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Sports Central

Hello readers, I am Toshith Bhaumik. I am the Secondary Student Head of Curriculum Enrichment, and I am truly passionate about sports. I am a part of the WIN Times team as a columnist for the sports section this year and I hope you all learn a lot and have fun reading my column!


Sports: Connecting People and Communities “Sport helps to connect people and communities through the creation of heroes.”

Sport is not just a simple game you go out and play. It has a deeprooted meaning and structure that is a useful tool in breaking down social and cultural barriers off a field. It unites very different people playing, learning and cheering joyfully as they look up to the professionals who perform on the world's biggest stages.

An instant community

Becoming a fan of a professional individual or team gives you an instant community. Whether their idol is a great player or not, each and every person supporting them feel a part of the success or failure. The whole community, in real life or online, cheers together when the team is up and comforts one another when they’re down. Watching games up close or from afar, you can feel the community’s collective energy.

A great convening tool

Sport serves as a great convening tool. With the various global sporting events ranging from football, tennis, cricket, F1 and many realms, sport always creates conversations and gets people together around a common platform. Each time there are multiple opinions, points of view and expert critiques passing around several amounts of information. This keeps people excited and gets them to present their take on any matter, understanding all opinions and having a fruitful conversation.

Heroes for all

Amongst all this, several people idolize a certain sportsperson, observing their mannerisms and trying to replicate them in order to be the best. These “idols” play a huge role in how the youth develop, keenly watching every single one of their moves. Having a role model, an idol, several people come together for their support and act in union.

However, it is always sad when a legend of any game, steps away and inevitably takes a break from professional sport. Such is the fact in the case of Roger Federer and Serena Williams; two legends in the world of tennis. This article tributes the major achievements each has accomplished winning 20 and 23 grand slam titles respectively.

Truly a once in a lifetime honour of being able to witness two greats of the sporting world. The global reaction to such a piece of news was tremendously emotional and supportive. Yet, what athletes such as Roger Federer and Serena Williams leave us with is the opportunity to come together and unite, connect with other people in the community, all under the branch of sports.

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