Social Media Applications

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These​ ​Social​ ​Media​ ​Applications​​ ​Will​ ​Make You​ ​A​ ​Successful​ ​Person Social accounts today are not just the sources of entertainment today but have taken up the faces of ladders to success. These social accounts aim at providing you with the best of career opportunities​ ​and​ ​will​ ​help​ ​you​ ​the​ ​most. See​ ​also-​​ ​Content​ ​Marketing 1.​ ​Quora Many of us get older but we never leave aside our childishness who just won’t stop asking question. From silliest of queries like How to use Google? to trickiest question on Nuclear Science, you can get it all answered on Quora and that too by experts in that particular field. So, if​ ​you​ ​are​ ​ever​ ​hungry​ ​for​ ​answers,​ ​just​ ​Quora​ ​your​ ​question. See​ ​also-​​ ​Benefits​ ​of​ ​Content​ ​Marketing 2.​ ​Linkedin When it comes to making career it may sound rubbish that a social media account could land you in some of the best jobs suited for you but it’s very much true. LinkedIn is such a place which is constantly monitored by various companies who are always in search of new talents. Start on LinkedIn, build connections, update your profile regularly and see if are good enough to attract​ ​your​ ​dream​ ​job​ ​to​ ​you. See​ ​also-​​ ​Content​ ​Marketing​ ​Strategy 3.​ ​Behance Skills not flaunted are the skills wasted. If you have skills and have done some work in the past don’t be afraid to flaunt it anytime. And to do this, Behance is the platform you need. Create a Behance account and get started with to publish your work. If your work has quality, it’ll sure get appreciated​ ​around​ ​the​ ​globe. See​ ​also-​​ ​Value​ ​of​ ​Content​ ​Marketing 4.​ ​Pinterest You may have all the expertise in a particular skill but unfortunately you lack in that creativeness and all you need is some inspiration to get started, Pinterest is the place you need to be on at the moment. You can view loads of work from people around the globe to get inspired and even you​ ​can​ ​publish​ ​yours​ ​too​ ​just​ ​like​ ​Behance. See​ ​also-​​ ​Content​ ​Marketing​ ​Mistakes 5.​ ​Mashable

You can watch all the news and read all those newspapers but still wont find as much information about latest in the world as much on Mashable. Just create a account on Mashable and start exploring. And just a friendly advice, don’t SignUp for Mashable using your Facebook account else your whole News Feed will be full of Mashable content and you’ll end up getting irritated. See​ ​also-​​ ​Content​ ​Marketing​ ​Trends 6.​ ​Letsintern As a student, all you desire is to get that dream job of yours. Letsintern, with it’s slogan “Start Young” helps you get near your dream job. Either looking for an internship or a partime/fulltime job or just to earn your pocket money, Letsintern will help you to try and find the job best suited for​ ​you​ ​and​ ​will​ ​even​ ​let​ ​you​ ​to​ ​apply​ ​for​ ​that​ ​position​ ​too. See​ ​also-​​ ​Content​ ​Marketing​ ​Myths 7.​ ​Feedly Feedly is very useful social media website which divides each story in different categories and you​ ​can​ ​browse​ ​your​ ​most​ ​liked​ ​stories​ ​randomly. See​ ​also-​​ ​Content​ ​Marketing​ ​Companies Source-​ ​WittyFeed​ ​|​ ​Beyond​ ​Stories

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