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Hajj Simulation

The Hajj Simulation

Mr. Gaber Sayah


Head of Arabic and Islamic education

Mr. Gaber Sayah is the Head of Arabic and Islamic Education. Mr. Gaber believes that children of Winchester are wonderful and special; they are the lifeblood of the school. They are charismatic, charming young people with an appetite for learning and a thirst for knowledge. Mr. Gaber always goes above and beyond to ensure the most enriching experience for students. In this exclusive article, Mr. Gaber shines the spotlight on one of the most illustrious events of the year – the Hajj Simulation.

It was a special and indescribable event to see our students leading the Hajj simulation with excellent support from our great teachers. The students experienced the rituals, which was motivating and enjoyable for both Muslims and NonMuslims who saw a live scene of pilgrims doing circumambulation and pursuit around the Ka’ba (the Holy House of God). We are really proud of our students' interaction through the event, their questions and their effective responses to all kinds of questions asked. Hajj simulation commenced as follows:

1Miqaat: the station where a person can start the Ihraam and becomes a Muhrim. A Muhrim wears two seamless towels. This is only for the male pilgrims, not the female. Anything seamed is not allowed to be worn for men. Nothing can be put on one's head such as hats or turbans. Women wear regular modest Hijabs. 2 Reaching Makkah: Pilgrims reach Al Masjid al- Haram, and they walk seven times counter-clockwise around the Kaabah (Tawaf). This is Tawaf Al Qodoom.


Sa’y al Safa wal Marwah: The

pilgrims perform sa`y, walking and increasing their speed seven times between the hills of Safa and Marwah. Then they stay in Al Masjid al-Haram till the Hajj rituals start.

4Makkah to Mina: Mina is where several Hajj rites are performed. The Pilgrims go to Mina on the 8th of Dhu’l-Hijjah. They stay in Mina for one day.

Mina to Arafat This is the Day of Arafat. The pilgrims stay in Arafat from after 5 : dawn until after sunset. After performing the Fajr prayer at Mina, the pilgrims leave for Arafat on the morning of the 9th of Dhu’l-Hijjah. In Arafat, as much time as possible is devoted to prayers, repentance for sins, and in seeking forgiveness of Allah. When the sun has set, the pilgrims should leave Arafat for Muzdalifah.

Arafat to Muzdalifa: The 6

pilgrims stay in Muzdalifah from after sunset on the 9th of Dhu’l-Hijjah until after the Fajr prayer on the 10th of Dhu’lHijjah. They stay in Muzdalifah under the open sky. The evening prayer (Maghrib) is offered followed by an overnight stay. While at Muzdalifah, the pebbles needed for the “stoning” ceremony (ramy) should be gathered. Some pebbles may have been collected in Mina.

10th of Dhu’lHijjah: The next stage is proceeding to Mina for the stoning (ramy) of Jamarat ul Kubra. The stoning is followed by the sacrifice and the shaving/cutting of hair. The pilgrims then leave the state of Ihram, by shaving his head (if a woman, by clipping her hair). The prohibitions imposed by Ihram are now removed. The next stage is proceeding to the al Masjid al Haram in Makkah to perform Tawaf alIfadha.


8Tawaf alIfadha: The pilgrim returns to Makkah to perform Tawaf al-Ifadha on 10th of Dhu’l-Hijjah.Tawaf al-Ifadha is an essential element of Hajj.The pilgrim circumambulates the Kaabah seven times and performs Sa’y between Safa and Marwah. The Hajj Tawaf (Tawaf alIfadha) having been completed, the state of Ihram is completely ended.

9Farewell Tawaf: The Farewell Tawaf (Circumambulation), marks the end of one’s Hajj. Say does not form part of the Farewell Tawaf.

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