2 minute read

WIN Center Stage


Center Stage


Saadgee Singh, Year 6

Hello! This is Saadgee Singh from Year 6. I am currently the Primary Head Girl . My hobbies are practicing ballet and playing tennis for which, I am getting trained. I thoroughly enjoy reading thrillers and mystery books. Aesthetically inclined, I aspire to become an interior designer and add a dash of creativity in every house I visit. In this new column, I’ll be shining the spotlight on various global awareness days celebrated at Winchester.

Awareness is Better Than Cure

Having awareness days dedicated to diseases and ailments is extremely important, so that we can stand in solidarity to survivors of them, honour and pay tribute to those who have been lost to them, and raise awareness amongst the population about them. Two examples of such days that we celebrated here at Winchester are World Mental Health Day, and Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

World Mental Health Day happens on 10th October every year. The overall objective of World Mental Health Day is to raise awareness of mental health issues around the world and to mobilize efforts in support of mental health. To promote good mental health practices, you could encourage people to support others around them through activities ranging from art therapy sessions to mental health awareness assemblies; from student-led sessions on stress management to positive mindset.

The Winchester School has done everything in its power to make this day important. To raise awareness the school asked students and staff to wear green clothes as GREEN is the international symbolic colour for mental health. We could also just wear a green ribbon to show that we care about mental health.

We were also requested to take a pledge on an MS Form to look after our mental health. Commitments to mental health could be made in the form of videos, posters, photographs holding up messages/slogans - all affirming a vow to take care of one’s mental wellbeing and the people around. Commitments were celebrated on the Winchester Wellbeing Instagram page @win_wellbeing_fulcrum.

Another such day recently celebrated at Winchester was World Breast Cancer Day which happens on 21rst October annually. We call this campaign PINKTOBER. The overall objective of PINKTOBER is to raise awareness about breast cancer issues around the world and to mobilize efforts in support of breast cancer.

We wore PINK on this day to honour survivors, remember those lost to the disease, and to support the progress we are making together to defeat breast cancer. Our school asked us to make commitments to respect and take care of all those around us.

He who has health, has hope; and he who has hope, has everything.

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