. “We’re still trying to define what exactly would qualify a student to undergo an academic freeze,” Richardson said. “But the goal is not to disincentivize students from trying in their classes. At this point, we’re thinking that a student can begin proceedings to apply for a freeze after grades during their last semester have been submitted.” The idea of an academic freeze plays into a larger theme WKU has been pursuing — retention. Rich-

ardson said he believes it would help students who were not ready for the challenges that come with college adjust to their new environment and stay at the university, instead of dropping out. The 2016 Fact Book cites a graduation rate of 50 percent and a freshman-sophomore retention rate of 74 percent. Efforts for higher retention rates began under previous WKU president Gary Ransdell and have continued under current president Timothy Caboni. The academic freeze will continue to be discussed at the upcoming Academic Quality committee meeting,

which will be held later this month. Richardson said his role is to give a student’s perspective on academic quality and is pushing for the academic freeze option to be implemented. If approved, the option for an academic freeze would likely be presented to the Board of Regents. “I think it’s a magnificent idea,” Richardson said, “but I’m always willing to hear other student opinions.”

Reporter Emily DeLetter can be reached at 270-745-6011 and emily. deletter304@topper.wku.edu. Follow her on Twitter at @emilydeletter.


Alan Cropper, a parking services employee at WKU, reported on Oct. 4 the theft of a parking meter from Pioneer Service Drive. The stolen meter is valued at $450. Richton Park, Illinois, freshman Demari Brown was issued a citation on Oct. 4 for marijuana near Pearce-Ford Tower. Franklin freshmen Carl-Thomas David Boyd Carter and Evan Garrison Phillips were cited on Oct. 5 for possession of marijuana in Barnes Campbell Hall.

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Have an opinion? Tweet us @wkuherald or find us on Facebook at WKUHerald as well. Let us know your thoughts about the editorial, or write us with what is on your mind.


@11_allyvhodges: Happy #HomecomingWeek @wku #TheresNoPlaceLikeHome-12:31 PM — 9 Oct 2017

@chasemarieeeee: can’t wait to be back on the hill this weekend!! @wku #gotops— 1:12 PM - 9 Oct 2017

@mollsballs123: my fellow old people... what’s the move for wku homecoming????— 10:23 PM - 8 Oct 2017


NO SIMPLE SOLUTION no quick fix to our gun violence issue

THE ISSUE: The National Rifle Association, the most staunch advocate for civilian gun ownership, appears to have softened its hardline stance against any form of gun control after the tragedy in Las Vegas. Specifically bump stocks, which are cheap devices used to increase the firing power for semi-automatic weapons, now have serious potential to be banned.

OUR STANCE: Gun lobbyists have manipulated their political influence in the Republican party for years and this weak attempt at addressing the issue likely won’t even pass into legislation. There needs to be a serious bipartisan effort in the federal government to ban civilian ownership of assault weapons. Gun regulation is not a “simple fix” to this complex issue, but it is a legitimate place to start. If that means taking baby steps and banning accessories like bump stocks then so be it.


ne of the few things that we as a nation seem to agree on completely is that all forms of senseless violence are wrong. This manifests itself in our country’s unified reaction to gun-related tragedies such as Sandy Hook, the Orlando night club shooting and most recently the Las Vegas massacre. It’s a few days after these events take place when everyone starts

going in separate directions. Some people think that having more concealed carry license holders who are trained in the proper use of firearms will deter potential criminals from killing innocent people, knowing there could be retaliation. Others believe massive gun control, which would stop criminals from gaining access to these assault weapons in the first place, is the solution. Then there are those like Rand Paul, who was recently shot at during a Congressional baseball game where another senator almost died due to gun shot wounds, who think gun violence is a spiritual problem and that people are the issue rather than the weapons they use. In reality, there is no quick fix to this complex issue. We will never know how many gun-related deaths have been prevented due to current firearm restrictions. We will also never know how many lives could have been saved if more people possessed concealed carry licenses. There is one thing that is perfectly clear: the NRA’s disgusting manipulation of Republican politicians and voters must end if there is to be any serious bipartisan discussion on real solutions to our country’s gun violence issue. Surprisingly, Republican lawmakers have announced that they would not oppose tighter regulations on

bump stocks: the gun accessory which allowed the Las Vegas shooter to fire semi-automatic weapons almost as rapidly as fully automatic guns. Not so surprisingly, the NRA has stopped short of supporting a legal ban on bump stocks, citing the issue can be addressed without a ban if the ATF, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, would do its job and reverse specific rulings that legalized these devices. The Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994 prohibits the manufacturing of assault weapons for civilian use, but it only applies to weapons manufactured after the enactment of the ban. This means essentially anyone can gain access to assault weapons manufactured before 1994 and can do it relatively easy since most states don’t require background checks for firearms purchased privately at gun shows. What the NRA and some Republican politicians don’t seem to understand is that certain rights have to be given up for the sake of public safety. No civilian has any valid reason to own an assault weapon. If banning bump stocks and other gun accessories is a step in that direction, then there needs to be a serious federal effort to make this happen.


@cubman87: This guy spewing hate rhetoric pretending to be Christian. It’s such a shame. Causing a scene at wku.— 12:12 PM - 9 Oct 2017

@bolingforjordan: While most people are spending their fall breaks at the beach or at home. I’m sitting in WKU’s library because why not— 11:55 AM - 9 Oct 2017

@TweeplesChamp87: So, what about WKU homecoming isn’t the same anymore besides the whole no stepshow thing?— 4:59 PM - 8 Oct 2017

@TheNickShelton: @CageTheElephant we need a band for homecoming. Our band just backed out on us. Wanna come play at the house on the 14th 10pm-2am? @ WKU_SAE— 11:27 AM - 7 Oct 2017

@WKURedOut: The sycophantic way WKU is covered is becoming funny at this point. You can criticize a coaching staff for underperforming. It’s ok. — 2:43 PM - 9 Oct 2017


Using art to flip femininity on its head BY NICOLE LEONARD HERALD.OPNION@WKU.EDU Women have been using visual art to change the conversation about the female body for years. As a pioneer of the feminist art movement, Frida Kahlo’s work delves into the ugly underbelly of the woman’s condition. From the gruesome massacre of her heart at the bloody hands of her husband’s redundancy of affairs in “Memory” to the miscarriage of her only child in “Henry Ford Hospital,” Frida depicts her body in a way that takes attention away from conventional beauty. It’s her obsession with the circle of life and her defiance toward notions of boring and typecast femininity that make her works in-

sightful. The feminist art movement is a relatively under-recognized genre that gained notoriety in the 1930’s, on par with its political counterpart. Women sought out an understanding and explanation of themselves in a way that would impact society for years to follow. Their art was not meant to be pretty or adorned with the clichés of sugar and spice. It was not nice or appealing; it was raw and realistic. It didn’t actually succeed in penetrating the popular culture of art for many years. Our society was—and still is—enthralled by the lack of complexity women are prescribed to project. We should be submissive to the limitations of female sexuality in relation to male domination. Our bodies are worthy of artistic depiction if they

are curved only in desirable places and suit the fetishes of men at home and abroad. Our bodies are beautiful, but only beautiful if they are manipulated to adapt to mass appeal. We do not bleed or experience life’s hardships. We are transparent vessels of femininity who lack the complexities which males possess naturally. This is what popular art has purported as the woman’s true self. Artists of this movement seek to remove the curtain of ignorance that shields the sheltered men and women of our society from the reality that women are human—and that they, too, are afflicted with the repulsive tendencies of the human body. A mask of makeup can only do so much to hide that. These works are finding their way into the mainstream in the form of art-

ists like Vadis Turner, who works with mediums such as lace and breastmilk to convey her trials with motherhood. Tracey Emin produces art that humanizes slut-shaming and portrays women as proprietors of their own romantic and sexual endeavors. The Kaplan Twins make a point about society’s fixation on stardom and the scandal of a woman’s body on display by painting stills from Kim Kardashian’s sex tape and other similar viral social media posts. The female experience is anything but simple or holistic. It is interpreted differently by every woman and should be depicted in art as such. These women have taken the traditional conception of femininity and flipped it on its head, creating pieces that are simultaneously sexy and appalling.

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OCTOBER 10, 2017

THE FUN PAGE WKU Herald 10/10/17 Crossword





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herald.advertising@wku.edu 1. Other than the mainland, what is the largest island in Ireland? (a) Clare (b) Achill (c) Tory 2. How many counties are in the Republic of Ireland? (a) 21 (b) 30 (c) 26 3. What are the names of the cliffs in County Clare? or ale (a) Dover (b) Newgrange (c) Moher 4. What is the most northern point on the island of Ireland? BUY - SELL - TRADE: Games, Records, Comics! (a) Fair HeadToys, (b) Malin (c) Mizen Also, Dvds, CDs,Head CCGs, RPGs,Head more. The Great 5. On what river is Belfast situated? Escape Records & Comics. 2945 Scottsville Rd (near (a) Lagan (b) Shannon (c) Foyle Mall) 6. What is theGreenwood largest lake in all of(270)782-8092 Ireland? (a) Lough Conn (b) Lough Neagh (c) Lough Allen 7. What is the highest mountain in Northern Ireland? Note to Readers: The College Heights Herald screens ads for misleading or false claims (a) Slieve Donard Slieve Croob (c) Ben Puzzle but cannot guarantee any ad or(b) claim. Please use caution when Nevis answering ads, especially when send money or provide credit card information. The College Heights Herald 8. asked The to Blarney Stone is located in what county? not responsible for the content or validity of these paid classified ads. (a)isLimerick (b) Kildare (c) Cork 9. What is the largest of Ireland's four provinces? (a) Munster (b) Ulster (c) Leinster 10. The Giant's Causeway, an area of approximately 40,000 interlocking basalt columns, is located in what county? Emerald (a) Waterford (b)The Antrim (c) TipperaryIsle



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1. Other than the mainland, what is the largest island in Ireland? (a) Clare (b) Achill (c) Tory 2. How many counties are in the Republic of Ireland? (a) 21 (b) 30 (c) 26 3. What are the names of the cliffs in County Clare? (a) Dover (b) Newgrange (c) Moher 4. What is the most northern point on the island of Ireland? (a) Fair Head (b) Malin Head (c) Mizen Head 5. On what river is Belfast situated? (a) Lagan (b) Shannon (c) Foyle 6. What is the largest lake in all of Ireland? (a) Lough Conn (b) Lough Neagh (c) Lough Allen 7. What is the highest mountain in Northern Ireland? (a) Slieve Donard (b) Slieve Croob (c) Ben Nevis 8. The Blarney Stone is located in what county? (a) Limerick (b) Kildare (c) Cork 9. What is the largest of Ireland's four provinces? (a) Munster (b) Ulster (c) Leinster 10. The Giant's Causeway, an area of approximately 40,000 interlocking basalt columns, is located in what county? (a) Waterford (b) Antrim (c) Tipperary

Solution 1.b 2.c 3.c 4.b 5.a

udoku 2

6.b 7.a 8.c 9.a 10.b





4 3


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1 4 7 2 8 3 6 5 9

4 2 8 3 5 7 1 9 6

5 6 9 4 2 1 7 8 3

3 7 1 8 6 9 5 2 4


14 Epiphany figures 13 Association 17 18 16 Neuter 20 21 22 19 Kind of name Veg out 23 24 25 Cash in Samoa Bacteria 26 27 28 29 discovered 34 33 by Theodor Escherich 37 36 17 Newspaper column 40 41 39 19 Kitten’s cry 43 44 20 Highchair feature 42 22 Type of shark 45 46 PuzzleJunction.com 23 Skilled stalker 24 Trot or canter 47 48 49 50 26 Ape 57 54 55 56 29 Division word 30 It’s the law 60 61 59 33 Angler’s basket 34 Sing softly 63 64 62 35 Cut a swath Copyright ©2017 PuzzleJunction.com 36 Rolled items 37 Bite down 13 Jewel 63 The hunted 37 38 Roll call reply 18 Gibson garnish 64 Big name in 38 39 Cellular stuff 21 King Arthur’s pineapples 40 40 American pioneer lance 41 41 Pig out 23 Empty promises Down 42 Lacking value 24 Fairy tale figure 44 43 Pitch-black 1 Squeakers 25 Looking down 45 44 Talking head from 2 State openly 46 45 Hebrides isle 3 Toothpaste type 26 Disdain 47 46 Lady’s escort 27 Kharg Island 4 First 48 47 Gunk resident 5 Fresh from the 49 50 Chinese boat shower 28 Nickel, e.g. 50 51 Yorkshire river 29 Often-missed 6 Disney dog 51 54 Really funny 7 Israeli weapon humor 57 Chemical element 30 Change 8 “Wanna ___?” 52 59 Synagogue chests 31 Literally, “dwarf 9 Swagger 53 60 Algebra or trig 10 Tabloid topic dog” 55 61 Obliterate 32 Canary’s call 11 “Sad to say ...” 56 62 Dovetail 12 Eli's school 34 Cash in one’s chips 58










35 38

51 58

Rabbit fur Clue Cyclist One of two sleepers, usually Cartridge holder Huge hit Effusive Fraud Pre-euro money Classes Burlap fiber Russia’s ___ Mountains Showy flower Compass pt. Sitter’s handful Rowboat necessity Tijuana gold

To solve the Sudoku puzzle, each row, column and box must contain the numbers 1 to 9.

4 7 6

6 1 5 9 3 8 2 4 7



9 3

9 4 1 5 7 3 8 4 1 2 4 8 9

2 1

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Sudoku Solution

8 9 3 6 1 5 4 7 2


1 5 9 13 14 15 16




2 5 6 7 9 4 8 3 1



7 5 3 1


9 7

1 5 6.b 9 7.a 8.c 3 9.a

1.b 2.c 3.c 4.b 5.a


PuzzleJunction.com WKU Herald 10/10/17 Sudoku 1


2 1 8 4 3


Previous Solution

To solve the Sudoku puzzle, each row, column and box must contain the numbers 1 to 9.

4 2


Sudoku Solution

9 8 4 1 7 2 3 6 5

7 3 2 5 4 6 9 1 8

5 2 4 8 3 6 9 1 7

1 3 7 5 9 4 8 2 6

6 9 8 7 2 1 3 4 5

8 1 2 3 6 5 4 7 9

9 7 5 1 4 2 6 8 3

4 6 3 9 8 7 1 5 2

2 4 1 6 7 3 5 9 8

3 5 9 2 1 8 7 6 4

7 8 6 4 5 9 2 3 1




Dancers standing off-stage watch as Phi Delta Theta fraternity performs with members of the Alpha Omicron Pi sorority during Shenanigans Oct. 3. After getting second place the past two years, Phi Delta got first place. Jeff Ranger, a junior from Bowling Green, described seeing his fraternity win as “the greatest moment…for all the work we put in, executing it as well as we did was really special.” GRACE PRITCHETT/HERALD

Brae Frederick, a member of Alpha Omicron Pi, soroity joins in the festivities after the winners are announced during Shenanigans. GRACE PRITCHETT/HERALD

sorority shenanigans


n Tuesday, Oct. 3, Kappa Delta sorority hosted its annual philanthropy event, “Shenanigans,” at the Southern Kentucky Performing Arts Center. Sororities and fraternities pair up and compete against one another with choreographed dances to medleys of popular tunes. The event raised money for Prevent Child Abuse America and the Family Enrichment Center in Bowling Green.

The dances are produced and choreographed by members of the sororities and fraternities and often take hours of work for the various organizations. Ashley Robinson, a sophomore from Nashville helped choreograph Alpha Omicron Pi sorority’s dance. “This group has been awesome to work with…it’s been so hectic and time-consuming, but it has been so much fun,” Robinson said. The AOPi’s went on to win first place, its third consecutive win.

Freshman Mason Owen from Hendersonville, Tenn. performs as Captain Jack in Delta Zeta sorority’s Peter Panthemed Shenanigans routine. The group went on to place 3rd. “We all started jumping up and down and screaming. It was the first time both of our organizations had ever placed,” said Owen. GRACE PRITCHETT/HERALD

Sophomore Taylar Wood of Nashville plays Wendy in Delta Zeta sorority’s Shenanigans performance Tuesday, Oct. 3. Delta Zeta and Alpha Tau Omega fraternity’s went on to place 3rd in the competition that night. GRACE PRITCHETT/HERALD

Members of Alpha Omicron Pi sorority’s prepare to go on stage with members of the Phi Delta Theta fraternity Tuesday, Oct. 3 during Shenanigans. The group would go on to win 1st place, AOPi’s third consecutive win. GRACE PRITCHETT/HERALD



Music of the Hill

Big Red Marching Band shares music, builds community BY BROOKE WRIGHT HERALD.FEATURES@WKU.EDU

Photo Illustration by: SAM FLICK /HERALD Hopkinsville freshman Emily Jeffords listens to the band director during the Big Red Marching Band’s practice before the game on Thursday outside Smith Stadium. SHABAN ATHUMAN /HERALD

Que Pasa Tacos offers 24-hour dining BY GRIFFIN FLETCHER HERALD.FEATURES@WKU.EDU Que Pasa Tacos is a 24-hour Mexican food restaurant that opened Oct. 4. Located along Nashville Road, Que Pasa’s all-day service and proximity to WKU make it a potential late-night destination for hungry college students across campus. Que Pasa offers a wide variety of well-known Mexican dishes yet still features some surprises, such as the option of lengua (beef tongue) as the primary meat of numerous meal preparations and the existence of a Mexican breakfast menu. Que Pasa functions as both a drive-thru and sit-down restaurant, but differs from many other fast-food restaurants in that its in-house service is offered on a 24-hour basis. Given this, students and late-night workers are able to order inside and enjoy a sit-down meal at Que Pasa way past midnight. Before even walking into Que Pasa,


open to all people who enjoy that activity. We are the most diverse group on campus.” The band is often seen on Monday, Wednesday and Friday afternoons practicing on South Lawn, or in the football stadium for upcoming games. According to Bright, a lot goes into planning for the week of football festivities. “I have a checklist for every game,” he said. “I make sure every student has an itinerary for game day at the beginning of the week. We make arrangements for our meal in Fresh Food, and we prepare the video cameras to record the show.” However, Bright said planning for the weeks ahead is not the hardest part of being associate director of bands. “Choosing the music for the year is the hardest part,” he said. “If students don’t enjoy the music we’re playing, it makes it harder for them to learn it. I usually send out ideas to students and get a lot of feedback in return.” This season’s halftime shows are all about dance, including a disco halftime show which will be showcased later in the football season. Despite all the hard work that goes into preparing for halftime, the students still return the following fall. Tavares, Florida, junior Heather Connolly expressed why she keeps coming back. “I love the camaraderie between the different groups,” Conolly said. “Being in the band means I will always have a safe place to go when I’m on campus.” Moreover, the marching band provides leadership skills that can be valuable for the future. Drum majors Molly Bell and Dylan Glass noted that being able to conduct the band in front of a large crowd will help them hone their craft for when they become high school band directors. “I want the chance to make a positive impact on those around me,” Glass said. The next time you attend a WKU football game and want to get that pretzel during the halftime show, thinking you won’t miss anything, think again. Stay for the musical stylings of the Big Red Marching Band and you might be in for a pleasant surprise.

On a Monday afternoon as students are finishing up their classes, the WKU Big Red Marching Band is just preparing for a refresher on its half-time show for mid-week rehearsal. The weather is humid, but that doesn’t stop the members of the BRMB from giving their all as they go over each set of marching drill. The marching band takes one week before the start of the fall semester to learn the season’s halftime show. During the semester, the students are enrolled in the class where they practice every Monday, Wednesday and Friday for two hours to reinforce the marching drill they learned. The BRMB is one of the larger communities of students on campus, totaling at around 250 members this season. The marching band is more than just a time filler for halftime at the football games. They cheer on the Toppers to help them reach victory and bring more pep and excitement to the games. Owensboro senior Cory Burdette, a history and social studies double major, commented on what he loves most about being in the band. “For me it would have to be the crowd appreciation,” Burdette said. “Whenever we play the Fight Song, they always join in and sing along. I love being in the BRMB. Because of my experiences, I will have memories that I can look back on, and I have made friendships that will last a lifetime.” The size of the BRMB has grown considerably during the past years. The band is the largest it has been in WKU history. Associate Director of Bands Jeff Bright, said 70 percent of the marching band are non-music majors. “We have over 60 different majors within the group,” Bright said. “I’ve been the associate director of bands here at WKU for 11 years now. My phi- Reporter Brooke Wright can be losophy is marching band should be reached at (270)745-2655 and brooke. wright184@topper.wku.edu.

Planetarium hosts new fall show BY SARAH YAACOUB

HERALD.FEATURES@WKU.EDU For nearly 50 years, Hardin Planetarium has been serving WKU and the Bowling Green community by rotating series of shows focused on the night sky and the solar system at different times of year. Dedicated on Oct. 14, 1967, the planetarium boasts over 10,000 annual visitors, and its features include a star chamber with a 110-person capacity, where shows are held, and a surrounding ring of educational and interactive exhibits about moon missions, Mars rovers and more. The planetarium’s uniqueness stems primarily from its focus on interactivity. A typical show spans about 60 minutes and includes a basic introduction to the major constellations visible during the season, and it involves the audience members by engaging them in exercises in creativity and critical thinking. The fall series, “Finding Your Way around the Autumn Sky,” focuses on identifying the positions of constellations at night during the current season. Each show opens by grounding the audience in its time and place, which in this case is Bowling Green on a mid-October evening, around 10 p.m. The presenter indicates the position of the North Star, or Polaris, and

Planetarium Coordinator Ronn Kistler points out constellations during the Starry Tales for a Winter Night show at the Hardin Planetarium on Jan. 24, 2017. BROOK JOYNER/HERALD

Ursa Minor and Ursa Major, commonly known as the Little Dipper and the Big Dipper, as well as a number of other prominent patterns of stars. Then, each group of attendees receives a star map and is assigned a constellation. The group agrees on what the constellation resembles (anything from an everyday object like a gas pump to something very out of the ordinary—a tentacled alien, for

instance) and generates a story to explain how it found its way into the sky. Ideas are shared with the rest of the audience, and the presenter then discusses the actual name and figure of the constellation, as well as its historical importance. Hardin Planetarium offers three weekly shows: Tuesdays and Thursdays at 7 p.m. and Sundays at 2 p.m.


OCTOBER 10, 2017



St. James Art Fair fuels creative fire


HERALD.FEATURES@WKU.EDU If you know a Louisvillian, there’s a good chance that during the first full weekend of October, you could find them at the St. James Art Fair. The St. James Court Art Show is an annual festival of fine arts and contemporary crafts located in the heart of Old Louisville. Each year, rain or shine, hundreds of vendors and thousands of art appreciators from across the country gather in Louisville to share a passion for the arts. This past Sunday, even the rain couldn’t stop the spirit of the festival. Vendors and artists still smiled as they set up their tarps to protect their art, and patrons still walked ecstatically


Continued from b1

Each show is free and open to the public, and no tickets or reservations are necessary to attend. Attendees include people of all ages—there are no age limits in


Continued from b1 the bright yellow walls and colorful tables and chairs located inside draw customers’ attention immediately. Next, customers might notice Que Pasa’s dining quarters are surprisingly spacious, providing easy access to the register, where customers are greeted by one or more Que Pasa workers and then asked to order. Despite the negative connotation commonly attached to the quality of food served at most 24-hour fastfood restaurants, Que Pasa presents its food elegantly, considering even its most expensive dish fails to cost

through the streets of St. James Court, umbrellas in hand. Through unsatisfactory weather, art-appreciators still continue to come for a tradition rich with art variety. Vendors return to the festival year after year because of the good publicity it brings, but also because of the passionate clientele. Jake Asuit, a knife crafter from Georgia and a St. James participant of five years, commented on the St. James patrons. “I love the folks,” Asuit said. “This place - it’s raining like crazy - they’re troopers … and you do support the arts here. We love the St. James Court.” This passion for artistry is what vendors believe keeps the festival going. Their art continues to ignite the pas-

sion of the St. James Court. Jonathan Rose, an artist from Franklin, Tennessee, whose craft is making instruments, commented on creativity as a skill he believes everyone possesses. “I believe everyone has a creative fire that could make the world a better place if they were to tap into it and release it into the world.” Rose said. “I just encourage people to embrace their creative side. Some people create paintings and music and some people create spreadsheets and organization but they’re no less creative … We can make the world a better place by tapping into and releasing that creativity. That’s part of what fuels my love for art and what I do.” That creative fire Rose commented

on was alive and well during the festival, and opportunities like this are not only limited to the Louisville area. Mitchell Rickman, a WKU alumnus and owner of Rickman Pottery in Bowling Green, participated in the St. James Art Fair and will soon be a part of the World’s Greatest Studio Tour. The studio tour is a similar art festival that showcases local artists and their studios in the Bowling Green area. The event will take place the first weekend of November and will feature 25 different studios and 40 different artists.

place, and even very young children enjoy finding shapes and characters in the constellations and thinking up origin stories to accompany each figure, while physics and astronomy students can connect what they see in the show to the material they learn

in class. Adults can enjoy identifying the constellations and making connections between those found in the star chamber and the stars outside. For more information about the planetarium, its shows, or other services, contact coordinator Ronn Kis-

tler at ronn.kistler@wku.edu or director Richard Gelderman at richard. gelderman@wku.edu.

over $10. In the case of its tacos, each one is made with two corn tortillas and includes a choice of meat, diced onion and cilantro, with lime and radish slices on the side. The combination of well-seasoned meat, onion and lime-streaked tortilla transforms what was a fast-food taco into a meal well-worth $1.79. Throw in a side of freshly made guacamole or Mexican rice for added effect. In saying that, larger portion sizes and a greater variety of possible taco toppings would serve Que Pasa well. However, in consideration of the abundance of cheap and less than

picky college students in Bowling Green, such a deal has potential. Though Cook Out, a very popular fast-food restaurant among WKU students, is located barely a mile away from Que Pasa, Cook Out closes from 3-10:30 a.m. Because Que Pasa is open 24-hours and also serves breakfast, customers in search of a meal after 3 a.m. or a chorizo breakfast burrito have finally found their answer. Also, though a small and often overlooked detail, students interested in healthier food options can buy a shredded chicken or fish taco at Que Pasa, avoiding the largely (albeit deliciously) fried cuisine Cook Out

Reporter Laurel Deppen can be reached at 270-745-2655 and laurel. deppen774@topper.wku.edu.

Reporter Sarah Yaacoub can be reached at 270-745-2655 and sarah. yaacoub214@topper.wku.edu. has to offer. Cook Out has made it obvious that inexpensive, late-night food has staying power in Bowling Green. Que Pasa has the price, location and quality to attract not only WKU students but also Bowling Green residents who like good food for a good price. If Que Pasa can prove its food is both tasty and worth the cost, Que Pasa has the chance to become another fun and leisurely dining spot for students and adults within the Bowling Green community.

Reporter Griffin Fletcher can be reached at 270-745-2655 and griffin. fletcher398@topper.wku.edu.

Que Pasa Tacos is a Mexican food restaurant that is open to everyone for 24 hours. Que Pasa Tacos can be seen along Nashville Rd. along with surrounding restaurants like Taco Bell and Dairy Queen. TYGER WILLIAMS/HERALD

reich 2017-2018 Cultural Enhancement Series Presents


OCTOBER 18, 2017 7:30 P.M. CST VAN METER HALL FREE ADMISSION. Seating is on a first-come, first-served basis. Follow WKU Cultural Enhancement Series on Facebook and @wkuces on Twitter.



Continued from b4

had hit three of those seven, then it’s a completely different football game because you’re going to end up getting a defense that’s afraid to give up the play down the field.” One significant improvement has been on the defensive side of the ball across the board. The Hilltoppers are giving up just 19 points per game which ranks 27th in the nation and third in C-USA. “We’re playing at a championship level from a defensive and special teams standpoint,” Sanford said. “We just have to score points offensively.

OCTOBER 10, 2017 Mike White did a good job of pulling a few of those balls down himself that led to two touchdowns. But we’re obviously not going to make our way by running our quarterback 15-20 times per game.” The Hilltoppers host Charlotte Saturday for the annual homecoming game. The 49ers are 0-6 including a 35-31 loss to North Carolina A&T of the FCS level. Kickoff is scheduled for 3:30 p.m. in Houchens-Smith Stadium.

Reporter Sam Porter can be reached at 270-799-8247 and sam.porter270@ gmail.com Follow him on Twitter at @SammyP14.

WKU quarterback Mike White (14) throws a pass during WKU’s game vs Ball State on Sept. 23, 2017 in L.T. Smith Stadium. SILAS WALKER/HERALD


Continued from b4

a packed Houch.” The Hilltoppers will hope to improve their play on the field after nearly losing a 15-14 nail biter last weekend to an 0-5 Texas- El Paso squad who had an interim coach and missed three field goals, including one with 2:01 remaining that would have given the Miners the lead. “We’ve got to find ways to win football games,” Samford said. “And we want to do that in front of an unbelievable crowd and a great environment this weekend, and I fully anticipate seeing that. We need the fans to come out.”

Reporter Matt Stahl can be reached at 270-745-6011 and matthew. stahl551@topper.wku.edu.

“We’ve got to find ways to win football games, and we want to do that in front of an unbelievable crowd and a great environment this weekend, and I fully anticipate seeing that. We need the fans to come out.” Head football coach Mike Sanford


Continued from b4

to lead the Governors. The Lady Toppers continue to do extensive damage on both sides of the ball, out-killing opponents 967767 to go along with their .339 hitting percentage while holding opponents to a .182 hitting percentage and out-digging the opposition 851-681. Cavanaugh continues to be the force of the offense with 289 kills on the season to complement a .393 hitting clip. Additionally, Rachel Anderson has held the WKU offense together with 239 kills on a .421 hitting percentage. Jessica Lucas has facilitated the Lady Toppers attack with 758 assists. Defensively, Emma Kowalkowski leads WKU with 199 digs on the season while Sydney Engle has shown a balanced attack with 173 digs and 43 blocks to complement 140 kills on offense, good for third on the team. Anderson leads the Lady Toppers with 69 blocks.

Last week, Lucas earned her fifthstraight C-USA Setter of the Week award while Engle scooped up her third-straight C-USA Defensive Player of the Week honor. Lucas and Cavanaugh were both named candidates for the NCAA 2017 Senior CLASS Award. On Monday, Cavanaugh was named the C-USA offensive Player of the Week for the fifth time in her career. Following the match against the Governors, the Lady Toppers will be back on the road for a pair of conference matches against Alabama-Birmingham and Florida International on Friday, Oct. 13, and Sunday, Oct. 15, respectively before returning home to host Texas-El Paso on Friday, Oct. 20, to kick off another fourmatch home slate.

Reporter Clay Manlove can be reached at (270) 274-9620 or at clayton.manlove475@topper.wku.edu. Follow him on Twitter at @ctmanlove58.

Senior outside hitter Alyssa Cavanaugh hits the ball during WKU’s game against LA Tech Sept. 29 at Diddle Arena. Cavanaugh earned her fifth career C-USA Offensive Player of the Week award on Monday after WKU extended its 30th straight conference win last week. SILAS WALKER/HERALD





Lady Toppers to close out homestand BY CLAY MANLOVE HERALD.SPORTS@WKU.EDU

ses said. “We have to work on better communication in personnel running on and off the field and keep working harder and things will open up.” Redshirt senior quarterback Mike White, who threw for 37 touchdowns last season, has thrown just two passing touchdowns to three interceptions through five games. The only FBS team with less than two passing touchdowns is Army who traditionally only throws the ball a handful of times a game within its triple option offense. Oddly enough, White has run for a team-high four touchdowns including both scores against UTEP after not running for a single touchdown last season. The preseason C-USA Offensive Player of the Year is averaging just 10.5 yards per completion, a step down from his 15.5 average during last year’s C-USA championship run. “We’ve seen teams play man coverage on the outside, so we have to win those one-on-one battles down the field,” Sanford said. “We took seven downfield shots against UTEP and completed one, and that can’t happen because teams are going to continue to play man coverage and put seven or eight in the box. If we

The Lady Topper volleyball team will close out a four-game homestand in Diddle Arena on Tuesday evening as it hosts a challenging non-conference opponent in Austin Peay. WKU (18-2) broke the Conference USA record on Friday evening with its 30th consecutive win over conference opponents as the Lady Toppers defeated Southern Mississippi, extending their winning streak over conference foes at home to 48. “It says a lot about our program – not just our team or our kids,” WKU head coach Travis Hudson said last Friday evening. “It says a lot about the program we’ve built, because that spans over a three-year period. To be ready to play every night against quality opponents is something we’re really, really proud of.” Alyssa Cavanaugh blistered the Golden Eagles for 24 kills, just two shy of her career-high as the Lady Toppers hit at a combined .398 hitting percentage while holding Southern Miss to just a .194 clip. “You just go into every game doing your best and putting your best foot forward, and that’s just a perk,” Cavanaugh said. “The winning streak is just a perk. It’s not something that we focus on, but it’s a great reward for our hard work.” With the record night in the books, the Lady Toppers now shift their focus on stopping the high-flying Governors, who are 17-3 on the season after suffering their first loss in 11 matches on Saturday, a 3-1 home defeat at the hands of Eastern Kentucky. The production from the WKU offense and the Austin Peay defense should make for a marquee matchup in Diddle, as the Lady Toppers are hitting at a .339 percentage on the year while the Governors have held opponents to a combined .177 hitting clip on the season. The Governors have proved their worth in late-match situations throughout the 2017 season, winning the third set 17-3 over opponents and posting a flawless 4-0 record in fivematch sets. Individually, senior middle blocker Ashley Slay powers Austin Peay on offense with 294 kills on the season while hitting at a .293 hitting clip. Redshirt junior outside hitter Christina White follows suit for the Governors, tallying 233 kills on the year. Slay also leads all players for Austin Peay with 66 blocks on the defensive side while sophomore Ginny Gerig has 204 digs from her libero position



WKU wide receiver Lucky Jackson (11) dives for a touchdown during the Hilltopers’ 33-21 win against Ball State on Saturday, Sept. 23, at L.T. Smith Stadium. LYDIA SCHWEICKART/HERALD

Identity crisis WKU off to shaky start but remains in the messy C-USA title hunt

BY SAM PORTER HERALD.SPORTS@WKU.EDU The WKU football team through five weeks isn’t quite the team many predicted to see before the season began. Last Saturday, the defending Conference-USA champions went on the road against a winless Texas El-Paso team, whose closest game entering the contest was a 14-point loss, and squeaked out a 15-14 victory to move to 3-2 (1-1 C-USA) on the season. A 2-point conversion in the first half ended up being the difference in the Hilltoppers’ win. If it weren’t for UTEP kicker Brady Viles missing all three of his attempts, WKU could’ve suffered arguably its worst ever C-USA loss and returned to Bowling Green 0-2 in C-USA play. Instead, WKU is tied for fifth in the C-USA East division but is just 1.5 games behind division leader Florida Atlantic (3-3, 2-0 C-USA). “It’s early on, we still have a lot of football to play,” redshirt junior punter Jake Collins said on Monday. “We believe in these coaches, and we believe in each other. We’re going to get it together real soon. We found a way to win these last two games and we look forward to making this week the week we really get it going.”

After gaining just 74 yards on the ground in El Paso, the Hilltoppers currently rank dead last in the FBS in rushing yards per attempt (2.3) and 129th out of 130 teams in rush yards per game (76.4). Coming into the season, the running back group appeared to be one of the deepest positions on the roster. However, none of WKU’s four running backs have separated themselves from the others. First-year head coach Mike Sanford mentioned last week he hoped the running game would get going against UTEP’s soft run defense that ranked last in the conference. However, the struggles on the ground continued. True freshman Jakairi Moses ran for just 50 yards on 19 carries against the Miner defense that gave up an average of over 200 rush yards per game. The offense was without sophomore running back Quinton Baker who did not play due to injury, and redshirt junior running back D’Andre Ferby who has been banged up throughout the year ran for 15 yards on four attempts. Both are expected to be back to full strength for Saturday’s matchup against Charlotte. “I feel like we got a good win, but we have to work on some stuff to get better throughout the season,” Mo-

Attendance numbers down at WKU and across C-USA BY MATT STAHL HERALD.SPORTS@WKU.EDU WKU and the rest of Conference USA have had poor attendance numbers this football season, but the Hilltoppers in particular have struggled to get fans into Houchens- Smith Stadium. Last season, WKU averaged 18,454 fans per game in six home games, including the largest attended game ever, a 31-30 overtime loss to the Vanderbilt Commodores on Sept. 24, 2016, when the stadium was full past its official capacity of 22,113 at 26,717. WKU also struggled to fill the stadium for certain games last season, even in the C-USA Championship game in the final home game of the season, when 13,213 fans saw the Hilltoppers get their second consecutive conference championship win over Louisiana Tech. WKU finished 9th in the C-USA in attendance. So far this season, WKU is 12th in attendance in the C-USA, averaging 17,476 through three home games. The Hilltoppers’ highest attended game in 2017 so far was the season opener against Eastern Kentucky, which drew 18,614 fans into the Houch. WKU announced attendance of

16,223 for the LA Tech game in Week 3, and saw an increase to 17,590 for the Ball State game the following week, which was parent’s weekend at WKU. The rest of the C-USA has had mixed results in attendance this season. Middle Tennessee State, arguably WKU’s biggest rival, has averaged more fans this season than in 2016, but remains in 10th place in the C-USA attendance rankings. MTSU’s average was helped by playing nearby Vanderbilt, a game attended by 26,717. Last week, which was MTSU’s homecoming, the attendance dropped to 15,527 for the Blue Raider’s game against Florida International. MTSU’s Floyd Stadium holds 30,788. The average attendance for FBS schools in 2016 was 43,106 which was the lowest average number for attendance since 2000. WKU hopes to have better attendance numbers for their homecoming game against Charlotte, a C-USA school that is dead last in the conference attendance rankings. At his press conference on Monday, Hilltopper head coach Mike Sanford had a list of things he hopes to see from the WKU community for the homecoming game. “We want to see a sellout,” San-

A group of kids watch WKU’s game against Eastern Kentucky at Houchens-Smith Stadium on Sept. 2. Through three games this season, WKU is 12th in attendance in Conference USA with an average of 17,476 fans per game. REMI MAYS/HERALD ford said. “We want to see a sellout because we’re trying to put our best football on the field. I want to see Toppers come back from all over the region. I want to see the student body come out and stay for four quarters. I want to see a great atmosphere. And it will spark us. We will feed off the energy.”

Redshirt junior punter Jake Collins agreed with Sanford. “We’re really hoping for a packed house,” Collins said. “I know in the past homecoming has always been a really good game, a really good turnout and I hope that’s the same. We want to run out of the tunnel and see


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